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TCE degradation in a methanotrophic attached-film bioreactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trichloroethene was degraded in expanded-bed bioreactors operated with mixed-culture methanotrophic attached films. Biomass concentrations of 8 to 75 g volatile solids (VS) per liter static bed (L(sb)) were observed. Batch TCE degradation rates at 35 degrees C followed the Michaelis-Menten model, and a maximum TCE degradation rate (q(max)) of 10.6 mg TCE/gVS . day and a half velocity coefficient (K(S)) of 2.8 mg TCE/L were predicted. Continuous-flow kinetics also followed the Michaelis-Menten model, but other parameters may be limiting, such as dissolved copper and dissolved methane-q(max) and K(S) were 2.9 mg TCE/gVS . day and 1.5 mg TCE/L, respectively, at low copper concentrations (0.003 to 0.006 mg Cu/L). The maximum rates decreased substantially with small increases in dissolved copper. Methane consumption during continuous-flow operation varied from 23 to 1200 g CH(4)/g TCE degraded. Increasing the influent dissolved methane concentration from 0.01 mg/L to 5.4 mg/L reduced the TCE degradation rate by nearly an order of magnitude at 21 degrees C. Exposure of biofilms to 1.4 mg/L tetrachloroethene (PCE) at 35 degrees C resulted in the loss of methane utilization ability. Tests with methanotrophs grown on granular activated carbon indicated that lower effluent TCE concentrations could be obtained. The low efficiencies of TCE removal and low degradation rates obtained at 35 degrees C suggest that additional improvements will be necessary to make methanotrophic TCE treatment attractive. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A 20-l packed-bed reactor filled with foamed glass beads was tested for the treatment of acetonitrile HPLC wastes. Aeration was provided by recirculating a portion of the reactor liquid phase through an aeration tank, where the dissolved oxygen concentration was kept at 6 mg/l. At a feeding rate of 0.77 g acetonitrile l–1 reactor day–1, 99% of the acetonitrile was removed; and 86% of the nitrogen present in acetonitrile was released as NH3, confirming that acetonitrile volatilization was not significant. Increasing the acetonitrile loading resulted in lower removal efficiencies, but a maximum removal capacity of 1.0 g acetonitrile l–1 reactor day–1 was achieved at a feeding rate of 1.6 g acetonitrile l–1 reactor day–1. The removal capacity of the system was well correlated with the oxygenation capacity, showing that acetonitrile removal was likely to be limited by oxygen supply. Microbial characterization of the biofilm resulted in the isolation of a Comamonas sp. able to mineralize acetonitrile as sole carbon, nitrogen and energy source. This organism was closely related to C. testosteroni (91.2%) and might represent a new species in the Comamonas genus. This study confirms the potential of packed-bed reactors for the treatment of a concentrated mixture of volatile pollutants.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the potential of two-liquid phase-bioreactors for the treatment of (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) PAHs. Phenanthrene and pyrene were supplied two times at a concentration of 100 mg/l of reactor broth, either as crystals or dissolved in silicone oil. Complete phenanthrene biodegradation was achieved within 3 days after each addition to the biphasic-inoculated reactor. Its concentration in the monophasic reactors dropped by 93% within 4 days, but remained incomplete for the duration of the experiment. Pyrene removal occurred to a limited extent only in the presence of phenanthrene. Significant pollutant losses were recorded in the monophasic reactors, most likely caused by volatilization. Pollutant degradation was improved upon repeated phenanthrene amendment to the biphasic system. Biphasic reactors allow the fast and complete degradation of PAHs and prevent their hazardous disappearance. The use of biphasic reactors for the degradation of poorly soluble pollutants should become more beneficial when the substrate-interface uptake mechanism is operating. Thus, biphasic reactors should be integrated into the microbial enrichment procedure.  相似文献   

A microbial consortium degrading the high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HMW PAHs) pyrene, chrysene, benzo[a]pyrene and perylene in a two-liquid-phase reactor was studied. The highest PAH-degrading activity was observed with silicone oil as the water-immiscible phase; 2,2,4,4,6,8, 8-heptamethylnonane, paraffin oil, hexadecane and corn oil were much less, or not efficient in improving PAH degradation by the consortium. Addition of surfactants (Triton X-100, Witconol SN70, Brij 35 and rhamnolipids) or Inipol EAP22 did not promote PAH biodegradation. Rhamnolipids had an inhibitory effect. Addition of salicylate, benzoate, 1-hydroxy-2-naphtoic acid or catechol did not increase the PAH-degrading activity of the consortium, but the addition of low-molecular-weight (LMW) PAHs such as naphthalene and phenanthrene did. In these conditions, the degradation rates were 27 mg l-1 d-1 for pyrene, 8.9 mg l-1 d-1 for chrysene, 1.8 mg l-1 d-1 for benzo[a]pyrene and 0.37 mg l-1 d-1 for perylene. Micro-organisms from the interface were slightly more effective in degrading PAHs than those from the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Experimental and modeling studies were conducted to analyze the dynamic response behavior of a phenol-oxidizing fixed film using a differential, fluidized-bed bioreactor in a recycle loop with a well-mixed reservoir. With the bioreactor at steady state, a pulse of phenol was added to perturb the system, and the phenol concentration was monitored continuously until steady state was again achieved.The experimental dynamics were compared with a dynamic mathematical model based on diffusion and reaction within the biofilm, liquid mixing, and biofilm growth. Constant-pH experiments could be adequately described using an unstructured, double-Monod kinetic expression with substrate inhibition by phenol.However, in dynamic experiments without pH control, the pH of the liquid phase dropped, and damped oscillations were observed in the phenol concentration and reaction rate trajectories. Oscillatory solutions could not be induced in the model, even when product inhibition was included, and a linear stability analysis did not reveal tendencies toward instability. The cause of the experimental oscillations remains unknown.  相似文献   

The commercially available thermoplastic polymer Hytrel was selected as the delivery phase for the hydrophobic model compound biphenyl in a solid-liquid two-phase partitioning bioreactor (TPPB), and 2.9 g biphenyl could successfully be degraded in 1-L TPPBs by a pure culture of the biphenyl-degrading bacterium Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 in 50 h and by a mixed microbial consortium isolated from contaminated soil in 45 h. TPPBs consist of an aqueous cell-containing phase and an immiscible second phase that partitions toxic and/or poorly soluble substrates (in this case biphenyl) on the basis of maintaining a thermodynamic equilibrium. This paper illustrates a rational strategy for selecting a suitable solid polymeric substance for the delivery of the poorly water-soluble model compound biphenyl. The partitioning of biphenyl between the selected polymers and water was analogous to partitioning of solutes between two immiscible liquid phases. The partitioning coefficients varied between 180 for Nylon 6.6 and 11,000 for Desmopan, where the later numerical value is comparable to biphenyl partitioning coefficients between water and organic solvents. Employing a solid delivery phase enabled the utilization of a surfactant-producing microbial mixed culture, which could not be cultivated in liquid-liquid TPPBs and thereby extended the range of biocatalysts that can be employed in TPPBs.  相似文献   

Co-metabolic degradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) by Pseudomonas putida F1 was investigated in a novel bioreactor with a fibrous bed. A pseudo-first-order rate constant for TCE degradation was 1.4 h–1 for 2.4 to 100 mg TCE l–1. Competitive inhibition of toluene on TCE removal could be prevented in this bioreactor. 90% TCE was removed over 4 h when 95 mg toluene l–1 was presented simultaneously.  相似文献   

Six ionic liquids (ILs), which are organic salts that are liquid at room temperature, were tested for their biocompatibility with three xenobiotic-degrading bacteria, Pseudomonas putida, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, and Sphingomonas aromaticivorans. Of the 18 pairings, seven were found to demonstrate biocompatibility, with one IL (trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) amide) being biocompatible with all three organisms. This IL was then used in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor (TPPB), consisting of 1 l aqueous phase loaded with 1,580 mg phenol and 0.25 l IL, inoculated with the phenol degrader P. putida. This initially toxic aqueous level of phenol was substantially reduced by phenol partitioning into the IL phase, allowing the cells to utilize the reduced phenol concentration. The partitioning of phenol from the IL to the aqueous phase was driven by cellular demand and thermodynamic equilibrium. All of the phenol was consumed at a rate comparable to that of previously used organic-aqueous TPPB systems, demonstrating the first successful use of an IL with a cell-based system. A quantitative 31P NMR spectroscopic assay for estimating the log P values of ILs is under development.  相似文献   

A potential method to improve biomass distribution and the stability of vapor-phase bioreactors is to operate them in a directionally switching mode such that the contaminant air stream direction is periodically reversed through the reactor. In this study, the effect of switching frequency (SF) on bioreactor performance and biodegradation activity was investigated at 1-, 3- and 7-day SFs using toluene as a model compound. Rapid losses of biodegradation capacity and serious bioreactor instability were observed in the bioreactor operated at a 1-day SF. It is hypothesized that the frequent dynamic loading conditions at the 1-day SF hindered biofilm development and ultimately bioreactor stability. In contrast, bioreactors operated at the 3- and 7-day SFs achieved overall removal efficiencies of greater than 99% for 72 and 59 days of operation, respectively. Following each air-stream reversal, the bioreactor operated at the 7-day SF required 48 h to fully restore biodegradation capacity in the inlet bioreactor section. The 1-day SF bioreactor required no such reacclimation period. The toluene-degrading activity in the inlet section of the 7-day SF bioreactor dropped by 71% during the 7-day cycle, whereas it decreased by only 11% in the inlet of the 3-day SF bioreactor. These declines suggest that continuous or near-continuous exposure to toluene can inhibit microbial activity. Of the three SFs examined, the 3-day SF yielded the most efficient bioreactor performance by balancing reacclimation requirements with biodegradation activity losses.  相似文献   

Textile industry uses azo dyes in its processes, which are complex organic molecules that are not easy to be degraded. Reactive dyes are especially difficult to remove from wastewater because of the characteristics of the molecule: one or more azo bonds, naphthalene‐disulfonate, triazine or chloro‐triazine, and phenyl‐amine groups. The degradation of the azo dye reactive red 272 was studied under anaerobic conditions in a hybrid Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed reactor (UASB) with an activated carbon bed. An adapted consortium of microorganisms was used in the kinetic study (batch) and to inoculate the UASB reactor. The experimental design identified the main factors determining the dye reduction efficiency are the initial concentration of dye and dextrose (as electron donor) and the residence time in the reactor. Dye reduction rate was decreased as the concentration increases in the wastewater; as a result, a kinetic model with a change from first to second order is proposed. The kinetic study showed that the process is first abiotic (adsorption) and then biotic (biodegradation).  相似文献   

The effect of omitting nickel from the influent on methanol conversion in an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactor was investigated. The UASB reactor (30°C, pH 7) was operated for 261 days at a 12-h hydraulic retention time (HRT) and at organic loading rates (OLRs) ranging from 2.6 to 7.8 g COD l reactor−1 day−1. The nickel content of the sludge decreased by 66% during the 261-day reactor run because of washout and doubling of the sludge bed volume. Nickel deprivation initially had a strong impact on the methanogenic activity of the sludge with methanol; e.g., after 89 days of operation, this activity was doubled by adding 2 μM nickel. Upon prolonged UASB reactor operation, methanol and VFA effluent concentrations decreased whereas the sludge lost its response to nickel addition in activity tests. This suggests that a less nickel-dependent methanol-converting sludge had developed in the UASB reactor. Received 09 April 2002/ Accepted in revised form 13 July 2002  相似文献   

Burkholderia cepacia PR123(TOM23C), expressing constitutively the TCE-degrading enzyme toluene ortho-monooxygenase (Tom), was immobilized on SIRANtrade mark glass beads in a biofilter for the degradation and mineralization of gas-phase trichloroethylene (TCE). To interpret the experimental results, a mathematical model has been developed which includes axial dispersion, convection, film mass-transfer, and biodegradation coupled with deactivation of the TCE-degrading enzyme. Parameters used for numerical simulation were determined from either independent experiments or values reported in the literature. The model was compared with the experimental data, and there was good agreement between the predicted and measured TCE breakthrough curves. The simulations indicated that TCE degradation in the biofilter was not limited by mass transfer of TCE or oxygen from the gas phase to the liquid/biofilm phase (biodegradation limits), and predicts that improving the specific TCE degradation rates of bacteria will not significantly enhance long-term biofilter performance. The most important factors for prolonging the performance of biofilter are increasing the amount of active biomass and the transformation capacity (enhancing resistance to TCE metabolism). Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Semicontinuous and continuous biodegradation of gaseous trichloroethylene (TCE) was achieved in a batch reactor and in a glass-column reactor, containing the alginate-immobilized cells of a methane-utilizing bacterium,Methylocystis sp. M. Since gaseous TCE was degraded in both reactors, it is suggested that atmospheric contamination by TCE can be prevented through the use of bioreactors.  相似文献   

A two-phase organic/aqueous reactor configuration was developed for use in the biodegradation of benzene, toluene and p-xylene, and tested with toluene. An immiscible organic phase was systematically selected on the basis of predicted and experimentally determined properties, such as high boiling points, low solubilities in the aqueous phase, good phase stability, biocompatibility, and good predicted partition coefficients for benzene, toluene and p-xylene. An industrial grade of oleyl alcohol was ultimately selected for use in the two-phase partitioning bioreactor. In order to examine the behavior of the system, a single-component fermentation of toluene was conducted with Pseudomonas sp. ATCC 55595. A 0.5-l sample of Adol 85 NF was loaded with 10.4 g toluene, which partitioned into the cell containing 1 l aqueous medium at a concentration of approximately 50 mg/l. In consuming the toluene to completion, the organisms were able to achieve a volumetric degradation rate of 0.115 g l−1 h−1. This system is self-regulating with respect to toluene delivery to the aqueous phase, and requires only feedback control of temperature and pH. Received: 16 November 1998 / Received revision: 28 March 1999 / Accepted: 9 April 1999  相似文献   

The effect of the trace metal cobalt on the conversion of methanol in an upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor was investigated by studying the effect of cobalt deprivation from the influent on the reactor efficiency and the sludge characteristics. A UASB reactor (30 degrees C; pH 7) was operated for 261 days at a 12-h hydraulic retention time (HRT). The loading rate was increased stepwise from 2.6 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) x L reactor(-1) x d(-1) to 7.8 g COD x L reactor(-1) x d(-1). Cobalt deprivation had a strong impact on the methanogenic activity of the sludge. In batch tests, the methanogenic activity of the sludge with methanol as the substrate increased 5.3 (day 28) and 2.1 (day 257) times by addition of 840 nM of cobalt. The sludge had an apparent K(m) for cobalt of 948 nM after 28 days of operation and 442 nM at the end of the run. Cobalt deprivation during 54 days of operation led to a methanol conversion efficiency of only 55%. Continuous addition of cobalt (330 nM) for 33 days improved the methanol removal efficiency to 100%. In this period of cobalt dosing, the cobalt concentration in the sludge increased 2.7 times up to 32 microg x g TSS(-1). Upon omission of the cobalt addition, cobalt washed-out at a stable rate of 0.1 microg x g VSS(-1) x d(-1). At the end of the run, the cobalt concentration of the sludge was similar to that of the seed sludge.  相似文献   

Uncultivated bacteria associated with the degradation of pyrene in a bioreactor treating soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were identified by DNA-based stable-isotope probing (SIP) and quantified by real-time quantitative PCR. Most of the 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from (13)C-enriched DNA fractions clustered phylogenetically within three separate groups of beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria unassociated with described genera and were designated "Pyrene Groups 1, 2 and 3". One recovered sequence was associated with the Sphingomonas genus. Pyrene Groups 1 and 3 were present in very low numbers in the bioreactor but represented 75% and 7%, respectively, of the sequences recovered from 16S rRNA gene clone libraries constructed from (13)C-enriched DNA. In a parallel time-course incubation with unlabelled pyrene, there was between a 2- and 4-order-of-magnitude increase in the abundance of 16S rRNA genes from Pyrene groups 1 and 3 and from targeted Sphingomonas spp. over a 10 day incubation. Sequences from Pyrene Group 2 were 11% of the SIP clone libraries but accounted for 14% of the total bacterial 16S rRNA genes in the bioreactor community. However, the abundance of this group did not increase significantly in response to pyrene disappearance. These data indicate that the primary pyrene degraders in the bioreactor were uncultivated, low-abundance beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria not previously associated with pyrene degradation.  相似文献   

A new bioreactor using a semi-fixed packing of frames with “sacks” made of a fabric of “Raschell” type stretched on them is proposed. The construction provides not only a large surface area of the biofilm carrier per unit volume of the apparatus, but also the possibility for an easy removal of the biomass after reaching a certain thickness of the biofilm increasing the gas velocity. Aerobic degradation of phenol in the new bioreactor, using microorganisms of the strain Pseudomonas putida, was studied. The experiments are carried out using water containing 0.7?g/l of phenol at a temperature of 27–30?°C. Different specific surface area of the packing (within 176 and 387?m2/m3) are studied. Degradation rates from 60 to 140?mg/(1?h) are attained. A retardation of the process at the end is observed, probably due to inhibition effect. This rate is 5–6 times higher than the rate observed when using free cells. At air velocity of 0.03–0.035?m/s (related to the total cross section of the bioreactor) the vibrations of the packing material lead to destruction and removal of the old biomass.  相似文献   

Two landfill bioreactors were operated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in a thermo-insulated room at a constant temperature of 32 °C. Reactors were filled with 19.5 kg of shredded synthetic solid waste prepared according to the average municipal solid waste compositions determined in Istanbul and operated under wet-tomb management strategy by using leachate recirculation. Aerobic conditions in the reactor were developed by using an air compressor. The results of experiments indicated that aerobic reactor had higher organic, nitrogen, phosphorus and alkali metal removal efficiencies than the anaerobic one. Furthermore, stabilization time considerably decreased when using aerobic processes with leachate recirculation compared to the anaerobic system with the same recirculation scheme.  相似文献   

This work is focused on the evaluation of a beta-cyclodextrin polymer as a carrier medium in a fluidized bed bioreactor treating aqueous phenol as a model pollutant. The insoluble polymer support was obtained in the shape of spherical beads by crosslinking beta-cyclodextrin with epichlorohydrin. A batch of swollen polymer particles was loaded into the reactor and inoculated with a mixed bacterial culture. Bacterial growth on the polymer beads was initially stimulated by glucose addition to the medium, and then gradually replaced with phenol. The operational variables studied after the acclimation period included phenol load, hydraulic residence time and recirculation flow rate. Low hydraulic residence times and moderate phenol loads were applied. The elimination capacity was usually about 1.0 kg-phenol/m(3)d, although a maximum of 2.8 kg-phenol/m(3)d was achieved with a retention time of only 0.55 h. The depuration efficiency was not affected by the recirculation flow rate in the range studied. Neither operational nor support stability problems were detected during the operation. A high degree of expansion was achieved in the bioreactor due to the hydrogel nature of the cyclodextrin polymer and, consequently, a low energy requirement was necessary to fluidize the bed.  相似文献   

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