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高寒草甸地下根系生长动态对积雪变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年11月至2014年8月在青藏高原东缘红原县高寒草甸通过人工堆积的方法,进行了积雪量野外控制试验。以自然降雪的积雪量为对照(CK),设置了S1、S2和S3(积雪量分别为自然对照的2倍、3倍和4倍)3个处理,运用微根窗法追踪研究了积雪量改变后高寒草甸植被根系生长动态,并测定了积雪变化对土壤温度的影响。结果表明:高寒草甸植被根系生长存在明显的季节性变化,随着时间的推移,根系表面积、根尖数量及现存量逐渐增加并在8—9月达到最大值;当冬季积雪量达到143.4mm(S1),对根系生长最为有利(根系表面积、根尖数量、现存量及生产量最大),根系生长旺盛期(净生产速率较高)有所提前和延长,但随着积雪量进一步增加,积雪对根系生长的正效应逐渐降低,根系生长旺盛期逐渐推迟甚至消失;研究还发现,随着积雪量增加,0—10 cm土层土壤温度逐渐降低,相似的变化规律也出现在10—20 cm土层,但在时间上有所延迟;相关性分析表明,在不同土层中,根系生长与土壤温度均呈正相关。因此,积雪变化通过改变土壤温度影响高寒草甸植物根系的生长发育,最终可能会影响高寒草甸生态系统的碳分配与碳循环过程。  相似文献   

Recent studies found that the largest uncertainties in the response of the terrestrial carbon cycle to climate change might come from changes in soil moisture under the elevation of temperature. Warming‐induced change in soil moisture and its level of influence on terrestrial ecosystems are mostly determined by climate, soil, and vegetation type and their sensitivity to temperature and moisture. Here, we present the results from a warming experiment of an alpine ecosystem conducted in the permafrost region of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau using infrared heaters. Our results show that 3 years of warming treatments significantly elevated soil temperature at 0–100 cm depth, decreased soil moisture at 10 cm depth, and increased soil moisture at 40–100 cm depth. In contrast to the findings of previous research, experimental warming did not significantly affect NH 4 +‐N, NO 3 ‐N, and heterotrophic respiration, but stimulated the growth of plants and significantly increased root biomass at 30–50 cm depth. This led to increased soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and liable carbon at 30–50 cm depth, and increased autotrophic respiration of plants. Analysis shows that experimental warming influenced deeper root production via redistributed soil moisture, which favors the accumulation of belowground carbon, but did not significantly affected the decomposition of soil organic carbon. Our findings suggest that future climate change studies need to take greater consideration of changes in the hydrological cycle and the local ecosystem characteristics. The results of our study will aid in understanding the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change and provide the regional case for global ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Aims Climate warming strongly influences reproductive phenology of plants in alpine and arctic ecosystems. Here we focus on phenological shifts caused by warming in a typical alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Our objective was to explore phenological responses of alpine plant species to experimental warming. Methods Passive warming was achieved using open-top chambers (OTCs). The treatments included control (C), and four levels of warming (T1, T2, T3, T4). We selected Kobresia pygmaea, Potentilla saundersiana, Potentilla cuneata, Stipa purpurea, Festuca coelestis and Youngia simulatrix as the focal species. Plant phenology was scored every 3-5 days in the growing season. The reproductive phenology phases of each species were estimated through fitting the phenological scores to the Richards function. Important findings Under soil water stress caused by warming, most plants in the alpine meadow advanced or delayed their reproductive events. As a result, warming significantly delayed phenological development of K. pygmaea. Warming significantly advanced reproductive phenology of P. saundersiana, S. purpurea and F. coelestis, but not of P. cuneata and Y. simulatrix. In addition, warming significantly shortened the average flowering duration of alpine plant species. The potentially warmer and drier growing seasons under climate change may shift the reproductive phenology of the alpine systems in similar pattern.  相似文献   

Pocket gopher (Geomyidae) disturbances are created in spatiallypredictable patterns. This may influence resource heterogeneity and affectgrassland vegetation in a unique manner. We attempt to determine the extent towhich density and spatial pattern of soil disturbances influence tallgrassprairie plant community structure and determine how these disturbances interactwith fire. To investigate the effects of explicit disturbance patterns we createdsimulated pocket gopher burrows and mounds in various spatial patterns.Simulated burrows were drilled into the soil at different densities inreplicated plots of burned and unburned prairie. Separate plots of simulatedmounds were created in burned and unburned prairie at low, medium, or high mounddensities in clumped, uniform, or random spatial dispersions. In both burned and unburned plots, increased burrow density decreasedgraminoid biomass and increased forb biomass. Total-plant and graminoid biomasswere higher in burned than unburned plots while forb biomass was higher inunburned plots. Total-plant species richness was not significantly affected byburrow density or burning treatments, but graminoid species richness increasedin unburned plots and forb species richness increased in burned plots. Plant species richness was temporarily reduced directly on mounddisturbances compared to undisturbed prairie. Over time and at larger samplingscales, the interaction of fire and mound disturbance patterns significantlyaffected total-plant and graminoid species richness. The principal effect inburned and unburned prairie was decreased total-plant and graminoid speciesrichness with increased mound disturbance intensity. Although species richness at small patch scales was not increased by anyintensity of disturbance and species composition was not altered by theestablishment of a unique guild of disturbance colonizing plants, our studyrevealed that interactions between soil disturbances and fire alter the plantcommunity dominance structure of North American tallgrass prairie primarily viachanges to graminoids. Moreover, these effects become increasingly pronouncedover time and at larger spatial sampling scales.  相似文献   

朱军涛 《植物生态学报》2016,40(10):1028-1036
全球气候变暖对高寒和极地地区的植物物候产生强烈的影响。该研究主要关注增温条件下藏北高寒草甸不同功能型植物繁殖时间(生殖物候)的改变。实验采用开顶箱式增温方法, 对3个主要功能群浅根-早花、浅根-中花和深根-晚花植物的现蕾、开花、结实时间进行观测。研究结果表明: (1)增温导致了土壤水分胁迫, 显著推迟了浅根-早花植物高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)的繁殖时间; (2)增温显著提前了浅根-中花植物钉柱委陵菜(Potentilla saundersiana)和深根晚花植物紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)和矮羊茅(Festuca coelestis)的繁殖时间; (3)增温没有显著影响浅根-中花植物楔叶委陵菜(Potentilla cuneata)和深根-晚花植物无茎黄鹌菜(Youngia simulatrix)的繁殖时间; (4)增温缩短了3种类型植物的开花持续时间。这些结果显示增温改变了藏北高寒草甸群落中多数物种的繁殖时间, 这预示着在未来更热更干的生长季, 青藏高原高寒草甸系统的植物物候格局可能会被重塑。  相似文献   

Abstract. Natural regeneration of Pinus resinosa (red pine) seedlings around mature trees was studied in burned and unburned stands. Growth inhibitory effects of the forest organic matter on red pine seedlings was tested by a stair-step experiment using leachate of forest soil monoliths and also by a seed germination bio-assay using forest floor substrates. To test if higher burning temperatures can remove the allelopathic effects of red pine-Kalmia organic matter, a laboratory bio-assay was conducted by germinating red pine seeds on the organic matter burned at 200, 400, 600 and 800°C. Deposition of dry needles and a thick duff layer under red pine stands affected seedling establishment. Red pine seedling establishment increased with the decreasing thickness of duff layer away from the stump of the seed-bearing trees. Wildfire helped in removing the duff layer and increased seedling establishment. A high fuel load within a 0 - 1 m radius around the tree stump caused a deep burn of the organic matter including part of the soil seed reserve. On a burned-over surface, more seedlings established in a band between 1 and 2 m around the stump than inside and outside the band. Primary root growth of red pine was severely inhibited when the seedlings were grown in unburned forest floor organic matter where Kalmia was the principal understory species. Water leachate of a Pinus resinosa-Kalmia soil monolith was inhibitory to red pine seedling growth. In greenhouse conditions, the seedlings grew well in burned-over soil from a Pinus resinosa stand. Burned organic matter from a red pine forest showed an increase in pH with a burning temperature of 600°C. Primary root growth of red pine seedlings was similarly increased with increasing temperature up to 600°C; at higher temperatures the root length of seedlings did not increase any further.  相似文献   

土壤微生物是生态系统碳循环的重要参与者和调控者。全球变暖可能对土壤微生物群落产生影响, 加速陆地生态系统向大气中释放碳, 进而引起陆地碳循环对气候变暖的正反馈。然而, 目前学术界对土壤微生物群落如何响应气候变暖等问题认识不足, 尤其是缺乏低温干旱条件下土壤微生物对增温响应的实验证据。为此, 该文依托青藏高原紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)草原建立的增温实验平台, 基于磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法测定了2015和2016年生长季表层(0-10 cm)土壤微生物各类群的生物量, 在此基础上揭示气候变暖对紫花针茅草原土壤微生物群落结构的影响。结果显示, 短期增温处理导致2015和2016年生长季(5-10月)的表层土壤温度均显著提高1.6 ℃, 同时也导致土壤含水量显著下降了3.4%和2.4% (体积分数), 但并没有显著改变土壤化学性质及归一化植被指数。增温处理下, 两年生长季旺期(8月)的微生物生物量碳(MBC)含量分别为749.0和844.3 mg·kg -1, 微生物生物量氮(MBN)含量为43.1和102.1 mg·kg -1, 微生物生物量碳氮比分别为17.9和8.4, 但实验期间MBC、MBN和微生物生物量碳氮比与对照没有差异。PLFA分析的结果显示细菌在微生物群落中占主导, 而丛枝菌根真菌含量最少, 增温处理并没有改变不同类群的微生物生物量以及群落结构。进一步的分析显示, 土壤温度和含水量是调控土壤微生物群落变异的主要因子, 并且增温导致的微生物生物量碳的变化量分别与土壤温度和含水量的变化量呈显著正相关关系。以上结果表明, 由于受水分的限制, 短期增温对紫花针茅草原土壤微生物群落没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Climatic warming will probably have particularly large impacts on carbon fluxes in high altitude and latitude ecosystems due to their great stocks of labile soil C and high temperature sensitivity. At the alpine treeline, we experimentally warmed undisturbed soils by 4 K for one growing season with heating cables at the soil surface and measured the response of net C uptake by plants, of soil respiration, and of leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Soil warming increased soil CO2 effluxes instantaneously and throughout the whole vegetation period (+45%; +120 g C m y?1). In contrast, DOC leaching showed a negligible response of a 5% increase (NS). Annual C uptake of new shoots was not significantly affected by elevated soil temperatures, with a 17, 12, and 14% increase for larch, pine, and dwarf shrubs, respectively, resulting in an overall increase in net C uptake by plants of 20–40 g C m?2y?1. The Q 10 of 3.0 measured for soil respiration did not change compared to a 3-year period before the warming treatment started, suggesting little impact of warming-induced lower soil moisture (?15% relative decrease) or increased soil C losses. The fraction of recent plant-derived C in soil respired CO2 from warmed soils was smaller than that from control soils (25 vs. 40% of total C respired), which implies that the warming-induced increase in soil CO2 efflux resulted mainly from mineralization of older SOM rather than from stimulated root respiration. In summary, one season of 4 K soil warming, representative of hot years, led to C losses from the studied alpine treeline ecosystem by increasing SOM decomposition more than C gains through plant growth.  相似文献   

短期增温对紫花针茅草原土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
土壤微生物是生态系统碳循环的重要参与者和调控者。全球变暖可能对土壤微生物群落产生影响, 加速陆地生态系统向大气中释放碳, 进而引起陆地碳循环对气候变暖的正反馈。然而, 目前学术界对土壤微生物群落如何响应气候变暖等问题认识不足, 尤其是缺乏低温干旱条件下土壤微生物对增温响应的实验证据。为此, 该文依托青藏高原紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)草原建立的增温实验平台, 基于磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法测定了2015和2016年生长季表层(0-10 cm)土壤微生物各类群的生物量, 在此基础上揭示气候变暖对紫花针茅草原土壤微生物群落结构的影响。结果显示, 短期增温处理导致2015和2016年生长季(5-10月)的表层土壤温度均显著提高1.6 ℃, 同时也导致土壤含水量显著下降了3.4%和2.4% (体积分数), 但并没有显著改变土壤化学性质及归一化植被指数。增温处理下, 两年生长季旺期(8月)的微生物生物量碳(MBC)含量分别为749.0和844.3 mg·kg -1, 微生物生物量氮(MBN)含量为43.1和102.1 mg·kg -1, 微生物生物量碳氮比分别为17.9和8.4, 但实验期间MBC、MBN和微生物生物量碳氮比与对照没有差异。PLFA分析的结果显示细菌在微生物群落中占主导, 而丛枝菌根真菌含量最少, 增温处理并没有改变不同类群的微生物生物量以及群落结构。进一步的分析显示, 土壤温度和含水量是调控土壤微生物群落变异的主要因子, 并且增温导致的微生物生物量碳的变化量分别与土壤温度和含水量的变化量呈显著正相关关系。以上结果表明, 由于受水分的限制, 短期增温对紫花针茅草原土壤微生物群落没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Souza  Rômulo C.  Solly  Emily F.  Dawes  Melissa A.  Graf  Frank  Hagedorn  Frank  Egli  Simon  Clement  Charles R.  Nagy  Laszlo  Rixen  Christian  Peter  Martina 《Plant and Soil》2017,416(1-2):527-537
Plant and Soil - Climate warming and elevated CO2 can modify nutrient cycling mediated by enzymes in soils, especially in cold-limited ecosystems with a low availability of nutrients and a high...  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区不同生活型植物物候响应气候变暖的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用1974年以来民勤荒漠区植物物候观测资料和气象观测资料,将22种植物分别按生长类型划分为乔木、灌木和草本植物3种生活型,再按更新芽着生部位将22种植物划分为高位芽植物、地上芽植物和地面芽植物植物3种生活型,分析了按这2种方法划分的不同生活型植物物候响应气候变化的差异.结果表明:1)不论以哪种方法划分的植物生活型,春季物候响应气温变化的敏感程度均大干秋季;2)按生长类型划分的3种生活型植物之间的物候变化差异较按更新芽着生部位划分的3种生活型植物之间的物候变化差异大,主要表现为乔木和灌木的物候差异较大;3)当地植物的生长期长度、乔木的春季物候提前幅度和高位芽植物的春季物候提前幅度大干其他文献报导;4)更新芽着生部位越高,春季物候响应当月和当年气温变暖越敏感,表明在地面以上、乔木高度以内,距地面越高气温对春季物候的影响越显著.  相似文献   

From 2001 to 2004 we experimentally warmed 40 large, naturally established, white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] seedlings at alpine treeline in southwest Yukon, Canada, using passive open‐top chambers (OTCs) distributed equally between opposing north and south‐facing slopes. Our goal was to test the hypothesis that an increase in temperature consistent with global climate warming would elicit a positive growth response. OTCs increased growing season air temperatures by 1.8°C and annual growing degree‐days by one‐third. In response, warmed seedlings grew significantly taller and had higher photosynthetic rates compared with control seedlings. On the south aspect, soil temperatures averaged 1.0°C warmer and the snow‐free period was nearly 1 month longer. These seedlings grew longer branches and wider annual rings than seedlings on the north aspect, but had reduced Photosystem‐II efficiency and experienced higher winter needle mortality. The presence of OTCs tended to reduce winter dieback over the course of the experiment. These results indicate that climate warming will enhance vertical growth rates of young conifers, with implications for future changes to the structure and elevation of treeline contingent upon exposure‐related differences. Our results suggest that the growth of seedlings on north‐facing slopes is limited by low soil temperature in the presence of permafrost, while growth on south‐facing slopes appears limited by winter desiccation and cold‐induced photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen content of bulk precipitation and throughfall (canopy leachates) was measured on annually burned and unburned tallgrass prairie during a 20 month period. Throughfall amounts averaged 58% of precipitation on unburned prairie while throughfall on annually burned sites averaged 76% of precipitation inputs. Stemflow was measured in late summer and autumn. Volumes were correlated with stem density; maximum stemflow volumes measured in this study averaged about 50% of throughfall volumes.Bulk precipitation averaged 530, 456, and 420 g/l of nitrate, ammonium and organic nitrogen, respectively. Throughfall on burned sites averaged 345, 344 and 980 g/l of nitrate, ammonium and organic nitrogen, and throughfall on unburned sites averaged 258, 196 and 1701 g/l of nitrate, ammonium and organic nitrogen. Microbes on standing dead vegetation and litter of the unburned sites were estimated to remove more inorganic nitrogen from bulk precipitation than did foliage on burned sites. Only a portion of the inorganic nitrogen in bulk precipitation is immediately available for plant use, and this availability is influenced by the amount of detritus present on the prairie.  相似文献   

土壤氧化亚氮(N2O)排放是大气N2O不可忽视的来源。然而, 目前学术界在气候变暖对土壤N2O排放影响方面的认识仍存在较大争议, 且调控土壤N2O排放的微生物机制尚不明确。为此, 该研究以青藏高原高寒草原生态系统为研究对象, 使用透明开顶箱(OTCs)模拟气候变暖, 并基于静态箱法测定了2014和2015年生长季(5-10月)的土壤N2O通量, 同时利用定量PCR技术测定了表层(0-10 cm)土壤中氨氧化古菌(AOA)和氨氧化细菌(AOB)的基因丰度。结果显示: 增温处理导致2014和2015年生长季表层(0-10 cm)土壤温度分别升高了1.7 ℃和1.6 ℃, 土壤体积含水量下降了2.5%和3.3%, 其他的土壤理化性质没有发生显著变化。土壤N2O通量呈现年际差异, 2014和2015年生长季的平均值分别为3.23和1.47 μg·m -2·h -1, 然而, 增温处理并没有显著改变土壤N2O通量。2014年生长季主导硝化作用的AOA和AOB的基因丰度分别为5.0 × 10 7和4.7 × 10 5拷贝·g -1, 2015年为15.2 × 10 7和10.0 × 10 5拷贝·g -1。尽管基因丰度存在显著的年际差异, 但在两年中与对照相比并未发生显著变化。在生长季尺度上, 增温导致的土壤N2O变化量与其引起的土壤水分变化量之间显著正相关, 而与土壤温度的变化量之间没有显著相关关系。以上结果表明, 增温导致的土壤干旱会抑制土壤N2O通量对增温的响应, 意味着未来评估气候变暖情景下土壤N2O排放量时需考虑增温引发的土壤干旱等间接效应。  相似文献   

The relationship between thermal detection threshold and rate of temperature change of the thermal stimulus when slow (<1°C?s?1) rates of change are employed was investigated. Using both the reaction time (RT) inclusive Method of Limits and RT exclusive Method of Levels healthy volunteers had warming (WDT) and cooling detection thresholds (CDT) measured at four different rates of temperature change (0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0°C?s?1) from the thenar and/or mental regions using a contact thermode. With the Method of Limits, CDT increased linearly with rate of temperature change suggesting increments were due to RT artefacts. This was further supported by threshold assessment with the Method of Levels which showed CDT were unaffected by the rate of change in the RT exclusive method (P?>?0.1). In contrast, WDT did not increase linearly with rate of stimulus temperature change when the Method of Limits was used and threshold assessment with the Method of Levels showed WDT assessed using a 0.3°C?s?1 ramp rate were significantly higher than those measured with a 1°C?s?1 rate of change (P?<?0.05). This study indicates that adaptation to a warming stimulus can occur at faster rates of stimulus change than previously anticipated and identifies differences in warming and cooling pathways in sensitivity to adaptation.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖将对陆地生态系统(尤其是高寒草甸生态系统)碳循环产生深远影响。该研究依托中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所藏北高原草地生态系统研究站(那曲站), 设置不同增温幅度实验, 模拟未来2 ℃增温和4 ℃增温的情景, 探究不同增温幅度对青藏高原高寒草甸净生态系统碳交换(NEE)的影响。研究结果显示: 1)在2015年生长季(6-9月), 不增温和2 ℃增温处理下NEE小于0, 总体表现为碳汇, 而4 ℃增温处理下NEE大于0, 总体表现为碳源; 2)在生长季的6月、8月及整个生长季, 与不增温相比, 4 ℃增温处理显著提高了NEE, 而2 ℃增温处理没有显著改变NEE; 7月, 2 ℃和4 ℃增温处理均显著提高了NEE; 3)在半干旱的高寒草甸生态系统, 土壤水分是决定NEE的关键因素, 增温通过降低土壤水分而导致高寒草甸生态系统碳汇能力下降。该研究可为青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统应对未来气候变化提供基础数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

The relationship between thermal detection threshold and rate of temperature change of the thermal stimulus when slow (<1 degrees C s(-1)) rates of change are employed was investigated. Using both the reaction time (RT) inclusive Method of Limits and RT exclusive Method of Levels healthy volunteers had warming (WDT) and cooling detection thresholds (CDT) measured at four different rates of temperature change (0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0 degrees C s(-1)) from the thenar and/or mental regions using a contact thermode. With the Method of Limits, CDT increased linearly with rate of temperature change suggesting increments were due to RT artefacts. This was further supported by threshold assessment with the Method of Levels which showed CDT were unaffected by the rate of change in the RT exclusive method (P > 0.1). In contrast, WDT did not increase linearly with rate of stimulus temperature change when the Method of Limits was used and threshold assessment with the Method of Levels showed WDT assessed using a 0.3 degrees C s(-1) ramp rate were significantly higher than those measured with a 1 degrees C s(-1) rate of change (P < 0.05). This study indicates that adaptation to a warming stimulus can occur at faster rates of stimulus change than previously anticipated and identifies differences in warming and cooling pathways in sensitivity to adaptation.  相似文献   

AimsGlobal warming could have profound effects on ecosystem carbon (C) fluxes in alpine ecosystems. The aim of our study is to examine the effects of gradient warming on net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE).MethodsIn the Northern Tibetan Grassland Ecosystem Research Station (Nagqu station), Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, we conducted various levels of temperature increasing experiments (i.e., 2 °C and 4 °C increments). The warming was achieved using open-top chambers (OTCs). In total, there were three levels of temperature treatments (control, 2 °C and 4 °C increment), and four replicates for each treatment. The ecosystem NEE was monitored every five days during the growing season in 2015.Important findings Our findings highlight the importance of soil moisture in mediating the responses of NEE to climatic warming in alpine meadow ecosystem. The 4 °C warming significantly stimulated NEE,except for July measurements. The 2 °C warming had no effects on NEE during the growing season. Compared to the 2 °C warming, the 4 °C warming significantly stimulated NEE. The results showed that our targeted ecosystem acts as a carbon sink under 2 °C warming, whereas will act as a net carbon source under 4 °C warming in the future. This study provides basic data and theoretical basis for evaluating the alpine ecosystem’s responses to climate change.  相似文献   

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