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The mechanism promoting the nonspecific action of antigens obtained from S. flexneri and S. sonnei by a sparing method has been studied. These antigens stimulate the T- and B- systems of immunity, that is followed by activation of myelopoiesis and the humoral protective factors of the body, which seems to underlie the formation of resistance to infection caused by nonspecific microorganisms.  相似文献   

Fluoroquinolones are an important class of wide‐spectrum antibacterial agents. The first quinolone described was nalidixic acid, which showed a narrow spectrum of activity. The evolution of quinolones to more potent molecules was based on changes at positions 1, 6, 7 and 8 of the chemical structure of nalidixic acid. Quinolones inhibit DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV activities, two enzymes essential for bacteria viability. The acquisition of quinolone resistance is frequently related to (i) chromosomal mutations such as those in the genes encoding the A and B subunits of the protein targets (gyrA, gyrB, parC and parE), or mutations causing reduced drug accumulation, either by a decreased uptake or by an increased efflux, and (ii) quinolone resistance genes associated with plasmids have been also described, i.e. the qnr gene that encodes a pentapeptide, which blocks the action of quinolones on the DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV; the aac(6)‐Ib‐cr gene that encodes an acetylase that modifies the amino group of the piperazin ring of the fluoroquinolones and efflux pump encoded by the qepA gene that decreases intracellular drug levels. These plasmid‐mediated mechanisms of resistance confer low levels of resistance but provide a favourable background in which selection of additional chromosomally encoded quinolone resistance mechanisms can occur.  相似文献   

Ribosomal preparations from Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei, introduced parenterally into mice, enhance their resistance to infection with the causative agents of typhoid fever and staphylococci. This effect is considerably less pronounced than that produced by the preparation of homologous lipopolysaccharide isolated by Boivin's method. After the administration of ribosomes nonspecific resistance to bacterial infective agents lasts for a short time. Ribosomal preparations do not enhance the resistance of mice to the lethal action of endotoxin.  相似文献   

The implantation and development of intravenously injected Trichinella spiralis newborn larvae were examined in different strains of inbred mice by determining muscle larvae burden. This was compared to the numbers of muscle larvae that established after a natural infection during which a quantitative assessment of intestinal newborn larvae production was made. In most inbred strains of mice, newborn larvae do not all successfully implant in muscle. Mice of the DBA/1 strain are the most resistant to successful implantation, and C3H mice are the most permissive. This pattern is evident in the strains studied whether newborn larvae are injected intravenously or are produced by intestinal adults. Thus, after a natural infection, 100% of intestinally produced newborn larvae implanted in C3H mice, whereas in NFR 68% and DBA/1 mice 62% successfully matured in muscle. Immunity to newborn larvae could be demonstrated as early as 10 days after exposure to this stage of the life cycle. This immunity was protective against a complete challenge infection given 9 days after newborn larvae had been injected intravenously. Protection against newborn larvae was identical in male and female mice or in mice from 1 to 9 months of age. We conclude that there are two mechanisms by which mice impair newborn larvae establishment or development in muscle. The first appears to be nonimmunological (non-specific resistance), and the second is immunological. Genetically determined variation in strain-specific expression is apparent with both mechanisms. In strains displaying high intrinsic "resistance" (DBA/1), this process is likely to account for most of the 38% reduction in newborn larvae establishment in a primary infection. However, immunity against newborn larvae develops quickly enough to have a significant effect on migratory larvae in primary infections where adults persist in the intestine (e.g., the B10 congenic mice), or when high adult worm burdens delay adult worm rejection. Muscle larvae burden, therefore, reflects systemic nonspecific resistance to newborn larvae as well as immunological processes that occur in the intestine and systemically.  相似文献   

Carboxin prevents the growth of yeast by inhibiting protein synthesis; the resumption of growth in the presence of this chemical appears to be primarily due to a cellular alteration affecting carboxin entry into the cells.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone's synthetic analogue (surfagon) injected intraperitoneally exerted a dose-dependent influence on humoral immune response values in rats and on phagocytic and functional activity of neutrophiles in mice. Castration induced a reliable decrease of the immune response and character. It may be concluded that the surfagon effect is not mediated by steroids.  相似文献   

Excitability parameters of m. masseter and m. digastricus fibers (resting minute potential--MP, action potential--AP, critical level of depolarization--CLD and rheobase currents) were determined in anesthetized rats (nembutal, 40 mg/kg) on days 3-4 and 10-15 after local intramuscular tetanus toxin injection (20 and 40 mouse Dlm, respectively). The development of local tetanus in m. masseter was characterized by typical excitability changes--a decrease in MP and AP. Local spasm in m. digastricus under analogous conditions of tetanus toxin injection was absent, while excitability tests demonstrated MP, AP and CLD augmentation. As m. digastricus motoneurons are devoid of inhibitory synaptic regions, these nervous cells are not affected by tetanus toxin.  相似文献   

Nonhost resistance and nonspecific plant defenses   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

The capacity of S. paratyphi B endotoxin and its high molecular (HMF) and low molecular (LMF) fractions to stimulate the resistance of mice to shigella infection in intraperitoneal and intranasal challenge was investigated. The HMF developed high activity after the intraperitoneal injection (efficiency index--EI = 2.8). All the preparations were less active on the lung model (EI = 1.6--1.7). Materials of this work lead to the conclusion that in studying the phenomenon of nonspecific resistance induction conditions providing antitoxic and antiinfectious resistance should be considered separately.  相似文献   

The late blight fungus (Phytophthora infestans) rots susceptible species of potato plants. None of the major varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum) grown in the USA is resistant to US-8, the most prevalent genotype of the fungus. Now, Junqi Song, James Bradeen and colleagues have cloned the RB gene from the wild diploid potato species, Solanum bulbocastanum, using a map-based approach in combination with long-range PCR. Transgenic plants containing the gene, normally fully susceptible, displayed broad-spectrum late blight resistance.  相似文献   

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