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贺彩红  蒋琬姿  张丽雯  阮梅花  周红文  于建荣 《遗传》2021,(6):531-544,中插1
罕见病是指发病率极低的疾病.目前全球约有8000多种罕见病.罕见病的有效防治是建设"健康中国"的重要组成部分.本文分析了全球罕见病领域研究态势及药物研发概况.结果表明,受政策和技术推动,罕见病领域研究呈快速增长趋势;研究热点主要包括罕见病突变基因的鉴定与治疗;技术开发重点主要包括罕见病药物研发、基因治疗病毒载体开发、罕...  相似文献   

基因治疗为重大难治性疾病提供了新的治疗方案,市场前景良好。截至2022年底,全球共有45款基因治疗药物获批上市,超过3 000款处于临床试验阶段药物,我国也有4款国产基因治疗产品上市。目前全球名列前三的龙头企业占据超过50%的基因治疗药物市场份额。随着我国罕见病、肿瘤患者人数逐年上升,国内基因治疗市场不断扩大,在行业发展政策的推动下,涌现出一批如药明巨诺、传奇生物、科济生物等企业,并取得了一定成绩。随着政策的逐步完善、科学研究的不断深入、治疗成本的不断降低,基因治疗有望成为一种常规、安全的治疗方法。  相似文献   

孤儿药因面向的罕见病患者群小、市场需求低、研发成本高、缺乏政策支持等,其发展面临困境。随着精准医疗概念的提出,基 因治疗因能够从根本出发,给患者提供 “一劳永逸”的治疗,备受关注。基因治疗以单基因罕见病的治疗作为极佳切入点,为孤儿药的 研发带来了新的希望。概述基因治疗针对的疾病对象、实施策略和属性以及基因药物的结构及基因治疗的载体,以血友病的基因治疗为 例回顾罕见病基因治疗的发展,并分析罕见病基因治疗药物研发现状。  相似文献   

无论在发达国家还是在发展中国家,癌症都是死亡率最高的疾病,并且其死亡率和发病率仍不断增高,因此抗肿瘤药物市场的潜力巨大。1997年至2015年,FDA共批准128个抗肿瘤药物,全球抗肿瘤药物市场规模超过1000亿美元,靶向药物占比达到62%,已经成为抗肿瘤新药的主流。全球抗肿瘤药物市场集中度极高,罗氏是其中的领导者,各大药企都对抗肿瘤药物怀有极大的开发热情。国内抗肿瘤药物以传统药物为主,靶向药物市场份额正在迅速提升,同时自主研发型新药也在逐渐增多。2015年国内抗肿瘤药物市场规模达到957.83亿元,未来还将进一扩大。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析欧盟及其成员国的罕用药相关政策,为我国罕用药及罕见病相关制度政策的制定提供参考。方法 采用文献研究法对欧盟及其成员国法国、意大利、荷兰、英国的罕用药相关政策进行检索,并比较分析四国相关政策与制度的异同点。结果 除欧盟统一的罕用药政策外,法国、意大利、荷兰以及英国均制定了相应的罕用药制度,设立罕见病治疗指导中心,有针对罕用药研发与价格制定的政策与措施,对于罕见病的治疗有相应的医疗保障制度,相应的政策制度较为完善。 结论 我国可借鉴其经验尽快制定罕见病的相关定义,建立罕见病中心,出台相应的研发激励与价格制定政策,并完善罕用药的报销与罕见病的医疗保障。  相似文献   

陈曦  陈亮  李大力 《生物工程学报》2019,35(12):2295-2307
20世纪60年代,科学家首次提出利用基因治疗治愈遗传疾病的概念。这一全新的概念性策略旨在通过将外源性遗传物质引入患者体内来获得长期的治疗效果。五十年的风雨沉浮,21世纪取得的里程碑式突破为基因治疗开启了新的篇章。文中回顾和总结了基因治疗的发展历程和重大突破,包括一些重要的临床试验和已批准上市的基因疗法,以及新兴的基因编辑技术。相对于传统疗法的独特优势,基因疗法将会成为治疗遗传疾病的重要手段,必将造福全人类。  相似文献   

凝血因子是一类特殊的药物,是血友病等血液疾病的治疗药物,目前已经成为血液制品的重要组成部分。国外已经有二十多种重组凝血因子药物上市,2015年全球重组凝血因子药物的市场规模已经达到78.54亿美元,未来还将持续增长,Baxalta公司的重组凝血因子产品销售额位居全球首位,达到28.40亿美元。国外有多种重组凝血因子处于研发阶段,其中长效重组凝血因子将成为新的市场增长点。国内各类凝血因子药物的批签发状况良好,且随着国家发展和改革委员会取消血液制品最高零售价,各类产品价格均有不同幅度增长,其中人纤原蛋白原增长幅度最高,达到189%。国产凝血因子市场空间巨大,但存在产品供给和研发力度不足等问题,发展受到限制,必须改革行业管理制度、提高血浆分离技术、加强重组产品研发。  相似文献   

目的:基于市场角度分析生物技术药物发展现状和未来趋势。方法:检索Thomson Reuters Cortellis数据库、全球医药市场研究机构Evaluate Pharma和美国食品药品监督管理局公布的数据,利用对比分析方法对检索结果进行分析。结果:得益于生物技术药物本身的优势特点,全球生物技术药物市场比例将由2013年的22%增长至2020年的27%,2020年全球市场中罗氏仍然保持最大的市场份额,市场销售额将达435亿美元。尽管中国生物技术药物的市场总额占全球市场的比例仅为2%,但未来发展空间较大,且目前已经形成了以国药集团为龙头的产业集群。结论:随着疾病治疗需求的增加,生物技术药物发展潜力巨大,未来市场将进一步扩大。  相似文献   

干扰素产品现状及市场前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干扰素产品现状及市场前景吴美英程永庆(北京三元基因工程有限公司)干扰素系统是一种重要的细胞功能调节系统。干扰素具有广谱的抗病毒,抗细胞分裂,免疫调节等多种生物活性。它是一种重要的抗病毒、抗肿瘤治疗药物[1]。干扰素的种类很多,有人体干扰素,动物干扰素...  相似文献   

从1982年美国批准第一个重组蛋白药物(重组人胰岛素Humulin)上市至今,已过去了四分之一世纪。重组蛋白药物虽仅占全球处方药市场的7%~8%,但却是增长最快的一类。目前,共有82个重组蛋白药物被用于临床,其中“重磅炸弹”15个,占总数的18%。2005年重组蛋白药物销售总额约410亿美元,而其中“重磅炸弹”的销售额合计约270亿美元,占总额的66%。2006年,美国和欧洲批准了第一个肺吸入型胰岛素上市;欧洲批准了第一个由转基因羊生产的重组人抗凝血酶用于临床,并批准了第一个重组蛋白仿制药物上市。重组蛋白药物市场已经从蛹发育为美丽的蝴蝶,但是,这只蝴蝶能够美丽多久,还受到多种因素的制约。本文以美国和欧洲重组蛋白药物市场为主,采用市场细分的方法,从重组蛋白药物种类的销售额入手,分析了市场及研发趋势,将对我们判断市场走向、提供创新思维和制定创新战略有实际的参考价值。  相似文献   

文中简述了罕见疾病的定义、发病原因、分类,总结了国内外罕见疾病研究和孤儿药物研发的现状,分析了生物技术的研究手段在罕见疾病药物研发方面的应用,进一步阐述了罕见疾病研究和孤儿药物开发的必要性和紧迫性,对推动科学技术的进步和人类健康事业的发展具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

该年度报告涉及2013 年最新上市的56 种新药及生物制品,包括20 种新孤儿药和10 种全新药物,以及获得美国FDA“新突破药物”称号的前3 名药物。此外,该年度报告还讨论了30 种重要的延伸性新药(新适应证、新剂型和现有药物的新复方),以及19 种年内首次获批但在该报告结束时尚未上市的新药。  相似文献   

Members of the family C receptors within the G-protein coupled receptor superfamily include the metabotropic glutamate receptors, GABA(B) receptors, the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), the V2R pheromone receptors, the T1R taste receptors, and a small group of uncharacterized orphan receptors. We have cloned and studied the mouse GPRC6A family C orphan receptor. The open reading frame codes for a protein with highest sequence identity to the fish 5.24 odorant receptor and the mammalian CaSR. The gene structure shows a striking resemblance to that of the CaSR. Results from RT-PCR analyses showed that mouse GPRC6A mRNA is expressed in mouse brain, skeletal muscle, heart, lung, spleen, kidney, liver, and in the early stage mouse embryo. Immunocytochemical analysis of the cloned mouse GPRC6A cDNA expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells demonstrated that GPRC6A was present on the plasma membrane, as well as in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope membranes of transfected cells. A chimeric cDNA construct in which the extracellular ligand binding domain of the fish 5.24 amino acid-activated odorant receptor was ligated to the complementary downstream sequence of the mouse GPRC6A receptor indicated that GPRC6A is coupled to phosphoinositol turnover and release of intracellular calcium. Further studies with mouse GPRC6A expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrated that this receptor possesses a pharmacological profile resembling that of the fish 5.24 odorant receptor. These findings suggest that GPRC6A may function as the receptor component of a novel cellular transmitter system in mammals.  相似文献   

Bombesin receptor subtype-3 (BRS-3) is an orphan G-protein coupled receptor belonging to the subfamily of bombesin-like receptors. BRS-3 is implicated in the development of obesity and diabetes. We report here small-molecule agonists that are based on a 4-(alkylamino)pyridine-3-sulfonamide core. We describe the discovery of 2a, which has mid-nanomolar potency, selectivity for human BRS-3 versus the other bombesin-like receptors, and good bioavailability.  相似文献   

孤儿基因为某物种基因组内特有的,在其它物种内没有同源基因存在的特殊基因.对物种孤儿基因的鉴定和分析已成为比较基因组学研究的一个新兴领域.本研究通过生物信息学的分析,着重研究了49个葡萄孤儿基因在各发育阶段和各器官中的特异表达特性、亚细胞定位预测和共表达基因群的生物学过程基因本体论(GO)分析.结果显示,35个基因在NCBI的EST数据库中存在EST表达证据,其中有7个基因具有器官表达特异性,且大部分在生殖器官中特异表达.通过亚细胞定位预测到大部分葡萄孤儿基因为分泌蛋白.GO分析表明葡萄孤儿基因的共表达基因群主要参与寡肽转运和跨膜运输等生物学过程,这与葡萄孤儿基因的亚细胞定位预测结果相一致.本文研究结果将为葡萄孤儿基因的进一步功能分析提供重要研究基础.  相似文献   

The most challenging tasks in biology include the identification of (1) the orphan receptor for a ligand, (2) the ligand for an orphan receptor protein, and (3) the target protein(s) for a given drug or a lead compound that are critical for the pharmacological or side effects. At present, several approaches are available, including cell- or animal-based assays, affinity labeling, solid-phase binding assays, surface plasmon resonance, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Most of these techniques are not easy to apply when the target protein is unknown and the compound is not amenable to labeling, chemical modification, or immobilization. Here we demonstrate a new universal method for fishing orphan target proteins from a complex mixture of biomolecules using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) as a tracking tool. We took snake venom, a crude mixture of several hundred proteins/peptides, as a model to demonstrate our proposed ITC method in tracking the isolation and purification of two distinct target proteins, a major component and a minor component. Identities of fished out target proteins were confirmed by amino acid sequencing and inhibition assays. This method has the potential to make a significant advancement in the area of identifying orphan target proteins and inhibitor screening in drug discovery and characterization.  相似文献   

头孢菌素类抗生素具有抗菌活性强、抗菌谱广、耐β- 内酰胺酶、耐酸碱、毒副作用小等优点,是治疗细菌感染性疾病的常用药,目前第5 代已进入临床研究阶段。综述了第5 代头孢菌素类抗生素的国内外研究进展,并对其市场进行了SWOT 分析和展望,旨在为头孢菌素类抗生素的市场及临床应用的合理化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

We report six novel members of the superfamily of human G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) found by searches in the human genome databases, termed GPR123, GPR124, GPR125, GPR126, GPR127, and GPR128. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that these are additional members of the family of GPCRs with long N-termini, previously termed EGF-7TM, LNB-7TM, B2 or LN-7TM, showing that there exist at least 30 such GPCRs in the human genome. Three of these receptors form their own phylogenetic cluster, while two other places in a cluster with the previously reported HE6 and GPR56 (TM7XN1) and one with EMR1-3. All the novel receptors have a GPS domain in their N-terminus, except GPR123, as well as long Ser/Thr rich regions forming mucin-like stalks. GPR124 and GPR125 have a leucine rich repeat (LRR), an immunoglobulin (Ig) domain, and a hormone-binding domain (HBD). The Ig domain shows similarities to motilin and titin, while the LRR domain shows similarities to LRIG1 and SLIT1-2. GPR127 has one EGF domain while GPR126 and GPR128 do not contain domains that are readily recognized in other proteins beyond the GPS domain. We found several human EST sequences for most of the receptors showing differential expression patterns, which may indicate that some of these receptors participate in central functions while others are more likely to have a role in the immune or reproductive systems.  相似文献   

We report eight novel members of the superfamily of human G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) found by searches in the human genome databases, termed GPR97, GPR110, GPR111, GPR112, GPR113, GPR114, GPR115 and GPR116. Phylogenetic analysis shows that these are additional members of a family of GPCRs with long N-termini, previously termed EGF-7TM, LNB-7TM, B2 or LN-7TM. Five of the receptors form their own phylogenetic cluster, while three others form a cluster with the previously reported HE6 and GPR56 (TM7XN1). All the receptors have a GPS domain in their N-terminus and long Ser/Thr-rich regions forming mucin-like stalks. GPR113 has a hormone binding domain and one EGF domain. GPR112 has over 20 Ser/Thr repeats and a pentraxin domain. GPR116 has two immunoglobulin-like repeats and a SEA box. We found several human EST sequences for most of the receptors showing differential expression patterns, which may indicate that some of these receptors participate in reproductive functions while others are more likely to have a role in the immune system.  相似文献   

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