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Pollen morphology of the native Sicilian species of the genus Muscari, one of which is endemic to Sicily, belonging to the subgenera Muscari, Leopoldia and Pseudomuscari, was studied using a light microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Pollen grains are monads, heteropolar and monosulcate; the exine is semitectate reticulate and perforate. The sulcus extends from distal to proximal face and its length is not directly proportional to the size of the granules and varies from one species to another.  相似文献   

Tulipa anhuiensis X. S. Sheng, sp. nov. TYPE: Anhui (安徽),Qianshan county (潜山县),Tianzhu Mount.(天柱山),alt. 1000-1200 m, 1998-04-01, Shen Xian-sheng 98006 (holotype, PE). Fig. 1.A T. erythronioide Baker tepalis lanceolatis, antheris purpurascentibus, stylo 1-2 mm longo, stigmate oblique truncato differt.Herba perennis , 10-15 cm alta; bulbi ovoidei. Caulis singulus, simplex. Folia 2, opposita, oblanceolata glabra crassa, 10~15 cm longa, 1-1.5 cm lata, integra apice obtusa, sessilia, costa evidente, nervis lateralibus obscuris.……  相似文献   

A re-evaluation of Minuartia graminifolia has been undertaken based on comparative morphological studies. M. graminifolia subsp. rosani (an endemic of the south-central Apennines and Sicily) and subsp. hungarica (an endemic of the Banat region of Romania) are accepted infraspecific taxa. M. graminifolia subsp. hungarica is lectotypified. M. graminifolia subsp. clandestina is confirmed for Italy; the taxon is neotypified. The type subspecies is considered an endemic to the east-central Alps. Keys to the species of Minuartia ser. Graminifoliae and to the subspecies of M. graminifolia are provided.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 419–432.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of stick insect is described and figured from Mount Halcon, on the Philippine island of Mindoro. Conlephasma enigma gen. et sp. n. is a stout, flightless, and apparently ground-dwelling species with vivid integumental colors. When disturbed, specimens spray a defensive secretion from the prothoracic exocrine glands. The systematic position of Conlephasma within Euphasmatodea is unclear. The elongated galealobulus and the trichome area located laterally in the galea, represent unusual apomorphic characters of the maxilla that could indicate affinities with Necrosciinae or Pseudophasmatinae. All tibiae exhibit the anareolate condition. Euplantulae are of two types: those of tarsomeres I–IV feature a nubby microstructure, whilst the one on the ventral side of the pretarsus is smooth. Males are characterized by the presence of a well-developed vomer on the tenth abdominal segment. A distinctive and apomorphic trait of female terminalia is represented by the elongated tenth abdominal tergum. Conlephasma can represent an interesting taxon for studies on the evolution of the stick and leaf insects.  相似文献   

Kniphofia monticola Blackmore sp. nov., from Mulanje Mountain in Malawi is described. This new species is most closely related to K. splendida E. A. Bruce, a widely distributed species in tropical and southern Africa.  相似文献   

The intact seed surface morphology in 45 taxa of Petunia sensu Jussieu native to South America (Petunia sensu Wijsman plus Calibrachoa) was compared under scanning electron microscopy. The existence of three groups of species, differentiated in terms of seed morphology, was revealed as follows: (1) all species of Petunia sensu Wijsman, having coarse wavy middle lamellae and anticlinal walls; (2) Calibrachoa parviflora and C. pygmaea, having fine wavy middle lamellae embedded in straight anticlinal walls; and (3) the other species of Calibrachoa, having straight middle lamellae and anticlinal walls. Close relationships between seed morphology and the other characteristics observable in the groups of species are discussed.  相似文献   

Until now the genus Amana (Liliaceae), known as ‘East Asian tulips’, has contained just seven species. In this study, a phylogenomic and integrative taxonomic approach was used to reveal two new species, Amana nanyueensis from Central China and A. tianmuensis from East China. A. nanyueensis resembles Amana edulis in possessing a densely villous-woolly bulb tunic and two opposite bracts, but differs in its leaves and anthers. Amana tianmuensis resembles Amana erythronioides in possessing three verticillate bracts and yellow anthers, but differs in aspects of its leaves and bulbs. These four species are clearly separated from each other in principal components analysis based on morphology. Phylogenomic analyses based on plastid CDS further support the species delimitation of A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis and suggests they are closely related to A. edulis. Cytological analysis shows that A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis are both diploid (2n = 2x = 24), different from A. edulis, which is either diploid (northern populations) or tetraploid (southern populations, 2n = 4x = 48). The pollen morphology of A. nanyueensis is similar to other Amana species (single-groove germination aperture), but A. tianmuensis is quite different because of the presence of a sulcus membrane, which creates the illusion of double grooves. Ecological niche modelling also revealed a niche differentiation between A. edulis, A. nanyueensis and A. tianmuensis.  相似文献   

老鸦瓣群(Amana群)是百合科中的一个东亚特有类群,仅分布在中国中东部、日本和朝鲜半岛。该类群在形态上与广义郁金香属Tulipa L.相似,但也具有与子房近等长的花柱以及2-3(-4)个苞片等与郁金香属不同的形态特征。有关该类群是否应置于郁金香属中或是否应独立为属的问题长期以来存在争议。为了澄清该问题,我们对产于中国的Amana群进行了广泛的标本室和野外形态观察,并采用分支系统学方法,对该类群3个种以及郁金香属的其他15种植物(包括土耳其的3个种)的28个形态性状数据进行了分支分析。结果表明广义郁金香属并非是一个单系类群。Amana群与广义郁金香属的其他4个组sect. Orithyia、sect. Eriostemones、sect. Leiostemones、sect. Tulipanum以及Lloydia属的两个种共同构成一个大支的3个分支。我们对广义郁金香属5个组共19种植物的ITS以及trnL-F分子序列综合分析的结果也表明:sect. Tulipanum、sect. Leiostemones、sect. Eriostemones和sect. Orithyia构成一大支,Amana群和猪牙花属的Erythronium sibiricum构成另一大支。因此,我们认为Amana群应从广义郁金香属中独立出来,恢复其老鸦瓣属Amana Honda作为属的分类地位。  相似文献   

口器感器在昆虫取食活动中起着重要作用, 但蚊蝎蛉成虫口器上感器的种类和形态迄今未见报道。我们利用扫描电子显微镜, 观察了中华蚊蝎蛉Bittacus sinensis Walker成虫口器上的感器。结果显示: 中华蚊蝎蛉口器上共有8种感器, 分别为锥形、毛形、刺形、指形、掌状、钟形、柱状感器及Böhm氏鬃毛, 主要集中于内唇、 下颚须以及下唇须上。锥形感器和刺形感器数量最多; 毛形感器主要在下颚轴节、 茎节和下唇的亚颏和前颏有分布; 钟形感器和Böhm氏鬃毛只存在于下唇须和下颚须上。下颚须端节和下唇须端节的感器种类相同, 以锥形感器为主。高度骨化的上颚以及下颚内颚叶与外颚叶上未发现感器分布。简要讨论了口器感器在昆虫分类中的意义。  相似文献   

A distinctive new species of the phasmatodean genus Ophicrania Kaup, 1871 (Phasmatidae: Platycraninae) is described and figured from the Philippines. Ophicrania conlei n. sp. (from Mount Madja-as, on Panay island) is characterized by the bicoloured anal region of the male hind wing, divided into an inner whitish patch, and an outer brownish area. The species is also distinguished from its most similar congeners on the basis of integumental coloration, features of the antennae, thoracic nota, wings, legs, and terminalia. The present study also provides an emended diagnosis of Ophicrania, and an updated checklist of the taxa of Platycraninae recorded from the Philippine archipelago.  相似文献   

Glume surface, fruit surface, perianth bristles and pollen morphology in Scirpus L. and related genera from south-west Europe have been investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. The results of this analysis confirm the heterogeneity of the group and provide further support to the current recognition of the genera Scirpus L., Bolboschoenus (Rchb.) Palla , Scirpoides Ség., Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla, Isolepis R.Br., Trichophorum Pers. and Blysmus Panz. as well as to a re-appraisal of subg. Actaeogeton (Rchb.) Oteng-Yeb. of Schoenoplectus .  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 45–58.  相似文献   

【目的】利用扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)观察屋尘螨Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus颚体、 躯体、 外生殖器及足等的形态结构。【方法】从床尘、 枕尘中采集屋尘螨, 分离出雌雄成螨, 在体视显微镜下清洗处理活螨后, 用SEM观察其外部形态特征。【结果】SEM照片显示, 屋尘螨螯肢钳状, 须肢扁平; 体表具细密皮纹, 似指纹状, 纹间距小于2 μm。外生殖器位于腹面正中, 雌螨为产卵孔, 雄螨生殖孔具1对叶状生殖盖。肛门呈纵行裂孔, 雄螨具2个肛吸盘。雌螨足跗节末端各具爪垫1个, 雄螨跗节Ⅳ具2个吸盘。【结论】本研究观察结果为尘螨鉴定提供了更多依据。  相似文献   

We describe two new species and redescribe one in the polychaete genus Amphicorina Claparède, 1864 (Sabellidae) from Hokkaido, Japan. Amphicorina ascidicolasp. n. differs from its 38 congeners chiefly in the reduction of the collar, but also in having three pairs of radioles, one pair of ventral radiolar appendages, a bifurcate ventral lobe on the anterior peristomial ring, six abdominal chaetigers, and a large anterior tooth on the abdominal uncini. Amphicorina ezoensissp. n. has a crenulated collar, three pairs of radioles, and more than eight (12) abdominal chaetigers; Amphicorina ezoensis shares these character states with Amphicorina anneae (Rouse, 1994), Amphicorina eimeri (Langerhans, 1880), and Amphicorina persinosa (Ben-Eliahu, 1975), but differs from them in having two pairs of ventral radiolar appendages and a non-oblique collar. Amphicorina mobilis (Rouse, 1990) was previously known only from the type locality (New South Wales, Australia), but we identify our Japanese material as conspecific on the basis of morphological and molecular similarity.  相似文献   

A new Fritillaria species, F rixii , with yellow flowers is described from the island Euboea, Greece. Comparison on some metric variables revealed that the species is closer morphologically to F. drenowskii Degen. & Stoj. and very different from F. euboeica Rix, although the new taxon is connected with the latter through some intermediate forms.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了国产球盖蕨科10种植物,鳞毛蕨科6种植物的管状分子,结果显示:它们的管状分子端壁和侧壁的形态及结构分别相同,且侧壁具有穿孔板。它们具有4种类型的管状分子:(1)梯状穿孔板,无穿孔板的二型性现象;(2)梯状穿孔板,具有二型性现象;(3)梯状-网状混合穿孔板;(4)大孔状穿孔板。穿孔板仅存在于端壁的管状分子为导管分子,而端壁和侧壁形态、结构相似,有或无穿孔板的管状分子为管胞,蕨类植物中的管状分子主要为管胞,这与传统观点不同。管状分子的形态特征表明:球盖蕨科是鳞毛蕨群的成员,但不是原始成员,可能属于其中较为进化的类群,与鳞毛蕨科有许多共同特征,但仍存在较大差异,所以将其作为独立的科是合理的,推测球盖蕨科中的鱼鳞蕨属是比较进化的属,柄盖蕨属相对原始,红腺蕨属的系统位置应介于二者之间。  相似文献   

国产对囊蕨亚科(蹄盖蕨科)植物的管状分子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑玲  徐皓  王玛丽 《植物学通报》2008,25(2):203-211
利用扫描电镜观察了国产蹄盖蕨科(Athyriaceae)对囊蕨亚科(Deparioideae)10种植物及双盖蕨属(Diplazium Sw.)3种植物根状茎的管状分子。结果显示,这些管状分子端壁和侧壁的形态及结构分别相同且侧壁具有穿孔板(多穿孔板)。根据穿孔板的形态特征,将该亚科的管状分子分为5种类型:(1)梯状穿孔板,无穿孔的二型性现象:(2)梯状穿孔板,有穿孔的二型性现象:(3)网状穿孔板:(4)梯状-网状混合的穿孔板:(5)大孔状穿孔板。按照纹孔膜残留的程度又可分为3种:部分区域有完整的纹孔膜、残留呈网状或线状以及很少或无纹孔膜残留。结合前人的研究资料,发现蕨类植物的管状分子与被子植物的导管分子在形态和输导机理上存在明显差异,管胞和导管分子不能仅仅根据纹孔膜的存在与否来确定,而应根据穿孔板存在于端壁还是侧壁进行判断,即穿孔板仅存在于端壁的管状分子为导管分子:端壁和侧壁形态及结构分别相同,有或无穿孔板的管状分子为管胞。由此可以推测蕨类植物和裸子植物中输导水分和矿物质的管状分子主要为管胞。单叶双盖蕨属(Triblemma(J.Sm.)Ching)与双盖蕨属管状分子的特征并不相似,显示了将单叶双盖蕨属从双盖蕨属独立出来归人对囊蕨亚科的合理性。根据管状分子的特征,推测假蹄盖蕨属(Athyriopsis Ching)和蛾眉蕨属(Lunathyrium Koidz.)可能是比较进化的属,而介蕨属(Dryoathyrium Ching)相对比较原始,单叶双盖蕨属的系统位置应介于假蹄盖蕨属与介蕨属之间。  相似文献   

A new species of Cryphodera Colbran, 1966, parasitic on wild rose (Rosa sp. L.), is described from Utah, USA. Cryphodera utahensis n. sp. most closely resembles C. podocarpi (Wouts, 1973) Luc et al., 1978, but is distinct with respect to a number of characters including juveniles with a longer esophagus (206 versus 142 μm), shorter tail (47 versus 69 μn), and four rather than three incisures in the lateral field. Females of C. utahensis have a terminal protuberance which is more pronounced than in other species. Scanning electron microscope observations of the lip region of males indicate a labial disc surrounded by six lip sectors. However, the remainder of the lip region is comprised of irregularly-shaped plates; similar patterns with longitudinal striae apparently characterize males throughout the genus. The lip pattern of juveniles of C. utahensis n. sp. includes an oval labial disc surrounded by six lip sectors; transverse striae extend the height of the lip region without longitudinal striae. The type locality of C. utahensis confirms a broader distribution of the genus than was indicated for other species, which are limited to Australia (Queensland) and New Zealand.  相似文献   

Ornithogalum mekselinae is described from the Muðla-Yaral, (C2:Mubla province) in Turkey. It is related to Ornithogalum sigmoideum, from which it mainly differs in its bulb with bulbils, 8–12 flowers, the lenght of perianth segments that are very conspicuously 6–ribbed.  相似文献   

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