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Molecular Weight of Bacteriophage PBS2 DNA   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The molecular weight of bacteriophage PBS2 DNA has been determined by viscoelastic retardation time experiments to be 1.50 × 108.  相似文献   

描述一种应用PCR技术定向引入DNA小片段和特异酶切位点的方法。为了获得m2/loxp66EGFPloxp71基因片段。根据EGFP基因序列,设计一对特异引物,上、下游引物分别引入m2/loxp66、loxp71序列和Xhol、Mlu1酶切位点。以pEGFPN1质粒为模板,采用PCR扩增以合成DNA双链,插入到克隆载体pMD18T。对重组子测序结果表明,实现了DNA小片段和酶切位点的定向引入。  相似文献   

DNA分子量标准制备技术:方法与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA分子量标准是一组分子量大小已知的DNA片段混合物,用于指示核酸电泳中未知样品的分子量大小,从而帮助实验人员判断DNA样品的性质。因而DNA分子量标准成为目前分子生物学和基因工程领域不可或缺的一种电泳耗材。综述了目前各种DNA分子量标准产品的制备方法和技术原理及近年来该领域的一些技术进展情况。  相似文献   

从植物细胞核分离大分子量核DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邱芳  王斌 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1999,41(11):1204-1207
研究了从植物中分离百万碱基对级大分子量核DNA的方法。该方法利用差速离心分离植物细胞核,经低熔点琼脂糖块或低熔点琼脂糖微珠包埋,蛋白酶K原位裂解后制备大分子量核DNA。结果表明,选择不同生长时期的材料和不同的包埋细胞核方式对大分子量核DNA的制备有很大的影响,由黄化苗或幼嫩的绿叶为材料分离细胞核,进行胶块包埋是制备大分子量核DNA的最佳条件。利用该法获得的DNA分子量在200kb-5.7Mb之间,主要集中在2.2~5.7Mb之间;每一胶块DNAE量为18~20μg。与包埋原生质体制备大分子量核DNA的方法相比,该方法获得的DNA纯度较高,去除了大部分细胞器DNA的污染;易于被限制性内切酶部分和完全消化,其消化结果具可重复性。该方法操作简单、适用植物种类广泛,用该方法从水稻(OryzasativaL.)、苹果(MaluspumilaMill.)、大豆(Glycinemax(L.)Merr.)、玉米(ZeamaysL.)等多种植物材料中成功地制备了大分子量核DNA。该方法制备的核DNA适用于植物的脉冲交变电泳基因组分析和构建人工细菌染色体文库和人工酵母染色体文库。  相似文献   

The soil microbiome is a vast and relatively unexplored reservoir of genomic diversity and metabolic innovation that is intimately associated with nutrient and energy flow within terrestrial ecosystems. Cultivation-independent environmental genomic, also known as metagenomic, approaches promise unprecedented access to this genetic information with respect to pathway reconstruction and functional screening for high value therapeutic and biomass conversion processes. However, the soil microbiome still remains a challenge largely due to the difficulty in obtaining high molecular weight DNA of sufficient quality for large insert library production. Here we introduce a protocol for extracting high molecular weight, microbial community genomic DNA from soils and sediments. The quality of isolated genomic DNA is ideal for constructing large insert environmental genomic libraries for downstream sequencing and screening applications. The procedure starts with cell lysis. Cell walls and membranes of microbes are lysed by both mechanical (grinding) and chemical forces (β-mercaptoethanol). Genomic DNA is then isolated using extraction buffer, chloroform-isoamyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol. The buffers employed for the lysis and extraction steps include guanidine isothiocyanate and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) to preserve the integrity of the high molecular weight genomic DNA. Depending on your downstream application, the isolated genomic DNA can be further purified using cesium chloride (CsCl) gradient ultracentrifugation, which reduces impurities including humic acids. The first procedure, extraction, takes approximately 8 hours, excluding DNA quantification step. The CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation, is a two days process. During the entire procedure, genomic DNA should be treated gently to prevent shearing, avoid severe vortexing, and repetitive harsh pipetting.Download video file.(129M, mp4)  相似文献   

Sedimentation Rate as a Measure of Molecular Weight of DNA   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
Zone centrifugation of mixtures of two labeled DNA's at low concentrations in density gradients of sucrose permits accurate measurement of relative sedimentation rates. The individual rates are constant during the run. Measurements with DNA's from phages T2, T5, and lambda conform to the relation D2/D1 = (M2/M1)0.35, where D and M refer to distances sedimented and molecular weights of the DNA pair. The results show that high molecular weight DNA's sediment artificially fast in the optical centrifuge, owing to a hitherto unknown effect of molecular interactions. The molecular weight of lambda DNA is 31 million, measured either from sedimentation rate or from tests of fragility under shear.  相似文献   

香菇基因组高分子量DNA的提取   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了一种简便快速提取香菇基因组DNA的方法,该法是对提取真菌DNA的SDS和CTAB法进行改进而成,经过修改后的SDS-CTAB法可在较短时间内高效地提取香菇基因组总DNA.制备物经琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测到大于20kb的DNA主带,基本无DNA碎带;OD260/280值显示产物纯度高,完全符合AFLP分析的要求。  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease-resistant high-molecular-weight (HMW)DNA fragments were isolated from nuclear DNA fragments in tobacco.The size of the fragments produced by EcoRI, HindIII, AfaI,and HaeIII ranged from 20 kb to over 166 kb. The kinetics ofdigestion by Bal31 nuclease showed that most of the HMW fragmentsare chromosome ends. The consensus sequence for tobacco telomererepeats was determined to be CCCTAAA by genomic sequencing usingthe HMW fragments and by sequencing after cloning. Besides thetelomere sequence, 9 tandem repeats of a 45-bp sequence wereidentified, in which a 35-bp unit sequence (AGTCAGCATTAGGGTTTTAAACCCTAAACTGAACT)formed a stem structure. The front of the stem is composed ofa palindrome of the telomere repeats. This highly conservedunit is surrounded by less conserved internal sequences thatare around 10–11 bp in size and contain a TTTT stretch.The internal sequences resemble the 10–11 bp consensusfor the scaffold attachment regions found in yeast and drosophila.The characteristic 45-bp sequence was abundant on the ends ofchromosomes. The shortest distance between the repeats containingtelomeric stem and the telomere was less than 20 kb. This architectureof the tobacco chromosome end region resembles the end regionof yeast chromosomes in which autonomous replication sequencesare present frequently.  相似文献   


A commercially available continuous electro elution system has been used to separate and purify low molecular weight DNA fragments from polyacrylamide gels. This method has several advantages over previously reported methods for the recovery of DNA fragments from polyacrylamide gels. This technique, which gives very high recovery rates (80–95%), can be carried out on a relatively large scale and in a way that is not labour intensive. Data are presented for the purification of DNA fragments with molecular weights in the range 1–4 ± 10 (200–700 base-pairs), although the method is also applicable to larger molecular weight DNA fragments, RNAs and proteins.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the binary bacterial artificial chromosome (BIBAC) vector for Agrobacterium-mediated stable transfer of high molecular weight DNA into plants was tested in tomato. Several variables affecting transformation efficiency were examined including insert size, Agrobacterium genetic background, and the presence of additional copies of the virG, virE1 and virE2 genes. It was found that a helper plasmid containing extra copies of virG was an absolute requirement for obtaining tomato transformants with the BIBAC. MOG101 with the virG helper plasmid was found to be the most efficient strain for transfer of high molecular weight DNA (150kb). Selected high molecular weight DNA transformants were advanced several generations (up to the R4) to assess T-DNA stability. This analysis showed that the T-DNA was stably maintained and inherited through several meioses regardless of whether it was in the hemizygous or homozygous state. Expression of a selectable marker gene within the T-DNA was also examined through several generations and no gene silencing was observed. Thus, the BIBAC is a useful system for transfer of large DNA fragments into the plant genome.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(1):162-171
Previous studies have shown that nucleic acids can nucleate protein aggregation in disease-related proteins, but in other cases, they can act as molecular chaperones that prevent protein aggregation, even under extreme conditions. In this study, we describe the link between these two behaviors through a combination of electron microscopy and aggregation kinetics. We find that two different proteins become soluble under harsh conditions through oligomerization with DNA. These DNA/protein oligomers form “networks,” which increase the speed of oligomerization. The cases of DNA both increasing and preventing protein aggregation are observed to stem from this enhanced oligomerization. This observation raises interesting questions about the role of nucleic acids in aggregate formation in disease states.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from Bacillus cereus T. The DNA is released from the cells autolytically in the presence of proteinase K which prevents degradation by nucleases. The method is simple and eliminates many of the previously required steps which cause mechanical shear. The DNA is of high molecular weight and can be efficiently trapped in agar to give DNA agar which is suitable for hybridization studies.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic MK2-23 monoclonal antibody (anti-Id MK2-23 mAb), which mimics the high molecular weight melanoma-associated antigen (HMW-MAA), has been used to implement active immunotherapy against melanoma. However, due to safety and standardization issues, this approach never entered extensive clinical trials. In the present study, we investigated the usage of DNA vaccines as an alternative to MK2-23 mAb immunization. MK2-23 DNA plasmids coding for single chain (scFv) MK2-23 antibody were constructed via the insertion of variable heavy (V H) and light (V L) chains of MK2-23 into the pVAC-1mcs plasmids. Two alternative MK2-23 plasmids format V H/V L, and V L/V H were assembled. We demonstrate that both polypeptides expressed by scFv plasmids in vitro retained the ability to mimic HMW-MAA antigen, and to elicit specific anti-HMW-MAA humoral and cellular immunoresponses in immunized mice. Notably, MK2-23 scFv DNA vaccines impaired the onset and growth of transplantable B16 melanoma cells not engineered to express HMW-MAA. This pilot study suggests that optimized MK2-23 scFv DNA vaccines could potentially provide a safer and cost-effective alternative to anti-Id antibody immunization, for melanoma immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Role of DNA in Bacterial Aggregation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of DNA in bacterial aggregation was determined using various types of DNA and Escherichia coli, a good model for investigating the correlation between added polymer and bacterial aggregation and adsorption of polymer to bacterial surfaces. The results of the aggregation assay suggest that extracellular DNA indeed increased the aggregation percentage of E. coli, but this effect was dependent on DNA concentration and length. Moreover, DNA promoted bacterial aggregation in a type-nonspecific way. The combined results of the aggregation assay and the adsorption assay show further that the promotion of E. coli aggregation by DNA occurred along with adsorption of DNA to E. coli. Consequently, the possible mechanisms for DNA-promoted bacterial aggregation are discussed. Using fluorescent-labeled DNA, we mapped DNA within the E. coli aggregates. Subsequently, introduction of DNase I broke up the DNA-involved E. coli aggregates. These results suggest that DNA functions as a molecular bridge to promote E. coli aggregation.  相似文献   

DNA molecular weight standards (DNA markers, nucleic acid ladders) are commonly used in molecular biology laboratories as references to estimate the size of various DNA samples in electrophoresis process. One method of DNA marker production is digestion of synthetic vectors harboring multiple DNA fragments of known sizes by restriction enzymes. In this article, we described three novel strategies—sequential DNA fragment ligation, screening of ligation products by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with end primers, and “small fragment accumulation”—for constructing complex synthetic vectors and minimizing the mass differences between DNA fragments produced from restrictive digestion of synthetic vectors. The strategy could be applied to construct various complex synthetic vectors to produce any type of low-range DNA markers, usually available commercially. In addition, the strategy is useful for single-step ligation of multiple DNA fragments for construction of complex synthetic vectors and other applications in molecular biology field. Zhe Chen and Jianbing Wu contributed to this work equally.  相似文献   

RECENT studies have suggested that bovine1–4, rat4 and frog4,5 rhodopsins all have molecular weights close to 28,000. We have now determined the molecular weight of frog (Rana catesbeiana) rhodopsin using several different techniques and obtain a value for the maximum molecular weight of approximately 40,000. Our previous report5 was incorrect because of an error in the calibration of the amino-acid analyser used. These results, together with those of Cavanagh and Wald on cattle rhodopsin6, suggest that the lower values may be in error.  相似文献   

NO model for the three dimensional packing of tropocollagen (TC) molecules into fibrils1–3 approaches the problem on a molecular level; such analysis requires the assumption of a specific macromolecular structure4–6 and of a specific aggregation state7,8 of TC molecules. If the Ramachandran, Rich and Crick structure with the a1 chains in register from the N-terminus and the quarter stagger mode of association are assumed, then corresponding residues in the a chains will be separated by 108° radial angles4,6. Possible intermolecular associations, producing quarter-staggered7 TC aggregation, fall into two general classes: (1) association involving a single chain in one molecule with a single chain in another and (2) complex association loci involving more than one chain in each TC molecule. The former is the more likely possibility and would involve residues on an individual a chain, at intervals governed by the pitch of the super helix, forming a longitudinal edge which associates in a defined plane of contact with a complementary edge in a neighbouring TC molecule2,4,6.  相似文献   

Metagenomics is a powerful tool for mining the genetic repositories from environmental microorganisms. Bacteria associated with marine sponges (phylum Porifera) are rich sources of biologically active natural products. However, to date, few compounds are discovered from the sponge metagenomic libraries, and the main reason might be the difficulties in recovery of high molecular weight (HMW) DNA from sponge symbionts to construct large insert libraries. Here, we describe a method to recover HMW bacterial DNA from diverse sponges with high quality for bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library construction. Microorganisms concentrated from sponges by differential centrifugation were embedded in agarose plugs to lyse out the HMW DNA for recovery. DNA fragments over 436 kb size were recovered from three different types of sponges, Halichondria sp., Haliclona sp., and Xestospongia sp. To evaluate the recovered DNA quality, the diversity of bacterial DNA comprised in the HMW DNA derived from sponge Halichondria sp. was analyzed, and this HMW DNA sample was also cloned into a shuttle BAC vector between Escherichia coli and Streptomyces sp. The results showed that more than five types of bacterial DNA, i.e., Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, Cyanobacteria, Planctomycetes, and unidentified bacteria, had been recovered by this method, and an average 100 kb size insert DNA in a constructed BAC library demonstrated that the recovered HMW DNA is suitable for metagenomic library construction.  相似文献   

Data are presented which show that bromegrass mosaic virus has a particularly low molecular weight and nucleic acid content. A molecular weight of 4.6 × 106 was calculated from the sedimentation coefficient, S°20,w = 86.2S, the diffusion coefficient, D20,w = 1.55 × 10-7 cm2/sec., and an assumed partial specific volume, [UNK] = 0.708 ml/gm. The virus has a ribonucleic acid content of 1.0 × 106 atomic mass units. Electrophoresis experiments showed that the virus is stable in 0.10 ionic strength buffers in the pH range 3-6. Breakdown of the virus was observed outside this pH range. Some characteristics of the breakdown products are described.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(2):99-103
The metabolism of ethane and pentane in man is demonstrated to occur from the uptake of an enriched atmosphere of these gases in a rebreathe spirometer circuit. Dithiocarb, an inhibitor of alkane metabolism, reduced uptake and increased the respiratory excretion of these gases. This effect was least marked for the slowly metabolised ethane. Therefore the endogenous production of ethane as measured by respiratory excretion is less affected. However pentane is rapidly metabolised and this limits the use of simple respiratory excretion of pentane as a measure of in vivo lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

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