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Dechloromonas strain RCB has been shown to be capable of anaerobic degradation of benzene coupled to nitrate reduction. As a continuation of these studies, the metabolic versatility and hydrocarbon biodegradative capability of this organism were investigated. The results of these revealed that in addition to nitrate, strain RCB could alternatively degrade benzene both aerobically and anaerobically with perchlorate or chlorate [(per)chlorate] as a suitable electron acceptor. Furthermore, with nitrate as the electron acceptor, strain RCB could also utilize toluene, ethylbenzene, and all three isomers of xylene (ortho-, meta-, and para-) as electron donors. While toluene and ethylbenzene were completely mineralized to CO2, strain RCB did not completely mineralize para-xylene but rather transformed it to some as-yet-unidentified metabolite. Interestingly, with nitrate as the electron acceptor, strain RCB degraded benzene and toluene concurrently when the hydrocarbons were added as a mixture and almost 92 microM total hydrocarbons were oxidized within 15 days. The results of these studies emphasize the unique metabolic versatility of this organism, highlighting its potential applicability to bioremediative technologies.  相似文献   

Several aerobic metabolic pathways for the degradation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX), which are provided by two enzymic systems (dioxygenases and monooxygenases), have been identified. The monooxygenase attacks methyl or ethyl substituents of the aromatic ring, which are subsequently transformed by several oxidations to corresponding substituted pyrocatechols or phenylglyoxal, respectively. Alternatively, one oxygen atom may be first incorporated into aromatic ring while the second atom of the oxygen molecule is used for oxidation of either aromatic ring or a methyl group to corresponding pyrocatechols or protocatechuic acid, respectively. The dioxygenase attacks aromatic ring with the formation of 2-hydroxy-substituted compounds. Intermediates of the “upper” pathway are then mineralized by eitherortho-ormeta-ring cleavage (“lower” pathway). BTEX are relatively water-soluble and there-fore they are often mineralized by indigenous microflora. Therefore, natural attenuation may be considered as a suitable way for the clean-up of BTEX contaminants from gasoline-contaminated soil and groundwater.  相似文献   

Aerobic biodegradation of benzene, toluene andnaphthalene was studied in pre-equilibrated soil-waterslurry microcosms. The experiments were designed tosimulate biodegradation at waste sites where sorptionreaches equilibrium before biodegradation becomesimportant. Rates of biodegradation were reduced by thepresence of soil. For example, nearly completenaphthalene biodegradation (1.28 mg/L) by indigenoussoil bacteria occurred within 60 hours in aqueoussolution (soil-free) while it took two weeks todegrade the same amount in the presence of 0.47 kgsoil/L of water. The rate of biodegradation wasobserved to decrease with increasing organic compoundhydrophobicity, soil/water ratio, soil particle size,and soil organic carbon content. These resultsclearly indicate that the rate of biodegradation isaffected by both the extent and rate of sorption. Further analysis suggests that mass transfer couldcontrol the performance of in situ bioremediation forhighly hydrophobic organic contaminants which exhibita large extent of sorption and slow rate ofdesorption.  相似文献   

In experiments in vitro, neither benzene, toluene nor xylene changed the number of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) or the number of chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes. Toluene and xylene caused a significant cell growth inhibition which was not observed with benzene in the same concentrations.  相似文献   

In experiments in vitro, neither benzene, toluene nor xylene changed the number of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) or the number of chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes. Toluene and xylene caused a significant cell growth inhibition which was not observed with benzene in the same concentrations.  相似文献   

On equal parts of benzene, toluene and p-xylene (BTX), a stable bacterial consortium was enriched for removal of BTX vapours from air. As demonstrated by gas chromatographic monitoring, this consortium removed all three BTX components but was able to grow only on benzene and/or toluene. A Pseudomonas putida strain, PPO1, isolated from this consortium behaved in an identical manner. When immobilized on a porous peat/perlite column, both the consortium and the PPO1 isolated removed all three BTX components from metered air streams. However, due to the accumulation of products from the incompletely metabolized p-xylene, the removal rates were unsatisfactory and declined further with time. P. putida ATCC 33015 bearing the TOL plasmid was capable of growing on toluene, on para- and on meta- xylene isomers, but not on benzene. When the PPO1 and ATCC 33015 strains were immobilized, in equal parts, on peat/perlite columns a much improved and sustainable removal of all three BTX components was observed at the rate of 40–50 g/h. m3 filter bed. Due to the dominance of the ring-hydroxylating pathways over the TOL pathway, the classical enrichment approach did not result in a consortium capable of the sustained removal of all BTX components. However, a rationally formulated consortium consisting of members with complementary metabolic abilities was capable of this task and should be of use both in industrial emission control and in soil venting operations.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method is described for the simultaneous determination of six urinary metabolites of several aromatic chemicals: phenol (from benzene), hippuric acid (from toluene), 3-methylhippuric acid (from xylene), mandelic and phenylglyoxylic acid (from styrene) and 4-nitrophenol (from nitrobenzene). Reversed-phase liquid chromatography was performed in an isocratic mode at 1 ml/min on a 5-μm C18 column using two mobile phases: (A) acetonitrile—1% phosphoric acid (10:90); (B) acetonitrile—1% phosphoric acid (30:70). Phase A separates the six metabolites well, but phase B allows to a more rapid and reproducible simultaneous determination of phenolic compounds than phase A. For these compounds a prior enzymic hydrolysis step using Helix pomatia juice is performed to hydrolyse their sulphate and glucuronate conjugates. The reproducibility and the specificity are both excellent. Furthermore, the method is rapid, economical and easily automated. The proposed method appears very suitable for the routine monitoring of workers exposed to these chemicals on the basis of the biological threshold limit values.  相似文献   

In 106 workers (47 women and 59 men) being in professional contact with organic solvents containing benzene and its homologues during 1 to 122 months the cytochemical examination of peripheral blood neutrophils has been performed. The patterns of neutrophil functional activation have been noted expressed in increased activities of acid phosphatase and beta-glucuronidase, increased NBT reduction and diminished glycogen reserves. Those changes were accompanied by diminished peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase activities. The stimulated NBT reduction, elevated in majority of workers, exhibited negative correlation with the exposure time what indicates the practical value of that test monitoring the biological effects of professional contact with the solvents.  相似文献   

The unsaturated subsurface (vadose zone) receives significant amounts of hazardous chemicals, yet little is known about its microbial communities and their capacity to biodegrade pollutants. Trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegradation occurs readily in surface soils; however, the process usually requires enzyme induction by aromatic compounds, methane, or other cosubstrates. The aerobic biodegradation of toluene and TCE by indigenous microbial populations was measured in samples collected from the vadose zone at unpolluted and gasoline-contaminated sites. Incubation at field moisture levels showed little activity on either TCE or toluene, so samples were tested in soil suspensions. No degradation occurred in samples suspended in water or phosphate buffer solution; however, both toluene and TCE were degraded in samples suspended in mineral salts medium. TCE degradation depended on toluene degradation, and little loss occurred under sterile conditions. Studies with specific nutrients showed that addition of ammonium sulfate was essential for degradation, and addition of other mineral nutrients further enhanced the rate. Additional studies with vadose sediments amended with nutrients showed similar trends to those observed in sediment suspensions. Initial rates of biodegradation in suspensions were faster in uncontaminated samples than in gasolinecontaminated samples, but the same percentages of chemicals were degraded. Biodegradation was slower and less extensive in shallower samples than deeper samples from the uncontaminated site. Two toluene-degrading organisms isolated from a gasoline-contaminated sample were identified as Corynebacterium variabilis SVB74 and Acinetobacter radioresistens SVB65. Inoculation with 106 cells of C. variabilis ml–1 of soil solution did not enhance the rate of degradation above that of the indigenous population. These results indicate that mineral nutrients limited the rate of TCE and toluene degradation by indigenous populations and that no additional benefit was derived from inoculation with a toluene-degrading bacterial strain. Correspondence to: K.M. Scow  相似文献   

S Fan  K M Scow 《Applied microbiology》1993,59(6):1911-1918
The biodegradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) and toluene, incubated separately and in combination, by indigenous microbial populations was measured in three unsaturated soils incubated under aerobic conditions. Sorption and desorption of TCE (0.1 to 10 micrograms ml-1) and toluene (1.0 to 20 micrograms ml-1) were measured in two soils and followed a reversible linear isotherm. At a concentration of 1 micrograms ml-1, TCE was not degraded in the absence of toluene in any of the soils. In combination, both 1 microgram of TCE ml-1 and 20 micrograms of toluene ml-1 were degraded simultaneously after a lag period of approximately 60 to 80 h, and the period of degradation lasted from 70 to 90 h. Usually 60 to 75% of the initial 1 microgram of TCE ml-1 was degraded, whereas 100% of the toluene disappeared. A second addition of 20 micrograms of toluene ml-1 to a flask with residual TCE resulted in another 10 to 20% removal of the chemical. Initial rates of degradation of toluene and TCE were similar at 32, 25, and 18 degrees C; however, the lag period increased with decreasing temperature. There was little difference in degradation of toluene and TCE at soil moisture contents of 16, 25, and 30%, whereas there was no detectable degradation at 5 and 2.5% moisture. The addition of phenol, but not benzoate, stimulated the degradation of TCE in Rindge and Yolo silt loam soils, methanol and ethylene slightly stimulated TCE degradation in Rindge soil, glucose had no effect in either soil, and dissolved organic carbon extracted from soil strongly sorbed TCE but did not affect its rate of biodegradation.  相似文献   

Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the stoichiometry and kinetics of microbial degradation of toluene under denitrifying conditions. The inoculum originated from a mixture of sludges from sewage treatment plants with alternating nitrification and denitrification. The culture was able to degrade toluene under anaerobic conditions in the presence of nitrate, nitrite, nitric oxide, or nitrous oxide. No degradation occurred in the absence of Noxides. The culture was also able to use oxygen, but ferric iron could not be used as an electron acceptor. In experiments with14C-labeled toluene, 34%±8% of the carbon was incorporated into the biomass, while 53%±10% was recovered as14CO2, and 6%±2% remained in the medium as nonvolatile water soluble products. The average consumption of nitrate in experiments, where all the reduced nitrate was recovered as nitrite, was 1.3±0.2 mg of nitrate-N per mg of toluene. This nitrate reduction accounted for 70% of the electrons donated during the oxidation of toluene. When nitrate was reduced to nitrogen gas, the consumption was 0.7±0.2 mg per mg of toluene, accounting for 97% of the donated electrons. Since the ammonia concentration decreased during degradation, dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonia was not the reductive process. The degradation of toluene was modelled by classical Monod kinetics. The maximum specific rate of degradation, k, was estimated to be 0.71 mg toluene per mg of protein per hour, and the Monod saturation constant, K s , to be 0.2 mg toluene/l. The maximum specific growth rate, max , was estimated to be 0.1 per hour, and the yield coefficient, Y, was 0.14 mg protein per mg toluene.Abbreviations NVWP Non Volatile Water-soluble Products  相似文献   

BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) degrading bacteria were isolated from Pacific Ocean sediment and nearshore surface water. In the seawater near a ferry dock, degrading bacteria of a relatively wide diversity were detected, including species of Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Exiguobacterium and Bacillus; while species of Bacillus only have been detected from the deep-sea sediment. Most of the isolates showed degradation to more than one compound. Generally better growth was obtained with p-xylene and ethylbenzene than with the other two. All the bacteria could tolerate and grow with the compounds at 5–20% (v/v). Both benzene and toluene degradation related genes had been successfully PCR cloned from the isolates of nearshore water, the detected benzene dioxygenase gene was identical among all the species and close to its soil counterpart. However, they were not detected in all the isolates from deep sea. Results in this report suggested that BTX degrading bacteria widely spread in marine environments and they might be of potentials in biotreatment of BTEX in saline environments.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple, whole-cell bioassay for the detection of bioavailable benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and similar compounds. A genetically engineered E. coli strain expressing toluene dioxygenase (TDO) and toluene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (TodD) was constructed, enabling the conversion of BTEX into their respective catechols, which were quickly converted into colored products by a horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-coupled reaction. The intensity of the color formation was correlated to concentrations of the BTEX compounds. Under the optimized conditions, a detection limit (defined as three times the standard deviation of the response obtained from the blank) of 10, 10, 20, and 50 microM was observed for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene, respectively. The bioassay was selective toward BTEX-related compounds with no interference observed with commonly used pesticides, herbicides, and organic solvent. The bioassay was very stable with little change in response over a 10-week period. The excellent stability suggests that the reported bioassay may be suitable for field monitoring of BTEX to identify and track contaminated water and follow the bioremediation progress.  相似文献   

A bacterial consortium with complementary metabolic capabilities was formulated and specific removal rates were 0.14, 0.35, 0.04, and 0.39 h–1 for benzene, toluene, o-xylene, and m,p-xylene, respectively. When immobilized on a porous peat moss biofilter, removal of all five (= BTX) components was observed with rates of 1.8–15.4 g m–3 filter bed h–1. Elimination capacities with respect to the inlet gas concentrations of BTX and airflow rates showed diffusive regimes in the tested concentration range of (0.1–5.3 g m–3) and airflow (0.55–1.82 m3 m–2 h–1) except for o-xylene which reached its critical gas concentration at 0.3 g m–3.  相似文献   

A novel method for the determination of microbial growth kinetics on hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOC) has been developed. A stirred tank reactor was operated as a fed-batch system to which the VOC was continuously fed via the gas phase, assuring a constant VOC concentration in the mineral medium. A flow of air was saturated with the VOC, and then mixed with a further flow of air, to obtain a predetermined VOC concentration. Thus, different VOC concentrations in the mineral medium could be obtained by altering the VOC concentration in the feed gas. The growth kinetics of Xanthobacter autotrophicus GJ10 on 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) and of Pseudomonas sp. strain JS150 on MonoChloroBenzene (MCB) were assessed using this method. The growth of strain JS150 was strongly inhibited at MCB concentrations higher than 160 mg l−1, and the results were fitted using a piecewise function. The growth kinetics of strain GJ10 were described by the Luong model where maximum growth rate μmax = 0.12 h−1, substrate saturation constant K S = 7.8 mg l−1, and maximum substrate concentration S m (above which growth is completely inhibited) = 1080 mg l−1. Varying nitrogen and oxygen flows enabled the effect of oxygen concentration on the growth kinetics of Pseudomonas JS150 to be determined. Received: 30 November 1998 / Received revision: 19 March 1999 / Accepted: 20 March 1999  相似文献   

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - Petroleum oil refineries are massive emitters of risky volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Among the VOCs, toluene is taken into account as a significant...  相似文献   

Traditional concepts of nutrient uptake and growth kinetics as linked by cell yield are presented. Phenomena affecting the kinetics are examined along with a discussion of those which lead to ambiguity. Concepts of flux control are presented to help understand the distribution of material along metabolic pathways. Specific affinity is described to relate nutrient accumulation rates to transporter density. It is shown to be a primary kinetic constant and the best available index of nutrient collection ability. As an aid to understanding, specific affinity is reexpressed in terms of membrane permeability. Formulations of nutrient transport rate as a function of cellular composition, particularly transporter and enzyme content and known as janusian kinetics, are described as an improvement to specific affinity theory. Procedures for quantified unidirectional fluxes are reviewed to identify the difference between gross and net transport rates of substrate. Collision frequency theory is used to show that in addition to total biomass, cell size and transporter density should also be included in rate equations describing microbial growth. Theory diversity suggests that one reason for microbial metabolic is that the likelihood of additional collisions of substrate molecules with a cell surface, after an initial collision, requires only a sparse distribution of transporter sites for maximal rate, leaving room for additional transporters able to collect other substrate types.  相似文献   

The anaerobic accumulation of several organic pollutants from industrial wastewaters, as storage substrates, and their subsequent aerobic biodegradation using a wastewater treatment mixed microbial culture for biological nutrient removal has been studied. The amount and the kinetics of substrate accumulation in the anaerobic stage depended on the characteristics of the wastewater fed to the anaerobic stage. Depending on the substrate used, levels of between 27 and 86% of storage polymers were accumulated with respect to the level obtained on feeding with acetate. The biodegradation kinetics were studied by modelling respirometry results. During the aerobic stage, oxygen-consumption data obtained in the respirometric tests were fitted to a model using a non-linear fitting estimation method. The simulation data obtained correlated well with the experimental oxygen-consumption data. The estimated kinetic parameters obtained indicate that each storage polymer was degraded at a different rate. However, the values obtained for the storage polymer half-saturation coefficient, KS: 16 mg COD l−1, and for the coefficient for endogenous respiration, b: 0.008 h−1, were similar in all the experiments. The results indicate that each substrate produces the synthesis of a specific storage polymer that is degraded at a different rate.  相似文献   

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