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Protein misfolding and aggregation are interconnected processes involved in a wide variety of nonneuropathic, systemic, and neurodegenerative diseases. More generally, if mutations in sequence or changes in environmental conditions lead to partial unfolding of the native state of a protein, it will often aggregate, sometimes into well-defined fibrillar structures. A great deal of interest has been directed at discovering the characteristic features of metastable partially unfolded states that precede the aggregated states of proteins. In this work, human muscle acylphosphatase (AcP) has been first destabilized, by addition of urea or by means of elevated temperatures, and then incubated in the presence of different concentrations of 2,2,2, trifluoroethanol ranging from 5% to 25% (v/v). The results show that AcP is able to form both fibrillar and nonfibrillar aggregates with a high beta-sheet content from partially unfolded states with very different structural features. Moreover, the presence of alpha-helical structure in such a state does not appear to be a fundamental determinant of the ability to aggregate. The lack of ready aggregation under some of the conditions examined here is attributable primarily to the intrinsic properties of the solutions rather than to specific structural features of the partially unfolded states that precede aggregation. Aggregation appears to be favored when the solution conditions promote stable intermolecular interactions, particularly hydrogen bonds. In addition, the structures of the resulting aggregates are largely independent of the conformational properties of their soluble precursors.  相似文献   

Macromolecular crowding is expected to have several significant effects on protein aggregation; the major effects will be those due to excluded volume and increased viscosity. In this report we summarize data demonstrating that macromolecular crowding may lead to a dramatic acceleration in the rate of protein aggregation and formation of amyloid fibrils, using the protein alpha-synuclein. The aggregation of alpha-synuclein has been implicated as a critical factor in development of Parkinson's disease. Various types of polymers, from neutral polyethylene glycols and polysaccharides (Ficolls, dextrans) to inert proteins, are shown to accelerate alpha-synuclein fibrillation. The stimulation of fibrillation increases with increasing length of polymer, as well as increasing polymer concentration. At lower polymer concentrations (typically up to approximately 100 mg/ml) the major effect is ascribed to excluded volume, whereas at higher polymer concentrations evidence of opposing viscosity effects become apparent. Pesticides and metals, which are linked to increased risk of Parkinson's disease by epidemiological studies, are shown to accelerate alpha-synuclein fibrillation under conditions of molecular crowding.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are frequently associated with amyloid deposits in most amyloid diseases, and there is evidence to support their active role in amyloid fibril formation. The purpose of this study was to obtain structural insight into GAG-protein interactions and to better elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the effect of GAGs on the amyloid aggregation process and on the related cytotoxicity. To this aim, using Fourier transform infrared and circular diochroism spectroscopy, electron microscopy and thioflavin fluorescence dye we examined the effect of heparin and other GAGs on the fibrillogenesis and cytotoxicity of aggregates formed by the amyloidogenic W7FW14 apomyoglobin mutant. Although this protein is unrelated to human disease, it is a suitable model for in vitro studies because it forms amyloid-like fibrils under physiological conditions of pH and temperature. Heparin strongly stimulated aggregation into amyloid fibrils, thereby abolishing the lag-phase normally detected following the kinetics of the process, and increasing the yield of fibrils. Moreover, the protein aggregates were harmless when assayed for cytotoxicity in vitro. Neutral or positive compounds did not affect the aggregation rate, and the early aggregates were highly cytotoxic. The surprising result that heparin induced amyloid fibril formation in wild-type apomyoglobin and in the partially folded intermediate state of the mutant, i.e., proteins that normally do not show any tendency to aggregate, suggested that the interaction of heparin with apomyoglobin is highly specific because of the presence, in protein turn regions, of consensus sequences consisting of alternating basic and non-basic residues that are capable of binding heparin molecules. Our data suggest that GAGs play a dual role in amyloidosis, namely, they promote beneficial fibril formation, but they also function as pathological chaperones by inducing amyloid aggregation.  相似文献   

To address the role of glycosylation on fibrillogenicity of amyloidogenic chicken cystatin, the consensus sequence for N-linked glycosylation (Asn106-Ile108 --> Asn106-Thr108) was introduced by site-directed mutagenesis into the wild-type and amyloidogenic chicken cystatins to construct the glycosylated form of chicken cystatins. Both the glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of wild-type and amyloidogenic mutant I66Q cystatin were expressed and secreted in a culture medium of yeast Pichia pastoris transformants. Comparison of the amount of insoluble aggregate, the secondary structure, and fibrillogenicity has shown that the N-linked glycosylation could prevent amyloid fibril formation of amyloidogenic chicken cystatin secreted in yeast cells without affecting its inhibitory activities. Further study showed this glycosylation could inhibit the formation of cystatin dimers. Therefore, our data strongly suggested that the mechanism causing the prevention of amyloidogenic cystation fibril formation may be realized through suppression of the formation of three-dimensional domain-swapped dimers and oligomers of amyloidogenic cystatin by the glycosylated chains at position 106.  相似文献   

The SH3 domains are small protein modules of 60-85 amino acid residues that are found in many proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. The SH3 domain of the p85alpha subunit of bovine phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3-SH3) under acidic solution adopts a compact denatured state from which amyloid fibrils are readily formed. This aggregation process has been found to be modulated substantially by solution conditions. Here, we have analyzed the conformational features of the native and acid denatured states of PI3-SH3 by limited proteolysis experiments using proteinase K and pepsin, respectively. Moreover, we have analyzed the propensity of PI3-SH3 to be hydrolyzed by pepsin at different stages in the process of aggregation and amyloid formation at pH 1.2 and 2.0 and compared the sites of proteolysis under these conditions with the conformational features of both native and aggregated PI3-SH3. The results demonstrate that the denatured state of PI3-SH3 formed at low pH is relatively resistant to proteolysis, indicating that it is partially folded. The long loop connecting beta-strands b and c in the native protein is the region in this structure most susceptible to proteolysis. Remarkably, aggregates of PI3-SH3 that are formed initially from this denatured state in acid solution display enhanced susceptibility to proteolysis of the long loop, suggesting that the protein becomes more unfolded in the early stages of aggregation. By contrast, the more defined amyloid fibrils that are formed over longer periods of time are completely resistant to proteolysis. We suggest that the protein aggregates formed initially are relatively dynamic species that are able readily to reorganize their interactions to enable formation of very well ordered fibrillar structures. In addition, the disordered and non-native character of the polypeptide chains in the early aggregates could be important in determining the high cytotoxicity that has been revealed in previous studies of these species.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is associated with a number of human pathologies including Alzheimer's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases and the systemic amyloidoses. In this study, we used the acylphosphatase from the hyperthermophilic Archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso AcP) to investigate the mechanism of aggregation under conditions in which the protein maintains a folded structure. In the presence of 15-25% (v/v) trifluoroethanol, Sso AcP was found to form aggregates able to bind specific dyes such as thioflavine T, Congo red, and 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonic acid. The presence of aggregates was confirmed by circular dichroism and dynamic light scattering. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of small aggregates generally referred to as amyloid protofibrils. The monomeric form adopted by Sso AcP prior to aggregation under these conditions retained enzymatic activity; in addition, folding was remarkably faster than unfolding. These observations indicate that Sso AcP adopts a folded, although possibly distorted, conformation prior to aggregation. Most important, aggregation appeared to be 100-fold faster than unfolding under these conditions. Although aggregation of Sso AcP was faster at higher trifluoroethanol concentrations, in which the protein adopted a partially unfolded conformation, these findings suggest that the early events of amyloid fibril formation may involve an aggregation process consisting of the assembly of protein molecules in their folded state. This conclusion has a biological relevance as globular proteins normally spend most of their lifetime in folded structures.  相似文献   

Techniques to study amyloid fibril formation in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amyloid fibrils are ordered aggregates of peptides or proteins that are fibrillar in structure and contribute to the complications of many diseases (e.g., type 2 diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, and primary systemic amyloidosis). These fibrils can also be prepared in vitro and there are three criteria that define a protein aggregate as an amyloid fibril: green birefringence upon staining with Congo Red, fibrillar morphology, and beta-sheet secondary structure. The purpose of this review is to describe the techniques used to study amyloid fibril formation in vitro, address common errors in the collection and interpretation of data, and open a discussion for a critical review of the criteria currently used to classify a protein aggregate as an amyloid fibril.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils, similar to crystals, form through nucleation and growth. Because of the high free-energy barrier of nucleation, the spontaneous formation of amyloid fibrils occurs only after a long lag phase. Ultrasonication is useful for inducing amyloid nucleation and thus for forming fibrils, while the use of a microplate reader with thioflavin T fluorescence is suitable for detecting fibrils in many samples simultaneously. Combining the use of ultrasonication and microplate reader, we propose an efficient approach to studying the potential of proteins to form amyloid fibrils. With β2-microglobulin, an amyloidogenic protein responsible for dialysis-related amyloidosis, fibrils formed within a few minutes at pH 2.5. Even under neutral pH conditions, fibrils formed after a lag time of 1.5 h. The results propose that fibril formation is a physical reaction that is largely limited by the high free-energy barrier, which can be effectively reduced by ultrasonication. This approach will be useful for developing a high-throughput assay of the amyloidogenicity of proteins.  相似文献   

Our understanding of conformational conversion of proteins in diseases is essential for any diagnostic and therapeutic approach. Although not fully understood, misfolding of the prion protein (PrP) is implicated in the pathogenesis of prion diseases. Despite several efforts to produce the pathologically misfolded conformation in vitro from a recombinant PrP, no positive result has yet been obtained. Within the "protein-only hypothesis", the reason for this hindrance may be that the experimental conditions used did not allow selection of the pathway adopted in vivo resulting in conversion into the infectious form. Here, using a pressure perturbation approach, we show that recombinant PrP is converted to a novel misfolded conformer, which is prone to aggregate and ultimately form amyloid fibrils. A short incubation at high pressure (600 MPa) of the truncated form of hamster prion protein (SHaPrP(90-231)) resulted in the formation of pre-amyloid structures. The mostly globular aggregates were characterized by ThT and ANS binding, and by a beta-sheet-rich secondary structure. After overnight incubation at 600 MPa, amyloid fibrils were formed. In contrast to pre-amyloid structures, they showed birefringency of polarized light after Congo red staining and a strongly decreased ANS binding capacity, but enhanced ThT binding. Both aggregate types were resistant to digestion by PK, and can be considered as potential scrapie-like forms or precursors. These results may be useful for the search for compounds preventing pathogenic PrP misfolding and aggregation.  相似文献   

The lack of understanding of amyloid fibril formation at the molecular level is a major obstacle in devising strategies to interfere with the pathologies linked to peptide or protein aggregation. In particular, little is known on the role of intermediates and fibril elongation pathways as well as their dependence on the intrinsic tendency of a polypeptide chain to self-assembly by β-sheet formation (β-aggregation propensity). Here, coarse-grained simulations of an amphipathic polypeptide show that a decrease in the β-aggregation propensity results in a larger heterogeneity of elongation pathways, despite the essentially identical structure of the final fibril. Protofibrillar intermediates that are thinner, shorter and less structured than the final fibril accumulate along some of these pathways. Moreover, the templated formation of an additional protofilament on the lateral surface of a protofibril is sometimes observed as a collective transition. Conversely, for a polypeptide model with a high β-aggregation propensity, elongation proceeds without protofibrillar intermediates. Therefore, changes in intrinsic β-aggregation propensity modulate the relative accessibility of parallel routes of aggregation.  相似文献   

The molecular conformations of salmon calcitonin in aqueous solution have been investigated by exploiting the different influences of excitonic coupling on the amide I band profile in the isotropic and anisotropic Raman, FTIR, and vibrational circular dichroism spectra of a polypeptide. The N-terminal loop, caused by a disulfide bridge between cysteines at positions 1 and 7, was modeled by performing a conformational search by molecular mechanics calculations. The remaining part of the peptide chain was modeled as a mixture of three sequences containing different fractions of residues adopting poly-l-proline II (PPII), extended beta-strand, and alpha-helix-like conformations. This yielded an excellent reproduction of the experimentally observed amide I' band profiles. A comparison with recent data on the beta-amyloid fragment Abeta(1)(-)(28) revealed a lower PPII content and more conformational heterogeneity for calcitonin. Thus, our results underscore the notion that individual structural propensities of amino acid residues give rise to structural differences between the unfolded states of even long peptide chains, at variance with expectations based on a random or statistical coil model.  相似文献   

Amyloid fibrils are associated with sulfated glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix. The presence of sulfated glycosaminoglycans is known to promote amyloid formation in vitro and in vivo, with the sulfate groups playing a role in this process. In order to understand the role that sulfate plays in amyloid formation, we have studied the effect of salts from the Hofmeister series on the protein structure, stability and amyloid formation of an amyloidogenic light chain protein, AL-12. We have been able to show for the first time a direct correlation between protein stability and amyloid formation enhancement by salts from the Hofmeister series, where SO42− conferred the most protein stability and enhancement of amyloid formation. Our study emphasizes the importance of the effect of ions in the protein bound water properties and downplays the role of specific interactions between the protein and ions.  相似文献   

Conversion of native proteins into amyloid fibrils is irreversible and therefore it is difficult to study the interdependence of conformational stability and fibrillation by thermodynamic analyses. Here we approached this problem by fusing amyloidogenic poly-alanine segments derived from the N-terminal domain of the nuclear poly (A) binding protein PABPN1 with a well studied, reversibly unfolding protein, CspB from Bacillus subtilis. Earlier studies had indicated that CspB could maintain its folded structure in fibrils, when it was separated from the amyloidogenic segment by a long linker. When CspB is directly fused with the amyloidogenic segment, it unfolds because its N-terminal chain region becomes integrated into the fibrillar core, as shown by protease mapping experiments. Spacers of either 3 or 16 residues between CspB and the amyloidogenic segment were not sufficient to prevent this loss of CspB structure. Since the low thermodynamic stability of CspB (ΔG D = 12.4 kJ/mol) might be responsible for unfolding and integration of CspB into fibrils, fusions with a CspB mutant with enhanced thermodynamic stability (ΔG D = 26.9 kJ/mol) were studied. This strongly stabilized CspB remained folded and prevented fibril formation in all fusions. Our data show that the conformational stability of a linked, independently structured protein domain can control fibril formation.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) is an apolipoprotein that binds to the high‐density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction of the serum and constitutes the fibril precursor protein in systemic AA amyloidosis. We here show that HDL binding blocks fibril formation from soluble SAA1 protein, whereas internalization into mononuclear phagocytes leads to the formation of amyloid. SAA1 aggregation in the cell model disturbs the integrity of vesicular membranes and leads to lysosomal leakage and apoptotic death. The formed amyloid becomes deposited outside the cell where it can seed the fibrillation of extracellular SAA1. Our data imply that cells are transiently required in the amyloidogenic cascade and promote the initial nucleation of the deposits. This mechanism reconciles previous evidence for the extracellular location of deposits and amyloid precursor protein with observations the cells are crucial for the formation of amyloid.  相似文献   

Amyloid is associated with a number of diseases including Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and the spongiform encephalopathies. Amyloid fibrils have been formed in vitro from both disease and nondisease related proteins, but the latter requires extremes of pH, heat, or the presence of a chaotropic agent. We show, using fluorescence spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and solid-state NMR spectroscopy, that the alpha-helical type I antifreeze protein from the winter flounder forms amyloid fibrils at pH 4 and 7 upon freezing and thawing. Our results demonstrate that the freezing of some proteins may accelerate the formation of amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Misfolding and aggregation of the prion protein (PrP) is responsible for the development of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). To gain insights into possible aggregation-prone intermediate states, we construct the free energy surface of the C-terminal globular domain of the PrP from enhanced sampling of replica exchange molecular dynamics. This cellular domain is characterized by three helices H1-H3 and a small beta-sheet. In agreement with experimental studies, the partially unfolded states display a stable core built from the central portions of helices H2 and H3 and a high mobility of helix H1 from the core. Among all identified conformational basins, a marginally populated state appears to be a very good candidate for aggregation. This intermediate is stabilized by four TSE-sensitive key interactions, displays a longer helix H1 with both a dry and solvated surface, and is featured by a significant detachment of helix H1 from the PrP-core.  相似文献   

Dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA) involves the aggregation of beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m) into amyloid fibrils. Using Congo red and thioflavin-T binding, electron microscopy, and X-ray fiber diffraction, we have determined conditions under which recombinant monomeric beta(2)m spontaneously associates to form fibrils in vitro. Fibrillogenesis is critically dependent on the pH and the ionic strength of the solution, with low pH and high ionic strength favoring fibril formation. The morphology of the fibrils formed varies with the growth conditions. At pH 4 in 0.4 M NaCl the fibrils are approximately 10 nm wide, relatively short (50-200 nm), and curvilinear. By contrast, at pH 1.6 the fibrils formed have the same width and morphology as those formed at pH 4 but extend to more than 600 nm in length. The dependence of fibril growth on ionic strength has allowed the conformational properties of monomeric beta(2)m to be determined under conditions where fibril growth is impaired. Circular dichroism studies show that titration of one or more residues with a pK(a) of 4.7 destabilizes native beta(2)m and generates a partially unfolded species. On average, these molecules retain significant secondary structure and have residual, non-native tertiary structure. They also bind the hydrophobic dye 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS), show line broadening in one-dimensional (1)H NMR spectra, and are weakly protected from hydrogen exchange. Further acidification destabilizes this species, generating a second, more highly denatured state that is less fibrillogenic. These data are consistent with a model for beta(2)m fibrillogenesis in vitro involving the association of partially unfolded molecules into ordered fibrillar assemblies.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of oils and diary products of ruminant animals leads to an increasing amount of trans fatty acids in the human diet. Trans fatty acids are incorporated in several lipids and accumulate in the membrane of cells. Here we systematically investigate whether the regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is affected by trans fatty acids compared to the cis conformation. Our experiments clearly show that trans fatty acids compared to cis fatty acids increase amyloidogenic and decrease nonamyloidogenic processing of APP, resulting in an increased production of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides, main components of senile plaques, which are a characteristic neuropathological hallmark for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, our results show that oligomerization and aggregation of Aβ are increased by trans fatty acids. The mechanisms identified by this in vitro study suggest that the intake of trans fatty acids potentially increases the AD risk or causes an earlier onset of the disease.  相似文献   

The apolipoprotein family is a set of highly conserved proteins characterized by the presence of amphipathic α-helical sequences that mediate lipid binding. Paradoxically, this family of proteins is also prominent among the proteins known to form amyloid fibrils, characterized by extensive cross-β structure. Several apolipoproteins including apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, apoA-II and apoC-II accumulate in amyloid deposits of atherosclerotic lesions. This review illustrates the role of lipid-apolipoprotein interactions in apolipoprotein folding and aggregation with a specific focus on human apoC-II, a well-studied member of the family. In the presence of high concentrations of micellar lipid mimetics apoC-II adopts a stable and predominantly α-helical structure, similar to other members of the family and presumed to be the structure of apoC-II in circulating plasma lipoproteins. In contrast, lipid-free apoC-II aggregates to form long amyloid fibrils with a twisted ribbon-like morphology. Detailed structural analyses identify a letter G-like conformation as the basic building block within these fibrils. Phospholipids at submicellar concentrations accelerate apoC-II fibril formation by promoting the formation of a discrete tetrameric intermediate. Conversely, several small molecule lipid-mimetics inhibit apoC-II fibril formation at submicellar concentrations, inducing well-defined dimers unable to further aggregate. Finally, low concentrations of phospholipid micelles and bilayers induce the slow formation of amyloid fibrils with distinct rod-like fibril morphology. These studies highlight the diversity of lipid effects on apolipoprotein amyloid formation and reveal a conformational adaptability that could underlie the widespread occurrence of apolipoproteins in amyloid deposits and atheroma.  相似文献   

An amyloid fibril isolation procedure is proposed which uses citrate as well as saline washes to dissociate the calcium dependent linkage of amyloid P-component (AP) from the amyloid fibril. In two amyloid rich tissues, the amount of AP was quantitated in each saline and citrate wash and totalled 13.8% and 20.8% of the amyloid fibrils isolated. The amount of AP removed from these and 22 additional amyloid rich tissues was greater than had previously been recognized. AP protein was present in tissue only when amyloid fibrils were present. It could not be found in normal non-amyloidotic tissue, nor could it be found in tissue sediment after the fibrils were removed.  相似文献   

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