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Effects of DNQX (ionotropic AMPA/cainate glutamate receptor antagonist) and metiotepin (serotonin receptor antagonist) and cycloheximide (protein synthesis inhibitor) on long-term memory reconsolidation processes were studied in snail Helix lucorum with definite type of food aversion conditioned reflex. DNQX or cycloheximide injected immediately before reminding disrupt retrieval of the food aversion 24 hours after conditioning, and repeated trials of learning with the same food as at initial trials did not form the food aversion 2 weeks later. Metiotepin + reminding also discrupt recalling of food aversion 24 hours after conditioning, while food aversion was repaired after repeated trials 2 weeks later. Simultaneous injections of DNQX + cycloheximide or metiotepin + cycloheximide immediately before reminding do not discrupt the food aversion. We suggest that unrecovered and recovered forms of amnesia induced by AMPA/cainate glutamate receptor antagonists or serotonin receptor antagonist, respectively, need specific protein molecules de novo.  相似文献   

We have previously found two stages of amnesia evoked by disruption of memory reconsolidation with MK-801 (NMDA glutamate receptors antagonists) application in food aversion conditioned snails. Repeated conditioning restored the food aversion at early stage of amnesia development (<10 days), whereas repeated conditioning 10 days after MK-801 application did not restore the food aversion. In present work, amnesia was induced with MK-801/reminding 24 hours after food aversion conditioning, and antiamnestic effects of NMDA receptor glycine site agonist d-cycloserine were studied at early (3rd day) or late (12th day) stages of amnesia development. D-cycloserine injection and reminding restored memory only 3 days after amnesia induction whereas d-cycloserine injection without reminding was ineffective. D-cycloserine injection and reminding as well as repeated learning 12 days after amnesia induction were also ineffective in memory restoration. Thus, for the first time, it is revealed that NMDA receptor agonist d-cycloserine influences the memory restoration processes only at early but not the later stages of amnesia development.  相似文献   

Effects of protein synthesis inhibitors on reactivation processes of food aversion conditioning were inverstigated in snail Helix lucorum. Protein synthesis inhibitor (PSI, anisomycin, 0.4 mg, or cycloheximede, 0.6 mg) was injected into snail body cavity 24 hours after 3-day training; then conditioned stimulus (banana) was presented and memory was tested. It was found that 2.5-3 hours after first reminding, associative food conditioning was suppressed, recovering of the conditioning was observed 4.5-5.5 hours after first reminding. In other group of snails, PSI injections were single (1.8 mg) or triple (0.6 mg with 2-hour interval). Reminding stimulus was presented after each injection. In this case, suppression of food aversion conditioning was also observed 2.5-3 hours after first reminding, while amnesia in this case lasted over 30 days. Repeated training of the group of snails recovered the food aversion conditioning only partially. In control snails (saline instead of PSI or 3 injections of PSI without reminding), foot aversion conditioning was detected 30 days after first training. Thus we found that PSI effects during reminding of food aversion conditioning produced two phases amnesia: (1) the easily suppressed by PSI transient phase lasted 2-3 hours, and (2) irreversible phase, its suppression by high doses of PSI-initiated amnesia lasting over 1 month. Second phase of amnesia was not recovered after repeated training. It was suggested that reminding induced reconsolidation of initial memory. Its suppression by protein synthesis inhibitors results in erasing of memory trace and disturbs repeated consolidation.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemic properties of serotonin receptor antagonists   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several serotonin (5-HT) receptor antagonists with varying specificities for the 5-HT receptor types, were studied with regard to their effects on blood glucose levels in mice. The non-selective antagonists, metergoline and methysergide, proved to be hyperglycemic at doses commonly used to antagonize 5-HT receptors. In contrast, ritanserin (a 5-HT2 and 5-HT1c antagonist) and MDL 72222 (a 5-HT3 antagonist) were effective only at doses which surpassed the dose range considered to be selective for their respective receptors. The results suggest that 5-HT systems play a role in maintaining glucose homeostasis and that 5-HT1 receptors may be particularly important in this function. Furthermore, the inherent hyperglycemic properties of non-selective serotonin antagonists described here, are pertinent to studies using these agents to investigate glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Two distinct forms of desensitization have been characterized for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. One form results from a weakening of agonist affinity when channels are activated whereas the other form of desensitization results when channels enter a long-lived nonconducting state. A weakening of glycine affinity upon NMDA receptor activation has been reported. Cyclic reaction schemes for NMDA receptor activation require that a concomitant affinity shift should be observed for glutamate agonists. In this study, measurements of peak and steady-state NMDA receptor currents yielded EC50 values for glutamate that differed by 1.9-fold, but no differences were found for another agonist, L-cysteine-S-sulfate (LCSS). Simulations show that shifts in EC50 values may be masked by significant degrees of desensitization resulting from channels entering a long-lived nonconducting state. Simulations also show that a decrease in the degree of desensitization with increasing agonist concentration is a good indicator for the existence of desensitization resulting from a weakening of agonist affinity. Both glutamate and LCSS exhibited this trend. An affinity difference of three- to eightfold between high-and low-affinity agonist-binding states was estimated from fitting of dose-response data with models containing both types of desensitization. This indicates that activation of NMDA receptors causes a reduction in both glutamate and glycine affinities.  相似文献   

In the rat, iontophoretically applied serotonin substantially attenuated the excitation of locus coeruleus neurons evoked by iontophoretic glutamate but not that elicited by acetylcholine. These results occurred independently of serotonin's variable effects on spontaneous discharge, and indicate a neuromodulatory role of serotonin in locus coeruleus.  相似文献   

Most neuroprotective drugs have failed in clinical trials because of side-effects, causing normal brain function to become compromised. A case in point concerns antagonists of the N-methyl-D-aspartate type of glutamate receptor (NMDAR). Glutamate receptors are essential to the normal function of the central nervous system. However, their excessive activation by excitatory amino acids, such as glutamate itself, is thought to contribute to neuronal damage in many neurological disorders ranging from acute hypoxic-ischemic brain injury to chronic neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The dual role of NMDARs in particular for normal and abnormal functioning of the nervous system imposes important constraints on possible therapeutic strategies aimed at ameliorating neurological diseases. Blockade of excessive NMDAR activity must therefore be achieved without interference with its normal function. In general, NMDAR antagonists can be categorized pharmacologically according to the site of action on the receptor-channel complex. These include drugs acting at the agonist (NMDA) or co-agonist (glycine) sites, channel pore, and modulatory sites, such as the S-nitrosylation site where nitric oxide (NO) reacts with critical cysteine thiol groups. Because glutamate is thought to be the major excitatory transmitter in the brain, generalized inhibition of a glutamate receptor subtype like the NMDAR causes side-effects that clearly limit the potential for clinical applications. Both competitive NMDA and glycine antagonists, even although effective in preventing glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity, will cause generalized inhibition of NMDAR activities and thus have failed in many clinical trials. Open-channel block with the property of uncompetitive antagonism is the most appealing strategy for therapeutic intervention during excessive NMDAR activation as this action of blockade requires prior activation of the receptor. This property, in theory, leads to a higher degree of channel blockade in the presence of excessive levels of glutamate and little blockade at relatively lower levels, for example, during physiological neurotransmission. Utilizing this molecular strategy of action, we review here the logical process that we applied over the past decade to help develop memantine as the first clinically tolerated yet effective agent against NMDAR-mediated neurotoxicity. Phase 3 (final) clinical trials have shown that memantine is effective in treating moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease while being well tolerated. Memantine is also currently in trials for additional neurological disorders, including other forms of dementia, glaucoma, and severe neuropathic pain. Additionally, taking advantage of memantine's preferential binding to open channels and the fact that excessive NMDAR activity can be down-regulated by S-nitrosylation, we have recently developed combinatorial drugs called NitroMemantines. These drugs use memantine as a homing signal to target NO to hyperactivated NMDARs in order to avoid systemic side-effects of NO such as hypotension (low blood pressure). These second-generation memantine derivatives are designed as pathologically activated therapeutics, and in preliminary studies appear to have even greater neuroprotective properties than memantine.  相似文献   

The effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist (+)-MK-801 hydrogen maleate (MR801) on plasticity of different sensory inputs of the L-RPl1 command neurons were studied in Helix lucorum snail during nociceptive sensitization. Application of sensitizing stimulation onto the snail head or foot in the control semi-intact preparation initiated depression of neural responses evoked by tactile or chemical sensory stimulation during the short-term period of sensitization and significant facilitation of neural responses during the long-period of sensitization. Sensitizing stimulation of snail head against the background of MK-801 application (10-30 microM) produced a pronounced depression of neural responses to chemical stimulation of the head both in the short- and long-term sensitization periods. At the same time, sensitizing stimulation of the foot or head during the MK-801 application produced the same changes in neural responses to chemical stimulation of the foot and tactile stimulation of the foot or head as in the control preparation. It can be suggested that NMDA-like glutamate receptors are selectively involved in the mechanisms of plasticity induction in the synaptic inputs of the command LPl1 and RPl1 neurons, which process the information resulting from chemical excitation of the snail head (a specific receptor skin site for these neurons in Helix lucorum).  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are potential novel targets for brain disorders associated with the dysfunction of prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region critical for cognitive and emotional processes. Because N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (NMDAR) dysregulation has been strongly associated with the pathophysiology of mental illnesses, we examined the possibility that mGluRs might be involved in modulating PFC functions by targeting postsynaptic NMDARs. We found that application of prototypical group III mGluR agonists significantly reduced NMDAR-mediated synaptic and ionic currents in PFC pyramidal neurons, which was mediated by mGluR7 localized at postsynaptic neurons and involved the β-arrestin/ERK signaling pathway. The mGluR7 modulation of NMDAR currents was prevented by agents perturbing actin dynamics and by the inhibitor of cofilin, a major actin-depolymerizing factor. Consistently, biochemical and immunocytochemical results demonstrated that mGluR7 activation increased cofilin activity and F-actin depolymerization via an ERK-dependent mechanism. Furthermore, mGluR7 reduced the association of NMDARs with the scaffolding protein PSD-95 and the surface level of NMDARs in an actin-dependent manner. These data suggest that mGluR7, by affecting the cofilin/actin signaling, regulates NMDAR trafficking and function. Because ablation of mGluR7 leads to a variety of behavioral symptoms related to PFC dysfunction, such as impaired working memory and reduced anxiety and depression, our results provide a potential mechanism for understanding the role of mGluR7 in mental health and disorders.  相似文献   

The effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonists on the mechanisms of nociceptive sensitization were studied in LPl1 and RPl1 neurons of the semiintact preparation of a Helix lucorum snail. Application of sensitizing stimuli on the head part of the control preparation led to a depolarization of the membrane and increase in its excitability. A depression of responses of neurons evoked by tactile or chemical sensory stimulation during the short-term period and significant facilitation of responses during the long-term period of sensitization were observed. Sensitization performed under conditions of application of NMDA antagonists (AP5 or MK801) produced similar changes in membrane potential, membrane excitability, and neuronal responses evoked by tactile stimulation of the head or foot. However, the chemical stimulation of the head under these conditions evoked a significant depression of responses during the short- and long-term sensitization periods. The results suggest that the NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists selectively affect the plasticity induction mechanisms of the command neuron synaptic inputs, which mediate the chemical sensory stimulation from the snail's head.  相似文献   

A series of 1-(heteroarylthioalkyl)-4-benzylpiperidines was rapidly synthesized through the use of parallel synthesis to investigate the binding affinity for the NR1A/2B receptor subtype.  相似文献   

The identification of structurally novel analogues of ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP), as NMDA receptor antagonists, with low to moderate potency at GluN2A and GluN2B receptors is discussed. In particular, some examples, such as compounds 6 and 10, shows decreased calculated lipophilicity, when compared to PCP, while retaining moderate activity. Moreover, the germinal aryl amino substituted lactam ring, as exemplified in compounds 7-10 and 11-13, constitutes a novel scaffold with potential application in the design of biologically active compounds.  相似文献   

Active uptake by neurons and glial cells is the main mechanism for maintaining extracellular glutamate at low, non-toxic concentrations. Activation of adenosine A(2A) receptors increases extracellular glutamate levels, while A(2A) receptor antagonists reduce stimulated glutamate outflow. Whether a modulation of the glutamate uptake system is involved in the effects elicited by A(2A) receptor blockers has never been investigated. This study examined the ability of adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonists to prevent the increase in glutamate levels induced by blockade of the glutamate uptake. In rats implanted with a microdialysis probe in the dorsal striatum, perfusion with 4 mm l-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (PDC, a transportable competitive inhibitor of glutamate uptake), or 10 mm dihydrokainic acid (DHK, a non-transportable competitive inhibitor that mainly blocks the glial glutamate transporter GLT-1), significantly increased extracellular glutamate levels. The effects of PDC and DHK were completely prevented by the adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonists SCH 58261 (0.01 mg/kg i.p.) and/or ZM 241385 (5 nm via probe). Since an impairment in glutamate transporter function is thought to play a major role in neurodegenerative disorders, the regulation of glutamate uptake may be one of the mechanisms of the neuroprotective effects of A(2A) receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eversion of the preputium is one of the initial steps in the male copulatory behavior of freshwater pulmonates. Previous experiments have shown that serotonergic mechanisms are involved in eversion in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata because the vertebrate 5-HT1 receptor antagonist methiothepin caused long-lasting eversion in a dose-dependent manner. In this study, we tested a variety of serotonergic receptor ligands, bioactive peptides, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for their ability to induce preputium eversion in B . glabrata in order to elucidate the physiological mechanism of eversion. Of 15 compounds tested, five significantly induced preputium eversion: the serotonin receptor antagonists methiothepin (1 and 10 μM; p<0.0001), cyproheptadine (1–10 μM; p<0.007–0.0001), and mianserin (5–50 μM; p<0.01–0.001), the molluscan cardioactive peptide FMRFamide (10 and 50 μM; p<0.0002–0.0001), and the SSRI fluoxetine (=Prozac, 10–100 μM; p<0.0003–0.0001). Serotonin itself neither induced eversion nor blocked methiothepin-induced eversion. This suggests that fluoxetine is not acting as an SSRI, but potentially as a receptor ligand. These preliminary data shed light on the possible physiological mechanism of preputium eversion in B . glabrata and suggest similarity with that of the model freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis .  相似文献   

Kozela E  Popik P 《Amino acids》2002,23(1-3):163-168
Summary.  Antagonists of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex inhibit the development of tolerance to antinociceptive effects of morphine and upon acute administration, influence morphine antinociceptive activity. The analysis of numerous studies investigating acute interaction between NMDA receptor antagonists and morphine in mice indicate a variety of procedural differences and reveal that these compounds may potentiate, attenuate and produce no effect on morphine antinociception. The conditions responsible for such conflicting experimental outcome of acute interaction remain unclear. It appears that the effects of NMDA receptor antagonists on morphine tolerance are not causally related to their acute effects on morphine antinociception. Received July 6, 2001 Accepted August 6, 2001 Published online August 9, 2002  相似文献   

The noncompetitive antagonists of the vertebrate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor dizocilpine (MK 801) and phencyclidine (PCP), delivered in food, were found to induce a marked and reversible inhibition of locomotor activity in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. To determine the site of action of these antagonists, we used an in vitro preparation of the Drosophila third-instar larva, preserving the central nervous system and segmental nerves with their connections to muscle fibers of the body wall. Intracellular recordings were made from ventral muscle fibers 6 and 7 in the abdominal segments. In most larvae, long-lasting (>1 h) spontaneous rhythmic motor activities were recorded in the absence of pharmacological activation. After sectioning of the connections between the brain and abdominal ganglia, the rhythm disappeared, but it could be partially restored by perfusing the muscarinic agonist oxotremorine, indicating that the activity was generated in the ventral nerve cord. MK 801 and PCP rapidly and efficiently inhibited the locomotor rhythm in a dose-dependent manner, the rhythm being totally blocked in 2 min with doses over 0.1 mg/mL. In contrast, more hydrophilic competitive NMDA antagonists had no effect on the motor rhythm in this preparation. MK 801 did not affect neuromuscular glutamatergic transmission at similar doses, as demonstrated by monitoring the responses elicited by electrical stimulation of the motor nerve or pressure applied glutamate. The presence of oxotremorine did not prevent the blocking effect of MK 801. These results show that MK 801 and PCP specifically inhibit centrally generated rhythmic activity in Drosophila, and suggest a possible role for NMDA-like receptors in locomotor rhythm control in the insect CNS.  相似文献   

A series of novel benzimidazoles are discussed as NR2B-selective N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists. High throughput screening (HTS) efforts identified a number of potent and selective NR2B antagonists such as 1. Exploration of the substituents around the core of this template identified a number of compounds with high potency for NR2B (pIC(50) >7) and good selectivity against the NR2A subunit (pIC(50) <4.3) as defined by FLIPR-Ca(2+) and radioligand binding studies. These agents offer potential for the development of therapeutics for a range of nervous system disorders including chronic pain, neurodegeneration, migraine and major depression.  相似文献   

Vitamin C (in the reduced form ascorbate or in the oxidized form dehydroascorbate) is implicated in signaling events throughout the central nervous system (CNS ). In the retina, a high‐affinity transport system for ascorbate has been described and glutamatergic signaling has been reported to control ascorbate release. Here, we investigated the modulatory role played by vitamin C upon glutamate uptake and N ‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate (NMDA ) receptor activation in cultured retinal cells or in intact retinal tissue using biochemical and imaging techniques. We show that both forms of vitamin C, ascorbate or dehydroascorbate, promote an accumulation of extracellular glutamate by a mechanism involving the inhibition of glutamate uptake. This inhibition correlates with the finding that ascorbate promotes a decrease in cell surface levels of the neuronal glutamate transporter excitatory amino acid transporter 3 in retinal neuronal cultures. Interestingly, vitamin C is prone to increase the activity of NMDA receptors but also promotes a decrease in glutamate‐stimulated [3H] MK 801 binding and decreases cell membrane content of NMDA receptor glutamate ionotropic receptor subunit 1 (GluN1) subunits. Both compounds were also able to increase cAMP response element‐binding protein phosphorylation in neuronal nuclei in a glutamate receptor and calcium/calmodulin kinase‐dependent manner. Moreover, the effect of ascorbate is not blocked by sulfinpyrazone and then does not depend on its uptake by retinal cells. Overall, these data indicate a novel molecular and functional target for vitamin C impacting on glutamate signaling in retinal neurons.


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