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Summary The distribution of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-immunoreactive neurons and processes was mapped in the female mink brain using coronal, horizontal and sagittal sections. Perikarya were found along a ventral continuum including the olfactory tubercle, the diagonal band of Broca, the lateral septum, the preoptic and anterior hypothalamic area and the mediobasal hypothalamus; 80% of the perikarya were counted in the mediobasal hypothalamus. Fibres were mainly observed in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and the median eminence. A few processes terminated in the ependymal cells lining the third and lateral ventricles. The total number of immunoreactive perikarya was the highest in the brains of females sacrificed in July; it then significantly decreased until December. This variation is discussed in relation to the annual breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Fatty acid (FA) composition in the intraabdominal (IAB), subcutaneous (SC) and peripheral adipose tissues of the semiaquatic American mink (Mustela vison) was examined in comparison to the diet by gas-liquid chromatography. There was a clear compositional gradient from the IAB via SC to peripheral adipose tissues and the anatomically different adipose tissues accumulated or metabolized FA selectively. The total lipids of the body appendages had smaller proportions of saturated (SFA) and larger proportions of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) than the lipids of the trunk adipose tissues. Especially n-3 PUFA were enriched in the periphery. The appendages were also characterized with a high ratio of unsaturated FA to SFA, an increased Delta9-desaturation index and increased mean numbers of double bonds and carbon atoms in a FA molecule. The proportions of SFA and MUFA of the diet resembled the trunk adipose tissues while the dietary percentage of n-3 PUFA surpassed those of the trunk fat depots but was lower than those of the peripheral fats. These data confirm that the FA signatures of mammals reflect not only their dietary history but also metabolic modifications of ingested FA.  相似文献   

Summary The pars intermedia of intact and experimental female minks has been studied by light, electron and fluorescence microscopy. The general structure of the mink intermediate lobe is described. Two main cell types are recognized. One, termed glandular cell, predominates in number and is characterized by the presence of electron-dense granules about 200 nm in diameter and numerous large vesicles up to 300 nm in diameter. The other, termed stellate cell, is devoid of cytoplasmic vesicles and granules and possesses microfilaments, junctional complexes and elongated processes inserted between the glandular cells. Different treatments (photostimulation and administration of hypertonic saline and metopirone) induced morphological reactions in the glandular cells. The significance of these changes and the possibility of a functional relation between the pars intermedia and ACTH secretion are discussed.Numerous nerve fibres and axon terminals containing electron-dense granules (60–120 nm) and electron-lucent vesicles (30–40 nm) are observed throughout the pars intermedia.With the histochemical fluorescence method of Falck-Hillarp a rich system of delicate fluorescent varicose fibres, sometimes provided with irregular swellings or droplets, is observed in the pars intermedia and also in the pars nervosa. Microspectrofluorometrically these fibres exhibit the spectral characteristics of catecholamines. All the cells of the pars intermedia and a large number of cells in the pars distalis show a yellowish weak fluorescence, which becomes much stronger after combined formaldehyde-ozone treatment. This cellular fluorophore shows the same microspectrofluorometric characteristics as does the fluorophores of tryptamine and of certain peptides with NH2-terminal tryptophan.Supported by the Swedish Fur Breeders' Association and the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (grant No. 2124). Thanks are due to Miss W. Carlsson and Miss Y. Lilliemarck for their helpful technical assistance.Supported by the Harald and Greta Jeanssons Stiftelse and by the Ford Foundation. The skilful technical assistance of Mrs. Eva Svensson and Miss Annika Borgelin is greatfully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates were extracted from a sample of milk from a mink, Mustela vison (Family Mustelidae). Free neutral and acidic oligosaccharides were isolated from the carbohydrate fraction and their chemical structures were compared with those of white-nosed coati (Nasua narica, Procyonidae) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina, Phocidae) that we had studied previously. The ratio of free lactose to milk oligosaccharides was similar to that in milk of the white-nosed coati; in both species, this ratio was much lower than that in the milk of most eutherians. The neutral oligosaccharides of mink milk had alpha(1-3)-linked Gal or alpha(1-2)-linked Fuc residues at their non-reducing ends, as in the neutral oligosaccharides of white-nosed coati milk. Some of the neutral and acidic oligosaccharides, determined here, had been found also in harbour seal milk, but the harbour seal oligosaccharides did not contain alpha(1-3)-linked Gal residues.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus is centrally involved in generation of several circadian rhythms. Neurons of the mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus express a number of neuropeptides including vasopressin. The suprachiasmatic nucleus of the mink (Mustela vison) is easily distinguished from neighbouring hypothalamic areas and the underlying optic chiasm as a small nucleus containing densely packed parvocellular neurons. A dorsal and ventral subdivision were clearly recognized within the midportion and caudal part of the nuclcus. Using immunohistochemistry, we have identified vasopressin-, neurophysin-, and vasoactive intestinal peptide-immunoreactive neuronal elements in the hypothalamus of the mink. Vasoactive intestinal peptide-immunoreactive neurons can be observed in the ventral aspect of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, but to our surprise, no vasopressin immunoreactive perikarya are found within the suprachiasmatic nucleus, this absence being independent of the experienced annual cycle. The hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei contain large numbers of vasopressin-, neurophysin-and vasoactive intestinal peptide-immunoreactive magnocellular neurons with extensive projections towards the infundibulum and neurohypophysis. A comparative analysis of the distribution of vasopressin-immunoreactive elements in a number of conventional laboratory animals has demonstrated that, in contrast to the rat, golden hamster and Mongolian gerbil, neither vasopressin-containing perikarya in the suprachiasmatic nucleus nor fine calibered immunoreactive fibres entering the adjacent subparaventricular zone are present in the mink. The mink is a photodependent seasonal breeder, and thus vasopressin-immunoreactive neurons in the suprachiasmatic nuclei may not be essential for the photoperiodic regulation of reproduction and seasonal events experienced by this species.  相似文献   

Described herein, the first microsatellite linkage map for the American mink consists of 85 microsatellite markers resolved into 17 linkage groups. The map was constructed using 92 F(1) progeny from five sire families created by crossing mink with different colour types. The linkage groups ranged from 0 to 137 cM. These linkage groups were assigned to 12 of the 14 mink autosomes using a somatic cell hybrid panel. The total map covered 690 sex-averaged Kosambi units with an average marker spacing of 8 cM. This map will facilitate further genetic mapping of monogenic characters and QTL.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the adaptations of protein metabolism to seasonal fasting in an actively wintering boreal carnivore. Fifty farm-bred male American minks Mustela vison were divided into a fed control group and four experimental groups fasted for 2, 3, 5 or 7 days. The responses of nitrogen metabolism to wintertime food deprivation were determined by measuring the rate of weight loss, the tissue total protein concentrations and the plasma amino acid, urea, ammonia, uric acid and total protein levels. The mink has relatively poor adaptations to food deprivation, as it is not able to prolong phase II of fasting with fat as the major metabolic fuel. Instead, the species has to derive a part of its energy requirements from the breakdown of body proteins. The end product of protein catabolism—urea— accumulates in its circulation, and the mink may not be able to recycle urea-N. Although the mink can still have a high body fat percent at the end of the 7-day fast, it appears to enter phase III of fasting with stimulated proteolysis during this period.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of an invasive species in Spain, the American mink (Mustela vison), was investigated using microsatellite DNA markers. This semi-aquatic carnivore, originating from North America, was imported into Europe for fur farming since the beginning of the 20th century. Due to massive escapes, farm damages, deliberate releases and/or accidents, feral mink populations were established in the aquatic ecosystems of many European countries, including Spain. We genotyped 155 American mink originating from the Spanish regions Basque Country, Catalonia, Castilla-Leon, Aragon, Valencia and Galicia using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci to highlight population genetic structure, distribution and dispersal. M. vison populations in Spain appear differentiated and not yet connected by gene flow. Bayesian clustering analyses and spatial analyses of molecular variance detected four inferred clusters, overall coinciding with the sampled geographical localities. Preliminary testing shows moderate to large estimated effective population sizes. Molecular analyses result useful to provide baseline data for further research on the evolution of invasive mink populations, as well as support local management strategies and indirectly benefit the conservation of threatened species in Spain, such as the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola), and the polecat (Mustela putorius), which share the habitat with the American mink. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Xavier Domingo-Roura.  相似文献   

Space use, intra-territorial habitat preferences, and factors affecting both were studied in an invading population of American mink, Mustela vison, in two rivers of a Mediterranean region of Spain. Average linear home range was 1.19 ± 0.73 km (±SD) and core area was 0.21 ± 0.08 km for resident males (n = 10); while for females (n = 5) they were 0.54 ± 0.14 and 0.19 ± 0.11 km, respectively. Overlapping between the home ranges of residents was low. In no case their core areas overlapped. Home ranges were small in comparison to other study areas and in general the resident minks were territorial. Linear home range length was related to individual weight and to the river. Weight had a positive effect indicating a potential body condition effect, while river may be showing a habitat quality effect. Habitat preferences were positively affected by the abundance of helophytic vegetation and negatively by the presence of human activity. Helophytic vegetation offers both food and refuges, while human activity may represent a potential danger. Percentage of captures was higher inside the core areas and was slightly influenced positively by abundance of helophytic vegetation. All this information should be considered when designing and implementing measures to control the expansion of American minks. We recommend keeping going with the trapping sessions but, given the results obtained, reducing the distance between traps down to 200 m to maximize capturability (i.e., about doubling the trapping effort), and, when available, placing them near helophytic vegetation. In the absence of helophytic vegetation, traps should be located near any kind of vegetation providing coverage for mink and far from human activity.  相似文献   

Trevor B.  Poole  Nigel  Dunstone 《Journal of Zoology》1976,178(3):395-412
Fishing behaviour of the American mink ( Mustela vison Schreber) was investigated in the laboratory. Data were recorded using ciné film and tape recorded commentaries. Three species of prey were presented to mink, namely, carp ( Cyprinus curpio ), goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) and minnows ( Phoxinus phoxinus ).
It was found to be necessary to train ranch-bred mink to enter water and catch fish; young mink appeared to be easier to train than adults. Mink spent 5–20 sec under water when fishing; prey had usually previously been located from an aerial vantage point. Predatory behaviour was highly organized sequentially whereas fish were more prone to indulge in unpredictable stratagems; the behaviour of mink and fish were highly correlated.
The mink's efficiency in catching fish was related to prey size (smaller individuals being more vulnerable to capture) and shoaling. Minnows, which form highly organized shoals, were less easily caught when present in large numbers; this was not true of a loosely shoaling species, the carp.
Of the three species of prey presented, vulnerability to capture took the form goldfish> carp> minnow; these differences, however, may have been influenced by the fish's previous experience of underwater predators.  相似文献   

Fifty-three genes were mapped in the American mink genome using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based analysis of a Chinese hamster-American mink somatic cell hybrid panel. Heterologous primers designed for cat gene mapping were used in this study. Forty-nine of these loci were localized into expected chromosome regions according to Zoo-FISH data, whereas four loci--ALPL, CDC20, ERF-2, and Fc(Mv)23617--were mapped out of expected conserved regions. PCR products amplified with primers corresponding to these four markers were partly sequenced and verified using BLAST. The results showed the homology to be more than 90% between mink and human or cat counterparts. At present, the gene map of American mink has expanded to 127 loci.  相似文献   

The effect of heat incubators on chilled mink kits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypothermia is considered a major risk factor increasing kit mortality in farmed mink. We studied the effects of reheating chilled mink kits. From each of 27 litters, three 1-day-old kits were exposed to one of three treatments: (i) chilling and reheating in a farm incubator (INCU), (ii) chilling and reheating in home nest (HOME), and (iii) control, remained in nest (NEST). During cold exposure (8 °C) mink kits were active in average 67% of the time before they turned inactive; the latency until inactivity averaged 12.3 (0.8) min. We suggest that kit behaviour during early cooling may function to increase chances of eliciting maternal care, and we found that duration of kit activity increased with body weight in 1-day-old kits (P < 0.001). In addition, the most active kits had a shorter latency of coming inactive (P = 0.002), suggesting that the behaviour is energy costly. The kit mortality was low (5 out of 81), making statistical analysis of mortality infeasible. We found no treatment effects on weight gain over 7 days. We did not find any additional effect of the traditional incubator used in reheating chilled 1-day-old mink kits, as the dam in the home nest appeared as efficient to reheat a small chilled kit.  相似文献   

Using immunolocalization of MLH1, a mismatch repair protein that marks crossover sites along synaptonemal complexes, we estimated the total length of the genetic map, the recombination rate and crossover distribution in the American mink ( Mustela vison ). We prepared spreads from 130 spermatocytes of five male minks and mapped 3320 MLH1 foci along 1820 bivalents. The total recombination length of the male mink genome, based on the mean number of MLH1 foci for all chromosomes, was 1327 cM. The overall recombination rate was estimated to be 0.48 cM/Mb. In all bivalents, we observed prominent peaks of MLH1 foci near the distal ends and a paucity of them near the centromeres. This indicates that genes located at proximal regions of the chromosomes should display much tighter genetic linkage than physically equidistant markers located near the telomeres.  相似文献   

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