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In spite of the importance of auditory ossicles in anthropological studies, very little attention has been paid to these bones, which are only rarely recovered in archaeological excavations and in osteological collections. In this paper, we attempt to review some studies that started in the 1960 from when we first collected and prepared ossicles from the early Egyptian osteological collection of Giovanni Marro in Turin (Italy). We attempt to delineate the potential of ear bones in the study of man. In a few cases, archaeological ossicles were discussed in connection with some forms of pathology. Other studies examined the phylogeny of primates based on auditory ossicles. The function of the ossicles is to transmit sound waves to the cochlear endolymph. The energy transmitted through the ossicles is conserved by the action of two levers, which convert the relatively wide and low-energy movements of the hammer into smaller high-energy movements of the stirrup. It is a matter of argument whether the different proportions of the ossicles may imply variations in auditory perception in primates, including man. While the hammer of modern humans and that of the great apes show similar absolute sizes, nevertheless, the ape manubrium is appreciably greater than that of man. This difference, combined with stirrup proportions, causes a strong “low-gear” effect in apes and, as a consequence, probably a different auditory acuity. Although only a few fossil Neanderthal auditory ossicles are known, it may be, nevertheless, of interest studying the ossicles from the viewpoint of vibration transfer impedance function. The methodology may also be appropriate to study the few Australopithecine ossicles that are known. It is a matter of question whether the ossicles may have a meaning in distinguishing human populations; nevertheless, at least a case of clear distinction between human population has been achieved as in the case of Antinoe Roman–Egyptians.  相似文献   

The drum, ossicles and oval window of the middle ear can be considered equivalent to a system of two pistons connected by a lever, where the leverage results not only from the combined motion of the three ossicles, but also from the non-rigid fibrated structure of the drum. This paper studies the transmission of sound from air to liquid by means of such a system and finds conditions on the dimensions, mass and elasticity of the system which should be met in a “good” ear. Two methods, based on different conceptions of “good,” are used, and they give similar results. Most of these results are in good quantitative agreement with actual data.  相似文献   

The semi-dominantly inherited mouse mutation pardon (Pdo) was isolated due to the lack of a Preyer reflex (ear flick) in response to sound from a large-scale N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis programme. Dissection of the middle ear revealed malformations in all three ossicles, rendering the ossicular chain incomplete. Hair cell counts in the apical turn of the organ of Corti revealed a significant 22.7% increase in the number of outer hair cells. Raised compound action potential thresholds in Pdo/+ mutants suggested a combined sensorineural/conductive hearing loss. We show that a missense mutation in the homeobox gene Emx2 is responsible for these defects, identifying a new function for this gene in the development of specific structures in the ear.  相似文献   

The middle ear structures of eight species of mole in the family Talpidae (Mammalia: Eulipotyphla) were studied under light and electron microscopy. Neurotrichus, Parascalops, and Condylura have a simple middle ear cavity with a loose ectotympanic bone, ossicles of a "microtype" morphology, and they retain a small tensor tympani muscle. These characteristics are ancestral for talpid moles. Talpa, Scalopus, Scapanus, and Parascaptor species, on the other hand, have a looser articulation between malleus and ectotympanic bone and a reduced or absent orbicular apophysis. These species lack a tensor tympani muscle, possess complete bullae, and extensions of the middle ear cavity pneumatize the surrounding basicranial bones. The two middle ear cavities communicate in Talpa, Scapanus, and Parascaptor species. Parascaptor has a hypertrophied malleus, a feature shared with Scaptochirus but not found in any other talpid genus. Differences in middle ear morphology within members of the Talpidae are correlated with lifestyle. The species with middle ears closer to the ancestral type spend more time above ground, where they will be exposed to high-frequency sound: their middle ears appear suited for transmission of high frequencies. The species with derived middle ear morphologies are more exclusively subterranean. Some of the derived features of their middle ears potentially improve low-frequency hearing, while others may reduce the transmission of bone-conducted noise. By contrast, the unusual middle ear apparatus of Parascaptor, which exhibits striking similarities to that of golden moles, probably augments seismic sensitivity by inertial bone conduction.  相似文献   

The human ear is a complex biomechanical system and is divided into three parts: outer, middle and inner ear. The middle ear is formed by ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes), ligaments, muscles and tendons, which transfers sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear, linking with mastoid and Eustachian tube. In this work, a finite element modelling of the tympano-ossicular system of the middle ear was developed. A dynamic study based on a structural response to harmonic vibrations, for a sound pressure level (SPL) of 110, 120 and 130 dB SPL applied in the eardrum, is presented. The connection between the ossicles is made using a contact formulation. The model includes the different ligaments considering its hyperelastic behaviour. The activation of the muscles is based on the constitutive model proposed by previous work. The harmonic responses of displacement and pressure obtained on the stapes footplate, for a frequency range between 100 Hz and 10 kHz, are obtained simulating the muscle activation. The results are compared considering the passive and active states. The results are discussed and they are in accordance with audiological data published with reference to the effects of the middle ear muscles contraction.  相似文献   


Osteoporosis (OP) is common with advancing age. Several studies have shown a strong correlation between OP and otosclerosis. However, no studies have investigated OP of the malleus, incus or stapes in the human middle ear, its effect on middle ear transfer function. Here, we investigate whether these three ossicles develop OP, and how this affects middle ear transfer function. The effect of OP on middle ear transfer function was investigated in simulations based on a finite element (FE) method. First, the FE model used in our previous study was refined, and optimized by introducing viscoelastic properties to selected soft tissues of the middle ear. Then, the FE model was used to simulate OP of the three ossicles and assess its influence on middle ear transfer function. Other possible age-related changes, such as stiffness of the joints or ligaments in the middle ear, were also investigated. The results indicated that OP of the ossicles could increase the high frequency displacement of both the umbo and stapes footplate (FP). However, the stiffness of the middle ear soft tissue can lead to the decrease of middle ear gain at lower frequencies. Furthermore, loosening of these joints or ligaments could increase displacement of the umbo and stapes FP. In conclusion, although age-related hearing loss is most commonly conceived of as sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), we found that age-related changes may also include OP and changes in joint stiffness, but these will have little effect on middle ear transfer function in elderly people.  相似文献   

This study is based on the examination of histological sections of specimens of different ages and of adult ossicles from macerated skulls representing a wide range of taxa and aims at addressing several issues concerning the evolution of the ear ossicles in marsupials. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the ear ossicles based on histological series were done for one or more stages of Monodelphis domestica, Caluromys philander, Sminthopsis virginiae, Trichosurus vulpecula, and Macropus rufogriseus. Several common trends were found. Portions of the ossicles that are phylogenetically older develop earlier than portions representing more recent evolutionary inventions (manubrium of the malleus, crus longum of the incus). The onset of endochondral ossification in the taxa in which this was examined followed the sequence; first malleus, then incus, and finally stapes. In M. domestica and C. philander at birth the yet precartilaginous ossicles form a supportive strut between the lower jaw and the braincase. The cartilage of Paauw develops relatively late in comparison with the ear ossicles and in close association to the tendon of the stapedial muscle. A feeble artery traverses the stapedial foramen of the stapes in the youngest stages of M. domestica, C. philander, and Sminthopsis virginiae examined. Presence of a large stapedial foramen is reconstructed in the groundplan of the Didelphidae and of Marsupialia. The stapedial foramen is absent in all adult caenolestids, dasyurids, Myrmecobius, Notoryctes, peramelids, vombatids, and phascolarctids. Pouch young of Perameles sp. and Dasyurus viverrinus show a bicrurate stapes with a sizeable stapedial foramen. Some didelphids examined to date show a double insertion of the Tensor tympani muscle. Some differences exist between M. domestica and C. philander in adult ossicle form, including the relative length of the incudal crus breve and of the stapes. Several differences exist between the malleus of didelphids and that of some phalangeriforms, the latter showing a short neck, absence of the lamina, and a ventrally directed manubrium. Hearing starts in M. domestica at an age in which the external auditory meatus has not yet fully developed, the ossicles are not fully ossified, and the middle ear space is partially filled with loose mesenchyme. The ontogenetic changes in hearing abilities in M. domestica between postnatal days 30 and 40 may be at least partially related to changes in middle ear structures.  相似文献   

The middle ear allows animals to hear while moving in an aerial medium. It is composed of a cavity harbouring a chain of three ossicles that transmit vibrations produced by airborne sound in the tympanic membrane into the inner ear, where they are converted into neural impulses. The middle ear develops in the branchial arches, and this requires sequential interactions between the epithelia and the underlying mesenchyme. Gene-inactivation experiments have identified genes required for the formation of different middle ear components. Some encode for signalling molecules, including Endothelin1 and Fgf8, probable mediators of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Other genes, including Eya1, Prx1, Hoxa1, Hoxa2, Dlx1, Dlx2, Dlx5, and Gsc, are most likely involved in patterning and morphogenetic processes in the neural crest-derived mesenchyme. Mechanisms controlling formation of a functional tympanic membrane are also discussed. Basically, the tympanic ring, which serves as support for the tympanic membrane, directs invagination of the first pharyngeal cleft ectoderm to form the external acoustic meatus (EAM), which provides the outer layer of the membrane. Gsc and Prx1 are essential for tympanic ring development. While invaginating, the EAM controls skeletogenesis in the underlying mesenchyme to form the manubrium of the malleus, the link between the membrane and the middle ear ossicles.  相似文献   

Previous study of the ear ossicles in Primates has demonstrated that they vary on both functional and phylogenetic bases. Such studies have generally employed two-dimensional linear measurements rather than three-dimensional data. The availability of Ultra- high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (UhrCT) has made it possible to accurately image the ossicles so that broadly accepted methodologies for acquiring and studying morphometric data can be applied. Using UhrCT data also allows for the ossicular chain to be studied in anatomical position, so that it is possible to consider the spatial and size relationships of all three bones. One issue impeding the morphometric study of the ear ossicles is a lack of broadly recognized landmarks. Distinguishing landmarks on the ossicles is difficult in part because there are only two areas of articulation in the ossicular chain, one of which (the malleus/incus articulation) has a complex three-dimensional form. A measurement error study is presented demonstrating that a suite of 16 landmarks can be precisely located on reconstructions of the ossicles from UhrCT data. Estimates of measurement error showed that most landmarks were highly replicable, with an average CV for associated interlandmark distances of less than 3%. The positions of these landmarks are chosen to reflect not only the overall shape of the bones in the chain and their relative positions, but also functional parameters. This study should provide a basis for further examination of the smallest bones in the body in three dimensions.  相似文献   

The skeletal structure of the mammalian middle ear, which is composed of three endochondral ossicles suspended within a membranous air‐filled capsule, plays a critical role in conducting sound. Gene mutations that alter skeletal development in the middle ear result in auditory impairment. Mutations in fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2), an important regulator of endochondral and intramembranous bone formation, cause a spectrum of congenital skeletal disorders featuring conductive hearing loss. Although the middle ear malformations in multiple FGFR2 gain‐of‐function disorders are clinically characterized, those in the FGFR2 loss‐of‐function disorder lacrimo‐auriculo‐dento‐digital (LADD) syndrome are relatively undescribed. To better understand conductive hearing loss in LADD, we examined the middle ear skeleton of mice with conditional loss of Fgfr2. We find that decreased auditory function in Fgfr2 mutant mice correlates with hypoplasia of the auditory bulla and ectopic bone growth at sites of tendon/ligament attachment. We show that ectopic bone associated with the intra‐articular ligaments of the incudomalleal joint is derived from Scx‐expressing cells and preceded by decreased expression of the joint progenitor marker Gdf5. Together, these results identify a role for Fgfr2 in development of the middle ear skeletal tissues and suggest potential causes for conductive hearing loss in LADD syndrome.  相似文献   

A lumped parametric model of the human auditoria peripherals consisting of six masses suspended with six springs and ten dashpots was proposed. This model will provide the quantitative basis for the construction of a physical model of the human middle ear. The lumped model parameters were first identified using published anatomical data, and then determined through a parameter optimization process. The transfer function of the middle ear obtained from human temporal bone experiments with laser Doppler interferometers was used for creating the target function during the optimization process. It was found that, among 14 spring and dashpot parameters, there were five parameters which had pronounced effects on the dynamic behaviors of the model. The detailed discussion on the sensitivity of those parameters was provided with appropriate applications for sound transmission in the ear. We expect that the methods for characterizing the lumped model of the human ear and the model parameters will be useful for theoretical modeling of the ear function and construction of the ear physical model.Supported by Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

The anterior anchoring of the malleus of 30 extant species of Lagomorpha (rabbits, hares, pikas) has been studied on the basis of histological serial sections and µCT‐scans. It is shown that former studies of Oryctolagus, Lepus, and Ochotona are incomplete, because the rostral part of the processus anterior of the malleus is always lacking due to damage of this extremely delicate structure. Our study shows that in perinatal stages of Leporidae the praearticulare develops a prominent processus internus that fits into a groove at the ventral side of the tegmen tympani; this “tongue and groove”‐arrangement may act as a hinge. In adult stages, the rostral end of the praearticulare fuses synostotically with the medial process of the ectotympanic. Torsional strain produced by rotation around the axis of the middle ear ossicles at sound transmission must, therefore, be experienced by the extremely thin but highly elastic bony pedicle of the processus internus praearticularis. The free ending processus anterior of a late fetal Ochotona shows a short processus internus praearticularis, which does not articulate with the tegmen tympani. During postnatal development the middle ear of Ochotona becomes considerably remodelled: not only does excessive pneumatization of the tegmen tympani and tympanic cavity wall occur, but the short processus anterior is fused synostotically to a bone trabecula of the tegmen tympani meshwork. The thin and elastic bone bridges are not equivalent in Leporidae and Ochotonidae, that is, they must have evolved convergently. Fleischer's classification with Oryctolagus possessing a “freely mobile type” of middle ear ossicles cannot be supported by our observations. The same holds true for Ochotona, which does not represent a “freely mobile type” either. Thus, we suggest for the lagomorph middle ear ossicles a new category: the “bone elasticity type.”  相似文献   

The inner ear is a structurally complex vertebrate organ built to encode sound, motion, and orientation in space. Given its complexity, it is not surprising that inner ear dysfunction is a relatively common consequence of human genetic mutation. Studies in model organisms suggest that many genes currently known to be associated with human hearing impairment are active during embryogenesis. Hence, the study of inner ear development provides a rich context for understanding the functions of genes implicated in hearing loss. This chapter focuses on molecular mechanisms of inner ear development derived from studies of model organisms.  相似文献   

李莉  刘芳  李文峰  苏松坤 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1354-1359
蜜蜂的采集行为是蜜蜂众多社会行为中一种较复杂的行为,涉及信息评估、信息传递、学习记忆及能量代谢等不同的行为过程。研究蜜蜂采集及信息交流系统的分子机制,不仅利于蜜蜂的理论研究和蜂产业的发展,还为人类语言及信息交流系统的研究提供借鉴。本文从行为、感觉基础及分子机制等不同研究层面,综述了近年来对蜜蜂采集及信息传递行为的研究进展,并提出了研究设想,以期为深入研究蜜蜂的采集行为及其信息传递行为的分子机制提供参考。  相似文献   

High noise levels may have an adverse effect on the normal cochlea function and lead to significant hearing loss. Clinically, exposure to high intensity impulse noise produces a wide range of audiometric effects which may result in long term or even irreversible symptoms. Nevertheless, there is sometimes a spontaneous rebound recovery of the auditory function. This phenomenon was previously studied in the vision, another sensory function. It was called the visual survival attractor. In view of the importance that the sensory organs have for the brain, and in particular in its function of recognising and dealing with its environment, it was interesting to know whether this survival attractor concept already described for vision occurs more generally in all the sensory functions. With this in mind we present here the results of a new study, this time on hearing. This study was carried out on guinea pigs subjected to a pulsed acoustic trauma simulating the sound of a gun going off. Auditory function was explored using electrocochleography and two types of investigation were carried out. At first the change in hearing loss was studied in relation to frequencies varying between 2 and 24 kHz by calculating the difference, at each frequency, between the compound action potential thresholds measured before and then 20 mn, 24 h and 7 days after the acoustic trauma. On the other hand, the change in compound action potential amplitude was determined by varying the stimulating sound level from the auditory threshold up to 90 dB. This change was also recorded at the same time intervals as the investigation of hearing loss. In both the analysis of changes to hearing loss and in the investigation of variations in compound action potential, the results of the electrocochleographic investigations after acoustic trauma confirm the presence of a butterfly catastrophe type reaction process, that is positive evidence of a hearing survival attractor.  相似文献   

Severe thermal injuries to the external ear often lead to extensive loss of peripheral structures such as helix and lobule but frequently spare the more central parts of the ear, even though they may be grossly deformed by scar contracture. The use of spared conchal structures as a transposition flap in combination with remodeling of the residual auricle and release of surrounding scar when indicated has been a useful technique in the reconstruction of a frequently occurring type of postburn ear deformity. Twenty-four ears have been reconstructed in 18 patients over the past 5 years using a conchal transposition flap. The residual concha with its overlying skin can be transposed superiorly, based on a very narrow pedicle in the area of the crus helicis. The raw central area remaining is then resurfaced with a split-thickness skin graft. This technique maximally utilizes the unique remaining auricular elements and can provide a satisfactory reconstruction in selected patients without resorting to more complex and extensive procedures. There have been no significant complications in this series, and patient acceptance of the results has been excellent.  相似文献   

In recent years, mouse models for human metabolic diseases have become commonplace because the information gained from in vivo study of biochemical pathways is invaluable, and many metabolic diseases are relatively easy to recreate in mice through gene knockout technology in embryonic stem cells. In certain cases, however, the knockout mice may reproduce only some of the human disease phenotype, may be more severely affected than human cases, or may have no clinical phenotype at all. Under these circumstances, the disease pathology can become more complex, causing the researcher to evaluate basic differences in mouse and human biology as well as questions of genetic background, alternate pathways, and possible gene interactions. This review is a brief analysis of gene knockout models for Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Lowe syndrome, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, Fabry disease, galactosemia, glycogen storage disease type II, metachromatic leukodystrophy, and Tay-Sachs disease, which produce a biochemical model of disease but often do not reproduce clinical symptoms. These mice may be useful for studying the biochemical and physiological pathways in which certain metabolites function toward embryonic and fetal development, as well as specific functions in various organs, and they may provide an inexpensive and useful model system for development of new therapeutic techniques.  相似文献   

Some Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) respond to stimulation by seizures, the pattern of which changes progressively during development. We previously established a seizure-sensitive strain, MGS/Idr, in which all animals exhibit such stimulus-induced seizures. We have now noted that all adults of this strain also show repetitive backward movements of the ears at the ears at the beginning of stimulus-induced seizures, although the incidence varies with the individual. We examined whether the cerebral cortex was involved in these movements and found that electrical stimulation of an area of the somatosensory cortex elicited strong backward movement of the ear on the contralateral side, and that unilateral application of bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, induced spontaneous repetitive backward movements of the same ear. In this area, sharp waves appeared in the electrocortigram during the repetitive ear movements induced by seizure-inducing stimuli. Unilateral ablation of this area abolished stimulus-induced repetitive movements of the contralateral ear, but had no effects on those of the ipsilateral ear. These results suggest that, in certain types of seizure-susceptible subjects, it may be possible to modify stimulus-induced repetitive movements by manipulating a certain area of the somatosensory cortex which is related to these movements and that this gerbil strain may be useful in research on this subject.  相似文献   

We investigated the morphology and development of the scleral ossicles within the eyes of three species from three basal teleost orders, namely, the alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus; Clupeiformes), the surface morph of the Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus; Characiformes) and zebrafish (Danio rerio; Cypriniformes). Two morphologies, circular and elongated, and one variation, fused elements, were identified. Zebrafish have small circular ossicles, whereas the alewife and the Mexican tetra have elongated ossicles. Surprisingly in the Mexican tetra these elements fuse at one end forming a continuous element with an antero-ventral opening; this may be typical for the Order Characiformes. Regardless of morphology, the ossicles develop via unilateral perichondral ossification of the scleral cartilage from two centers opposite one another in the eye. This unilateral type of ossification, in which only the perichondrium furthest from the retina contributes to the ossicles, has not previously been reported in any vertebrate. Because either the perichondrium and/or an extension of the perichondrium can transform into the scleral ossicle, we refer to the transitional tissue as periskeletal. Although the functional significance of the different shaped ossicles is unclear, skeletal muscle attaches directly to these bones, implying voluntary control. The morphological and developmental variation of teleost scleral ossicles makes them an ideal system for determining the genetic basis underlying phenotypic variation as well as for studying mechanisms underlying osteogenic and chondrogenic processes in teleosts. These data support our previous finding that scleral ossicles in teleosts may not be homologous to those in other vertebrates, such as reptiles.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the craniate inner ear is reviewed, with 33 apomorphic characters of the membranous labyrinth and associated structures identified in craniates, gnathostomes, and elasmobranchs. Elasmobranchs are capable of low-frequency semi-directional phonoreception, even in the absence of any pressure-to-displacement transducer such as ear ossicles. The endolymphatic (parietal) fossa, semicircular canals, and crista (macula) neglecta are all adapted toward phonoreception. Some (but not all) of the morphological features associated with phonoreception can be inferred from the elasmobranch skeletal labyrinth. Endocranial spaces such as the skeletal labyrinth also provide suites of morphological characters that may be incorporated into phylogenetic analyses, irrespective of how closely these spaces reflect underlying soft anatomy. The skeletal labyrinths of Squalus and Notorynchus are compared using silicone endocasts and high-resolution CT-scanning. The latter procedure offers several advantages over other techniques; it is more informative, nondestructive, preserves relationships of surrounding structures, and it can be applied both to modern and fossil material.  相似文献   

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