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Packaging of retroviral RNA is attained through the specific recognition of a cis-acting encapsidation site (located near the 5' end of the viral RNA) by components of the Gag precursor protein. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) are two lentiviruses that lack apparent sequence similarity in their putative encapsidation regions. We used SIV vectors to determine whether HIV-1 particles can recognize the SIV encapsidation site and functionally propagate SIV nucleic acid. SIV nucleic acid was replicated by HIV-1 proteins. Thus, efficient lentivirus pseudotyping can take place at the RNA level. Direct examination of the RNA contents of virus particles indicated that encapsidation of this heterologous RNA is efficient. Characterization of deletion mutants in the untranslated leader region of SIV RNA indicates that only a very short region at the 5' end of the SIV RNA is needed for packaging. Comparison of this region with the corresponding region of HIV-1 reveals that both are marked by secondary structures that are likely to be similar. Thus, it is likely that a similar higher-order RNA structure is required for encapsidation.  相似文献   

In vitro assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag protein.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Retroviral Gag protein is sufficient to produce Gag virus-like particles when expressed in higher eukaryotic cells. Here we describe the in vitro assembly reaction of human immunodeficiency virus Gag protein, which consists of two sequential steps showing the optimal conditions for each reaction. Following expression and purification, Gag protein lacking only the C-terminal p6 domain was present as a monomer (50 kDa) by velocity sedimentation analysis. Initial assembly of the Gag protein to 60 S intermediates occurred by dialysis at 4 degrees C in low salt at neutral to alkaline pH. However, higher order of assembly required incubation at 37 degrees C and was facilitated by the addition of Mg(2+). Prolonged incubation under these conditions produced complete assembly (600 S), equivalent to Gag virus-like particles obtained from Gag-expressing cells. Neither form disassembled by treatment with nonionic detergent, suggesting that correct assembly might occur in vitro. Electron microscopic observation confirmed that the 600 S assembly products were spherical particles similar to authentic immature human immunodeficiency virus particles. The latter assembly stage but not the former was accelerated by the addition of RNA although not inhibited by RNaseA treatment. These results suggest that Gag protein alone assembles in vitro, but that additional RNA facilitates the assembly reaction.  相似文献   

The capsid protein (CA) (p24) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to greater than 90% homogeneity was used to examine assembly in vitro and to probe the nature of interactions involved in the formation of capsid structures. The protein was detected in dimeric and oligomeric forms as indicated by molecular size measurements by gel filtration column chromatography, sedimentation through sucrose, and nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. Chemical cross-linking of CA molecules was observed with several homobifunctional reagents. Oligomer size was dependent on cross-linker concentration and exhibited a nonrandom pattern in which dimers and tetramers were more abundant than trimers and pentamers. Oligomers as large as dodecamers were detected in native polyacrylamide gels. These were stable in solutions of high ionic strength or in the presence of nonionic detergent, indicating that strong interactions were involved in oligomer stabilization. Limited tryptic digestion converted the putative dodecamers to octamers, suggesting that a region involved in CA protein multimerization was exposed in the structure. This region was mapped to the central portion of the protein. The recombinant CA proteins assembled in vitro into long rodlike structures and were disassembled into small irregular spheres by alterations in ionic strength and pH. The observation that assembly and disassembly of purified HIV type 1 CA protein can be induced in vitro suggests an approach for identifying possible control mechanisms involved in HIV viral core assembly.  相似文献   

Triton X-100-extracted human skin fibroblasts were exposed to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease and analysed by 2D-gel electrophoresis and immunofluorescence microscopy. Vimentin, two of the tropomyosin isoforms, a protein with Mr ∼ 90,000 and a protein with Mr ∼ 200,000 were found to be degraded. Structurally, this was accompanied by the disintegration of the vimentin filament network and the disappearance of the microfilament network. In contrast to our in vivo observations (Höner et al., 1991), prominent stress fibers and chromatin structure seemed to be rather resistant to the action of this protease.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease (PR) and p6(Pol) are translated as part of the Gag-Pol polyprotein after a ribosomal frameshift. PR is essential to virus replication and is responsible for cleaving Gag and Gag-Pol precursors, but the role of p6(Pol) in HIV-1 infection is poorly understood. Here, we report that (i) PR is present in mature HIV-1 virions primarily as a p6(Pol)-PR fusion protein; (ii) HIV-1 PR cleaves viral precursor proteins expressed in bacterial cells at the Phe-Leu bond (positions 1639 to 1642) located at the junction of the NC and p6(Pol) proteins, releasing the p6(Pol)-PR fusion protein; and (iii) purified p6(Pol)-PR fusion protein undergoes autocleavage in vitro at at least three sites.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that cellular proteins play a role during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat-mediated trans activation. A recent report from this laboratory has shown that a 140-kDa HeLa nuclear protein (p140) binds specifically to the lower stem region of the Tat response element, TAR RNA. Since HIV-1 trans activation is most efficient in proliferating T cells, we investigated the binding of p140 to TAR RNA in unstimulated and mitogen-activated, G1-phase primary T lymphocytes. TAR RNA/protein-binding activity was low in resting cells but increased significantly within 2 h of activation and remained elevated for at least 48 h. Corresponding increases in p140 protein levels were observed with most but not all donors, suggesting that an additional nuclear factor(s) may be required for efficient binding of this protein to TAR RNA in activated T cells.  相似文献   

The function of a putative NFAT-1 site in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 enhancer has been analyzed. Activation by the T-cell antigen receptor is minimal in Jurkat cells and is mediated by the kappa B sites. The putative NFAT-1 region is not required for the response to anti-CD3 or to mitogens in T-cell, B-cell, or monocyte/macrophage leukemia lines, nor is it a cis-acting negative regulatory element.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin A (CyP A), a cellular chaperone with cis-trans prolyl isomerase activity, is required for postassembly events in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication. The requirement for CyP A maps to sequences in the capsid (CA) domain of the structural precursor, Gag. To determine the effects of interaction with CyP A on capsid (CA) protein structure, the binding interaction was investigated in vitro, using recombinant HIV-1 CA protein (which forms oligomers in solution) and human CyP A. The CA and CyP A proteins interacted to form a complex which was detected predominantly as a heterodimer on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. Complex formation exhibited a pH optimum of 5. The CA protein in the complex was exclusively in a conformation whereby the N terminus was blocked to Edman degradation. This finding was unexpected since CyP A binds to the central region of the CA protein (residues 85 to 93). Examination of CA protein incubated with CyP A for alterations in structure indicated that CyP A preferentially interacted with the subpopulation of trypsin-susceptible subunits in the oligomers and significantly reduced their sensitivity to proteolysis. Like CA-CyP A complex formation, conversion to trypsin resistance also exhibited a pH optimum of 5. Both complex formation and the changes in tryptic susceptibility were only partially inhibited by cyclosporin A (CsA). This appeared to be due to a CA subpopulation able to bind CyP A despite the presence of CsA. Our results identify specific tryptic sites both proximal and distal to the CyP A binding region that are altered by CyP A binding and/or by CyP A's prolyl isomerase activity. Comparison with the X-ray structure of a complex containing CyP A bound to an amino-terminal fragment of the CA protein (CA1-151) (T.R. Gamble et al., Cell 87:1285-1294, 1996) indicates that the tryptic sites that become inaccessible are among the same residues that lose a significant amount of accessible surface area through CA-CA subunit contacts made in the presence of CyP A.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag protein precursor, Pr55Gag, contains at its C-terminal end a proline-rich, 6-kDa domain designated p6. Two functions have been proposed for p6: incorporation of the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr into virus particles and virus particle production. To characterize the role of p6 in the HIV-1 life cycle and to map functional domains within p6, we introduced a number of nonsense and single and multiple amino acid substitution mutations into p6. Following the introduction of the mutations into the full-length HIV-1 molecular clone pNL4-3, the effects on Gag protein expression and processing, virus particle production, and virus infectivity were analyzed. The production of mutant virus particles was also examined by transmission electron microscopy. The results indicate that (i) p6 is required for efficient virus particle production from a full-length HIV-1 molecular clone; (ii) a Pro-Thr-Ala-Pro sequence, located between residues 7 and 10 of p6, is critical for virus particle production; (iii) mutations outside the Pro-Thr-Ala-Pro motif have little or no effect on virus assembly and release; (iv) the p6 defect is manifested at a late stage in the budding process; and (v) mutations in p6 that severely reduce virion production in HeLa cells also block or significantly delay the establishment of a productive infection in the CEM (12D-7) T-cell line. We further demonstrate that mutational inactivation of the viral protease reverses the p6 defect, suggesting a functional linkage between p6 and the proteolytic processing of the Gag precursor protein during the budding of progeny virions.  相似文献   

Solution structure of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 p6 protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 p6 protein represents a docking site for several cellular and viral binding factors and fulfills major roles in the formation of infectious viruses. To date, however, the structure of this 52-amino acid protein, by far the smallest lentiviral protein known, either in its mature form as free p6 or as the C-terminal part of the Pr55 Gag polyprotein has not been unraveled. We have explored the high resolution structure and folding of p6 by CD and NMR spectroscopy. Under membranous solution conditions, p6 can adopt a helix-flexible helix structure; a short helix-1 (amino acids 14-18) is connected to a pronounced helix-2 (amino acids 33-44) by a flexible hinge region. Thus, p6 can be subdivided into two distinct structural and functional domains; helix-2 perfectly defines the region that binds to the virus budding factor AIP-1/ALIX, indicating that this structure is required for interaction with the endosomal sorting complex required for transport. The PTAP motif at the N terminus, comprising the primary late assembly domain, which is crucial for interaction with another cellular budding factor, Tsg101, does not exhibit secondary structure. However, the adjacent helix-1 may play an indirect role in the specific complex formation between p6 and the binding groove in Tsg101. Moreover, binding studies by NMR demonstrate that helix-2, which also comprises the LXXLF motif required for incorporation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 accessory protein Vpr into budding virions, specifically interacts with the Vpr binding region, indicating that under the specific solution conditions used for structure analysis, p6 adopted a functional conformation.  相似文献   

RNA trafficking signals in human immunodeficiency virus type 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Intracellular trafficking of retroviral RNAs is a potential mechanism to target viral gene expression to specific regions of infected cells. Here we show that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome contains two sequences similar to the hnRNP A2 response element (A2RE), a cis-acting RNA trafficking sequence that binds to the trans-acting trafficking factor, hnRNP A2, and mediates a specific RNA trafficking pathway characterized extensively in oligodendrocytes. The two HIV-1 sequences, designated A2RE-1, within the major homology region of the gag gene, and A2RE-2, in a region of overlap between the vpr and tat genes, both bind to hnRNP A2 in vitro and are necessary and sufficient for RNA transport in oligodendrocytes in vivo. A single base change (A8G) in either sequence reduces hnRNP A2 binding and, in the case of A2RE-2, inhibits RNA transport. A2RE-mediated RNA transport is microtubule and hnRNP A2 dependent. Differentially labelled gag and vpr RNAs, containing A2RE-1 and A2RE-2, respectively, coassemble into the same RNA trafficking granules and are cotransported to the periphery of the cell. tat RNA, although it contains A2RE-2, is not transported as efficiently as vpr RNA. An A2RE/hnRNP A2-mediated trafficking pathway for HIV RNA is proposed, and the role of RNA trafficking in targeting HIV gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

Increased kynurenine pathway metabolism has been implicated in the etiology of AIDS dementia complex (ADC). The rate-limiting enzyme for this pathway is indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). We tested the efficacy of different strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV1-BaL, HIV1-JRFL, and HIV1-631) to induce IDO in cultured human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM). A significant increase in both IDO protein and kynurenine synthesis was observed after 48 h in MDM infected with the brain-derived HIV-1 isolates, laboratory-adapted (LA) HIV1-JRFL, and primary isolate HIV1-631. In contrast, almost no kynurenine production or IDO protein was evident in MDM infected with the highly replicating macrophage-tropic LA strain HIV1-BaL. The induction of IDO and kynurenine synthesis by HIV1-JRFL and HIV1-631 declined to baseline levels by day 8 postinfection. Abundant HIV-1 replication did not reduce the ability of exogenous gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) to induce IDO and kynurenine synthesis in HIV-infected MDM. The addition of anti-IFN-gamma antibody to MDM infected with HIV1-JRFL resulted in an absence of detectable IDO protein after 48 h and a decrease of 64% +/- 1% in supernatant kynurenine concentration. Together, these results indicate that only selected strains of HIV-1 are capable of inducing IDO synthesis and subsequent kynurenine metabolism in MDM. The induction of IDO, while apparently independent of replication capacity, appears to be mediated by a transient production of IFN-gamma in MDM responding to the initial infection with selected strains of HIV-1.  相似文献   

Circularization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 DNA in vitro.   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Linear viral DNA present in cytoplasmic extracts of cells newly infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 can be induced to form 1-LTR and 2-LTR circles by incubation of the extracts in the presence of added nucleoside triphosphates. No circular DNA forms are detected when extracts are incubated in the absence of added nucleoside triphosphates. Restriction enzyme analysis and polymerase chain reaction analysis with selected primers, as well as DNA sequence analysis of the polymerase chain reaction products, show that most of the 2-LTR circles are the result of autointegration reactions, while 1-LTR circles result from recombination between the long terminal repeats on the linear viral DNA. In addition, a small amount of simple 2-LTR circles, formed by end-to-end joining of the linear viral DNA, is formed in vitro. Integration of the linear viral DNA into heterologous DNA competes effectively with the formation of 2-LTR circles by autointegration. However, concentrations of target DNA which completely block autointegration have no effect on the formation of 1-LTR circles or simple 2-LTR circles. Factors present in extracts of uninfected cells can mediate the formation of 1-LTR circles and simple 2-LTR circles from purified deproteinated linear viral DNA, indicating that viral proteins are not necessary for the formation of these two types of circular viral DNA. These experiments demonstrate that all the transformations of linear viral DNA which occur in the nuclei of cells infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 can be reproduced in vitro.  相似文献   

Here we show, at a high resolution (1%), the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease gene quasispecies landscape from three infected na?ve individuals. A huge range of genetic configurations was found (67%, 71%, and 80% of the nucleotide clones from the three individuals, respectively, were different), and these configurations created a dense net that linked different parts of the viral population. Similarly, a vast diversity of different protease activities was also found. Importantly, 65% of the analyzed enzymes had detectable protease activity, and 11% of the minority individual variants showed similar or better fitness than the master (most abundant) enzyme, suggesting that the viral complexity in this genomic region does not exclusively depend on the enzyme's catalytic efficiency. Several high-fitness minority variants had only one substitution compared to the master sequence, supporting the possibility that the rugged HIV-1 protease quasispecies fitness landscape may be formed by a continuous network that can be traversed by single mutational steps without passing through defective or less-adapted proteins.  相似文献   

The viral infectivity factor (Vif), one of the six HIV-1 auxiliary genes, is absolutely necessary for productive infection in primary CD4-positive T lymphocytes and macrophages. Vif overcomes the antiviral function of the host factor APOBEC3G. To better understand this mechanism, it is of interest to characterize cellular proteins that interact with Vif and may regulate its function. Here, we show that Vif binds to hNedd4 and AIP4, two HECT E3 ubiquitin ligases. WW domains present in those HECT enzymes contribute to the binding of Vif. Moreover, the region of Vif, which includes amino acids 20-128 and interacts with the hNedd4 WW domains, does not contain proline-rich stretches. Lastly, we show that Vif undergoes post-translational modifications by addition of ubiquitin both in cells overexpressing Vif and in cells expressing HIV-1 provirus. Vif is mainly mono-ubiquitinated, a modification known to address the Gag precursor to the virus budding site.  相似文献   

D T Poon  J Wu    A Aldovini 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6607-6616
Interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag precursor polyprotein (Pr55Gag) with the viral genomic RNA is required for retroviral replication. Mutations that reduce RNA packaging efficiency have been localized to the highly basic nucleocapsid (NC) p7 domain of Pr55Gag, but the importance of the basic amino acid residues in specific viral RNA encapsidation and infectivity has not been thoroughly investigated in vivo. We have systematically substituted the positively charged residues of the NC domain of Pr55Gag in an HIV-1 viral clone by using alanine scanning mutagenesis and have assayed the effects of these mutations on virus replication, particle formation, and RNA packaging in vivo. Analysis of viral clones with single substitutions revealed that certain charged amino acid residues are more critical for RNA packaging efficiency and infectivity than others. Analysis of viral clones with multiple substitutions indicates that the presence of positive charge in each of three independent domains--the zinc-binding domains, the basic region that links them, and the residues that Hank the two zinc-binding domains--is necessary for efficient HIV-1 RNA packaging. Finally, we note that some mutations affect virus replication more drastically than RNA incorporation, providing in vivo evidence for the hypothesis that NC p7 may be involved in aspects of the HIV life cycle in addition to RNA packaging.  相似文献   

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