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张世雄  杨晓艳  温静  徐满厚 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6685-6693
在山西吕梁山系按照纬度从北向南依次选取马伦草原、荷叶坪、云顶山作为研究区,于2015、2016、2017年7月下旬进行亚高山草甸植被群落多样性调查,研究吕梁山亚高山草甸物种多样性不同年份、不同纬度的时空变化格局。结果表明:(1)吕梁山亚高山草甸群落中矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和珠芽蓼(Polygonum viviparum)、线叶嵩草(Kobresia capillifolia)和珠芽蓼、车前草(Plantago asiatica)和披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)分别为马伦草原、荷叶坪、云顶山的优势种,不同山地植物优势种和次优势种均以菊科(Asteraceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)植物为主。(2)吕梁山亚高山草甸物种多样性在不同年份分布较为稳定,Pielou指数在连续3年内均无较大变化; Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Patrick指数在2016年最高,同时该年份的降水天数也是最多,表明吕梁山亚高山草甸物种多样性在时间上呈现出受降水条件影响较大的变化格局。(3)吕梁山偏南部的云顶山多样性指数高于偏北部的马伦草原和荷叶坪,表明吕梁山亚高山草甸物种多样性在空间上表现出由北向南逐渐升高的变化格局。因此,吕梁山亚高山草甸物种多样性在时空上呈现出受降水条件影响较大,且由北向南逐渐升高的变化格局,降水条件和纬度梯度对该山地亚高山草甸物种多样性的时空变化格局产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

物种多样性的空间格局及其形成机制初探   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:33  
黄建辉 《生物多样性》1994,2(2):103-107
在物种多样性变化的空间格局中,得到广泛研究的是物种多样性的梯度变化特征。在短短不到五十年的时间,已经提出了十几种学说来解释为什么会形成这种梯度特征。在这些解释中,ESA假说是最近才提出的,因而似乎显得更合理一些。综合这十几种学说,作者提出了一些自己的想法,即所有以前提出的假说都可以归入两上门类,一类是属于环境因子,另一类是属于生物因子类的。在这两类因子间,环境因子是首要的,而生物因子是第二位的。  相似文献   

以浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区为例,采用多尺度分析思想,利用多重分形分析方法,研究了不同尺度下物种多样性的变化、空间分布格局以及多样性与空间格局之间的关系。研究主要得到3方面的结论:(1)物种多样性具有尺度依赖性,随着空间尺度的增大,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数Ⅳ增大,Margalef多样性指数足和均匀度指数E减小;(2)多重分形参数αmin。多重分形谱的变化范围SR等能够定量反映物种的空间分布特征,空间大尺度越大,物种越聚集,空间分布越不均匀;(3)物种多样性与空间格局存在线性或幂函数关系。研究表明多重分形分析定量描述物种空间格局是有效性的,多重分形参数与生物多样性之间的定量关系为研究物种空间格局、生态属性与尺度之间的关系奠定了基础。因此,分形结合传统方法,在生物多样性方面的研究将有很大的潜在价值。  相似文献   

长江流域爬行动物物种多样性大尺度格局研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文研究了长江流域爬行动物物种多样性的大尺度格局。长江流域内共记录了爬行动物166种,隶属于3目18科68属,特有种和濒危物种分别有24种和54种。根据陆生爬行动物分布特点,依据山系和水系将长江流域分为19个区域,虽然物种数和G-F指数在各区域内变化不大(江源区较低),但特有种比例从上游到下游随海拔降低逐渐降低;利用Jaccard物种相似性系数对长江流域内19个区域进行聚类分析,可以将整个流域分成五部分:江源区,横断山区和云南高原区,四川盆地和秦巴山区,贵州高原、江南丘陵、两湖平原和长江三角洲,鄱阳湖平原、长江下游平原和淮阳山地(汉江—大别山),基本反映了流域内自然地理环境及我国大陆地势三级台阶变化的特点。  相似文献   

长江流域兽类物种多样性的分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共记录了长江流域内兽类280种,隶属于11目36科135属,特有种和受威胁物种分别有14种和154种。根据兽类分布特点,依据山系和水系将长江流域分为19个区域,除了江源区外,物种丰富度、G-F多样性指数和特有种比例,从上游到下游区域总体趋势是随海拔降低逐渐降低,形成以四川盆地和沅江为分界线的3个数量级;利用Jaccard物种相似性系数对长江流域内19个区域进行聚类分析,发现整个流域分成4部分:江源区;横断山区、川西高原、云南高原、四川盆地和秦巴山区;贵州高原、江南丘陵、鄱阳湖平原和长江三角洲;淮阳山地、两湖平原和长江下游平原,基本反映了流域内自然地理环境及我国大陆地势三级台阶变化的特点。  相似文献   

长江流域两栖动物物种多样性的大尺度格局   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据两栖动物分布依赖于水系的特点,依据主要水系将长江流域分为18个区域,共记录了两栖动物145种,隶属于2目10科30属,特有种和受威胁物种分别有49和69种。除了海拔最高的江源区和金沙江中上游流域外,两栖动物种类以及受威胁物种种类,从上游到下游逐渐降低,特有种比例同样从上游到下游随海拔降低逐渐降低;分析G-F多样性指数发现,G指数的分布与物种数分布规律相似,F指数与G-F指数相似,除了江源区、汉江和赣江较低外,其他区域内比较均匀。利用Jaccard物种相似性系数对流域内18个区域进行聚类分析,发现整个流域分成6部分江源区,横断山区,云贵高原,川西高原东缘、四川盆地和秦巴山区,洞庭湖水系、鄱阳湖流域和下游流域,以及赣江流域,基本反映了长江流域内自然地理环境及我国大陆地势三级台阶变化的特点。  相似文献   

长江流域鱼类物种多样性大尺度格局研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
作者以长江流域鱼类编目数据库为基础数据,研究了长江流域鱼类物种多样性的大尺度格局。长江流域内共记录了鱼类378种(亚种),隶属于14目32科144属。其中淡水鱼338种(亚种),以鲤形目为主,达到269种(亚种),洄游鱼类11种,河口鱼类29种;流域内特有种和受威胁物种分别有162种(亚种)和69种(亚种)。根据鱼类分布特点,按水系将长江流域分为19个区域,除了江源区和金沙江中上游外,物种数和G-F多样性指数上游高于中下游,但各区域内差异不大,然而特有种比例从上游到下游随海拔降低而逐渐降低。利用Jaccard物种相似性系数对19个区域进行聚类分析,将整个流域分成三部分:(1)江源区和金沙江中上游,地理上属于青藏高原东南部波状平原部分和横断山区,(2)上游其他流域,地理上属于川西高原、云贵高原、四川盆地及秦巴山区,(3)中下游流域,地理上属于淮阳山地、江南丘陵和长江中下游平原,基本反映了流域内自然地理环境及我国大陆地势三级台阶变化的特点。  相似文献   

伏牛山自然保护区物种多样性分布格局   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
在伏牛山自然保护区典型地段设立样方,通过群落调查和多样性分析对物种多样性的垂直分布格局进行研究。发现:α多样性,乔木层在中海拔的落叶阔叶混交林带最高,灌木层随海拔升高稍呈上升趋势,草本层在低海拔次生林带和山顶矮林带物种多样性较高;β多样性总体上呈"~"型变化,在中海拔建群种发生更替的落叶阔叶混交林区最高,物种更替速率最快,其次是山顶附近。γ多样性大致沿海拔升高递减,以700m以下和过渡带落叶阔叶混交林区总物种丰富度最高。沿海拔梯度升高,水热组合发生变化,地带性植被总体上表现为由栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)林向锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata)林更替,在建群种发生更替的中海拔过渡带形成混交林带,短柄枹(Quercus glandulifera var.brevipetiolata)、槲栎(Quercus aliena)等夹杂其间在一些小生境中形成优势种群。总体上体现了过渡带具有高的物种多样性和更替速率,总物种丰富度隐含着沿海拔升高而降低的负相关关系。  相似文献   

陆地植物群落物种多样性的梯度变化特征   总被引:167,自引:14,他引:167  
研究陆地植物落物种多样性随环境因子及群落演替梯度的变化特征是揭示生物多样性与生态因子相互关系的重要方面,根据近期国内外的文献,综述了这方面的研究进展。随纬度的降低,通常物咱多样性随中,随不分梯度的变化,物种多样性的变化有6种趋势;随海拔高的变化,物处多样性有5种模式;随土壤养分梯度的变化,表现出不同的规律;演替过程中物种多样生的变化趋势相似。关于植物群落物种多样性梯度格局的机制有多种假说,但仍需进  相似文献   

黑龙江省两栖爬行类物种多样性分布格局的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈辉  刘鹏  赵文阁 《四川动物》2007,26(2):441-444
2000~2006年对黑龙江省两栖爬行动物的种类及分布进行大范围的调查,并结合历史资料及现代有关成果,应用3种物种多样性指数分析方法(丰富度、均匀度和G—F指数),对黑龙江省的两栖爬行动物物种多样性分布格局进行了探讨。结果表明,东部山地省和小兴安岭省的物种丰富度要高于其它地理省,松嫩平原省和三江平原省的物种均匀度高于其它地理省,而G指数与物种数分布规律相似,F指数和G-F指数相似,只有东部山地省物种才有一定的丰富度。  相似文献   

There is a long tradition of grazing by semi‐domestic reindeer and sheep in alpine and sub‐alpine Scandinavian habitats, but present management regimes are questioned from a conservation point of view. In this review we discuss plant diversity patterns in the Scandinavian mountains in a global, regional and local perspective. The main objective was to identify processes that influence diversity at different spatial scales with a particular focus on grazing. In a global perspective the species pool of the Scandinavian mountains is limited. partly reflecting the general latitudinal decline of species but also historical and ecological factors operating after the latest glaciation. At the local scale, both productivity and disturbance are primary factors structuring diversity, but abiotic factors such as soil pH, snow distribution and temperature are also important. Although evidence is scarce, grazing favours local species richness in productive habitats, whereas species richness decreases with grazing when productivity is low. Regional patterns of plant diversity is set by, 1) the species pool. 2) the heterogeneity and fragmentation of communities, and 3) local diversity of each plant community. We suggest that local shifts in community composition depend both on the local grazing frequency and the return‐time of the plant community after a grazing session. In addition, an increasing number of grazing‐modified local patches homogenises the vegetation and is likely to reduce the regional plant diversity. The time scale of local shifts in community composition depends on plant colonisation and persistence, From a mechanistic point of view, diversity patterns at a regional scale also depend on the regional dynamics of single species. Colonisation is usually a slow and irregular process in alpine environments, whereas the capacity for extended local persistence is generally high. Although the poor knowledge of plant regional dynamics restricts our understanding of how grazing influences plant diversity, we conclude that grazing is a key process for maintaining biodiversity in the Scandinavian mountains.  相似文献   

The number of genetically distinct individuals within a community is a key component of biodiversity and yet its impact at different trophic levels, especially upon the diversity of functionally important soil microorganisms is poorly understood. Here, we test the hypothesis that plant communities that are genetically impoverished will support fewer species of root-associated fungi. We used established grassland mesocosms comprising non-sterile natural soil supporting defined communities of 11 clonally-propagated plant species. Half of the mesocosms contained one genotype per species and half 16 genotypes per species. After 8 years growth, we sampled roots from the mesocosms and measured root-associated fungal richness and diversity using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that the roots of genetically impoverished communities contained more species of fungi and had greater diversity compared to genetically rich communities. Analysis of the plant species composition of the mesocosm communities indicated that genotypic diversity affects root-fungal diversity indirectly through its influence upon plant species diversity. Our findings highlight the need to include feedbacks with plant intraspecific diversity into existing models describing the maintenance of soil biodiversity.  相似文献   

Copepods are common components of the groundwater fauna, and greatly increase the diversity of groundwater communities. With more than 900 species/subspecies known from continental groundwaters, stygobiont copepods inhabit all kinds of aquifers (karstic, fissured, porous), as well as surface/subsurface ecotones (land/water and water/water). The polyhedral and varied structure of the stygohabitats is reflected in the surprising mixture of functional morphologies and habitat exploitations experienced by groundwater copepods. Morphological adaptations and specializations are discussed, as well as the chronology of their appearance in the evolutionary history of several taxa. Diversity patterns of copepod assemblages in groundwater are examined under both structural and functional profiles, as well as across a range of scales. Structure and function operate in an interactive, sometimes hierarchical ways, as well as scales. On the ecological scale, local heterogeneity and patchiness in geomorphic and hydrologic characteristics, as well as biotic interactions, are to be considered causal factors affecting the diversity patterns over a range of spatial and temporal scales. On the evolutionary scale, it is widely accepted that stygobiont copepods evolved from ancestors living in marine, freshwater and semiterrestrial environments. They gained access to the groundwater through major highways represented by the interstitial and the crevicular/karstic corridors. `Phylogenetic diversity' in groundwater copepod taxocoenoses is viewed as a heterogeneous assemblage of species belonging to different phylogenetic lineages, which entered groundwater at different times and by different ways.  相似文献   

Soil microarthropods influence vital ecosystem processes, such as decomposition and nutrient mineralisation. There is evidence, however, that proper functioning of ecosystems does not require the presence of all its constituent species, and therefore some species can be regarded as functionally redundant. It has been proposed that species redundancy can act as an insurance against unfavourable conditions, and that functionally redundant species may become important when a system has faced a disturbance (the “insurance hypothesis”).
We conducted a laboratory microcosm experiment with coniferous forest soil and a seedling of silver birch (Betula pendula). A gradient of microarthropod diversity (from one to tens of species of soil mites and Collembola) was created to the systems. We disturbed microcosms with drought to test whether systems with altering microarthropod species richness respond differently to perturbations. Primary production (birch biomass), uptake of nitrogen by the birch seedling, the system's ability to retain nutrients and the structure and biomass of the soil microbial community were analysed.
Primary production and nutrient uptake of the birch seedlings increased slightly with increasing microarthropod species richness but only at the species poor end of the diversity gradient. Loss of nutrients and the biomass and community structure of microbes were unaffected by the microarthropods. The effect of drought on the birch biomass production was independent of the species richness of microarthropods. During the disturbance the biomass of microarthropods declined in diverse systems but not in simple ones. These systems were, however, quite resilient; microarthropod communities recovered quickly after the disturbance. Our results suggest that soil microarthropod species are functionally redundant in respect to plant growth, and that the resistance of a system to and its recovery from a disturbance are only weakly related to the species richness of this fauna.  相似文献   

Energy input and species diversity patterns in microcosms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous studies document some form of relationship between the energy input to a community (or some surrogate for energy input), and the species richness of all, or part, of the community. Although not consistently so, the relationship is commonly either unimodal or positive. However covariation of energy with other environmental factors, in both field and experimental studies, and the timescale of expected population responses to variation in energy, means that testing the patterns is difficult. Here we use laboratory microcosm systems, of protists and bacteria, to examine the response of artificially constructed communities to an energy gradient (6 levels), on a long timescale (up to 421 days), while in parallel examining the responses of each species individually to the environmental conditions across the gradient. The species richness of individual communities (α-diversity) showed positive responses initially, but after longer periods either no relationship, or a modestly unimodal one. When all replicate communities were considered together at each energy level (γ-diversity), there was a more consistently positive relationship, an effect generated by the fact that at low energy the species composition of replicate communities was almost identical, while at high energy there was considerable variation among replicates. Although when each species used in the multispecies systems was exposed to the same energy gradient individually, there were distinct differences in the their responses to the gradient, the patterns of community composition and diversity seen in the multispecies systems could not be explained simply by the individual species' responses to the environmental conditions along the gradient.  相似文献   

Fish species diversity among spatial scales of altered temperate rivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The alteration of flowing systems over the past century has led to significant changes to the processes that drive these complex environments as well as to the scales at which these processes act. Recently, efforts have begun in earnest to restore some semblance of ecosystem diversity, but there is little understanding of exactly on what spatial scale or scales biotic diversity is responding. We investigated the manner in which fish diversity is partitioned at multiple spatial scales in two rivers in the central United States. Location The Missouri and Illinois rivers of the central United States. Methods We analysed how fish diversity was partitioned within the Illinois River and Missouri River systems by sampling each river under hierarchical frameworks that allowed analysis at section (large), reach (intermediate), and site (small) scales. We tested the hypothesis that there are scale‐dependent responses of fish diversity using an additive partitioning approach. Results Site alpha diversity was significantly higher than expected in both the Illinois and Missouri rivers. The relative contribution of alpha diversity to total diversity at a given spatial scale increased for the Illinois River, but not for the Missouri River, in that the highest alpha diversity contribution peaked at the reach scale. Diversity patterns from both rivers suggest that diversity at the site scale plays a significant role in determining the overall diversity in these systems. However, there is a substantial contribution at larger scales that warrants consideration when attempts are being made to protect or restore diversity and other ecosystem parameters. Main conclusions Understanding the variation of diversity in riverine systems is crucial for providing insight not only into how biotic communities respond to scale‐dependent factors, but also into the underlying abiotic and biotic factors that generate patterns of diversity across scales. These insights, in turn, are important for ensuring that restoration and management activities are targeting the appropriate scales for remediation. A lack of understanding of this issue could have negative outcomes for the recovery of a community in a restoration scenario, as well as resulting in a low economic return on restoration investments, which could hinder future efforts.  相似文献   

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