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Summary Ochre suppressor mutations induced by UV in the Escherichia coli glnU tRNA gene are CG to TA transitions at the first letter of the anticodon-encoding triplet, CAA. Premutational UV photoproducts at this site have long been known to exhibit an excision repair anomaly (mutation frequency decline or MFD), whereby post-irradiation inhibition of protein synthesis enhances their excision and reduces suppressor mutation yields ten-fold. We sought to clarify the basis of this unique repair response by determining the spectrum of UV photoproducts on both strands of a 36 by region of glnU which includes the anticodon-encoding triplet. We found that four different photolesions are produced within the 3 by sequence corresponding to the tRNA anticodon: (i) on the transcribed strand, TC (6–4) photoproducts and TC cyclobutane dimers are formed in equal numbers at the site of the C to T transition, indicating that this site is a hotspot for the usually less frequent (6–4) photoproduct; (ii) on the nontranscribed strand, TT dimers are found opposite the second and third letters of the anticodon-encoding triplet, adjacent to the mutation site; and (iii) on the nontranscribed strand, an alkali-sensitive lesion other than a (6–4) photoproduct is formed, apparently at the G in the mutation site. We suggest that mutation frequency decline may reflect excision repair activity at closely spaced UV lesions on opposite strands, resulting in double-strand breaks and the death of potential mutants.  相似文献   

Summary In a phage T7-resistant and galactose-sensitive derivative of E. coli B/r trp- it has been possible to show that MFD for UV-induced mutations is specific for Trp+ reversions (mainly of an ochre suppressor-containing type) but is without effect on galactose-resistant or D-fucose-resistant (ara Cc) forward mutations.  相似文献   

The Axd mutation in the mouse acts by an unknown mechanism to cause lumbosacral open neural tube defects and a variety of tail anomalies. Retinoic acid (RA) plays a number of different physiological and developmental roles and has been shown to affect neurulation in mice and other species. Indeed, reports have shown that this biologically active compound (or its metabolites) at low dose can alter the incidence of neural tube defects (NTD) in curly-tail (ct), splotch (Sp), and delayed splotch (Spd) mice, strains that are genetically predisposed to such abnormalities. The aim of the present study was to determine if RA administered under similar conditions would affect the penetrance or expression of the Axd mutation or survival of Axd homozygotes. Axd/+ and +/+ dams were exposed to RA intraperitoneally (5 mg/kg) on D9 postcoitus. No difference in incidence or extent of neural tube defects or other axial anomalies was detected among embryos of Axd/+ dams given RA compared with those administered vehicle only. This finding is consistent with the diversity of gene-controlled steps required for neurulation and the differing sensitivities of specific mutants to rescue by extrinsic agents.  相似文献   

The influence of rad2 mutation blocking incision of pyrimidine dimers on frequency of UV-light and 6-hydroxylaminopurine (6-GAP)-induced adenine-independent revertants was studied in the strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing the same mutant allele of gene ADE2 in episomic plasmid and in chromosome. It was shown that the strains carrying the ade2 mutation in chromosome and in plasmid did not differ in sensitivity to lethal action of UV-light and 6-GAP. However, in the plasmid rad2 strain reversions were induced by UV-light more frequently (approximately 100 times), as compared to the chromosome strain. We observed no significant differences between reversion frequencies in plasmid and chromosome RAD strains. The tendency to enhanced 6-GAP-induced mutagenesis, less sharply expressed, was observed in the chromosome rad2 strain, as compared to the plasmid one. However, the plasmid RAD strain was characteristic of higher reversion frequency induced by 6-GAP, as compared to the chromosome strain. The possible mechanisms of these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes cause tuberous sclerosis, a benign tumour syndrome in humans. Tsc2 possesses a domain that shares homology with the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) domain of Rap1-GAP, suggesting that a GTPase might be the physiological target of Tsc2. Here we show that the small GTPase Rheb (Ras homologue enriched in brain) is a direct target of Tsc2 GAP activity both in vivo and in vitro. Point mutations in the GAP domain of Tsc2 disrupted its ability to regulate Rheb without affecting the ability of Tsc2 to form a complex with Tsc1. Our studies identify Rheb as a molecular target of the TSC tumour suppressors.  相似文献   

P J Grabowski  A J Zaug  T R Cech 《Cell》1981,23(2):467-476
The Tetrahymena thermophila ribosomal RNA gene contains an intervening sequence (IVS), which is transcribed as part of the precursor RNA and subsequently removed by splicing. We have found previously that the IVS is excised as a 0.4 kb RNA in isolated nuclei. We now report the finding of a novel RNA molecule, which is an electrophoretic variant (EV) of this 0.4 kb IVS RNA. The EV was identified as a form of the IVS RNA by Southern hybridization, RNA fingerprinting and R-loop mapping. A pulse-chase experiment established that in vitro the excised IVS RNA is converted to the EV by a post-splicing event. This conversion is enhanced at 39 degrees C compared to 30 degrees C and is irreversible under our experimental conditions. The EV of the IVS is a circular RNA. This structure was first suggested by its anomalous electrophoretic mobility on denaturing compared to nondenaturing gels. When the EV was prepared for electron microscopy under totally denaturing conditions, 0.4 kb circular molecules were observed. Furthermore, we have converted the circular form to a linear form by limited T1 RNAase digestion. The circular RNA survived treatment with DNAase, protease, glyoxal and various denaturants, which suggests that it is a covalently closed RNA circle.  相似文献   

Unresolved repair of clustered DNA lesions can lead to the formation of deleterious double strand breaks (DSB) or to mutation induction. Here, we investigated the outcome of clusters composed of base lesions for which base excision repair enzymes have different kinetics of excision/incision. We designed multiply damaged sites (MDS) composed of a rapidly excised uracil (U) and two oxidized bases, 5-hydroxyuracil (hU) and 8-oxoguanine (oG), excised more slowly. Plasmids harboring these U-oG/hU MDS-carrying duplexes were introduced into Escherichia coli cells either wild type or deficient for DNA n-glycosylases. Induction of DSB was estimated from plasmid survival and mutagenesis determined by sequencing of surviving clones. We show that a large majority of MDS is converted to DSB, whereas almost all surviving clones are mutated at hU. We demonstrate that mutagenesis at hU is correlated with excision of the U placed on the opposite strand. We propose that excision of U by Ung initiates the loss of U-oG-carrying strand, resulting in enhanced mutagenesis at the lesion present on the opposite strand. Our results highlight the importance of the kinetics of excision by base excision repair DNA n-glycosylases in the processing and fate of MDS and provide evidence for the role of strand loss/replication fork collapse during the processing of MDS on their mutational consequences.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of a previously unidentified Escherichia coli gene that suppresses the temperature-sensitive growth and filamentation of a dnaK deletion mutant strain. Introduction of a multicopy plasmid carrying this wild-type gene into a dnaK deletion mutant strain rescued the temperature-sensitive growth of the dnaK deletion mutant strain at 40.5 degrees C and the filamentation, fully at 37 degrees C and partially at 40.5 degrees C. However, the inability of dnaK mutant cells to support bacteriophage lambda growth was not suppressed. This gene was also able to suppress the temperature-sensitive growth of a grpE280 mutant strain at 41 degrees C. Filamentation of the grpE280 mutant strain was suppressed at 37 degrees C but not at 41 degrees C. The dnaK suppressor gene, designated dksA, maps near the mrcB gene (3.7 min on the E. coli chromosome). DNA sequence analysis and in vivo experiments showed that dksA encodes a 17,500-Mr polypeptide. Gene disruption experiments indicated that dksA is not an essential gene.  相似文献   

A deletion htpR mutant of Escherichia coli has been constructed on the basis of site-directed mutagenesis. To this end, the chromosomal allele of htpR gene was substituted by a mutant allele introduced into the cell with a recombinant plasmid. The htpR mutant is characterized by a reduced level of proteolysis and therefore by a decreased rate of proteolytic degradation of RNA polymerase of bacteriophage T7. The mutation in htpR is linked with chloramphenicol resistance.  相似文献   

Burton OJ  Travis JM 《Genetics》2008,179(2):941-950
Dynamic species' ranges, those that are either invasive or shifting in response to environmental change, are the focus of much recent interest in ecology, evolution, and genetics. Understanding how range expansions can shape evolutionary trajectories requires the consideration of nonneutral variability and genetic architecture, yet the majority of empirical and theoretical work to date has explored patterns of neutral variability. Here we use forward computer simulations of population growth, dispersal, and mutation to explore how range-shifting dynamics can influence evolution on rugged fitness landscapes. We employ a two-locus model, incorporating sign epistasis, and find that there is an increased likelihood of fitness peak shifts during a period of range expansion. Maladapted valley genotypes can accumulate at an expanding range front through a phenomenon called mutation surfing, which increases the likelihood that a mutation leading to a higher peak will occur. Our results indicate that most peak shifts occur close to the expanding front. We also demonstrate that periods of range shifting are especially important for peak shifting in species with narrow geographic distributions. Our results imply that trajectories on rugged fitness landscapes can be modified substantially when ranges are dynamic.  相似文献   

K Okamoto  D Beach 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(20):4816-4822

An interaction between the lozenge gene and the suppressor of forked gene of Drosophila melanogaster has been investigated both spectrophotometrically and electrophoretically. The nature of this interaction is such that certain lozenge alleles appear to be phenotypically suppressed while others are enhanced or unaffected, and the results reported demonstrate that the effect can clearly be observed at the biochemical level. Earlier observations have suggested that the suppressor of forked gene codes for a ribosomal protein, and this hypothesis is discussed.These studies were supported by USPHS Grants GM-18485 and GM-20361 to P. D. S. P. D. S. is a recipient of USPHS Research Career Development Award GM-70758.  相似文献   

A novel forward mutation assay has been developed in Salmonella typhimurium based on resistance to 5-fluorouracil (FU). The mutational target in the FU assay was determined to be the uracil phosphoribosyl transferase (upp) gene. To validate the upp gene as a suitable target for monitoring a variety of induced mutations, the mutational specificity was determined for five mechanistically different mutagens. The mutagens included a polycyclic hydrocarbon (benzo[a]pyrene, B[a]P), SN1 and SN2 alkylating agents (N-nitroso-N-methylurea, MNU, and methyl methanesulfonate, MMS, respectively), a frameshift mutagen (ICR-191), and an oxidative-damaging agent (hydrogen peroxide, H2O2). Induced mutation frequencies were measured in the presence and absence of the plasmid pKM101 (strain FU100 and FU1535, respectively). pKM101 renders FU100 more susceptible to induced mutation by providing error-prone replicative bypass of DNA adducts. B[a]P, MMS, and H2O2 failed to induce the mutant frequency in FU1535, demonstrating the dependence of pKM101 on induced mutations with these agents. ICR-191 and MNU were not dependent on pKM101, and did significantly induce mutations in FU1535. In contrast to FU1535, all agents significantly induced mutations in FU100. Approximately 60 independent mutants were sequenced for each agent that significantly induced the mutant frequency above background. The resulting mutational spectra illustrated predictable molecular fingerprints based on known mutagenic mechanisms for each agent. The predominant mutations observed were G:C to T:A transversions for B[a]P, A:T to T:A and G:C to T:A transversions for MMS, G:C to T:A transversions and A:T frameshifts for H2O2, G:C frameshifts for ICR-191, and G:C to A:T transitions for MNU. It can be concluded that the upp gene in the FU assay is a sensitive and suitable target to monitor a variety of induced mutations in Salmonella.  相似文献   

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