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Summary Two protein-coding regions (cytochrome b, ATPase 8, and part of ATPase 6) from mitochondrial DNA of Cottus kessleri, Cottocomephorus grewingki, and Cottocomephorus inermis-Baikalian endemic sculpins—were amplified via polymerase chain reaction, and sequenced. Two novel primers-L8352 (5-TAAAGATTGGTGAC TCCCAACCACC) and H8773 (5-GTAGGGAGT AAGCCCAATATGTT)-were used for the latter region. Phylogenies suggested by sequence divergence of the genes of ATPases appeared to be different from those computed from data for cytochrome b. The time of species branching was estimated as 1–2 million years (Myr) on the basis of merged sequences. Hence, members of the Baikalian cottoid species flock are much more distant from each other than members of the cichlid fish flocks of the great lakes of Africa (0.2 Myr). Topology of the phylogenetic tree does not contradict the relationships derived from morphological data. However, genetic distances suggest that C. grewingki and C. inermis are not sister species, contrary to general belief. Offprint requests to: M.A. Grachev  相似文献   

Matured females of two Lake Baikal endemic fish species, Comephorus baicalensis and Comephorus dybowski, have been investigated for lipid of the whole body and specific tissues (liver, muscles, ovaries), phospholipid classes and fatty acids of neutral and polar lipids. Total lipid in the body (38.9% fresh weight), liver (23.5%) and muscles (14.5%) of C. baicalensis were greater than those of C. dybowski (4.7, 8.7 and 2.6%, respectively); only their ovaries were similar (5.3 and 5.6% lipid, respectively). In both species, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were the major phospholipids, ranging from 60.7 to 75.1% of total phospholipid and 14.5–25.7%, respectively. In most cases, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were the major fatty acid group in C. baicalensis, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were the major group in C. dybowski. The MUFA 18:1(n-9) prevailed over other fatty acids in C. baicalensis and varied from 19% in polar lipids of muscles to 56.1% in neutral lipids of muscles. In polar lipid of C. dybowski, the PUFA 22:6(n-3) prevailed over other fatty acids in muscles and ovaries, while 16:0 dominated polar liver lipids and neutral lipids of all tissues. Other major fatty acids included 16:1(n-7), 18:1(n-7), and 20:5(n-3). Values of the (n-3)/(n-6) fatty acid ratio for neutral lipids of C. baicalensis (0.5–0.9) are well below the range of values characteristic either for marine or freshwater fish, while these values for polar lipids (1.6–1.8) are in the range typical of freshwater fish. Neutral lipid fatty acid ratios in C. dybowski (2.5–3.1) allow it to be assigned to freshwater fish, but polar lipids (2.8–3.7) leave it intermediary between freshwater and marine fish.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of two species belonging to the genus Orthocladius van der Wulp, 1874 van der Wulp, F.M. (1874), ‘Dipterologische Aanteekneningen’, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 17, 109148. [Google Scholar] (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Lake Baikal was investigated using the mitochondrial gene coding the first subunit of the cytochrome c oxidase (CO1 mtDNA). The phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Baikal Orthocladius species were divided into two well-defined clades where O. (Orthocladius) gregarius Linevitsh, 1970 was a sister species to Palaearctic O. (Orthocladius) nitidoscutellatus Lundstrom, 1915 and the O. (Eudactylocladius) sp. was a sister species to Nearctic O. (Eudactylocladius) subletteorum Cranston, 1998 Сranston, P.S. (1998), ‘Nearctic Orthocladius Subgenus Eudactylocladius Revised (Diptera: Chironomidae)’, Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 71(3), 272295.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Divergence time estimates indicated that these species had been evolving independently for about 18 Ma (Neogene, Early Miocene), while emergence of the most recent common ancestors of the modern O. (Orthocladius) gregarius and O. (Eudactylocladius) sp. was dated to about 3.5 Ma (Neogene, Pliocene). The evolution of Baikal orthoclads occurred from the rheophilic fauna under conditions of global climate change during the geological history of the Baikal Depression in the Tertiary Period.  相似文献   

Martin  Patrick  Granina  Liba  Martens  Koen  Goddeeris  Boudewijn 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):163-174
Oxygen concentration profiles have been measured, by means of with microelectrodes in sediments of Lake Baikal and Lake Malawi, along transects allowing to give a survey of two major ancient Rift lakes: Lake Baikal (Eastern Siberia) and Lake Malawi (East Africa), along depth transects in the constitutive basins of the lakes and/or of relevant depths with regard to oxygen (including including the deepest point, 1680 m, in Lake Baikal). Sediment oxygen penetration depths (SOPs) display very different patterns, depending on the lake in the two lakes. In Lake Baikal, SOPs are variable, show no significant relationship with bathymetric depth and are surprisingly deep on Akademichesky ridge (> 50.0 mm), emphasizing the distinctive feature of this region in the lake. While the Selenga river is an important source of eutrophication, the similarity of SOP-values in the Selenga shallow with those of most other sites suggests either a dilution of organic material by allochthonous matter, or a strong south-to-north transport of particles. In Lake Malawi, available oxygen is restricted to a maximum of three millimetres of the sediment, and there is a negative relationship with bathymetric depth, as a result of a steady decline of oxygen concentration with depth through the water column. Amongst the few parameters known to affect SOPs, the oxygen consumption by the sediment seems the most significant in both lakes. SOP-values furthermore confirm differences in the trophic status of Baikal and Malawi, respectively. The importance of oxygen as a factor likely to create ecological segregation for benthic organisms is discussed. Lake Malawi offers possibilities of bathymetric segregation but no vertical segregation in the sediment. In contrast, no bathymetric segregation related to oxygen is possible in Lake Baikal, but vertical segregation in the sediment is very likely. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the fauna associated with a branched sponge, Lubomirskia baicalensis, endemic of Lake Baikal has been quantitatively studied. The biomass and numbers of three amphipod species which inhabit the sponge correlate (linearly or non-linearly) with the weight of the sponge.  相似文献   

Annual cycles in chemical composition of the body, liver, gonads, red and white muscles were determined for two medium fat sculpins, Cottocomephorus grewingki and C. inermis , endemic to Lake Baikal. Their total lipid content ranged from 3 to 9% during the year. The content of defatted dry substance was 14–17%, similar to the protein content of the other Baikalian cottoid fishes. The prespawning period was characterized by a positive lipid and protein balance in both species. In C. grewingki the liver performed largely a metabolic function, whereas in C. inermis it served also as a storage site for lipid reserves. During spawning, total body lipids of females of both species showed a two- to threefold decrease. Males of C. grewingki guarding nests deplete greatly their total body lipids, which decrease seven- to ninefold by the time of larval hatching in comparison with the prespawning period, and constitute 1–2%. After spawning, lipid reserves of C. grewingki were quickly restored to the initial level (from about 3 to 9%) and maintained during the long sexual maturation period. In C. inermis total body lipids increased only twofold in comparison to those observed during the spawning period.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of Mugilidae species from the China coast were carried out based on 16S and 12S rRNA mitochondrial gene sequences by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and neighbor joining analysis in the present study. The results suggested that Mugil cephalus is the most genetically divergent species among the Mugilidae. The four Liza species clustered together and formed a monophyletic group. The genera Osteomugil showed closer affiliation with Valamugil than with Ellochelon; these three genera then grouped together to form a monophyletic clade presenting as the sister group to Liza. Analyses of phylogenetic and genetic distance indicated that Southern and Northern lineages of Liza haematocheila may be two different species; likewise, strong genetic divergence existed between Southern and Northern M. cephalus lineages. In addition, our results supported the Southern origin of Chinese Mugilids, which is contrary to the hypothesis based on morphological characters.  相似文献   

In the course of a preliminary sampling program, oligochaetes were collected along two transects in soft sediments in Lake Baikal. The number of oligochaetes present in the samples was counted, without distinguishing between species. The results suggest an exponential decrease in number of individuals (N) relative to depth (11,165 N m–2 at 21 m, 265 N m–2 at 1200 m). Most oligochaetes were found in the top 7 cm of sediment. The orange colour of the sediments suggests a high oxygen availability, even at the greatest water depths.
Résumé Au cours d'un programme d'échantillonnage préliminaire, les oligochètes du lac Baïkal ont été récoltés dans le sédiment mou prélevé le long de deux transects. Les oligochètes présents dans les échantillons ont simplement été dénombrés, sans identification déspèces. Les résultats suggèrent une diminution exponentielle du nombre d'individus en fonction de la profondeur du lac (11165 N m–2 à 21 m, 265 N m–2 à 1200 m). La plupart des oligochètes ont été trouvés dans les 7 premeirs cm de la couche supérieure du sédiment. La couleur orangée du sédiment suggère une grande disponibilité en oxygène, même aux profondeurs les plus grandes.

Systematics and evolution of Malagasy lemurs has been analyzed using morphological characters, fossil evidence, ecological/ethological data, and chromosomal banding patterns. Recent developments in DNA technology have provided evolutionary biologists with additional and powerful tools for making phylogenetic inference. In the last years several studies concerning highly repeated DNA sequences (hrDNA) provided new insights about the systematic relationships among the different species of Lemuridae and Cheirogaleidae. Here, a reconstruction of molecular phylogeny of extant Malagasy lemurs based on the comparison of cytochrome-b mitochondrial DNA sequences is presented. With the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing of amplified DNA fragments, both the phylogenetic range and resolving power of comparative analysis can be extended. These techniques allow to gather sequence data useful to evaluate the pattern of molecular evolution offering opportunities for phylogenetic purposes. A 290-bp fragment of cytochrome-b gene has been amplified and sequenced from the following species:Tupaia glis, Galago alleni, Daubentonia madagascariensis, Indri indri, Varecia variegata, Eulemur fulvus, Eulemur coronatus, Eulemur rubriventer, Eulemur mongoz, Eulemur macaco, Lemur catta, andHapalemur griseus griseus. The phylogenetic trees obtained show the relationships among the Eulemur species and confirm the karyological and hrDNA results of a separated clade forL. catta/Hapalemur. The separation ofVarecia variegata from the other genus of the family Lemuridae is discussed.  相似文献   

We have cloned a 4.5-kb mtDNA fragment showing a high RFLP polymorphism between various Hevea genotypes. Subcloning and sequencing of a 1.4-kb segment of this clone allowed us to design PCR amplification primers to isolate homologous mtDNA segments of about 0.9 kb from 23 representative genotypes of Hevea. Complete sequences from 4 genotypes showed between 6.7% and 20.2% of nucleotide diversity, suggesting the presence of a hypervariable, or hotspot, region. A sequence of 345 nucleotides within this region was determined for the 23 genotypes. The phylogenetic relationships inferred from the sequence comparison are in general agreement with the results obtained from mtDNA RFLP analysis, indicating that this polymorphic mtDNA region is a useful molecular marker for phylogenetic analysis within Hevea.  相似文献   

Within the Polyceridae, Nembrothinae includes some of the most striking and conspicuous sea slugs known, although several features of their biology and phylogenetic relationships remain unknown. This paper reports a phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA) and morphology for most species included in Nembrothinae. Our phylogenetic reconstructions using both molecular and combined morphological and molecular data support the taxonomic splitting of Nembrothinae into several taxa. Excluding one species (Tambja tentaculata), the monophyly of Roboastra was supported by all the phylogenetic analyses of the combined molecular data. Nembrotha was monophyletic both in the morphological and molecular analyses, always with high support. However, Tambja was recovered as para- or polyphyletic, depending on the analysis performed. Our study also rejects the monophyly of "phanerobranch" dorids based on molecular data.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic estimation of the family Mytilidae in the East China Sea based on nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genes and two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S RNA). Analysis of five mytilid species based on each of the three genes resulted in mostly congruent trees, although there were some discrepancies in the classification of these species. We combine the results obtained from the three separate analyses to provide a phylogenetic estimation of Mytilidae. We found that the Mytilidae was divided into two major lineages: in one clade, Mytilus galloprovincialis was grouped with Mytilus coruscus; in the second clade, Septifer bilocularis was placed at the basal position in an individual clade, and Perna viridis and Musculista senhousia were recovered as a monophyletic group. Although these finding provide important insights into the taxonomic relationships among the Mytilidae, many aspects of Mytilidae phylogeny remain unresolved. Further analysis based on more molecular information and extensive taxon sampling is necessary to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages within the Mytilidae.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of some genera within the Phasianidae remains controversial. To demonstrate the phylogenetic relationships of four endemic genera (Tetraophasis, Ithaginis, Crossoptilon and Chrysolophus) and other 11 genera of Phasianidae in China, a total of 1070 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region genes were sequenced. There are 376 variable sites including 345 parsimony sites. The genetic distance ranged from 0.067 (Chrysolophus and Phasianus) to 0.181 (Perdix and Bambusicola) among the 15 genera. Maximum likelihood method was used to construct a phylogenetic tree, which grouped all the genera into two deeply divergent clades. Perdix was shown to be a non-partridge genus. Alternatively, it appears ancestral to either partridges or pheasants. The sibling taxa of the four endemic genera were Lophophorus, Tragopan, Lophura and Phasianus, respectively. Calibrated rates of molecular evolution suggested that the divergence time between the four genera and related taxa was 4.00–5.00 million years ago, corresponding to the Pliocene. Considering their molecular phylogenetics, fossil and geographical distribution patterns, the four endemic genera might have originated in the southwestern mountains in China.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis has been used to explore genetic differentiation and phylogenetic relationships among five species of the Mugilidae family, Mugil cephalus, Chelon labrosus, Liza aurata, Liza ramada, and Liza saliens. DNA was isolated from samples originating from the Messolongi Lagoon in Greece. Three mtDNA segments (12s rRNA, 16s rRNA, and CO I) were PCR amplified and sequenced. Sequencing analysis revealed that the greatest genetic differentiation was observed between M. cephalus and all the other species studied, while C. labrosus and L. aurata were the closest taxa. Dendrograms obtained by the neighbor-joining method and Bayesian inference analysis exhibited the same topology. According to this topology, M. cephalus is the most distinct species and the remaining taxa are clustered together, with C. labrosus and L. aurata forming a single group. The latter result brings into question the monophyletic origin of the genus Liza.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML, and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species.  相似文献   

We studied the adaptive variations of the hemolymph concentrations in relation to water depth and pressure using deep-dwelling amphipods from Lake Baikal. Hemolymph osmolality was determined in six bathyal and abyssal species immediately after capture when values come closest to the habitat concentrations. In three species, hemolymph osmolalities correlated positively with depth of capture. Prevalent ions in the hemolymph are sodium and chloride. Lactate, our indicator for capture stress, was highest after trawling (2–6 mM) and lowest after retrieval from cages (0–0.6 mM). Acclimation to different pressure was studied by exposing the specimens to different water depths over several days. Hemolymph concentrations did not change after acclimation to surface pressure in the sublittoral Acanthogammarus albus, a native also to shallow water, but decreased by 30–80 mosmol/kg H2O in the bathyal and abyssal species Acanthogammarus grewingki, Acanthogammarus reicherti, and Parapallasea lagowskii. Similarly, hemolymph osmolality decreased in A. reicherti and P. lagowskii originating from deep water, when acclimated to reduced water depth, and, in A. reicherti hemolymph osmolality reached its original high value when returned to the depth of capture. Higher hemolymph osmolalities and NaCl concentrations, demonstrated here for the first time, may provide selective advantages to abyssal species. Accepted: 24 August 2000  相似文献   

The avian family Aegothelidae (Owlet-nightjars) comprises nine extant species and one extinct species, all of which are currently classified in a single genus, Aegotheles. Owlet-nightjars are secretive nocturnal birds of the South Pacific. They are relatively poorly studied and some species are known from only a few specimens. Furthermore, their confusing morphological variation has made it difficult to cluster existing specimens unambiguously into hierarchical taxonomic units. Here we sample all extant owlet-nightjar species and all but three currently recognized subspecies. We use DNA extracted primarily from museum specimens to obtain mitochondrial gene sequences and construct a molecular phylogeny. Our phylogeny suggests that most species are reciprocally monophyletic, however A. albertisi appears paraphyletic. Our data also suggest splitting A. bennettii into two species and splitting A. insignis and A. tatei as suggested in another recent paper.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study based on molecular marker and karyotype analyses has provided evidence for the monophyly of the subfamily Myoxocephalinae, which includes the genera Myoxocephalus, Megalocottus, Microcottus, Porocottus, Enophrys and Argyrocottus. In addition, the karyotype of the threadfoot sculpin Argyrocottus zanderi Herzenstein 1892 has been studied for the first time. Marker traits of karyotypes identified 13 species among six cottid genera. As the molecular genetic results confirmed, the subfamily is divided into two groups corresponding to Enophrys and Myoxocephalus. The molecular genetic data did not support the formation of tribes within the subfamily Myoxocephalinae, as proposed earlier based on morphological characters. Moreover, the genera Trichocottus and Taurocottus should be excluded from the Myoxocephalinae. The evolutionary transformations of karyotypes in cottid fish tended towards a reduction in the number of chromosomes and chromosome arms.  相似文献   

Diatom sediment records of large lakes can be used to decipher the history of ancient phytoplankton. The upper layer of the sediment is an important area of remineralization of the sedimenting phytoplankton biomass. It hosts a bacterial community different from those of both the water column and deeper sediment layers. In this work, we analyzed the structure and diversity of the communities of Bacteria and Archaea in the surface sediment core containing valves of diatoms, the major producers in Lake Baikal. Pyrosequencing of the bacterial V3–V4 region of the 16 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and archaeal V1–V3 16 S rRNA gene regions yielded 29,168 and 36,997 reads, respectively. In total, we have identified 33 bacterial phyla; uncultured Actinobacteria were the most abundant in the upper layers, while lower sediment was dominated by Firmicutes and Alphaproteobacteria. The composition of the archaeal community changed with depth, but was generally dominated by Crenarchaeota from the classes Marine Group I and Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotic Group, as well as Euryarchaeota from the class Thermoplasmata. These dominant bacterial and archaeal taxa are presumed to participate in the destruction of buried organic matter, which eventually leads to degradation of the diatom valves.  相似文献   

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