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Villanueva L Navarrete A Urmeneta J White DC Guerrero R 《Archives of microbiology》2007,188(2):137-146
Microbial mats are prokaryotic communities that provide model systems to analyze microbial diversity and ecophysiological
interactions. Community diversity of microbial mat samples was assessed at 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. in a combined analysis
consisting of 16S rRNA-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles. The divergence
index determined from PLFA and DGGE data showed that depth-related differences have a greater influence on diversity than
temporal variations. Shannon and Simpson indices yielded similar values in all samples, which suggested the stable maintenance
of a structurally diverse microbial community. The increased diversity observed at 3:00 p.m. between 2.5 and 4 mm can be explained
mainly by diversification of anaerobic microorganisms, especially sulfate-reducing bacteria. In the afternoon sampling, the
diversity index reflected a higher diversity between 4 and 5.5 mm depth, which suggested an increase in the diversity of strict
anaerobes and fermenters. The results are consistent with the conclusion that hypersaline microbial mats are characterized
by high degree of diversity that shifts in response to the photobiological adaptations and metabolic status of the microbial
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Dedicated to the memory of David C. White. 相似文献
LUCAS J. STAL 《The New phytologist》1995,131(1):1-32
The role of microbial mats in wet dune slack succession is often discussed. We tested if presence of microbial mats may retard
dune slack succession by lowering the germination and seeding survival of successor species. This hypothesis was tested on
a set of typical dune slack species of the Frisian Islands in two climate chamber experiments. The species were separated
into early-, intermediate- and late successional species. There were large differences in germination rates between species
(2% – >200% compared to the reference), but within a species the high germination rates were mostly found on sand without
a microbial mat. Only the germination of Agrostis stolonifera appeared to be stimulated by the presence of a well-developed microbial mat, they were even higher than in the reference.
Seedling survival also did not show different responses between successional stages. Seedlings placed on top of a microbial
mat showed for most species lower survival rates compared to seedlings that were planted or placed on top of the sand. Growth
was the only measured variable that differed between successional groups. Species of the early- and intermediate successional
stages grew significantly better if a microbial mat was present whereas late successional species were not stimulated. Early
and intermediate successional species seem to be favored by the presence of a microbial mat. An explanation for this may be
that they can profit from the enhanced nitrogen availability caused by N2-fixation by cyanobacteria in the microbial mat.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Arakawa S Sato T Sato R Zhang J Gamo T Tsunogai U Hirota A Yoshida Y Usami R Inagaki F Kato C 《Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions》2006,10(4):311-319
Microbial communities inhabiting deep-sea cold seep sediments at the northeastern Japan Sea were characterized by molecular phylogenetic and chemical analyses. White patchy microbial mats were observed along the fault offshore the Hokkaido Island and sediment samples were collected from two stations at the southern foot of the Shiribeshi seamount (M1 site at a depth of 2,961 m on the active fault) and off the Motta Cape site (M2 site at a depth of 3,064 m off the active fault). The phylogenetic and terminal-restriction fragment polymorphism analyses of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes revealed that microbial community structures were different between two sampling stations. The members of ANME-2 archaea and diverse bacterial components including sulfate reducers within Deltaproteobacteria were detected from M1 site, indicating the occurrence of biologically mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane, while microbial community at M2 site was predominantly composed of members of Marine Crenarchaeota group I, sulfate reducers of Deltaproteobacteria, and sulfur oxidizers of Epsilonproteobacteria. Chemical analyses of seawater above microbial mats suggested that concentrations of sulfate and methane at M1 site were largely decreased relative to those at M2 site and carbon isotopic composition of methane at M1 site shifted heavier (13C-enriched), the results of which are consistent with molecular analyses. These results suggest that the mat microbial communities in deep-sea cold seep sediments at the northeastern Japan Sea are significantly responsible for sulfur and carbon circulations and the geological activity associated with plate movements serves unique microbial habitats in deep-sea environments. 相似文献
Decker KL Potter CS Bebout BM Marais DJ Carpenter S Discipulo M Hoehler TM Miller SR Thamdrup B Turk KA Visscher PT 《FEMS microbiology ecology》2005,52(3):377-395
The creation of a mathematical simulation model of photosynthetic microbial mats is important to our understanding of key biogeochemical cycles that may have altered the atmospheres and lithospheres of early Earth. A model is presented here as a tool to integrate empirical results from research on hypersaline mats from Baja California Sur (BCS), Mexico into a computational system that can be used to simulate biospheric inputs of trace gases to the atmosphere. The first version of our model, presented here, calculates fluxes and cycling of O(2), sulfide, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) via abiotic components and via four major microbial guilds: cyanobacteria (CYA), sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) and colorless sulfur bacteria (CSB). We used generalized Monod-type equations that incorporate substrate and energy limits upon maximum rates of metabolic processes such as photosynthesis and sulfate reduction. We ran a simulation using temperature and irradiance inputs from data collected from a microbial mat in Guerrero Negro in BCS (Mexico). Model O(2), sulfide, and DIC concentration profiles and fluxes compared well with data collected in the field mats. There were some model-predicted features of biogeochemical cycling not observed in our actual measurements. For instance, large influxes and effluxes of DIC across the MBGC mat boundary may reveal previously unrecognized, but real, in situ limits on rates of biogeochemical processes. Some of the short-term variation in field-collected mat O(2) was not predicted by MBGC. This suggests a need both for more model sensitivity to small environmental fluctuations for the incorporation of a photorespiration function into the model. 相似文献
An unidentified filamentous purple bacterium, probably belonging to a new genus or even a new family, is found in close association with the filamentous, mat-forming cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes in a hypersaline pond at Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico, and in Solar Lake, Sinai, Egypt. This organism is a gliding, segmented trichome, 0.8–0.9 m wide. It contains intracytoplasmic stacked lamellae which are perpendicular and obliquely oriented to the cell wall, similar to those described for the purple sulfur bacteria Ectothiorhodospira. These bacteria are found inside the cyanobacterial bundle, enclosed by the cyanobacterial sheath. Detailed transmission electron microscopical analyses carried out in horizontal sections of the upper 1.5 mm of the cyanobacterial mat show this cyanobacterial-purple bacterial association at depths of 300–1200 m, corresponding to the zone below that of maximal oxygenic photosynthesis. Sharp gradients of oxygen and sulfide are established during the day at this microzone in the two cyanobacterial mats studied. The close association, the distribution pattern of this association and preliminary physiological experiments suggest a co-metabolism of sulfur by the two-membered community. This probable new genus of purple bacteria may also grow photoheterotrophically using organic carbon excreted by the cyanobacterium. Since the chemical gradients in the entire photic zone fluctuate widely in a diurnal cycle, both types of metabolism probably take place. During the morning and afternoon, sulfide migrates up to the photic zone allowing photoautotrophic metabolism with sulfide as the electron donor. During the day the photic zone is highly oxygenated and the purple bacteria may either use oxidized species of sulfur such as elemental sulfur and thiosulfate in the photoautotrophic mode or grow photoheterotrophically using organic carbon excreted by M. chthonoplastes. The new type of filamentous purple sulfur bacteria is not available yet in pure culture, and its taxonomical position cannot be fully established. This organism is suggested to be a new type of gliding, filamentous, purple phototroph. 相似文献
At the Nakabusa hot spring, Japan, dense olive-green microbial mats develop in regions where the slightly alkaline, sulfidic effluent has cooled to 65 °C. The microbial community of such mats was analyzed by focusing on the diversity, as well as the in situ distribution and function of bacteria involved in sulfur cycling. Analyses of 16S rRNA and functional genes (aprA, pufM) suggested the importance of three thermophilic bacterial groups: aerobic chemolithotrophic sulfide-oxidizing species of the genus Sulfurihydrogenibium (Aquificae), anaerobic sulfate-reducing species of the genera Thermodesulfobacterium/Thermodesulfatator, and filamentous anoxygenic photosynthetic species of the genus Chloroflexus. A new oligonucleotide probe specific for Sulfurihydrogenibium was designed and optimized for catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH). In situ hybridizations of thin mat sections showed a heterogeneous vertical distribution of Sulfurihydrogenibium and Chloroflexus. Sulfurihydrogenibium dominated near the mat surface (50% of the total mat biovolume), while Chloroflexus dominated in deeper layers (up to 64% of the total mat biovolume). Physiological experiments monitoring in vitro changes of sulfide concentration indicated slight sulfide production by sulfate-reducing bacteria under anoxic-dark conditions, sulfide consumption by photosynthetic bacteria under anoxic-light conditions and strong sulfide oxidation by chemolithotrophic members of Aquificae under oxic-dark condition. We therefore propose that Sulfurihydrogenibium spp. act as highly efficient scavengers of oxygen from the spring water, thus creating a favorable, anoxic environment for Chloroflexus and Thermodesulfobacterium/Thermodesulfatator in deeper layers. 相似文献
Depth profiles of downward quantum irradiance of photosynthetically available radiation in situ and spectral subsurface irradiance
reflectance, obtained from water-leaving radiance, were determined in different inland water types. These included the large,
shallow and eutrophic IJssel lagoon in the Netherlands, eighteen Dutch lakes differing in depth and trophic state, and the
large, shallow and eutrophic Lake Tai in China. The attenuation coefficient for downward irradiance ranged from 0.7 to 5.4
m-1. An empirical relationship with the backscattering coefficient in the near-infrared waveband, derived from the reflectance,
and three spectral reflectance band ratios explained 91% of the variation. The potential assessment of the spatial distribution
of phytoplankton production through shipboard optical teledetection of the concentration of chlorophyll-a and the attenuation
coefficient for downward irradiance is discussed.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Effects of salinity and light on organic carbon and nitrogen uptake in a hypersaline microbial mat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Utilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is thought to be the purview of heterotrophic microorganisms, but photoautotrophs can take up dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This study investigated DOC and DON uptake in a laminated cyanobacterial mat community from hypersaline Salt Pond (San Salvador, Bahamas). The total community uptake of (3)H-labeled substrates was measured in the light and in the dark and under conditions of high and low salinity. Salinity was the primary control of DOM uptake, with increased uptake occurring under low-salinity, 'freshened' conditions. DOC uptake was also enhanced in the light as compared with the dark and in samples incubated with the photosystem II inhibitor 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea, suggesting a positive association between photosynthetic activity and DOC uptake. Microautoradiography revealed that some DOM uptake was attributed to cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria DOM uptake was negatively correlated with that of smaller filamentous microorganisms, and DOM uptake by individual coccoid cells was negatively correlated with uptake by colonial coccoids. These patterns of activity suggest that Salt Pond microorganisms are engaged in resource partitioning, and DOM utilization may provide a metabolic boost to both heterotrophs and photoautrophs during periods of lowered salinity. 相似文献
Salinity, depth and the structure and composition of microbial mats in continental Antarctic lakes 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
Koen Sabbe Dominic A. Hodgson Elie Verleyen Arnaud Taton Annick Wilmotte Koenraad Vanhoutte Wim Vyverman 《Freshwater Biology》2004,49(3):296-319
1. Lakes and ponds in the Larsemann Hills and Bølingen Islands (East‐Antarctica) were characterised by cyanobacteria‐dominated, benthic microbial mats. A 56‐lake dataset representing the limnological diversity among the more than 150 lakes and ponds in the region was developed to identify and quantify the abiotic conditions associated with cyanobacterial and diatom communities. 2. Limnological diversity in the lakes of the Larsemann Hills and Bølingen Islands was associated primarily with conductivity and conductivity‐related variables (concentrations of major ions and alkalinity), and variation in lake morphometry (depth, catchment and lake area). Low concentrations of pigments, phosphate, nitrogen, DOC and TOC in the water column of most lakes suggest extremely low water column productivity and hence high water clarity, and may thus contribute to the ecological success of benthic microbial mats in this region. 3. Benthic communities consisted of prostrate and sometimes finely laminated mats, flake mats, epilithic and interstitial microbial mats. Mat physiognomy and carotenoid/chlorophyll ratios were strongly related to lake depth, but not to conductivity. 4. Morphological‐taxonomic analyses revealed the presence of 26 diatom morphospecies and 33 cyanobacterial morphotypes. Mats of shallow lakes (interstitial and flake mats) and those of deeper lakes (prostrate mats) were characterised by different dominant cyanobacterial morphotypes. No relationship was found between the distribution of these morphotypes and conductivity. In contrast, variation in diatom species composition was strongly related to both lake depth and conductivity. Shallow ponds were mainly characterised by aerial diatoms (e.g. Diadesmis cf. perpusilla and Hantzschia spp.). In deep lakes, communities were dominated by Psammothidium abundans and Stauroforma inermis. Lakes with conductivities higher than ±1.5 mS cm?1 became susceptible to freezing out of salts and hence pronounced conductivity fluctuations. In these lakes P. abundans and S. inermis were replaced by Amphora veneta. Stomatocysts were important only in shallow freshwater lakes. 5. Ice cover influenced microbial mat structure and composition both directly by physical disturbance in shallow lakes and by influencing light availability in deeper lakes, as well as indirectly by generating conductivity increases and promoting the development of seasonal anoxia. 6. The relationships between diatom species composition and conductivity, and diatom species composition and depth, were statistically significant. Transfer functions based on these data can therefore be used in paleolimnological reconstruction to infer changes in the precipitation–evaporation balance in continental Antarctic lakes. 相似文献
Effects of solar and ultraviolet radiation on motility, photomovement and pigmentation in filamentous, gliding cyanobacteria 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Abstract The effects of solar irradiation and artificial UV irradiation on several cyanobacteria ( Anabaena variabilis and two strains of Phormidium uncinatum ) have been studied. Both types of radiation affect the percentage of motile filaments and impair the linear velocity of the organisms. Long term exposure to UV radiation bleaches the photosynthetic pigments as determined by absorption difference spectra. Fluorescence excitation and emission spectra indicate that under ultraviolet radiation the energy transfer from the accessory pigments to chlorophyll is affected. Furthermore the structural integrity of the phycobilisomes seems to be impaired by continuous radiation and the photoreceptor pigments seem to be destroyed. 相似文献
Abstract: The effects of solar radiation on photosynthetic oxygen production and pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorescence were measured in the marine brown macroalga Padina pavonia harvested from different depths from the Greek coast near Korinth. In fluence rate-response curves the light compensation point for photosynthetic oxygen production increased and the saturation level decreased with increasing exposure time to solar radiation. Cutting off the UV-B wavelength range (280–315 nm) from solar radiation reduced the inhibition of photosynthesis, and the organisms were less affected when all of the UV radiation was filtered out. Algae collected from 7 m depth were much more prone to photoinhibition than those harvested from rock pools exposed to unfiltered solar radiation. During continuous exposure to solar radiation, rock pool algae showed photoinhibition after longer periods of time than specimens from 7 m or from dark adapted habitats. When subjected to unfiltered solar radiation the ratio of the variable fluorescence to the maximal fluorescence (Fv = Fm − Fo ) rapidly declined with increasing exposure time. However, again algae from 7 m depth were more prone to photoinhibition than rock pool algae. The differences between the two ecological strains were less obvious when UV-B or total UV was removed from solar radiation. Only in the latter case a complete recovery was observed after 2 h while, when exposed to unifiltered sunlight, only the rock pool algae recovered completely within that time. 相似文献
At Helgoland, in the North Sea, growth of the high sublittoral brown macroalga Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamoroux was examined in October (the time of tetraspore release) in an outdoor tank by exposing 2-day-old germlings
to four solar radiation treatments achieved with different filter materials or an additional artificial light source: photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR; 395–700 nm), PAR plus ultraviolet (UV)-A (320–700 nm), full solar spectrum, or solar spectrum plus
artificial UV radiation (UVR). Based on length measurements over a period of 3 weeks, the growth rate in germlings strongly
decreased in conditions with UVR compared to PAR: by 14% under PAR+UV-A, by 31% under the full solar spectrum and by 65% with
additional UVR. Although growth rates of germlings under UVR were reduced mainly in the first week, the plants did not regain
the size of the untreated plants even after 9 weeks. Regardless of the exposure, no defects in morphology or anatomy including
the exposed apical meristem were detected, except for a reduction in cell division rates perhaps due to additional cost for
photoprotective or repair mechanisms. Depending on the actual position of D. dichotoma plants in the natural habitat, individuals in high positions receive substantial amounts of the more harmful UV-B while those
lower down might only receive UV-A during part of the day, thus the effect of UV-B on the growth of D. dichotoma will depend on its position in the field. The effects of tidal variation of the light climate and the implications of our
results for the zonation of D. dichotoma are discussed.
Received in revised form: 6 July 2000
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Growth and photosynthetic response of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in relation to photoperiodicity and irradiance 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Growth and photosynthetic characteristics, P
max (maximum light-saturated oxygen production rate) and (photosynthetic affinity), of Microcystis aeruginosa were studied in continuous cultures under a range of photoperiod lengths and growth irradiances.
Microcystis showed a low specific maintenance rate constant and a high growth affinity for light (typical cyanobacterial features), but required a dark period to obtain maximum growth rate. P
max and per unit dry weight increased, as did pigment content, when less light became available. By regulation in and P
max (crucial in light-limiting and high-light conditions, respectively) this buoyant species can flourish in low light, but also in high-light environments which may arise when buoyancy is lost.The two different types of light conditions affected growth, and photosynthesis, in different ways. One needs thus to discriminate between photoperiod- and irradiance-limitation, which restricts the utility of simple algal growth models. It was emphasized that photosynthetic adaptation patterns of light-limited species may resemble short-term nutrient uptake kinetics of nutrient-limited organisms.With prior knowledge of the growth limitation, we were able to assess the growth rate of a natural population of Microcystis from its photosynthetic response and from data of laboratory cultures of a known physiological state. 相似文献
The effects of UV-B radiation generated in the laboratory and as a component of sunlight on the viability and particular biochemical activities of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus have been examined. UV-B radiation progressively inhibits protein synthesis (assayed as 3H-alanine incorporation) and kills cells. Cell respiration, and RNA and DNA synthesis (3H-uridine and 3H-thymidine incorporation) were not greatly affected by UV-B irradiation. The OH and 1O2-free radical scavengers protected cells against killing and inhibition of protein synthesis by UV-B, suggesting that such radicals mediate the effects of UV-B on this organism. A similar protective effect using a ferric ion chelator suggests an important role for metallic ions in UV-B lethality.Abbreviations VIS, UV-A, UV-B, UV-C
radiation in the bands 400–750 nm, 315–400 nm, 280–315 nm, 200–280 nm respectively
oxygen free radical
- OH, 1O2, O
hydroxyl free radical, singlet oxygen, superoxide radical respectively 相似文献