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Savanna chimpanzees are known to re-use areas of the landscape for sleep, and patterns of chimpanzee sleeping site re-use are proposed as a referential model for early hominin archaeological site formation. We recorded the prevalence of deformed but healed branches and remnants of dead branches found around fresh nests at the savanna site of Issa in Ugalla, Tanzania. These old nest scars were found in 79% of 112 beds. We also randomly selected potential nesting locations for a subset of 32 beds within the same trees, and found nest scars in only 19% of these “control” locations. We then monitored 275 nests for up to 19 months for decay, regeneration of new branches, and re-use. Of these 275 nest locations, 24% were re-used within the first nine months of monitoring, and most re-use occurred when the nest had already decayed and was not easily visible from the ground. After 18 months, the proportion of specific nest positions re-used increased to 48%. This fidelity is likely a result of the creation of ideally-shaped support structures and supple new growth for mattress material with successive use of nest locations. We propose that specific nest site re-use may not be a direct product of environmental determination, but a result of “niche construction” through formation of good building sites within trees. Environmental modification through construction behaviour may have influenced both chimpanzee and early hominin ranging, and thus leaves behind recognisable patterns of artefact deposition across the landscape.  相似文献   

We recorded 310 fresh chimpanzee night nests at 72 nest sites to determine their choice of tree and site for nesting vis-à-vis the effects of sympatric gorillas. Chimpanzees did not use trees for nesting according to their abundance, but instead tended to nest in fruit trees that they used as food sources. Nesting patterns of chimpanzees may vary with nesting group size, the type of vegetation, and fruit species eaten or not eaten by gorillas. When chimpanzees lodged as a small group in the secondary forest, they nested more frequently in trees bearing ripe fruits eaten only by themselves than in those with fruit eaten also by gorillas. When they lodged as a large group in the primary forest, they nested more frequently in trees bearing ripe fruits eaten by both apes. Nest group size is positively correlated with the availability of preferred ripe fruits in secondary forest. These findings not only reflect the larger foraging groups at the larger fruiting trees but also suggest that chimpanzees may have tended to occupy fruiting trees effectively by nesting in them and by forming large nest groups when the fruits attracted gorillas. Competition over fruits between gorillas and chimpanzees, due to their low productivity in the montane forest of Kahuzi, may have promoted the chimpanzee tactics.  相似文献   

Unlike nearly all other nonhuman primates, great apes build sleeping nests. In Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, chimpanzees build nests nightly and also build day nests. We investigated patterns of nest tree use by Bwindi chimpanzees to understand ecological influences on nest tree selection. We analyzed data on 3,414 chimpanzee nests located from 2000 to 2004. Chimpanzees at Bwindi were selective in their use of nest trees. Of at least 163 tree species known to occur in Bwindi [Butynski, Ecological survey of the Impenetrable (Bwindi) Forest, Uganda, and recommendations for its conservation and management. Report to the Government of Uganda, 1984], chimpanzees utilized only 38 species for nesting. Of these, four tree species (Cassipourea sp., Chrysophyllum gorungosanum, Drypetes gerrardii, and Teclea nobilis) accounted for 72.1% of all nest trees. There was considerable variation in nesting frequencies among the top four species between and within years. However, these species were used significantly more often for nesting than other species in 70.9% (39 of 55) of the months of this study. A Spearman rank correlation found no significant relationship between tree abundance and tree species preference. Ninety-three percent of all nests were constructed in food tree species, although not necessarily at the same time the trees bore food items used by chimpanzees. The results indicate that nesting tree species preferences exist. Bwindi chimpanzees' choice of nesting tree species does not appear to be dependent on tree species density or use of the tree for food. We discuss possible reasons for the selectivity in nest trees by the Bwindi population.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) make nests for resting and sleeping, which is unusual for anthropoid primates but common to all great apes. Arboreal nesting has been linked to predation pressure, but few studies have tested the adaptive nature of this behavior. We collected data at two chimpanzee study sites in southeastern Senegal that differed in predator presence to test the hypothesis that elevated sleeping platforms are adaptations for predator defense. At Assirik in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, chimpanzees face four species of large carnivore, whereas at Fongoli, outside national park boundaries, humans have exterminated almost all natural predators. We quantified the availability of vegetation at the two sites to test the alternative hypothesis that differences in nesting reflect differences in habitat structure. We also examined possible sex differences in nesting behavior, community demographic differences, seasonality and nest age differences as variables also potentially affecting nest characteristics and nesting behavior between the two sites. Chimpanzees at Fongoli nested at lower heights and farther apart than did chimpanzees at Assirik and sometimes made nests on the ground. The absence of predators outside of the national park may account for the differences in nest characteristics at the two sites, given the similarities in habitat structure between Fongoli and Assirik. However, Fongoli chimpanzees regularly build arboreal nests for sleeping, even under minimal predation pressure, and this requires explanation.  相似文献   

We conducted ecological studies of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Ugalla area, western Tanzania. Ugalla is one of the driest habitats of chimpanzees and the Ugalla River is the eastern boundary of chimpanzee distribution. Most of Ugalla is occupied by savanna woodlands dominated by deciduous trees of Brachystegia and Julbernardia. Chimpanzees tended not to make nests in riverine forests in plains, but in small patchy forests dominated by Monopetalanthus richardsiae and valley forests dominated by Julbernardia unijugata on slopes in mountainous areas. We estimated population density of chimpanzees to be 7–9 × 10−2 individuals/km2 based on nest censuses, suggesting that 2–3 × 102 individuals inhabited the 3352 km2 area of Ugalla. The size of the largest nest cluster (n=23) suggests that 1 unit group (community) comprised 30–35 individuals. In the daytime, chimpanzees formed small feeding parties (mean 2.0 individuals), but larger ones in the evening (mean 4.8 individuals and 5.2 individuals based on fresh nest clusters). The pattern might reduce the predation risk from large nocturnal carnivores such as lions and leopards. The sleeping sites may function as both a safe sleeping site and a meeting point for chimpanzees with a huge home range that may have difficulty in finding other members of their unit group.  相似文献   

Cantanhez National Park in southern Guinea-Bissau is a mosaic of forest, mangrove, savanna, and agricultural fields, with a high prevalence of oil-palm trees (Elaeis guineensis). It hosts many different animal species, including the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus). Very little is known about the ecology of chimpanzees inhabiting this area. The main aims of this study were to evaluate chimpanzee nesting behavior, define trends of habitat use, and estimate chimpanzee density in four separate forests by applying the marked nest counts methodology. From the 287 new nests counted, 92% were built in oil-palm trees with a significantly higher frequency of nests in the forest edge than in forest cores. Differences in nest detection rates were observed in the four monitored forests, with two forests being more important for chimpanzee's nesting demands. The number of nests documented in the forests seemed to be correlated with the frequency of other signs of chimpanzee activity. Although chimpanzees selected nests on the forest edge, they were most frequently observed in forest core areas. Constraints associated with estimating chimpanzee density through oil-palm nest counting are discussed.  相似文献   

The construction of nests (or beds) for sleeping is a chimpanzee universal, yet little is known about the adaptive function of nest-building. We present an in-depth study of nest-building by unhabituated chimpanzees at the Seringbara study site in the Nimba Mountains, Guinea, West Africa. We recorded 1520 chimpanzee nests over 28 mo during three study periods between 2003 and 2008. We investigated where chimpanzees built their nests, both across the home range and in nest trees, and assessed how altitude and habitat type affected nest site selectivity. We examined whether or not chimpanzees were selective in nest tree choice regarding physical tree characteristics and tree species and assessed plant species preference for both tree- and ground-nesting. We tested three, nonmutually exclusive, hypotheses for the function of arboreal nest-building. We assessed whether selectivity for nest tree characteristics reflected an antipredator strategy, examined whether nesting patterns (both arboreal and terrestrial) and nesting height were influenced by variation in climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, wind), and measured mosquito densities at ground level and in trees at 10 m and related mosquito densities to nesting patterns. Chimpanzees preferred to nest above 1000 m and nested mainly in primary forest. They preferred relatively large trees with a low first branch, dense canopy, and small leaves and showed preference for particular tree species, which was stable across years, whereas plant choice for ground-nesting was largely based on plant availability. We found no support for the antipredation hypothesis, nor did mosquito densities explain arboreal nest-building. The thermoregulation hypothesis was supported, as both nesting patterns and nest-height variation across seasons reflected a humidity-avoidance strategy. Chimpanzees nested higher in trees and at higher altitudes in the wet season. In sum, chimpanzees were selective in their choice of nest sites, locations, and materials, and tree-nesting patterns at Seringbara were best explained by a thermoregulation strategy of humidity avoidance.  相似文献   

Understanding variability in patterns of parasite infections requires studies of multiple populations inhabiting a variety of habitats. Gastrointestinal parasites of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have been studied extensively at several forested sites, but the parasite fauna of chimpanzees living in dry, open habitats is less well known. We studied the parasites of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) living in the Issa Valley, Ugalla (Tanzania). We examined 119 fresh fecal samples using standard coproscopical methods. We detected protozoans including Blastocystis sp., Entamoeba coli, E. histolytica/dispar, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, and Troglocorys cava, but only two types of spirurid nematodes among the helminths. The parasites of the Ugalla chimpanzees differ from those of forest chimpanzees in the absence of Strongyloides sp. and strongylid nematodes and a high prevalence of spirurids. Strongylids and Strongyloides sp. have thin-shelled eggs and larvae, which develop in the external environment; thus they may not be able to survive for prolonged periods in the extreme environment of Ugalla. The Ugalla chimpanzees also live at a lower population density and exhibit a larger home range than forest chimpanzees, factors that may lead to lower exposure to infective nematode larvae. Spirurid eggs, however, have thick shells and a life cycle dependent on intermediary hosts, making their survival and transmission in such extreme conditions more feasible. These differences between parasite fauna of closed and open forest chimpanzees contribute to our understanding of the ecology of infectious disease, and have the potential to contribute to conservation policies and practices.  相似文献   

Results of a nine-day survey of the chimpanzee habitat in Ugalla area of western Tanzania in 1975 is reported. The most dominant vegetation of the area wasJulbernardia globiflora woodland. Evidence of chimpanzees, both indirect (such as beds, faeces, and food remnants) and direct (calls and actual observation), suggests that chimpanzees are sparsely distributed throughout the area, but that they disproportionately useBrachystegia bussei woodland along escarpments andCynometra-Albizzia riverrine forests. The hilly country of Sisegwa/Mnyangwa was the only area where chimpanzees appeared to be comparatively abundant. Mammal hair found in faeces indicates mammal-predation by the chimpanzees in this area. Hard-shelled fruits ofStrychnos were apparently bitten open without the use of extra-somatic objects. The food repertoire included fruits of the generaAzanza, Canthium, Cordia, andTamarindus.  相似文献   

Human activities can lead to a shift in wildlife species’ spatial distribution. Understanding the specific effects of human activities on ranging behavior can improve conservation management of wildlife populations in human‐dominated landscapes. This study evaluated the effects of forest use by humans on the spatial distribution of mammal species with different behavioral adaptations, using sympatric western lowland gorilla and central chimpanzee as focal species. We collected data on great ape nest locations, ecological and physical variables (habitat distribution, permanent rivers, and topographic data), and anthropogenic variables (distance to trails, villages, and a permanent research site). Here, we show that anthropogenic variables are important predictors of the distribution of wild animals. In the resource model, the distribution of gorilla nests was predicted by nesting habitat distribution, while chimpanzee nests were predicted first by elevation followed by nesting habitat distribution. In the anthropogenic model, the major predictors of gorilla nesting changed to human features, while the major predictors of chimpanzee nesting remained elevation and the availability of their preferred nesting habitats. Animal behavioral traits (body size, terrestrial/arboreal, level of specialization/generalization, and competitive inferiority/superiority) may influence the response of mammals to human activities. Our results suggest that chimpanzees may survive in human‐encroached areas whenever the availability of their nesting habitat and preferred fruits can support their population, while a certain level of human activities may threaten gorillas. Consequently, the survival of gorillas in human‐dominated landscapes is more at risk than that of chimpanzees. Replicating our research in other sites should permit a systematic evaluation of the influence of human activity on the distribution of mammal populations. As wild animals are increasingly exposed to human disturbance, understanding the resulting consequences of shifting species distributions due to human disturbance on animal population abundance and their long‐term survival will be of growing conservation importance.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are preferred nesting sites for many bird species in a range of habitats. However, no studies have examined the use of mistletoes by nesting birds in the semi‐arid savannah. We studied nesting in mistletoe and its role in determining nesting success in the Grey Go‐away‐bird in south‐west Zimbabwe. We modelled the effects of mistletoe, mistletoe abundance, nest microclimate, concealment and nest height on daily survival rates (DSR) using program MARK. A constant survival model was best fitted for the Grey Go‐away‐bird suggesting a constant nest survival rate across the nesting period. Mistletoe nests had lower DSR than nests placed elsewhere in the canopy. Mistletoe abundance and nest height had a positive association with DSR whereas visibility distance, microclimate and concealment were negatively associated with DSR. Overall, survival for nests in mistletoe was 22.1% compared with 90.5% for nests in other substrates over the 50‐day nesting period. In conclusion, the low nest survival in mistletoe suggests either that the factors used to select mistletoe as nest sites by these birds are poor predictors of nest success or that nesting in mistletoe may be maladaptive.  相似文献   

We studied the nesting behavior of the critically endangered West African chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus). We assumed that the nesting data stemmed from a single, unhabituated community at the Bagnomba hill site in the savanna-woodlands of southeastern Senegal. The aim of this study was to examine chimpanzees’ nesting habits in terms of the tree species utilized and sleeping nest heights. We recorded a total of 550 chimpanzee nests at Bagnomba between January 2015 and December 2015. The chimpanzees here made nests in particular tree species more often than others. The majority of nests (63%) were in two tree species: Diospyros mespiliformis and Pterocarpus erinaceus. The average height of nesting trees was 10.54 m (SD 3.91, range, 0.0–29.0 m) and average nest height was 7.90 m (SD 3.62, range, 0.0–25.0 m). The result of a linear regression analysis (r = 0.7874; n = 550; p < 0.05) is consistent with a preference for nesting at a particular height. Bagnomba chimpanzees rarely made ground nests (0.36% of nests), but the presence of any ground nesting was unexpected, given that at least one leopard (Panthera pardus) also occupied the hill. This knowledge will enable stakeholders involved in the protection of chimpanzees specifically and of biodiversity in general to better understand chimpanzee ecology and inform a conservation action plan in Senegal where the survival of this species is threatened.  相似文献   

Twenty-two chimpanzee hair samples collected from night nests at two different "savanna" sites were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios represented as delta13C and delta15N values. The first at Ugalla, Tanzania is a miombo woodland with grass groundcover and small patches of forest. The second at Ishasha, Democratic Republic of the Congo is a habitat composed of riverine gallery forest, semideciduous thicket forest, wooded grassland, and grassland. Based on comparative data from other primates, Ugalla hair delta13C values suggest that the chimpanzees are feeding primarily in the woodland rather than in forest patches or on grassland foods (grasses or grammivorous fauna). Similar comparisons indicate that the Ishasha chimpanzees are feeding within the forests and not in more open areas. In addition, the Ugalla chimpanzees had delta15N values that indicate extensive ingestion of leguminous flowers, seeds, and/or leaves. The Ishasha samples show a range encompassing three trophic levels. Two samples with the most positive values may indicate a nursing signal or vertebrate-feeding. Three individuals with intermediate values are similar to those in omnivorous nonhuman primate species. The four individuals with the lowest values are very similar to those in herbivorous monkeys. Stable isotope ratios permit time-averaged and habitat-specific dietary comparisons among sites, even without habituation or detailed foraging observations.  相似文献   

It is difficult to make valid comparisons of chimpanzee densities among sites because observers calculate them using different methods. We argue that nest count estimates of density are preferable to densities from home range estimates because of the problems of defining home range. There are many problems associated with nest count methods, some of which have not been addressed in previous studies. In 1992, we censused chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest using three methods;the standing crop nest count (SCNC), the marked nest count (MNC), and visual sightings of the animals (VS). Each method is based on standard line transect techniques. Of 96 nests monitored for decay rate,those constructed in the dry seasons decayed faster than those in the wet seasons. All- day follows of individual chimpanzees and observations of nesting chimpanzees at dusk showed that about 15.8% of night nests were reused,17.5% of the population did not build nests, and 18.8% of nests were first constructed as day nests. Given the variability in nest decay rates, we argue that MNC is a better method than SCNC because it avoids having to calculate decay rates.  相似文献   

Andrew Jenkins 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):416-424
Jenkins, A.R. 2000. Choracteristics of Peregrine and Lanner Falcon nesting habitots in South Africa. Ostrich 71 (3&4): 416-424. Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, and Lanner Falcon, F. biarmicus, nesting habitats in South Africa are described in terms of nest ledge, nest cliff and scree slope parameters, ond the environmental context of each site. Data were collected in a tropical study area where Peregrines and Lannen occurred in sympatry, from an allopatric south temperate Peregrine population, and opportunistically for bath species from other sites throughout the country. Elevation, ledge size, cliff size ond vegetation structure accounted for about 80%of the variation in falcon nesting habitots between species and between populations within species. Peregrines used larger nest ledges on higher, more elevated cliffs than Lanners, overlooking mare open, structurally complex Vegetation. Temperate Peregrines used smaller ledges on lower cliffs, overlooking vegetation that provided less refuge for overflying prey than subtropical pairs. Temperote Peregrines selected nest sites to minimize the negative effects of spring roinfall. Tropical Peregrines may have selected sites to maximize hunting and provisioning efficiency.  相似文献   

Most methods of estimating chimpanzee population densities rely on nest counts. We tested the most frequently used techniques on a known chimpanzee community living in the rainforest of the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. The best density estimates are given by counts that assume groups of nests to be distributed randomly and that use the mean group size for homogenous habitat but the median for heterogenous habitats. Correction for real forest cover within the region should be made because chimpanzees make nests only in forested regions. This method gave the exact chimpanzee density for the Taï population, i.e. 1.7 nest builders/km2. For the nationwide survey, we first estimated the chimpanzee density for different types of habitat (e.g. intact primary forest: 1.64 chimpanzees/km2; degraded forests: 0.4 chimpanzees/km2; human encroached forests and mosaic habitats: 0.09 chimpanzees/km2). Second, we estimated the total forest cover of the country with satellite pictures. This gave an estimated chimpanzee population in Côte d’Ivoire of about 11,676 ± 1,168 individuals, which equals the number of spectators at a soccer game in an average European town. Sadly, only three National Parks may have chimpanzee populations large enough to be viable, whereas the rest are scattered and isolated small populations that are already threatened in their survival.  相似文献   

Conservation efforts to protect chimpanzees in their natural habitat are of the highest priority. Unfortunately, chimpanzee density is notoriously difficult to determine, making it difficult to assess potential chimpanzee conservation areas. The objective of this study was to determine whether chimpanzee density could be predicted from the density of trees that produce large, fleshy fruits. Using chimpanzee nest counts from six sites within Kibale National Park, Uganda, collected during a year-long study, a predictive trend was found between chimpanzee nest density and large, fleshy-fruit tree density. This relationship may offer a quick, reasonably reliable method of estimating potential chimpanzee densities in previously unsurveyed habitats and may be used to evaluate the suitability of possible re-introduction sites. Thus, in conjunction with other survey techniques, such as forest reconnaissance, it may provide an effective and efficient means of determining appropriate chimpanzee habitat in which to allocate conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Birds should select nest sites that minimize predation risk, but understanding the influence of vegetation on nest survival has proven problematic. Specifically, the common practice of measuring vegetation on nest fate date can overestimate its effect on nest survival, simply because vegetation at hatched nests grows for a longer period of time than vegetation at nests that were depredated. Here, we sampled the literature to determine the prevalence of this bias in studies of duck breeding ecology. We then used survival data collected from ~2,800 duck nests to empirically evaluate evidence of bias in four different vegetation metrics: vegetation density measured when the nest was found, density when the nest was fated, and date‐corrected regression residuals of these two. We also diagnosed the magnitude of vegetation effects on nest survival by restricting our analysis to only nests which were fated contemporaneously (thereby removing potential bias in the timing of measurement). Finally, we examined whether systematic phenological differences exist between vegetation at hatched and depredated nests that have the potential to further obfuscate the relationship between vegetation and nest survival. We found evidence for a true‐positive effect of vegetation density on nest survival that appeared to be inflated when using raw vegetation measurements collected at fate date. However, taken in combination with the literature review, our results suggest that the majority of duck nesting studies have evaluated the role of vegetation on nest survival using a relatively less biased metric—vegetation density when the nest was found. Finally, we found that over the course of a nesting attempt, vegetation increased in density at successful nests, but decreased in density at depredated nests. As a consequence, duck researchers using vegetation data collected when the nest was found may actually be underestimating the magnitude of the effect. This seasonal change potentially points to an important new metric for understanding predation risk, but further experimental research is required to fully eliminate potential biases in the timing of vegetation measurements.  相似文献   

The chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of the Nimba Mountains, Guinea, West Africa, commonly make both elaborate ("night") and simple ("day") nests on the ground. In this study we investigated which factors might influence ground-nesting in this population, and tested two ecological hypotheses: 1) climatic conditions, such as high wind speeds at high altitudes, may deter chimpanzees from nesting in trees; and 2) a lack of appropriate arboreal nesting opportunities may drive the chimpanzees to nest on the ground. In addition to testing these two hypotheses, we explored whether ground-nesting is a sex-linked behavior. Data were collected monthly between August 2003 and May 2004 along transects and ad libitum. To identify the sex of ground-nesting individuals, we used DNA extracted from hair samples. The results showed that the occurrence and distribution of ground nests were not affected by climatic conditions or a lack of appropriate nest trees. Support was found for the notion that ground-nesting is a sex-linked behavior, as males were responsible for building all of the elaborate ground nests and most of the simple ground nests sampled. Elaborate ground nests occurred mostly in nest groups associated with tree nests, whereas simple ground nests usually occurred without tree nests in their vicinity. These results suggest that ground-nesting may be socially, rather than ecologically, determined.  相似文献   

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