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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of kinaesthetic feedback in the control of goal-directed movements. The subjects were qualified basketball and handball players compared to weightlifters as controls. The body measures and the general motor tests verified fit physical condition of the subjects, and detected no sign that would disturb the execution of special motor tests. The special motor tests were free-throw shootings with basketball to the basket, free shootings with handball to a rectangular frame, zigzag dribbling with basketball to 14 m among traffic cones 2 m apart, and stopping at a mark after running to 10 m. These tests were performed both with open eyes and closed eyes. The results of all special motor tests decreased significantly in the lack of visual information. Furthermore, in contrast to the significantly different results obtained from the three different groups with open eyes, these groups produced equally minor results with closed eyes. It is concluded that the practice of goal-directed movement, learned under visual guidance, does not make the kinaesthetic feedback able to compensate the lack of visual input.  相似文献   

 Subjects made fast goal-directed arm movements towards moving targets. In some cases, the perceived direction of target motion was manipulated by moving the background. By comparing the trajectories towards moving targets with those towards static targets, we determined the position towards which subjects were aiming at movement onset. We showed that this position was an extrapolation in the target’s perceived direction from its position at that moment using its perceived direction of motion. If subjects were to continue to extrapolate in the perceived direction of target motion from the position at which they perceive the target at each instant, the error would decrease during the movements. By analysing the differences between subjects’ arm movements towards targets moving in different (apparent) directions with a linear second-order model, we show that the reduction in the error that this predicts is not enough to explain how subjects compensate for their initial misjudgements. Received: 10 February 1995/Accepted in revised form: 30 May 1995  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(20):4530-4537.e2
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High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis is a closed-tube, rapid and sensitive technique able to detect DNA variations. It relies on the fluorescence melting curves that are obtained from the transition of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) as a result of temperature increase. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of HRM as a tool to rapidly and precisely genotype monotypic Symbiodinium populations using the internal transcribed spacer, region 2, ribosomal DNA (ITS2 rDNA). For this, Symbiodinium denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles, where gel bands were excised and sequenced, were compared to HRM genotypes. Results showed that twenty cultures were correctly genotyped in <2 h using HRM analysis with a percentage of confidence >90%. Limitations of the technique were also investigated. Unlike other techniques used for genotyping Symbiodinium, such as DGGE and other fingerprint profiles, HRM is a technique of great advantage for field coral reef ecologists and physiologists as no expertise in advanced molecular methods is required.  相似文献   

The daily otolith increment growth of individuals in a cohort of fish larvae was simulated by a simple individual-based model over 30 days. The daily otolith growth of an individual larva was dependent on past growth, within fixed limits common to all larvae. The survival of a larva at the end of each day was either a linear function of larval growth or a random outcome, simulating growth-dependent and growth-independent mortality, respectively, The combined effect of the external environment on growth was also studied. Eleven environmental scenarios, favouring or hindering growth at different stages, were tested and compared to runs with no environmental effect on growth. Growth-dependent mortality induced an increase in the average otolith daily increment width amongst surviving larvae. Such an outcome, however, could be negated by an unfavourable environment. The increase in mean growth rate of the population generated by growth-dependent mortality was directly related to the inherent variability in daily otolith growth. With increased variability, the influence of the environment became relatively less important. The effect of the environment on growth was more critical during the early stages of development. A comparison of results generated by the model with patterns observed in data from a field survey of larval herring was consistent with the occurrence of growth-dependent mortality in the sea. The simulation model provided a useful insight into the way in which various processes controlling larval growth interact.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of autonomic cardiovascular control (ACVC) may provide a key to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying postflight orthostatic hypotension. The central substrate of human ACVC is not directly accessible to measurements and observation in space research. Modelling--supporting inference and physiological reasoning--is a valuable tool to disclose its involvement We are currently determining the suitability of artificial neural networks (ANN's) as a model of the central substrate of ACVC. Having conducted a number of experiments with simulated tilt test data to clarify the choice of input coding and of architectural biases in network training we will now report on the approximation of data obtained from human subjects during preparation of the German MIR'97 and D-2 missions.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological studies on non-human primates have provided a large body of information on the response patterns of neurons in primary motor cortex during volitional motor tasks. Rather than finding a single simple pattern of activity in primary motor cortex neurons, these studies illustrate that neural activity in this area reflects many different types of information, including spatial goals, hand motion, joint motion, force output and electromyographic activity. This richness in the response characteristics of neurons makes estimates of any single variable on motor performance from population signals imprecise and prone to errors. It initially seems puzzling that so many different types of information are represented in primary motor cortex. However, such richness in neural responses reflects its important role in converting high-level behavioral goals generated in other cortical regions into complex spatiotemporal patterns to control not only alpha-motoneuron activity but also other features of spinal processing.  相似文献   

The representation of arm movements in postcentral and parietal cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considerable experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that the neocortical processes underlying kinesthetic sensation form a hierarchical series of cells signalling increasingly complex patterns of movement of the body. However, this view has been criticized and the data lack quantitative verification under controlled conditions. These studies have also typically used one-dimensional (reciprocal) movements, even of multiple degree-of-freedom joints such as the wrist or shoulder, and have been restricted to passive movements. This latter limitation is particularly critical, since the response of many muscle receptors is affected by fusimotor activity while that of many articular receptors is sensitive to the level of muscle contractile activity. Both factors introduce significant kinesthetic ambiguity to the signals arising from these receptors during active movement. This ambiguity is evident in the discharge of primary somatosensory cortex proprioceptive cells. Studies in area 5 show that single cells signal shoulder joint movements in the form of broad directional tuning curves. The pattern of activity of the entire population encodes movement direction. The cells appear to encode spatial aspects of movement unambiguously, since their discharge is relatively insensitive to the changes in muscle activity required to produce the same movements under different load conditions. It is not yet certain whether the somesthetic activity in area 5 is a kinesthetic representation that is sequential to and hierarchically superior to that in SI, or whether it is a parallel representation with separate and distinct function.  相似文献   

Ria Formosa is a Region of Restricted Exchange given its limited connection to coastal water circulation. Furthermore, it is subject to several anthropogenic activities that can lead to an increase in nutrients and potentially to eutrophication. Previous studies have shown the importance of the benthic compartment, specifically the microphytobenthos (MPB) in this shallow coastal lagoon. The dCSTT–MPB model [new version of the dynamic Comprehensive Studies Task Team (dCSTT) model] here described couples the benthic and pelagic compartments. Due to the shallowness of the system, the benthic microalgae are one of the most important primary producers of the system. Preliminary results of the model show a large biomass of benthic microalgae, which strongly influences the pelagic chlorophyll concentration by resuspension. However, algae concentrations in the water column are relatively small due to the high flushing rate of the lagoon. The MPB community is mainly supported by nutrients in the pore water. A sensitivity analysis (SA) has revealed that the factors associated with the benthic compartment were the most important and sensitive to changes. Porosity, benthic chlorophyll recycling, loss of MPB due to grazing and the yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nitrogen were some of the most sensitive parameters, as well as the ones associated with decay of particulate organic nitrogen. The development of our dCSTT–MPB model has itself provided insights into benthic function.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We used an individual based modelling approach for roach to (i) simulate observed diel habitat shifts between the pelagic and littoral zone of a mesotrophic lake; (ii) analyse the relevance of these habitat shifts for the diet, activity costs and growth of roach; and (iii) quantify the effects of a hypothetical piscivore-mediated (presence of pikeperch) confinement of roach to the littoral zone on roach diet, activity costs and growth.
2. The model suggests that in the presence of pikeperch, roach shifts from zooplankton as the primary diet to increased consumption of less nutritious food items such as macrophytes, filamentous algae and detritus.
3. The growth of roach between May and October was predicted to be significantly higher in the absence of pikeperch, although the net activity costs were about 60% higher compared with the scenario where pikeperch were present.
4. These modelling results provide quantitative information for interpreting diel horizontal migrations of roach as a result from a trade-off between food availability and predation risk in different habitats of a lake.
5. Altering the habitat selection mode of planktivorous roach by piscivore stocking has the potential to reduce zooplankton consumption by fish substantially, and could therefore be used as a biomanipulation technique complementing the reduction of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

Biomechanical models come in a variety of forms: conceptual models; physical models; and mathematical models (both of the sort written down on paper and the sort carried out on computers). There are model structures (such as insect flight muscle and the tendons of rats' tails), model organisms (such as the flying insect, Manduca sexta), even model systems of organisms (such as the communities that live on wave-swept rocky shores). These different types of models are typically employed separately, but their value often can be enhanced if their insights are integrated. In this brief report we explore a particular example of such integration among models, as applied to flexible marine algae. A conceptual model serves as a template for the construction of a mathematical model of a model species of giant kelp, and the validity of this numerical model is tested using physical models. The validated mathematical model is then used in conjunction with a computer-controlled tensile testing apparatus to simulate the loading regime placed on algal materials. The resulting information can be used to create a more precise mathematical model.  相似文献   

This study investigated the validity of the top-down approach of inverse dynamics analysis in fast and large rotational movements of the trunk about three orthogonal axes of the pelvis for nine male collegiate students. The maximum angles of the upper trunk relative to the pelvis were approximately 47°, 49°, 32°, and 55° for lateral bending, flexion, extension, and axial rotation, respectively, with maximum angular velocities of 209°/s, 201°/s, 145°/s, and 288°/s, respectively. The pelvic moments about the axes during the movements were determined using the top-down and bottom-up approaches of inverse dynamics and compared between the two approaches. Three body segment inertial parameter sets were estimated using anthropometric data sets (Ae et al., Biomechanism 11, 1992; De Leva, J Biomech, 1996; Dumas et al., J Biomech, 2007). The root-mean-square errors of the moments and the absolute errors of the peaks of the moments were generally smaller than 10 N·m. The results suggest that the pelvic moment in motions involving fast and large trunk movements can be determined with a certain level of validity using the top-down approach in which the trunk is modeled as two or three rigid-link segments.  相似文献   

Measures calculated from unperturbed walking patterns, such as variability measures and maximum Floquet multipliers, are often used to study the stability of walking. However, it is unknown if, and to what extent, these measures correlate to the probability of falling.We studied whether in a simple model of human walking, i.e., a passive dynamic walker, the probability of falling could be predicted from maximum Floquet multipliers, kinematic state variability, and step time variability. We used an extended version of the basic passive dynamic walker with arced feet and a hip spring. The probability of falling was manipulated by varying the foot radius and hip spring stiffness, or varying these factors while co-varying the slope to keep step length constant.The simulation data indicated that Floquet multipliers and kinematic state variability correlated inconsistently with probability of falling. Step time variability correlated well with probability of falling, but a more consistent correlation with the probability of falling was found by calculating the variability of the log transform of the step time. Our findings speak against the use of maximum Floquet multipliers and suggest instead that variability of critical variables may be a good predictor of the probability to fall.  相似文献   

1. Density dependence may act at several stages in an organisms life-cycle (e.g. on mortality, fecundity, etc.), but not all density-dependent processes necessarily regulate population size. In this paper I use a density manipulation experiment to determine the effects of density on the transition rates between different size classes of the clonal zoanthid Palythoa caesia Dana 1846. I then formulate a density-dependent matrix model of population dynamics of Palythoa , and perform a series of sensitivity analyses on the model to determine at what stage in the life-cycle regulation acts.
2. Seven of the 16 transition probabilities decreased with density, most of them being shrinkage (due to loss of tissue or fission) and stasis (the self–self transition) of medium and large colonies. The only probability to increase was for the stasis of large colonies. Recruitment was quadratically dependent on density, peaking at intermediate densities.
3. Equilibrium cover in the model was 84% and was reached in ≈40 years. To determine which density-dependent transitions were involved in population regulation, the strength of density dependence was varied in each independently. This sensitivity analysis showed that only changes in the probabilities of large colonies remaining large and producing medium colonies, were regulating.
4. These results suggest that regulation is primarily acting on fission of large colonies to produce intermediate-sized colonies, in combination with size specific growth rates. Fission rates decrease greatly with density, resulting in a greater proportion of large colonies at high densities and large colonies grow more slowly than small. Overall, this behaviour is very similar to that of clonal plants which have a phalanx type life history.  相似文献   

A scale of ontogenetic states has been developed for woodreed Calamagrostis canescens, a perennial species dominating the grass layer of fell forest areas. The population structure is considered as a set of age-stage groups of individuals differing both in the ontogenetic stage and the chronological age measured in years. to describe the dynamics through years a special kind of matrix formalism has been proposed which is reducible neither to the classic Leslie matrix for an age-structured population, nor to the well-known Lefkovitch matrix for a stage-structured one, and which does not suffer from excessiveness of the "two-dimensional" representation for the structure implying the projection matrix of a block pattern. It has been shown however that the protection matrix corresponding to C. canescens life-history graph embodies the canonical features of matrix formalism for structured population dynamics, such as the exponential population growth or decline, the convergence to a stable equilibrium structure, the calculable indicator of growth/decline/equilibrium (i.e., a measure of the population reproductive potential) as well as possibility to determine the relative reproductive value of each group. On the other hand, "left-sidedness of the age spectrum", a property that is often observed in real populations and is inherent in Leslie models of growing populations, may fail in the age-stage-structured model. The aggregation of age-stage groups into the age classes is possible only under special strict relationship among the age-stage-specific vital rates of the population. The both circumstances serve a methodical indication that an additional dimension such as the stages, for example, ought to be introduced into the age structure of the model population.  相似文献   

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