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Inactivation and mutation to thioguanine-resistance of V79 hamster cells were studied after irradiation with accelerated helium, boron or nitrogen ions covering a range of linear energy transfer from 28 to 470 keV micrometers-1. For all radiation qualities a dose-dependent increase in mutant frequency was found for doses giving surviving fractions greater than about 0.20. The effectiveness per unit dose for both inactivation and mutation induction increased with the linear energy transfer of the radiation to a maximum in the range 90-200 keV micrometer-1. However, the maximum mutagenic effectiveness relative to gamma-rays was about two or more times that for inactivation. It is suggested that a proportion of the radiation-induced mutants suffer extensive genetic damage, and that some forms of this damage may be induced with high efficiency by radiations of high linear energy transfer.  相似文献   

Adriamycin-resistant variants derived from V79 Chinese hamster cells were examined for their radiation response properties. A stable resistant cell line (77A) demonstrated a significant reduction in the extrapolation number of the single-dose radiation survival curve. Second-step mutants from 77A cells exhibited a spectrum of radiation response states including decreased D0 values and large extrapolation numbers. A highly Adriamycin-resistant line (LZ) was found to be radiation sensitive with increased capacity for the accumulation of sublethal radiation injury. LZ cells are known to contain double-minute chromosomes and an amplified gene for the multidrug phenotype and to exhibit multidrug resistant properties. These cells require the presence of Adriamycin in their growth medium to maintain their pleiotropic characteristics. LZ cells became more resistant to radiation following reversion to an intermediate Adriamycin response as the consequence of growth in Adriamycin-free medium. Reverted cells also lost their large capacity for sublethal damage. It is suggested that detailed study of these mutants may provide insight into the identification of radiation-sensitive sites and their relationship to the genetic changes characterizing Adriamycin-resistant cell lines.  相似文献   

The responses of diploid, tetraploid and near-hexaploid V79 cells to X-irradiation or DNA-associated 125I-decay were compared. When cell killing, following X-irradiation, was plotted against the induced level of DNA double-strand breakage (dsb) per unit length of DNA, there was no significant difference between the relationships for each cell line. This suggested that the number of X-ray-induced DNA dsb per cell required to produce a lethal lesion was proportional to ploidy. Consistent with the X-ray results, tetraploid cells required 121 +/- 4 and diploid cells 60 +/- 1 125I-decays to produce a lethal lesion. However, the hexaploid cells deviated from this relationship and required 137 +/- 5 decays. The relationship between relative elution and 125I decays/cell reflected cellular DNA content. It is concluded that current models of radiation action are unable to explain these findings satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Summary The colony-forming ability of cultured mammalian cells exposed to monochromatic ultrasonic vibrations of different frequencies (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.3 MHz) was studied. The combined effect of x rays and 1.0-MHz ultrasonic waves on the survival of M3-1 cells was also investigated. Split-dose experiments showed that cells exposed to ultrasound are sensitized to a subsequent exposure. Almost twice as many cells survive a given ultrasonic dose when exposed in the M phase as when exposed in the S phase. A small amount of synergism between ultrasound and x rays has been observed. The extent of synergism depends on the experimental factors, and may be due to an interaction between nuclear damage caused by x rays and the damage to the cell membrane caused by ultrasound.Research supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration  相似文献   

M Osmak  D Horvat 《Mutation research》1992,282(4):259-263
Chinese hamster V79 cells were irradiated daily with 0.3 Gy of gamma-rays 5 times per week for 12 weeks (total 18 Gy). These cells were challenged with an additional dose of 15. Gy gamma-rays or treated with 5 micrograms/ml of mitomycin C (MMC) for 2 h. In spite of the high total accumulated dose of gamma-rays, the number of chromosomal aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) did not significantly increase in the preirradiated cells, as compared to control cells. If preirradiated cells were challenged with an additional 1.5 Gy of gamma-rays, an insignificant decrease in the yield of chromatid aberrations was observed. In contrast, preirradiated cells became significantly more resistant to the induction of chromosomal damage when challenged with mitomycin C. Our results suggest that multiple fractions of gamma-rays can induce the adaptive response to mitomycin C in preirradiated cells.  相似文献   

To test the genetic similarity of independently-isolated hamster cell mutants sensitive to ionising radiation, these were fused in pairs and the hybrids exposed to X-rays. Some mutants (irs1, irs3, xrs-1, XR-1, BLM2) were found to complement all others tested for radiosensitivity in hybrids, and are therefore in separate genetic groups. The mutants irs2 and V-E5, both isolated from V79 cells, did not complement and therefore belong to the same group. Another pair, EM7 and irs1SF, formed hybrids with intermediate levels of survival between mutant and wild-type. However, the parental cells fused to irs1SF also showed intermediate sensitivity, suggesting a semi-dominant mutant phenotype rather than a lack of complementation. Crosses of some of these hamster mutants to the radiosensitive mouse mutant M10 showed clear complementation (irs1 x M10, irs2 x M10) but for others the complementation did not greatly exceed the sensitivity of one (irs3 x M10) or both mutants (XR-1 x M10). Taken with our previously-published data, these results show that there are at least 8 genetic groups determining resistance to ionising radiation damage in rodent cells.  相似文献   

Cultured V79 Chinese hamster fibroblast cells were exposed to continuous radiation, frequency 7.7 GHz, power density 0.5 mW/cm2 for 15, 30 and 60 min. The effect of microwave radiation on cell survival and on the incidence and frequency of micronuclei and structural chromosome aberrations was investigated. The decrease in the number of irradiated V79 cell colonies was related to the power density applied and to the time of exposure. In comparison with the control samples there was a significantly higher frequency of specific chromosome aberrations such as dicentric and ring chromosomes in irradiated cells. The presence of micronuclei in irradiated cells confirmed the changes that had occurred in chromosome structure. These results suggest that microwave radiation can induce damage in the structure of chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Asynchronous populations of rat hepatoma cells (H4) in log-phase growth survived a 3-hour exposure to cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine), and RNA antimetabolite, in a simple exponential fashion with a 'DO' of 43.8 microM/l. When cordycepin-treated cells were exposed to X-irradiation, the resultant survival levels were much lower than one would expect were the agents simply additive. Patterns of X-ray survival of cells treated with cordycepin were dependent on drug concentration, the predominant effect being to decrease the DO of the X-ray survival curve. The increased sensitivity of cells exposed to cordycepin to subsequent X-ray treatment persists for longer than 4 hours after drug administration. Although immediate cordycepin post-treatment of X-irradiated cells is less effective than pre-treatment, the interaction is still significant. Cordycepin treatment did not appear to reduce split-dose recovery or to inhibit the rejoining of single-strand breaks as measured by DNA sedimentation in alkaline-sucrose gradients.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that conditions which lead to modifications in the chromatin structure could be responsible for an increased accessibility of DNA to genotoxic agents in eukaryotic cells. With this in mind, the cytotoxic and mutagenic activity of the anthracycline antibiotic, daunorubicin, and of UV radiation was assayed on V79 Chinese hamster cells pretreated or not with 5 mM sodium butyrate, an agent known to induce modifications in the chromatin structure: this treatment in fact proved to induce the hyperacetylation of the core histones, and moreover to enhance the cytotoxic response of the cells to both daunorubicin and UV radiation and the mutagenic response to daunorubicin.  相似文献   

An experimental system with a humidified irradiation chamber was developed to investigate the effects of monochromatic synchrotron radiation on cultured mammalian cells (HeLa). The dependence of the sensitivity on the wavelength based on D0 showed a minimum at about 190 nm in the range of 160 to 254 nm.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cells grown for 20 h in suspension culture form small clusters of cells (spheroids) which are more resistant to killing by ionizing radiation than V79 cells grown as monolayers. This resistance appears to be due to the greater capacity of cells grown in contact to repair radiation damage. Attempts to relate this "contact effect" to differences in DNA susceptibility or DNA repair capacity have provided conflicting results. Two techniques, alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation and alkaline elution, show no difference in the amounts of radiation-induced DNA single-strand breakage or its repair between suspension or monolayer cells. However, using the alkali-unwinding assay, the rate of DNA unwinding is much slower for suspension cells than for monolayer cells. Interestingly, a decrease in salt concentration or in pH of the unwinding solution eliminates these differences in DNA unwinding kinetics. A fourth assay, sedimentation of nucleoids on neutral sucrose gradients, also shows a significant decrease in radiation damage produced in suspension compared to monolayer cultures. It is believed that this assay measures differences in DNA conformation (supercoiling) as well as differences in DNA strand breakage. We conclude from these four assays that the same number of DNA strand breaks/Gy is produced in monolayer and spheroid cells. However, changes in DNA conformation or packaging occur when cells are grown as spheroids, and these changes are responsible for reducing DNA damage by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

V79 Chinese hamster cells were treated with hypertonic solutions of NaCl or KCl and irradiated rat various times before, during, or after exposure to the solution. In solutions of molarities between 0-2 and 0-5 M, the cellular radiosensitivity increases with the molarity of the bathing solution. At these molarities, the hypertonic solution need not be present during irradiation to sensitize cells. Furthermore, radiosensitivity of cells could be increased by exposing cells for longer times to the hypertonic solution before irradiation. At higher salt concentrations (at 1-5 to 1-8 M), significant radioprotection is observed. Survival curve data showed that this protection was characterized by an increase in DO and a decrease in n, while the survival curves of cells sensitized with 0-465 M NaCl or with lower concentrations exhibited mainly changes in DO. The 1-55 M NaCl solution must be present during radiation to give a protective effect. Prolonged exposure to the salt before irradiation reduced the amount of radioprotection afforded by the salt. The results are discussed in terms of the effects of ions on histones, cellular water structure and the cell-aging cycle.  相似文献   

The fidelity of chromosome segregation and the maintenance of the integrity of the chromosome karyotype of eukaryotiic cells is dependent upon the synthesis and functioning of division-related structures such as the nuclear spindle and events such as the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle and their subsequent movement to the poles of the dividing cell. Chemical and physical treatment which modify the synthesis and functioning of division-related events may potentially lead to the production of cells with abnormal chromosome numbers (of both whole chromosome sets and of individual chromosomes).

The ability of environmental agents to modify division-related structures in mammalian cells has been assessed by morphological examination of exposed mitotically dividing cells using staining techniques which identify spindle and chromosome structure and by the analysis of the characteristics of microtubule polymerisation in vitro. Such techniques have been used to identify the spindle-modifying effects of chemicals such as the synthetic hormone diethylstilboestrol and modifications of chromosome to spindle attachment in cells exposed to both UV- and X-irradiation. Such modifications of cell-division-related activities may lead to alterations in the fidelity of division events leading to the production of chromosomally abnormal daughter cells with aneuploid or polyploid karyotypes.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells (V79) resistant to high concentrations of Cd2+ in the medium were obtained by using the procedure of Beach & Palmiter [(1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 2110-2114], which in mouse led to amplification of metallothionein (MT) genes and to an enrichment in cellular MT. The Cd-resistant V79 clones isolated were significantly more resistant than parental cells to oxidative stress by extracellular H2O2 or a mixture of H2O2 and superoxide anion (O2-) generated by xanthine oxidase plus acetaldehyde. On a per-cell basis, there was no difference between the two cells in their total H2O2-decomposing or O2-(-)dismutating activity. The most likely explanation is that an enrichment in MT content in the Cd-resistant cells was responsible for this effect, because of the antioxidant properties already described for this protein.  相似文献   

Kirrilova TV 《Tsitologiia》2000,42(2):176-180
Flow cytometry was used to study cell cycle recovery in X-irradiated HeLa cells after the action of novobiocin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase II. A prolonged treatment with 0.4 mM novobiocin (30 h) of intact cells did not affect cell cycle progression. Novobiocin treatment of 5 Gy-irradiated cells resulted in a significant decrease of G2-block, if compared with X-irradiated cells. These data, together with our previous results on the effect of 1 mM novobiocin on cell cycle in X-irradiated CHO K1 cells, allow to suggest an involvement of topoisomerase II in cell response to ionizing radiation. But one cannot exclude a concurrent effect of novobiocin with proteins other than topoisomerase II, for example, with protein p34cdc2-kinase, known to be involved in cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

The results of numerous studies indicate that cells can become refractory to the detrimental effect of ionizing radiation when previously exposed to a low, “adapting dose”;. This phenomenon has been termed an “adaptive response”; to ionizing radiation. It has been postulated that the induced radioresistance is due to the induction of DNA repair systems which efficiently protect the adapted cells from the effects of a subsequent, high “challenging dose”;. However, a direct proof of this hypothesis is still lacking. The analyzed endpoints include chromosomal aberrations, survival, mutations, genetic instability and DNA damage repair measured by the comet assay. Frequently contradictory results were published by different authors. For example some authors observed a reduced frequency of apoptosis in adapted cells, whereas others reported the opposite. The source of variablity of the adaptive response in human lymphocytes remains unresolved. While there is no doubt that an adapting dose can trigger some protecting mechanisms within the cell it appears that there is no single, universal mechanism of the adaptive response that is valid for all cell types and irradiation conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of ornithindecarboxylase in various tissues and in the amount of catecholamine in rat hypothalamus by the action of acute and chronic ionizing radiation were studied. A nonmonotonous relationship between the metabolic parameters of animal tissues and cells and the radiation dose was revealed. It was assumed that the nonmonotonous character of the dose-response dependence results from the nonmonotonous time course of the metabolic response to irradiation. It was also assumed that living systems have the property of responding to stress agents by nonmonotonous changes in metabolism. In the case of acute irradiation, this response manifests itself as oscillations of metabolic parameters about the control. The oscillations occur with a particular amplitude and periods, which vary with radiation dose, and damp out with time. As a result, in a fixed time interval, the dose-response curve may be nonmonotonous. Reverse dose-response relationships are also possible. In the case of chronic irradiation, the metabolic and functional parameters oscillate throughout irradiation time, and a modification of the response occurs. A prolong exposure to ionizing radiation causes strong changes in the metabolism of lipids of cell membranes, organelles and chromatin, as well as in the functional properties of some mammalian cells and tissues. The necessity of constructing quantitative models for explaining the nonmonotonous dose-response dependence is discussed.  相似文献   

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