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Human telomeric DNA G-quadruplex has been considered as an attractive target for cancer therapeutic intervention. The telomeric sequence shows intrinsic structure polymorphism. Here we report a novel intramolecular G-quadruplex structure formed by a variant human telomeric sequence in K+ solution. This sequence forms a basket-type intramolecular G-quadruplex with only two G-tetrads but multiple-layer capping structures formed by loop residues. While it is shown that this structure can only be detected in the specifically truncated telomeric sequences without any 5′-flanking residues, our results suggest that this two-G-tetrad conformation is likely to be an intermediate form of the interconversion of different telomeric G-quadruplex conformations.  相似文献   

We report the NMR solution structure of the intramolecular G-quadruplex formed in human telomeric DNA in K+. The hybrid-type telomeric G-quadruplex consists of three G-tetrads linked with mixed parallel–antiparallel G-strands, with the bottom two G-tetrads having the same G-arrangement (anti:anti:syn:anti) and the top G-tetrad having the reversed G-arrangement (syn:syn:anti:syn). The three TTA loop segments adopt different conformations, with the first TTA assuming a double-chain-reversal loop conformation, and the second and third TTA assuming lateral loop conformations. The NMR structure is very well defined, including the three TTA loops and the two flanking sequences at 5′- and 3′-ends. Our study indicates that the three loop regions interact with the core G-tetrads in a specific way that defines and stabilizes the unique human telomeric G-quadruplex structure in K+. Significantly, a novel adenine triple platform is formed with three naturally occurring adenine residues, A21, A3 and A9, capping the top tetrad of the hybrid-type telomeric G-quadruplex. This adenine triple is likely to play an important role in the formation of a stable human telomeric G-quadruplex structure in K+. The unique human telomeric G-quadruplex structure formed in K+ suggests that it can be specifically targeted for anticancer drug design.  相似文献   

Human telomeric DNA consists of tandem repeats of the sequence d(TTAGGG). The formation and stabilization of DNA G-quadruplexes in the human telomeric sequence have been shown to inhibit the activity of telomerase, thus the telomeric DNA G-quadruplex has been considered as an attractive target for cancer therapeutic intervention. However, knowledge of the intact human telomeric G-quadruplex structure(s) formed under physiological conditions is a prerequisite for structure-based rational drug design. Here we report the folding structure of the human telomeric sequence in K+ solution determined by NMR. Our results demonstrate a novel, unprecedented intramolecular G-quadruplex folding topology with hybrid-type mixed parallel/antiparallel G-strands. This telomeric G-quadruplex structure contains three G-tetrads with mixed G-arrangements, which are connected consecutively with a double-chain-reversal side loop and two lateral loops, each consisting of three nucleotides TTA. This intramolecular hybrid-type telomeric G-quadruplex structure formed in K+ solution is distinct from those reported on the 22 nt Tel22 in Na+ solution and in crystalline state in the presence of K+, and appears to be the predominant conformation for the extended 26 nt telomeric sequence Tel26 in the presence of K+, regardless of the presence or absence of Na+. Furthermore, the addition of K+ readily converts the Na+-form conformation to the K+-form hybrid-type G-quadruplex. Our results explain all the reported experimental data on the human telomeric G-quadruplexes formed in the presence of K+, and provide important insights for understanding the polymorphism and interconversion of various G-quadruplex structures formed within the human telomeric sequence, as well as the effects of sequence and cations. This hybrid-type G-quadruplex topology suggests a straightforward pathway for the secondary structure formation with effective packing within the extended human telomeric DNA. The hybrid-type telomeric G-quadruplex is most likely to be of pharmacological relevance, and the distinct folding topology of this G-quadruplex suggests that it can be specifically targeted by G-quadruplex interactive small molecule drugs.  相似文献   

Intramolecular G-quadruplexes formed by the human telomeric G-rich strand are promising anticancer targets. Here we show that four-repeat human telomeric DNA sequences can adopt two different intramolecular G-quadruplex folds in K+ solution. The two structures contain the (3+1) G-tetrad core, in which three G-tracts are oriented in one direction and the fourth in the opposite direction, with one double-chain-reversal and two edgewise loops, but involve different loop arrangements. This result indicates the robustness of the (3+1) core G-quadruplex topology, thereby suggesting it as an important platform for structure-based drug design. Our data also support the view that multiple human telomeric G-quadruplex conformations coexist in K+ solution. Furthermore, even small changes to flanking sequences can perturb the equilibrium between different coexisting G-quadruplex forms.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) proximal promoter region contains a poly G/C-rich element that is essential for basal and inducible VEGF expression. The guanine-rich strand on this tract has been shown to form the DNA G-quadruplex structure, whose stabilization by small molecules can suppress VEGF expression. We report here the nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the major intramolecular G-quadruplex formed in this region in K+ solution using the 22mer VEGF promoter sequence with G-to-T mutations of two loop residues. Our results have unambiguously demonstrated that the major G-quadruplex formed in the VEGF promoter in K+ solution is a parallel-stranded structure with a 1:4:1 loop-size arrangement. A unique capping structure was shown to form in this 1:4:1 G-quadruplex. Parallel-stranded G-quadruplexes are commonly found in the human promoter sequences. The nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the major VEGF G-quadruplex shows that the 4-nt middle loop plays a central role for the specific capping structures and in stabilizing the most favored folding pattern. It is thus suggested that each parallel G-quadruplex likely adopts unique capping and loop structures by the specific middle loops and flanking segments, which together determine the overall structure and specific recognition sites of small molecules or proteins.LAY SUMMARY: The human VEGF is a key regulator of angiogenesis and plays an important role in tumor survival, growth and metastasis. VEGF overexpression is frequently found in a wide range of human tumors; the VEGF pathway has become an attractive target for cancer therapeutics. DNA G-quadruplexes have been shown to form in the proximal promoter region of VEGF and are amenable to small molecule drug targeting for VEGF suppression. The detailed molecular structure of the major VEGF promoter G-quadruplex reported here will provide an important basis for structure-based rational development of small molecule drugs targeting the VEGF G-quadruplex for gene suppression.  相似文献   

Cation-induced folding into quadruplex structures for three model human telomeric oligonucleotides, d[AGGG(TTAGGG)(3)], d[TTGGG(TTAGGG)(3)A] and d[TTGGG(TTAGGG)(3)], was characterized by equilibrium titrations with KCl and NaCl and by multiwavelength stopped flow kinetics. Cation binding was cooperative with Hill coefficients of 1.5-2.2 in K(+) and 2.4-2.9 in Na(+) with half-saturation concentrations of 0.5-1 mM for K(+) and 4-13 mM for Na(+) depending on the oligonucleotide sequence. Oligonucleotide folding in 50 mM KCl at 25 degrees C consisted of single exponential processes with relaxation times tau of 20-60 ms depending on the sequence. In contrast, folding in100 mM NaCl consisted of three exponentials with tau-values of 40-85 ms, 250-950 ms and 1.5-10.5 s. The folding rate constants approached limiting values with increasing cation concentration; in addition, the rates of folding decreased with increasing temperature over the range 15-45 degrees C. Taken together, these results suggest that folding of G-rich oligonucleotides into quadruplex structures proceeds via kinetically significant intermediates. These intermediates may consist of antiparallel hairpins in rapid equilibrium with less ordered structures. The hairpins may subsequently form nascent G-quartets stabilized by H-bonding and cation binding followed by relatively slow strand rearrangements to form the final completely folded topologies. Fewer kinetic intermediates were evident with K(+) than Na(+), suggesting a simpler folding pathway in K(+) solutions.  相似文献   

Intramolecular G-quadruplexes formed by human telomere sequences are attractive anticancer targets. Recently, four-repeat human telomere sequences have been shown to form two different intramolecular (3 + 1) G-quadruplexes in K(+) solution (Form 1 and Form 2). Here we report on the solution structures of both Form 1 and Form 2 adopted by natural human telomere sequences. Both structures contain the (3 + 1) G-tetrad core with one double-chain-reversal and two edgewise loops, but differ in the successive order of loop arrangements within the G-quadruplex scaffold. Our results provide the structural details at the two ends of the G-tetrad core in the context of natural sequences and information on different loop conformations. This structural information might be important for our understanding of telomere G-quadruplex structures and for anticancer drug design targeted to such scaffolds.  相似文献   

The structure of human telomeric DNA is controversial; it depends upon the sequence contexts and the methodologies used to determine it. The solution structure in the presence of K(+) is particularly interesting, but the structure is yet to be elucidated, due to possible conformational heterogeneity. Here, a unique strategy is applied to stabilize one such structure in a K(+) solution by substituting guanosines with 8-bromoguanosines at proper positions. The resulting spectra are cleaner and led to determination of the structure at a high atomic resolution. This demonstrates that the application of 8-bromoguanosine is a powerful tool to overcome the difficulty of nucleic acid structure determination arising from conformational heterogeneity. The obtained structure is a mixed-parallel/antiparallel quadruplex. The structure of telomeric DNA was recently reported in another study, in which stabilization was brought about by mutation and resultant additional interactions [Luu KN, Phan AT, Kuryavyi V, Lacroix L & Patel DJ (2006) Structure of the human telomere in K(+) solution: an intramolecular (3+1) G-quadruplex scaffold. J Am Chem Soc 128, 9963-9970]. The structure of the guanine tracts was similar between the two. However, a difference was seen for loops connecting guanine tracts, which may play a role in the higher order arrangement of telomeres. Our structure can be utilized to design a small molecule which stabilizes the quadruplex. This type of molecule is supposed to inhibit a telomerase and thus is expected to be a candidate anticancer drug.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA overhangs at the ends of human telomeric repeats are capable of adopting four-stranded G-quadruplex structures, which could serve as potential anticancer targets. Out of the five reported intramolecular human telomeric G-quadruplex structures, four were formed in the presence of K+ ions and only one in the presence of Na+ ions, leading often to a perception that this structural polymorphism occurs exclusively in the presence of K+ but not Na+. Here we present the structure of a new antiparallel (2+2) G-quadruplex formed by a derivative of a 27-nt human telomeric sequence in Na+ solution, which comprises a novel core arrangement distinct from the known topologies. This structure complements the previously elucidated basket-type human telomeric G-quadruplex to serve as reference structures in Na+-containing environment. These structures, together with the coexistence of other conformations in Na+ solution as observed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, establish the polymorphic nature of human telomeric repeats beyond the influence of K+ ions.  相似文献   

Human MCFD2 (multiple coagulation factor deficiency 2) is a 16-kDa protein known to participate in transport of the glycosylated human coagulation factors V and VIII along the secretory pathway. Mutations in MCFD2 or in its binding partner, the membrane-bound transporter ERGIC (endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment)-53, cause a mild form of inherited hemophilia known as combined deficiency of factors V and VIII (F5F8D). While ERGIC-53 is known to be a lectin-type mannose binding protein, the role of MCFD2 in the secretory pathway is comparatively unclear. MCFD2 has been shown to bind both ERGIC-53 and the blood coagulation factors, but little is known about the binding sites or the true function of the protein. In order to facilitate understanding of the function of MCFD2 and the mechanism by which mutations in the protein cause F5F8D, we have determined the structure of human MCFD2 in solution by NMR. Our results show the folding of MCFD2 to be dependent on availability of calcium ions. The protein, which is disordered in the apo state, folds upon binding of Ca2+ to the two EF-hand motifs of its C-terminus, while retaining some localized disorder in the N-terminus. NMR studies on two disease-causing mutant variants of MCFD2 show both to be predominantly disordered, even in the presence of calcium ions. These results provide an explanation for the previously observed calcium dependence of the MCFD2-ERGIC-53 interaction and, furthermore, clarify the means by which mutations in this protein result in inefficient secretion of blood coagulation factors V and VIII.  相似文献   

Protein O-fucosylation is a post-translational modification found on serine/threonine residues of thrombospondin type 1 repeats (TSR). The fucose transfer is catalysed by the enzyme protein O-fucosyltransferase 2 (POFUT2) and 440 human proteins contain the TSR consensus sequence for POFUT2-dependent fucosylation. To better understand O-fucosylation on TSR, we carried out a structural and functional analysis of human POFUT2 and its TSR substrate. Crystal structures of POFUT2 reveal a variation of the classical GT-B fold and identify sugar donor and TSR acceptor binding sites. Structural findings are correlated with steady-state kinetic measurements of wild-type and mutant POFUT2 and TSR and give insight into the catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity. By using an artificial mini-TSR substrate, we show that specificity is not primarily encoded in the TSR protein sequence but rather in the unusual 3D structure of a small part of the TSR. Our findings uncover that recognition of distinct conserved 3D fold motifs can be used as a mechanism to achieve substrate specificity by enzymes modifying completely folded proteins of very wide sequence diversity and biological function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Ca2+ binding apoptosis-linked gene-2 (ALG-2) protein acts as a proapoptotic factor in a variety of cell lines and is required either downstream or independently of caspases for apoptosis to occur. ALG-2 belongs to the penta-EF-hand (PEF) protein family and has two high-affinity and one low-affinity Ca2+ binding sites. Like other PEF proteins, its N terminus contains a Gly/Pro-rich segment. Ca2+ binding is required for the interaction with the target protein, ALG-2 interacting protein 1 (AIP1). RESULTS: We present the 2.3 A resolution crystal structure of Ca2+-Ioaded des1-20ALG-2 (aa 21-191), which was obtained by limited proteolysis of recombinant ALG-2 with elastase. The molecule contains eight alpha helices that fold into five EF-hands, and, similar to other members of this protein family, the molecule forms dimers. Ca2+ ions bind to EF1, EF3, and, surprisingly, to EF5. In the related proteins calpain and grancalcin, the EF5 does not bind Ca2+ and is thought to primarily facilitate dimerization. Most importantly, the conformation of des1-20ALG-2 is significantly different from that of calpain and grancalcin. This difference can be described as a rigid body rotation of EF1-2 relative to EF4-5 and the dimer interface, with a hinge within the EF3 loop. An electron density, which is interpreted as a hydrophobic Gly/Pro-rich decapeptide that is possibly derived from the cleaved N terminus, was found in a hydrophobic cleft between these two halves of the molecule. CONCLUSIONS: A different relative orientation of the N- and C-terminal halves of des1-20ALG-2 in the presence of Ca2+ and the peptide as compared to other Ca2+loaded PEF proteins changes substantially the shape of the molecule, exposing a hydrophobic patch on the surface for peptide binding and a large cleft near the dimer interface. We postulate that the binding of a Gly/ Pro-rich peptide in the presence of Ca2+ induces a conformational rearrangement in ALG-2, and that this mechanism is common to other PEF proteins.  相似文献   

G-quadruplex structures formed in the telomeric DNA are thought to play a role in the telomere function. Drugs that stabilize the G-quadruplexes were shown to have anticancer effects. The structures formed by the basic telomeric quadruplex-forming unit G(3)(TTAG(3))(3) were the subject of multiple studies. Here, we employ (125)I-radioprobing, a method based on analysis of the distribution of DNA breaks after decay of (125)I incorporated into one of the nucleotides, to determine the fold of the telomeric DNA in the presence of TMPyP4 and telomestatin, G-quadruplex-binding ligands and putative anticancer drugs. We show that d[G(3)(TTAG(3))(3)(125)I-CT] adopts basket conformation in the presence of NaCl and that addition of either of the drugs does not change this conformation of the quadruplex. In KCl, the d[G(3)(TTAG(3))(3)(125)I-CT] is most likely present as a mixture of two or more conformations, but addition of the drugs stabilize the basket conformation. We also show that d[G(3)(TTAG(3))(3)(125)I-CT] with a 5'-flanking sequence folds into (3+1) type 2 conformation in KCl, while in NaCl it adopts a novel (3+1) basket conformation with a diagonal central loop. The results demonstrate the structural flexibility of the human telomeric DNA; and show how cations, quadruplex-binding drugs and flanking sequences can affect the conformation of the telomeric quadruplex.  相似文献   

Guanine‐rich DNA sequences that may form G‐quadruplexes are located in strategic DNA loci with the ability to regulate biological events. G‐quadruplexes have been under intensive scrutiny owing to their potential to serve as novel drug targets in emerging anticancer strategies. Thermodynamic characterization of G‐quadruplexes is an important and necessary step in developing predictive algorithms for evaluating the conformational preferences of G‐rich sequences in the presence or the absence of their complementary C‐rich strands. We use a combination of spectroscopic, calorimetric, and volumetric techniques to characterize the folding/unfolding transitions of the 26‐meric human telomeric sequence d[A3G3(T2AG3)3A2]. In the presence of K+ ions, the latter adopts the hybrid‐1 G‐quadruplex conformation, a tightly packed structure with an unusually small number of solvent‐exposed atomic groups. The K+‐induced folding of the G‐quadruplex at room temperature is a slow process that involves significant accumulation of an intermediate at the early stages of the transition. The G‐quadruplex state of the oligomeric sequence is characterized by a larger volume and compressibility and a smaller expansibility than the coil state. These results are in qualitative agreement with each other all suggesting significant dehydration to accompany the G‐quadruplex formation. Based on our volume data, 432 ± 19 water molecules become released to the bulk upon the G‐quadruplex formation. This large number is consistent with a picture in which DNA dehydration is not limited to water molecules in direct contact with the regions that become buried but involves a general decrease in solute–solvent interactions all over the surface of the folded structure. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 216–227, 2014.  相似文献   

G-quadruplex structures can occur throughout the genome, including at telomeres. They are involved in cellular regulation and are potential drug targets. Human telomeric G-quadruplex structures can fold into a number of different conformations and show large conformational diversity. To elucidate the different G-quadruplex conformations and their dynamics, we investigated telomeric G-quadruplex folding using single molecule FRET microscopy in conditions where it was previously believed to yield low structural heterogeneity. We observed four FRET states in Na+ buffers: an unfolded state and three G-quadruplex related states that can interconvert between each other. Several of these states were almost equally populated at low to medium salt concentrations. These observations appear surprising as previous studies reported primarily one G-quadruplex conformation in Na+ buffers. Our results permit, through the analysis of the dynamics of the different observed states, the identification of a more stable G-quadruplex conformation and two transient G-quadruplex states. Importantly these results offer a unique view into G-quadruplex topological heterogeneity and conformational dynamics.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a fully active form of human protein kinase CK2 (casein kinase 2) consisting of two C-terminally truncated catalytic and two regulatory subunits has been determined at 3.1 A resolution. In the CK2 complex the regulatory subunits form a stable dimer linking the two catalytic subunits, which make no direct contact with one another. Each catalytic subunit interacts with both regulatory chains, predominantly via an extended C-terminal tail of the regulatory subunit. The CK2 structure is consistent with its constitutive activity and with a flexible role of the regulatory subunit as a docking partner for various protein kinases. Furthermore it shows an inter-domain mobility in the catalytic subunit known to be functionally important in protein kinases and detected here for the first time directly within one crystal structure.  相似文献   

The B″/PR72 family of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an important PP2A family involved in diverse cellular processes, and uniquely regulated by calcium binding to the regulatory subunit. The PR70 subunit in this family interacts with cell division control 6 (Cdc6), a cell cycle regulator important for control of DNA replication. Here, we report crystal structures of the isolated PR72 and the trimeric PR70 holoenzyme at a resolution of 2.1 and 2.4 Å, respectively, and in vitro characterization of Cdc6 dephosphorylation. The holoenzyme structure reveals that one of the PR70 calcium-binding motifs directly contacts the scaffold subunit, resulting in the most compact scaffold subunit conformation among all PP2A holoenzymes. PR70 also binds distinctively to the catalytic subunit near the active site, which is required for PR70 to enhance phosphatase activity toward Cdc6. Our studies provide a structural basis for unique regulation of B″/PR72 holoenzymes by calcium ions, and suggest the mechanisms for precise control of substrate specificity among PP2A holoenzymes.  相似文献   

Guanine-rich sequences can form the G-quadruplex structure in the presence of specific metal ions. Here, circular dichroism, UV–vis absorption, fluorescence, and molecular dynamics simulation studies revealed that insulin-binding aptamer (IBA) could form an intramolecular G-quadruplex structure after binding K+. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra demonstrated that IBA could fold into a parallel G-quadruplex with a strong positive peak at 263?nm. Analysis of equilibrium titration data revealed that cation binding was cooperative with the Hill coefficient of 2.01 in K+ and 1.90 in Na+. Thermal denaturation assays indicated that K+-induced G-quadruplex is more stable than Na+-induced structure. Folding of IBA into G-quadruplex leading to the contact quenching occurs as a result of the formation of a nonfluorescent complex between donor and acceptor. Based on fluorescence quenching of IBA folding, a potassium-sensing aptasensor in the range of 0–1.4?mM was proposed. Since the quenching process was predominantly static, the binding constant and the number of binding sites were determined. In this research, based on the experimental data, the initial model of IBA G-quadruplex was constructed by molecular modeling method. The modeling structure of IBA is an intramolecular parallel-strand quadruplex conformation with two guanine tetrads. The extended molecular dynamics simulation for the model indicated that the G-quadruplex maintains its structure very well in aqueous solution in presence of K+ in the central cavity. In contrast, it was demonstrated that the G-quadruplex structure of model in the water collapses in absence of this cation.  相似文献   

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