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Paleogene sedimentation in the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence regions is composed of one complete sedimentary sequence. This sequence begins with the continental Formation from Microcodium and continues with the Cerithium layers, the Calcaires Nummulitiques and the Marnes Bleues, which are overlaid by the turbidites of the Grès d’Annot Formation. Sedimentation starts in the Nummulites perforatus zone close to the base of ‘the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14) and ends in the Cassigerinella chipolensis-Pseudohastigerina micra zone (P 18) and the NP21 zone in the upper part of the Grès d’Annot. More biomarkers were used in order to define a more detailed local biozonation (biozones AMP 1 to AMP 7). Four local zones were also defined by the last occurrence of Nummulites millecaput and N. perforatus-N. ptukhiani and then by the first appearance of N. retiatus (AMGF 1-4). The evolution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages shows an increase in bathymetry from the internal platform in the Cerithium layers to the calcareous platform with large foraminifers, then to the external platform and the deep offshore environment of the Marnes Bleues and Grès d’Annot. Low faunal diversity in the Grès d’Annot together with the predominance of agglutinated species indicates a poorly oxygenated, organic rich and turbidite environment. Seven steps (SD 1 to SD 7) in the Eocene marine transgression are shown from East to West by detailed local biozonation and sequence analysis. Grès d’Annot sedimentation is also diachronous, beginning within the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14, AMP 1) in the East and ending within the Pararotalia opima opima zone (P 20, middle Rupelian) in the West (Barrême). Small foraminifer Paleogene fauna from the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence was studied from 400 samples. It is composed of 378 species. Two new taxa are proposed: Fissurina niceana n. sp. and Globocassidulina alpina n. sp. The species from the Escarène and Gorbio neighborhood described by M. von Hantken (1884) were re-examined.  相似文献   

The late beginning of the research on the neolithisation in the Algarve (southern Portugal) has been providing, as a paradox, excellent conditions for the establishment of interdisciplinary research and the test of working hypotheses. The systematic projects put forward by the University of Algarve permit us today to conclude on a preliminary basis for the formation of a Neolithic enclave at ca. 5500 cal BC, centred in the coastal territories of the region. This enclave is fully Neolithic in economic terms and it is the westernmost extension of the Mediterranean Cardial. However, some specific features of these first Neolithic groups’ artefactual items (such as pottery morphology and style and some technological aspects of chipped stone production) indicate the existence of phenomena of partial reformulation of their material cultures. According to the presently available data, this complex process seems to have occurred in similar traits also in Andalucia and coastal Morocco, that is, at the moment of the passage to the Atlantic. This individualization within the Neolithic of Cardial tradition is the equivalent to the same general cultural phenomena that have been responsible for the formation, for example, of the so-called “Franco-Iberian Cardial” or “Tirrenic Cardial” at the time of settling of the Neolithic groups in these regions.  相似文献   

Iddir Amara 《L'Anthropologie》2003,107(4):533-557
Figurations in Atlas have been studied numerous times, namely by Flamand and Frobenius between 1891 and 1914, by Vaufrey in 1939 and by Lhote between 1955 and 1970. And finally there were Iliou’s1 and Hachid’s theses in the 1980s and Amara’s thesis in 2001. The study of the Atlas figurations discovered since 1847 brought new data on the engravings from the recent period. The originality of the engravings lies in the appearance of new themes, which had been unknown until yet. The presence of metal weapons figures enriches the records of the Atlas rock Art. The alphabetical signs, another new theme, give an identity to this Art. The work undertaken in this vast region raises the problem of the persistency of the Neolithic culture. All the figurations show some aspects of the evolution, which become permanent, mostly at the end of the recent period.  相似文献   

In a recent publication, C. Guernet picks up again the accusations of fraud against J. Deprat, who, in the early 20th century, had suffered such attacks to the point to be removed from the Geological Society of France. At the end of the same century, one among us (M D.D.) reexamined this affair, and drew the conclusion that J. Deprat was innocent, after which the Geological Society of France reinstated him posthumously. The new accusations issued by Guernet are about Deprat's work in Euboea, as well as Corsica and Sardinia. Our own work rather disagrees and shows that, here again, Deprat is innocent. At this occasion, we present or remind new elements about those regions’ geology.  相似文献   

This text is a synthesis of the results from the archaeological study of Ndindan site (Ndedama in Ewondo language) (3°54’N; 11°30’E), located north-west of Yaoundé urban area, on the Mont-Febe eastern side. An overview of the historical of prehistoric research in Yaoundé is given. It then tackles the study of the archaeological materials and supplies the radiocarbon datings of the site. A reconstitution of ancient population and of the paleoeconomy on the regional scale is at last made.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary studies realized these last years about cave sites of Madonna dell’Arma, Arma delle Manie and Santa Lucia superiore, in italian Liguria, have stated precisely the conditions of neandertalian frequentations of those sites, placing at intervals, according to the cases, from isotopic stage five to the beginning of stage three. The mousterian industries recovered in those sites, associated with a lot of faunal remains, are here analyzed about the different stratigraphic levels in each site. In Madonna dell’Arma and Arma delle Manie, those industries show a certain constancy in the different levels, about technological and typological point of view or about raw material management. In Santa Lucia superiore, on the contrary, two different types of occupation have let lithical vestiges with different facies in lower levels and above levels. For the three sites, the analysis of the raw material management shows an essentially local supplying, but also some origins much more far like in the case of the jasper. This carrying of distant stones reveals us one aspect of the mobility or at least the territories extension that were able to apprehend those neandertalian human groups in Liguria region and beyond also. Otherwise, some preferential choices for certain raw materials were done by knappers for the débitage or for the small retouched tool supports. The flaking technics are identified in each site and certain regularities have been stated, like the high frequency of Levallois flaking in the different levels (also external levels) of Madonna dell’Arma site that is not the case in the two other sites.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the techno-typological study of level 16 of El Castillo cave (Archaic Aurignacian). In this level, we can identify an important bladelet production from schémas opératoires of unipolar prismatic cores, carinated endscraper and carinated burins types. Besides, we find a specific production of Discoid conception. The retouched blanks, though scanty, are dominated by the Dufour bladelets. Level 16 is in relation with the Archaic Aurignacian at the Cantabrian Iberia, which is present in sites like Cueva Morín, Labeko Koba, Gatzarria, or Isturitz and it also is in relation with the Mediterranean Archaic Aurignacian. Finally, we analyse the different hypotheses about the Initial Upper Paleolithic origin in Europe. The mosaic hypothesis is acceptable for us.  相似文献   

The revision of the Crioceras puzosianum d’Orbigny, 1842 made during the revision of the Paléontologie Française of d’Orbigny, shows that this taxon belongs to a new genus: Anglesites gen. nov. This new genus, from upper Barremian age, is monospecific for the moment and is homeomorphic to the Leptoceratoides from the Lower Barremian. It is temporarily included in the subfamily of the Leptoceratoidinae. A neotype for the “Crioceraspuzosianum d’Orbigny, 1842 is herein designated.  相似文献   

During the well known Augiéras-Draper mission which took place in 1927 and 1928 between Dakar and Alger through the Sahara desert, T. Monod and V. Besnard discovered a human skeleton near the military post of Asselar in French Sudan (current Mali). Back in France, the fossil was given to the Institut de Paléontologie Humaine where M. Boule and H. Vallois were in charge of its study. This work was then published in 1932. After this first exhaustive study, Asselar man was barely used in anthropological studies, with the exception of O. Dutour's works in the 90's. The goal of this study is to understand why, despite some prestige, this fossil didn’t have the importance he was fated with its geographical and chronological position. Publications of the first third of the twentieth century, archives about this discovery and the skeleton it-self are in the center of this new analysis. Results show that because of the lack of specification about its unearthing and its dating, Asselar fossil is hardly usable in an anthropological perspective. It although shows that Boule et Vallois limited the study of this fossil to a discussion about the Grimaldi “race”, designation not use anymore. This race was created in 1906 by R. Verneau and the discussion of the relation between Asselar man and Grimaldi race was a virulent debate at this time. Finally, the study of Asselar skeleton with archeo-anthropological principles gave the opportunity to demonstrate, for the first time, a sepulchral context. This rehabilitation of Asselar fossil gives new perspectives which would be investigate with new approaches in dating, genetics, 3D imaging… and will fully contribute to discussions about North Africa peopling.  相似文献   

Neolithization through karstic rocky territories from Eastern Maghreb is supported by a special form of pastoralism. Between 7000-5000 BP, a prominent sheep and goat animal husbandry represents a shepherd’ permanent objective, while domestic cattle seems to play a saving role. Aurès reaches allowed us to study a global shepherd living, initiated by small groups, labelled as Neolithic of Capsian Tradition, stricto sensu (NCT). A new approach focuses here on non local archaeological finds from the Capéletti cave, a residential key-site located on the slopes of the Khanguet Si Mohamed Tahar amphitheatre (1540m), gives the lead to explore a winter lowland transhumance behaviour, which was a yearly extension of a summer upland behaviour. Through synchronized data, selected among exotic cultural documents, such as polished stone axes and adzes; marine and ivory-ornaments; and lowland botanic remains from marshes, such as elements of a steppic and salted vegetation, trapped inside sheep fleece, new evidences emerged which were linked, then, with new data based on flocks evaluation as alive animals. This study gives precision on:
the shepherd’s long term objective;
the initial and natural animal husbandry which moved, through an empirical management, on an increasing and controlled sheep, goat and cattle breeding;
the non local cultural goods broad-spectrum, coveted by the shepherds;
the flock meat/animal goods, coveted by peddling nomadic people;
the exchange act and its conventions;
how and when vanished epipaleolithic traditions of this NCT facies, through shepherds’ deliberate and progressive exchanges;
and how and when, outside farming process, might have appeared, on lowlands and hilly areas, a typical open countryside landscape, strictly linked with this ongoing pastoralism.
This first local Status of the Shepherd which was the main objective of this neolithization may have settled and spread out through Maghreb territories, an Atlasic Pastoral Society.  相似文献   

The restitution of the megalith’s technical manufacture, whith their assemblies lines and their sequences, enlarges the coast of the sens incluse in each Corsican monoliths. From the megalithics sites of Poghjaredda of Monte Rotondu (Sotta), Ciutulaghja (Appietu), and Presa (Altaghjè), some specifics activities area (pastoralism for example) or activities structured in the space (villages and tombs of middle Neolithic) interest this study. The contributions of many sciences permit to give an economic and social dimension to the choice of megalithics sites. Then, those choices are an aspect of the Neolithic process in Corsica, making part of sculpture and architecture. This study is conclued by a consideration on the actual worked stones’ terminology.  相似文献   

The Nabeul-Hammamet series analysis allows to recognize the six biozona known in the Mediterranean realm, as specified by Cita (1975a). These are: the Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens BANNER & BLOW acme biozone equivalent to MPL1; the Globorotalia margaritae margaritae BOLLI & BERMUDEZ interval zone (= MPL2); the Globorotalia margaritae BOLLI & BERMUDEZ, Globorotalia puncticulata (DESHAYES), concurrent range zone (= MPL3); the Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens BANNER & BLOW interval zone (= MPL4); the Globigerinoides elongatus (D’ORBIGNY) interval zone (= MPL5); the Globorotalia inflata (D’ORBIGNY) interval zone (= MPL6). There is no similarity between these biozones and those established by Berggren and al. (1995) for the atlantic and the indo-pacific realms. The MPL1, MPL2, MPL3 and MPL4 zones are especially englobed in argillaceous and yellow sandy lithological units specified in north-eastern Tunisia, such as ‘Argiles des Potiers’, ‘Sables Jaunes de Nabeul’ and ‘Argiles de Sidi Barka’. These units are together equivalent to the Raf-Raf Formation developed towards the North, in the Bizerte area. Besides, the MPL5 and the MPL6 zones are included in sands and sandstones composing the Hammamet unit, equivalent to the Porto-Farina Formation.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of modern Homo sapiens has been the subject of an intensive debate between exponents of two competing hypotheses, multiregional origins and “recent out of Africa”. This paper presents a synthesis of the chronological studies on seven hominid sites in China based on the U-series dating, five of them of intercalated speleothem calcites and other two of fossil materials. The results show that modern humans were present in China about 100 ka ago, much earlier than previously estimated, and that the so-called “temporal gap” of human presence in China between 40 and 100 ka is most probably nothing but an artifact caused by systematic errors of the dating methods. Further multidisciplinary studies on hominid sites in China may provide important evidence for resolving the hotly debated issues concerning the origin of modern humans.  相似文献   

The amber of Le Mas d’Azil (Ariège, France), fashioned by the Magdalenian people of Le Mas d’Azil cave, was collected in clay levels rich in Cupressinoxylon Göppert, of the Campanian Labarre Sandstone Formation, which is a large deltaic set, infilling the sub-Pyreneean trough. The amber pieces are small and resemble modern resin exudates on coniferous trunks. We describe following micro-inclusions. Actinomycetes: Cardonia stellata, nov. gen., nov. sp., located close to the surface of amber pieces, is abundant and displays chains of conidia and isolated aleuriospore. Nocardiopsis ? sp. D is rare. Actinomycete “de type Salignac” is abundant. Its filaments often display a tendril shape, which seems to prelude to a mycelium fragmentation. Other bacteria: Leptotrichites resinatus Schmidt ( Schmidt and Schäfer, 2005), poorly represented, is more variable than the already known material; cf. Sphaerotilus sp., very abundant, also displays differences with the Cenomanian “Sphaerotilus sp.”. Eukaryotes: one fungal filament, and a group of spores, pollens or cysts. Inorganic inclusions: gas bubbles, pseudo-protists of B and C? types, and tiny, transparent, cubic crystals. It seems that most of the quoted prokaryotes were resinicolous organisms, able to settle on the surface of the exudate, and grow in the resin, after inoculation either by a contact with the substrate, or by an anemophilic dispersion of spores. This “taphonomic way” seems here to be more general than trapping.  相似文献   

This work is mainly an answer to the work of Bert, Delanoy and Canut, on the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, and we add also some points to the knowledge of this genus. An answer is given for the implication of one of the authors (J.V.) of this present work, about the origin of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, and some significant bibliographic references, not named in the 2009 work, are specified and placed in their context. The characteristics of the ornamental stage “Pseudoshasticrioceras” mainly defined by an oval and compressed section of the whorls and by regular ventrolateral clavi, well marked, which frame the venter in a typical way (Bert et al., p. 181), don’t allow to affirm the presence of this stage during the ontogeny of all species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, contrary to what Bert, Delanoy and Canut (p. 30, 31) wrote. The type-species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé is made clear by the application of the rules of the I.C.Z.N. code. The article 23, with the paragraph 23.1 of the I.C.Z.N. code, imply the senior synonymy of Imerites cristatus (Orbigny) on Imerites giraudi (Kilian), even if the Kilian's species is still the type species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé. The taxinomical validity of the species Imerites cristatus (Orbigny) is confirmed. Its morphological variability is clarified by the distinction of four referential morphotypes, Cristatus, Giraudi, Favrei and Raricostatum. Consequently, the assumption of a shape-dimensional dimorphism into the populations of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé is rejected, awaiting irrefutable proof. A new species, Imerites stephaniae sp. nov., is described. It was collected in the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone, in the uppermost part of the Gerhardtia provincialis Subzone, and it is a probable ancestor of the cogeneric species of the Imerites giraudi Zone.  相似文献   

On the occasion of the centenary of the Emile Cartailhac’s « Mea culpa d’un sceptique”, we want to reflect on one of the main questions of our discipline: Why has so-called « cave art” only been accepted as Paleolithic art in 1902, whereas the so-called « mobiliary art” had been accepted as Paleolithic art at the beginning of 1860s? In this paper, we want to suggest a definition of the conception of primitive art during the last third of the 19th century in order to understand: (A) Why Paleolithic paintings in the walls of some caves (Niaux, Chabot, Altamira) were not accepted as Paleolithic art between 1860 and 1902. (B) Given that what we now call mobiliary art is the same artistic phenomenon that prehistorians of the late 19th century thought of as primitive art, this article allows us to suggest a genealogy of mobiliary art. This genealogy will enable us to show that this concept not only defines a wide variety of forms, from engraving stones to carving in antler or ivory, but hides a multiplicity of meanings and connotations which originated in the period between 1860 and 1900.  相似文献   

The excavations of several open air sites in Northern France and, especially in the Somme basin, have given numerous data concerning the age and the environment of the human occupations for the period from MIS 12 to MIS 8. The quality of the raw material and the function of the different sites have a great effect on the composition of the lithic assemblages as it has been seen for the different sites located near the confluence of the Somme and Avre (Cagny-la Garenne, Cagny-l’Épinette, Ferme de l’Épinette, Gentelles). The characteristics of the lithic industries of Gouzeaucourt show the complexity of the transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic.  相似文献   

The site of Pirro Nord (also known as Cava Pirro or Cava Dell’Erba) is known in literature since the 1970's of the last century as a palaeontological site, of which the mammalian fossil association constitutes a reference (local) fauna for the European latest Villafranchian. This fossil association is also known for the occurrence of some African elements. During the 2005, a lithic industry has been found in three karst fissures, together with the typical elements of the Pirro Nord vertebrate assemblage. The biochronological assessment based on the vertebrate assemblage attributes it to a time interval bracketed between 1.3 Ma and 1.7 Ma. Thus the site of Pirro Nord represents the oldest human occupation of Europe so far known. The lithic assemblage, attributable to the Mode 1, is constituted by three cores and seven flakes, and is made only on flint. Lithic artefacts have been found in stratigraphic context during the preliminary surveys of the three fissures, that they will be the object of systematic excavations in the years to come.  相似文献   

Currently, only Tréhougol’naya Cave has reliably dated evidence for human settlement in Eastern Europe and Caucasus, from the beginning through the middle of the Middle Pleistocene. In Eastern Europe, assemblages from Khriatchi and Mikhailovskoé, and possibly Darvagchai I, appear to be the only stratified locations that tentatively can be compared (despite problems with these materials) with Tréhougol’naya. In the eastern limits of Central Europe, layer VI in Korolevo I is the only stratified assemblage that may be compared with Tréhougol’naya. All these Lower Paleolithic occupations yielded the Pre-Mousterian small tool industries with some pebble tools, but without Acheulean bifaces and Levallois technique. These data suggest that Eastern Europe lies outside the distribution range of the Acheulean techno-complex demarcated with the “Movius Line”. In the Southern Caucasus, the Dmanissi hominine and lithic records document the fact that the earliest small-brained humans – probably later H. habilis-rudolfensis or earlier H. ergaster-erectus hominids bearing Pre-Oldowan technology – initially left Africa and appeared in Western Asia as early as 1.8 Ma ago. However, in the Southern Caucasus, the available chronological data indicate that the Acheulean complex has a later temporal appearance here compared to the Upper Acheulean or Acheulo-Yabrudian in Western Asia. Two main Upper Acheulean industrial variants currently can be recognized in the Southern Caucasus. The first, called the Kudarian by the author (from the caves of Kudaro I, Kudaro III, and Azyk), is characterized by lithics made from mostly siliceous rocks, rare Acheulean bifaces, and non-Levallois flaking technique. The second variant is characterized by lithics made from volcanic rocks, numerous Acheulean bifaces, and often more laminar or Levallois debitage. It can be suggested that there are independent origins for these Southern Caucasus Upper Acheulean industrial variants. Possible roots of the Acheulean assemblages of Kudarian variant might be in the local earlier Lower Paleolithic small tool assemblages with some pebble tools but without Acheulean bifaces. The other Caucasus variant of the Upper Acheulean appears to be related to the Levantine Upper Acheulean.  相似文献   

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