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Six economically important species ofGracilaria, from a number of commercial sources around the world, andGracilariopsis lemaneiformis, collected from two Japanese localities, were used as the sources of raw material for the evaluation of agar quality. Agar-agar was extracted by pretreatment with various concentratrions of NaOH (0%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%) incubated at 80 °C for 2 h. Agar yield, viscosity, dynamic gelling and melting temperature and gel texture were determined for 1.5% agar gels. The highest agar yield was obtained fromG. gracilis from Argentina (39.5%), while the lowest was from BrazilianG. gracilis (13.37%). Dynamic gelling temperature was highest in the agar fromG. gracilis from Turkey (59 °C) and lowest in the non-alkali treated agar isolated fromG. edulis from Indonesia (46 °C). Melting temperature ranged from 96 °C in the agars from the JapaneseGracilariopsis andG. chilensis from Chile to 69 °C in the non-alkali treated agar fromG. edulis from Indonesia. In general, all species produced an agar with high gel strength after treatment with 5% NaOH, except forG. chilensis and the twoGracilariopsis species, which produced an agar with high gel strength after treatment with 3, 7 and 10% NaOH. The highest gel strength (2056 ± 13.6 cm–2) and hardest gel (261 ± 19.89 g mm–2) were obtained fromG. lemaneiformis from Japan (Oita Prefecture) after treatment with 7 and 10% NaOH respectively. The lowest gel strength (351 ± 93 cm–2) was obtained fromG. gracilis from Brazil after treatment with 3% NaOH. The softest gel (66.31 ± 9.63 g mm–2) was isolated fromG. tenuistipitata from China, after treatment with 3% NaOH. The most flexible gel (11.62 ± 0.31 g mm–2 × 102) was obtained fromG. chilensis from Chile after treatment with 3% NaOH.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Four strains of anamorphic yeasts isolated from fruit bodies of mushrooms collected in Japan were found to represent three new species of the genusCandida. These species resembleCandida mesenterica in characteristics commonly employed in the classification of yeasts. On the basis of DNA-DNA reassociation, however, they were clearly distinguished fromC. mesenterica and from one another. Three new species,Candida fungicola, Candida sagamina, andCandida fukazawae, are proposed for these yeasts. The analysis of SSU rDNA sequences suggested that these three species were closely related to each other and toC. mesenterica andC. suecica.  相似文献   

Relationships between 9Oryza species, covering 6 different genomes, have been studied using hybridization and nucleotide sequence information from the5S Dna locus. Four to five units of the major size class of 5S DNA in each species, 55 units in all, were cloned and sequenced. Both hybridization and sequence data confirmed the basic differences between the A and B, C, D genome species suggested by morphological and cytological data. The 5S DNA units of the A genome species were very similar, as were the ones from the B, C, and D genome-containing species. The 5S DNA ofO. australiensis (E genome) grouped with the B, C, D cluster, while the units ofO. brachyantha (F genome) were quite different and grouped away from all other species. 5S DNA units fromO. minuta, O. latifolia, O. australiensis, andO. brachyantha hybridized strongly, and preferentially, to the genomic DNA from which the units were isolated and hence could be useful as species/genome specific probes. The 5S DNA units fromO. sativa, O. nivara, andO. rufipogon provided A genome-specific probes as they hybridized preferentially to A genome DNA. The units fromO. punctata andO. officinalis displayed weaker preferential hybridization toO. punctata DNA, possibly reflecting their shared genome (C genome).  相似文献   

A new species ofConiochaetidium isolated from soil of Iraq is described. The speciesC. nuciforme differs fromC. savoryi in the shape and size of the ascospores. A key to differentiate the accepted species of the genus is reported.  相似文献   

The cold oligo-eurytherm diatomsCoscinodiscus concinnus W. Smith andRhizosolenia setigera Brightwell were cultured to determine their best competitive position by growth. Comparison of their generation times with those of other diatoms indicate that they reach this position between 6°C and 12°C. Both species grew between –1.5°C and about 20°C. The experiments indicate thatC. concinnus flowerings are possible in a deep water column, during periods of high light intensities. The simultaneous death of species in the upper layer is also caused by high light intensities.C. concinnus appeared in two morphological forms; the normal voluminous form, and a flatter form with a few intercalary bands only, filled with large oil-droplets. The latter appeared at 0°C and below, and at the upper temperature limit for growth of about 19°C–20°C. The separation of nov. spec. fromC. concinnus based on the absence or presence of a hyaline area and intercalary bands as identification characteristics should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Catapyrenium pyrenaicum is described as new from northern Spain and adjacent France, and the new combinationCatapyrenium velebiticum is made. The new species differs fromC. velebiticum mainly in its laminal pycnidia. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of the species are given.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization offers a powerful tool for investigating genome organisation and evolution of taxa known, or suspected, to be allopolyploids. The question of the diploid progenitors of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea, 2n=4x=40) has been the subject of numerous studies at cytogenetical, cytochemical, biochemical and molecular levels, but no definitive conclusions have been reached. The biotinylated total genomic DNA from potential diploidArachis species were separately hybridized in situ to root tip chromosomes ofA. hypogaea and wild speciesA. monticola (2n=4x=40) without or mixed with an excess of unlabelled DNA from the species not used as a probe. Among the range of different species combinations used, the strong and uniform signals given by labelledA. ipaensis DNA when hybridized toA. hypogaea andA. monticola in combination with unlabelledA. villosa DNA indicates that overall molecular composition of twenty chromosomes ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola is very similar toA. ipaensis chromosomes. ProbingA. hypogaea andA. monticola chromosomes with labelled genomic DNA fromA. villosa mixed with unlabelled DNA fromA. ipaensis likewise labelled strongly and uniformly the other twenty chromosomes. BarringA. ipaensis, all the diploidArachis species presently investigated had characteristic centromeric bands in the twenty chromosomes within the complement indicating a clear division ofA. ipaensis from other species. InA. hypogaea andA. monticola only twenty chromosomes showed centromeric bands. These results (i) confirm the allopolyploid nature ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola, (ii) strongly support the view that wildA. monticola and cultivatedA. hypogaea are very closely related, and (iii) indicate thatA. villosa andA. ipaensis are the diploid wild progenitors of the tetraploid species studied. The present results also reveal that the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) originating fromA. villosa alone is expressed in the two tetraploid species.  相似文献   

The genusCryptococcus was found to be heterogeneous on the basis of partial rRNA sequences. The human-pathogenic speciesC. neoformans, comprising 4 serotypes and havingFilobasidiella neoformans andF. bacillispora as teleomorphs, was found at a relatively large distance fromFilobasidium. Serotypes B and C had identical sequences, while in A and D they were different, with D closer to B and C than to A.Filobasidiella depauperata, which lacks a yeast-like anamorph, clustered withF. neoformans.The genusFilobasidium was clearly separated fromFilobasidiella and clustered withC. albidus, C. kuetzingii, C. gastricus, C. lupi, C. vishniaciae, C. bhutanensis, C. aerius, C. terreus andC. ater. The latter may represent the anamorph ofFilobasidium elegans. The organe to red species ofCryptococcus, as well asC. aquaticus andC. yarrowii, were found completely unrelated with these taxa,C. macerans being affiliated toCystofilobasidium capitatum.The genusTrichosporon was found relatively homogeneous; it includesC. humicola, C. curvatus and the filamentous speciesHyalodendron lignicola. Cryptococcus flavus andC. dimennae probably belong to the Tremellales, though distances between these species are large. The positions ofC. laurentii andC. luteolus remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia trillii n. sp., which attacksTrillium tschonoskii andT. smallii in Hokkaido and northern Honshu, Japan, is described. The characters identifying this species with the genusSclerotinia are large tuberoid sclerotia, produced both on infected plants and in culture, which consisted of only mycelium (true sclerotia) and flesh apothecia produced on them. This species is distinguished fromS. sclerotiorum, S. minor, S. trifoliorum, andS. nivalis by relatively large sclerotia, cultural colony appearance, and red-brown to yellow-brown, relatively large apothecium, in addition to its parasitic nature onTrillium. Sclerotinia trillii is a psychrophilic having an optimum temperature for mycelial growth at 15–20°C.  相似文献   

Introduction of the Andean grain chenopod (Chenopodium quinoa) into North America placed this crop within the distributional range of a related wild species,C. berlandieri. This wild species, native to the North American flora, is cross-compatible withC. Quinoa. Isozyme analysis of progeny fromC. berlandieri plants growing within and at the periphery of theC. Quinoa fields, combined with fertility assessment and phenetic comparison among putative hybrids and parental types, indicates that over 30% of progeny from wild plants growing as weeds withC. quinoa in 1987 were crop/weed hybrids. This high incidence of interspecific gene flow from crop to weed appears to be the result of asymmetric pollen flow to free-living plants from high-density cultivated populations. The observed level of crop/weed hybridization, combined with heterosis and partial fertility of F1 crop/weed hybrids, suggests that repeated annual cycles ofC. quinoa cultivation within the North American range ofC. berlandieri could produce introgressive change among sympatric wild populations. In terms of risk assessment for biotechnology, these results suggest that the breeding system may not provide an accurate indication of the potential for genetic interaction among predominately self-pollinating grain crops and their free-living relatives.  相似文献   

The formerly rich characean community in Botshol with six species of which the rareNitellopsis obtusa andChara hispida dominated at many sites, decreased to only two species,Chara globularis andC. connivens, in the period 1980–1988. The macrophyteNajas marina also remained at some sites, and the aquatic mossFontinalis antipyretica and the filamentous algaVaucheria dichotoma predominated at many sites. These phenomena may have been due to eutrophication by the inlet of polluted water. This process of eutrophication was stopped by restoration measures in 1989, resulting in a lower phosphorus concentration (ca. 0.024 mg l–1) and a higher water transparency. Immediately after these measures the Characeae community increased strongly in abundance and number of species. During the summer of 1990, and especially of 1991, a spectacular growth occurred ofChara connivens. Chara connivens was often accompanied byChara hispida. Other species with scattered occurrence wereChara aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria andC. Globularis. The reasons for the shift in dominance fromNitellopsis obtusa toChara connivens are discussed. One of the reasons may be the recent higher chloride content which is one of the consequences of the restoration measures.  相似文献   

Hybridization between two diploid (2n = 2x = 16) species ofBrassicaceae, Cardamine rivularis andC. amara, at Urnerboden, Central Switzerland, resulted in the rather unusual triploid hybridC. insueta (2n = 3x = 24), and later on in the amphiploidC. schulzii (2n = 6x = 48). The hybrid and the neopolyploid species colonized successfully some man-made biotopes. Plants ofC. insueta are mostly functional females with non-dehiscent anthers, but true hermaphrodite individuals with partly sterile pollen grains also occur within the population. Analyses of cpDNA and nuclear DNA permitted to establish the parentage of the hybrid: the maternal parent which contributed unreduced egg cells proved to beC. rivularis whereas the normally reduced pollen originated fromC. amara. The pronounced genetic variability inC. insueta revealed by isozyme and RAPD analyses, at variance with the polarized segregation, heterogamy and strong vegetative reproduction of the hybrid, is possibly influenced by recurrent formation ofC. insueta which party results from backcrosses betweenC. insueta andC. rivularis but may also proceed by other pathways. The amphiploidCardamine schulzii has normally developed anthers but its pollen is sometimes highly sterile. The surprisingly uniform genetic make-up of the new amphiploid species might be related to its possible monotopic origin and/or young phylogenetic age but should be further assessed. Site management seems to be very important to a further development of hybridogenous populations and their parent species. In conclusion, the evolution at Urnerboden is discussed in the context of the traditional concept of multiple plant origins.  相似文献   

Two new species of hyphomycetes,Xenocylindrocladium guianense andX. subverticillatum, are described from plant debris collected in French Guiana and Singapore, respectively. The genusXenocylindrocladium has thus far been known from one species,X. serpens, which was described from plant debris collected in Ecuador. The two new taxa are compared with and distinguished fromX. serpens based on morphology, cultural characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence data of the 5.8S rDNA with flanking ITS1 and ITS2 regions and the 5′ end of the β-tubulin gene. These species are also compared with other closely related hypocrealean taxa. Present collection data suggest that species ofXenocylindrocladium could be restricted to the tropics.  相似文献   

The Iserian Mts. form ofCrocus vernus agg. has 2n = 16 and a karyotype clearly deviating fromC. heuffelianus s. lat.  相似文献   

Transgenic insect technology will provide opportunities to explore the basic biology of a broad range of insect species in ways that will prove insightful and important. It is also a technology that will provide opportunities to manipulate the genotypes of insects of practical significance to the health and welfare of humans. TheHermes transposable element from the housefly,Musca domestica, is a short inverted repeat-type element related tohobo fromDrosophila melanogaster, Ac fromZea mays, andTam3 fromAntirrhinum majus. It has potential to become a versatile and efficient broad host-range insect transformation vector. The ability ofHermes to transpose when introduced into five species of diptera from four divergent families was tested using anin vivo, interplasmid transpositional recombination assay.Hermes was capable of transposing in all species tested, demonstrating thatHermes has a broad host-range. In addition, the rates of transposition were sufficiently high in all species tested to suggest thatHermes will be an efficient gene transfer vector in a wide range of insect species. TheHermes element also revealed a pattern of integration into the target substrate that permitted factors determining integration site selection to be identified. Primary nucleotide sequence of the integration site played a role as did proximity to preferred integration sites and the nucleosomal organization of the target.  相似文献   

Karyotype and external morphological analyses were conducted onMedicago ciliaris, M. intertexta, M. muricoleptis andM. granadensis which comprise theIntertextae section of the genusMedicago. All species were found to have 2n = 16 chromosomes (= 2 ×), including one pair of satellite chromosomes in each respective complement. Karyotypic evolution in theIntertextae involves changes in absolute chromosome size and in centromeric and relative size symmetry. Numerical taxonomic analyses were conducted independently on 17 karyotypic features and on 16 features of external morphology. The results of the two sets of analyses proved comparable, withM. ciliaris andM. intertexta forming a fairly close pair, and the remaining two species appearing to have more distant relationships to each other and to the first pair. These observations are consistent with the infertility relationships and chorologies of the species. It is suggested thatM. muricoleptis andM. granadensis are derived from theM. ciliaris/intertexta species complex withM. granadensis arising fromM. muricoleptis, or these two species independently evolving from a common species complex. Chromosomal and numerical analyses suggest thatM. ciliaris is the most primitive andM. granadensis the most derived species of theIntertextae.  相似文献   

Helen Kennedy 《Brittonia》1995,47(2):156-159
Calathea maasiorum from French Guiana and Surinam is described as new. It belongs toCalathea sectionBreviscapus Bentham. The foliage is patterned with a light green band along the midrib above. This new species has previously been confused withC. cyclophora Baker from Amazonian Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana but it is distinguished fromC. cyclophora by the absence of bracteoles, the elliptic to obovate leaf blade, and shorter (1–2 cm long) bracts.  相似文献   

Summary The transposable element mariner occurs widely in themelanogaster species group ofDrosophila. However, in drosophilids outside of themelanogaster species group, sequences showing strong DNA hybridization with mariner are found only in the genusZaprionus. the mariner sequence obtained fromZaprionus tuberculatus is 97% identical with that fromDrosophila mauritiana, a member of themelanogaster species subgroup, whereas a mariner sequence isolated fromDrosophila tsacasi is only 92% identical with that fromD. mauritiana. BecauseD. tsacasi is much more closely related toD. mauritiana than isZaprionus, the presence of mariner inZaprionus may result from horizontal transfer. In order to confirm lack of a close phylogenetic relationship between the genusZaprionus and themelanogaster species group, we compared the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) sequences among these species. The results show that the coding region of Adh is only 82% identical betweenZ. tuberculatus andD. mauritiana, as compared with 90% identical betweenD. tsacasi andD. mauritiana. Furthermore, the mariner gene phylogeny obtained by maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses is discordant with the species phylogeny estimated by using the Adh genes. The only inconsistency in the mariner gene phylogeny is in the placement of theZaprionus mariner sequence, which clusters with mariner fromDrosophila teissieri andDrosophila yakuba in themelanogaster species subgroup. These results strongly suggest horizontal transfer.  相似文献   

薄叶金花茶、小花金花茶和小瓣金花茶是三种濒危金花茶植物,为了解珍稀濒危植物遗传多样性和遗传结构,该研究利用微卫星标记对他们的7个种群共184个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。结果表明:11个位点共检测到等位基因92个。在物种水平上,小瓣金花茶平均等位基因数(N_A)为3.9、有效等位基因数(N_E)为2.328、观测杂合度(H_o)为0.520、期望杂合度(H_e)为0.501,高于薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶。在种群水平上,有效等位基因数(N_E)在1.788~2.466之间,期望杂合度(H_e)在0.379~0.543之间;种群间遗传分化系数(FST)在0.143 7~0.453 3之间,种群间基因流(N_m)在0.301 5~1.488 9之间。AMOVA分子变异分析显示65.72%的变异存在于种群内。三种金花茶具有较低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的种群间遗传分化。STRUCTURE和PCoA种群遗传结构分析结果将取样种群分为2组,即薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶大部分个体分为一组,小瓣金花茶大部分个体分为一组。现存所有种群应根据实际情况尽快采取就地保护或迁地保护措施。  相似文献   

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