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Messenger RNA activities for two cortisol-inducible enzymes, tyrosine aminotransferase and tryptophan oxygenase, have been determined by translation in a wheat germ system. The effects of cycloheximide on the two mRNA activities have been evaluated. Cortisol leads to an increase of the translatable mRNAs for tyrosine aminotransferase and tryptophan oxygenase with a maximum at approximately 6 h. Cycloheximide was administered 4 h after treatment with cortisol; 2 h later, the activities of tyrosine aminotransferase and tryptophan oxygenase mRNA had increased five-fold and two-fold, respectively, compared to the activities reached with cortisol alone. Thereafter the amount of the two translatable mRNAs declined, though 14 h after cortisol administration the mRNA activities were still several fold higher than in control animals. Application of alpha-amanitin together with cycloheximide did not prevent an increased accumulation of specific translatable mRNAs. The increase in tyrosine aminotransferase and tryptophan oxygenase activity by cortisol was immediately blocked by cycloheximide. Whereas tryptophan oxygenase activity rapidly declined after cycloheximide application, tyrosine aminotransferase activity remained at the same level. Approximately 4 h thereafter, both enzyme activities increased again.  相似文献   

Purified rat liver albumin mRNA directed the synthesis of albumin in a mRNA-dependent cell-free protein-synthesizing system derived from wheat germ extracts. The [3H]leucine-labeled in vitro translation product reacted with antibodies specific for albumin and co-migrated with authentic 14C-labeled serum albumin during gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of sodium dodecyl sufate. Higher concentrations of potassium and magnesium ions were required for the translation of albumin mRNA than for total liver mRNAs. These requirements were consistent for the purified albumin as well as when it was a component in the liver mRNA mixture. At the higher potassium or magnesium concentrations, only intact albumin molecules were synthesized, whereas lower concentrations of these ions caused the production of antibody-reactive fragments. These fragments were apparently the result of premature termination of peptide synthesis and not due to endogenous proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Tyrosine aminotransferase messenger RNA has been translated in a cell-free system derived from rabbit reticulocytes. Cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA from rat liver was used as the source of the messenger RNA. The newly synthesized subunits of the enzyme were isolated by immunoprecipitation and identified and quantitated using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These procedures were used to demonstrate that glucocorticoid induction is associated with increased cytoplasmic levels of functional tyrosine aminotransferase messenger RNA.  相似文献   

T4 bacteriophage mRNA for lysozyme was extracted from T4 phage infected E. coli cells, partially purified by column chromatography, and translated in a heterologous cell-free protein synthesizing system prepared from wheat germ. The translation product was confirmed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and enzymatic activity — bacteriolysis as tested with Micrococcus luteus. The specific activity of the enzyme prepared was 660 U/mg.  相似文献   

The mRNA were isolated from total RNA extracted from placenta by affinity chromatography on poly U Sepharose 4 B and were tested with wheat germ cell free system. The neosynthesized hPL is isolated by specific immunoprecipitation using 2 antibodies from the CEA (hPLK1 and hPLK3). It represented 7% of the total radioactive synthesized proteins. Two components were separated by gel electrophoresis. One is the natives hormone while the other which is the major component, migrated with a molecular weight of 25 000. These results are in accordance with a functionally cell free system which could be used study the non histone protein's role in the hPL synthesis.  相似文献   

A cell-free system for synthesizing protein from wheat germ was used to translate the messenger RNA extracted from 16-day embryonic chick calvaria. A part of the product had properties similar to collagenous peptides and served as a substrate for prolyl hydroxylase, an enzyme specific for collagen. The level of potassium was critical for the synthesis of high molecular weight products with properties similar to pro-alpha-chains. The potassium concentration for optimal protein synthesis, as judged by maximum incorporation of [3H]proline into acid precipitable material, was considerably lower than the concentration required for the synthesis of high molecular weight collagenous peptides.  相似文献   

Competition among ovalbumin and globin mRNA under their simultaneous translation in the tRNA-dependent cell-free system from wheat germ was studied. One of the mRNAs was added to samples in a constant amount, that provided 50% protein synthesis level of the maximum, other--in increasing amount (from 0 to the maximum). The ration of ovalbumin and globin synthesis rates has been shown to depend essentially (1.5-2 fold) on the nature of tRNA, being added to the system. The obtained data suggest that functional adaptation of tRNA is a part of the mechanism of protein biosynthesis regulation and it is possible to modulate some mRNAs translation selectivity on the elongation by different sets of tRNA.  相似文献   

Alpha- and beta-D-galactosidases were characterized from a hydroalcoholic extract of wheat germ (Triticum vulgare). Kinetic constants (Vmax and KM) and the optimal pHs for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl galactopyranosides by both enzymes were determined. These enzymes presented a high stability in hydroalcoholic medium and were inhibited by iodoacetamide and sodium p-hydroxy-mercuribenzoate.  相似文献   

Poly-A RNA extracted from the rat liver was translated in a cell-free wheat germ system and a rabbit reticulocyte lysate. The subunit of tryptophan pyrrolase precipitated by specific antiserum after synthesis in vitro has the same molecular weight as the corresponding subunit derived from the rat liver. With specific antiserum prepared against tyrosine aminotransferase, however, a radioactive protein from both the in vitro assays was precipitated with an about 5% higher molecular weight than the tyrosine aminotransferase subunit precipitated from rat liver. The immunological evidence and the comparison of the specific peptide patterns prepared by cyanogen bromide treatment showed that the in vitro product corresponds to tyrosine aminotransferase. Various concentrations of potassium or spermidine used in the wheat germ translation system did not alter the size of the enzyme subunit synthesized. The run of the tyrosine aminotransferase purified form the rat liver in the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was not influenced by treatment with Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase. The possibility is discussed that the larger enzyme synthesized in vitro represents a precursor molecule which is cleaved proteolytically in vivo.  相似文献   

We have developed a highly productive cell-free protein synthesis system from wheat germ, which is expected to become an important tool for postgenomic research. However, this system has not been optimized for the synthesis of disulfide-containing proteins. Thus, we searched here for translation conditions under which a model protein, a single-chain antibody variable fragment (scFv), could be synthesized into its active form. Before the start of translation, the reducing agent dithiothreitol, which normally is added to the wheat germ extract but which inhibits disulfide formation during translation, was removed by gel filtration. When the scFv mRNA was incubated with this dithiothreitol-deficient extract, more than half of the synthesized polypeptide was recovered in the soluble fraction. By addition of protein disulfide isomerase in the translation solution, the solubility of the product was further improved, and nearly half of the soluble polypeptides strongly bound to the antigen immobilized on an agarose support. This strong binding component had a high affinity as shown by surface-plasmon resonance analysis. These results show that the wheat germ cell-free system can produce a functional scFv with a simple change of the reaction ingredients. We also discuss protein folding in this system and suggest that the disulfide bridges are formed cotranslationally. Finally, we show that biotinylated scFv could be synthesized in similar fashion and immobilized on a solid surface to which streptavidin is bound. SPR measurements for detection of antigens were also possible with the use of this immobilized surface.  相似文献   

Poly (A+)-mRNA obtained from human term placenta using guanidine HCl and oligo (dT) cellulose chromatography was translated in a wheat germ cell-free system. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the translation products revealed the presence of several polypeptides with molecular weights ranging from 10 KD to 70 KD. A single protein band representing around 1% of the total radioactive proteins synthesized in the presence of 2.5 g of mRNA was isolated by immunoprecipitation, using specific antiserum against either the native Pregnancy-specific 1-glycoprotein or a reduced and carboxymethylated derivative. The molecular weight of 31–2 KD of this translation product corresponding to the nonprocessed precursor could account for the 43 KD value assigned to the protein purified from human pregnant serum.  相似文献   

Differential effects of Mg2+, spermidine, and reticulocyte ribosomal wash factors on the translation of endogenous, myeloma, and globin mRNA's have been observed in studies with the wheat germ cell-free protein synthesizing system. Spermidine stimulated globin mRNA translation but not the translation of endogenous wheat germ messages, and the polyamine actually inhibited the translation of myeloma mRNA. Ribosomal wash factors, on the other hand, stimulated endogenous and myeloma mRNA dependent protein synthesis in an Mg2+-dependent fashion but inhibited globin mRNA translation. The combination of ribosomal wash factors and spermidine was either stimulatory or inhibitory depending on the Mg2+ concentration and the message. It was further observed that translation of exogenous myeloma mRNA proceeded for only 60 min at 25 degrees C under all conditions tested in this study, while translation of endogenous wheat germ messages continued for longer periods of time. No differential effects of spermidine on the synthesis of high molecular weight myeloma proteins were observed.  相似文献   

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