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Coïc E  Feldman T  Landman AS  Haber JE 《Genetics》2008,179(1):199-211
In wild-type diploid cells, heteroallelic recombination between his4A and his4C alleles leads mostly to His+ gene conversions that have a parental configuration of flanking markers, but approximately 22% of recombinants have associated reciprocal crossovers. In rad52 strains, gene conversion is reduced 75-fold and the majority of His+ recombinants are crossover associated, with the largest class being half-crossovers in which the other participating chromatid is lost. We report that UV irradiating rad52 cells results in an increase in overall recombination frequency, comparable to increases induced in wild-type (WT) cells, and surprisingly results in a pattern of recombination products quite similar to RAD52 cells: gene conversion without exchange is favored, and the number of 2n - 1 events is markedly reduced. Both spontaneous and UV-induced RAD52-independent recombination depends strongly on Rad50, whereas rad50 has no effect in cells restored to RAD52. The high level of noncrossover gene conversion outcomes in UV-induced rad52 cells depends on Rad51, but not on Rad59. Those outcomes also rely on the UV-inducible kinase Dun1 and Dun1's target, the repressor Crt1, whereas gene conversion events arising spontaneously depend on Rad59 and Crt1. Thus, there are at least two Rad52-independent recombination pathways in budding yeast.  相似文献   

A helical filament of Rad51 on single-strand DNA (ssDNA), called the presynaptic filament, catalyzes DNA joint formation during homologous recombination. Rad52 facilitates presynaptic filament assembly, and this recombination mediator activity is thought to rely on the interactions of Rad52 with Rad51, the ssDNA-binding protein RPA, and ssDNA. The N-terminal region of Rad52, which has DNA binding activity and an oligomeric structure, is thought to be crucial for mediator activity and recombination. Unexpectedly, we find that the C-terminal region of Rad52 also harbors a DNA binding function. Importantly, the Rad52 C-terminal portion alone can promote Rad51 presynaptic filament assembly. The middle portion of Rad52 associates with DNA-bound RPA and contributes to the recombination mediator activity. Accordingly, expression of a protein species that harbors the middle and C-terminal regions of Rad52 in the rad52 Delta327 background enhances the association of Rad51 protein with a HO-made DNA double-strand break and partially complements the methylmethane sulfonate sensitivity of the mutant cells. Our results provide a mechanistic framework for rationalizing the multi-faceted role of Rad52 in recombination and DNA repair.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Rad52 protein plays a role in both RAD51-dependent and RAD51-independent recombination pathways. We characterized a rad52 mutant, rad52-329, which lacks the C-terminal Rad51-interacting domain, and studied its role in RAD51-independent recombination. The rad52-329 mutant is completely defective in mating-type switching, but partially proficient in recombination between inverted repeats. We also analyzed the effect of the rad52-329 mutant on telomere recombination. Yeast cells lacking telomerase maintain telomere length by recombination. The rad52-329 mutant is deficient in RAD51-dependent telomere recombination, but is proficient in RAD51-independent telomere recombination. In addition, we examined the roles of other recombination genes in the telomere recombination. The RAD51-independent recombination in the rad52-329 mutant is promoted by a paralogue of Rad52, Rad59. All components of the Rad50-Mre11-Xrs2 complex are also important, but not essential, for RAD51-independent telomere recombination. Interestingly, RAD51 inhibits the RAD51-independent, RAD52-dependent telomere recombination. These findings indicate that Rad52 itself, and more precisely its N-terminal DNA-binding domain, promote an essential reaction in recombination in the absence of RAD51.  相似文献   

Y. Tsukamoto  J. I. Kato    H. Ikeda 《Genetics》1996,142(2):383-391
To examine the mechanism of illegitimate recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have developed a plasmid system for quantitative analysis of deletion formation. A can1 cyh2 cell carrying two negative selection markers, the CAN1 and CYH2 genes, on a YCp plasmid is sensitive to canavanine and cycloheximide, but the cell becomes resistant to both drugs when the plasmid has a deletion over the CAN1 and CYH2 genes. Structural analysis of the recombinant plasmids obtained from the resistant cells showed that the plasmids had deletions at various sites of the CAN1-CYH2 region and there were only short regions of homology (1-5 bp) at the recombination junctions. The results indicated that the deletion detected in this system were formed by illegitimate recombination. Study on the effect of several rad mutations showed that the recombination rate was reduced by 30-, 10-, 10-, and 10-fold in the rad52, rad50, mre11, and xrs2 mutants, respectively, while in the rad51, 54, 55, and 57 mutants, the rate was comparable to that in the wild-type strain. The rad52 mutation did not affect length of homology at junction sites of illegitimate recombination.  相似文献   

Rad52 is essential for all homologous recombination and DNA double strand break repair events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This protein is multifunctional and contains several domains that allow it to interact with DNA as well as with different repair proteins. However, it has been unclear how Rad52 enters the nucleus. In the present study, we have used a combination of mutagenesis and sequence analysis to show that Rad52 from S. cerevisiae contains a single functional pat7 type NLS essential for its nuclear localization. The region containing the NLS seems only to be involved in nuclear transport as it plays no role in repair of MMS-induced DNA damage. The NLS in Rad52 is weak, as monomeric protein species that harbor this NLS are mainly located in the cytosol. In contrast, multimeric protein complexes wherein each subunit contains a single NLS(Rad52) sort efficiently to the nucleus. Based on the results we propose a model where the additive effect of multiple NLS(Rad52) sequences in a Rad52 ring-structure ensures efficient nuclear localization of Rad52.  相似文献   

Mozlin AM  Fung CW  Symington LS 《Genetics》2008,178(1):113-126
Rad51 requires a number of other proteins, including the Rad51 paralogs, for efficient recombination in vivo. Current evidence suggests that the yeast Rad51 paralogs, Rad55 and Rad57, are important in formation or stabilization of the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament. To gain further insights into the function of the Rad51 paralogs, reporters were designed to measure spontaneous or double-strand break (DSB)-induced sister or nonsister recombination. Spontaneous sister chromatid recombination (SCR) was reduced 6000-fold in the rad57 mutant, significantly more than in the rad51 mutant. Although the DSB-induced recombination defect of rad57 was suppressed by overexpression of Rad51, elevated temperature, or expression of both mating-type alleles, the rad57 defect in spontaneous SCR was not strongly suppressed by these same factors. In addition, the UV sensitivity of the rad57 mutant was not strongly suppressed by MAT heterozygosity, even though Rad51 foci were restored under these conditions. This lack of suppression suggests that Rad55 and Rad57 have different roles in the recombinational repair of stalled replication forks compared with DSB repair. Furthermore, these data suggest that most spontaneous SCR initiates from single-stranded gaps formed at stalled replication forks rather than DSBs.  相似文献   

Both Rad51 and Rad52 are required for homologous genetic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rad51 promotes heteroduplex joint formation, a general step in homologous recombination. Rad52 facilitates the binding of Rad51 to replication protein A (RPA)-coated single-stranded DNA. The requirement of RPA can be avoided in vitro, if the single-stranded DNA is short. Using short single-stranded DNA and homologous double-stranded DNA, in the absence of RPA, we found that Rad52 (optimal at three per Rad51) was still required for Rad51-promoted heteroduplex joint formation in vitro, as assayed by the formation of D-loops, suggesting another role for Rad52. Rad51 has to bind to the single-stranded DNA before the addition of double-stranded DNA for efficient D-loop formation. Immunoprecipitation and single-stranded DNA-bead precipitation analyses revealed the presence of the free and DNA-bound complexes of Rad51 and Rad52 at a 1 to 2 stoichiometry. In the presence of single-stranded DNA, in addition to Rad51, Rad52 was required for extensive untwisting that is an intermediate step toward D-loop formation. Thus, these results suggest that the formation of the stoichiometric complex of Rad52 with Rad51 on single-stranded DNA is required for the functional binding of the protein-single-stranded DNA complex to the double-stranded DNA to form D-loops.  相似文献   

Kwon Y  Chi P  Roh DH  Klein H  Sung P 《DNA Repair》2007,6(10):1496-1506
Rad54, a member of the Swi2/Snf2 protein family, works in concert with the RecA-like recombinase Rad51 during the early and late stages of homologous recombination. Rad51 markedly enhances the activities of Rad54, including the induction of topological changes in DNA and the remodeling of chromatin structure. Reciprocally, Rad54 promotes Rad51-mediated DNA strand invasion with either naked or chromatinized DNA. Here, using various Saccharomyces cerevisiae rad51 and rad54 mutant proteins, mechanistic aspects of Rad54/Rad51-mediated chromatin remodeling are defined. Disruption of the Rad51-Rad54 complex leads to a marked attenuation of chromatin remodeling activity. Moreover, we present evidence that assembly of the Rad51 presynaptic filament represents an obligatory step in the enhancement of the chromatin remodeling reaction. Interestingly, we find a specific interaction of the N-terminal tail of histone H3 with Rad54 and show that the H3 tail interaction domain resides within the amino terminus of Rad54. These results suggest that Rad54-mediated chromatin remodeling coincides with DNA homology search by the Rad51 presynaptic filament and that this process is facilitated by an interaction of Rad54 with histone H3.  相似文献   

Repairing a double-strand break by homologous recombination requires binding of the strand exchange protein Rad51p to ssDNA, followed by synapsis with a homologous donor. Here we used chromatin immunoprecipitation to monitor the in vivo association of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51p with both the cleaved MATa locus and the HML alpha donor. Localization of Rad51p to MAT precedes its association with HML, providing evidence of the time needed for the Rad51 filament to search the genome for a homologous sequence. Rad51p binding to ssDNA requires Rad52p. The absence of Rad55p delays Rad51p binding to ssDNA and prevents strand invasion and localization of Rad51p to HML alpha. Lack of Rad54p does not significantly impair Rad51p recruitment to MAT or its initial association with HML alpha; however, Rad54p is required at or before the initiation of DNA synthesis after synapsis has occurred at the 3' end of the invading strand.  相似文献   

Synthetic single-stranded DNA vectors have been used to correct point and frameshift mutations in episomal or chromosomal targets in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Certain parameters, such as the length of the vector and the genetic background of the organism, have a significant impact on the process of targeted gene repair, and point mutations are corrected at a higher frequency than frameshift mutations. Genetic analyses reveal that expression levels of the recombination/repair genes RAD51, RAD52 and RAD54 can affect the frequency of gene repair. Overexpression of RAD51 enhances the frequency 4-fold for correction of an episomal target and 5-fold for correction of a chromosomal target; overexpression of RAD54 is also effective in stimulating gene repair, to the same extent as RAD51 in the chromosomal target. In sharp contrast, RAD52 gene expression serves to reduce gene repair activity in rescue experiments and in experiments where RAD52 is overexpressed in a wild-type strain. This may suggest an antagonist role for Rad52p. Consistent with this notion, the highest level of targeted repair occurs when the RAD51 gene is overexpressed in a strain of yeast deficient in RAD52 gene function.  相似文献   

When exogenous DNA is stably introduced in mammalian cells, it is typically integrated in random positions, and only a minor fraction enters a pathway of homologous recombination (HR). The complex Rad51/Rad52 is a major player in the management of exogenous DNA in eukaryotic organisms and plays a critical role in the choice of repair system. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the pathway of choice is HR, mediated by Rad52 (ScRad52), which differs slightly from its human homologue. Here, we present an approach that utilizes ScRad52 to enhance HR in human cells containing a specific substrate for recombination. Clones of HeLa cells were produced expressing functional ScRad52. These cells showed enhanced resistance to DNA damaging treatments and revealed a different distribution of Rad51 foci (a marker of recombination complex formation). More significantly, ScRad52 expression resulted in an up to 37-fold increase in gene targeting by HR. In the same cells, random integration of exogenous DNA was significantly reduced, consistent with the view that HR and non-homologous end joining are alternative competing pathways. Expression of ScRad52 could offer a major improvement for experiments requiring gene targeting by HR, both in basic research and in gene therapy studies.  相似文献   

In yeast, Rad6-Rad18-dependent lesion bypass involves translesion synthesis (TLS) by DNA polymerases eta or zeta or Rad5-dependent postreplication repair (PRR) in which error-free replication through the DNA lesion occurs by template switching. Rad5 functions in PRR via its two distinct activities-a ubiquitin ligase that promotes Mms2-Ubc13-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of PCNA at its lysine 164 residue and a DNA helicase that is specialized for replication fork regression. Both these activities are important for Rad5's ability to function in PRR. Here we provide evidence for the requirement of Rad5 in TLS mediated by Polzeta. Using duplex plasmids carrying different site-specific DNA lesions-an abasic site, a cis-syn TT dimer, a (6-4) TT photoproduct, or a G-AAF adduct-we show that Rad5 is needed for Polzeta-dependent TLS. Rad5 action in this role is likely to be structural, since neither the inactivation of its ubiquitin ligase activity nor the inactivation of its helicase activity impairs its role in TLS.  相似文献   

We investigated the formation of X-shaped molecules consisting of joint circular minichromosomes (joint molecules) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by two-dimensional neutral/neutral gel electrophoresis of psoralen-cross-linked DNA. The appearance of joint molecules was found to be replication dependent. The joint molecules had physical properties reminiscent of Holliday junctions or hemicatenanes, as monitored by strand displacement, branch migration, and nuclease digestion. Physical linkage of the joint molecules was detected along the entire length of the minichromosome and most likely involved newly replicated sister chromatids. Surprisingly, the formation of joint molecules was found to be independent of Rad52p as well as of other factors associated with a function in homologous recombination or in the resolution of stalled replication intermediates. These findings thus imply the existence of a nonrecombinational pathway(s) for the formation of joint molecules during the process of DNA replication or minichromosome segregation.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of RAD52 overexpression on methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) sensitivity and spontaneous mitotic recombination rates. Cells expressing a 10-fold excess of RAD52 mRNA from the ENO1 promoter are no more resistant to MMS than are wild-type cells. Similarly, under the same conditions, the rate of mitotic recombination within a reporter plasmid does not exceed that measured in wild-type cells. This high level of expression is capable of correcting the defects of rad52 mutant cells in carrying out repair and recombination. From these observations, we conclude that wild-type amounts of Rad52 are not rate limiting for repair of MMS-induced lesions or plasmid recombination. By placing RAD52 under the control of the inducible GAL1 promoter, we find that induction results in a 12-fold increase in the fraction of recombinants within 4 h. After this time, the fraction increases less rapidly. When RAD52 expression is quickly repressed during induction, the amount of RAD52 mRNA decreases rapidly and no nascent recombinants are formed. This result suggests a short active half-life for the protein product. Induction of RAD52 in G1-arrested mutant cells also causes a rapid increase in recombinants, suggesting that replication is not necessary for plasmid recombination.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is a chemo-preventive agent that has been shown to have a protective role against cancer. The inorganic form of Se, sodium selenite (Na2SeO3), has frequently been included in various chemo-prevention studies, and this commercially available form of Se is used as dietary supplement by the public. Because high doses of this Se compound can be toxic, the underlying molecular mechanisms of sodium selenite toxicity need to be elucidated. Recently, we have reported that sodium selenite is acting as an oxidizing agent in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, producing oxidative damage to DNA. This pro-oxidative activity of sodium selenite likely accounted for the observed DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and yeast cell death. In this study we determine the genetic factors that are responsible for repair of sodium selenite-induced DSB. We report that the Rad52 protein is indispensable for repairing sodium selenite-induced DSB, suggesting a fundamental role of homologous recombination (HR) in this repair process. These results provide the first evidence that HR may have a fundamental role in the repair of sodium selenite-induced toxic DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD50 and MRE11 genes are required for the nucleolytic processing of DNA double-strand breaks. We have overexpressed Rad50 and Mre11 in yeast cells and purified them to near homogeneity. Consistent with the genetic data, we show that the purified Rad50 and Mre11 proteins form a stable complex. In the Rad50.Mre11 complex, the protein components exist in equimolar amounts. Mre11 has a 3' to 5' exonuclease activity that results in the release of mononucleotides. The addition of Rad50 does not significantly alter the exonucleolytic function of Mre11. Using homopolymeric oligonucleotide-based substrates, we show that the exonuclease activity of Mre11 and Rad50.Mre11 is enhanced for substrates with duplex DNA ends. We have examined the endonucleolytic function of Mre11 on defined, radiolabeled hairpin structures that also contain 3' and 5' single-stranded DNA overhangs. Mre11 is capable of cleaving hairpins and the 3' single-stranded DNA tail. These endonuclease activities of Mre11 are enhanced markedly by Rad50 but only in the presence of ATP. Based on these results, we speculate that the Mre11 nuclease complex may mediate the nucleolytic digestion of the 5' strand at secondary structures formed upon DNA strand separation.  相似文献   

Clinical preparations of bleomycins (BM) were tested for their recombinogenicity and mutagenicity at relatively high survival levels in the simple eucaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. More than a dozen test loci or genetic intervals were assayed for bleomycin-induced mutation or recombination. Treatments of stationary phase diploid yeast routinely resulted in 25–75% inactivation. The antibiotic was mildly to very highly recombinogenic and mutagenic, with one exception. The amount of bleomycin-induced mutation, gene conversion or crossing-over depended upon the particular genetic markers assayed. The drug was also potently recombinogenic in yeast cells growing in the presence of BM. These results contrast with the finding that this antitumor agent was not mutagenic in the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test; possible explanations of this difference are given.  相似文献   

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