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童国遐  赵白鸽 《生理学报》1992,44(3):269-274
本文观察了外源性阿片肽对大鼠离体黄体细胞孕酮生成的影响,结果表明:β-内啡肽以剂量-反应依赖方式促进黄体细胞孕酮生成,有效浓度范围是10~(-8)-10~(-6) mol/L;强啡肽仅在浓度为10~(-6)mol/L时才显示刺激孕酮生成的作用;而甲硫-脑啡肽无明显作用。μ-阿片受体激动剂DAGO和乙基吗啡也能明显促进孕酮的生成。纳洛酮可完全阻断β-内啡肽,DAGO和乙基吗啡的作用。由于大鼠血液中β-内啡肽含量较低,而卵巢局部具有较高浓度的β-内啡肽。因此,我们认为,β-内啡肽可能在卵巢局部参与黄体细胞孕酮生成的调节,是卵巢内促黄体因子之一,这种作用可能是由μ-型阿片受体介导的。  相似文献   

GABA影响大鼠卵巢黄体细胞孕酮的生成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhang H  Ni J  Zhang W  Tian SJ 《生理学报》2000,52(3):185-187
实验用离体培养方法观察GABA对大鼠黄体细胞孕酮及羟自由基(.OH)生成的影响。结果表明:GABA抑制黄体细胞孕酮的生成,同时也促进黄体细胞.OH的生成。GABA对孕酮的抑制作用可能与腺苷酸环化酶系统及GABAA型受体有关,而与蛋白质合成无关。  相似文献   

二十一种氨基酸对hCG致大鼠黄体细胞孕酮生成作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选用PMSG-hCG预处理的未成年雌性大鼠卵巢黄体经DNA酶-胶原酶消化后,制成黄体细胞悬浮液。在黄体细胞悬浮液的培养管内,加入hCG100mIU/ml 100μl,同时加入三种浓度(0.02,0.2,2mmol/L)的二十一种氨基酸,充入95%O_2+5%CO_2,37℃孵育1.5h,用放射免疫分析方法测孕酮含量。结果表明:二十一种氨基酸中,只有酪氨酸、苏氨酸、丝氨酸可对抗hCG致孕酮生成作用。这三种氨基酸在结构上均具有羟基,都是蛋白质磷酸化的位点,据此推测:这三种氨基酸抗hCG致孕酮生成作用可能与干扰蛋白激酶的磷酸化有关。  相似文献   

倪江  朱辉 《生理学报》1996,48(5):507-511
本实验观察了胰岛素样生长因子Ⅱ(IGF-Ⅱ)对大鼠离体培养黄体细胞孕酮生长的影响,并对其作用机制进行了探讨。结果显示,IGF-Ⅱ能显著地促进大鼠离体培养黄体细胞孕酮生成并呈剂量-效应关系,同时还能促进^3H-亮氨酸掺入黄体细胞蛋白质的合成,促进^3H-胸腺嘧啶掺入DNA的合成,而上述效应分别被放线菌酮(CYX)和放线菌素D所抑制。此外,IGF-Ⅱ对大鼠离体黄体细胞内泊性cAMP和hCG诱导的cAM  相似文献   

郑月慧  吴绮明 《动物学报》1999,45(2):194-199
采用离体孵育大鼠黄体细胞的方法,观察了反义c-fos寡脱氧核苷酸(反义c-fosODN)对hCG诱导的黄体细胞孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E2)产生的影响,同时观察了外源性cAMP和钙离子通道阻断剂维拉帕米对黄体细胞中c-fos蛋白的影响。结果发现,反义c-fosODN能呈剂量相关方式抑制hCG诱导的黄体细胞P和E2的产生,同时使c-fos蛋白染色阳性的黄体细胞百分数下降;而无义tat ODN没有相应的作  相似文献   

c-erbB_2对大鼠黄体细胞hCG诱导的孕酮分泌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用离体细胞体外孵育法 ,研究反义c erbB2 寡脱氧核苷酸 (antisensec erbB2 ODN)对大鼠黄体细胞hCG诱导的孕酮分泌的影响 ,及其与外源性cAMP和Ca2 以及蛋白抑制剂放线菌酮 (CYX)之间的关系。结果表明 ,反义c erbB2 以剂量相关方式抑制黄体细胞hCG诱导的孕酮的产生 ,同时使c erbB2 蛋白染色阳性的黄体细胞百分数下降 ,无义tatODN没有相应的作用。10 -4 mol/L的二丁酰cAMP能明显反转反义c erbB2 ODN对孕酮产生和c erbB2 表达的抑制作用 ,钙离子通道阻断剂维拉帕米和蛋白抑制剂CYX对此抑制作用有协同效应。该实验说明c erbB2 参于hCG诱导黄体细胞生孕酮作用  相似文献   

本工作用二种离子通道阻断剂四乙胺(TEA)和河豚毒素(TTX)来研究 Na~+、K~+通道的改变对大鼠黄体细胞孕酮生成的影响。10~(-3)mol/L 的 TEA 或 TTX 均使孕酮分泌量显著增加,而这种促进效应可被酪氨酸(Tyr)完全阻断。Tyr 对 TEA 或 TTX 与 hCG 联合所引起的孕酮分泌也有抑制作用。上述实验说明跨黄体细胞内外的 K~+和 Na~+浓度差与孕酮分泌有关。  相似文献   

采用离体孵育大鼠黄体细胞的方法,观察了反义c-fos寡脱氧核苷酸(反义c-fos ODN)对hCG诱导的黄体细胞孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E  相似文献   

c—erbB2对大鼠黄体细胞hCG诱导的孕酮分泌的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用离体细胞体外孵育法,研究反义c-erbB2寡脱氧核苷酸(antisense c-erbB2 ODN)对大鼠黄体细胞hCG诱导的孕酮分泌的影响,及其与外源性cAMP和Ca^2+以及蛋白抑制剂放线菌酮(CYX)之间的关系。结果表明,反义c-erbB2以剂量相关方式抑制黄体细胞hCG诱导的孕酮的产生,同时使c-erbB2蛋白染色阳性的黄体细胞百分数下降,无义tat ODN没有相应的作用。10^-4  相似文献   

Effects of forskolin on progesterone and plasminogen activator production in pseudopregnant ratcorpora lutea was investigated using isolated in vitro perfused ovaries.Progesterone andplasminogen activator production were measured on day 1,8 and 18 of hCG-inducedpseudopregnancy.The results indicated:different concentrations of forskolin(100,200,400 and800 μg)administered to ovaries on the 8th day of pseudopregnancy caused elevation of progesteronesecretion in a dose-dependent manner.After 8 hours of perfusion,PA contents increasedsignificantly in ovaries treated with forskolin.With exogenous PA-urokinase(800 U)added to theperfusion solution,progesterone secretion increased significantly as compared to control group andremained on high level throughout the perfusion period.Though exerting no apparent effects in lowdosage(5 mM),AMCHA,a PA inhibitor,administered in higher dosage(10 and 15 mM)led tomarked reduction in PA activity and progesterone secretion as compared to control group.Thusforskolin causes significant elevation of level of progesterone secretion and PA activity inpseudopregnant rat ovary perfused in vitro.And PA seems to regulate progesterone secretion in theperfused rat corpora luteum.  相似文献   

Corpus luteum size and plasma progesterone concentration in cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G.E. Mann   《Animal reproduction science》2009,115(1-4):296-299
It is often assumed that a larger corpus luteum will produce more progesterone and generate higher circulating plasma concentrations. The aim of the study was to determine whether the size of the corpus luteum does actually determine circulating plasma progesterone concentrations. Data were collated from a number of studies on various aspects of luteal function in non-lactating dairy cows to allow comparisons to be made between corpus luteum weight and plasma progesterone concentration across the luteal phase. In these studies oestrous cycles had been synchronised and animals slaughtered on day 5, day 8 or day 16 following oestrus. Both corpus luteum weight and plasma progesterone concentration increased between day 5 and day 8. Plasma progesterone concentration but not luteal weight also increased between day 8 and day 16. On day 5 there was a strong relationship between corpus luteum weight and plasma progesterone (R2 = 0.64; P < 0.001). However, no such relationship was present on day 8 or day 16. These results indicate that while during the early stage of corpus luteum development a relationship between size and progesterone is present, by day 8 of the cycle, the size of the corpus luteum is no longer of importance in determining circulating progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

It is here reported for the first time that luteal cells are capable of secreting plasminogen activators(PA),(both tissue-type,tPA,and urokinase-type,uPA),and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1(PAl-1).Using organ culture model,we have demonstrated that tPA,but not uPA,showed markedchange during luteolytic period in rat corpus luteum.A great amount oftPA was secreted in corpusluteum on D 14 and D 17 while very low level of tPA activity was detected before D 12.Correspondingly,the progesterone production in the corpus luteum increased gradually in a time-dependent manner from D 1 to D 12 but dropped abruptly to a very low level on D 14.Additionof exogenous tPA to the CL culture caused considerable decrease in progesterone secretion whileinclusion of purified monoclone tPA antibodies in the culture augmented progesterone productionof CL.It is therefore suggested that tPA may play an important role in luteolytic process.  相似文献   

This study compared the effect of double and single ovulation on serum progesterone concentrations and luteal characteristics in Sanjabi ewes at different days of the estrous cycle. The estrous cycles of 197 Sanjabi ewes were synchronized by a 12-day treatment with intravaginal sponges (Chronogest®). Estrus was detected in 144 ewes 27–39 h after sponge removal. Daily blood samples were taken every morning and analyzed for serum progesterone (P4). Ewes were then transported to a local abattoir, where nine ewes were slaughtered on each experimental day (days 1–16 after estrus) for ovary collection. The ovarian follicles were measured and categorized by size (very small <2 mm; small 2–3.5 mm; medium 3.5–5 mm; large >5 mm). On each slaughter day, the number of corpora lutea per ewe was classified as single and double ovulation. The results show that the effect of dominant follicles was less during the mid-luteal phase. Ovulation rate of right, left and both ovaries were (54.9%), (23.6%) and (21.5%), respectively. The incidence of double ovulations was 40.2%. In the case of ewes exhibiting double ovulation, 46.6% occurred unilateral (ewes exhibited both ovulations on the right ovary); whereas 53.4% occurred bilateral (ewes exhibited ovulations on the right and left ovaries). Unilateral double ovulation was not observed in the left ovary. The right ovary appeared to play a significantly greater role in ewes showing single and double ovulations than the left ovary (P < 0.05). Serum progesterone concentration showed minimum and maximum levels of 0.29 ± 0.15 and 5.51 ± 0.75 ng/ml on days 16 and 11 post-estrous, respectively (P < 0.001). The mean volume of individual corpus lutea in ewes with single ovulations was significantly higher than in ewes with double ovulations (P < 0.01). However, the total volume of corpus lutea in ewes with single ovulation was significantly lower than in ewes with double ovulations in some days of estrous cycle (P < 0.01). The serum progesterone concentration was significantly higher in double than single ovulating animals on days 1–16 of the estrous cycle (P < 0.001). These results indicated a relatively high incidence of double ovulation in ewes associated with increasing total luteal volume and high circulating concentrations of progesterone.  相似文献   

目的:研究三氯生对原代大鼠卵巢颗粒细胞孕酮(P4)分泌功能的影响。方法:原代大鼠卵巢颗粒细胞培养备用。取备用的卵巢颗粒细胞采用不同浓度的三氯生(0、0.01、0.1、1μM)染毒。24 h后分别采用MTT法检测颗粒细胞的相对活力、酶联免疫法(ELISA法)检测颗粒细胞P4分泌水平、实时荧光定量PCR法(q RT-PCR)及western blot法检测类固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(St AR)、胆固醇侧链裂解酶(P450scc)以及3β-羟基类固醇脱氢酶(3β-HSD)的基因及蛋白表达水平。结果:三氯生在本研究所采用的浓度范围内对颗粒细胞的活性并没有影响(P0.05);三氯生(0.1、1μM)可抑制颗粒细胞P4的分泌,且呈现剂量依赖性下降(P0.05)。三氯生(0.1、1μM)可使St AR的基因表达水平显著增高、P450scc的基因表达水平下降(P0.05)。1μM三氯生可使St AR及P450scc的蛋白表达水平明显降低(P0.05)。三氯生对3β-HSD的基因及蛋白表达水平皆没有影响(P0.05)。结论:三氯生可抑制原代大鼠卵巢颗粒细胞的P4分泌,对类固醇激素合成关键分子的影响可能是其作用机制之一。  相似文献   

本文观察了抑制素/激活素α、βB与βB亚基基因在人早(3天)、中(3天)及晚(15天)期黄体组织的表达。α-mRNAs在早期黄体最高;βA-mRNAs仅在早期出现,而βB-mRNAs从黄体早期至晚期逐步增高。提示人黄体抑制素可能为抑制素B。晚期黄体可能有激活素B的生成。  相似文献   

目的利用Wistar大鼠烟雾吸入模型,观察被动吸烟对Wistar大鼠卵巢结构的影响,检测生殖激素水平,分析生殖内分泌的变化,为提倡生育期妇女避免被动吸烟提供新的理论依据。方法建立大鼠烟雾吸入模型。32只健康雌性Wistar大鼠,鼠龄(60±5)d,每只体重200~250g,随机分为空白对照组和实验组,每组16只。实验组吸烟3个月,对照组正常饲养。3个月后处死两组大鼠。酶联免疫吸附试验方法 (enzyme linkedimmunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测雌鼠血清中雌激素(estrogen,E2)、孕激素(progesterone,P4)的水平;常规石蜡切片,免疫组织化学SP法检测各组雌鼠卵巢雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ER)、孕激素受体(progesterone receptor,PR)的表达情况。所得数据采用SPSS软件作统计学处理分析,比较各组间差异程度。结果①酶联免疫吸附试验结果 :吸烟3个月大鼠血清E2水平比空白对照组显著降低,其浓度值比较差异有显著性;吸烟3个月大鼠血清P4水平比空白对照组显著降低,其浓度值比较差异有显著性。②免疫组织化学结果 :ER主要表达在大鼠卵巢组织的各级生长卵泡的颗粒细胞的细胞核内,呈棕黄色颗粒状分布,卵泡膜细胞和间质细胞也有少量表达。吸烟3个月的大鼠卵巢组织中ER的表达显著低于空白对照组。PR主要表达在大鼠卵巢组织卵泡的颗粒细胞的细胞质和细胞核中,呈棕黄色颗粒状分布,吸烟3个月的大鼠卵巢组织中PR的表达显著低于空白对照组。结论①成功的建立了大鼠被动吸烟模型。②被动吸烟可使大鼠血清中E2及P4水平明显降低,使大鼠卵巢中ER及PR的表达减少,提示被动吸烟可破坏卵巢的功能,引起生殖内分泌失调。  相似文献   

Galectin-1 and galectin-3, β-galactoside–binding lectins, are predominantly expressed in the regressing corpus luteum (CL) of mouse ovary. This study revealed the expression patterns and cellular localizations of galectins during CL formation and regression by ISH and IHC. Galectin-1 mRNA expression temporarily increased in active CL, preceding the expression of progesterone degradation enzyme 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20α-HSD), which represents functional luteolysis. The expressions of both galectin-1 and galectin-3 remarkably increased in the structurally regressing CL, which vigorously expressed 20α-HSD and contained abundant apoptotic luteal cells. Ultrastructurally, galectin-1– and galectin-3–immunoreactive cells were identified as fibroblasts and infiltrating macrophages, respectively. In addition, some populations of luteal cells themselves expressed galectin-3 in regressing CL and formed unique demarcation membranes in the cytoplasm, showing a non-typical apoptotic feature. Ovary of adult mice with repeated estrus cycles contained CL of three different generations. Among them, the old CL formed during previous estrus cycles consisted of galectin-3–positive luteal cells. The galectin-3–positive old CL was resistant to apoptosis and seemed to be eliminated by a mechanism different from apoptosis. The stage- and cell-specific expression of galectin in CL suggests its differential contribution to luteolysis, and this expression may be mediated by major regulatory molecules of CL function, prolactin and/or prostaglandin F2α. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:741–749, 2010)  相似文献   

To check human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) effects on luteal blood flow (LBF) and progesterone (P4) synthesis, six cows received either 3000 IU hCG or saline (NaCl) on Day 7 (Day 1 = ovulation) during two estrous cycles. Plasma P4 and LBF were measured before (0 h) and up to 48 h after treatment. Luteal blood flow increased by 51% (P < 0.05) at 1 h after hCG administration and returned to baseline levels thereafter. Plasma P4 levels were increased from pretreatment levels by 30% at 1 h (P = 0.05) and 81% at 48 h (P = 0.02) after hCG treatment. In contrast, NaCl did not cause changes in LBF and P4 (P > 0.05). Additionally, central and peripheral parts of 14 abattoir-derived corpora lutea of the mid-luteal phase (Day 8 to 12) were perfused with Ringer solution in an in vitro microdialysis system, supplemented with 50 or 150 IU/mL hCG for 1 h. Application of 50 IU/mL hCG showed no influence on P4 response (P > 0.05) in both central and peripheral parts, whereas 150 IU/mL hCG resulted in an increase of P4 synthesis (P = 0.002) in the central parts only. In vivo, hCG provoked an immediate and long-term rise in P4 but only a temporary elevation of LBF. Luteal blood flow itself does not seem to be the exclusive cause for an increase in P4, because the in vitro data clearly showed direct effects of hCG on P4 secretion. Interestingly, different P4 secretion patterns could be found between central and peripheral parts of the corpus luteum in both control and hCG perfused corpora lutea.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different doses of porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) versus 100 μg gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on ovulatory response (during diestrus and proestrus) and corpus luteum (CL) development in nonlactating cows. In Experiment 1, 75 cows received an intravaginal insert containing 1.9 g progesterone (P4) for 10 d to synchronize estrus (Day 0), with prostaglandin F (PGF) at insert removal. On Day 5, all follicles ≥8 mm were ablated, and on Day 12, cows received 8, 12.5, or 25 mg pLH or 100 μg GnRH. Mean (±SEM) plasma P4 concentrations on Day 12 did not differ among treatments (5.6 ± 0.2 ng/mL). Mean plasma LH concentration was greatest (P < 0.01) in cows given 25 mg pLH (4.3 ± 0.4 ng/mL). The ovulatory response to 25 mg pLH (84%) or 100 μg GnRH (72%) was greater (P < 0.05) than that to 8 mg pLH (32%), but not different from that of 12.5 mg pLH (58%). In Experiment 2, 68 cows were given two injections of PGF 10 d apart to synchronize estrus (Day 0). On Day 7, cows received PGF, and, 36 h later, pLH or GnRH (as in Experiment 1). The interval from treatment to ovulation was most variable in cows given 8 mg pLH; only 65% of these cows ovulated during the initial 27 h versus 88% of cows given 25 mg pLH (P < 0.05). Cows given 25 mg pLH or 100 μg GnRH had larger CL area and greater plasma P4 concentrations (P < 0.05) than that of those given 8 mg pLH. In summary, diestrous cows given 25 mg pLH had the greatest plasma luteinizing hormone concentrations, but ovulatory response did not differ from that of those given 100 μg GnRH. Proestrous cows given 25 mg pLH or 100 μg GnRH had greater CL area and P4 concentrations than that of those given 8 mg pLH.  相似文献   

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