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Aerial surveys from 1981 to 1984 were used to identify monthly changes in the abundance of magpie geese on Jive floodplains in the Alligator Rivers Region of the monsoonal Northern Territory, and ground surveys were conducted during the same period on one of the plains to provide more detailed distributional information. The aerial surveys showed that the Magela floodplain was inhabited by few geese during the wet season (November-March), but that numbers then increased to an estimated average peak of 80 000 in the late dry season. The Nourlangie floodplain and Boggy Plain (a large backswamp of the South Alligator floodplain) exhibited a similar pattern, except that the peaks occurred 2–3 months before the end of the dry season and comprised many more geese (an estimated average of 350 000 birds). In contrast, geese were uncommon on the East Alligator floodplain except during the wet season, and densities and numbers were lower than on the three previous plains. The Cooper floodplain was occupied intermittently, and numbers and densities were always relatively low. Geese appeared to return from their breeding localities to the floodplains of the Alligator Rivers Region progressively during the dry season, concentrating first on the extensive Eleocharis swamps of the Nourlangie floodplain and then waiting out the remainder of the dry on the substantial permanent waters of the Magela floodplain and other nearby wetlands. Ground surveys on the Magela floodplain suggested that geese were highly mobile, apparently seeking suitable nesting habitat in the late wet season, and then a sequence of feeding areas during the dry season. Aerial surveys underestimated densities; on the basis of ground surveys, average peak numbers on the Magela plain were calculated to be 500 000. We estimate that the Alligator Rivers Region supported an average of about 1.6 million geese in the dry season, but very many fewer during the wet season.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the alpha and beta chains from the major hemoglobin component (HbA) of Australian Magpie Goose (Anseranas semipalmata) is given. The minor component with the alpha D chains was detected, but only found in low concentrations. By homologous comparison, Greylag Goose hemoglobin (Anser anser) and Australian Magpie Goose alpha chains differ by 13 amino acids or 17 nucleotide (4 two point mutations) exchanges, beta chains by 6 exchanges. Seven alpha 1 beta 1 contacts are modified by substitutions in positions alpha 30-(B11)Glu leads to Gln, alpha 34(B15)Thr leads to Gln, alpha 35(B16)-Ala leads to Thr, alpha 36(B17)Tyr leads to Phe, beta 55(D6)Leu leads to Ile, beta 119(GH2)Ala leads to Ser and beta 125(H3)Glu leads to Asp. Further, one alpha 1 beta 2 contact point was changed in beta 39(C5)Gln leads to Glu. Mutation in this position, except in two abnormal human hemoglobins, was not found in any species. Amino acid exchanges between hemoglobin of Australian Magpie Goose and other birds are discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-yr-old secundiparous female ring-tailed lemur presented to the Auburn University Small Animal Clinic with signs of dyspnea, lethargy, and anorexia. The animal died before she could be examined, and a full necropsy was immediately performed. Provisional necropsy findings included moderate pneumonia and hepatopathy. Acute interstitial pneumonia and focal hepatocellular necrosis were confirmed histologically. Lung impression smears, histopathology, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and tissue culture isolation resulted in a diagnosis of acute disseminated Toxoplasma gondii infection, which was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The isolate of T. gondii was avirulent for mice and was named AU Tgl and genetically is type II. The source of the infection remains unclear, but speculation suggests contaminated fruit or blackbirds (Passeriformes: Icteridae) acting as transport hosts for oocysts from nondomestic felids and feral cats on the property.  相似文献   

The immunopathogenesis of AIDS-associated hepatitis was explored in the SIV/rhesus monkey model. The livers of SIV-infected monkeys showed a mild hepatitis, with a predominantly CD8+ T lymphocyte infiltration in the periportal fields and sinusoids. These liver-associated CD8+ T cells were comprised of a high percentage of SIV-specific CTL as defined by MHC class I/Gag peptide tetramer binding and Gag peptide epitope-specific lytic activity. There was insufficient viral replication in these livers to account for attracting this large number of functional virus-specific CTL to the liver. There was also no evidence that the predominant population of CTL were functionally end-stage cells trapped in the liver and destined to undergo apoptotic cell death in that organ. Interestingly, we noted that liver tetramer-binding cells showed an increased expression of CD62L, an adhesion molecule usually only rarely expressed on tetramer-binding cells. This observation suggests that the expression of specific adhesion molecules by CTL might facilitate the capture of these cells in the liver. These results demonstrate that functional SIV-specific CD8+ T cells are present in large numbers in the liver of chronically SIV-infected monkeys. Thus, the liver may be a trap for virus-specific cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

Fatal disseminated toxoplasmosis was diagnosed in a Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) dam and its fetus on the basis of pathologic findings, immunohistochemistry, and structure of the parasite. The dolphin was stranded alive on the Spanish Mediterranean coast and died a few hours later. At necropsy the dam was in good condition. From the standpoint of pathology, however, it had generalized lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly, enlargement of and multifocal hemorrhage in the adrenal glands, diffuse mucosal hemorrhage of the glandular and pyloric stomach, ulcerative glossitis and stomatitis, focal erosions and reddening of the laryngeal appendix, and severe paraotic sinusitis with intralesional nematodes Crassicauda grampicola. The dolphin was pregnant, most probably in the first gestational trimester. The most prominent microscopic lesions were multifocal granulomatous encephalomyelitis, diffuse subacute interstitial pneumonia, mild multifocal necrotizing hepatitis and nonsuppurative cholangiohepatitis, gastritis and adrenalitis, mild lymphoid depletion, medullary sinus and follicular histyocitosis, and systemic hemosiderosis. The fetus had foci of coagulative and lytic necrosis in the kidneys, the lung, and the heart. Most lesions were associated with tachyzoites and tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. The diagnosis was confirmed immunohistochemically. This is the first report on toxoplasmosis in a Risso's dolphin (G. griseus) and on transplacental transmission to an early-stage fetus in any cetaceans.  相似文献   

Congenitally athymic nude mice (BALB/c-nu/nu) and BALB/c-nu/+ were infected with 500 embryonated Toxocara canis eggs. Six weeks later they were reinfected with the same number of eggs. The liver and other organs were examined for numbers of 2nd-stage larvae at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after reinfection. Far more larvae were trapped in the liver after reinfection than after the primary infection but fewer were found in the livers of BALB/c-nu/nu than in BALB/c-nu/+ mice.  相似文献   

Two major obstacles to conducting studies with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts are the difficulty in reliably producing large numbers of this life stage and safety concerns because the oocyst is the most environmentally resistant stage of this zoonotic organism. Oocyst production requires oral infection of the definitive feline host with adequate numbers of T. gondii organisms to obtain unsporulated oocysts that are shed in the feces for 3-10 days after infection. Since the most successful and common mode of experimental infection of kittens with T. gondii is by ingestion of bradyzoite tissue cysts, the first step in successful oocyst production is to ensure a high bradyzoite tissue cyst burden in the brains of mice that can be used for the oral inoculum. We compared two methods for producing bradyzoite brain cysts in mice, by infecting them either orally or subcutaneously with oocysts. In both cases, oocysts derived from a low passage T. gondii Type II strain (M4) were used to infect eight-ten week-old Swiss Webster mice. First the number of bradyzoite cysts that were purified from infected mouse brains was compared. Then to evaluate the effect of the route of oocyst inoculation on tissue cyst distribution in mice, a second group of mice was infected with oocysts by one of each route and tissues were examined by histology. In separate experiments, brains from infected mice were used to infect kittens for oocyst production. Greater than 1.3 billion oocysts were isolated from the feces of two infected kittens in the first production and greater than 1.8 billion oocysts from three kittens in the second production. Our results demonstrate that oral delivery of oocysts to mice results in both higher cyst loads in the brain and greater cyst burdens in other tissues examined as compared to those of mice that received the same number of oocysts subcutaneously. The ultimate goal in producing large numbers of oocysts in kittens is to generate adequate amounts of starting material for oocyst studies. Given the potential risks of working with live oocysts in the laboratory, we also tested a method of oocyst inactivation by freeze-thaw treatment. This procedure proved to completely inactivate oocysts without evidence of significant alteration of the oocyst molecular integrity.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence microscopic and electron microscopic investigations revealed components of the matrix and of the basal lamina (collagen type I, III, IV and V, BL-heparan sulfate and fibronectin) in the sinus wall (Disse's space) of the livers of newborn and adult marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Collagen type I was missing in both the two age groups. Small amounts of laminin were present in the livers of newborn and absent in those of adult animals, whereas collagen type III occurred in the form of delicate fibres. Light microscopic inspection showed a continuous distribution of all other components in the sinus wall. The amount of collagen type III and V increased depending on the age. Electron microscopic investigations revealed single or bundled fibrils (20-30 nm) and filaments (10-12 nm). After addition of tannic acid, plaques of a fine-filamentous network and incorporated granules were observed. After addition of resting Ruthenium Red, electron-dense granules (20-60 nm) were irregularly distributed in the structureless space, resting on collagenous fibrils and cell membranes. The fibrils were allocated to collagen type III, the filaments to collagen type V. The plaques were supposed to contain heparan sulfate, collagen type IV and fibronectin. The absence of a Lamina densa of the basal lamina was attributed to the absence of laminin which probably plays an important role in the formation of this layer. Differences in the distribution pattern of the matrix components and thus a functional mosaic of the permeability of Disse's space were assumed. The complete absence of collagen type I and laminin in the lobules makes the adult marmoset liver especially suited for studies on the importance of this collagen type under pathological conditions, since both components are expressed in this way.  相似文献   

Egg and chick features were tested on natural magpie (Pica pica) nests. The stimuli best accepted were those of greater size and weight and of a white background and black specks. Stimuli with a shape different from oval and of low weight were the most readily expelled. Relative quantity of eggs in the nests had no strong influence on the expelling response. Chicks of house sparrows, spotless starlings, jackdaws and swallows were readily aceepted and reared by the magpies. Amongst some chicks of other species introduced, a ‘parasitic’ form of behaviour appeardwhich led them to eliminate competitors in the nests.  相似文献   

South-western Poland belongs to the key staging areas for geese in Europe, supporting some 100000 birds in recent years. We compared goose counts conducted in the 1970s, 1990s and during 2009–2011 in this region, and linked the findings to the recent assessments of trends in the flyway-populations. Numbers increased several dozen times between the first two counts and have stabilized to the present. More than 14% of the flyway Tundra Bean Goose (Anser fabalis rossicus) stopped over in SW Poland on passage. Smaller numbers of White-fronted Goose (A. albifrons), Greylag Goose (A. anser), and four other rarer species, have all increased since the 1970s. The likely factors responsible for these changes are mild weather conditions, increased availability of large water bodies and shifts in winter ranges of particular species. Temporal mismatch between SW Poland and the total flyways in Bean and White-fronted Geese was recorded when we compared the long-term and the short-term population trends. Increasing reports of other species in SW Poland match the general tendencies in Europe. These data document that regional trends are not a simple reflection of those in flyways as a whole. To understand changes in goose populations a re-established international count network is desired.  相似文献   

Biochemical mechanisms which may control fat deposition in liver and/or peripheral tissues have been studied in Poland and Landes geese. Post-prandial plasma substrates and post-heparin lipoprotein-lipase (LPL) activity were measured in 10-week-old animals. At 23 weeks of age, geese were overfed for 14 days then slaughtered. Hepatic steatosis was more important in Landes geese, while muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue were less developed. In this breed, fatty liver weight negatively scaled to LPL activity, suggesting that a low LPL activity is a limiting factor of peripheral fat deposition. Consequently, non-catabolized VLDL may return to liver and increase hepatic steatosis. In Poland geese, such a mechanism does not exist. On the other hand, fatty liver weight was positively correlated to very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and triacylglycerols measured in overfed Poland geese, suggesting that lipids synthetized by liver are better transferred from liver to extrahepatic tissues. Kinetics of post-prandial plasma glucose, triacylglycerols, phospholipids and uric acid were similar in the two breeds. However, the marked decrease in post-prandial plasma glycerol in Poland geese suggests that an extrahepatic tissue lipolysis inhibition could contribute to the higher peripheral fattening in overfed Poland geese and could be a limiting factor of hepatic steatosis in this breed.  相似文献   

Comparative studies suggest that at least some bird species have evolved mental skills similar to those found in humans and apes. This is indicated by feats such as tool use, episodic-like memory, and the ability to use one's own experience in predicting the behavior of conspecifics. It is, however, not yet clear whether these skills are accompanied by an understanding of the self. In apes, self-directed behavior in response to a mirror has been taken as evidence of self-recognition. We investigated mirror-induced behavior in the magpie, a songbird species from the crow family. As in apes, some individuals behaved in front of the mirror as if they were testing behavioral contingencies. When provided with a mark, magpies showed spontaneous mark-directed behavior. Our findings provide the first evidence of mirror self-recognition in a non-mammalian species. They suggest that essential components of human self-recognition have evolved independently in different vertebrate classes with a separate evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Four hundred and eleven African buffaloes were immobilized with etorphine hydrochloride (M99, Reckitts) and sampled under difficult conditions in North Western Botswana. The buffaloes were darted from a helicopter in 36 days. 584 darts were fired giving a success rate of 70-5%. Various age groups in three separate buffalo populations were included. The technique and difficulties encountered when working from a helicopter are described. Mechanical failure of the darting equipment was negligible. A breakdown of the costs involved is given and a comparison made with similar work carried out solely from land vehicles.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a common intracellular protozoan infection of humans worldwide. Severe disease can occur in immunocompromised individuals and the in the fetuses of nonimmune pregnant women. Chronic infection is associated with vision and hearing problems, and functional mental alterations, including schizophrenia. The mood-stabilizing agent valproic acid has been shown to inhibit the development of T. gondii in vitro at dosages that are normally achieved in the serum and cerebral spinal fluid of human patients and to have positive effects on the behavior of rats chronically infected with T. gondii. The present study was done to examine the in vivo activity of valproic acid against acute toxoplasmosis in mice. Two studies were done with valproic acid given in the drinking water at concentrations of 1.5 mg/ml (Experiment 1) or 3.0 mg/ml (Experiment 2). In a third experiment (Experiment 3), valproic acid was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) at doses of 200 or 300 mg/kg every 12 hr. Valproic acid was not effective in preventing acute toxoplasmosis. All mice treated with valproic acid died or were killed and did not (P > 0.05) live significantly longer than the controls. Tachyzoites were demonstrated in the tissues of infected valproic-acid-treated mice. A fourth study was done to determine if valproic acid has activity against T. gondii tissue cysts in chronically infected mice. Mice were chronically infected with the ME-49 strain of T. gondii for 8 wk and then treated orally with valproic acid at approximately 6.6 mg/ml (800 mg/kg/day) in the drinking water for 10 wk (amount was varied due to increasing mouse weights). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were present in tissue cyst numbers in valproic-acid-treated T. gondii chronically infected mice and in mice chronically infected with T. gondii but not given valproic acid. Our results indicate that valproic acid, although effective in vitro against T. gondii tachyzoites, is not effective as a preventative in mice inoculated with T. gondii tachyzoites. Additionally, no activity against tissue cysts was observed in chronically T. gondii-infected valproic-acid-treated mice.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) to graded doses of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts was studied. Sixteen budgerigars were divided into 4 groups (A-D) of 4 each. Birds in groups A-C were fed 100,000, 1,000, or 100 infective oocysts of the VEG strain of T. gondii, respectively. Budgerigars in group D were not fed oocysts and served as controls. All 4 birds in group A died (or were killed) because of acute severe enteritis 5 or 6 days after feeding oocysts (DAFO). Three of the 4 birds in group B were killed (or died) because of toxoplasmosis 9 or 14 DAFO. One budgerigar in group C and the 4 budgerigars in group D remained healthy and were killed 35 or 39 DAFO. Toxoplasma gondii was demonstrated in tissues of all budgerigars fed oocysts. The control budgerigars remained clinically normal and showed no evidence of T. gondii exposure. These results indicate that, compared to other passerines, budgerigars are relatively resistant to clinical toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

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