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Modification of bovine brain G proteins by an N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of biotin has been studied. In the presence of GDP, but in the absence of Mg2+, neither guanine nucleotide binding nor GTPase activity of the protein was altered by modification using less than 1.25 mM biotin derivative with 1 mg/ml G protein. Under these conditions the alpha subunit was modified more extensively than the beta and gamma subunits. However, biotinyl-alpha was less readily bound to streptavidin-agarose than was the less modified beta subunit. Biotinyl-beta gamma was isolated from the modified, intact G protein and further characterized to determine if biotinylation alters its functional properties. Isolated biotinyl-beta gamma and unmodified beta gamma were equivalent based upon: 1) inhibition of the S49 cell membrane adenylyl cyclase, 2) changes in hydrodynamic parameters after being recombined with isolated alpha and treated with guanine nucleotides or complexes of fluoride and aluminum, and 3) competition for isolated alpha binding to biotinyl-beta gamma immobilized previously on streptavidin-agarose. Biotinyl-beta gamma prebound to streptavidin-agarose was 70-100% functional, based upon binding of isolated alpha subunits. Estimates of the affinity of alpha binding to biotinyl-beta gamma indicate that bovine brain alpha 41 has a 10-15-fold higher affinity for beta gamma than does alpha 39. Nonhydrolyzable guanine nucleotides and complexes of fluoride and aluminum decreased binding of either alpha 39 or alpha 41 to biotinyl-beta gamma, and these effects were dependent upon the amount of Mg2+ present. GTP decreased binding of alpha 39, but not alpha 41, to biotinyl-beta gamma. These results indicate that GTP can affect G protein subunit interactions and that its effects do not necessarily require an intact membrane environment or the participation of activating receptors or other membrane-associated proteins. They further indicate that biotinylation of beta gamma does not alter its functional properties and that it can be used for studying G protein subunit interactions.  相似文献   

Little is known about the specific domains of G protein beta and gamma subunits which interact with each other and with the alpha subunit. We used site-specific anti-peptide antibodies directed against beta and gamma subunits to investigate domains on beta and gamma subunits involved in alpha subunit interaction. Antibodies included four against the transducin (Gt) beta subunit (residues 1-10 = MS, 127-136 = KT, 256-265 = RA, and 330-340 = SW) and two against the gamma subunit (residues 2-12 = PV and 58-68 = PE). All antisera, when affinity-purified on peptide columns, yielded antibodies capable of recognizing the denatured cognate subunit on immunoblots, but only RA, SW, PV, and PE recognized native beta gamma t subunits. Affinity purification of MS and KT antisera on columns of immobilized native Gt yielded antibodies capable of recognizing native beta gamma t subunits. The functional effects of each antibody preparation on alpha t-beta gamma t interaction were assessed by assaying the ability of the preparations to immunoprecipitate beta gamma t subunits in the presence of excess alpha subunits and by testing the inhibition of beta gamma t-dependent ADP-ribosylation of alpha t-subunits catalyzed by pertussis toxin. On the basis of the results, we conclude that the domains on beta gamma t which may be directly involved in alpha t-beta gamma t interaction include the extreme amino terminus, residues 127-136 and 256-265 of beta t, and the carboxyl terminus of gamma t.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Specificity of G protein beta and gamma subunit interactions.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Multiple heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein) subunits have evolved to couple a large variety of receptors to intracellular effectors. G protein beta gamma subunits are essential for efficient coupling of alpha subunits to receptors, and they are also important for modulation of effectors. Several different beta and gamma subunits exist, but it is not known whether all possible combinations of beta and gamma can form functional dimers. To answer this question, we have compared the ability of in vitro translated beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3 to form dimers with either gamma 1 or gamma 2. Dimerization was monitored by gel filtration, resistance to tryptic digestion, and chemical cross-linking. The results indicate that beta 1 binds both gamma subunits, beta 2 binds only gamma 2, and beta 3 will bind neither gamma 1 or gamma 2. Hence, the occurrence of beta gamma dimers may be partially regulated by the ability of the subunits to associate. Specificity of dimerization might allow cells to co-express multiple beta and gamma subunits while maintaining efficient and specific signal transduction.  相似文献   

Gs and Gi2 are G proteins whose alpha subunits are 65% homologous. Within the 355 amino acid alpha i2 polypeptide, substitution of residues Ile213-Lys319 with the corresponding alpha s region (Ile235-Arg356) generated a chimera that activated adenylyl cyclase, indicating that the alpha s activation domain resides within this 122 amino acid alpha s sequence. Mutation within alpha s residues Glu15-Pro144 resulted in an alpha s polypeptide having an enhanced rate of GDP dissociation. Mutation within two regions of the N-terminus influenced the ability of pertussis toxin to ADP-ribosylate the alpha subunit polypeptide, a reaction controlled by the beta gamma subunit complex. The findings define the G protein alpha subunit N-terminus as a regulatory region controlling beta gamma subunit interactions and GDP dissociation independent of the GTPase and effector activation domains.  相似文献   

We have examined the ability of the beta gamma subunits of guanine nucleotide binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) to support the pertussis toxin (PT) catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of G protein alpha subunits. Substoichiometric amounts of the beta gamma complex purified from either bovine brain G proteins or the bovine retinal G protein, Gt, are sufficient to support the ADP-ribosylation of the alpha subunits of Gi (the G protein that mediates inhibition of adenylyl cyclase) and Go (a G protein of unknown function) by PT. This observation indicates that ADP-ribosylated G protein oligomers can dissociate into their respective alpha and beta gamma subunits in the absence of activating regulatory ligands, i.e., nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues or fluoride. Additionally, the catalytic support of ADP-ribosylation by bovine brain beta gamma does not require Mg2+. Although the beta gamma subunit complexes purified from bovine brain G proteins and the beta gamma complex of Gt support equally the ADP-ribosylation of alpha subunits by PT, there is a marked difference in their abilities to interact with Gs alpha. The enhancement of deactivation of fluoride-activated Gs alpha requires 25-fold more beta gamma from Gt than from brain G proteins to produce a similar response. This difference in potency of beta gamma complexes from the two sources was also observed in the ability of beta gamma to produce an increase in the activity of recombinant Gs alpha produced in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins), which transduce hormonal and light signals across the plasma membrane, are heterotrimers composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits. Activation of G proteins by guanine nucleotides is accompanied by dissociation of the heterotrimer: G + alpha.beta.gamma in equilibrium alpha G + beta.gamma. Brain contains several G proteins of which the most abundant are alpha 39.beta.gamma and alpha 41.beta.gamma. We have used proteolysis by trypsin to study the functional domains of the alpha subunits. In the presence of guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate, trypsin removes a 2-kDa peptide from the amino terminus of these proteins (Hurley, J. B., Simon, M. I., Teplow, D. B., Robishaw, J. D., and Gilman, A. G. (1984) Science 226, 860-862; Winslow, J. W., Van Amsterdam, J. R., and Neer, E. J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7571-7579). Tryptic cleavage does not affect the GTPase activity of the truncated molecule nor the apparent Km for GTP. However, removal of the 2-kDa amino-terminal peptide prevents association of the alpha subunits with beta.gamma. Since the apparent substrate for pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation is the alpha.beta.gamma heterotrimer, the trypsin-cleaved alpha subunit is not a substrate for the toxin. Digestion of the carboxyl terminus of alpha 39 with carboxypeptidase A prevents ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin but does not interfere with the formation of alpha 39.beta.gamma heterotrimers. We do not yet know whether the amino-terminal region of alpha 39 interacts with beta gamma directly or whether it is necessary to maintain a conformation of alpha 39 which is required for heterotrimer formation. Further studies are needed to define the nature of the contracts between alpha and beta gamma subunits since understanding the structural basis for their reversible interaction is fundamental to understanding their function.  相似文献   

Stomata are essential for efficient gas and water-vapor exchange between the atmosphere and plants. Stomatal density and movement are controlled by a series of signal molecules including phytohormones and peptides as well as by environmental stimuli. It is known that heterotrimeric G-proteins play an important role in the ABA-inhibited stomatal opening. In this study, the G-protein signaling pathway was also found to regulate stomatal density on the lower epidermis of Arabidopsis cotyledons. The loss-of-function mutation of the G-protein α-subunit (GPA1) showed a reduction in stomatal density, while overexpression of the constitutively active form of GPA1QL increased stomatal density, indicating a positive role of the active form of GPA1 in stomatal development. In contrast, stomatal density increased in the null mutant of the G-protein β-subunit (AGB1) but decreased in transgenic lines that overexpressed AGB1. Stomatal analysis of the gpa1 agb1 double mutants displayed an average value of stomatal density compared to the single mutants. Taken together, these results suggest that the stomatal density in Arabidopsis is modulated by GPA1 and AGB1 in an antagonistic manner.  相似文献   

Obrdlik P  Neuhaus G  Merkle T 《FEBS letters》2000,477(3):208-212
The new functional role of activated protein C (APC) in the regulation of tissue factor (TF) expression was investigated using the cultured human monoblastic leukemia U937 cell line. A flow cytofluorometric analysis demonstrated that treatment with APC resulted in time- and dose-dependent decrease in TF expression in unstimulated and phorbol ester-stimulated cells. The effect was antagonized by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) to endothelial protein C/APC receptor (EPCR), 252, which strongly inhibited the interaction between APC and EPCR. In contrast, mAbs 49 and 379, which bind to EPCR without blocking APC binding, had no or only a modest effect. It is concluded that culturing U937 cells in the presence of APC caused down-regulation of TF expression through the EPCR-dependent mechanism, independent of whether induction was triggered by phorbol ester.  相似文献   

We have applied multicolor BiFC to study the association preferences of G protein beta and gamma subunits in living cells. Cells co-express multiple isoforms of beta and gamma subunits, most of which can form complexes. Although many betagamma complexes exhibit similar properties when assayed in reconstituted systems, knockout experiments in vivo suggest that individual isoforms have unique functions. BiFC makes it possible to correlate betagamma complex formation with functionality in intact cells by comparing the amounts of fluorescent betagamma complexes with their abilities to modulate effector proteins. The relative predominance of specific betagamma complexes in vivo is not known. To address this issue, multicolor BiFC can determine the association preferences of beta and gamma subunits by simultaneously visualizing the two fluorescent complexes formed when beta or gamma subunits fused to amino terminal fragments of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP-N) and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP-N) compete to interact with limiting amounts of a common gamma or beta subunit, respectively, fused to a carboxyl terminal fragment of CFP (CFP-C). Multicolor BiFC also makes it possible to determine the roles of interacting proteins in the subcellular targeting of complexes, study the formation of protein complexes that are unstable under isolation conditions, determine the roles of co-expressed proteins in regulating the association preferences of interacting proteins, and visualize dynamic events affecting multiple protein complexes. These approaches can be applied to studying the assembly and functions of a wide variety of protein complexes in the context of a living cell.  相似文献   

An efficient one-step affinity purification of bovine brain G protein betagamma subunits (betagamma's) is described. The betagamma's, in a detergent extract of brain membranes, are first dissociated from the alpha subunits (alpha's), reassociated with decahistidine-tagged alphail produced in bacteria, and then adsorbed onto Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid-agarose via the histidine tag. This mild adsorption retained the high activity of the ligand alpha's, in contrast to the commonly used chemical crosslinking methods. A wash step with a buffer containing chaotropic ions (SCN-) completely removed contaminating proteins that were refractory to washes with high concentrations of detergents, after which the highly purified betagamma's were eluted with a buffer containing Al3+, Mg2+, and F- ions. The obtained betagamma's were found to be fully functional, as assessed by their ability to support pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of alphail. Since the combination of the mild adsorption via the histidine tag and the wash with chaotropic ions can be easily applied to purifying betagamma's from various animal tissues, this new chromatographic method is expected to facilitate the purification of other membrane proteins that bind to Galpha and/or Galphabetagamma.  相似文献   

A G protein alpha subunit gene (pigpa1) and a G protein beta subunit gene (pigpb1) were isolated from the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato late blight. Heterotrimeric G proteins are evolutionary conserved GTP-binding proteins that are composed of alpha,beta, and gamma subunits and participate in diverse signal transduction pathways. The deduced amino acid sequence of both pigpa1 and pigpb1, showed the typical conserved motifs present in Galpha or Gbeta proteins from other eukaryotes. Southern blot analysis revealed no additional copies of Galpha or Gbeta subunit genes in P. infestans, suggesting that pigpa1 and pigpb1 are single copy genes. By cross-hybridization homologues of gpa1 and gpb1 were detected in other Phythophthora species. Expression analyses revealed that both genes are differentially expressed during asexual development, with the highest mRNA levels in sporangia. In mycelium, no pigpa1 mRNA was detected. Western blot analysis using a polyclonal GPA1 antibody confirmed the differential expression of pigpa1. These expression patterns suggest a role for G-protein-mediated signaling during formation and germination of asexual spores of P. infestans, developmental stages representing the initial steps of the infection process.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that equine luteinizing hormone (eLH) inhibits production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) induced by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in preparations of seminiferous tubules from immature rats. It was also shown that the inhibitory effect was a function of the equine LH (eLH) alpha subunit. To explore this phenomenon further, the intrinsic FSH-like activities of eLH alpha alone and in combination with ovine (o) LH beta, ovine FSH beta, and equine FSH beta were evaluated in several assay systems. In a radioreceptor assay employing 125I-o-FSH and testis membranes from day-old calves, eLH was twice as active as oFSH, eLH alpha was 6% as active as oFSH, and other subunits showed a lack of activity (less than 1.5%). Whereas oLH was only 0.1% as active as oFSH, the hybrid eLH alpha-oLH beta was 3.0% as active. The binding activity of eLH alpha-FSH beta hybrids tended to be higher than the oFSH alpha-FSH beta hybrids. In the cAMP production assay, eLH alpha-FSH beta hybrids exhibited dampened dose-response curves when compared to the oFSH alpha-FSH beta hybrids. In a plasminogen activator assay (PAA) employing granulosa cells from intact 21-24-day-old female rats primed with diethylstilbestrol, eLH had activity comparable to that of oFSH, while eLH alpha was inactive. When eLH alpha was recombined with oFSH beta, eFSH beta, or oLH beta, the PAA stimulatory activity was not altered compared to that of the hybrids oLH alpha-oFSH beta, oFSH alpha-eFSH beta, and the recombinant oLH alpha-oLH beta, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A pheromone-mediated signaling pathway that couples seven-transmembrane-domain (7-TMD) receptors to a mitogen-activated protein kinase module controls Candida albicans mating. 7-TMD receptors are typically connected to heterotrimeric G proteins whose activation regulates downstream effectors. Two Galpha subunits in C. albicans have been identified previously, both of which have been implicated in aspects of pheromone response. Cag1p was found to complement the mating pathway function of the pheromone receptor-coupled Galpha subunit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Gpa2p was shown to have a role in the regulation of cyclic AMP signaling in C. albicans and to repress pheromone-mediated arrest. Here, we show that the disruption of CAG1 prevented mating, inactivated pheromone-mediated arrest and morphological changes, and blocked pheromone-mediated gene expression changes in opaque cells of C. albicans and that the overproduction of CAG1 suppressed the hyperactive cell cycle arrest exhibited by sst2 mutant cells. Because the disruption of the STE4 homolog constituting the only C. albicans gene for a heterotrimeric Gbeta subunit also blocked mating and pheromone response, it appears that in this fungal pathogen the Galpha and Gbeta subunits do not act antagonistically but, instead, are both required for the transmission of the mating signal.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding proteins are composed of alpha and beta gamma subunits and couple a variety of cell-surface receptors to intracellular enzymes or ion channels. The heterotrimer dissociates into alpha and beta gamma subunits when the alpha subunit is activated by guanine nucleoside triphosphates. Several lines of evidence show that the amino terminus of the alpha subunit is important for the interaction with the beta gamma subunit (Neer, E. J., Pulsifer, L., and Wolf, L. G. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8996-9000; Fung, B. K.-K., and Nash, C. R. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 10503-10510). We have mutagenized the amino terminus of alpha o to dissect the relative contributions of amino-terminal myristoylation and specific amino acid sequences to subunit interaction. Wild-type and mutant alpha o cDNAs were translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. All proteins were able to bind guanosine 5'-(gamma-thio)triphosphate and to achieve the necessary conformation for protection from tryptic digestion. Two assays of alpha o beta gamma interactions were used: sucrose density gradients to look for stable heterotrimer formation and ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin to detect weak or transient alpha o beta gamma interactions. Our results indicate that myristoylation is essential for stable heterotrimer formation, but that nonmyristoylated proteins are also capable of interacting with the beta gamma subunit. Amino acids 7-10 have an important role in alpha o beta gamma interactions whether alpha o is myristoylated or not. Deletion of this region diminishes the ability of alpha o to interact with the beta gamma subunit, but substitutions at this position indicate that other amino acids can be tolerated without affecting subunit interaction.  相似文献   

Syntrophins are components of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex of the plasma membrane in muscular and neuronal cells, and recruit signaling proteins such as neuronal nitric oxide synthase via their multiple protein-protein interaction motifs. In this study, we found that alpha1-syntrophin binds to various subtypes of guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha subunits (Galpha). A pull-down analysis using full-length recombinant alpha1-syntrophin and MS analysis showed that alpha1-syntrophin was coprecipitated with several isoforms of Galpha proteins in addition to known binding partners such as dystrobrevin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Further analysis using recombinant Galpha isoforms showed that alpha1-syntrophin associates with at least Galphai, Galphao, Galphas and Galphaq subtypes. The region of alpha1-syntrophin required for its interaction with Galphas was determined as the N-terminal half of the first pleckstrin homology domain. In addition, the syntrophin unique domain of alpha1-syntrophin was suggested to contribute to this interaction. In COS-7 cells, downregulation of alpha1-syntrophin by RNAi resulted in enhanced cAMP production and cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation induced by isoproterenol treatment. These results suggest that alpha1-syntrophin provides a scaffold for the Galpha family of heterotrimeric G proteins in the brain to regulate the efficiency of signal transduction evoked by G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Complementary DNAs encoding three subtypes of the alpha subunit (alpha i-1, alpha o and alpha s) of rat guanyl nucleotide regulatory proteins were used to construct recombinant baculoviruses which direct high-level expression of the corresponding proteins in cultured Sf9 insect cells. The expressed proteins were recognized by polyclonal antisera specific for the different alpha chains, and co-migrated with the native proteins from rat brain membranes in immunoblotting analyses. Soluble and particulate forms of all three immunoreactive alpha chains were observed following ultracentrifugation of cell lysates. Biosynthetic radiolabelling of infected cells with [35S]methionine or [3H]myristate showed that both soluble and particulate forms of alpha i-1 and alpha o were myristoylated; in contrast, alpha s did not incorporate myristate. The soluble fractions from cells expressing alpha chains showed high levels of GTP-binding activity over that observed in uninfected cells, or in cells infected with wild-type virus. The peak expression levels observed at 72 h post-infection were highest for alpha o at ca. 400 pmol of GTP-gamma-35S/mg protein, or roughly 2% of the total soluble protein. The results of this work show that the baculovirus system can be employed for high-level production of mammalian G protein alpha chains which retain GTP-binding activity and are appropriately modified by myristoylation.  相似文献   

Regulation and function of G alpha protein subunits in Dictyostelium   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
We have examined the developmental regulation and function of two G alpha protein subunits, G alpha 1 and G alpha 2, from Dictyostelium. G alpha 1 is expressed in vegetative cells through aggregate stages while G alpha 2 is inducible by cAMP pulses and preferentially expressed in aggregation. Our results suggest that G alpha 2 encodes the G alpha protein subunit associated with the cAMP receptor and mediates all known receptor-activated intracellular signal transduction processes, including chemotaxis and gene regulation. G alpha 1 appears to function in both the cell cycle and development. Overexpression of G alpha 1 results in large, multinucleated cells that develop abnormally. The central role that these G alpha proteins play in signal transduction processes and in controlling Dictyostelium development is discussed.  相似文献   

Heparin is known to influence the growth, proliferation, and migration of vascular cells, but the precise mechanisms are unknown. We previously demonstrated that unfractionated heparin (UH) binds to the platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3), and enhances ligand binding. To help define the specificity and site(s) of heparin-integrin interactions, we employed the erythroleukemic K562 cell line, transfected to express specific integrins (alpha(v)beta(3), alpha(v)beta(5), and alpha(IIb)beta(3)). By comparing K562 cells expressing a common alpha subunit (Kalpha(v)beta(3), Kalpha(v)beta(5)) with cells expressing a common beta subunit (Kalpha(v)beta(3), Kalpha(IIb)beta(3)), we observed that heparin differentially modulated integrin-mediated adhesion to vitronectin. UH at 0.5-7.5 microg/ml consistently enhanced the adhesion of beta(3) expressing cells (Kalpha(v)beta(3),Kalpha(IIb)beta(3)). In contrast, UH at 0.5-7.5 microg/ml inhibited Kalpha(v)beta(5) adhesion. Experiments using integrin-blocking antibodies, appropriate control ligands, and nontransfected native K562 cells revealed that heparin's actions were mediated by the specific integrins under study. Preincubation of heparin with Kalpha(v)beta(3) cells enhanced adhesion, while preincubation of heparin with the adhesive substrate (vitronectin) had minimal effect. There was a structural specificity to heparin's effect, in that a low molecular weight heparin and chondroitin sulfate showed significantly less enhancement of adhesion. These findings suggest that heparin's modulation of integrin-ligand interactions occurs through its action on the integrin. The inhibitory or stimulatory effects of heparin depend on the beta subunit type, and the potency is dictated by structural characteristics of the glycosaminoglycan.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an important metabolic stress-sensing protein kinase responsible for regulating metabolism in response to changing energy demand and nutrient supply. Mammalian AMPK is a stable alphabetagamma heterotrimer comprising a catalytic alpha and two non-catalytic subunits, beta and gamma. The beta subunit targets AMPK to membranes via an N-terminal myristoyl group and to glycogen via a mid-molecule glycogen-binding domain. Here we find that the conserved C-terminal 85-residue sequence of the beta subunit, beta1-(186-270), is sufficient to form an active AMP-dependent heterotrimer alpha1beta1-(186-270)-gamma1, whereas the 25-residue beta1 C-terminal (246-270) sequence is sufficient to bind gamma1, gamma2, or gamma3 but not the alpha subunit. Deletion of the beta C-terminal Ile-270 precludes betagamma association in the absence of the alpha subunit, but the presence of the alpha subunit or substitution of Ile-270 with Ala or Glu restores betagamma binding. Truncation of the alpha subunit reveals that beta1 binding requires the alpha1-(313-473) sequence. The conserved C-terminal 85-residue sequence of the beta subunit (90% between beta1 and beta2) is the primary alphagamma binding sequence responsible for the formation of the AMPK alphabetagamma heterotrimer.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G proteins) transduce extracellular signals received by transmembrane receptors to effector proteins. Each subunit of the G protein complex is encoded by a member of one of three corresponding gene families. Currently, 16 different members of the alpha subunit family, 5 different members of the beta subunit family, and 11 different members of the gamma subunit family have been described in mammals. Here we have identified and characterized Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs) containing the human homologs of each of the alpha, beta, and gamma subunit genes as well as a G alpha11 pseudogene and a previously undiscovered G gamma5-like gene. The gene structure and chromosome location of each gene was determined, as were the orientations of paired genes. These results provide greater insight into the evolution and functional diversity of the mammalian G protein subunit genes.  相似文献   

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