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From 1928 to 1991 the following oligochaete energy budget quantitative values: biomass (B), production (P), respiration (R), assimilation (A), ration (C) changed 8 to 12 times. With increasing depth the ratios of energy budget decreased: P/B ratio from 3.4 to 0.1, R/B ratio from 4.5 to 0.5, net production efficiency from 43 to 18%. A relationship was revealed between oligochaete biomass and the primary production (PP) of the lake. There is a delay in the response in oligochaete biomass to primary production. In Lake Sevan the delay is 2 years in the littoral, 4 years in the sublittoral and 11 years in the profundal zone. The closest correlation was revealed between oligochaete energy budget quantitative values and the values of primary production of the preceding 10 years, which enables a prediction of the quantitative indices of the community of Oligochaeta. The values of energy budget ratios depend on temperature and oxygen regimes but not on the trophic status of the reservoir and were comparatively stable during the observed period.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Changes in macrophyte richness, relative abundances, depth distributions and dominant species from 1937 to 1975 were assessed in Chautauqua, a eutrophic lake. Change was greatest in dominant species, with several formerly abundant native Potamogeton species being replaced by the exotics, Potamogeton crispus and Myriophyllum spicatum . Two extensively practiced management techniques, herbicidal poisoning and mechanized cutting, were considered to be primarily responsible for the observed macrophyte changes.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the influence of earthquakes on large water ecosystems, with particular emphasis on Lake Sevan, Armenia. Earthquakes impact on large lacustrine ecosystems in seismically active areas in a number of ways, including chemistry and lake dynamics. Conclusions are drawn from a large database that includes biological, hydrological, geochemical and seismic information. Strong earthquakes change the water chemistry and pH of the lake and consequently the chemical and biological processes that take place in the lake bed sediments. Analysis of historical earthquakes shows their influence on the organic carbon in the sediments, the changes of the lake dynamics and variations in bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton at the base of the food chain.  相似文献   

Physics-based remote sensing in littoral environments for ecological monitoring and assessment is a challenging task that depends on adequate atmospheric conditions during data acquisition, sensor capabilities and correction of signal disturbances associated with water surface and water column. Airborne hyper-spectral scanners offer higher potential than satellite sensors for wetland monitoring and assessment. However, application in remote areas is often limited by national restrictions, time and high costs compared to satellite data. In this study, we tested the potential of the commercial, high-resolution multi-spectral satellite QuickBird for monitoring littoral zones of Lake Sevan (Armenia). We present a classification procedure that uses a physics-based image processing system (MIP) and GIS tools for calculating spatial metrics. We focused on classification of littoral sediment coverage over three consecutive years (2006–2008) to document changes in vegetation structure associated with a rise in water levels. We describe a spectral unmixing algorithm for basic classification and a supervised algorithm for mapping vegetation types. Atmospheric aerosol retrieval, lake-specific parameterisation and validation of classifications were supported by underwater spectral measurements in the respective seasons. Results revealed accurate classification of submersed aquatic vegetation and sediment structures in the littoral zone, documenting spatial vegetation dynamics induced by water level fluctuations and inter-annual variations in phytoplankton blooms. The data prove the cost-effective applicability of satellite remote-sensing approaches for high-resolution mapping in space and time of lake littoral zones playing a major role in lake ecosystem functioning. Such approaches could be used for monitoring wetlands anywhere in the world.  相似文献   

Patterns of the quantitative development and spatial distribution of heterotrophic flagellates have been studied in Lake Sevan (Armenia). The abundance and biomass of flagellates is lower in summer than in autumn, but on the whole these parameters correspond to the quantitative parameters in oligotrophic lakes. Differences in the vertical and horizontal distribution of flagellates have been found during summer stratification and autumn homothermy.  相似文献   

Small fish communities were compared between the vegetated and vegetation-free regions of the Liangzi Lake, a shallow lake along the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China. Fish were sampled using 10 × 10 m2 block nets and poisoning. Three samples were taken from either the near shore area or lake centre of each region. A total of 19 fish species were collected; all species occurred in the vegetated region but only 12 occurred in the vegetation-free region. The dominant small fish were Carassius auratus auratus in the vegetated region and Ctenogobius giurinus in the vegetation-free region. Diversity, density and biomass of small fishes were significantly higher in the vegetated region than in the vegetation-free region in both near shore and lake centre areas. In the vegetated region, density and biomass of small fishes was significantly higher, while species diversity significantly lower in the near shore area than in the lake centre. In the vegetation-free region, density of small fishes was significantly higher in the near shore area than in the lake centre area, but species diversity or biomass was unaffected by location.  相似文献   

太湖常见浮叶植物和沉水植物的光合荧光特性比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用水下饱和脉冲荧光仪(DIVING-PAM),原位观测太湖常见的水生植物菱、荇菜、苦草、黑藻的最大光化学量子产量(Fv/Fm)及在暗适应和光适应条件下的快速光曲线.结果表明:浮叶植物菱和荇菜光系统Ⅱ的潜在最大光合作用能力高于沉水植物苦草和黑藻,其最大量子产量分别为0.837、0.831、0.684和0.764;菱和荇菜的最大电子传递速率、半饱和光强分别高于沉水植物苦草和黑藻,且在光适应条件下尤为显著.  相似文献   

The qualitative composition and structure of the autumn zooplankton in the pelagic zone of Lake Sevan in years that were characterized by different abundancies of fish are described. In October 2013, upon the increase in whitefish abundance, the species richness of zooplankton increased insignificantly; the values of the trophic coefficient and the Shannon index, calculated by the number, increased; and the specific number of Rotifera and Cladocera decreased. At the same time, atypical changes were recorded in the development parameters of zooplankton invertebrates. They were expressed as an increase in the total biomass due to Cladocera, among which large Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) magna Straus occupied the leading position. The possible reasons for the particular changes in zooplankton are discussed.  相似文献   

Results of a 3-year survey (1978–1980) and review of historic trends have shown a major decline in the number of species and the distribution of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River since the early 1900's. The freshwater tidal river is essentially devoid of plants and only very sparse populations remain in the mesohaline section of the estuary. Present plant populations are largely confined to the transition-zone region where salinity instability at the fresh-to-brackish water interface is believed to reduce biotic stress on submersed vegetation. Many factors may be implicated in the loss of vegetation over major regions of the tidal Potomac River; however, long-term conditions of excessive nutrients appear to be primarily responsible for the present distribution.  相似文献   

Questions: Does a reduced nutrient load in open water increase species richness and the importance of regional and local site characteristics for species abundance and spatial distribution? Can we build lake‐specific models of macrophyte abundance and distribution based on site characteristics in order to prepare a cost‐efficient framework for future surveys? Location: Lake Constance, 47°39′N, 9°18′E. Methods: Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to predict the potential distributions of eight species and overall species richness. Submersed macrophyte distribution in 1993 was compared with corresponding data from 1978, when eutrophication was at its maximum. Results: Spatial predictions for eight species and overall species richness were relatively accurate and independent of water chemistry. Depth was confirmed as a main predictor of species distribution, while effective fetch distance was retained in many models. Mineralogical variables of sediment composition represent allogenic and autogenic sediment sources and their east‐west gradient in Lake Constance corresponded to east‐west gradients of species distribution and richness. GAMs appeared more efficient than generalized linear models (GLMs) for modelling species responses to environmental gradients. Conclusions: Reduced trophic status increases species richness and the importance of regional and local site characteristics for species abundance and distribution. Our models represent a spatio‐temporal framework for future lake monitoring purposes and allow the development of effective monitoring; this could be generalized for many ecosystem types and would be particularly efficient for large lakes such as Lake Constance.  相似文献   

An annotated list of the chironomid species collected in Lake Sevan in the first 10 days of October 2006 and 2007 is presented. Chironomid species were identified by the aquatic stages of their development (larvae and pupae) and imagoes. The list includes 26 species, among which nine species were recorded in the lake for the first time. Altogether, 53 species of chironomids have been recorded in Lake Sevan.  相似文献   

沉水植物生长影响因子研究进展   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:41  
王华  逄勇  刘申宝  马璇 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3958-3968
沉水植物恢复是近年来国内外广泛关注的热点.回顾了沉水植物恢复研究的总体情况,通过对影响沉水植物生长环境因子的系统分析与总结得出:光照强度对沉水植物生长起着主要限制作用;营养盐、底质、悬浮物、水流、温度对沉水植物生长影响较为明显,各因子都存在某一适宜取值区间,满足沉水植物的最佳生长,就不同类型沉水植物及在其不同生长阶段,该取值区间也有所变化;着生藻类、重金属、pH等因子也会对沉水植物生长产生一定影响,但其作用程度相对上述因子较低.目前研究中存在的问题有:(1)相关环境因子对沉水植物生长影响机理的动态、定量化研究不足;(2)考虑到多项因子的内在联系与相互作用,开展的综合性研究较少;(3)室内实验较多,野外实验较少,实验结果不能有效指导野外实践.  相似文献   

Features of the composition and structure of the summer zooplankton in the pelagic zone of Lake Sevan in years that were characterized by different abundances and biomasses of fish are described. It is shown that the species diversity of the community and the specific number of species of zooplankteurs, the quantity of Copepods in the total abundance and biomass of zooplankton, as well as the value of the Shannon index and the trophic coefficient, increased upon an increase in the fish abundance. At the same time, the total biomass of zooplankton and biomass of cladocerans decreased, among which the density and biomass of the larger and more colored Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) magna Straus decreased, but the density and biomass of D. (Daphnia) hyalina Leydig and Diaphаnosoma brachyurum Lievin increased.  相似文献   

Specific features of the Lake Sevan zooplankton development during a rise in water level in July 2007 and a change in the fish density were revealed. Compared to earlier data (from the second half of the 20th century), the pelagial zooplankton quantitatively dominates over the zooplankton of shallows. It is shown that the diversity and abundance of rotifers increase in the coastal zones subject to inundation. The rotifer indicator species of eutrophic and α-mesosaprobic waters contribute to this increase. The stimulating effect of the waste products of a bird colony on the zooplankton of the lake shallows is revealed.  相似文献   

The laboratory testing of bottom sediments (BSs) from the Yenisei River containing different concentrations of technogenic radionuclides, heavy metals, and biogenic elements (N and P) based on aquatic such plants as Elodea canadensis (Canadian waterweed) and Myriophyllum spicatum (Eurasian watermilfoil) has revealed a higher sensitivity of roots to the general quality of BSs than shoots: shoot length (9%) < root length (11%) < root number (15%) in M. spicatum; shoot length (22%) < root length (42%) < root number (44%) in E. canadensis. In contrast to M. spicatum, the growth parameters of roots and shoots in E. canadensis have differed in a significant statistical manner between most BS samples. A reverse correlation has been found between the increase in shoot length and the activity of technogenic radionuclides in BSs, which is mostly significant in E. canadensis (r 2 = 0.90–0.95, p = 0.05). Since the growth of shoots and roots in E. canadensis has turned out to be more sensitive to changes in the quality of BSs than that in M. spicatum, E. canadensis can be considered more prospective for biotesting BSs.  相似文献   

Macrophyte succession in Jebba Lake, Nigeria, was observed through the first four years after impoundment. Two distinct serai phases, a floating fern phase and a draw-down flora phase could be recognized. The floristic composition of the macrophyte vegetation was also investigated to check earlier predictions (Obot & Mbagwu, 1986) on the probable structure of the macrophyte flora. The failure of obligate floating macrophytes such as Pistia, Azolla and Salvinia to establish in the lake as predicted is discussed. However, rooted emergent macrophytes were observed to be more successful than would be expected from the predictions.  相似文献   

Allometric scaling models describing size-dependent biological relationships are important for understanding the adaptive responses of plants to environmental variation. In this study, allometric analysis was used to investigate the biomass allocation and morphology of three submerged macrophytes (Potamogeton maackianus, Potamogeton malaianus and Vallisneria natans) in response to water depth (1.0 and 2.5?m) in an in situ experiment. The three macrophytes exhibited different allometric strategies associated with distinct adjustments in morphology and biomass allocation in response to varying water depths. In deeper water, after accounting for the effects of plant size, P. maackianus and P. malaianus tended to enhance light harvesting by allocating more biomass to the stem, increasing shoot height and specific leaf area. V. natans tended to allocate more biomass to the leaf than to the basal stem (rosette), showing a higher leaf mass ratio and shoot height in deeper water. The three species decreased biomass allocation to roots as water depth increased. The main effect of water depth treatments was reduced light availability, which induced plastic shoot or leaf elongation. This shows that macrophytes have evolved responses to light limitation similar to those of terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of Lake Sevan caused by the artificial lowering of water level was accompanied by changes in the structure and dynamics of the planktonic communities. A dominance of diatoms up to 1983 was changed to that of green algae in the last years. Primary production of plankton rose and then decreased in the process of eutrophication. The annual average primary production in 1982–1986 — 250 g C m–2 yr–1 — is evidently close to the steady state production under the present morphometry of the lake. The activity coefficient of phytoplanktonic photosynthesis changed within relatively narrow limits, in spite of significant changes in the concentrations of major nutrients and in the structure and productivity of the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The macrophytes of Lake Bled were studied from 1987 to 1990. Three main factors influenced the decline of the aquatic vegetation in the lake during that period: (1) reduced light in the littoral zone due to an increase in phytoplankton (2) grazing by herbivorous fish and waterfowl, and (3) direct human impact.  相似文献   

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