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采用样地调查法对比研究了秦岭火地塘林区外来树种华北落叶松人工林与乡土树种华山松人工林及华山松天然次生林群落特征差异.结果表明:华北落叶松人工林群落与华山松天然次生林群落的相似性系数仅为0.11,华山松天然次生林与华山松人工林的物种数量均明显高于华北落叶松人工林(P<0.01);华山松天然次生林和华山松人工林乔、灌、草层的Margalef指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数均显著高于华北落叶松人工林( P<0.001),而前两者之间灌木层和草本层的4个多样性指数的差异不显著(P>0.05);华北落叶松人工林的自然构成系数最低(0.3),华山松天然次生林的自然构成系数最高(5.2),华山松人工林的自然构成系数为3.5,三者存在极显著差异(P<0.001).说明外来树种华北落叶松引种造成秦岭森林群落物种丰富度、植物多样性和林分自然化程度降低,自然次生演替或乡土树种人工林较外来树种人工林更有利于林下植被的恢复.  相似文献   

倪广艳 《生态学报》2021,41(3):934-942
外来树种常被作为"先锋树种"广泛引种,在荒山造林和水土保持方面发挥了积极作用;然而,不少外来树种具有高耗水和强抗旱的水分利用特性,耗水量大、水分消耗快,若不加甄别地引种会影响甚至危害本土森林生态系统的健康。目前,部分被引种的外来树种已造成入侵;同时,在当前水资源缺乏的形势下,外来树种的引种安全问题已成为全球关注的生态环境问题。本文综述了外来树种在生态系统、整树、叶片及枝条水平的耗水特性,分析了外来树种对引种地水资源的影响。前期的研究结果显示,被引种的外来树种在生态系统及整树水平的耗水量普遍高于乡土树种,但对水资源的影响却因受控于多个因素如环境、气候、植物个体等而不尽相同;同时还显示,外来树种在叶片和枝条水平的耗水特性更多地体现了其应对环境变化的水分利用策略。研究还就提高外来树种耗水特性研究的准确性和提升外来树种危害风险的预警能力方面,提出了若干研究方向,旨在为森林管理者和政府部门平衡外来树种的经济效益和生态效应提供借鉴和指导,以期降低外来树种引种风险,增进生态安全。  相似文献   

外来树种生态经济综合评价指标体系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
日益多样化的树木引种迫切要求对外来树种的生态、经济和文化等多种价值进行综合评价,而建立科学的评价指标体系则是实现这一目标的关键。本文采用4层结构设计,从外来种的适应性、繁殖扩散、危害、观赏和经济价值等方面确定了综合评价的各项指标,并建立了一个多层次外来树种的生态经济综合评价指标体系,采用专家咨询的方法确定各级评价指标的权重,将综合评价结果划分等级且提出相关管理措施和栽培建议,并对北京市城区及其周边地区引种栽培的14种主要外来树种进行了综合评价与分级。结果表明:绒毛白蜡(Fraxinus velutina)、美国白蜡(Faxinus americana)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、火炬树(Rhus typhina)等外来树种较适合在城市园林绿化栽培模式和生态林栽培模式中使用;绒毛白蜡(Fraxinus velutina)、欧美杨(Populus×euramericana)、铅笔柏(Juniperus virginiana)、薄壳山核桃(Carya illinoensis)等外来树种更适合在自然保护栽培模式中使用。  相似文献   

本地种与外来种水生植物在不同基质营养下的生长比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢冬  于丹 《生态科学》2008,27(5):335-340
近年来,生物入侵由于其对生态系统,环境,经济等多方面造成的后果日益严重,逐渐成为目前全球普遍关注的生态问题。对于植物而言,外来入侵种不仅会大大降低本地物种的存活率,而且对本地物种的分布也会造成很大程度的负面影响。不仅如此,外来入侵种还会对本地水生或陆生生态系统造成十分严重的影响和破坏。随着国内外专家学者对外来种研究的深入,许多有关外来种入侵机制的假说和理论不断被提出。其中以资源假说(Resource Hypothesis,Davis 等 2000)研究的最为广泛和深入。在资源假说中,Davis等提出:伴随着一定数量繁殖体,外来物种的入侵会随着资源(例如光,营养和水份)的增加而加剧。为了验证(1)外来种和本地种的表现是否存在差异,如果存在,这种是否也会随着资源的增加而增强?(2)外来种与本地种的差异是否对我们预测和防治入侵有帮助?本文在此基础上,采用4种水生外来种,水鳖科(Hydrocharitaceae)两种,小二仙草科(Haloragidaceae)狐尾藻属(Myriophyllum)两种,与本地同科或同属且形态相似的3种水生植物为实验材料。分别配制两种不同营养级别的基质环境,比较了在高、低营养基质环境中外来种和本地种与生长相关的参数指标。结果显示:在高营养基质和低营养基质环境中,本地种较外来种更大地积累其生物量并且拥有更高的相对生长速率(relative growth rate)。结果还显示:在侧枝的生物量分配方面,外来种较本地种显著增高。由于断枝是水生植物无性繁殖的重要手段之一,并且断枝由侧枝或主茎受到生物或非生物的扰动产生。我们使用侧枝生物量的分配这一指标来间接反映水生植物的无性繁殖能力。结果表明,本地种较外来种能较好适应当地不同的基质营养环境;但是在无性繁殖体的传播方面,外来种较本地种占有一定的优势。因此,我们尝试提出:对外来水生植物的防治应继续以管理本地水生植物的栖息地和保护本地水生植物多样性为主,并且应加大对外来水生植物无性繁殖体特别是断枝传播的管理和控制力度。  相似文献   

【目的】研究大面积栽植外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏对鄂西北森林群落物种多样性的影响,为评价外来树种的入侵风险提供依据。【方法】采用样地调查法对比研究外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏人工林与当地森林群落特征差异。【结果】日本落叶松人工林样地林下植物种类丰富,样地平均物种数与当地天然林样地物种数相比无显著差异;林下灌木层和草本层多样性指数较高,草本层多样性指数与当地天然林相比无显著差异;林下未发现日本落叶松的更新苗。日本花柏人工林样地平均物种数显著少于当地其他人工林样地;乔木层、灌木层和草本层的4个多样性指数值均小于当地其他人工林样地;在3个样地中出现日本花柏更新苗,更新苗数量达479株·hm~(-2)。【结论】引种栽培日本落叶松不会导致当地森林群落的物种多样性降低,不会引起生物入侵风险;但引种栽培日本花柏会明显降低当地森林群落的物种多样性,对当地森林生态系统的稳定构成一定威胁。  相似文献   

陈家兴  王姝 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2280-2289
极端气候导致的干旱和水淹事件频发,影响了外来植物和本地植物的生长。为了解外来种和本地种植物对干旱和水淹事件发生顺序的响应,探讨草本植物适应水分时间异质性的策略,该文以美国蒙大拿州西部4种本地植物和4种外来植物为研究对象,将所有植物分别进行持续湿润(对照,CK)、水淹-干旱(I-D)和干旱-水淹(D-I)处理,并观测一系列形态和生物量特征的变化。结果表明:(1)与CK相比,D-I和I-D处理均显著降低了外来种的总生物量(P<0.05)。(2)D-I显著降低了本地种早期总生物量、后期地下生物量和根冠比,但显著提高了其后期的相对生长(P<0.05)。(3)D-I处理显著降低了所有植物的地下-地上生物量关系的异速指数,外来种异速指数显著高于本地种(P<0.05)。综上认为,极端事件(水淹和干旱)的发生顺序能改变外来植物和本地植物的生物量分配,早期干旱比后期干旱更容易减少植物生物量的积累,但能促进本地种后期的生长;本地种在环境胁迫下不被降低的总生物量表现说明维持表型稳定的能力较强;D-I处理下本地种和外来种地上和地下生物量关系的分配方式不同。  相似文献   

城市绿地乡土树种对大气污染的适应性响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究华南乡土树种对东莞市不同绿地类型的适应性,将14种华南乡土树种分别栽植于四种绿地类型:工业绿地、道路绿地、城市公园和植物园,研究乡土树种的生理生态变化。各类型绿地的大气监测结果表明,道路绿地的各项大气污染指标明显高于其他绿地;工业区绿地的总悬浮颗粒物和氮氧化物浓度比植物园高;城市公园的总悬浮颗粒物浓度明显高于植物园。14个树种的生理生态研究结果表明,不同植物在各种绿地环境中适应策略各异,且随着污染强度的增加,多数植物净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(Gs)之间的相关系数降低,且Pn与Gs之间的相关系数变化不一致。14种华南乡土树种中,深山含笑、樟树、山杜英、黄栀子、胡氏青冈、九节、格木、黄果厚壳桂和华润楠等9个树种在不同污染环境下均表现出不同程度的敏感性,红鳞蒲桃和越南山龙眼对各种环境污染都不敏感,红叶石楠、假鹰爪和枫香在不同的污染环境中表现各异。  相似文献   

外来入侵植物快速扩散、蔓延, 有些种类已进入到国家级自然保护区, 威胁保护区的生物多样性。本文基于九万山国家级自然保护区134个草本样方的调查数据, 对比分析了外来入侵草本和本地草本物种多样性的空间分布格局, 并阐明了气候因素对物种丰富度分布格局的影响。本研究共记录本地草本143种, 隶属于54科115属; 外来入侵草本16种, 隶属于7科13属。本地草本的物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数随海拔上升显著增加(P < 0.05), 而外来入侵草本的物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数随海拔升高呈下降趋势(P > 0.05)。本地草本和入侵草本的均匀度随海拔升高变化均不显著(P > 0.05)。在不同海拔梯度, 本地草本的Shannon-Wiener指数均显著高于外来入侵草本, 均匀度则相反。回归分析表明, 温度和降水量共解释了本地草本物种丰富度差异的41.6%, 其中温度解释率为21.4%, 降水量解释率为10.7%, 且温度的影响达到显著水平(P < 0.05)。温度和降水量对外来入侵草本的物种丰富度均无显著影响(P > 0.05), 单一因子解释率均较低, 分别为0.9%和0.4%。这些结果表明, 九万山国家级自然保护区外来入侵草本与本地草本物种多样性随海拔变化呈截然相反的空间分布格局, 且气候因素对两者分布格局的影响不同。外来入侵草本植物在海拔800-1,000 m地区具有相对多样的群落组成和较稳定的群落结构, 可能会威胁本地植物多样性, 建议加强此海拔区间外来入侵草本植物的管理。  相似文献   

付改兰  冯玉龙 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1590-1594
用流式细胞仪测定了8科10属13种外来入侵植物、6种本地植物和1种外来非入侵植物的核DNAC-值。结果表明:作为整体,外来入侵植物的平均核DNAC-值显著低于本地种和外来非入侵种,但对同属不同类型植物进行比较,未发现一致的规律;在4个既包含外来入侵种又包含本地种的属中,泽兰属(Eupatorium)和鬼针草属(Bidens)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,莲子草属(Alternanthera)的2种外来入侵植物中仅有1个种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,而草胡椒属(Peperomia)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著高于同属本地种;表明核DNAC-值与外来植物入侵性无必然联系。  相似文献   

外来害虫蔗扁蛾的寄主范围   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
综述了我国近年传入的害虫蔗扁蛾的寄主植物范围 :到目前为止 ,蔗扁蛾Opogonasacchari(Bo jer)的寄主植物已达 2 8科 87种 8变种 ;其中国外已报导的为 2 4科 4 6种 4变种 ,中国已查到 1 4科 5 5种 2变种 ,且不断发现新的寄主植物 ,有蔓延到多种行道绿化树木和园林花卉植物上的趋势 ,须引起充分关注。  相似文献   

1 Arthropods were collected on native locust, Robinia neomexicana A. Gray, and exotic Robinia pseudoacacia L. in northern Arizona over a 2‐year period to determine the number of arthropod species and number of individuals present. 2 More arthropod species were found on the native (251) than on the exotic Robinia (174). 3 Greater species diversity was likewise found on the native than the exotic. The five most numerous insects collected each year accounted for 81% to 91% of the total number collected on the exotic and native Robinia in 1997 and 1998. Only 12 species occurred on both the native and exotic Robinia in both years. 4 These findings are discussed in the context of using exotic trees in plantations and ecological theory regarding rates of arthropod species accumulation on exotic hosts.  相似文献   

Pot and field experiments were conducted in the greenhouse and at three field sites (Marondera, Domboshawa and Makoholi) in Zimbabwe to examine the effects of soils and fertilizers on nutrient uptake and growth of 6 exotic tree species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. grandis, E. tereticornis, Leucaena leucocephala, Casuarina cunninghamiana, and Acacia holosericea). Plant growth, N and P contents of all species were increased by the application of N, P, K and micronutrient fertilizers. The effect of individual nutrients (N, P, K and micronutrients) and their combination on Eucalyptus species was further investigated in a pot experiment using soil from Domboshawa. Eucalyptus species responded only to N application and no significant interactions were found between N and the other elements. Nutrient uptake results showed that E. camaldulensis and E. tereticornis removed more cations than the N-fixing trees but only in the fertilized treatments. L. leucocephala and C. cunninghamiana were higher in P, but no clear trends were observed for N. Plant growth and nutrient uptake by E. camaldulensis. C. cunninghamiana and A. holosericea were assessed in the field at the three sites. Plant species grown in the Marondera site had greater height and diameter at breast height (DBH) than those in the two other sites. These results followed trends in soil nutrient contents. The analysis of foliage revealed differences in the nutrient concentration of leaves from different trees, but no effect of site was found. The interrelationships between plant characteristics, soil and foliage nutrients were examined. In a pot experiment, mineral N was the only variable correlated with growth response and nutrient uptake, while in the field the only significant correlation was obtained with soil pH.  相似文献   

A total of 39 insect species, mostly seed chalcids in the genus Megastigmus (Hymenoptera), but also midges (Diptera), are listed as potential seed-borne invaders of Chinese conifers. Although the number of native seed insects per conifer genus does not differ between China and other biogeographical regions, there are significantly fewer seed insects associated with each conifer genus in China than potential invaders. The eventual success of the invaders is likely to depend on the presence of native Chinese conifers that are congeneric with the original host, or on the presence of the original host as an exotic. When a substantial entomofauna is already associated with cones, competition for seed resources may limit the potential impact of invaders because seed insects are usually the last organisms to colonize the cone. A survey of 26 fir species, both native and introduced to Europe, showed that overall seed infestation by five species of exotic chalcids is negatively correlated to levels of damage by native insects, except on the original hosts of the chalcids. Similar patterns are hypothesized for native firs, spruces, Douglas firs, and larches in China. Uncontrolled importation of seeds and nuts of broad-leaved trees could also facilitate the introduction of seed chalcids, seed bruchids, tortricid moths and nut weevils into China. Only six species of seed chalcids are present in China, out of the 72 known to attack broad-leaved seeds over the world.  相似文献   

Summary Our study aimed to examine the applicability of a native plant restoration technique involving close grazing, blanket herbicide spraying and mob stocking (to trample the seed into the soil) for establishing New Zealand native tree and shrub species into exotic hill country pasture. This approach represents an alternative to the usual spaced-planting of seedlings in the context of an indigenous vegetation restoration programme. Field-collected seed of Cabbage Tree ( Cordyline australis ), Kahikatea ( Dacrycarpus dacrydioides ), Kanuka ( Kunzea ericoides ), Karamu ( Coprosma robusta ), Kohuhu ( Pittosporum tenuifolium ), Koromiko ( Hebe stricta ), and Manuka ( Leptospermum scoparium ) were germination tested in the laboratory, and broadcast sown in two field experiments in spring 2001 and autumn 2002. The spring-sown experiment tested the effect of mob stocking and the autumn-sown experiment tested the effect of mob stocking and sowing rate. Laboratory germination varied widely among species (0–88%). In the field, the two shrubs, Koromiko and Karamu, established densities of up to 5 and 1.2 plants/m2, respectively, after 2.5 years. Autumn emergence for these two species strongly related to sowing rate. Three tree species, Cabbage Tree, Kahikatea and Manuka, emerged in the field but did not survive beyond 6 months. Mob stocking was effective in spring but not autumn sowing, implicating soil moisture content as an important factor in germination success. The study demonstrated that the direct seeding technique was successful for two shrub species, highlighting the potential for development of a cost-effective native plant restoration approach.  相似文献   

试论人工林下乡土树种定居限制问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
任海  王俊 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1855-1960
人工林的生态系统服务功能比天然林差,多数人工林林下难以有乡土树种入侵并定居,如何改造并促进这些人工林向天然林或次生林演替并提高生态效益,已成为制约区域林业可持续发展的关键问题.在阐述定居限制原理的基础上,本文从种类特性、限制发生时间、影响定居的内外因素等方面概括了森林更新或恢复中的定居限制问题,认为人工林林下乡土树种的定居限制主要由种子的可到达性及环境条件所决定.基于恢复生态学中有关森林恢复的理论,提出应对不同时空尺度上植物更新过程中的种子和幼苗存活的影响因素进行整合.  相似文献   

To identify general patterns in the effects of climate change on the outbreak dynamics of forest‐defoliating insect species, we examined a 212‐year record (1800–2011) of outbreaks of five pine‐defoliating species (Bupalus piniarius, Panolis flammea, Lymantria monacha, Dendrolimus pini, and Diprion pini) in Bavaria, Germany for the evidence of climate‐driven changes in the severity, cyclicity, and frequency of outbreaks. We also accounted for historical changes in forestry practices and examined effects of past insecticide use to suppress outbreaks. Analysis of relationships between severity or occurrence of outbreaks and detrended measures of temperature and precipitation revealed a mixture of positive and negative relationships between temperature and outbreak activity. Two moth species (P. flammea and Dendrolimus pini) exhibited lower outbreak activity following years or decades of unusually warm temperatures, whereas a sawfly (Diprion pini), for which voltinism is influenced by temperature, displayed increased outbreak occurrence in years of high summer temperatures. We detected only one apparent effect of precipitation, which showed Dendrolimus pini outbreaks tending to follow drought. Wavelet analysis of outbreak time series suggested climate change may be associated with collapse of L. monacha and Dendrolimus pini outbreak cycles (loss of cyclicity and discontinuation of outbreaks, respectively), but high‐frequency cycles for B. piniarius and P. flammea in the late 1900s. Regional outbreak severity was generally not related to past suppression efforts (area treated with insecticides). Recent shifts in forestry practices affecting tree species composition roughly coincided with high‐frequency outbreak cycles in B. piniarius and P. flammea but are unlikely to explain the detected relationships between climate and outbreak severity or collapses of outbreak cycles. Our results highlight both individualistic responses of different pine‐defoliating species to climate changes and some patterns that are consistent across defoliator species in this and other forest systems, including collapsing of population cycles.  相似文献   

新银合欢品种抗榕片圆蚧的选择研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过引进新银合欢品系6个品种在相同环境条件下,同一时间、同一林地内种植,5年后经调查比较,结果表明,新银合欢6个品种抗榕片圆故的能力有明显的差异,其中以K156最强,K191最差,排序为:K156>K67>K45>K192>K8>K191。K156是金沙江干热河谷抗虫、速生、丰产的优良树种。  相似文献   

Like native species, exotics form part of the mosaic structure of plant communities. However, their role in these communities is unclear. Thus, we ask, are invading exotic species present in recognizable microhabitats within plant communities? We compared the microhabitat of exotic species and random locations to determine if exotic plants occupied a recognizable subset of habitats within three barren communities. Fourteen exotic species were identified. The factors that characterized their habitats varied between barrens and among species. Considered as a group, exotic microhabitats comprised a subset of available habitats within the barrens, specifically, edge habitats rather than the open conditions of the barrens interior. Soil properties such as low temperature or neutral pH, and high litter or woody species cover, were common factors associated with the occurrence of exotics. Individual exotic species occupied different habitats within those identified for exotics as a group, but the range of variation between the different species was not generally significant. Within each barren, exotics occupied a distinct subset of microhabitats. This distribution suggests that exotics are not widely dispersed within these areas. Site conditions may be restricting the establishment of exotics to specific microhabitats, and in addition, some exotics may be altering the microhabitats that they colonize. Therefore, management efforts toward maintaining open conditions in the barrens may also discourage further encroachment by exotics into these areas.  相似文献   

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