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Plasmids pIKΔ and pIKΔ-erm have recently been developed as mycoplasmal cloning vectors. In this report, we demonstrate that these plasmids can replicate in Mycoplasma capricolum, a mycoplasmal species for which transformation had not previously been characterized. Both plasmids are stably maintained at a higher copy number than in their parental species, Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides. We have also examined the possibility of one or more restriction-modification systems affecting transformation frequencies in both species.  相似文献   

Summary DNA segments carrying rRNA genes of Mycoplasma capricolum have been cloned and characterized by restriction endonuclease mapping, DNA-RNA hybridization and nucleotide sequencing. The M. capricolum genome has two sets of rRNA gene clusters, where the arrangement is in the order of (5)16S-23S-5S(3). The spacer region between 16S and 23S rDNA is extremely rich in AT and does not carry any tRNA genes. Present address: Division of Hematology and Immunology of Internal Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University, Uchinada-Cho, Kahoku-Gun Ishikawa Pref. 920-02, Japan  相似文献   

山羊支原体山羊肺炎亚种(Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae, Mccp)是山羊传染性胸膜肺炎(contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, CCPP)的病原,可用灭活疫苗和荚膜多糖(capsular polysaccharide, CPS)间接血凝试剂进行预防和血清学检测,但高昂的培养成本和复杂的抗原定量一直困扰着生产人员。为解决生产实际中出现的这些问题,本研究基于Mccp代谢组学的前期理论基础,通过改变初始pH值的方法,初步筛选出初始pH值为7.8的可以同时提高2种抗原产量的糖发酵培养基。利用紫外可吸收光谱可识别酚红,以及十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB)可与阴离子荚膜多糖结合的理论依据,建立了利用紫外光谱分析Mccp达到的培养阶段,以及利用CTAB沉淀法相对定量发酵液荚膜多糖抗原产量的方法。通过紫外图谱观察的方法可对应Mccp生长曲线进行指导生产,大大节省传统颜色变化单位(color change unit, CCU)法的监测时间,提高了原肉眼观察方法的精确度。建立的CTAB沉淀法可在5 h内完成对CPS含量的监测,与传统的差值法相比大大缩短了时间,并且其准确度得到苯酚-硫酸法的验证。本研究优化的一种培养基和建立的两种相关性比较方法,可有效降低Mccp生产成本,提高生产效率,这些方法已在本实验室的研究阶段得到应用,为进一步改进CCPP灭活疫苗和荚膜多糖的生产工艺以及快速定量提供了实验数据。  相似文献   

Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (Mccp) is a disease of goats which causes high morbidity and mortality and is reported in many countries of the world. There are probably no reports on the molecular prevalence of Mccp, Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) and Mycoplasma putrefaciens (Mp) in Balochistan and any other part of Pakistan. Thirty goats (n = 30) with marked respiratory symptoms were selected and procured from forty goat flocks in Pishin district of Balochistan in 2008. The genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the lung samples (n = 30) of the slaughtered goats was purified and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for the presence of Mycoplasma mycoides cluster members and Mp. The PCR-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) was also used to further confirm the Mccp. Of the thirty lung samples 17 (56.67%) were positive for the molecular prevalence of Mcc, Mccp and Mp. In total the molecular prevalence was observed as 17.65% for Mccp (n = 3), 70.59% for Mcc (n = 12) and 11.76% for Mp (n = 2). The RFLP profile has also validated the PCR results of Mccp by yielding two bands of 190 and 126 bp. The results of PCR-RFLP coupled with the presence of fibrinous pleuropneumonia and pleurisy during postmortem of goats (n = 3) strongly indicated the prevalence of CCPP in this part of world. Moreover the prevalence of Mcc and Mp is also alarming in the study area. We report for the very first time the molecular prevalence of Mcc, Mccp, and Mp in the lung tissues of goats in the Pishin district of Balochistan, Pakistan.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal subunits from the thermoacidophilic Archaebacterium Sulfolobus were purified and their protein composition analyzed by gel electrophoretic methods. A tentative nomenclature was proposed. 30S subunits contained 27, and 50S subunits 34, electrophoretically distinguishable proteins. Three additional proteins were present on both the 30S and 50S subunits. The protein pattern of three geographically different isolates of Sulfolobus (Italy, Japan, Yellowstone) were nearly identical.  相似文献   

猪支原体肺炎是由猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,Mhp)引起的一种存在于世界各地的严重危害养猪业的疾病,严重影响饲料报酬,造成巨大的经济损失。准确、敏感、快速的Mhp检测方法有助于了解Mhp在猪群的流行情况,进而采取相应的预防、治疗和综合防控措施。对国内外Mhp病原学、分子生物学和免疫学检测方法进行了综述,为科技工作者全面了解Mhp检测方法提供参考资料。  相似文献   

【背景】猪肺炎支原体是猪的一种重要的病原。该菌的研究工具较少,特别是缺少开展其致病机制研究需要的抗体。【目的】制备猪肺炎支原体Mhp366-N蛋白抗体并确定其应用范围和使用时的最佳稀释倍数。【方法】Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pET28a(+)-mhp366-N重组菌诱导表达Mhp366-N蛋白并纯化。纯化的蛋白免疫小鼠制备多克隆抗体。用免疫印迹和免疫荧光方法检测猪肺炎支原体AH株感染3D4/21细胞后的Mhp366蛋白,确定2种方法中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的最佳稀释倍数;之后检测临床采集的猪肺泡巨噬细胞中的猪肺炎支原体;最后以免疫组化试验检测猪肺炎支原体感染的肺细胞。【结果】纯化的Mhp366-N蛋白纯度超过85%,免疫小鼠制备的抗血清效价在1:128 000-1:512 000之间。在免疫印迹试验中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的最佳工作浓度为1:100 000稀释,免疫荧光试验中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的工作浓度范围在1:1 000-1:10 000 000,其可用于临床采集的猪肺泡巨噬细胞和细胞系中猪肺炎支原体的检测。免疫组化试验结果显示猪肺炎支原体能够进入猪肺泡巨噬细胞、Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞。【结论】制备的Mhp366-N多克隆抗体为猪肺炎支原体致病机制研究提供了良好的研究工具。  相似文献   

A wireless immunosensor for the detection of Mycoplasma genitalium was fabricated by immobilizing polyclonal antibody onto the surface of a magnetostrictive strip. In response to a time-varying magnetic field, the immunosensor longitudinally vibrates at a resonance frequency, emitting magnetic flux that can be remotely detected by a pickup coil. No physical connections between the immunosensor and the detection system are required, facilitating wireless aseptic operation. The binding of M. genitalium to the immunosensor surface resulted in a decrease in the resonance frequency of the immunosensor. When solutions with varying concentrations of the bacteria were tested, the shift of the resonance frequency was proportional to the concentration of M. genitalium. Under the optimized conditions, the linear range for the determination of M. genitalium was 2.0 × 103 to 2.9 × 104 color change units (ccu)/ml with a detection limit of 3.4 × 102 ccu/ml. The immunosensor was successfully applied to real samples containing M. genitalium with results similar to those previously obtained by the color change unit method.  相似文献   

【背景】课题组前期研究发现猪肺炎支原体Mhp367蛋白是体液免疫显性蛋白,但该蛋白不同区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清的反应能力尚不明确。【目的】鉴定Mhp367蛋白不同区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清的反应能力。【方法】利用不同的引物组合扩增mhp367基因片段,扩增的片段连接pGEX-6P-1、pGEX-4T-3或pGEX-5X-3载体,转化大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞。提取的质粒经Bam H I和Xho I双酶切及测序确定重组质粒是否构建成功。正确的重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞构建重组菌。重组菌经IPTG诱导和超声破菌后,经与谷胱甘肽beads结合和SDS-PAGE电泳检测目的蛋白表达情况。表达目的蛋白的重组菌破菌后上清包被谷胱甘肽板,ELISA方法鉴定Mhp367蛋白不同区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清的反应能力。【结果】构建了9个能以可溶形式表达目的蛋白的重组菌;9个Mhp367蛋白片段均为体液免疫显性,第394-524位氨基酸区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清反应最强,是一个良好的疫苗候选抗原区段。【结论】本研究为猪肺炎支原体基因工程亚单位疫苗的研发提供了候选抗原靶标。  相似文献   

【背景】自2010年以来,我国鸡群中滑液囊支原体(Mycoplasma synoviae,MS)的感染率不断增高,目前MS已广泛存在于我国不同的鸡群中,包括蛋鸡、种鸡、白羽肉鸡和地方品种鸡等,其血清阳性率已超过40%,严重危害我国养鸡业,并造成了严重的经济损失。【目的】系统比较MS以不同感染途径对56日龄无特定病原体(Specific Pathogen Free,SPF)鸡的致病力。【方法】采用MS强毒FZ株以点眼、爪垫注射、胸部皮下注射、单次气管注射、连续3次气管注射等不同途径感染56日龄SPF鸡,观察感染后临床症状和解剖病理变化,检测感染后血清中的MS抗体,并且对气管组织进行病原再分离和组织病理学观察。【结果】MS的FZ株以不同途径感染SPF鸡后临床表现和发病率差异较大,爪垫注射和胸部皮下注射可导致100%的鸡发生爪垫肿大或胸部囊肿,而单次或连续3次气管注射可引起33%-50%的鸡发生严重气囊炎,点眼感染途径基本不能引起临床病理变化;爪垫肿大主要为肉芽组织增生和出现大量的黄色干酪样块状物质,胸部囊肿在囊肿部位有大量的血红色样液体和黄色干酪样块状物质;组织病理学结果显示连续3次气管注射方式感染更易对气管造成损伤,表现为气管黏膜固有层/黏膜下层发生轻微至轻度灶性炎细胞浸润,而爪垫肿大和胸部囊肿组织有大量的纤维组织和血管增生,同时伴有大量炎性细胞浸润;点眼和气管注射途径的气管MS病原再分离率可达100%,而胸部皮下注射或脚垫注射也可从气管中分离到MS病原;爪垫注射途径更易引起MS抗体转阳。【结论】系统比较了MS以不同感染途径对56日龄SPF鸡的致病性,并筛选出了相应的评价指征,成功建立了MS人工感染8周龄SPF鸡的发病模型,其中点眼感染途径和气管注射途径以气管病原再分离作为主要指征,辅以气囊炎进行评价,而胸部皮下注射和爪垫注射途径分别以胸部囊肿和爪垫肿胀作为主要病理指征进行评价。  相似文献   

动态观察肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma pneumoniae,Mp)感染鼠T淋巴细胞的数量及其亚群的变化,为正确评价T淋巴细胞在Mp感染中的作用提供理论依据。Mp滴鼻感染小鼠,在感染后不同时间点采集标本,流式细胞术检测感染鼠外周血中T淋巴细胞数量变化,ELISA测定脾细胞上清中TGF-β1、IL-10含量。结果表明,Mp感染不同时间点外周血中CD4+T淋巴细胞数量变化不明显或呈下降趋势。CD4+/CD8+比值下降。初次感染和再次感染的第3天、第7天,TGF-β1、IL-10表达水平升高。肺炎支原体感染对CD4+T淋巴细胞有一定抑制作用,外周血TGF-β1、IL-10的表达与脾细胞中CD4+T淋巴细胞数量变化成反比。提示TGF-β1可能参与了对Th1细胞的负调控作用。  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体是引起猪支原体肺炎的病原。由于缺乏成熟的猪肺炎支原体感染动物模型,使得猪肺炎支原体相关的抗感染免疫研究进展较为缓慢。本文从猪肺炎支原体感染后的炎症反应、固有免疫系统对猪肺炎支原体的识别、固有免疫细胞的作用、补体系统、抗菌肽、自噬以及细胞凋亡7个方面进行综述,旨在阐明固有免疫系统各组分在猪肺炎支原体感染中发挥的作用的研究进展,并对今后猪肺炎支原体感染的固有免疫应答研究的重点方向进行展望。  相似文献   

通过实验动物模型探讨肺炎支原体感染动物肺泡灌洗液中特异抗原检出率的动态变化,为肺炎支原体感染的临床诊断提供理论依据。小鼠经鼻自然感染肺炎支原体,分别采集感染后不同时间点小鼠的支气管灌洗液,应用量子点标记肺炎支原体P1蛋白抗体,直接免疫荧光法检测感染鼠肺泡灌洗液中肺炎支原体P1特异抗原,同时通过PCR检测肺组织肺炎支原体DNA及肺组织病理切片观察肺部炎性变化确定小鼠感染。结果显示,感染鼠肺炎支原体特异抗原在感染后第3天检出阳性率为75%,第7天达高峰为83%,之后随病程延长,抗原检测的阳性率逐渐下降,在感染后第14、21天检出阳性率分别为58%和25%。肺炎支原体特异抗原在感染早期检出率高。应用量子点标记肺炎支原体P1蛋白抗体,直接免疫荧光法检测肺炎支原体特异抗原可应用于肺炎支原体感染的早期诊断。  相似文献   

The exchange of cholesterol between [14C]cholesterol-labeled Mycoplasma gallisepticum cells and an excess of sonicated egg phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol vesicles (molar ratio of 0.9) was measured. More than 90% of the radioactive cholesterol underwent transfer from intact cells to the vesicles. The kinetics of the transfer was biphasic. About 50% of the radioactive cholesterol was exchanged with a half-time of about 4 h. The residual was exchanged at a slower rate with a half-time of about 9 h at 37°C. Bovine serum albumin had a pronounced effect in enhancing both the fast and slow rates of cholesterol exchange, but did not affect the pool sizes significantly. The half-time for equilibration of the two pools in the presence of 2% albumin, calculated using a reversible two-pool method of analysis, was 6.2 h. The effect of albumin was also obtained with isolated membrane preparations and with cells treated with growth inhibitors, suggesting that this effect is independent of albumin preservation of cell viability. The rate enhancement of albumin was concentration dependent with maximal effects observed with 2%, where the rates of exchange of both the rapidly and slowly exchanging pools were twice as fast. The mechanism by which albumin may affect the exchange rates is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A deletion mutant of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae lacking the host-specific nodulation (nod) gene region (nodFEL nodMNT and nodO) but retaining the other nod genes (nodD nodABCIJ) was unable to nodulate peas or Vicia hirsuta, although it did induce root hair deformation. The mutant appeared to be blocked in its ability to induce infection threads and could be rescued for nodulation of V. hirsuta in mixed inoculation experiments with an exopolysaccharide deficient mutant (which is also Nod). The nodulation deficiency of the deletion mutant strain could be partially restored by plasmids carrying the nodFE, nodFEL or nodFELMNT genes but not by nodLMN. Surprisingly, the mutant strain could also be complemented with a plasmid that did not carry any of the nodFELMNT genes but which did carry the nodO gene on a 30 kb cloned region of DNA. Using appropriate mutations it was established that nodO is essential for nodulation in the absence of nodFE. Thus, either of two independent nod gene regions can complement the deletion mutant for nodulation of V. hirsuta. Similar observations were made for pea nodulation except that nodL was required in addition to nodO for nodulation in the absence of the nodFE genes. These observations show that nodulation can occur via either of two pathways encoded by non-homologous genes.Dedicated to the memory of the late Dr. David Goodchild  相似文献   

建立肺炎支原体镜下观察分级标准,并与测定的CCU和实时荧光定量PCR测定结果进行关联,估算CCU。通过镜下观察肺炎支原体培养浓度和分布范围,确定其分级;采用CCU目测法和实时荧光定量PCR法测定肺炎支原体培养结果,使用等级相关分析方法 Kendall法及Spearman法进行相关性分析。结果显示,肺炎支原体镜下观察标准分为四级,与CCU及实时荧光定量PCR测定值进行关联,呈正相关。镜下观察肺炎支原体的分级越高,则测定的CCU与实时荧光定量PCR值就越高。同时发现菌液稀释104倍数时,各组实时荧光定量PCR测定值均较理想,可作为肺炎支原体培养的最佳培养稀释倍数。结果表明,在肺炎支原体培养过程中,可通过镜下观察估算其CCU,较为简便实用。  相似文献   

猪鼻支原体P37蛋白相互作用蛋白的筛选与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
既往工作表明,胃癌组织中有较高的猪鼻支原体感染率,猪鼻支原体的主要膜蛋白P37能够诱导外周血单核细胞释放肿瘤坏死因子(TNF).为了深入研究P37的作用机制,利用酵母双杂交系统筛选与P37蛋白相互作用的蛋白质分子.首先,将编码P37全长的cDNA克隆到pGBKT7载体中,构建“诱饵”表达载体pGBKT7-p37,以此筛选人胎盘组织cDNA表达文库.在2.6×106个克隆中,筛选到一株能与P37相互作用的阳性克隆,序列测定表明,该阳性克隆编码人视网膜色素上皮细胞蛋白(Norpeg蛋白).在此基础上经GST-Pull Down实验,进一步证实Norpeg蛋白确能与P37相互作用,为进一步研究P37对细胞的作用机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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