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H. M. Koop M. Valentijn-Benz A. V. Nieuw Amerongen P. A. Roukema J. De Graaff 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1989,55(2):109-122
For comparison, human whole saliva-induced aggregation was studied by phase-contrast microscopy, spectrophotometry combined with macroscopic observations, and in microtiterplate assay under identical experimental conditions for Actinomyces viscosus HG 85 (T14-V) and HG 380 (T14-AV), Bacteroides gingivalis HG 66 (W 83), Streptococcus rattus HG 59 (BHT), and Streptococcus sanguis I HG 169. The entire process of formation, extension, and sedimentation of aggregates could merely be observed by the combination of these assays. The very first stages of aggregation could only be detected and quantitated by phase-contrast microscopy. Within 2 1/2 min. 50% of the A. viscosus, S. rattus, and S. sanguis cells were aggregated, denoted as T50. In microtiterplates, however, aggregates were observed in general only after sedimentation at 30–45 min of incubation, expressed as TA. For interpretation of the spectrophotometric curves, additional microscopic and macroscopic data were a prerequisite. The small decline in absorbance during the first 30–45 min (phase 1) corresponded to the formation and extension of non-sedimenting aggregates, whereas the subsequent pronounced fall in absorbance (phase 2) was caused by the massive sedimentation of aggregates. The moment of inflexion between both phases, TI, marked the onset of sedimentation of aggregates and corresponded very well with TA, at which time already 92–98% of the cells were aggregated as quantitated by microscopy. In conclusion, only by microscopy the formation and extension of aggregates could be observed within a few minutes and quantitated in terms of aggregation rate. From 30–45 min, merely the sedimentation of aggregates was visualized in microtiterplates, whereas the time course of the overall process was recorded indirectly by spectrophotometry. 相似文献
H. M. Koop M. Valentijn-Benz A. V. Nieuw Amerongen P. A. Roukema J. de Graaff 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1990,57(4):245-252
The contribution of human parotid (Par) and submandibular/sublingual (SM/SL) saliva and of the human whole salivary mucin fraction (HWSM) to saliva-induced bacterial aggregation was studied for S. sanguis C476, S. oralis I581, and S. rattus HG 59. The mucous SM/SL saliva showed a much higher aggregation potency towards the S. sanguis and S. oralis strain than did the serous Par saliva. The SM/SL saliva-induced aggregation was observed after 30 min, at 60 min followed by the Par saliva-induced aggregation, and showed a 4-fold higher aggregation titer of 128 for S. sanguis, and an 8-fold higher titer of 516 for S. oralis. In contrast, the Par saliva showed a slightly higher aggregation activity than the SM/SL saliva towards S. rattus as judged by a twofold higher titer of 64. Morphologically, however, the SM/SL saliva-induced aggregation of S. rattus was far more pronounced as was also found for S. sanguis. Finally, the HWSM-induced aggregation showed a 4 to 8-fold higher titer than the originating salivary source, measuring 2048 for S. oralis and 128 for S. rattus. Moreover, no difference was observed in aggregation activity between the HWSM from whole saliva of a blood group O donor and the HWSM from SM/SL saliva of a blood group A donor. All the data point to an important, though not exclusive role of the human salivary mucin fraction in the saliva-induced aggregation of these strains. 相似文献
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00595.x Effect of saliva viscosity on the co‐aggregation between oral streptococci and Actinomyces naeslundii Background: The co‐aggregation of oral bacteria leads to their clearance from the oral cavity. Poor oral hygiene and high saliva viscosity are common amongst the elderly; thus, they frequently suffer from pneumonia caused by the aspiration of oral microorganisms. Objectives: To examine the direct effect of saliva viscosity on the co‐aggregation of oral streptococci with actinomyces. Materials and methods: Fifteen oral streptococcal and a single actinomyces strain were used. Co‐aggregation was assessed by a visual assay in phosphate buffer and a spectrophotometric assay in the same buffer containing 0–60% glycerol or whole saliva. Results: Nine oral streptococci co‐aggregated with Actinomyces naeslundii ATCC12104 in the visual assay and were subsequently used for the spectrophotometric analysis. All tested strains displayed a decrease in co‐aggregation with increasing amounts of glycerol in the buffer. The co‐aggregation of Streptococcus oralis with A. naeslundii recovered to baseline level following the removal of glycerol. The per cent co‐aggregation of S. oralis with A. naeslundii was significantly correlated with the viscosity in unstimulated and stimulated whole saliva samples (correlation coefficients: ?0.52 and ?0.48, respectively). Conclusion: This study suggests that saliva viscosity affects the co‐aggregation of oral streptococci with actinomyces and that bacterial co‐aggregation decreases with increasing saliva viscosity. 相似文献
Genetic analysis of adherence by oral streptococci 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Dr H F Jenkinson 《Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology》1995,15(3):186-192
Streptococci are one of the most successful bacterial colonizers of the human body and are major components of oral biofilms. The bacterial cells express multiple cell-surface adhesins that are responsible for the ability of streptococci to adhere to a wide range of substrates which include salivary and serous proteins, epithelial cells and other bacterial cells. Analysis of adherence-defective mutants has indicated the importance of high molecular mass wall-associated polypeptides and of enzymes catalyzing extracellular glucan polysaccharide synthesis to the adherence and accumulation of oral streptococci. The analysis of isogenic mutants of streptococci, generated through insertional inactivation (or allelic exchange), has confirmed the essential roles of specific surface polypeptides both to adhesive processes and to correct assembly of the cell wall layers. 相似文献
A. J. M. Ligtenberg E. Walgreen-Weterings E. C. I. Veerman J. de Graaff A. V. Nieuw Amerongen 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1993,64(1):39-45
The influence of the presence of saliva from different salivary glands on the adherence ofStreptococcus gordonii strain HG 222 to saliva-coated polystyrene surfaces was tested. In the presence of undiluted parotid saliva or diluted whole, submandibular and sublingual saliva the adherence of HG 222 was enhanced by the formation of small aggregates on the attachment surface. In the presence of undiluted whole, submandibular and sublingual saliva large aggregates were formed and the adherence to saliva-coated polystyrene surfaces was inhibited.Adherence in the presence of whole saliva compared to adherence in buffer was decreased when lower densities of bacterial suspension were used, although in this case in the presence of whole saliva smaller bacterial aggregates were formed.In conclusion, these results suggest that the presence of saliva in solution may both enhance and decrease the adherence ofS. gordonii HG 222 to saliva-coated polystyrene surfaces, partly depending on the size of bacterial aggregates that are formed in the presence of saliva.Abbreviations CHW saliva
clarified human whole saliva
- PAR saliva
parotid saliva
- SM saliva
submandibular saliva
- SL saliva
sublingual saliva 相似文献
B. H. Lee S. Haché R. E. Simard 《Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology》1986,1(4):209-217
Summary A rapid and simple technique utilizing the APIZYM enzymatic patterns complemented with arginine dihydrolase and citratase was developed for species differentiation of 40 lactic acid bacteria relevant to the dairy industry.Streptococcus species in general produced no -galactosidase, except forStreptococcus thermophilus. Lactobacillus species showed strong aminopeptidases and galactosidases but contained no arginine dihydrolase and citratase. Among the group N-streptococci,Streptococcus diacetylactis produced citratase, whereasStreptococcus cremoris differed by the production of butyrate esterase.Streptococcus faecalis was readily distinguishable fromStreptococcus lactis by butyrate esterase activity that was the basis of the differential agar developed. Heterofermentative lactobacilli differed from homofermentative lactobacilli in possessing arginine dihydrolase and citratase but by not producing leucine-aminopeptidase. 相似文献
A. J. Van Winkelhoff T. J. M. Van Steenbergen N. Kippuw J. De Graaff 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1986,52(2):163-171
The purpose of this study was to investigate the production of various enzymes by oral and non-oral black-pigmented Bacteroides species using chromogenic substrates. The 19 substrates present in the API ZYM system did not differentiate between B. melaninogenicus, B. denticola, B. loescheii and B. levii. The asaccharolytic black-pigmented Bacteroides species showed each species specific enzyme activity, however, differences were based on one enzyme only as far as B. asaccharolyticus and B. endodontalis are concerned. An extended number of 40 chromogenic substrates were tested in order to find more species specific enzyme. With a set of 20 substrates it appeared to be possible to discriminate between all species tested. The possibility to use enzymes for the identification of black-pigmented Bacteroides is discussed. 相似文献
Influence of the blood group reactive substances in saliva on the aggregation of Streptococcus rattus 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A. J. M. Ligtenberg E. C. I. Veerman J. de Graaff A. V. Nieuw Amerongen 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1990,57(2):97-107
The interaction of blood group reactive substances in saliva with bacteria was investigated by testing saliva from persons with different blood groups in a bacterial aggregation assay with Streptococcus rattus HG 59, originally S. rattus BHT. For blood group A, saliva from 10 persons out of 11 aggregated S. rattus and for blood group O, saliva from 10 persons out of 16 aggregated S. rattus. For blood group B, saliva from 6 persons out of 8 aggregated S. rattus weakly and the average aggregation activity of blood group B was much lower than for blood group A or O. In addition, saliva from 3 non-secretors did not aggregate S. rattus. The role of blood group antigens in bacterial aggregation was confirmed by inhibition studies with blood group specific sugars and various other sugars. GalNAc, specific for blood group A, inhibited bacterial aggregation by saliva whereas D-galactose, specific for blood group B, and D-fucose, specific for blood group O, did not. In addition, sialic acid, a major terminal sugar residue in mucins, also inhibited the bacterial aggregation. This study shows that the blood group and secretor status of a person may influence the interaction of saliva with bacteria in the oral cavity. 相似文献
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00506.x Colonisation of the oral cavity by periodontopathic bacteria in complete denture wearers Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate colonisation by periodontopathic bacteria and the sites of colonisation in elderly upper and lower complete denture wearers. We also investigated the relationship between level of oral hygiene and colonisation by periodontopathic bacteria. Materials and methods: Forty edentulous and 37 dentate volunteers participated in this study. Samples were collected from whole saliva, and levels of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia and Fusobacterium nucleatum were determined by PCR Invader technology. Detection of these species on oral mucosal and denture surfaces was performed by PCR. Fisher’s exact test was used for the statistical analysis. Cluster analysis was employed to investigate trends in the periodontopathic bacteria flora in each sampling area. Results: Detection rates of periodontopathic bacteria in whole saliva were lower under edentulous conditions than under dentulous conditions, except for A. actinomycetemcomitans and F. nucleatum (p < 0.01). Detection rate of F. nucleatum was the highest in all areas. A positive correlation was observed between DNA quantification of P. gingivalis and number of Candida species in saliva. Cluster analysis of the test species identified two clusters. Tongue‐coating status was associated with the detection rate of all periodontopathic bacteria investigated, and denture plaque status was associated with the detection rate of T. denticola and F. nucleatum. Conclusion: Results indicate the presence of periodontopathic bacteria under edentulous conditions and that the status of oral hygiene of the mucosal or denture surfaces affects colonisation by T. denticola and F. nucleatum. 相似文献
J. S. van der Hoeven C. W. A. van den Kieboom P. J. M. Camp 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》1990,57(3):165-172
The ability of oral Streptococcus strains to utilize oligosaccharide chains in mucin as a source of carbohydrate was studied in batch cultures. Pig gastric mucin, as a substitute of human salivary mucin, was added to chemically defined medium containing no other carbohydrates. Strains of S. mitior attained the highest cell density, while mutans streptococci: S. mutans, S. sobrinus, S. rattus, grew very little in the medium with mucin. S. mitis, S. sanguis, and S. milleri in decreasing order, showed intermediate growth. Mucin break-down as measured by sugar analyses indicated that oligosaccharide chains were only partially degraded. Every strain produced one or more exoglycosidases potentially involved in hydrolysis of oligosaccharide. The enzyme activities occurred mainly associated with the cells, and very little activity was found in the culture fluids. The relationships between glycosidase activities and growth, or mucin degradation were not always clear. 相似文献
Dr AR Holmes RD Cannon HF Jenkinson 《Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology》1995,15(3):208-213
The yeastCandida albicans coaggregates with a variety of streptococcal species, an interaction that may promote oral colonization by yeast cells.C. albicans andCandida tropicalis are the yeasts most frequently isolated from the human oral cavity and our data demonstrate that both these species bind toStreptococcus gordonii NCTC 7869 while two otherCandida species (Candida krusei andCandida kefyr) do not. Adherence ofC. albicans was greatest when the yeast had been grown at 30° C to mid-exponential growth phase. For 21 strains ofC. albicans there was a positive correlation between the ability to adhere toS. gordonii and adherence to experimental salivary pellicle. Whole saliva either stimulated or slightly inhibited adherence ofC. albicans toS. gordonii depending on the streptococcal growth conditions. The results suggest that the major salivary adhesins and coaggregation adhesins ofC. albicans are co-expressed. 相似文献
David Beighton 《FEMS microbiology letters》1984,21(2):239-242
Abstract The surface hydrophobicity of 64 bacterial strains isolated from discrete, intra-oral sites of monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) was determined by measuring their affinity for hexadecane. Bacteria were also exposed to monkey saliva which either increased or reduced the surface hydrophobicity of the cells. After exposure to saliva those bacteria isolated solely from the mucosal surfaces were significantly more hydrophobic than bacteria ( Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces spp.) whose major habitat was the dentition. Streptococcus sanguis strains isolated from all intra-oral sites and among the early plaque formers were as hydrophobic as the organisms isolated only from the mucosal surfaces. 相似文献
O'Connor EB O'Riordan B Morgan SM Whelton H O'Mullane DM Ross RP Hill C 《Journal of applied microbiology》2006,100(6):1251-1260
AIMS: To isolate and characterise Streptococcus mutans from Irish saliva samples and to assess their sensitivity to a food-grade preparation of the lantibiotic, lacticin 3147, produced by Lactococcus lactis DPC3147. METHODS AND RESULTS: Saliva samples collected from children with varying oral health status were screened on Mitis Salivarius agar for the presence of pathogenic streptococci. Following selective plating, 16S rDNA sequencing and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), 15 distinct strains of Strep. mutans were identified. These were grouped according to their relative sensitivity to lacticin 3147 which ranged from 0.78 to 6.25%; relative to a sensitive indicator strain, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis HP. Inhibition of indicator Strep. mutans strains from sensitive, intermediate and tolerant groupings were assessed in microtitre plate assays with increasing concentrations of lacticin 3147. The concentration of lacticin 3147 required to give 50% growth inhibition correlated with their relative sensitivities (as assayed by well diffusion methodology) and ranged from 1280 to 5120 AU ml(-1). Concentrated preparations of lacticin 3147 caused a rapid killing of Strep. mutans strains in broth. Moreover, in human saliva deliberately spiked with Strep. mutans, the pathogen was eliminated (initial inoculum of 10(5)) in the presence of 40,000 AU ml(-1) of lacticin 3147. Furthermore, a food-grade lacticin 3147 spray dried powder ingredient was assessed for the inhibition of Strep. mutans in human saliva, spiked with a strain of intermediate sensitivity, resulting in up to a 4-log reduction in counts after 20 min. CONCLUSION: A food grade preparation of lacticin 3147 was effective in the inhibition of oral Strep. mutans. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The inhibition of oral streptococci by food grade preparations of lacticin 3147 may offer novel opportunities for the development of lacticin 3147 as an anti-cariogenic agent particularly in the area of functional foods for the improvement of oral health. 相似文献
It has been previously demonstrated that luciferase synthesis in the luminous marine bacteria, Beneckea harveyi and Photobacterium fischeri is induced only when sufficient concentrations of metabolic products (autoinducers) of these bacteria accumulate in growth media. Thus, when cells are cultured in liquid medium there is a lag in luciferase synthesis. A quantitative bioassay for B. harveyi autoinducer was developed and it was shown that many marine bacteria produce a substance that mimics its action, but in different amounts, (20–130% of the activity produced by B. harveyi) depending on the species and strain. This is referred to as alloinduction. None of the bacteria tested produced detectable quantities of inducer for P. fischeri luciferase synthesis. These findings may have significance with respect to the ecology of B. harveyi and P. fischeri.Non-Standard Abbreviation AB medium
autoinducer bioassay medium 相似文献
Y. Abed A. Davin R. N. Charrel C. Bollet P. De Micco 《World journal of microbiology & biotechnology》1995,11(2):238-239
The effect of the DNA-extraction method used on fingerprint patterns of RAPD was studied usingStaphylococcus epidermidis andStreptococcus faecalis. The three methods tested (Chelex, microwave and phenol/chloroform) led to significantly different RAPD patterns. The microwave technique generated reproducible patterns and seems the most suitable for RAPD analysis of Gram-positive bacteria.The authors are with the Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Hôpital Salvator, 249 bld Sainte Marguerite, 13009 Marseille, France 相似文献
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00403.x Relationship of stimulated whole saliva cortisol level with the severity of a feeling of dry mouth in menopausal women Objectives: To evaluate the relationship of stimulated whole saliva cortisol level with the severity of a feeling of dry mouth (DM) in menopausal women. Background: A feel of DM is a major complaint for many elderly individuals and strongly associated with the menopause. The exact mechanisms that mediate sensation of DM in menopausal women have not been firmly established. Methods: A case–control study was carried out on 104 selected menopausal women with/without a feeling of DM, conducted at the Clinic of Oral Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Xerostomia Inventory (XI) score was used as an index of DM severity. Stimulated whole saliva cortisol concentration (stimulated by chewing standard‐sized paraffin for 60 s) was measured by ELISA. Statistical analysis by Student’s t‐test and Spearman correlation was used. Results: The mean cortisol concentration of saliva, but not saliva cortisol output, was significantly higher in the cases than in the controls. There was significant positive correlation between XI score and concentration (r = 0.357, p = 0.000) or output (r = 0.223, p = 0.017) of stimulated whole saliva cortisol. Conclusions: It appears that stimulated whole saliva cortisol is high in menopausal women with a feeling of DM. 相似文献
In 3-day-old cultures of Bacteroides succinogenes grown on filter paper, no cell division was observed. When grown on cellulosic substrate, bacteria exhibited vesicles clustered within cell wall pockets. In 2 day-old filter paper cultures, cells adhered tightly to the substrate. Twenty to 30% of them were dividing. There were cell wall pockets in about 25% of the bacteria, but no vesicles. Whether they adhered to the cellulosic substrate or not, and irrespective of the age of the bacteria, storage polysaccharides were found in the form of dense granules in the cytoplasm. It would appear that vesicles are not essential for cellulose degradation, but are rather a sign of ageing of the cells. 相似文献
Seventeen strains of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, isolated from different habitats on hydrogen and carbon dioxide as well as on other substrates, morphologically resembled each other. All strains, including Mycobacterium flavum 301, grew autotrophically with hydrogen. The isolate strain 6 was sensitive to oxygen when dependent on N2 as nitrogen source, a consequence of the sensitivity of its nitrogenase towards oxygen. At the same time, strain 6 was sensitive to hydrogen when growing autotrophically on N2 as nitrogen source, but hydrogen did not affect acetylene reduction by these cells.Abbreviations MPN Most probable number - BS medium basal salts medium 相似文献
Volodymyr Ivanov Olena Stabnikova Prakitsin Sihanonth Piamsak Menasveta 《World journal of microbiology & biotechnology》2006,22(8):807-812
Summary Formation and activity of bacterial nitrifying biofilms play an important role in the closed seawater systems for shrimp cultivation. The structure of microbial biofilm on empty oyster shells, used as a biofilm carrier in biofiltration of aquacultural water, was studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy. FISH was performed with specific oligonucleotide probes for Bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosomonas spp. The bacterial cells were arranged within the biofilm as a layer of vertically elongated aggregates. Aggregates of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were embedded within the matrix formed by other bacteria. Vertically elongated cell aggregates may be ecologically important in bacterial biofilms because they have a higher surface-to-volume ratio than that of laminated biofilms. 相似文献
Geobacter species such as G. bremensis, G. pelophilus, and G. sulfurreducens are obligately anaerobic and grow in anoxic, non-reduced medium by fast reduction of soluble ferric citrate. In contrast, insoluble ferrihydrite was either only slowly or not reduced when supplied as electron acceptor in similar growth experiments. Ferrihydrite reduction was stimulated by addition of a reducing agent or by concomitant growth of secondary bacteria that were physiologically and phylogenetically as diverse as Escherichia coli, Lactococcus lactis, or Pseudomonas stutzeri. In control experiments with heat-inactivated Geobacter cells and viable secondary bacteria, no (E. coli, P. stutzeri) or only little (L. lactis) ferrihydrite was reduced. Redox indicator dyes showed that growing E. coli, P. stutzeri, or L. lactis cells lowered the redox potential of the medium in a similar way as a reducing agent did. The lowered redox potential was presumably the key factor that stimulated ferrihydrite reduction by all three Geobacter species. The observed differences in anoxic non-reduced medium with ferric citrate versus ferrihydrite as electron acceptor indicated that reduction of these electron acceptors involved different cellular components or different biochemical strategies. Furthermore, it appears that redox-sensitive components are involved, and/or that gene expression of components needed for ferrihydrite reduction is controlled by the redox state.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Günter Schlegel on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 相似文献