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The in vitro reassembly of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) begins with the specific recognition by the viral coat protein disk aggregate of an internal TMV RNA sequence, known as the assembly origin (Oa). This RNA sequence contains a putative stem-loop structure (loop 1), believed to be the target for disk binding in assembly initiation, which has the characteristic sequence AAGAAGUCG exposed as a single strand at its apex. We show that a 75-base RNA sequence encompassing loop 1 is sufficient to direct the encapsidation by TMV coat protein disks of a heterologous RNA fragment. This RNA sequence and structure, which is sufficient to elicit TMV assembly in vitro, was explored by site-directed mutagenesis. Structure analysis of the RNA identified mutations that appear to effect assembly via a perturbation in RNA structure, rather than by a direct effect on coat protein binding. The binding of the loop 1 apex RNA sequence to coat protein disks was shown to be due primarily to its regularly repeated G residues. Sequences such as (UUG)3 and (GUG)3 are equally effective at initiating assembly, indicating that the other bases are less functionally constrained. However, substitution of the sequences (CCG)3, (CUG)3 or (UCG)3 reduced the assembly initiation rate, indicating that C residues are unfavourable for assembly. Two additional RNA sequences within the 75-base Oa sequence, both of the form (NNG)3, may play subsidiary roles in disk binding. RNA structure plays an important part in permitting selective protein-RNA recognition, since altering the RNA folding close to the apex of the loop 1 stem reduces the rate of disk binding, as does shortening the stem itself. Whereas the RNA sequence making up the hairpin does not in general affect the specificity of the protein-RNA interaction, it is required to present the apex signal sequence in a special conformation. Mechanisms for this are discussed.  相似文献   

David Zimmern  P.J.G. Butler 《Cell》1977,11(3):455-462
Upon mixing purified TMV RNA with limited amounts of viral coat protein in the form of the disk aggregate, a unique region of the whole RNA becomes protected from nuclease digestion. The protected RNA consists of fragments up to 500 nucleotides long in varying yields, which are found in nucleoprotein particles having a protein-nucleic acid ratio similar to the mature virus. The protected RNA, when reextracted, is able to rebind to coat protein disks rapidly, quantitatively and with high affinity, becoming once more RNAase-resistant in the process. Small aggregates of TMV protein (A protein) are inactive in formation of the nuclease-resistant complexes. On the basis of this evidence, we identify the isolated RNA fragments as portions of TMV RNA containing the origin or initiation site for in vitro reassembly, which have been protected from digestion by incorporation into assembly nucleation complexes.The yield, but not the length distribution, of the protected RNA pieces is found to double upon increasing the protein added from 1–2 disk-equivalents of protein per RNA molecule. This implies that the formation of the nucleation complexes may involve a highly cooperative initial addition of protein.  相似文献   

The interaction of TMV RNA with the disk aggregate of TMV protein at the initiation of assembly has been studied by using the techniques of RNA sequencing. The 5' end group has been identified, and shown not to be protected in the early stages of assembly from accessibility to nuclease digestion. A population of RNA fragments of average length 250 nucleotides, originating from a unique region of TMV RNA, is encapsidated by limited assembly, and sufficient sequence information is available to identify certain unusual features. The protected region does not contain highly reiterated simple repeating sequences, but may contain more complicated repeats. The length and complexity of the nucleation region may reflect adaptation to the efficient mediation of the conformational change from disk to helix of TMV protein, besides a requirement for binding to the disk, and this may be an important part of the mechanism of specificity in the nucleation of assembly.  相似文献   

The initial appearance of 45% of the single-stranded RNA of satellite tobacco mosaic virus in electron density maps suggested the entire RNA conformation could be delineated. Subsequent work has localized nearly 80% of the RNA as stem-loop elements. Connection of the stem-loops in the most efficient manner produces a persuasive model for the encapsidated RNA. This arrangement has significant implications for virus assembly and for the essential role of RNA.  相似文献   

RNA-protein interactions in the assembly of tobacco mosaic virus.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Assembly of tobacco mosaic virus is initiated by the binding of a specific loop of the RNA into the central hole of the disk aggregate of protein subunits. Since the nucleation loop is located about five-sixths along the RNA molecule, subsequent elongation must be bidirectional. We have now measured the rates of elongation in the two directions by determining the lengths of RNA protected from nuclease digestion at different times and using either intact TMV rNA, or RNA with most of the longer tail removed. Comparison of the rates with the protein supplied as either a mixture of disks with A-protein (a mixture of less aggregated states) or just A-protein, shows that different mechanisms and protein aggregates are used for the most rapid growth. When disks are present, they add more rapidly along the longer RNA tail but do not appear to add directly on the shorter tail. In contrast, smaller aggregates (A-protein) can add at both ends of the rod, but do so more slowly. Mechanisms for these processes are discussed. Preliminary results on the binding of the specific hexanucleotide AAGAAG to the disk are given and compared with the known changes on binding nonspecific hexanucleotides or the trinucleotide AAG.  相似文献   

The replication of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA involves synthesis of a negative-strand RNA using the genomic positive-strand RNA as a template, followed by the synthesis of positive-strand RNA on the negative-strand RNA templates. Intermediates of replication isolated from infected cells include completely double-stranded RNA (replicative form) and partly double-stranded and partly single-stranded RNA (replicative intermediate), but it is not known whether these structures are double-stranded or largely single-stranded in vivo. The synthesis of negative strands ceases before that of positive strands, and positive and negative strands may be synthesized by two different polymerases. The genomic-length negative strand also serves as a template for the synthesis of subgenomic mRNAs for the virus movement and coat proteins. Both the virus-encoded 126-kDa protein, which has amino-acid sequence motifs typical of methyltransferases and helicases, and the 183-kDa protein, which has additional motifs characteristic of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, are required for efficient TMV RNA replication. Purified TMV RNA polymerase also contains a host protein serologically related to the RNA-binding subunit of the yeast translational initiation factor, eIF3. Study of Arabidopsis mutants defective in RNA replication indicates that at least two host proteins are needed for TMV RNA replication. The tomato resistance gene Tm-1 may also encode a mutant form of a host protein component of the TMV replicase. TMV replicase complexes are located on the endoplasmic reticulum in close association with the cytoskeleton in cytoplasmic bodies called viroplasms, which mature to produce 'X bodies'. Viroplasms are sites of both RNA replication and protein synthesis, and may provide compartments in which the various stages of the virus mutiplication cycle (protein synthesis, RNA replication, virus movement, encapsidation) are localized and coordinated. Membranes may also be important for the configuration of the replicase with respect to initiation of RNA synthesis, and synthesis and release of progeny single-stranded RNA.  相似文献   

Conditions were established for the introduction of both tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs into tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by electroporation. The proportion of infected protoplasts was quantified by staining with viral coat protein-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Approximately 30–40% of the protoplasts survived electroporation. Under optimal conditions, up to 75% of these were infected with TMV-RNA. Successful infection was demonstrated in 19 out of 20 experiments. Optimal infection was achieved with several direct current pulses of 90 sec at a field strength of 5 to 10 kV/cm. Changing the position of the protoplasts within the chamber between electric pulses was essential for achievement of high rates of infection. Optimal viral RNA concentration was about 10 g/ml in a solution of 0.5 M mannitol without buffer salts.  相似文献   

Reassembly of tobacco mosaic virus from the isolated RNA and protein, supplied as a disk preparation consisting of over 75% as the disk aggregate, has been followed by the protection of the RNA from nuclease digestion. The sizes of the RNA fragments were determined on agarose/acrylamide gels.During the first few minutes the protected RNA is found to be “quantized” into discrete lengths, differing on average by about 50 or 100 nucleotides, corresponding to one or two turns of the virus helix and strongly supporting the hypothesis that elongation in the major direction, towards the 5′-hydroxyl end, is occurring by the direct addition of protein disks. Protected RNA of the full length found in tobacco mosaic virus is visible within six minutes of starting reassembly, and by 30 minutes most of the RNA is fully protected.  相似文献   

Studies on the mechanism of assembly of tobacco mosaic virus.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Sedimentation and proton binding studies on the endothermic self-association of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) protein indicate that the so-called "20S" sedimenting protein is an interaction system involving at least the 34-subunit two-turn yield cylindrical disk aggregate and the 49-subunit three-turn helical rod. The pH dependence of this overall equilibrium suggests that disk formation is proton-linked through the binding of protons to the two-turn helix which is not present as significant concentrations near pH 7. There is a temperature-induced intramolecular conformation change in the protein leading to a difference spectrum which is complete in 5 x 10(-6) s at pH 7 and 20 degrees C and is dominated at 300 nm by tryptophan residues. Kinetics measurements of protein polymerization, from 10(-6) to 10(3) s, reveal three relaxation processes at pH 7.0, 20 degrees C, 0.10 M ionic strength K (H) PO4. The fastest relaxation time is a few milliseconds and represents reactions within the 4S protein distribution. The second fastest relaxation is 50-100 x 10(-3) s and represents elementary polymerization steps involved in the formation of the approximately 20 S protein. Analysis of the slowest relaxation, approximately 5 x 10(4) s, suggests that this very slow formation of approximately 20 S protein may be dominated by some first order process in the overall dissociation of approximately 20S protein. Sedimentation measurements of the rate of TMV reconstitution, under the same conditions, show by direct measurements of 4S and approximately 20S incorporation at various 4S to approximately 20S weight ratios that the relative rate of approximately 20S incorporation decreases almost linearly, from 0 to 50% 4S. There appears to be one or more regions of TMV-RNA, approximately 1-1.5 kilobases long, which incorporates approximately 20S protein exclusively. Solutions of approximately 95-100% approximately 20S protein have been prepared for the first time and used for reconstitution with RNA. Such protein solutions yield full size TMV, but at a slower rate than if 4S protein is added. Thus the elongation reaction in TMV assembly, following nucleation with approximately 20S protein, is not exclusively dependent upon the presence of either 4S or approximately 20S protein aggregates. The initial, maximum, rate of reconstitution increases about threefold when the protein composition is changed from 5% to 30% 4S protein, at constant total protein concentration at pH 7.0, 20 degrees C in 0.10 M ionic strength K (H)PO4. The probable binding frame at the internal assembly nucleation site of TMV-RNA has been determined by measuring the association constants for the binding of various trinucleoside diphosphates to helical TMV protein rods. The -CAG-AAG-AAG-sequence at the nucleation site is capable of providing at least 10-14 kcal/mol of sites of binding free energy for the nucleation event in TMV self-assembly.  相似文献   

A model of the RNA of tobacco mosaic virus has been built using computer model-building techniques. The model has good stereochemistry, and fits the electron density map of the virus obtained by fiber diffraction methods considerably better than did earlier models. The three sugar rings in the asymmetric unit all have the A (3′-endo) conformation, One of the bases is in the syn conformation, a conformation observed only rarely in nucleic acid structures.  相似文献   

Changes in the number of protoplasts, viability, protein and chlorophyll contents and ribonucleases activity were studied in tobacco mesophyll protoplastsin vitro inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). The number of protoplasts slowly increased during the cultivation period and the viability decreased from 95 to 67% in the control noninoculated protoplasts, and to 55% in the infected protoplasts. 30 h after inoculation the protein and chlorophyll contents strongly decreased to 25–30% and 17–19%, respectively, in comparison with contents 3 h after inoculation. The chlorophylla/b ratio decreased from 2.11 and 2.02 to 0.79 and 0.60 in healthy and infected protoplasts, respectively. The activities of ribonucleases in protoplasts quickly decreased during experiment but they were higher in infected than in noninfected protoplasts (between 20 to 30 h after inoculation they were 132 to 146% higher than that in healthy controls). These activities corresponded to the multiplication curve of TMV.  相似文献   

Summary Double-stranded RNA isolated by phenol extraction from turnip yellow mosaic virus-infected chinese cabbage leaves and from tobacco mosaic virus-9nfected tobacco leaves was rotary shadowed and examined in the electron microscope. The TYMV and TMV molecules are similar in appearance, having uniform width and a linear configuration similar to that previously described for double-stranded RNA and double-stranded DNA molecules. More than 99.5% of the molecules of each virus fall within the range 0.1 to 2.2 , there being a predominance of smaller molecules in both cases (TYMV mean=0.24 , TMV mean 0.42 ). The mode of the larger molecules of TYMV 1.92 and of TMV 1.8 . These values are close to the expected lengths of whole molecules, calculated from biophysical data. Apparently branched molecules were observed in preparations of both TYMV and TMV double-stranded RNA. It was found, however, that the number of such branches per unit length of RNA decreases with a decrease in density of the RNA in the fields examined.  相似文献   

One-dimensional composite nanofibers were generated via in-situ polymerization of polyaniline on the surface of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and the head-to-tail assembly of TMV. These composite nanofibers have very high aspect ratio and good processibility. Two factors contribute to the formation of such TMV-composite fibers: (1) the accumulation and polymerization of monomers on the surface of TMV; and (2) the possibility of prolongation and stabilization of TMV helices. This strategy has been used in the synthesis of other polymeric bionanofibers with a variety of starting materials. In addition, the morphology of the final composite materials can be modulated by the covalent modification of TMV. When sulfonic acid groups are tailored to the exterior surface of TMV, polymerization of aniline can induce TMV to form branched structures with knot-like connections. On the other hand, modification of TMV with noncharged groups like acetylenes can block the assembly process completely. TEM and AFM are used to analyze the morphology and structure of composite fibers. This novel strategy to assemble TMV into 1D supramolecular assembly could be utilized in the fabrication of advanced materials for potential applications including electronics, optics, sensing, and biomedical engineering. M.A. Bruckman and Z. Niu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

A short account is given of the physical and chemical studies that have led to an understanding of the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus particle and how it is assembled from its constituent coat protein and RNA. The assembly is a much more complex process than might have been expected from the simplicity of the helical design of the particle. The protein forms an obligatory intermediate (a cylindrical disk composed of two layers of protein units), which recognizes a specific RNA hairpin sequence. This extraordinary mechanism simultaneously fulfils the physical requirement for nucleating the growth of the helical particle and the biological requirement for specific recognition of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Isolated Acetabularia nuclei were microinjected with Tobacco Mosaic Virus RNA and then implanted into an anucleate posterior fragment of an Acetabularia cell. Injected RNA was translated in the Acetabularia cytoplasm from the first to twelfth day after implantation of the nuclei. The production of specific virus proteins was detected and localized in the Acetabularia cytoplasm by an immunofluorescence precipitation technique.  相似文献   

The swelling of brome mosaic virus induced by pH and temperature has been investigated with intensity fluctuation spectroscopy. A special light-scattering cell was designed which permits titrations within the cell in which Stokes radii, pH and temperature are measured simultaneously. Freshly prepared viruses in the presence of EDTA at 20 °C show a partially irreversible swelling in a first titration cycle (pH 5.8 to 7.2 to 5.8): the viruses do not recontract completely to the original compact form. All further titration cycles lead to a closed hysteresis with respect to the Stokes radii. These are stable in the swelling branch (obtained when adding base) of the titration cycle, but metastable in the contraction branch (i.e. when adding acid). In the latter, the Stokes radii relax to the values observed in the swelling branch within a few hours. If MgCl2 is present, fresh viruses have slightly bigger radii than with EDTA, and the initial titration cycle is closed. It exhibits a similarly pronounced hysteresis with a metastable contraction branch as in the abscence of divalent cations. However, further titrations do not exhibit significant hysteresis. An irreversible swelling of the viruses can be induced in the absence of Mg2+ by raising the temperature from 5 ° to 35 °C at a constant pH value. In the presence of MgCl2, Stokes radii are not affected by temperature.  相似文献   

We put forward a modified Zipper model inspired by the statics and dynamics of the spontaneous reconstitution of rodlike tobacco mosaic virus particles in solutions containing the coat protein and the single-stranded RNA of the virus. An important ingredient of our model is an allosteric switch associated with the binding of the first protein unit to the origin-of-assembly domain of the viral RNA. The subsequent addition and conformational switching of coat proteins to the growing capsid we believe is catalyzed by the presence of the helical arrangement of bound proteins to the RNA. The model explains why the formation of complete viruses is favored over incomplete ones, even though the process is quasi-one-dimensional in character. We numerically solve the relevant kinetic equations and show that time evolution is different for the assembly and disassembly of the virus, the former exhibiting a time lag even if all forward rate constants are equal. We find the late-stage assembly kinetics in the presence of excess protein to be governed by a single-exponential relaxation, which agrees with available experimental data on TMV reconstruction.  相似文献   

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