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We present here the earliest known Asian fossil records of the Menispermaceae based on fossil fruits from Paleocene and Eocene localities in South China. A new genus and species, Paleoorbicarpum parvum sp. nov., and two new species of Stephania Loureiro, S. ornamenta sp. nov. and S. geniculata sp. nov., are recognized from Paleocene deposits of the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong, and a new occurrence of the widespread Eocene species Stephania auriformis (Hollick) Han & Manchester is recognized from the Maoming Basin, Guangdong. The Paleocene Stephania specimens described here represent the earliest fossil endocarp record of the Menispermaceae in eastern Asia. This discovery shows that the moonseed family had arrived in tropical and humid South China by at least the middle Paleocene, which provides important evidence for the origin and phytogeographic history of the family.  相似文献   


Premise of the Study

The fossil record is critical for testing biogeographic hypotheses. Menispermaceae (moonseeds) are a widespread family with a rich fossil record and alternative hypotheses related to their origin and diversification. The family is well‐represented in Cenozoic deposits of the northern hemisphere, but the record in the southern hemisphere is sparse. Filling in the southern record of moonseeds will improve our ability to evaluate alternative biogeographic hypotheses.


Fossils were collected from the Salamanca (early Paleocene, Danian) and the Huitrera (early Eocene, Ypresian) formations in Chubut Province, Argentina. We photographed them using light microscopy, epifluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy and compared the fossils with similar extant and fossil Menispermaceae using herbarium specimens and published literature.

Key Results

We describe fossil leaves and endocarps attributed to Menispermaceae from Argentinean Patagonia. The leaves are identified to the family, and the endocarps are further identified to the tribe Cissampelideae. The Salamancan endocarp is assigned to the extant genus Stephania. These fossils significantly expand the known range of Menispermaceae in South America, and they include the oldest (ca. 64 Ma) unequivocal evidence of the family worldwide.


Our findings highlight the importance of West Gondwana in the evolution of Menispermaceae during the Paleogene. Currently, the fossil record does not discern between a Laurasian or Gondwanan origin; however, it does demonstrate that Menispermaceae grew well outside the tropics by the early Paleocene. The endocarps’ affinity with Cissampelideae suggests that diversification of the family was well underway by the earliest Paleocene.  相似文献   

The patterns of Patagonian vegetation change suggest a strong relationship between the major thermal characters of the flora and the global paleoclimatic trends during Tertiary times. This conclusion was reached from the assessment of fossil pollen data from Patagonia throughout the Paleogene and Early Neogene periods and the subsequent comparison of palynological data to the global deep-sea oxygen isotope record. Four main time intervals were recognized based on the temporal distribution of selected angiosperm key taxa. (1) Paleocene to Early Eocene: presence of megatherm elements (e.g. Nypa, Pandanus), probably integrating mangrove communities in Patagonian lowlands. (2) Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene: rise to dominance of mesotherm and microtherm Nothofagus species. Megatherm taxa were well recorded at the beginning of this interval (e.g. Ilex) but were shown to disappear towards the end. (3) Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene: new increases of megatherm taxa such as palms, Cupania and Alchornea. First occurrences of mesotherm Asteraceae, represented by trailing Mutisieae, were reported. (4) Late Miocene: dispersal of meso-microtherm and arid adapted taxa (e.g. Ephedraceae and Asteraceae) across the non-Andean region of Patagonia. Microtherm Nothofagacean forests probably occurred on the higher rainfall regions of western Patagonia. The current vegetation was most likely reached during this last stage with the forest development under wetter conditions on the Andean sectors, and the steppe throughout the non-Andean region of Patagonia.  相似文献   

The pattern of the evolutionary radiation of modern birds (Neornithes) has been debated for more than 10 years. However, the early fossil record of birds from the Paleogene, in particular, the Lower Eocene, has only recently begun to be used in a phylogenetic context to address the dynamics of this major vertebrate radiation. The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) extinction event dominates our understanding of early modern bird evolution, but climate change throughout the Eocene is known to have also played a major role. The Paleocene and Lower Eocene was a time of avian diversification as a result of favourable global climatic conditions. Deteriorations in climate beginning in the Middle Eocene appear to be responsible for the demise of previously widespread avian lineages like Lithornithiformes and Gastornithidae. Other groups, such as Galliformes display replacement of some lineages by others, probably related to adaptations to a drier climate. Finally, the combination of slowly deteriorating climatic conditions from the Middle Eocene onwards, appears to have slowed the evolutionary rate in Europe, as avian faunas did not differentiate markedly until the Oligocene. Taking biotic factors in tandem with the known Paleogene fossil record of Neornithes has recently begun to illuminate this evolutionary event. Well-preserved fossil taxa are required in combination with ever-improving phylogenetic hypotheses for the inter-relationships of modern birds founded on morphological characters. One key avifauna of this age, synthesised for the first time herein, is the Lower Eocene Fur Formation of Denmark. The Fur birds represent some of the best preserved (often in three dimensions and with soft tissues) known fossil records for major clades of modern birds. Clear phylogenetic assessment of these fossils will prove critical for future calibration of the neornithine evolutionary timescale. Some early diverging clades were clearly present in the Paleocene as evidenced directly by new fossil material alongside the phylogenetically constrained Lower Eocene taxa. A later Oligocene radiation of clades other than Passeriformes is not supported by available fossil data.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Australian flora through the Tertiary has not been reviewed by a megafossil palaeobotanist for almost a century. Based on material available and published studies, the Australian Tertiary can be considered in three units: Eocene, Oligo-Miocene, and Pliocene. Key taxa in the Eocene includeCasuarinaceae, Proteaceae, Fagaceae, Podocarpaceae, andLauraceae. Many known Eocene deposits are interpreted as warm, humid rainforests.Oligo-Miocene floras reflect a climatic deterioration, with greater occurrence of sclerophylly and xerophylly. A reduction of tropical taxa is seen with an increase ofMyrtaceae and earliest records ofMimosaceae, Chenopodiaceae, andPoaceae. These trends continue into the Pliocene, which is not well represented in Australia.Problems needing to be addressed include the discrepancy between the pollen and megafossil records ofNothofagus, the origins of Australia's wet tropical taxa, and the role of fire in the early evolution of the Australian flora.  相似文献   

Elucidating the spatio-temporal distributions of terrestrial plants is a key for interpreting the origin of distribution patterns and the tempo of intercontinental disjunction. Nordenskioeldia was distributed in eastern Asia and North America from the Late Cretaceous to the Miocene. Its fossil record provides important information on former patterns of disjunction and dispersal in the Northern Hemisphere. New specimens from the Paleocene of China allow us to further extend the history of the group and provide the impetus to review its distribution in space and time. The comparative morphological survey on fossil Nordenskioeldia found in the Paleocene sediments in both eastern Asia and North America confirms that they belonged to the same morpho-species, which indicates a close floristic continuity between both continents due to land connection available during that time. The spatio-temporal distributions of Nordenskioeldia indicate that the taxon probably expanded eastward from eastern Asia into North America by the end of Early/Middle Maastrichtian, subsequently colonized Greenland, northeastern North America and Spitsbergen in the Early Paleocene, and finally became extinct in the Miocene. The fluctuations in its northern limits took place in response to climate changes: warming from the Paleocene to the Eocene, cooling during the Eocene–Oligocene and amelioration during the Late Oligocene–Mid-Miocene.  相似文献   

Many of the oldest definitive members of the Rosaceae are present in the Eocene upland floras of the Okanogan Highlands of northeastern Washington State and British Columbia, Canada. Over a dozen rosaceous taxa representing extant and extinct genera of all four traditionally recognized subfamilies are known from flowers, fruits, wood, pollen, and especially leaves. The complexity seen in Eocene Rosaceae suggests that hybridization and polyploidy may have played a pivotal role in the early evolution of the family. Increased species diversity and the first appearance of additional modern taxa occur during the Late Paleogene in North America and Europe. The Rosaceae become increasingly important components of fossil floras during the Neogene, with taxa adapted to many habitats.  相似文献   

The middle Eocene Messel and Eckfeld localities are renowned for their excellently preserved faunas and diverse floras. Here we describe for the first time pollen from insect-pollinated plants found in situ on well-preserved ancient bees using light and scanning electron microscopy. There have been 140 pollen types reported from Messel and 162 pollen types from Eckfeld. Here we document 23 pollen types, six from Messel and 18 from Eckfeld (one is shared). The taxa reported here are all pollinated by insects and mostly not recovered in the previously studied dispersed fossil pollen records. Typically, a single or two pollen types are found on each fossil bee specimen, the maximum number of distinct pollen types on a single individual is five. Only five of the 23 pollen types obtained are angiosperms of unknown affinity, the remainder cover a broad taxonomic range of angiosperm trees and include members of several major clades: monocots (1 pollen type), fabids (7), malvids (4), asterids (5) and other core eudicots (1). Seven types each can be assigned to individual genera or infrafamilial clades. Since bees visit only flowers in the relative vicinity of their habitat, the recovered pollen provides a unique insight into the autochthonous palaeo-flora. The coexistence of taxa such as Decodon, Elaeocarpus, Mortoniodendron and other Tilioideae, Mastixoideae, Olax, Pouteria and Nyssa confirms current views that diverse, thermophilic forests thrived at the Messel and Eckfeld localities, probably under a warm subtropical, fully humid climate. Our study calls for increased attention to pollen found in situ on pollen-harvesting insects such as bees, which can provide new insights on insect-pollinated plants and complement even detailed palaeo-palynological knowledge obtained mostly from pollen of wind-pollinated plants in the dispersed pollen record of sediments. In the case of Elaeocarpus, Mortoniodendron, Olax and Pouteria the pollen collected by the middle Eocene bees represent the earliest unambiguous records of their respective genera.  相似文献   

The biogeographic affinities of the Cretaceous and early Tertiary angiosperm floras of the North American area (which includes Meso-America, and the Greater Antilles) have been the subject of considerable interest. Although recent treatments of isolated taxa have shown affinities between North American, European, east Asian and Neotropic floras, the relationships have not been quantified. This study compiles the records of fossils whose familial relationships seem secure. This provides a carefully culled, and uniformly presented review of the Cretaceous and Paleogene record from 1950 to 1989 and supplements LaMotte (1950). A subset of these records, which showed compelling evidence of subfamilial relationships, was analyzed to quantify the relationships of the Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene floras to other regions. The analysis suggests that for the entire period 24% of the fossil species had affinities with extant taxa from the Northern Hemisphere; 10% with taxa from the Northern Hemisphere that have a few species in South America; 17% with taxa from Eurasia; 3% with taxa with a disjunct Eurasian-South American pattern; 19% with taxa from South America and/or Africa; 8% with taxa from South America and/or Africa that have an important sister group in southeast Asia; 5% with taxa from the Old World; and 13% with taxa having other distribution patterns. Those fossils with affinities to Laurasian taxa are mostly found in the northern and western portions of the North American area. The fossils with affinities to South American and/or African taxa are found in the southern portions of North America, Meso-America, and the Greater Antilles. The taxa with disjunct distributions show both patterns. These patterns suggest that during this time there were wide-spread temperate elements, found throughout Laurasia; Boreotropical flora elements, distributed in North America, Europe and along the Tethys seaway to southeast Asia; and West Gondwana elements which show dispersion from South America across the proto-Caribbean. The paleobotanical data are compatible with current geological, paleontological and biogeographical studies.  相似文献   

The known fossil record of crocodyliforms in Europe during the Paleogene is significantly biased, in that the fauna of Western Europe is far better sampled and understood compared to that of Eastern Europe. We describe in detail all known crocodyliform remains from the middle Eocene (Lutetian) Ikovo locality in Ukraine. We conclude that at least two taxa were present: a moderate to large-sized Tomistominae indet. similar to the basalmost known tomistomines, and the small-sized basal alligatoroid cf. Diplocynodon sp. Despite its scarcity, this is the first basal alligatoroid material reported from Eastern Europe (as part of post-Soviet countries) and the easternmost record of diplocynodontines in Europe so far. An allegedly freshwater cf. Diplocynodon sp. contributes a rare faunal element to the vertebrate assemblage of the Ikovo locality, otherwise dominated by resident or facultative marine taxa. The fossil record and historical paleobiogeography of crocodyliforms from the Paleocene and Eocene of Europe are reviewed. As it has been already known, the middle Eocene fauna of crocodyliforms proves to be taxonomically diverse and complex. Its constituent lineages geographically originated in Asia or North America (Diplocynodontinae, Asiatosuchus-like crocodyloids, Planocraniidae), North America (derived alligatorines), Africa (Tomistominae), and Gondwana (ziphodont mesoeucrocodylians Iberosuchus and Bergisuchus), with possible subsequent speciation in Europe. We propose a novel hypothesis of Asian origins of European diplocynodontines, which will be explicitly tested in future studies. The revealed similarities between crocodylians and turtles from the Ikovo locality and those from Western Europe support the presence of a single Pan-European biogeographical zone during the middle Eocene, distinct from that of Asia.  相似文献   

The paleontological history of Nypa, known today as the mangrovepalm, is traced through geological time back to the Late Cretaceous. Emphasis is laid on the New World occurrences, especially in NorthAmerica, where Nypa is known from fossil fruits and pollen. In SouthAmerica, the stratigraphic range of this palm extends from theMaastrichtian to the late Eocene, whereas in North America, Nypa isrestricted to only the Eocene. Nypa occurs as pollen all along theAmerican Gulf Coast from the early Eocene (Ypresian) to the late Eocene(Priabonian), while fruit records come from the early and middle Eoceneof Maryland and Texas, respectively. The floristics of these Eocenemangroves, including possible mangrove associates, and the developmentof mangrove vegetation in the neotropics through the Tertiary andQuaternary, are discussed. New paleobotanical evidence from a middleEocene faunal and floral assemblage in Texas, the Casa Blanca flora (LaredoFormation, Claiborne Group), which contains fossil Nypa pollen andfruits, is described in detail.  相似文献   

Menispermaceae are a pantropical and temperate family with an extensive fossil record during the Paleogene period, especially in North America and Europe, but with much less evidence from Asia. The latest fossil evidence indicates a succession of tropical to subtropical flora on the central Tibetan Plateau during the Paleogene. However, the biogeographic histories of these floras are still unresolved. Here, we report on endocarps and leaves of Menispermaceae from the Middle Eocene of Jianglang village, Bangor County, central Tibetan Plateau. The endocarps belong to two genera: Stephania, which is characterized by a horseshoe-shaped endocarp and with one lateral crest ornamented by spiny to rectangular ribs, and a condyle area; and Cissampelos (s.l.), which has two characteristic lateral ridges and a conspicuous external condyle. Associated leaves belong to the genus Menispermites, and are characterized by actinodromous primary venation, brochidodromous secondary veins, entire margins, and the presence of marginal secondary veins. The biogeographic history of Menispermaceae is complex, but evidence from these new fossils indicates an early diversification of the group in Asia, probably in response to the warming climate during the Eocene. The Jianglang flora appears to be part of a boreotropical flora, connecting Asia with North American and European floras during the Middle Eocene. The modern distribution of menispermaceous taxa found in Jianglang, as well as other families represented in the Jianglang flora, show that a tropical to subtropical climate occurred during the Eocene in central Tibet.  相似文献   

Siliceous hot spring deposits form at Earth's surface above terrestrial hydrothermal systems, which create low‐sulphidation epithermal mineral deposits deeper in the crust. Eruption of hot spring waters and precipitation of opal‐A create sinter apron complexes and areas of geothermally influenced wetland. These provide habitat for higher plants that may be preserved in situ, by encrustation of their surfaces and permineralization of tissues, creating T0 plant assemblages. In this study, we review the fossil record of hot spring floras from subfossil examples forming in active hot spring areas, via fossil examples from the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Palaeozoic to the oldest known hot spring flora, the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert. We demonstrate that the well‐known megabias towards wetland plant preservation extends to hot spring floras. We highlight that the record of hot spring floras is dominated by plants preserved in situ by permineralization on geothermally influenced wetlands. Angiosperms (members of the Cyperaceae and Restionaceae) dominate Cenozoic floras. Equisetum and gleicheniaceous ferns colonized Mesozoic (Jurassic) geothermal wetlands and sphenophytes and herbaceous lycophytes late Palaeozoic examples. Evidence of the partitioning of wetland hydrophytic and dryland mesophytic communities, a feature of active geothermal areas, is provided by well‐preserved and well‐exposed fossil sinter apron complexes, which record flooding of dryland environments by thermal waters and decline of local forest ecosystems. Such observations from the fossil record back‐up hypotheses based on active hot springs and vegetation that suggest removal of taphonomic filtering in hot spring environments is accompanied by an increase in ecological and ecophysiological filtering. To this end we also demonstrate that in the hot spring environment, the wetland bias extends beyond broad ecology. We show that ecosystems preserved from the Cenozoic to the Mesozoic provide clear evidence that the dominant plants preserved in situ by hot spring activity are also halophytic, tolerant of high pH and high concentrations of heavy metals. By extension, we hypothesize that this is also the case in Palaeozoic hot spring settings and extended to the early land plant flora of the Rhynie chert.  相似文献   

Origins of mangrove ecosystems and the mangrove biodiversity anomaly   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. Mangrove species richness declines dramatically from a maximum in the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) to a minimum in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Explaining this ‘anomalous’ biogeographic pattern has been a focus of discussion for most of this century. 2. Two hypotheses have been put forward to explain the mangrove biodiversity anomaly. The ‘centre-of-origin hypothesis’ asserts that all mangrove taxa originated in the IWP and subsequently dispersed to other parts of the world. The ‘vicariance hypothesis’ asserts that mangrove taxa evolved around the Tethys Sea during the Late Cretaceous, and regional species diversity resulted from in situ diversification after continental drift. 3. Five lines of evidence are used to test between these two hypotheses. First, we review the mangrove fossil record. Second, we compare modern and fossil distributions of mangroves and eight genera of gastropods that show high fidelity to the mangrove environment. Third, we describe species-area relationships of mangroves and associated gastropods with respect to area of available habitat. Fourth, we analyse patterns of nestedness of individual plant and gastropod communities in mangrove forests. Fifth, we analyse patterns of nestedness of individual plant and gastropod species. 4. All five lines of evidence support the vicariance hypothesis. The first occurrences in the fossil record of most mangrove genera and many genera of gastropods associated with mangrove forests appear around the Tethys Sea from the Late Cretaceous through the Early Tertiary. Globally, species richness in any given mangrove forest is tightly correlated with available area. Patterns of nestedness at the community and species-level both point towards three independent regions of diversification of mangrove ecosystems: South-east Asia, the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific, and the Indian Ocean region.  相似文献   

The north temperate region was characterized by a warm climate and a rich thermophilic flora before the Eocene, but early diversifications of the temperate biome under global climate change and biome shift remain uncertain. Moreover, it is becoming clear that hybridization/introgression is an important driving force of speciation in plant diversity. Here, we applied analyses from biogeography and phylogenetic networks to account for both introgression and incomplete lineage sorting based on geno...  相似文献   

Plesiadapids are extinct relatives of extant euarchontans (primates, dermopterans, and scandentians), which lived in North America and Europe during the Paleocene and Early Eocene. The only genus of plesiadapid whose species are absent from Paleocene strata is Platychoerops. Further, Platychoerops is the only group found in sediments post‐dating the Paleocene‐Eocene boundary (PEB) by a substantial period of time based on large samples. It is also substantially different from other plesiadapids in dental features thought to reflect ecology. Its evolution has been linked to the rapid global climate change and faunal turnover marking the PEB. Platychoerops and Plesiadapis tricuspidens have been reconstructed as members of a single lineage by some authors. We describe a specimen (right p3‐m3) that we attribute to a new species, Platychoeropsantiquus, from the unequivocally Paleocene (MP6) Mouras Quarry of Mont de Berru, France. It has strong morphological affinities to Platychoerops daubrei yet co‐occurs with many specimens of Plesiadapis tricuspidens, as well as the plesiadapid Chiromyoides campanicus. The existence of a species of Platychoerops prior to the PEB decouples the evolution of Platychoerops from the climate change and faunal turnover event associated with the PEB. Furthermore, the co‐occurrence of Platychoerops with P. tricuspidens refutes the idea of a single lineage for these taxa. Instead, Platychoerops may be more closely related to North American Plesiadapis cookei (a previous alternate hypothesis). We suggest character displacement in a Paleocene immigrant population of P. cookei resulting from competition with sympatric P. tricuspidens, as a likely scenario for the evolution of Platychoerops. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: The fossil record of the callianassid genus Glypturus (Decapoda, Axiidea) is re‐evaluated. Our systematic revision, both of extant and fossil taxa, is based on major cheliped morphology only, thus providing an important impetus for palaeontological studies. Both spination and tuberculation of chelipeds are herein considered of great taxonomic importance. Presence of spines on the upper margins of the merus and propodus and the lower margin of the carpus are significant for generic assignment, whereas the extent of tuberculation on lateral surfaces of the propodus is important for assignment at the species level. Altogether, four extant and six exclusively fossil species of Glypturus are recognized. Several extinct callianassid taxa are now transferred to the genus, namely Callianassa berryi, Callianassa fraasi, Callianassa munieri, Callianassa pugnax and Callianassaspinosa; Callianassa pseudofraasi is considered a junior synonym of C. fraasi. Based on a comparison of ecological preferences of extant representatives, the presence of Glypturus in the fossil record is considered to be linked with tropical to subtropical, nearshore carbonate environments of normal salinity. We argue that Glypturus is of Tethyan origin, with a stratigraphical range going as far back as the Eocene. Since then, the genus migrated both westwards and eastwards, establishing present‐day communities in the western Atlantic and Indo‐West Pacific which both comprise several distinct species. In the presumed area of origin, the genus does no longer occur today. The exlusively fossil (middle Eocene) genus Eoglypturus from Italy is considered closely related to Glypturus and is thus assigned to the subfamily Callichirinae as well.  相似文献   

As part of a reinvestigation of the Eocene floras from southeastern North America, a leaf form similar to some that were formerly placed in the genus Aradia has been identified as Dendropanax. Studies of the fine venation and cuticular characters have been important in this identification. This is the first report of leaf material of the genus Dendropanax in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Myrtaceae, the gum tree family, is a large angiosperm clade of 5671 species mostly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In the southernmost tip of South America (Santa Cruz province) where the fossils analysed in this study come from (Río Turbio Formation), this family is virtually absent and the extant vegetation is largely dominated by deciduous Nothofagus pumilio and Nothofagus antarctica. During the early Paleogene, however, the Myrtaceae were an important element in southern Patagonian floras. Here, we report and describe ten taxa related to the extant genera Eugenia, Myrcia, Psidium, Myrcianthes and possible Eucalyptus and Campomanesia. The presence of a high diversity of Myrtaceae during the Eocene in one of the southernmost regions of the world could be thought as unusual. However, during this period of time (45 Ma), a number of other tropical lineages also reached these high latitudes probably as a consequence a warming climatic trend. In fact, through the Paleocene–Early Eocene interval, climatic conditions were the warmest of the Cenozoic. After this period of time, a progressive decline in temperature forced the migration of megathermal elements towards lower latitudes and, at the same time, led to the expansion of forest dominated by Nothofagus which predominate the region today.  相似文献   

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