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Clostridium difficile toxinotypes are groups of strains defined by changes in the PaLoc region encoding two main virulence factors: toxins TcdA and TcdB. Currently, 24 variant toxinotypes (I-XXIV) are known, in addition to toxinotype 0 strains, which contain a PaLoc identical to the reference strain VPI 10463. Variant toxinotypes can also differ from toxinotype 0 strains in their toxin production pattern. The most-studied variant strains are TcdA-, TcdB+ (A-B+) strains and binary toxin CDT-producing strains. Variations in toxin genes are also conserved on the protein level and variant toxins can differ in size, antibody reactivity, pattern of intracellular targets (small GTPases) and consequently in their effects on the cell. Toxinotypes do not correlate with particular forms of disease or patient populations, but some toxinotypes (IIIb and VIII) are currently associated with disease of increased severity and outbreaks worldwide. Variant toxinotypes are very common in animal hosts and can represent from 40% to 100% of all isolates. Among human isolates, variant toxinotypes usually represent up to 10% of strains but their prevalence is increasing.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of healthcare-associated diarrhoea. In recent years, certain C. difficile types have become highly represented among clinical isolates and are associated with outbreaks of increased disease severity, higher relapse rates and an expanded repertoire of antibiotic resistance. Endospores, produced during sporulation, play a pivotal role in infection and disease transmission and it has been suggested in the literature that these so-called ‘hypervirulent’ C. difficile types are more prolific in terms of sporulation in vitro. However, work in our laboratory has provided evidence to the contrary suggesting that although there is significant strain-to-strain variation in C. difficile sporulation characteristics this variation does not appear to be type-associated. On analysis of the literature, it is apparent that the methods used to quantify sporulation in previous studies have varied greatly and sample sizes have remained small. The conflicting data in the literature may, therefore, not necessarily be generally representative of C. difficile sporulation. Instead, these inconsistencies may reflect differences in the experimental design of each study. In this review, the need for further investigations of C. difficile sporulation rates is highlighted. Specifically, the advantages and disadvantages of the different experimental approaches previously used are discussed and a standard set of principles for measuring C. difficile sporulation in the future is proposed.  相似文献   

Burns DA  Heap JT  Minton NP 《Anaerobe》2010,16(6):618-622
Clostridium difficile causes diarrhoeal diseases ranging from asymptomatic carriage to a fulminant, relapsing, and potentially fatal colitis. Endospore production plays a vital role in transmission of infection, and in order to cause disease these spores must then germinate and return to vegetative cell growth. Type BI/NAP1/027 strains of C. difficile have recently become highly represented among clinical isolates and are associated with increased disease severity. It has also been suggested that these 'epidemic' types generally sporulate more prolifically than 'non-epidemic' strains, although the few existing reports are inconclusive and encompass only a small number of isolates. In order to better understand any differences in sporulation rates between epidemic and non-epidemic C. difficile types, we analysed these characteristics using 14 C. difficile clinical isolates of a variety of types. Sporulation rates varied greatly between individual BI/NAP1/027 isolates, but this variation did not appear to be type-associated. Furthermore, a number of BI/NAP1/027 spores appeared to form colonies with a lower frequency than specific non-BI/NAP1/027 strains. The data suggest that (i) careful experimental design is required in order to accurately quantify sporulation; and (ii) current evidence cannot link differences in sporulation rates with the disease severity of the BI/NAP1/027 type.  相似文献   

目的 系统评价益生菌预防成人艰难梭菌相关性腹泻(Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea,CDAD)的临床疗效。方法 计算机检索PubMed、EMBASE、Cochrane、Web of Science、CBM、万方数据库、维普资讯网和中国知网全文数据库,纳入益生菌预防成人CDAD的随机对照试验(RCT),采用随机效应模型进行Meta分析。结果 共有13项符合纳入标准的随机对照试验,包括5 179名患者,其中干预组2 730例,对照组2 449例。Meta分析结果显示,预防性使用益生菌可降低CDAD的风险(RR=0.49,95%CI 0.33‒0.75,I2=16.4%)。亚组分析发现益生菌高剂量(RR=0.41,95%CI 0.22‒0.77,P=0.043)、混合菌种(RR=0.43,95%CI 0.24‒0.75,P=0.037)与对照组相比,差异均有统计学意义。结论 辅助性益生菌的应用能够有效预防成人艰难梭菌相关性腹泻的发生。但受纳入研究数量较少与研究质量的参差不齐的影响,本结论尚需要开展更多高质量、大样本的研究予以证实。  相似文献   

Abstract The production and purification of toxin A from Clostridium difficile were studied. When the toxin was produced in dialysis culture it preicipitated quantitatively at pH 5.5 and after purification it appeard homogeneous in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The toxin probably consists of two noncovalently bound peptides, each with a molecular mass of about 250 dDa. It is resistant to trypsin but sensitive to papain and chymotrypsin. In contrast, toxin A produced in anaerbic chamber culture precipitated poorly at pH 5.5 (yield 14%) and easily formed aggregates as observed in gel filtration and PAGE Accordingly, dialysis culture seems to be a better method for producing and purifying toxin A.  相似文献   

目的 应用循证研究方法评价新鲜粪菌移植在治疗艰难梭菌感染相关性腹泻方面的效果及安全性。 方法 计算机检索中国生物医学文献数据库、中国学术期刊全文数据库、万方数据库、 PubMed、Embase、Web of Science、The Cochrane Library数据库,搜集关于新鲜粪菌移植治疗艰难梭菌感染的随机对照实验,检索时限均为建库至2019年7月30日。由2名研究者按照纳入和排除标准进行文献筛选、数据提取和质量评价,采用RevMan 5.3软件进行Meta分析。 结果 最终纳入7个RCT,共543名患者。Meta分析结果显示:新鲜FMT比传统方法在治疗CDI引起的腹泻方面更有效(OR=6.70,95%CI:1.64~27.43,P=0.040),敏感性分析显示:此结果敏感性较低,结果较为稳定可信。多次输注方式比起单次输注在治愈率方面更显优势(OR=-0.09,95%CI:0.04~3.13,P结论 新鲜粪菌移植能明显提高艰难梭菌感染性腹泻的治愈率,且在不同输注方式方面,多次输注更能提高治愈率,且不良反应较少,与FTM无直接关系,有一定的临床推广价值。  相似文献   

Abstract The presence of a regular array (RA) was demonstrated on the outer layer of the cell wall in Clostridium difficile GAI0714 by electron microscopy. The RA was composed of squarely arranged subunits with a center-to-center spacing of about 8.2 nm. The outer wall layer carrying the RA was isolated from the wall fragments of early log-phase cells by autolysis. The outer wall layer was composed of two main proteins with apparent M rs of about 45 000 and 32 000 upon sodiumdodecylsul-fate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Similar RAs were also present in the cell walls of the other 9 strains of C. difficile . These strains were divided into two groups on the basis of the wall protein composition: one containing M r 45 000–47 000 and 32 000 proteins and the other containing M r 42 000 and 38 000 proteins.  相似文献   

目的 了解ICU患者艰难梭菌的定植和感染情况,为预防艰难梭菌的流行提供参考。方法 收集2016年9月至2017年6月福建医科大学附属第一医院ICU中139例住院时间>7 d的患者的粪便样本,对其进行选择性厌氧培养和质谱鉴定。对艰难梭菌培养阳性标本进行毒素基因(tcdA、tcdB、cdtA、cdtB)的PCR检测以及毒素A、B表型检测。收集所有患者的临床资料,并对艰难梭菌培养阳性患者的临床特征和实验室检查结果进行单因素分析和多因素回归分析。结果 艰难梭菌检出率为17.27%(24/139)。其中,14株艰难梭菌的tcdA和tcdB基因检测阳性,占58.3%(14/24);10株为tcdA和tcdB基因检测阴性,占41.7%(10/24)。所有菌株二元毒素基因(ctdA/ctdB)均未检出。单因素分析提示,高龄、长时间住院、高淋巴细胞数、使用β-内酰胺类抗生素是艰难梭菌定植的高危因素;多因素回归分析提示,使用β-内酰胺类抗生素是艰难梭菌定植的独立危险因素(OR=3.881,P=0.039)。结论 我院ICU可能存在艰难梭菌感染和传播的风险,对具有高龄、长期住院以及使用抗生素等高危因素的患者应进行艰难梭菌的监测,以防艰难梭菌的传播、感染和艰难梭菌相关性腹泻的发生。  相似文献   

The conjugative transposon Tn916 and a derivative Tn916 delta E was transferred from Bacillus subtilis into Clostridium difficile CD37 by filter mating. All the C. difficile transconjugants appeared to contain one copy of the transposon integrated into the same position in the genome. Transposition from the original site of integration was not observed. Like Tn916 the transferable tetracycline resistance determinant (Tc-CD) of C. difficile has a preferred site of integration in C. difficile and is homologous with Tn916 along the whole length of Tn916. However comparisons of the distribution of TaqI and Sau3AI sites in the homologous regions of the two elements did not demonstrate any hybridizing fragments in common.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a series of benzimidazole-N-benzylpropan-1-amines and adenine-N-benzylpropan-1-amines is described. Subsequent evaluation against two strains of the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium difficile was performed with three amine derivatives displaying MIC values of 16?μg/mL. Molecular docking studies of the described amines determined that the amines interact within two active site pockets of C. difficile methionyl tRNA synthetase with methoxy substituents in the benzyl ring and an adenine biaryl moiety resulting in optimal binding interactions.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize the antimicrobial and adhesion ability of candidate probiotic Clostridium butyricum CB2 for farmed fish in vitro. Methods and Results: The potential probiotic Cl. butyricum CB2 had been evaluated for its adhesion capacity and antagonistic effect against two fish pathogens Aeromonas hydrophila and Vibrio anguillarum by the intestinal cell model. In addition, the aggregation ability and antimicrobial property on agar plate were assayed. The results indicated that the candidate probiotic Cl. butyricum CB2 have strong adhesion property and a higher antagonistic activity to Aer. hydrophila and V. anguillarum both on agar plate and cell model. Clostridium butyricum showed a higher aggregation which might be the reasons for bacteria adhesion and antimicrobial activity. Conclusions: The strain Cl. butyricum CB2 could be used as potential probiotic to inhibit pathogens growth and prevent their colonization in fish intestinal tract. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study revealed the antimicrobial and adhesion characteristic of Cl. butyricum CB2 which was selected as the potential probiotic to farmed fish.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile strains of toxinotype VIII from serogroups F and X are described as toxin B-positive, toxin A-negative (TcdB+ A-), although they harbour almost the entire tcdA gene. To identify the reason for the lack of TcdA detection, we analyzed catalytic and ligand domains of TcdA-1470 of the type strain of serogroup F, strain 1470. Using recombinant fragments, the C-terminal immunodominant ligand domain TcdA3-1470, spanning amino acid residues 1694-2711 (corresponding to VPI 10463 sequence), was detected in Western blots. Similar experiments using the recombinant N-terminal catalytic fragment TcdAc1-2-1470 (amino acid positions 1-544) failed. In addition, this fragment showed no glucosylation activity. We determined the size and the position of alterations in the ligand domain tcdA3-1470 by DNA sequencing. Within the N-terminal fragment tcdAc1-2-1470, a nonsense mutation was identified introducing a stop codon at amino acid position 47. Identical mutations were found in the two serogroup X strains 17663 and 10355. The mutation might explain the lack of TcdA production observed in strains of serotypes F and X.  相似文献   

The anti‐infectious activity of synbiotics against methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection was evaluated using a novel lethal mouse model. Groups of 12 mice treated with multiple antibiotics were infected orally with a clinical isolate of MRSA at an inoculum of 108 CFU on day 7 after starting the antibiotics. A dose of 400 mg/kg 5‐fluorouracil (5‐FU) was injected intraperitoneally on day 7 after the infection. A dose of 108 CFU Bifidobacterium breve strain Yakult and 10 mg of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) were given orally to mice daily with the antibiotic treatment until day 28. The intestinal population levels of MRSA in the mice on multiple antibiotics were maintained stably at 108 CFU/g of intestinal contents after oral MRSA infection and the subsequent 5‐FU treatment killed all the mice in the group within 14 days. B. breve administration saved most of the mice, but the synbiotic treatment saved all of the mice from lethal MRSA infection. The synbiotic treatment was effective for the treatment of intestinal infection caused by four MRSA strains with different toxin productions. There was a large difference among the six Bifidobacteria strains that were naturally resistant to the antibacterial drugs used. B. breve in combination with GOS is demonstrated to have valuable preventive and curative effects against even fatal MRSA infections.  相似文献   

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