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The thermal environment can induce substantial variation in important life-history traits. Experimental manipulation of the thermal environment can help researchers determine the contribution of this factor to phenotypic variation in life-history traits. During the reproductive season, we kept female northern grass lizards, Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae), in three temperature-controlled rooms (25, 28 and 32 °C) to measure the effect of the maternal thermal environment on reproductive traits. Maternal thermal environment remarkably affected reproductive frequency and thereby seasonal reproductive output, but had little effect on reproductive traits per clutch or hatchling traits. Females kept at 32 °C produced more clutches and thus had shorter clutch intervals than females from 28 to 25 °C. Clutch size, clutch mass, relative clutch mass, egg size and hatchling traits did not vary among the three treatments. The eggs produced by the females were incubated at 27 °C and the traits of hatchlings were measured. The result that egg (offspring) size was independent of maternal thermal environments is consistent with the prediction of the optimal egg size (offspring) theory. The eggs produced by low temperature females (28 and 25 °C) took longer time to complete their post-oviposition development than did eggs produced by high temperature females (32 °C). This suggests that the eggs from low temperatures might have been laid when the embryos were at relatively early stages. Therefore, maternal thermal environment prior to oviposition could affect post-oviposition development in T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of shell coil orientation and shell size on reproduction in field populations of the hermit crab, Clibanarius vittatus. Females were collected in the intertidal in Beaufort, NC. Shell parameters were measured and size (cephalothorax length) and reproductive status were determined for 70 females occupying Busycon shells. Crabs were categorized as berried (eggs on the pleopods), mature ovaries, or non-reproductive (no eggs). For berried females, the number of eggs was recorded. By offering a separate group of females access to empty shells, it was possible to calculate optimal shell size and the deficit in shell size for field-collected animals.Females that were berried were in shells closer to the optimal shell size than females with mature ovaries, both for shell weight and shell volume. And females with mature ovaries were in shells that were closer to the optimal size than females that were non-reproductive. For both categories of females without eggs on the pleopods, the majority of females were in shells that were too big (in weight and internal volume). While the percentage of berried females did not differ between dextral (Busycon carica) and sinistral (Busycon sinistrum) shells, the non-reproductive females had a much smaller deficit in volume in sinistral shells compared to dextral shells. For berried females, there was no relationship between the magnitude of their shell deficit and the number of eggs carried. Our results suggest that reproduction is inhibited when females occupy shells sufficiently greater than the optimal shell size.  相似文献   



As egg production and offspring care are costly, females should invest resources adaptively into their eggs to optimize current offspring quality and their own lifetime reproductive success. Parasite infections can influence maternal investment decisions due to their multiple negative physiological effects. The act of preening – applying oils with anti-microbial properties to feathers – is thought to be a means by which birds combat pathogens and parasites, but little is known of how preening during the reproductive period (and its expected disease-protecting effects) influences maternal investment decisions at the level of the egg.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we experimentally prevented female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) from accessing their preen gland during breeding and monitored female immunoresponsiveness (e.g., plasma lysozyme concentration) as well as some egg traits linked to offspring quality (e.g., egg mass, yolk carotenoid content, and albumen lysozyme levels). Females with no access to their preen gland showed an increase in plasma lysozyme level compared to control, normally preening females. In addition, preen-gland-restricted females laid significantly lighter eggs and deposited higher carotenoid concentrations in the yolk compared to control females. Albumen lysozyme activity did not differ significantly between eggs laid by females with or without preen gland access.


Our results establish a new link between an important avian self-maintenance behaviour and aspects of maternal health and reproduction. We suggest that higher yolk carotenoid levels in eggs laid by preen-gland-restricted females may serve to boost health of offspring that would hatch in a comparatively microbe-rich environment.  相似文献   

This study examined larviposition in Calliphora dubia Macquart (Diptera: Calliphoridae), an ovoviviparous blowfly of considerable forensic importance in Australia. Females in the field carried 22–83 live larvae, exhibiting a strong linear relationship between female size and the number of live larvae carried. Females took just over 1 min (mean 67.7 ± 7.7 s, n = 54) to larviposit live larvae on or near fresh liver in the laboratory. Females laid larvae at a mean rate of 1.2 ± 0.1 larvae/s, with the fastest rate being 3.4 larvae/s. Most females (70%) laid live larvae only, but 14% laid larvae and eggs at the same time and 16% laid eggs only (none of the eggs laid were viable). Females laying only live larvae laid a mean of 53.7 ± 2.3 larvae, whereas those laying only eggs laid a mean of 48.6 ± 2.8 eggs on each occasion. None of the eggs laid were viable. Most females (86%) laid all their larvae in a single spot, even if they engaged in several bouts of laying live larvae. Nearly one‐third of females did not lay all the live larvae in their ovisacs, but retained half of their complement of developed larvae. Females may be opting to spread their larvae across several carcasses in order to increase their survival and not to overcrowd small, ephemeral carcasses. The fact that a blowfly can lay either eggs or live larvae has enormous implications for the accurate determination of the post‐mortem interval (PMI) as the presence of larvae derived from eggs laid on the body add 6–18 h to the PMI. This paper represents the first report of the ability of female calliphorids to resorb some of their own live larvae.  相似文献   

Females of Trissolcus agriope (Platygastridae) avoid host (Brachynema signatum) eggs parasitized by conspecifics or Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Encyrtidae), but females of the latter species will superparasitize and multiparasitize, although they mostly attack unparasitized eggs. Females of T. agriope were more efficient in the laboratory and parasitized more hosts in 24 and 48 h. In multiparasitized hosts, O. pityocampae was a superior larval competitor and could complete also development as a facultative hyperparasitoid. When females of both species foraged together, T. agriope parasitized significantly more than O. pityocampae, about 50 % in both cases, although O. pityocampae almost doubled its parasitism rate as the exposure period was lengthened from 24 to 48 h. When O. pityocampae followed T. agriope in sequential foraging bouts, the former species successfully parasitized more hosts than the latter. The advisability of co-releases of both species to improve biological control of first generation B. signatum in Iranian pistachio orchards is discussed.  相似文献   

Female yellow perch Perca flavescens exposed to three overwinter temperature regimes (4, 8 and 13° C) for 150 days spawned in markedly different proportions upon spring warming (37% of females in 4° C v. 64 and 91% in 8 and 13° C treatments, respectively), but exhibited no differences in fecundity, egg size or egg lipid content. Females held at 4° C also exhibited less within‐clutch egg size variation than females held at 13° C. Moreover, eggs differed among temperature treatments in the overall proportions of 18 fatty acids, with the colder treatments resulting in potentially higher quality eggs containing more of the unsaturated fatty acids C16:1, C22:6‐n3 and C18:2 cis. Female somatic condition also varied with temperature. Maternal somatic growth and protein content increased while lipid content decreased in 13° C compared to the colder treatments. There were, however, no differences among treatments in the fatty acid composition of maternal muscle. These results suggest that the temperatures experienced during winter may be less influential to P. flavescens egg size or number, which may exhibit relatively little plasticity in this species, but can alter both the number of females that spawn and the overall composition of eggs and maternal somatic tissues, which may have implications for future reproductive success.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the oviposition behavior and preference of Spalgis epius, a potential predator of mealybug crop pests. An ethogram of oviposition behavior was constructed based on observations made in an oviposition cage. Ovipositional behavioral acts were catalogued and separated into two behavioral repertoires: searching and egg laying. Gravid females of S. epius oviposited similar numbers of eggs on three mealybug species. Females preferred eggs and adults to nymphs of mealybugs for oviposition. Among three species of mealybugs attended by ants, females laid fewer eggs in the mealybug mass attended by Oecophylla smaragdina than on mealybugs attended by Tapinoma melanocephalum and Camponotus variegatus. Females preferred mealybug masses already containing conspecific eggs to mealybug masses containing conspecific larvae or Cryptolaemus montrouzieri larvae for egg deposition. Gravid females laid larger numbers of eggs under bright sunlight than in diffused sunlight or shade. The results of this study showed that S. epius can effectively attack any species of mealybugs, avoid intra- and interspecific competition, and co-exist with some species of ants attending mealybugs. With the knowledge of these behaviors, this predator can be effectively utilized as a major biological control agent of mealybugs.  相似文献   

Many arachnids like other terrestrial arthropods, provide extensive maternal care. Few studies have quantified the underlying physiological costs of maternal care. We investigated how maternal care affects the free-moving wolf spider’s (Pardosa saltans) energy requirements. We described in detail their basic reproduction biology (i.e. carrying cocoon and young) and we evaluated the variation in the females’ energy reserves during maternal care. Our results show that mothers guard eggs until hatching and then guard their spiderlings for 27–30 more days. Laboratory observations indicated that spiderlings start leaving the maternal abdomen gradually 5–7 days after hatching. Females carry an egg sac (cocoon) that can weigh up to 77% of their post-reproduction weight and carry young that weigh 87–100% of their body mass. Females lost weight over time despite regular food intake, while carrying cocoon and young; but their weights increased gradually during the dispersal of young. The contributions of proteins, glucose and triglycerides to maintain females’ energy were calculated. Their energetic state varied during maternal care, in particular lipid levels declined, during the care of spiderlings when the females’ predatory behaviour was inhibited. Our results show that the maternal care provided by P. saltans females is particularly costly physiologically, during the 30 days following egg sac formation and development of spiderlings, even when food is available.  相似文献   

The persistence of DNA injected into two species of adult female phytoseiids and its transmission to serial eggs deposited by them was assessed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The effect of DNA concentration on persistence and transmission was examined in Metaseiulus occidentalis. M. occidentalis females were microinjected with plasmid DNA at three different concentrations (250, 500, 750 ng L–1) and allowed to deposit one to five eggs before the females and their last eggs were analyzed. Plasmid DNA was found in 82% of the females assayed and in 70% of all the eggs analyzed (including the fifth eggs produced after microinjection). Transmission of DNA to multiple eggs was also examined in Amblyseius finlandicus. Females of this species are less traumatized by microinjection allowing analysis of transmission over a more extended number of eggs. Females were microinjected and allowed to deposit eggs until their death. DNA from every fifth egg was analyzed by the PCR. PCR products were amplified from 51% of the eggs and from all egg classes except the 30th egg. The persistence and presence of plasmid DNA in both eggs and females suggests that (1) maternal microinjection is a more efficient method for DNA delivery than traditional egg microinjection, (2) it may be possible to isolate transformants from fewer maternally-microinjected females than originally expected, and (3) maternal microinjection could be useful as a DNA delivery system in other phytoseiids.  相似文献   

To study whether offspring sex is related to the amount of resources invested in eggs we performed an experiment on zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. By manipulating their food supply, we forced two groups of females either to increase or to decrease investment in subsequent eggs. Since zebra finches are sexually dimorphic and the reproductive value of the sexes may vary with maternal nutritional status, we predicted that females would adjust the sex of their offspring to egg quality. Females that received poor-quality food for 7 weeks before egg laying, then food supplemented with proteins after they laid the first egg, significantly increased the mass of subsequent eggs. An increase of egg mass with laying sequence was less pronounced in females that received high-quality food before laying and experienced food deterioration after starting to lay. The proportion of sons in subsequent eggs tended to increase in the latter group (although this was marginally significant) but was not related to laying sequence in the other group: these patterns differed significantly between the groups. Offspring sex was not related to egg mass, but newly hatched male chicks were heavier than female chicks. Furthermore, the hatching success of male eggs was lower than that of female eggs. We suggest that differential hatching success of the sexes and sex differences in mass at hatching may constitute important factors shaping brood sex ratios. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In the three maternal effect lethal mutant strains of D. melanogaster described in this report, the homozygous mutant females produce defective eggs that cannot support normal embryonic development. The embryos from these eggs begin to develop for the first 2 hr after fertilization in an apparently normal way, forming a blastula containing a cluster of pole cells at the posterior end and a layer of syncytial blastoderm nuclei. During the subsequent transition from a syncytial to a cellular blastoderm, cell formation in the blastoderm is either partially or totally blocked. In mutant mat(3)1 no blastoderm cells are formed, indicating that there are separate genetic controls for pole cells and blastoderm cells. The other two mutants form an incomplete cellular blastoderm in which certain regions of the blastoderm remain noncellular. The noncellular region in mutant mat(3)3 is on the posterior-dorsal surface, covering about 30% of the total blastoderm. In mutant mat(3)6 blastoderm cells are formed only at the anterior and posterior ends, separated by a noncellular region that covers about 70% of the total blastoderm. The selective effects on blastoderm cell formation in the three mutants emphasize the importance of components present in the egg before fertilization for the transition from a syncytial to a cellular blastoderm.The genes defective in the three mutants are essential only for oogenesis and not for any other period of development, as indicated by a strict dependence of the lethal phenotypes on the maternal genotypes. Heterozygous embryos from the eggs of homozygous mutant females die, whereas homozygous mutant embryos from the eggs of heterozygous females develop into viable adults.One of the mutants, mat(3)3, has a temperature-sensitive phenotype. Homozygous mat(3)3 females maintained at a restrictive temperature of 29°C show the lethal maternal effect. However, at a permissive temperature of 20°C the females produce viable adult progeny. The temperature-sensitive period in mat(3)3 females occurs during the last 12 hr of oogenesis, consistent with the maternal effect phenotype of the mutant.  相似文献   

Pregnancy is a challenging period for egg laying squamates. Carrying eggs can encumber females and decrease their locomotor performance, potentially increasing their risk of predation. Pregnant females can potentially reduce this handicap by selecting higher temperatures to increase their sprint speed and ability to escape from predators, or to speed up embryonic development and reduce the period during which they are burdened with eggs (‘selfish mother’ hypothesis). Alternatively, females might select more stable body temperatures during pregnancy to enhance offspring fitness (‘maternal manipulation hypothesis’), even if the maintenance of such temperatures compromises a female's locomotor performance. We investigated whether pregnancy affects the preferred body temperatures and locomotor performance of female velvet geckos Amalosia lesueurii. We measured running speed of females during late pregnancy, and one week after they laid eggs at four temperatures (20°, 25°, 30° and 35 °C). Preferred body temperatures of females were measured in a cost-free thermal gradient during late pregnancy and one week after egg-laying. Females selected higher and more stable set-point temperatures when they were pregnant (mean =29.0 °C, Tset =27.8–30.5 °C) than when they were non-pregnant (mean =26.2 °C, Tset =23.7–28.7 °C). Pregnancy was also associated with impaired performance; females sprinted more slowly at all four test temperatures when burdened with eggs. Although females selected higher body temperatures during late pregnancy, this increase in temperature did not compensate for their impaired running performance. Hence, our results suggest that females select higher temperatures during pregnancy to speed up embryogenesis and reduce the period during which they have reduced performance. This strategy may decrease a female's probability of encountering predatory snakes that use the same microhabitats for thermoregulation. Selection of stable temperatures by pregnant females may also benefit embryos, but manipulative experiments are necessary to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Females of the subsocial shield bug Parastrachia japonensis (Heteroptera: Parastrachiidae) incorporate trophic eggs (nutritive eggs) into their egg mass. Considerable variation occurs among females in trophic egg number and the proportion of an egg mass that is composed of trophic eggs. Because trophic eggs are essential to the development and survival of young, this variation could significantly impact female fitness. We tested the hypothesis that trophic egg abundance is induced by maternal phenotype (weight, body size) and resource exposure. We predicted that resource limitations would cause females to produce fewer fertile eggs and more trophic eggs and that larger and heavier females would produce more of each egg type. Females ovipositing early in the season are exposed to different resource conditions than those that oviposit late. Thus, we compared egg production patterns between these two groups and several other factors related to nesting. No correlation was seen between body size and trophic egg abundance, or, indeed, egg production, overall; however, heavier females produced heavier egg masses. Counter to our prediction, late females, which had greater access to food, produced significantly more total eggs, fewer fertile eggs, and more trophic eggs than early females. A binomial generalized linear model analysis indicated that the factors most correlated with the percentage of an egg mass destined to become trophic eggs were resource abundance, resulting from early or late oviposition, and distance of the nest from the host tree, with closer females producing more trophic eggs. The findings support our hypothesis that resource availability and, to a lesser extent, maternal phenotype affect trophic egg abundance.  相似文献   

Females of several lizard species modify their body temperature during pregnancy, probably in connection with the optimisation of hatchling phenotypes. We studied variations in the temperature selected by gravid females compared with those selected by males and non-gravid females in an oviparous population of Zootoca vivipara (Jacquin, 1797) (Squamata: Lacertidae) of Northern Spain and examined the effects of incubation temperature on the phenotypic variation of hatchlings. Cloacal temperatures of gravid females active in the field were lower than those of males and non-gravid females, as well as the temperatures selected in a thermal gradient created in the laboratory (mean±s.d.: 32.33±1.27 °C for gravid females; 34.05±1.07 °C for males and non-gravid females). Effects of temperature were assessed by incubating eggs at five constant temperatures (21, 25, 29, 32 and 34 °C). Incubation time decreased as temperature increased, following a negative exponential function. Incubation temperatures also affected the hatchlings’ morphology: hatchlings incubated at 34 °C had shorter heads than those from other temperatures. Survival at 34 °C (58%) was significantly lower than at the other temperatures (mean 93%). Pregnant females select lower body temperature, approaching the temperatures that optimise hatchling phenotypes, according to predictions of the maternal manipulation hypothesis on the evolution of viviparity. The shift in preferred temperature by pregnant females would result in only a very short delay, if any, of hatching time and, because the temperature selected by pregnant females is much higher than average temperatures recorded in natural nests of Z. vivipara, egg retention considerably shortens incubation time, according to predictions of the cold-climate hypothesis. Our experimental results indicate that the two main hypotheses on the evolution of viviparity are compatible in our study model.  相似文献   

Some species of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) mate both before and after overwintering. The purpose of the pre-diapause mating was studied in the alien invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas 1773). Our study demonstrates the persistence of high fecundity (daily oviposition rate of 21 eggs per fertilized female during the first month of reproduction) and fertility (85 % of eggs hatching) of females of H. axyridis after long storage (up to eight months) at low temperature (6 °C). The females were not mated after activation in spring and had to rely on the sperm supply maintained from the pre-winter period (58 % of females were fertilized). Unfertilized females also laid eggs but in low numbers (an average of 345 eggs by virgin females during an individual’s lifetime, 1,174 eggs by females fertilized before winter) and after a longer pre-oviposition period (2–5 weeks in comparison to 7–8 days for fertilized females). We show that the unfertilised eggs were not trophic eggs. The high sperm survival ability observed questions the need for the high levels of sexual activity generally observed in Coccinellidae. Fertilized females of H. axyridis may found large colonies after dispersal to new areas even without males, which contributes to the striking invasive ability of this species.  相似文献   

Female reptiles with viviparous reproduction should leave space for their eggs that reach the maximum mass and volume in the oviducts. Is the evolution of viviparity accompanied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size, thus allowing viviparous females to increase the amount of space for eggs? To answer this question, we compared morphology and reproductive output between oviparous and viviparous species using three pairs of lizards, which included two Eremias, two Eutropis and two Phrynocephalus species with different reproductive modes. The two lizards in each pair differed morphologically, but were similar in the patterns of sexual dimorphism in abdomen and head sizes and the rates at which reproductive output increased with maternal body and abdomen sizes. Postpartum females were heavier in viviparous species, suggesting that the strategy adopted by females to allocate energy towards competing demands differs between oviparous and viviparous species. Reproductive output was increased in one viviparous species, but decreased in the other two, as compared with congeneric oviparous species. The space requirement for eggs did not differ between oviparous and viviparous females in one species pair, but was greater in viviparous females in the other two pairs greater in relative clutch mass and relative litter mass. In the two Phrynocephalus species, viviparous females produced heavier clutches than did oviparous females not by increasing the relative size of the abdomen, but by being more full of eggs. In none of the three species pairs was the maternal abdomen size greater in the viviparous species after accounting for body size. Our data show that the evolution of viviparity is not accompanied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size in lizards. Future work could usefully investigate other lineages of lizards to determine whether our results are generalisable to all lizards.  相似文献   

The eggplant lace bug, Gargaphia solani, was used to investigate the proximate factors regulating maternal care and a noncaring, condition dependent strategy called egg dumping. We hypothesize that the act of delaying oviposition while searching for a dumping opportunity suppresses oogenesis and triggers guarding behavior. We examined several predictions of this hypothesis by measuring: (1) whether females do delay oviposition in the absence of dumping stimuli, (2) whether females in transition between egg dumping and egg guarding are capable of expressing either reproductive option, (3) the effect of nymphal interactions and antennal ablation on the duration of maternal care, and (4) oogenesis in guarding and dumping females. We found that females without a dumping opportunity wait, on average, 30 h longer to oviposit than females exposed to a dump mass. Females that had initiated their own egg mass could resume eggdumping if they had laid less than half of their eggs but were unlikely to abandon their eggs when most had been laid. Maternal care in G. solani can be prolonged if interactions with nymphs are artificially prolonged. Females require antennae to maintain maternalcare. Presumably antennae transduce cues from eggs and nymphs. Dissections of dumping and guarding females 72 h after their first oviposition demonstrated that dumpers continue to produce primary oocytes after a dumping event but guarders terminate oogenesis whilecaring for their first brood. We interpret all of these results within the context of the hypothesis that juvenile hormone titers regulate the expression of both egg dumping and egg guarding.  相似文献   

We conducted a comparative investigation of nest relocation and egg recognition by four species of streamside salamanders indigenous to eastern North America: Seepage Salamander (Desmognathus aeneus), Santeetlah Salamander (Desmognathus santeetlah), Ocoee Salamander (Desmognathus ocoee), and Northern Dusky Salamander (Desmognathus fuscus). Females of all four species were able to relocate their nest sites following displacement of 1 m. Upon return to a nest site following natural displacement, females must be able to recognize their eggs and, in some instances, choose between their own clutch and the unattended clutch of a conspecific. In two‐choice behavioral tests, female salamanders of all four species moved randomly within the test chamber in the absence of eggs, but preferred their own eggs to a filter paper blank. One species, D. fuscus, exhibited a similar attraction to conspecific eggs suggesting that the presence of eggs, regardless of their origin, may stimulate maternal care in physiologically primed females. We found that egg discrimination is not as infallible as previously reported. All four species spent more time with their own eggs than they did with the eggs of a conspecific female; however, this trend was significant for D. ocoee only. Interspecific variation in egg discrimination is attributed to differential selection associated with the life history of individual species.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments to determine aspects of the reproductive biology of Pseudaphycus maculipennis are described. All experiments were carried out at a constant temperature of 21 ± 2 °C, a 16-h photoperiod and ambient RH. Pseudaphycus maculipennis was shown to be an arrhenotokous, synovigenic, gregarious endoparasitoid of Pseudococcus viburni. Females and males lived for 16 and 11 days, respectively, when fed either honey-agar or mealybug honeydew. Relatively, large instars (third instar or adult females) were preferred for oviposition; mated females parasitized more mealybugs than unmated females, and the progeny sex ratio favored females by 3:1. Egg load increased with age from emergence to day 8, averaging 23 mature eggs/female. Mean realised daily fecundity never exceeded 5, with a mean lifetime fecundity of 46 eggs/female. Parasitised mealybugs remained alive for about 5 days and then mummified. Total development period was 20–21 days (larva 4–5 days, prepupa 3 days, pupa 8–9 days). Development periods of eggs and individual larval instars were not measured. A mean of 3.01 ± 0.1 parasitoids/mealybug were reared after individual parasitism events, increasing through super-parasitism (either self or conspecific) to 9 parasitoids/mealybug when hosts were exposed to competing females. Pseudaphycus maculipennis progeny emerged from the mummies in discrete cohorts over periods ranging from 3 min to 18 h (depending on the number of cohorts).  相似文献   

Polymorphic esterase and acetylcholinesterase alleles in the whiteflyBemisia tabaci were studied using electrophoretic and colorimetric assays. The segregation of these alleles between parental and F1 generations provided unequivocal evidence of haplodiploidy in this pest species. Unmated females, heterozygous at a polymorphic locus, produced a 1:1 ratio of haploid males expressing either of the maternal alleles. Although male offspring were produced by both virgin and mated females, the segregation of alleles showed they were always haploid (hemizygous) for the marker enzymes. Females only arose from fertilized eggs and invariably expressed paternal and maternal alleles.  相似文献   

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