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Coronavirus host and cell specificities are determined by specific interactions between the viral spike (S) protein and host cell receptor(s). Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis (IBV) has been adapted to embryonated chicken eggs, primary chicken kidney (CK) cells, monkey kidney cell line Vero, and other human and animal cells. Here we report that acquisition of the cell–cell fusion activity by amino acid mutations in the S protein determines the infectivity of IBV in cultured cells. Expression of S protein derived from Vero- and CK-adapted strains showed efficient induction of membrane fusion. However, expression of S protein cloned from the third passage of IBV in chicken embryo (EP3) did not show apparent syncytia formation. By construction of chimeric S constructs and site-directed mutagenesis, a point mutation (L857-F) at amino acid position 857 in the heptad repeat 1 region of S protein was shown to be responsible for its acquisition of the cell–cell fusion activity. Furthermore, a G405-D point mutation in the S1 domain, which was acquired during further propagation of Vero-adapted IBV in Vero cells, could enhance the cell–cell fusion activity of the protein. Re-introduction of L857 back to the S gene of Vero-adapted IBV allowed recovery of variants that contain the introduced L857. However, compensatory mutations in S1 and some distant regions of S2 were required for restoration of the cell–cell fusion activity of S protein carrying L857 and for the infectivity of the recovered variants in cultured cells. This study demonstrates that acquisition of the cell–cell fusion activity in S protein determines the selection and/or adaptation of a coronavirus from chicken embryo to cultured cells of human and animal origins.  相似文献   

Many viral fusion proteins are primed by proteolytic cleavage near their fusion peptides. While the coronavirus (CoV) spike (S) protein is known to be cleaved at the S1/S2 boundary, this cleavage site is not closely linked to a fusion peptide. However, a second cleavage site has been identified in the severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV) S2 domain (R797). Here, we investigated whether this internal cleavage of S2 exposes a viral fusion peptide. We show that the residues immediately C-terminal to the SARS-CoV S2 cleavage site SFIEDLLFNKVTLADAGF are very highly conserved across all CoVs. Mutagenesis studies of these residues in SARS-CoV S, followed by cell-cell fusion and pseudotyped virion infectivity assays, showed a critical role for residues L803, L804, and F805 in membrane fusion. Mutation of the most N-terminal residue (S798) had little or no effect on membrane fusion. Biochemical analyses of synthetic peptides corresponding to the proposed S2 fusion peptide also showed an important role for this region in membrane fusion and indicated the presence of α-helical structure. We propose that proteolytic cleavage within S2 exposes a novel internal fusion peptide for SARS-CoV S, which may be conserved across the Coronaviridae.The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged in 2003 as a significant threat to human health, and CoVs still represent a leading source of novel viruses for emergence into the human population. The CoV spike (S) protein mediates both receptor binding (via the S1 domain) and membrane fusion (via the S2 domain) and shows many features of a class I fusion protein, including the presence of distinct heptad repeats within the fusion domain (37). A critical feature of any viral fusion protein is the so-called “fusion peptide,” which is a relatively apolar region of 15 to 25 amino acids that interacts with membranes and drives the fusion reaction (9, 34, 38). Fusion peptides can be classified as N-terminal or internal, depending on their location relative to the cleavage site of the virus fusion protein (23). One key feature of viral fusion peptides is that within a particular virus family, there is high conservation of amino acid residues; however, there is little similarity between fusion peptides of different virus families (26). Despite these differences, some common themes do emerge, including a high level of glycine and/or alanine residues, as well as critical bulky hydrophobic amino acids. In several cases, the fusion peptide is known to contain a central “kink.” In the case of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), which is a classic example of an N-terminal fusion peptide, the N- and C-terminal parts of the fusion peptide (which are α-helical) penetrate the outer leaflet of the target membrane, with the kink at the phospholipid surface. The inside of the kink contains hydrophobic amino acids, with charged residues on the outer face (18). Internal fusion peptides (such as Ebola virus [EBOV] GP) often contain a conserved proline near their centers but also require a mixture of hydrophobic and flexible residues similar to N-terminal fusion peptides (9, 11). It is believed that the kinked fusion peptide sits in the outer leaflet of the target membrane and possibly induces positive curvature to drive the fusion reaction (22). It is important to note that, despite the presence of key hydrophobic residues, viral fusion peptides often do not display extensive stretches of hydrophobicity and can contain one or more charged residues (8). Ultimately, fusion peptide identification must rely on an often complex set of criteria, including structures of the fusion protein in different conformations, biophysical measurements of peptide function in model membranes, and biological activity in the context of virus particles.To date, the exact location and sequence of the CoV fusion peptide are not known (4); however, by analogy with other class I viral fusion proteins, it is predicted to be in the S2 domain. Overall, three membranotropic regions in SARS-CoV S2 have been suggested as potential fusion peptides (14, 17). Based on sequence analysis and a hydrophobicity analysis of the S protein using the Wimley-White (WW) interfacial hydrophobic interface scale, initial indications were that the SARS-CoV fusion peptide resided in the N-terminal part of HR1 (heptad repeat 1) (5, 6), which is conserved across the Coronaviridae. Mutagenesis of this predicted fusion peptide inhibited fusion in syncytia assays of S-expressing cells (28). This region of SARS-CoV has also been analyzed by other groups in biochemical assays (16, 17, 29) and defined as the WW II region although Sainz et al. (29) actually identified another, less conserved and less hydrophobic, region (WW I) as being more important for fusion. Peptides corresponding to this region have also been studied in biochemical assays by other groups (13). In addition, a third, aromatic region adjacent to the transmembrane domain (the membrane-proximal domain) has been shown to be important in SARS-CoV fusion (15, 20, 25, 30). This membrane-proximal domain likely acts in concert with a fusion peptide in the S2 ectodomain to mediate final bilayer fusion once conformational changes have exposed the fusion peptide in the ectodomain. To date, there is little or no information on the fusion peptides of CoVs other than SARS-CoV, except for the identification of the N-terminal part of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) S HR1 domain as a putative fusion peptide based on sequence analysis (6). In none of these cases (for SARS-CoV or MHV) is the role of these sequences as bone fide fusion peptides established.The majority of class I fusion proteins prime fusion activation by proteolytic processing, with the cleavage event occurring immediately N-terminal to the fusion peptide (21). In the case of SARS-CoV, early reports analyzing heterologously expressed SARS-CoV spike protein indicated that most of the protein was not cleaved (31, 39) but that there was some possibility of limited cleavage at the S1-S2 boundary (39). However, it is generally considered that S1-S2 cleavage is not directly linked to fusion peptide exposure in the case of SARS-CoV or any other CoV (4). Recently, however, it has been shown that SARS-CoV S can be proteolytically cleaved at a downstream position in S2, at residue 797 (2, 36). Here, we investigated whether cleavage at this internal position in S2 might expose a domain with properties of a viral fusion peptide. We carried out a mutagenesis study of SARS-CoV S residues 798 to 815 using cell-cell fusion and pseudovirus assays, as well as lipid mixing and structural studies of an isolated peptide, and we show the importance of this region as a novel fusion peptide for SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

Proteolytic priming is a common method of controlling the activation of membrane fusion mediated by viral glycoproteins. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein (SARS-CoV S) can be primed by a variety of host cell proteases, with proteolytic cleavage occurring both as the S1/S2 boundary and adjacent to a fusion peptide in the S2 domain. Here, we studied the priming of SARS-CoV S by elastase and show an important role for residue Thr795 in the S2 domain. A series of alanine mutants were generated in the vicinity of the S2 cleavage site, with the goal of examining elastase-mediated cleavage within S2. Both proteolytic cleavage and fusion activation were modulated by altering the cleavage site position. We propose a novel mechanism whereby SARS-CoV fusion protein function can be controlled by spatial regulation of the proteolytic priming site, with important implications for viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

As next-generation sequencing projects generate massive genome-wide sequence variation data, bioinformatics tools are being developed to provide computational predictions on the functional effects of sequence variations and narrow down the search of casual variants for disease phenotypes. Different classes of sequence variations at the nucleotide level are involved in human diseases, including substitutions, insertions, deletions, frameshifts, and non-sense mutations. Frameshifts and non-sense mutations are likely to cause a negative effect on protein function. Existing prediction tools primarily focus on studying the deleterious effects of single amino acid substitutions through examining amino acid conservation at the position of interest among related sequences, an approach that is not directly applicable to insertions or deletions. Here, we introduce a versatile alignment-based score as a new metric to predict the damaging effects of variations not limited to single amino acid substitutions but also in-frame insertions, deletions, and multiple amino acid substitutions. This alignment-based score measures the change in sequence similarity of a query sequence to a protein sequence homolog before and after the introduction of an amino acid variation to the query sequence. Our results showed that the scoring scheme performs well in separating disease-associated variants (n = 21,662) from common polymorphisms (n = 37,022) for UniProt human protein variations, and also in separating deleterious variants (n = 15,179) from neutral variants (n = 17,891) for UniProt non-human protein variations. In our approach, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for the human and non-human protein variation datasets is ∼0.85. We also observed that the alignment-based score correlates with the deleteriousness of a sequence variation. In summary, we have developed a new algorithm, PROVEAN (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer), which provides a generalized approach to predict the functional effects of protein sequence variations including single or multiple amino acid substitutions, and in-frame insertions and deletions. The PROVEAN tool is available online at http://provean.jcvi.org.  相似文献   

The coronavirus membrane (M) protein is the key player in virion assembly. One of its functions is to mediate the incorporation of the spikes into the viral envelope. Heterotypic interactions between M and the spike (S) protein can be demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation and by immunofluorescence colocalization, after coexpression of their genes in eukaryotic cells. Using these assays in a mutagenetic approach, we have mapped the domains in the M protein that are involved in complex formation between M and S. It appeared that the 25-residue luminally exposed amino-terminal domain of the M protein is not important for M-S interaction. A 15-residue deletion, the insertion of a His tag, and replacement of the ectodomain by that of another coronavirus M protein did not affect the ability of the M protein to associate with the S protein. However, complex formation was sensitive to changes in the transmembrane domains of this triple-spanning protein. Deletion of either the first two or the last two transmembrane domains, known not to affect the topology of the protein, led to a considerable decrease in complex formation, but association was not completely abrogated. Various effects of changes in the part of the M protein that is located at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane were observed. Deletions of the extreme carboxy-terminal tail appeared not to interfere with M-S complex formation. However, deletions in the amphipathic domain severely affected M-S interaction. Interestingly, changes in the amino-terminal and extreme carboxy-terminal domains of M, which did not disrupt the interaction with S, are known to be fatal to the ability of the protein to engage in virus particle formation (C. A. M. de Haan, L. Kuo, P. S. Masters, H. Vennema, and P. J. M. Rottier, J. Virol. 72:6838-6850, 1998). Apparently, the structural requirements of the M protein for virus particle assembly differ from the requirements for the formation of M-S complexes.  相似文献   

Baculoviridae is a large family of double-stranded DNA viruses that selectively infect insects. Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) is the best-studied baculovirus from the family. Many studies over the last several years have shown that AcMNPV can enter a wide variety of mammalian cells and deliver genetic material for foreign gene expression. While most animal viruses studied so far have developed sophisticated mechanisms to selectively infect specific cells and tissues in an organism, AcMNPV can penetrate and deliver foreign genes into most cells studied to this date. The details about the mechanisms of internalization have been partially described. In the present study, we have identified a cholesterol recognition amino acid consensus (CRAC) domain present in the AcMNPV envelope fusion protein GP64. We demonstrated the association of a CRAC domain with cholesterol, which is important to facilitate the anchoring of the virus at the mammalian cell membrane. Furthermore, this initial anchoring favors AcMNPV endocytosis via a dynamin- and clathrin-dependent mechanism. Under these conditions, efficient baculovirus-driven gene expression is obtained. In contrast, when cholesterol is reduced from the plasma membrane, AcMNPV enters the cell via a dynamin- and clathrin-independent mechanism. The result of using this alternative internalization pathway is a reduced level of baculovirus-driven gene expression. This study is the first to document the importance of a novel CRAC domain in GP64 and its role in modulating gene delivery in AcMNPV.  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)冠状病毒S蛋白的鉴定与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用293细胞对SARS病人样品进行病毒扩增,培养上清中病毒颗粒经过纯化后,利用蛋白质组学技术,对纯化得到的SARS冠状病毒颗粒蛋白进行初步分离与鉴定。其中质谱分析结果最终表明,分子量约150kD的蛋白质的氨基酸序列与SARS—CoV基因组所预测S蛋白质序列高度吻合,从而首次从蛋白质水平对SARS冠状病毒S蛋白的氨基酸序列进行了证实。  相似文献   

We observed that the nonfusogenic mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) strain MHV-2 reached a titer of ∼2 log10 higher than that of the fusogenic strain A59 in astrocytoma DBT cells. To determine whether the spike protein is responsible for the difference, a recombinant virus, Penn-98-1, that contains the A59 genome with a spike from MHV-2 was used to infect DBT cells. Results showed that Penn-98-1 behaved like MHV-2, thus establishing a role for the spike protein in viral growth. The inverse correlation between viral fusogenicity and growth was further established in four different cell types and with a fusogenic mutant, the S757R mutant, derived from isogenic Penn-98-1. While both A59 and Penn-98-1 entered cells at similar levels, viral RNA and protein syntheses were significantly delayed for A59. Interestingly, when the genomic RNAs were delivered directly into the cells via transfection, the levels of gene expression for these viruses were similar. Furthermore, cell fractionation experiments revealed that significantly more genomic RNAs for the nonfusogenic MHVs were detected in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) within the first 2 h after infection than for the fusogenic MHVs. Pretreatment of Penn-98-1 with trypsin reversed its properties in syncytium formation, virus production, and genome transport to the ER. These findings identified a novel role for the spike protein in regulating the uncoating and delivery of the viral genome to the ER after internalization.Murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) is a member of the family Coronaviridae. It is an enveloped, positive-strand-RNA virus. The viral envelope contains three or four structural proteins, depending on the virus strain (21). The spike (S) protein is a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of approximately 180 kDa. For some MHV strains, such as JHM and A59, the S protein is cleaved by a furin-like proteinase into two subunits, the amino-terminal S1 and the carboxyl-terminal S2. The S1 subunit is thought to form the globular head of the spike and is responsible for the initial attachment of the virus to the receptor on the cell surface. The S2 subunit, which forms the stalk portion of the spike and which anchors the S protein to the viral envelope, facilitates the fusion between the viral envelope and the cell membrane and cell-cell fusion (4, 7, 20, 25, 39). In contrast, the S protein of some other MHV strains, such as MHV-2, does not undergo cleavage and usually does not cause cell-cell fusion (15, 34). It appears that the cleavability of the MHV S protein is associated usually, though not always, with its fusogenicity (10, 36). It has been suggested that the fusogenicity of the S protein may determine the route of virus entry, i.e., via direct fusion with plasma membranes or following endocytosis (11, 34), although the mechanism for virus-induced cell-cell fusion may differ from that for virus-cell fusion during entry (8). The S protein also elicits the induction of neutralizing antibodies and cell-mediated immunity in infected hosts (3). It is therefore an important determinant for viral infectivity, pathogenicity, and virulence (2, 5, 31, 38). The hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) protein is present only in certain MHV strains (22, 42) and may play a role in viral pathogenesis (44, 45). The small envelope (E) protein and the membrane (M) protein play a key role in virus assembly (40). The nucleocapsid (N) protein is a phosphoprotein of approximately 50 kDa and is associated with the RNA genome to form the nucleocapsid inside the envelope (21, 37).Infection of host cells by MHV is mediated through the interaction between the S protein and the cellular receptors that are members of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family of the immunoglobulin superfamily (9). This interaction then triggers fusion between the viral envelope and the plasma membrane or the endosomal membrane, the latter of which follows receptor-mediated endocytosis, thus allowing the nucleocapsid to deliver into the cytoplasm. Direct entry from the plasma membrane appears to be the predominant route for most MHV strains (19, 28), although entry by some mutant MHVs, such as OBLV60 and MHV-2, is low pH dependent, i.e., via endocytosis (11, 34). However, nothing is known about how the genomic RNA is transported to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for translation. Once on the ER, the viral genomic RNA is translated into a polymerase polyprotein from the 5′-end two open reading frames (two-thirds of the genome) via ribosomal frameshifting. The polymerase polyproteins in turn synthesize genomic and multiple species of subgenomic mRNAs. These mRNAs are then translated into nonstructural and structural proteins, the latter of which are essential for generation of progeny viruses.MHV can infect rodents, causing hepatitis, enteritis, nephritis, and central nervous system diseases. In the mouse central nervous system, some MHV strains, such as JHM and A59, are neurovirulent, causing acute encephalitis and chronic demyelination (1, 13), while others, such as MHV-2, exhibit extremely low neurovirulence, causing only meningitis without apparent encephalitis and demyelination (6, 16, 41). Extensive mutagenesis studies in combination with targeted RNA recombination have identified that the S protein is the major determinant of MHV pathogenicity in animals, although other viral genes also appear to modulate viral pathogenicity (17, 32). For example, the recombinant MHV Penn-98-1, which contains the S protein of MHV-2 in an A59 genome background, causes acute meningoencephalitis similar to that caused by A59 but does not cause demyelination similar to that observed for MHV-2 (6). It has also been shown that the amounts of antigen staining and necrosis in the liver correlate with the viral titer, which is determined largely by the S protein (29). However, how the S protein affects viral titer in cell culture and in animals is not known.In the present study, we initially observed that the levels of production of infectious viruses in an astrocytoma DBT cell line were markedly different among three MHV strains. Using the recombinant MHV Penn-98-1 and its isogenic S757R mutant, we further established that the S protein is responsible for the observed difference. The difference in virus production between A59 and Penn-98-1 was detected as early as 4 to 6 h postinfection (p.i.) and likely occurred during the early stages of the virus life cycle but after virus internalization. Interestingly, when the genomic RNAs were delivered directly into the cells via transfection, the levels of gene expression for these viruses were similar. Furthermore, cell fractionation experiments revealed that significantly more genomic RNAs for nonfusogenic MHVs were delivered to the ER within the first 2 h after infection than for fusogenic MHVs. These results demonstrate that the spike protein of MHV can regulate the intracellular transport of the viral genome to the ER following internalization. To our knowledge, this is the first study identifying a role for a coronavirus S protein in genome delivery in addition to its well-established role in receptor binding and virus-cell and cell-cell fusions during infection.  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS) 是一种新出现的人类传染病,该病的病原是 SARS 冠状病毒 (SARS-CoV). S 蛋白是 SARS 冠状病毒的一种主要结构蛋白,它在病毒与宿主细胞受体结合以及诱导机体产生中和抗体中起重要作用 . 研究表明 S 蛋白与受体结合的核心区域为第 318 ~ 510 氨基酸残基的片段 . 首先克隆并用 pGEX-6p-1 载体融合表达了该受体结合结构域,并且通过蛋白质印迹分析表明,该受体结合结构域融合蛋白能被 SARS 康复患者血清和 S 蛋白特异的单克隆抗体所识别 . 为了对这一区域进行抗原表位作图,进一步设计了一套 23 个覆盖受体结合结构域的长 16 个氨基酸残基的部分重叠短肽,并进行了 GST 融合表达 . 用免疫动物血清和单克隆抗体 D3D1 对 23 个融合蛋白进行蛋白质印迹和 ELISA 免疫反应性分析,结果鉴定出两个抗原表位 SRBD3(F334PSVYAWERKKISNCV349) 和表位 D3D1 (K447LRPFERDI455). 其结果对进一步分析 S 蛋白结构与功能以及诊断试剂和基因工程疫苗的研究有一定意义 .  相似文献   

Previous studies of a group of mutants of the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)-A59, isolated from persistently infected glial cells, have shown a strong correlation between a Q159L amino acid substitution in the S1 subunit of the spike gene and a loss in the ability to induce hepatitis and demyelination. To determine if Q159L alone is sufficient to cause these altered pathogenic properties, targeted RNA recombination was used to introduce a Q159L amino acid substitution into the spike gene of MHV-A59. Recombination was carried out between the genome of a temperature-sensitive mutant of MHV-A59 (Alb4) and RNA transcribed from a plasmid (pFV1) containing the spike gene as well as downstream regions, through the 3′ end, of the MHV-A59 genome. We have selected and characterized two recombinant viruses containing Q159L. These recombinant viruses (159R36 and 159R40) replicate in the brains of C57BL/6 mice and induce encephalitis to a similar extent as wild-type MHV-A59. However, they exhibit a markedly reduced ability to replicate in the liver or produce hepatitis compared to wild-type MHV-A59. These viruses also exhibit reduced virulence and reduced demyelination. A recombinant virus containing the wild-type MHV-A59 spike gene, wtR10, behaved essentially like wild-type MHV-A59. This is the first report of the isolation of recombinant viruses containing a site-directed mutation, encoding an amino acid substitution, within the spike gene of any coronavirus. This technology will allow us to begin to map the molecular determinants of pathogenesis within the spike glycoprotein.  相似文献   



Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a lethal immune-mediated disease caused by feline coronavirus (FCoV). Currently, no therapy with proven efficacy is available. In searching for agents that may prove clinically effective against FCoV infection, five analogous overlapping peptides were designed and synthesized based on the putative heptad repeat 2 (HR2) sequence of the spike protein of FCoV, and the antiviral efficacy was evaluated.


Plaque reduction assay and MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) cytotoxicity assay were performed in this study. Peptides were selected using a plaque reduction assay to inhibit Feline coronavirus infection.


The results demonstrated that peptide (FP5) at concentrations below 20 μM inhibited viral replication by up to 97%. The peptide (FP5) exhibiting the most effective antiviral effect was further combined with a known anti-viral agent, human interferon-α (IFN-α), and a significant synergistic antiviral effect was observed.


Our data suggest that the synthetic peptide FP5 could serve as a valuable addition to the current FIP prevention methods.  相似文献   

Wild-type measles virus (MV) isolated in B95a cells could be adapted to Vero cells after several blind passages. In this study, we have determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of the wild type (T11wild) and its Vero cell-adapted (T11Ve-23) MV strain and identified amino acid substitutions R516G, E271K, D439E and G464W (D439E/G464W), N481Y/H495R, and Y187H/L204F in the nucleocapsid, V, fusion (F), hemagglutinin (H), and large proteins, respectively. Expression of mutated H and F proteins from cDNA revealed that the H495R substitution, in addition to N481Y, in the H protein was necessary for the wild-type H protein to use CD46 efficiently as a receptor and that the G464W substitution in the F protein was important for enhanced cell-cell fusion. Recombinant wild-type MV strains harboring the F protein with the mutations D439E/G464W [F(D439E/G464W)] and/or H(N481Y/H495R) protein revealed that both mutated F and H proteins were required for efficient syncytium formation and virus growth in Vero cells. Interestingly, a recombinant wild-type MV strain harboring the H(N481Y/H495R) protein penetrated slowly into Vero cells, while a recombinant wild-type MV strain harboring both the F(D439E/G464W) and H(N481Y/H495R) proteins penetrated efficiently into Vero cells, indicating that the F(D439E/G464W) protein compensates for the inefficient penetration of a wild-type MV strain harboring the H(N481Y/H495R) protein. Thus, the F and H proteins synergistically function to ensure efficient wild-type MV growth in Vero cells.Measles virus (MV), which belongs to the genus Morbillivirus in the family Paramyxoviridae, is an enveloped virus with a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA genome. The MV genome encodes six structural proteins: the nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix (M), fusion (F), hemagglutinin (H), and large (L) proteins. The P gene also encodes two other accessory proteins, the C and V proteins. The C protein is translated from an alternative translational initiation site leading a different reading frame, and the V protein is synthesized from an edited mRNA. MV has two envelope glycoproteins, the F and H proteins. The former is responsible for envelope fusion, and the latter is responsible for receptor binding (12).Wild-type MV strains isolated in B95a cells and laboratory-adapted MV strains have distinct phenotypes (18). Wild-type MV strains can grow in B95a cells but not in Vero cells, while laboratory-adapted MV strains can grow in both B95a and Vero cells. Wild-type MV strains do not cause hemadsorption (HAd) in African green monkey red blood cells (AGM-RBC), while most of laboratory-adapted MV strains cause HAd. Importantly, wild-type MV strains are pathogenic and induce clinical signs that resemble human measles in experimentally infected monkeys while laboratory-adapted MV strains do not.One approach to identify amino acid substitutions responsible for these phenotypic differences is the comparison of a wild-type MV strain with a standard laboratory-adapted MV strain such as the Edmonston strain. With regard to the H protein, amino acid substitutions important for HAd activity and cell-cell fusion in tissue culture cells were identified by expressing the H proteins in mammalian cells (15, 21). Recently, Tahara et al. revealed that the M, H, and L proteins are responsible for efficient growth in Vero cells by constructing a series of recombinant viruses in which part of the genome of the wild-type MV was replaced with the corresponding sequences of the Edmonston strain (45, 46, 47).Another approach is the comparison of wild-type MV strains with their Vero cell-adapted MV strains. It was reported that Vero cell-adapted MV strains could be obtained by successive blind passages of wild-type MV strains in Vero cells (18, 24, 30, 43). Interestingly, in vivo and in vitro phenotypes of Vero cell-adapted MV strains were similar to those of laboratory-adapted standard MV strains (18, 19, 24, 30, 43). Comparison of the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of wild-type MV strains with those of Vero cell-adapted wild-type MV strains revealed amino acid substitutions in the P, C, V, M, H, and L proteins (27, 42, 48, 53).At present, these phenotypic differences are explained mainly by the receptor usage of MV. Wild-type MV strains can use signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM; also called CD150) but not CD46 as a cellular receptor, whereas laboratory-adapted MV strains can use both SLAM and CD46 as cellular receptors (7, 10, 16, 29, 56, 60).However, receptor usage per se cannot explain all of the phenotypic differences (20, 25, 48, 53). For example, recombinant Edmonston strains expressing wild-type H proteins can grow in Vero cells to some extent (17, 54). Several reports suggested the presence of the third MV receptor on Vero cells (14, 44, 54, 60). Other reports indicated the contribution of the M protein on cell-cell fusion and growth of MV in Vero cells (4, 27, 47). Recently, the unidentified epithelial cell receptor for MV was predicted in primary culture of human cells (1, 55) and several epithelial cell lines (23, 51). However, the identity of the third receptor on Vero cells and the unidentified epithelial cell receptor is not clear yet. Thus, the mechanism of Vero cell adaptation of wild-type MV is not completely understood.In order to understand the molecular mechanism of these phenotypic changes of wild-type MV strains during adaptation in Vero cells, we determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of the wild-type (T11wild) and its Vero cell-adapted (T11Ve-23) MV strains (43) and examined the effect of individual amino acid substitutions using a mammalian cell expression system and reverse genetics. We show here that previously unrecognized new amino acid substitutions in the H and F proteins are important for MV adaptation and HAd activity.  相似文献   

SARS冠状病毒S蛋白片段2的表达纯化与多克隆抗体的制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用RT-PCR技术从SARS冠状病毒基因组扩增编码S蛋白的S2基因片段(第2170到2814位碱基),克隆到pMD18-T载体并测序.用限制性内切酶消化后,S2基因亚克隆至表达载体pGEX-4T-2,转化大肠杆菌JM109,筛选鉴定阳性菌落.扩增培养含pGEX-S2质粒的JM109大肠杆菌,经IPTG诱导,超声破菌,GSH-Sepharose亲和层析纯化目的蛋白,Western-blot检测SARS患者血清可以识别纯化的蛋白.用此蛋白免疫NIH小鼠,获得了高滴度抗GST-S2抗体的血清,为进一步研究SARS冠状病毒的亚单位疫苗奠定基础.  相似文献   

Mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59) produces meningoencephalitis and severe hepatitis during acute infection. Infection of primary cells derived from the central nervous system (CNS) and liver was examined to analyze the interaction of virus with individual cell types derived from the two principal sites of viral replication in vivo. In glial cell cultures derived from C57BL/6 mice, MHV-A59 produces a productive but nonlytic infection, with no evidence of cell-to-cell fusion. In contrast, in continuously cultured cells, this virus produces a lytic infection with extensive formation of syncytia. The observation of few and delayed syncytia following MHV-A59 infection of hepatocytes more closely resembles infection of glial cells than that of continuously cultured cell lines. For MHV-A59, lack of syncytium formation correlates with lack of cleavage of the fusion glycoprotein, or spike (S) protein. The absence of cell-to-cell fusion following infection of both primary cell types prompted us to examine the cleavage of the spike protein. Cleavage of S protein was below the level of detection by Western blot analysis in MHV-A59-infected hepatocytes and glial cells. Furthermore, no cleavage of this protein was detected in liver homogenates from C57BL/6 mice infected with MHV-A59. Thus, cleavage of the spike protein does not seem to be essential for entry and spread of the virus in vivo, as well as for replication in vitro.  相似文献   

采用RTPCR技术从SARS冠状病毒基因组扩增编码S蛋白的S2基因片段(第2170到2814位碱基),克隆到pMD18T载体并测序。用限制性内切酶消化后,S2基因亚克隆至表达载体pGEX4T2,转化大肠杆菌JM109,筛选鉴定阳性菌落。扩增培养含pGEXS2质粒的JM109大肠杆菌,经IPTG诱导,超声破菌,GSHSepharose亲和层析纯化目的蛋白,Westernblot检测SARS患者血清可以识别纯化的蛋白。用此蛋白免疫NIH小鼠,获得了高滴度抗GSTS2抗体的血清,为进一步研究SARS冠状病毒的亚单位疫苗奠定基础。  相似文献   

The mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) spike glycoprotein, S, has been implicated as a major determinant of viral pathogenesis. In the absence of a full-length molecular clone, however, it has been difficult to address the role of individual viral genes in pathogenesis. By using targeted RNA recombination to introduce the S gene of MHV4, a highly neurovirulent strain, into the genome of MHV-A59, a mildly neurovirulent strain, we have been able to directly address the role of the S gene in neurovirulence. In cell culture, the recombinants containing the MHV4 S gene, S4R22 and S4R21, exhibited a small-plaque phenotype and replicated to low levels, similar to wild-type MHV4. Intracranial inoculation of C57BL/6 mice with S4R22 and S4R21 revealed a marked alteration in pathogenesis. Relative to wild-type control recombinant viruses (wtR13 and wtR9), containing the MHV-A59 S gene, the MHV4 S gene recombinants exhibited a dramatic increase in virulence and an increase in both viral antigen staining and inflammation in the central nervous system. There was not, however, an increase in the level of viral replication in the brain. These studies demonstrate that the MHV4 S gene alone is sufficient to confer a highly neurovirulent phenotype to a recombinant virus deriving the remainder of its genome from a mildly neurovirulent virus, MHV-A59. This definitively confirms previous findings, suggesting that the spike is a major determinant of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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