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应用通用引物扩增了凸加夫蛤(Gafrarium tumidum锯齿巴非蛤(Paphia gallus细纹卵蛤(Pitar striatum钝缀锦蛤(Tapes dorsatus裂纹格特蛤(Marcia hiantina) 5种帘蛤科贝类COI基因片段,并与GenBank数据库收录的加夫蛤(Gafrarium pectinatum沟纹巴非蛤(Paphia exarata日本卵蛤(Pitar japonicum日本格特蛤(Marcia japonica四射缀锦蛤(Tapes belcheri )5种帘蛤科贝类的同源序列进行比对分析。结果表明:所有物种扩增片段长度均为616 bp,序列A+T平均含量(62.9%)明显高于G+C含量。在 616个位点中,保守位点数为282个,变异位点数为334个,其中简约信息位点数为283个。以COI基因片段序列为标记,以海螂科砂海螂(Mya arenaria)作外群,构建了帘蛤科贝类的系统进化树,其拓扑结构显示:细纹卵蛤和日本卵蛤聚为一枝,凸加夫蛤和加夫蛤聚为一枝,锯齿巴非蛤和沟纹巴非蛤聚为一枝,四射缀锦蛤单独聚为一枝,钝缀锦蛤、裂纹格特蛤和日本格特蛤聚为一枝,最后所有帘蛤科物种聚为一枝,与外群相区别,其结果与传统形态分类基本一致。研究表明,线粒体COI基因作为帘蛤科贝类DNA条形码在物种鉴定方面具有可靠性,可以作为物种分类的重要辅助手段。  相似文献   

We have constructed phylogenetic trees based on sequence comparisons of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene for 11Damaster blaptoides specimens from various localities of Japan. The specimens consist of eight subspecies.Coptolabrus fruhstorferi, Acoptolabrus gehinii, andProcrustes kolbei, which are taxonomically related toDamaster, have also been analyzed for comparison.Damaster is more related toAcoptolabrus than toCoptolabrus in the ND5 trees, in contrast to the generally accepted view thatDamaster is derived fromCoptolabrus, whereasAcoptolabrus is the sister group ofDamaster/Coptolabrus. The emergence ofProcrustes is much earlier than the rest of the genera. TheDamaster subspecies are monophyletic. Four major lineages are recognized, which are geography linked within the Japanese archipelago. The origin and diversification process have been discussed based on these findings.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the GSDB, DDBJ, EMBL, and NCBI nucleotide sequence databases with the accession numbers D50422-D50429  相似文献   

The molecular phylogeny of 36 specimens of JapaneseAmanita species was studied based on nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The phylogenetic tree obtained supported the traditional classification systems of Bas (1969) and Singer (1986), which are based on morphological characters, in the division of the genusAmanita is divided into subgeneraAmanita andLepidella by the amyloidity of basidiospores. However, at section-level, we suggest that subgenusAmanita should be divided into three sections (Amanita, Vaginatae, andCaesareae). Our results also showed the necessity to modify the taxonomic treatments at section-level in the subgenusLepidella. It appears that the establishment ofA. muscaria andA. pantherina from a common ancestral species might be a very recent event, or these might be lower taxa of same species. As for three subspecies ofA. hemibapha and three varieties ofA. vaginata, it is necessary to grade up their taxonomical ranks from subspecies/variety to species. A new combination,A. javanica, is proposed forA. hemibapha subsp.javanica.  相似文献   

Two genes were employed to study phylogenetic relatedness of theChironomus species: the protein-coding, salivary gland-specificssp160 gene, and the globin 2b (gb2b) gene. By using PCR, it was demonstrated that all the 38Chironomus species analyzed possess thegb2b gene, while only 13 have thessp160 gene. Partial nucleotide sequences of the genes of 22 species were determined. The data obtained were employed to construct phylogenetic trees which appeared to be topologically similar and revealed five groups of phylogenetically closely related species. Combining the data obtained in the studies of nuclear and mitochondrial genes, a molecular-data-based scenario could be suggested for theChironomus genus evolution.  相似文献   

The Lilium carniolicum group consists of several taxonomically dubious taxa endemic to the European flora. Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were used to clarify both the delineation of, and relationships among, taxa in the group as well as to provide insight on the phylogenetic position of the group within the genus. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses were in general agreement, with all taxa in the group being very closely related, and the entire group being monophyletic. L. pyrenaicum and L. pomponium are placed at the basal position in the group, while L. chalcedonicum is shown to be more closely related to L. carniolicum than previously thought. Our analyses suggested that L. albanicum and L. jankae are distinct from L. carniolicum, while no evidence was found to support the same separation for L. bosniacum.  相似文献   

Partial gyrA sequences were determined for twelve strains belonging to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. atrophaeus, B. licheniformis, B. mojavensis,B. subtilis subsp. subtilis, B. subtilissubsp. spizizenii and B. vallismortis. The average nucleotide and translated amino acid similarities for the seven type strains were 83.7 and 95.1%, respectively, whereas the corresponding value for the 16S rRNA sequences was 99.1%. All of the type strains were sharply separated; the closest relationship was found between B. atrophaeus and B. mojavensis which shared a nucleotide similarity of 95.8%. Phylogenetic trees were inferred from gyrA nucleotide sequences using the neighbor-joining, Fitch–Margoliash and maximum parsimony algorithms. The test strains were divided into four groups, which generally reflected results previously reported in restriction digest and DNA-DNA hybridization studies. It is concluded from the comparative sequence analysis that the gyrA sequences provide a firm framework for the rapid and accurate classification and identification of Bacillus subtilis and related taxa.  相似文献   

The Hylobatidae (gibbons) are among the most endangered primates and their evolutionary history and systematics remain largely unresolved. We have investigated the species-level phylogenetic relationships among hylobatids using 1257 bases representing all species and an expanded data set of up to 2243 bases for select species from the mitochondrial ND3-ND4 region. Sequences were obtained from 34 individuals originating from all 12 recognized extant gibbon species. These data strongly support each of the four previously recognized clades or genera of gibbons, Nomascus, Bunopithecus, Symphalangus, and Hylobates, as monophyletic groups. Among these clades, there is some support for either Bunopithecus or Nomascus as the most basal, while in all analyses Hylobates appears to be the most recently derived. Within Nomascus, Nomascus sp. cf. nasutus is the most basal, followed by N. concolor, and then a clade of N. leucogenys and N. gabriellae. Within Hylobates, H. pileatus is the most basal, while H. moloch and H. klossii clearly, and H. agilis and H. muelleri likely form two more derived monophyletic clades. The segregation of H. klossii from other Hylobates species is not supported by this study. The present data are (1) consistent with the division of Hylobatidae into four distinct clades, (2) provide the first genetic evidence for all the species relationships within Nomascus, and (3) call for a revision of the current relationships among the species within Hylobates. We propose a phylogenetic tree as a working hypothesis against which intergeneric and interspecific relationships can be tested with additional genetic, morphological, and behavioral data.  相似文献   

The genusCheirolophus has an interesting western Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution. Here we investigate the delimitation of the genus and its exclusion from the large genusCentaurea, the systematic position of the related genusPaleocyanus, the delimitation of some species and the phylogeny of the group. We have carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the PCR-generated sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results suggest that the genus, includingPaleocyanus crassifolius is monophyletic; thus, a new combination of this species underCheirolophus is proposed. The Macaronesian group of species is also monophyletic, indicating a single colonization of the archipelago. The poor resolution of microspecies in the Macaronesian group reinforces the hypothesis of a very recent differentiation of the group.  相似文献   

Recent contributions from DNA sequences have revolutionized our concept of systematic relationships in angiosperms. However, parts of the angiosperm tree remain unclear. Previous studies have been based on coding or rDNA regions of relatively conserved genes. A phylogeny for basal angiosperms based on noncoding, fast-evolving sequences of the chloroplast genome region trnT-trnF is presented. The recognition of simple direct repeats allowed a robust alignment. Mutational hot spots appear to be confined to certain sectors, as in two stem-loop regions of the trnL intron secondary structure. Our highly resolved and well-supported phylogeny depicts the New Caledonian Amborella as the sister to all other angiosperms, followed by Nymphaeaceae and an Austrobaileya-Illicium-Schisandra clade. Ceratophyllum is substantiated as a close relative of monocots, as is a monophyletic eumagnoliid clade consisting of Piperales plus Winterales sister to Laurales plus Magnoliales. Possible reasons for the striking congruence between the trnT-trnF based phylogeny and phylogenies generated from combined multi-gene, multi-genome data are discussed.  相似文献   

Fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) are one of the major economically important insects in Asia and Australia. Little attention has been given to analyses of molecular phylogenetic relationships among Bactrocera subgenera. By using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) sequences, the phylogenetic relationships among four subgenera, Asiadacus, Bactrocera, Hemigymnodacus, and Zeugodacus, were investigated. Nucleotide diversity within subgenera ranged from 11.7 to 12.4%, and the net divergence among subgenera ranged from 11.2 to 15.7%. Phylogenetic trees calculated from both maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis methods were highly congruent in terms of tree topologies. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial COI sequences suggests that tephritid fruit fly species, which attack cucurbit plants, that is, Asiadacus, Hemigymnodacus and Zeugodacus, were more closely related to each other than to fruit fly species of the subgenus Bactrocera, which attack plants of numerous families. Our data supports previous classification of Bactrocera based on morphological characters. However, the phylogenetic tree showed the polyphyletic of fruit flies in subgenus Zeugodacus. Possible causes of speciation among fruit flies species in this genus were also discussed.  相似文献   

鲁亮  吴厚永 《昆虫学报》2001,44(4):548-554
通过比较线粒体基因组16s rRNA基因片段的差异,研究了分布于我国的二齿新蚤种团(bidentatiformis group)7种新蚤的分子系统发育关系,以斯氏新蚤种团的特新蚤作为外群。结果显示,其中5个种 (Neopsylla bidentatiformis、N. mana、N. pleski、N. teraturaN. hongyangensis) 的种间序列差异小于1%,变异水平和种内变异相当,显示了它们之间较近的亲缘关系;N. abagaitui和上述5种之间有约4%的变异,说明该种有较长的分化历史。来自两个地区的二齿新蚤4个样本间有两种不同的基因型,而红羊新蚤可以归入其中的一种。加上形态特征的特点,可以认为红羊新蚤不应该属于毛新蚤种团,而属于二齿新蚤种团;至于其是否为二齿新蚤的同种异名,还有必要做进一步的研究。另外,N. siboi和形态近缘种N. teratura之间存在20%的变异,其原因有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Relationships between 9Oryza species, covering 6 different genomes, have been studied using hybridization and nucleotide sequence information from the5S Dna locus. Four to five units of the major size class of 5S DNA in each species, 55 units in all, were cloned and sequenced. Both hybridization and sequence data confirmed the basic differences between the A and B, C, D genome species suggested by morphological and cytological data. The 5S DNA units of the A genome species were very similar, as were the ones from the B, C, and D genome-containing species. The 5S DNA ofO. australiensis (E genome) grouped with the B, C, D cluster, while the units ofO. brachyantha (F genome) were quite different and grouped away from all other species. 5S DNA units fromO. minuta, O. latifolia, O. australiensis, andO. brachyantha hybridized strongly, and preferentially, to the genomic DNA from which the units were isolated and hence could be useful as species/genome specific probes. The 5S DNA units fromO. sativa, O. nivara, andO. rufipogon provided A genome-specific probes as they hybridized preferentially to A genome DNA. The units fromO. punctata andO. officinalis displayed weaker preferential hybridization toO. punctata DNA, possibly reflecting their shared genome (C genome).  相似文献   

Within the Mediterranean complexCarduncellus-Carthamus, taxonomic classification has proven problematic. Numerous attempts to clarify the relative systematic boundaries have included splittingCarduncellus andCarthamus into several genera, but none of these proposed classifications have been generally accepted. For a comprehensive resolution of the relationships within this group, we used sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results indicate that the complex should be classified into four genera:Carduncellus, Carthamus, Femeniasia andPhonus. The relationship between the western group (Carduncellus, Femeniasia andPhonus) and the eastern genusCarthamus are not resolved by analysis of ITS sequences, but the two groups are probably not close relatives. The ITS classifications corresponded with biogeography and less with morphological characters, which have also been the main source of confusion in traditional classifications. Most of the unusual morphological features in theCarduncellus-Carthamus complex appear to be reversals to ancestral character states.  相似文献   

鸢尾属分子系统发育学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸢尾属植物具有重要的观赏价值和经济价值,研究该属属内系统演化关系对该属种质保存、利用和遗传育种具有重要意义.目前,有关鸢尾属各分类单元的系统学关系长期处于争议状态.因此,该文以经典分类系统主要观点为基础,从不同分类单元的系统关系总结了鸢尾属分子系统发育学研究进展.结果表明:现有分子系统发育学研究结果大多支持鸢尾属为并系...  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR products corresponding to the variable large-subunit rRNA domains D1, D2, D9, and D10 from ten representative dinoflagellate species is reported. Species were selected among the main laboratory-grown dinoflagellate groups: Prorocentrales, Gymnodiniales, and Peridiniales which comprise a variety of morphological and ecological characteristics. The sequence alignments comprising up to 1,000 nucleotides from all ten species were employed to analyze the phylogenetic relationships among these dinoflagellates. Maximum parsimony and neighbor joining trees were inferred from the data generated and subsequently tested by bootstrapping. Both the D1/D2 and the D9/D10 regions led to coherent trees in which the main class of dinoflagellates, Dinophyceae, is divided in three groups: prorocentroid, gymnodinioid, and peridinioid. An interesting outcome from the molecular phylogeny obtained was the uncertain emergence of Prorocentrum lima. The molecular results reported agreed with morphological classifications within Peridiniales but not with those of Prorocentrales and Gymnodiniales. Additionally, the sequence comparison analysis provided strong evidence to suggest that Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium lusitanicum were synonymous species given the identical sequence they shared. Moreover, clone Gg1V, which was determined Gymnodinium catenatum based on morphological criteria, would correspond to a new species of the genus Gymnodinium as its sequence clearly differed from that obtained in G. catenatum. The sequence of the amplified fragments was demonstrated to be a valuable tool for phylogenetic and taxonomical analysis among these highly diversified species. Correspondence to: J. M. Bautista  相似文献   

Total DNA was extracted from 55 species of theLeguminosae (including 29 species ofLupinus). The chloroplast generbcL and the ITS 1 + 2 regions of nuclear RNA genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced directly. The sequences obtained were evaluated with character state (Maximum Parsimony) and distance methods (Neighbour Joining). Phylogenetic trees obtained with both data sets and methods are mostly congruent.Genisteae andCrotalarieae are sister groups and share ancestry with theThermopsideae/Podalyrieae. The genusLupinus, which forms a monophyletic clade within theGenisteae, shows a distinct Old-New World disjunction and appears to be divided into several more or less distinct groups: (1) The species from the eastern part of South America. (2) The homogeneous rough-seeded group (Scabrispermae) of the Old World species which is well distinguished from the smooth-seeded group (Malacospermae). (3) Within the rather heterogeneous smooth-seeded lupins a smaller subgroup withL. angustifolius, L. hispanicus andL. luteus is recognized. (4) Also separated are North American lupins and South American species with a western distribution. Genetic distances imply that the genusLupinus evolved during the last 12–14 million years, ruling out the hypothesis that the present Old-New World disjunction can be interpreted as a result of the continental drift. The genetic data suggest an origin in the Old World and an independant colonisation of the Eastern parts of South America as opposed to North America and the Western parts of South America.  相似文献   

基于18S基因序列的姬小蜂分子系统发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文基于18S rDNA部分序列,用MP和Baysian方法研究了姬小蜂科的系统发育,对姬小蜂科的单系性及其与其它小蜂科间的关系进行了讨论。姬小蜂亚科、灿姬小蜂亚科和啮姬小蜂亚科形成三个独立的支系,研究结果支持它们各自的单系性,但本结果没有明确姬小蜂科的单系性。研究结果同时还支持瑟姬小蜂族、扁股姬小蜂族和狭面姬小蜂族三个族的地位,但不支持姬小蜂族的地位。姬小蜂科的单系性及其与其它小蜂间的关系还需更多的形态学数据和更多的基因序列来进一步研究[动物学报52 (2) : 288 -301 , 2006]。  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic relationships among red algae of the order Bangiales by analysis of sequences of the nuclear gene encoding cytosolic small-subunit ribosomal RNA in Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Ag. and eight samples representing seven species of Porphyra. The ssu-rDNA range from 1818 to 1845 nucleotides in length, with guanosine plus cytosine ratios between 47.0% and 48.6%. A group IC1 intron occurs in the B atropurpurea ssu-rDNAs at the same position as in P. spiralis var. amplifolia Oliveira Filho et Coll and several other eukaryote ssu-rDNAs. The nine sequences form a stable monophyletic group upon phylogenetic analysis. The ssu-rDNA from B. atropurpurea nests stably within the Porphyra group and is closely related to P. amplissima (Kjellm.) Setchell et Hus in Hus, making the genus Porphyra paraphyletic. No correlation is seen between phylogenetic position and number of cell layers in the Porphyra thallus. We discuss possible taxonomic and evolutionary implications of these observations.  相似文献   

The classification and evolutionary relationships are important issues in the study of the groupers. Cytochrome b gene fragment of twenty-eight grouper species within six genera of subfamily Epinephelinae was amplified using PCR techniques and the sequences were analyzed to derive the phylogenetic relationships of the groupers from the China Seas. Genetic information indexes, including Kimura-2 parameter genetic distance and T S/T V ratios, were generated by using a variety of biology softwares. With Niphon spinosus, Pagrus major and Pagrus auriga as the designated outgroups, phylogenetic trees, which invoke additional homologous sequences of other Epinephelus fishes from GenBank, were constructed based on the neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-parsimony (MP), maximum-likelihood (ML) and minimum-evolution (ME) methods. Several conclusions were drawn from the DNA sequences analysis: (1) genus Plectropomus, which was early diverged, is the most primitive group in the subfamily Epinephelinae; (2) genus Variola is more closely related to genus Cephalopolis than the other four genera; (3) genus Cephalopolis is a monophyletic group and more primitive than genus Epinephelus; (4) Promicrops lanceolatus and Cromileptes altivelis should be included in genus Epinephelus; (5) there exist two sister groups in genus Epinephelus. These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The higher level relationships within Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) subfamily Apioideae are controversial, with no widely acceptable modern classification available. Comparative sequencing of the intron in chloroplast ribosomal protein gene rpl16 was carried out in order to examine evolutionary relationships among 119 species (99 genera) of subfamily Apioideae and 28 species from Apiaceae subfamilies Saniculoideae and Hydrocotyloideae, and putatively allied families Araliaceae and Pittosporaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of these intron sequences alone, or in conjunction with plastid rpoC1 intron sequences for a subset of the taxa, using maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining methods, reveal a pattern of relationships within Apioideae consistent with previously published chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS based phylogenies. Based on consensus of relationship, seven major lineages within the subfamily are recognized at the tribal level. These are referred to as tribes Heteromorpheae M. F. Watson & S. R. Downie Trib. Nov., Bupleureae Spreng. (1820), Oenantheae Dumort. (1827), Pleurospermeae M. F. Watson & S. R. Downie Trib. Nov., Smyrnieae Spreng. (1820), Aciphylleae M. F. Watson & S. R. Downie Trib. Nov., and Scandiceae Spreng. (1820). Scandiceae comprises subtribes Daucinae Dumort. (1827), Scandicinae Tausch (1834), and Torilidinae Dumort. (1827). Rpl16 intron sequences provide valuable characters for inferring high-level relationships within Apiaceae but, like the rpoC1 intron, are insufficient to resolve relationships among closely related taxa.  相似文献   

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