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Summary Three plasmids containing the transposon Tn5, i.e. pSUP201::Tn5, pACYC184::Tn5 and pJB4JI were transferred from Escherichia coli to Rhodopseudomonas capsulata in order to mutagenize the genome. Mutants defective in bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis and mutants unable to form the photochemical reaction center or one of the light-harvesting complexes were isolated. Of special interest were mutants that could not form the light-harvesting complex B800-850. Two of these mutants synthesized only two of the three polypeptides of this complex whereas the corresponding near infrared absorbance bands were not observed. Complementation analysis with the Rprime plasmid pRPS404, which contains a 50 kb region of the genome of R. capsulata carrying most genes responsible for expression of photosynthetic apparatus, revealed that some genes of the B800-850 light-harvesting complex lie outside this photosynthetic gene cluster.Abbreviations Bchl Bacteriochlorophyll - Cm chloramphenicol - Km kanamycin - Tc tetracycline - Ap ampicillin - Gm gentamicin - Spc spectinomycin  相似文献   

N.P.J. Cotton  J.B. Jackson   《BBA》1984,767(3):618-626
(1) The cytoplasmic membrane potential (Δψ) of intact cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, measured either from the uptake of butyltriphenylphosphonium cation or from the electrochromic carotenoid band shift, increased upon illumination (negative on the cytoplasmic side) and then, within the next 20 s, partly declined while the light was still on. In the presence of the F0 inhibitor venturicidin the light-induced Δψ was increased by 30% and the partial decline was abolished. (2) From the ionic current/Δψ curves for the bacterial membranes it was concluded that the slow, partial decline of Δψ after the onset of illumination was the result of an increase in membrane conductance. The conductance increase seen in the ionic current/Δψ curves was blocked by venturicidin suggesting that it was caused by increased proton flux through the ATP synthase. (3) Analysis of the light-induced changes in adenine nucleotide levels in intact bacterial cells showed that the apparent increase in ATP synthase activity was not the result of a decrease in phosphorylation potential. The data were consistent with either an increase in the catalytic activity of the ATP synthase or with an increase in H+ flux through the enzyme without a proportionate increase in the rate of phosphorylation (increased ‘slip’). (4) This slow change in the properties of the ATP synthase, as judged by the venturicidin-sensitive partial decline of Δψ, required a minimum initial value of Δψ. When Δψ was reduced, either by decreasing the actinic light intensity or by adding carbonylcyanide trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone the partial decline in Δψ was abolished. (5) The slow change in ATP synthase properties reversed upon darkening the bacterial cell suspension. A second illumination period shortly after the first elicited a smaller initial Δψ and a smaller Δψ decline. The relaxation of the ATP synthase in the dark was measured from the dependence of the initial increase in Δψ after the second illumination period upon the dark-time between the two illumination periods.  相似文献   

The release of protons from intact cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata after either 4μs flashes or during brief periods of continuous illumination has been measured with the indicator, cresol red. The half-time for H+-release after a flash was 35 ms and the extent, 1H+ per 134 bacteriochlorophyll. Myxothiazol completely inhibited the flash-induced H+-release and antimycin A reduced it by 37%. The proton-releasing reaction is discussed with reference to the protonmotive Q-cycle. During continuous illumination the rapid phase of H+ release is followed by a lag and then by another period of acidification, suggesting that other protolytic reactions may be in operation.  相似文献   

ATPase activity of photosynthetic membrane fragments from the bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata can be stimulated by continuous illumination under conditions of active cyclic electron flow. The activation corresponds to an increase in the maximum velocity of the reaction and does not affect the apparent Km for ATP (0.11 mM). No stimulation in the light is observed in the presence of classical uncouplers or oxidized 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP), which, per se, stimulate ATPase in the dark. It is demonstrated, however, that oxidized DCIP acts as an uncoupler of bacterial photophosphorylation.

The effect of light is elicited after a few minutes of preillumination, or in a much shorter time if an ADP trapping system is supplied. Activation does not occur if ADP is added during the preillumination (apparent Km for inhibition by ADP = 1 μM). The effect of ADP is not related to competitive inhibition with ATP, which can be observed at higher concentrations (apparent Ki = 0.26 mM). ADP, however, is not effective if added after some minutes of preillumination.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal sequences have been determined by Edman degradation for the reaction center polypeptides from a carotenoidless mutant of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Individual polypeptides were isolated by preparative electrophoresis and electroelution. By comparison with the sequences deduced from the DNA (Youvan, D.C., Alberti, M., Begush, H., Bylina, E.J. and Hearst, J.E. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 189–192) we conclude that the M and L subunits are processed so as to remove the amino-terminal methionine, whereas the H subunit is not processed at the amino-terminus after translation. None of the subunits is synthesized with a significant amino-terminal extension peptide.  相似文献   

Summary Tobacco chloroplast ribosomal RNAs were shown to be hybridized with two EcoRI fragments of tobacco chloroplast DNA. These DNA fragments having molecular weights of 1.9x106 and 2.8x106 daltons were cloned using the bacterial plasmid pMB9 as a vector and E. coli HB101 as host bacteria. The recombinant plasmids containing either or both of these fragments were constructed and characterized.Abbreviations rRNA ribosomal RNA - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - SSC 0.15 M NaCl-0.015 M sodium citrate - EcoRI and HindIII restriction endonucleases isolated from E. coli RY13 and Haemophilus influenzae Rd, respectively  相似文献   

Plasmid pU21, which carries the reaction center and light-harvesting genes (puf operon) of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, has been redesigned by site-specific mutagenesis. Five restriction sites have been removed and three unique restriction sites have been introduced into this 11,589-bp pBR322 derivative. The modifications divide the puf structural genes into four regions separated by five unique and nonmutagenic restriction sites. These four fragments have been subcloned into the M13-mp series of vectors to facilitate oligonucleotide-mediated site-specific mutagenesis experiments on the photosynthetic apparatus structural genes. The inserts can then be returned from the M13 replicative form to the redesigned pU21 derivative. The modified plasmid, pU29, greatly facilitates in vitro mutagenesis experiments since previously described techniques and screening procedures are more efficient with M13 derivatives carrying smaller inserts. Additionally, tandem homologous sequences (the reaction center L and M subunits) within the puf operon are now separated on different phage vectors, eliminating problems encountered in the targeting of mutagenic oligonucleotides to only one of the two homologous sites.  相似文献   

The absorbance-detected magnetic-resonance technique has been applied to the study of the triplet state of the primary donor in chromatophores of the photosynthetic bacterium Rps. viridis. The results confirm the triplet-minus-singlet absorbance-difference spectrum and its interpretation as previously obtained for isolated reaction centers (Den Blanken, H.J. and Hoff, A.J. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 681, 365–374). Our present results affirm that the primary donor is a bacteriochlorophyll b dimer, and that there is no blue exciton band at 850 nm. We show that the reaction centers are not identical, but have a small heterogeneity in their properties. In chromatophores and sometimes in isolated reaction centers a shoulder is observed in the long-wavelength absorbance-difference band of the primary donor. This shoulder is possibly caused by charge transfer interaction of the donor with an adjacent chromophore (Vermeglio, A. and Paillotin. G. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 681, 32–40; Maslov, V.G., Klevanik, A.V., Ismailov, M.A. and Shuvalov, V.A. (1983) Doklady Akad. Nauk. SSSR 269, 1217–1221) or it reflects a slight heterogeneity in the reaction-center geometry, which cannot be removed with the selection offered by the magnetic resonance technique. The zero-field triplet-ESR spectrum and the sublevel decay rates of the triplet state of the primary donor are presented, as detected in whole cells at the antenna fluorescence, and in chromatophores and isolated reaction centers at the absorbance-difference band at 838 nm. We do not observe the expected reversal of the sign of the ESR transitions monitored with the two techniques. A tentative explanation is given in terms of energy transfer from unrelaxed excited states of the antenna pigments to the reaction center.  相似文献   

Summary Two PstI fragments (5.3x106 and 4.3x106 daltons) coding for Anacystis nidulans rRNA genes were cloned. The cloned rDNAs were characterized by restriction endonuclease mapping, DNA-RNA hybridization analysis and the R-loop technique. The results indicated that both fragments contained 16S, 23S and 5S rRNA genes in this order. A tRNA gene(s) was detected in the spacer region between 16S and 23S rRNA genes. The organization of A. nidulans rRNA genes resembles those of E. coli and of Euglena chloroplasts rather than those of higher plant chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, strains 37b4 (wild type), A1a+ (blue-green mutant strain), Y5 (phototroph negative, having only B-800–850 bacteriochlorophyll-carotenoid-protein complex) at 4 K, 77 K and 300 K were measured. The fluorescence emission at 890 nm of the B-870 bacteriochlorophyll band dominates the emission of other spectral forms of the strains 37b4 and A1a+, while in strain Y5 a fluorescence emission band at 865 nm of the B-850 bacteriochlorophyll dominates. Very little fluorescence was observed at 805 nm. A linear relation between relative fluorescence intensity and the exciting light intensity was observed. The integrated fluorescence yield increased as the temperature was lowered from 300 K to 4 K. The results are discussed in the light of the arrangement of pigment molecules in the membrane and the process of energy migration within the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

A library of genomic DNA from the brine shrimp, Artemia, has been constructed with the Charon 4A phage vector, utilizing EcoRI passenger fragments. Screening this library with purified Xenopus laevis cloned rDNA genes has resulted in the identification and plaque purification of a recombinant containing a complete Artemia (18 S + 26 S) rDNA repeat unit. A physical map derived from the analysis of restriction endonuclease digests of the repeat unit, which measures 13.9 kilobase pairs, is similar to the map derived from genomic DNA. In common with several other species, the 26 S rRNA gene terminates with a HindIII recognition site.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata grown heterotrophically in the dark perform phosphorylation linked to oxidation of NADH and succinate, with P/2e ratios of about 0.5 and 0.15, respectively. The localization of the sites of energy conservation was investigated by observing the respiration-induced quenching of the fluorescence of atebrine.

Energization of the membrane can be demonstrated when NADH is oxidized by O2, ferricyanide or Q1, when succinate is oxidized by O2 or by oxidized diaminodurene, and during the oxidation of reduced diaminodurene.

Antimycin A completely inhibits energization between succinate and O2 or succinate and diaminodurene; however, it only inhibits partially NADH or succinate oxidases and energization between NADH and O2. KCN inhibits NADH oxidase in a biphasic way: the first level of inhibition is observed at concentrations which block the oxidation of exogenous cytochrome c or of diaminodurene and energization between succinate or ascorbate-diaminodurene and O2. The second level corresponds to the inhibition of the antimycin-insensitive oxidase.

The results are interpreted as evidence of the presence in these bacteria of a respiratory chain branching after the dehydrogenase system, one arm of the chain being sensitive to antimycin A and low concentrations of KCN and capable of energy conservation, the other being represented by a completely uncoupled system.  相似文献   

A photosynthetically-incompetent mutant Rhodopseudomonas spheroides that lacks bacteriochlorophyll was isolated. Spectroscopic evidence from CO difference spectra and cyanide difference spectra suggested that a cytochrome oxidase was present in this mutant that contained two components, corresponding to cytochromes a and a3 of mitochondria. Potentiometric titration at 607 nm also showed the presence of two components with oxidation-reduction mid-point potentials of +375 mV and +200 mV. They were present in a ratio close to unity. No cytochrome of the the c-type corresponding to mitochondrial cytochrome c was detected, but a minor c component (near 10% of the total cytochrome c) with an oxidation-reduction mid-point potential of +120 mV was found

Growth of the mutant in medium with low aeration or lacking added copper diminished the concentration of the a-type cytochrome but not the concentrations of cytochromes of the b and c-type.  相似文献   

(1) Cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata (wild-type) were grown photoheterotrophically in a turbidostat under very high and very low light intensity. Membranes were isolated from cells adapted to the respective light conditions and fractionated by sucrose density centrifugation. The molar ratios of ubiquinone and cytochromes c2, c1, b-561 and b-566 per reaction center were 3-fold to 5-fold higher in high-light than in low-light membranes. (2) Most of the Cyt(c1 + c2) and Cyt b-561 detected in dark redox titrations undergoes light-induced redox changes, both in high- and in low-light membranes. (3) The fractions of the total photooxidizable reaction center and Cyt(c1 + c2) oxidized under continuous light in the absence of antimycin are higher in membranes from low-light- than from high-light-grown cells. (4) From these data and results of kinetic studies it is proposed that cyclic electron flow under saturating light intensities is faster in high-light-grown cells.  相似文献   

The spectral and functional properties of carotenoids associated with each of the two light-harvesting complexes of the Rhodopseudomonas capsulata photosynthetic antenna system have been distinguished by studying mutants lacking one or the other complex. In mutants containing only the light-harvesting I complex (LH-I), the absorption spectrum of the carotenoids is blue-shifted compared to wild type. Carotenoid absorption in mutants possessing only the light-harvesing II complex (LH-II) complex is red-shifted. The circular dichroism spectrum of carotenoids in each complex is also distinctive. Although carotenoids in each complex function with approximately the same efficiency in harvesting and transmitting light energy for photosynethesis, only the carotenoids associated with LH-II undergo an electrochromic bandshift upon generation of a transmembrane potential. These observations are interpreted to indicate that both the orientation of carotenoid molecules with respect to the plane of the membrane, and the immediate electrochemical environment of these molecules differ in the two light-harvesting complexes.  相似文献   

Roland Dierstein 《FEBS letters》1983,160(1-2):281-286
Bacteriochlorophyll-less mutant cells of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata YS were capable of synthesizing pigment—protein complex polypeptides under conditions permitting the formation of the photosynthetic apparatus in the wild type. Individual polypeptides were identified by immunoprecipitation. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the polypeptides did not accumulate in the membranes but underwent rapid degradation. The data suggest that bacteriochlorophyll is needed to stabilize the polypeptides of pigment—protein complexes.  相似文献   

In this paper a number of experiments with the purple bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum and Rhodopseudomonas capsulata is described in which the total fluorescence yield and/or the total fraction of reaction centers closed after a picosecond laser pulse were measured as a function of the pulse intensity. The conditions were such that the reaction centers were either all in the open or all in the closed state before the pulse arrived. These experiments are analysed using the theoretical formalism discussed in the preceding paper (Den Hollander, W.T.F., Bakker J.G.C., and Van Grondelle, R., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 725, 492–507). From the experimental results the number of connected photosynthetic units, λ, the rate of energy transfer between neighboring antenna molecules, kh, and the rate of trapping by an open reaction center, kot, can be estimated. For R. rubrum it is found that λ = 14−17, kh = (1−2)·1012 s−1 and kot = (4−6)·1011 s−1, for Rps. capsulata λ ≈ 30, kh ≈ 4·1011 s−1 and kot ≈ 3·1011 s−1. The findings are discussed in terms of current models for the structure of the antenna and the kinetic properties of the decay processes occurring in these purple bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary DNA segments carrying rRNA genes of Mycoplasma capricolum have been cloned and characterized by restriction endonuclease mapping, DNA-RNA hybridization and nucleotide sequencing. The M. capricolum genome has two sets of rRNA gene clusters, where the arrangement is in the order of (5)16S-23S-5S(3). The spacer region between 16S and 23S rDNA is extremely rich in AT and does not carry any tRNA genes. Present address: Division of Hematology and Immunology of Internal Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University, Uchinada-Cho, Kahoku-Gun Ishikawa Pref. 920-02, Japan  相似文献   

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