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Marriage records were used to study the dynamics of the migration flow into the population of Kharkov in 1960–1993. The decrease in the migration rate was accompanied by changes in the ethnic composition of the migrants. The entire migration flow from the republics of the Baltic region consisted of Russians and Ukrainians. The increase in the migration flow from Transcaucasia was mainly accounted for by the migration activity of indigenous populations. Most migrants from Moldova, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan were also representatives of the respective indigenous populations. Malecot's coefficient of isolation by distance (b) decreased from 0.00123 to 0.0081.  相似文献   

Analysis of the birthplaces and ethnicity of males and females contracting marriages in the city of Poltava in 1960, 1985, and 1995 revealed a trend towards return of Ukrainians from various regions of the former Soviet Union to their places of origin. In the migration flow, Russians were gradually substituted by Ukrainians, and the total proportion of Slavs increased. The isolation by distance (b) decreased from 0.00122 to 0.00075 in the period from 1960 to 1985 and then increased to 0.00098 by 1995. Positive association was found between the parent–offspring distance and marriage distance (the correlation coefficient r = 0.65–0.75).  相似文献   

Analysis of data on the birthplaces and ethnicity of persons who contracted marriages in the city of Donetsk in 1960, 1985, and 1992 demonstrated that the proportions of Russians and Ukrainians (the dominant ethnic groups among Donetsk residents) in the migration flow increased. The trend towards formation of ethnically disperse groups from the city residents became stronger. The index of isolation by distance (parameter b of Malecot's model) was 0.00103, 0.00071, and 0.00083 in 1960, 1985, and 1992, respectively. The proportions of long-range and short-range migrants increased by 1.2 times and decreased by 2.3 times, respectively, during the period studied. The locality size of the Donetsk population was 50, 62, and 53 km in 1960, 1985, and 1992, respectively. The highest isolation by distance was observed in Jews and Greeks and the lowest one, in Russians.  相似文献   

Analysis of records of the marriages that were contracted in the city of Donetsk revealed that, between 1960 and 1992, the marriage rate in the city decreased from 14.8 to 4.7 per 1000 people, the migration rate (m) decreased from 0.71 to 0.34, and the endogamy index increased from 0.123 to 0.458. Between 1960 and 1985, outbreeding in the Donetsk population increased, which was expressed in an increase in the frequency of interethnic marriages, migration range, and the average marital distance, as well as a decrease in the proportion of the indigenous ethnic group (Ukrainians). By 1992, outbreeding decreased: the population became more homogeneous ethnically (93% Slavic), the proportion of Ukrainians and the frequency of monoethnic marriages increased, and the average marital distance decreased. In 1960 and 1992, the coefficients of marriage contingency (K) with respect to ethnicity were 0.34 and 0.22, respectively. Regarding birthplaces, the population became almost panmictic (in 1960 and 1992, the K values were 0.15 and 0.10, respectively). Marriage structure with respect to occupation remained almost unchanged (the K values were 0.22 and 0.23, respectively). Throughout the entire period studied, the most pronounced population subdivision was that with respect to the education level (the K values were 0.36 and 0.39, respectively).  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - The principal genetic demographic parameters that describe migration processes affecting the structure of the St. Petersburg population gene pool were determined on...  相似文献   


A door-to-door questionnaire survey of 430 households in two areas of Baltimore showed significant differences in cat ownership that were attributable to racial composition. Overall, 29.9% of white households owned a mean of 1.9 cats per cat-owning household, compared to 6.8% of black households owning a mean of 1.0 cat per cat-owning household. The mean age of cats was 3.9 yrs and 1.8 yrs in white and black households, respectively. In contrast, dog ownership in the two areas was nearly identical, with 25.6% of white and 29.1% of black households owning a mean of 1.5 and 1.3 dogs per dog-owning household, respectively. Overall, 62.8% of owned cats were spayed/neutered, 51.8% had received a vaccination in the last year, and 34.7% had been wormed during their lifetimes. A total of 31.6% of households allowed their cats to free-range; 42.5% of the 87 owned cats were in this category. The estimated densities of owned free-ranging cats were 7.0 and 2.8 cats per hectare, for the two areas. Driving counts of free-ranging animals in the two areas suggested a larger population of stray or feral cats in the location with lower reported cat ownership.  相似文献   

Marriage records were used to study the dynamics of the migration flow into the population of Kharkov in 1960-1993. The decrease in the migration rate was accompanied by changes in the ethnic composition of the migrants. The entire migration flow from the republics of the Baltic region consisted of Russians and Ukrainians. The increase in the migration flow from Transcaucasia was mainly accounted for by the migration activity of indigenous populations. Most migrants from Moldova, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan were also representatives of the respective indigenous populations. Malecot's coefficient of isolation by distance (b) decreased from 0.00123 to 0.0081.  相似文献   

Population viability analyses are useful tools to predict abundance and extinction risk for imperiled species. In southeastern North America, the federally threatened gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is a keystone species in the diverse and imperiled longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem, and researchers have suggested that tortoise populations are declining and characterized by high extinction risk. We report results from a 30-year demographic study of gopher tortoises in southern Alabama (1991–2020), where 3 populations have been stable and 3 others have declined. To better understand the demographic vital rates associated with stable and declining tortoise populations, we used a multi-state hierarchical mark-recapture model to estimate sex- and stage-specific patterns of demographic vital rates at each population. We then built a predictive population model to project population dynamics and evaluate extinction risk in a population viability context. Population structure did not change significantly in stable populations, but juveniles became less abundant in declining populations over 30 years. Apparent survival varied by age, sex, and site; adults had higher survival than juveniles, but female survival was substantially lower in declining populations than in stable ones. Using simulations, we predicted that stable populations with high female survival would persist over the next 100 years but sites with lower female survival would decline, become male-biased, and be at high risk of extirpation. Stable populations were most sensitive to changes in apparent survival of adult females. Because local populations varied greatly in vital rates, our analysis improves upon previous demographic models for northern populations of gopher tortoises by accounting for population-level variation in demographic patterns and, counter to previous model predictions, suggests that small tortoise populations can persist when habitat is managed effectively. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Analysis of clinical material obtained from the individuals (49 psoriasis patients and 357 individuals without this disease) representing three ethnic populations of Dagestan (Avars, Dargins, and Kumyks) was performed. Polymorphism of the blood group loci AB0, Rhesus (RH), Kell, P, and Lewis, as well as of the protein-encoding loci for haptoglobin (HP), transferrin (TF), the third complement component (C′3), group-specific component (GC), and the enzymes, including glycosylase (GLO1), esterase D (ESD), 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (6PDG), and acid phosphatase (ACP), was studied. It was demonstrated that in the pooled sample of Avars and Kumyks the Lewis system phenotype Le(a-b-) and the phenotype ee of the Rhesus system were statistically significantly more frequent among the psoriasis patients (P = 0.0488 and P = 0.0166, respectively), than among healthy controls of the same ethnic groups. It was suggested that for the pooled sample of Avars and Kumyks, homozygosity for the recessive ee (RH) in combination with the Le(a-b-) phenotype, representing homozygosity for recessive allele le, was the risk factor for the development of psoriasis.  相似文献   

Toll样受体(TLRs)是一类识别病原体中高度保守的病原相关分子模式(PAMPs)的蛋白家族,在启动先天性免疫中具有重要作用。人类toll样受体4基因(toll4)的点突变与许多疾病有关,如呼吸道合胞病毒感染、动脉粥样硬化、疟疾等,并且这种点突变往往具有种族分布特异性。鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)是一种古老的爬行动物,属于国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物,由于其遭受非法捕杀、栖息地破坏等人为干扰,目前数量极其稀少。近年来,鳄蜥因疾病造成大量的死亡,且这种疾病的分布具有种群差异性,不同种群往往疾病症状也不同,可能是因不同的病原体感染引起的。我们设想toll4基因的点突变在鳄蜥种群之间可能具有分布的差异性,以适应不同的当地病原体。因此,本文利用PCR产物直接测序和生物信息学分析法初步探索鳄蜥toll4基因的遗传多样性以及单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)的分布特点,验证该基因的点突变是否具有种群特异性分布特点,以及预测其氨基酸替换是否对蛋白质结构和功能产生影响。结果获得的扩增片段长为1 694 bp,在5个种群52条序列中(登录号MN380726~MN380777),共发现27个突变位点,导致9个氨基酸替换,其中3个氨基酸替换被预测为影响蛋白质的结构和功能。27个点突变中有12个只分布在单个种群,4个分布无种群特异性,即每个种群中均有野生型和突变型,其余11个点突变的突变型分布在2或3个种群不等。研究表明,鳄蜥toll4基因遗传多态性在各种群间不一致,且点突变具有种群特异性分布特征,反映不同地理种群遭受不同的病原压力。  相似文献   

Data from marriage records of the city of Belgorod for 1960, 1985, and 1995 have been used to calculate parameters characterizing migration in the Belgorod population. The marriage migration coefficients (m) in these years were 0.83, 0.68, and 0.58, respectively, and the endogamy indices were 0.05, 0.13, and 0.22, respectively. The marriage convergence (K) with respect to birthplace in the same years were 0.15, 0.13, and 0.14, respectively. In the period studied, spatial parameters reflecting the genetic efficiency of migration increased. The mean migration distance also increased; it was 430, 667, and 926 km in 1960, 1985, and 1995, respectively. The migration distances for men and women in the same years were 477, 725, and 986 km and 383, 609, and 866 km, respectively. The radius of the Belgorod population in terms of Malecot’s isolation by distance model increased in the period studied (55, 81, and 95 km in 1960, 1985, and 1995, respectively). The parameter b in that period decreased (0.00110, 0.00074, and 0.00062, respectively), which indicates a decrease in the inbred component. The increase in marital distance (590, 796, and 891 km in 1960, 1985, and 1995, respectively) indicates a steady increase in the outbred component of the population.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 5, 2005, pp. 686–696.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Atramentova, Filiptsova.  相似文献   

Ukrainians account for 85 and 91% of the populations of the city of Khmel'nitskii and the town of Starokonstantinov (Khmel'nitskii oblast, western Ukraine), respectively, and for 97% of the rural population of the Khmel'nitskii oblast. The proportions of Russians in the urban and rural populations of the Khmel'nitskii oblast are 7–10 and 1%, respectively. Between 1960 and 1995–1998, the proportions of Ukrainians in all populations studied increased and the proportion of interethnic marriages steadily decreased. The marriage association coefficient (K) with respect to ethnicity varied from 0.35 to 0.76 in different years. The highest assortative marriage indices (A) with respect to ethnicity were 75–98 and 71–84% in Ukrainians and Jews, respectively. The migration coefficient was 0.58–0.77. Western Ukrainian populations differ from eastern Ukrainian ones in a steadily decreasing outbreeding component.  相似文献   

The population structure of Labeo calbasu from 11 rivers belonging to the Indus, Ganges, Bhima, Mahanadi, and Godavari basins was investigated using allozyme marker systems. Seven out of 20 allozyme loci (35%) were polymorphic (P < 0.99). Both probability and score tests indicated significant deviation of genotype proportions from Hardy–Weinberg expectations at two loci, XDH* (Mahanadi, Bhima, and Godavari) and G6PDH* (Mahanadi). A pairwise genetic homogeneity test and F ST values indicated a low-to-moderate level (0.0515) of genetic structuring in the wild population of L. calbasu. AMOVA analysis also indicated moderate differentiation among the samples from different river basins. Analysis for genetic bottleneck was performed under the infinite allele model. The study revealed nine genetic stocks of L. calbasu from the natural population across Indian rivers. Evidence of genetic bottlenecks in some rivers was also revealed.  相似文献   

Translocations are a common management practice to restore or augment populations. Understanding the genetic consequences of translocation efforts is important for the long-term health of restored populations. The restoration of elk (Cervus canadensis) to Kentucky, USA, included source stocks from 6 western states, which were released at 8 sites in southeastern Kentucky during 1997–2002. We assessed genetic diversity in restored herds and compared genetic similarity to source stocks based on 15 microsatellite DNA loci. Genetic variation in the restored populations was comparable to source stocks ( allelic richness = 3.52 and 3.50; expected heterozygosity = 0.665 and 0.661 for restored and source, respectively). Genetic differentiation among all source and restored populations ranged from 0.000 to 0.065 for pairwise FST and 0.034 to 0.161 for pairwise Nei's DA. Pairwise genetic differentiation and Bayesian clustering revealed that stocks from Utah and North Dakota, USA, contributed most to restored populations. Other western stocks appeared less successful and were not detected with our data, though our sampling was not exhaustive. We also inferred natural movements of elk among release sites by the presence of multiple genetic stocks. The success of the elk restoration effort in Kentucky may be due, in part, to the large number of elk (n = 1,548), repeated releases, and use of diverse source stocks. Future restoration efforts for elk in the eastern United States should consider the use of multiple stock sources and a large number of individuals. In addition, preservation of genetic samples of founder stock will enable detailed monitoring in the future. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies have found evidence for dramatic population growth in recent human history. It is unclear how this recent population growth, combined with the effects of negative natural selection, has affected patterns of deleterious variation, as well as the number, frequency, and effect sizes of mutations that contribute risk to complex traits. Because researchers are performing exome sequencing studies aimed at uncovering the role of low-frequency variants in the risk of complex traits, this topic is of critical importance. Here I use simulations under population genetic models where a proportion of the heritability of the trait is accounted for by mutations in a subset of the exome. I show that recent population growth increases the proportion of nonsynonymous variants segregating in the population, but does not affect the genetic load relative to a population that did not expand. Under a model where a mutation''s effect on a trait is correlated with its effect on fitness, rare variants explain a greater portion of the additive genetic variance of the trait in a population that has recently expanded than in a population that did not recently expand. Further, when using a single-marker test, for a given false-positive rate and sample size, recent population growth decreases the expected number of significant associations with the trait relative to the number detected in a population that did not expand. However, in a model where there is no correlation between a mutation''s effect on fitness and the effect on the trait, common variants account for much of the additive genetic variance, regardless of demography. Moreover, here demography does not affect the number of significant associations detected. These findings suggest recent population history may be an important factor influencing the power of association tests and in accounting for the missing heritability of certain complex traits.  相似文献   

Marriage records have been used to study the marriage migration structure of five raions of the Rostov oblast. The mean ethnic marriage assortativeness in the Russian and Ukrainian rural populations are 1.16 and 1.6, respectively. The endogamy index of the urban population varies from 0.19 to 0.34; and that of the rural population, from 0.21 to 0.54. Malecot’s isolation by distance parameters have been calculated. Genetic landscapes have been constructed.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 7, 2005, pp. 981–985.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kriventsova, El’chinova, Amelina, Zinchenko.  相似文献   

栗属中国特有种居群的遗传多样性及地域差异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Genetic variability in 30 populations of three endemic Castanea (Tourn.) L. species (C. moUissima BI., C. seguinii Dode. and C. henryi (Skan) Rehd. et Wils. ) in China was investigated using isoelectric focusing in thin-layer polyacrylamide slab gels at 20 loci coding for 12 enzyme systems. C. mollissima was found to possess a significant higher value of genetic variability than that of the other two species. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) and the expected heterozygosity (He) were 90.0% and 0. 311 at the species level, respectively; while P = 84.7 %, He = 0.295 at the population level. Comparison of the population genetic variability of C. mollissima in three regions of China, the populations from the Yangtze River valley showed a markedly higher mean expected gene heterozygosity. The results provided additional evidence that the Yangtze River valley, particularly in Shennongjia area, was the center of the genetic diversity of C. moUissima. Genetic relationships among populations and species were assessed by Nei genetic identity (I) and standard genetic distance (D), suggesting that C. mollissima and C. seguinii have a closer relationship, and genetic distances were correlated with geographical distances among populations. Genetic differentiation between populations in C. mollissima, C. seguinii and C. henryi was 7.5%, 10.9% and 22.1%, respectively, and the gene flow rate (Nm) was 3.20, 2.05 and 0.88 respectively. The study provides useful imfonnation for understanding of the origin and evolutionary events in genus Castanea and planning an effective conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Marriage records from parish books of the second half of the 19th century and marriage records of 1967–1970 and 1993–1995 obtained from registry offices were used to analyze the dynamics of genetically significant parameters of migration and marriage structure with respect to spouses' birthplaces in populations of different hierarchical levels in the Kursk oblast. It was found that, among the persons contracting marriage (both males and females), the proportions of those who were born in the same population and those who were born in any population of the Kursk oblast decreased by about one third and one fifth, respectively, for the 130-year period. In rural and small urban populations, the coefficients of marriage migration in the 19th century were an order of magnitude lower than in the 20th century. The immigration to urban populations was maximum in the late 1960s (m = 0.745 in small towns and m = 0.680 in Kursk), and that to rural populations, in the 1990s (m = 0.344). In both urban and rural populations, the mean distance between the spouses" birthplaces has increased by several times for the period studied. The endogamy level has decreased approximately twofold: from 0.797 to 0.380 in Kursk, from 0.897 to 0.419 in small towns, and from 0.958 to 0.440 in rural districts. The marriage assortativeness with respect to birthplace was maximum in the late 19th century (K = 0.393–0.491) and minimum in the 1960s (K= 0.155–0.246). The increase in genetic diversity of the urban population of the Kursk oblast due to migration has been slowing down since the late 20th century, whereas the outbreeding level is still increasing in rural populations.  相似文献   

Analysis of the birthplace and ethnicity of males and females contracting marriages in the city of Poltava in 1960, 1985, and 1995 revealed a trend towards return of Ukrainians from various regions of the former Soviet Union to their places of origin. In the migration flow, Russians were gradually substituted by Ukrainians, and the total proportion of Slavs increased. The isolation by distance (b) decreased from 0.00122 to 0.00075 in the period from 1960 to 1985 and then increased to 0.00098 by 1995. Positive association was found between the parent-offspring distance and marriage distance (the correlation coefficient r = 0.65-0.75).  相似文献   

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