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An ultra-high-resolution analysis of major and trace element contents from the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary interval in the Caravaca section, southeast Spain, reveals a quick recovery of depositional conditions after the impact event. Enrichment/depletion profiles of redox sensitive elements indicate significant geochemical anomalies just within the boundary ejecta layer, supporting an instantaneous recovery –some 102 years– of pre-impact conditions in terms of oxygenation. Geochemical redox proxies point to oxygen levels comparable to those at the end of the Cretaceous shortly after impact, which is further evidenced by the contemporary macrobenthic colonization of opportunistic tracemakers. Recovery of the oxygen conditions was therefore several orders shorter than traditional proposals (104–105 years), suggesting a probable rapid recovery of deep-sea ecosystems at bottom and in intermediate waters.  相似文献   

The Chicxulub bolide impact caused the end-Cretaceous mass extinction of plants, but the associated selectivity and ecological effects are poorly known. Using a unique set of North Dakota leaf fossil assemblages spanning 2.2 Myr across the event, we show among angiosperms a reduction of ecological strategies and selection for fast-growth strategies consistent with a hypothesized recovery from an impact winter. Leaf mass per area (carbon investment) decreased in both mean and variance, while vein density (carbon assimilation rate) increased in mean, consistent with a shift towards “fast” growth strategies. Plant extinction from the bolide impact resulted in a shift in functional trait space that likely had broad consequences for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Alteration of electrical function in mammalian gastric mucosa is considered as an indicator of gastric barrier rupture. Measurements of transmucosal potential difference (PD) and electrical resistance (R) have documented such alterations to a variety of mucosal damaging agents. This study was designed to test whether the rat gastric mucosa exhibits circadian rhythms in acid secretion and electrical function and whether the damage produced by a mucosal acting agent (butyric acid) is also circadian-stage dependent. Mucosa was isolated from the gastric body of male rats standardized from birth to a light-dark regimen. Circadian rhythms of acid secretion and PD and R with acrophases during the dark hours were documented. Administration of butyric acid produced circadian-stage dependent damage with an acrophase also during the dark-phase span. Thus, in this experimental model, measurements of electrical function represented a poor index of gastric mucosal susceptibility to damaging agents. The authors discuss the possibility that rhythms other than those related to electrical function may better define mucosal vulnerability to ulcerogenesis.  相似文献   

EcoHealth - This study analyzed the evolution of socioeconomic, sanitary, and personal factors as well as spatiotemporal changes in the prevalence of helminthiasis and giardiasis in urban Amazonian...  相似文献   

1. The existing procedures for extraction of oxidized and reduced nicotinamide coenzymes were adapted to spermatozoa to overcome the coenzyme-degrading activity of seminal plasma. 2. The content of total NAD(+) and NADH was determined in the spermatozoa of ram, bull, boar, stallion and cock. NADP(+) and NADPH were not detected in ram spermatozoa. 3. The oxidation state of sperm NAD depended on the seminal plasma, the removal of which produced a change in the percentage oxidation state of the coenzyme, 100x[NAD(+)/(NAD(+)+NADH)], without altering the total content of NAD(+)+NADH. 4. In suspensions of washed ram spermatozoa, incubated anaerobically at 25 degrees C, the percentage oxidation state of NAD declined with increasing spermatozoa concentration. 5. When ram or boar spermatozoa that had been previously washed and resuspended in Ringer phosphate medium, were incubated anaerobically at 25 degrees C with various substances, pronounced effects on the percentage oxidation state of NAD could be observed with l-lactate, pyruvate, oxaloacetate, dihydroxyacetone, formaldehyde and glyceraldehyde; sorbitol and acetoacetate acted only on ram spermatozoa; fructose, glucose, mannose and acetaldehyde acted predominantly on boar spermatozoa. Formaldehyde lowered the (NAD(+)+NADH) content of ram spermatozoa, but none of the other substances had a comparable effect. 6. The percentage oxidation state of sperm NAD was not influenced by exogenous cysteine, cystine, ergothioneine or ascorbate. 7. A highly active sorbitol dehydrogenase could be prepared from ram, but not from boar, spermatozoa. 8. Sorbitol, acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate effectively supported the respiration of ram, but not boar, spermatozoa. 9. ;Cold shock', resulting from sudden cooling of spermatozoa, abolished motility completely and irreversibly but produced only a slow and partial decrease in the total NAD content. Slight over-heating, sufficient to produce loss of motility, had no adverse effect on the total NAD content. 10. Storage of ram sperm at 14 degrees C produced only a small decrease of NAD after 2 days, but subsequently the loss became greater.  相似文献   


A sample of urban Canadian adults who were interviewed and medically examined provided the basis for an exploration of the relation between political behavior and physical stature, general health, and stress. People active in communal and protest political activities showed more stress than, but were otherwise similar to, people who did not participate in such activities. In particular, political actives who were not confident about their effectiveness showed signs of even more stress. People who participated in campaign activities were similar to inactives with respect to signs of stress and general health, but were of smaller stature.  相似文献   

In this article we review evidence for a variety of long-distance signaling pathways involving hormones and nutrient ions moving in the xylem sap. We argue that ABA has a central role to play, at least in root-to-shoot drought stress signaling and the regulation of functioning, growth, and development of plants in drying soil. We also stress the importance of changes in the pH of the leaf cell apoplast as influenced both by edaphic and climatic variation, as a regulator of shoot growth and functioning, and we show how changes in xylem and apoplastic pH can affect the way in which ABA regulates stomatal behavior and growth. The sensitivity to drought of the pH/ABA sensing and signaling mechanism is emphasized. This allows regulation of plant growth, development and functioning, and particularly shoot water status, as distinct from stress lesions in growth and other processes as a reaction to perturbations such as soil drying.  相似文献   

Two charophyte lineages from the Upper Cretaceous–Palaeocene of southern Europe are described here, constituting a useful biostratigraphic tool for correlating non-marine stratigraphic sequences. The Peckichara pectinata lineage, ranging from the middle Campanian to the middle–upper Maastrichtian, consists of four successive gyrogonite morphotypes that displayed progressively more complex gyrogonite ornamentation and increasingly smaller gyrogonites with time. The Peckichara sertulata lineage, ranging from the middle Campanian to the Danian, consists of three morphotypes that followed a more common evolutionary trend, developing progressively larger gyrogonites without any changes in ornamentation. Intermediate forms between the successive morphotypes suggest that they corresponded to anagenetic varieties of the same evolutionary species rather than to separate species. The different trends observed appear to be palaeoenvironmentally controlled. The grades of the P. pectinata lineage first occurred in permanent lakes that later shifted to fluvial influenced floodplain ponds, this shift accounting for the reduction in gyrogonite size. By contrast, the P. sertulata lineage mainly occurred in permanent lakes, where stable palaeoenvironmental conditions enabled a steady rise in gyrogonite size to increase the space available for the zygote.  相似文献   

Similarly to metazoans, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cereviasiae replicates its genome with a defined timing. In this organism, well-defined, site-specific origins, are efficient and fire in almost every round of DNA replication. However, this strategy is neither conserved in the fission yeast Saccharomyces pombe, nor in Xenopus or Drosophila embryos, nor in higher eukaryotes, in which DNA replication initiates asynchronously throughout S phase at random sites. Temporal and spatial controls can contribute to the timing of replication such as Cdk activity, origin localization, epigenetic status or gene expression. However, a debate is going on to answer the question how individual origins are selected to fire in budding yeast. Two opposing theories were proposed: the “replicon paradigm” or “temporal program” vs. the “stochastic firing”. Recent data support the temporal regulation of origin activation, clustering origins into temporal blocks of early and late replication. Contrarily, strong evidences suggest that stochastic processes acting on origins can generate the observed kinetics of replication without requiring a temporal order. In mammalian cells, a spatiotemporal model that accounts for a partially deterministic and partially stochastic order of DNA replication has been proposed. Is this strategy the solution to reconcile the conundrum of having both organized replication timing and stochastic origin firing also for budding yeast? In this review we discuss this possibility in the light of our recent study on the origin activation, suggesting that there might be a stochastic component in the temporal activation of the replication origins, especially under perturbed conditions.  相似文献   

Charophyte assemblages from the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary transition in the JZK-2 borehole of the Jiaolai Basin (eastern China) were studied. The charophyte flora includes Tolypella grambastii, Peckichara praecursoria, Microchara cristata, Microchara prolixa, Chara changzhouensis, Lamprothamnium ellipticum, Nodosochara (Turbochara) specialis, Lychnothamnus aff. vectensis, and Lychnothamnus lanpingensis n. comb. The discovery of the ostracod species Porpocypris sphaeroidalis Guan in the upper section of the JZK-2 borehole strongly indicates the arrival of the Paleocene. Three floras of the latest Cretaceous to the early Paleocene were compared among the Jiaolai, Pingyi, and Songliao basins. The Pingyi Basin is special because it is the only carbonate palaeolake that occurred throughout the K/Pg transition in China. It is characterized by the appearance of the Cretaceous brackish water element, Feistiella anluensis (Wang), and is dominated by the Paleocene species, Peckichara varians Grambast. The Songliao and Jiaolai floras grow in clastic lakes; the Jiaolai Basin is thought to correspond to an altitude lake, which was formed in the coastal mountains with high palaeoelevation (≥ 2.0 km), while the Songliao Basin is presumed to have been formed in a low elevation site according to previous studies. This difference in altitude explains why the Songliao Basin is more species-rich than the Jiaolai Basin.  相似文献   

Environmental factors significantly influence the incidence and course of metabolic syndrome diseases such as diabetes and obesity. The content of elements in rainwater is an indirect indicator of their presence in dust suspended in the air. In this paper we present the relationships between the content of selected elements in rainwater and hospitalization frequencies due to diabetes (E10–E13) and obesity (E66). It was assumed that the hospitalization frequency could be taken as a measure of deterioration of the metabolic process in the course of diabetes and its complications. The observations concerned the population of Opole Voivodeship, Poland (one million inhabitants), distributed in small communities of 44,000 to 151,000 inhabitants during the years 2000–2002. In cases of diabetes E10–E13 for all subjects relevant correlation indicators were found for chromium (r = 0.71), cadmium (r = 0.65), and lead (r = 0.66). Borderline relevance was seen for copper (r = 0.57) and zinc (r = 056). For diabetic men the statistically relevant correlations were chromium (r = 0.79), lead (r = 0.77), cadmium (r = 0.74), copper (r = 0.70), chloride (r = 0.69), zinc (r = 0.68), and iron (r = 0.64). For women the only relevant correlations were chromium (r = 0.62) and cadmium (r = 0.55). No significant correlations were found in obese individuals of both sexes.  相似文献   


The Aβ(1–42) peptide of Alzheimer's disease was studied by molecular modeling. The coordinates of the peptide were experimentally generated from solution-NMR spectroscopy, and the conformations were energy minimized using a combination of connectivity-based iterative partial equalization of orbital electronegativity with the MM + force field.

There is a central folded domain in the Aβ peptide. This part is an apolar α-helix. The remaining residues form β-sheets. Aggregation requires that β-sheets interact by noncovalent bonding forces. The unsoluble, aggregated complexes are energetically stable and have ordered structures.

A perspective in drug research is to design compounds that inhibit the hydrophobic cores of the individual Aβ peptides, blocking so the associations between the β-strains.  相似文献   

Sows generally are anoestrus during lactation. Weaning the litter normally results in a rapid increase in follicular growth that terminates in oestrus and ovulation. Follicular development after weaning is characterized by an elevation in the blood concentrations of oestradiol-17ß (E2). Although the post-weaning patterns of E2 in blood circulation have been reported previously (Cox & Britt 1982, Edwards & Foxcroft 1983, Rojanasthien 1988), the plasma patterns of E2 in relation to the interval from weaning to oestrus (WOI), to our knowledge, have not been assessed. The purpose of this study was therefore to relate the blood patterns of E2 to the WOI in sows exhibiting their first oestrus within 10 days after weaning.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The paper presents characteristics of the species composition, spatial distribution, and trophic interactions of ichthyoplankton and zooplankton in the spring–summer...  相似文献   

One of the challenges in oceanography is to understand the influence of environmental factors on the abundances of prokaryotes and viruses. Generally, conventional statistical methods resolve trends well, but more complex relationships are difficult to explore. In such cases, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) offer an alternative way for data analysis. Here, we developed ANN-based models of prokaryotic and viral abundances in the Arctic Ocean. The models were used to identify the best predictors for prokaryotic and viral abundances including cytometrically-distinguishable populations of prokaryotes (high and low nucleic acid cells) and viruses (high- and low-fluorescent viruses) among salinity, temperature, depth, day length, and the concentration of Chlorophyll-a. The best performing ANNs to model the abundances of high and low nucleic acid cells used temperature and Chl-a as input parameters, while the abundances of high- and low-fluorescent viruses used depth, Chl-a, and day length as input parameters. Decreasing viral abundance with increasing depth and decreasing system productivity was captured well by the ANNs. Despite identifying the same predictors for the two populations of prokaryotes and viruses, respectively, the structure of the best performing ANNs differed between high and low nucleic acid cells and between high- and low-fluorescent viruses. Also, the two prokaryotic and viral groups responded differently to changes in the predictor parameters; hence, the cytometric distinction between these populations is ecologically relevant. The models imply that temperature is the main factor explaining most of the variation in the abundances of high nucleic acid cells and total prokaryotes and that the mechanisms governing the reaction to changes in the environment are distinctly different among the prokaryotic and viral populations.  相似文献   

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