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The high rate of crown caries (8.6%; 119/1,377 teeth) and other oral pathologies in 101 central Japan Middle to Late Jomon Period (ca. 1000 B.C.) crania indicate a level of carbohydrate consumption consistent with an agriculture hypothesis. Because Jomon dental crown and root morphology shows strong resemblances with past and present Southeast Asians, but not with ancient Chinese or modern Japanese, Jomon agriculture could be of great antiquity in the isolated Japanese islands. These dental data and other assembled facts suggest that ancestral Jomonese might have carried to Japan a cariogenic cultigen such as taro before the end of the Pleistocene from tropical Sundaland by way of the now-submerged east Asian continental shelf.  相似文献   

We compare the incidence of 25 nonmetric dental traits of the people of the Neolithic Dawenkou culture (6300-4500 BP) sites in Shandong Province, North China with those of other East Asian populations. The Dawenkou teeth had an overwhelmingly greater resemblance to the Sinodont pattern typical of Northeast Asia than to the Sundadont pattern typical of Southeast Asia. Multidimensional scaling using Smith's mean measure of divergence (MMD) statistic place the Dawenkou sample near the Amur and the North China-Mongolia populations in the area of the plot indicating typical Sinodonty. The existence of the Sinodont population in Neolithic North China suggests a possible continuity of Sinodonty from the Upper Cave population at Zhoukoudian (about 34000-10000 BP) to the modern North Chinese. The presence of Sinodonty in Shandong Province shows that the Japan Sea and East China Sea were strong barriers to gene flow for at least 3000 years, because at this time the Jomonese of Japan were fully Sundadont. In addition, we suggest that the descendants of the Dawenkou population cannot be excluded as one of the source populations that contributed to sinodontification in Japan.  相似文献   

Traditional morphometric approaches for taxonomic assignment of Neanderthal and modern human dental remains are mainly characterized by caliper measurements of tooth crowns. Several studies have recently described differences in dental tissue proportions and enamel thickness between Neanderthal and modern human teeth. At least for the lower second deciduous molar (dm2), a three-dimensional lateral relative enamel thickness index has been proposed for separating the two taxa. This index has the advantage over other measurements of being applicable to worn teeth because it ignores the occlusal aspect of the crown. Nevertheless, a comparative evaluation of traditional crown dimensions and lateral dental tissue proportion measurements for taxonomic assignment of Neanderthal and modern human dm2s has not yet been performed.In this study, we compare various parameters gathered from the lateral aspects of the crown. These parameters include crown diameters, height of the lateral wall of the crown (lateral crown height = LCH), lateral enamel thickness, and dentine volume of the lateral wall, including the volume of the coronal pulp chamber (lateral dentine plus pulp volume = LDPV), in a 3D digital sample of Neanderthal and modern human dm2s to evaluate their utility in separating the two taxa.The LDPV and the LCH allow us to discriminate between Neanderthals and modern humans with 88.5% and 92.3% accuracy, respectively. Though our results confirm that Neanderthal dm2s have lower relative enamel thickness (RET) index compared with modern humans (p = 0.005), only 70% of the specimens were correctly classified on the basis of the RET index. We also emphasize that results of the lateral enamel thickness method depend on the magnitude of the interproximal wear. Accordingly, we suggest using the LCH or the LDPV to discriminate between Neanderthal and modern human dm2s. These parameters are more independent of interproximal wear and loss of lateral enamel.  相似文献   

Morphological variations of the dental crown and roots provide valuable data for determining the genetic affinities and evolutionary adaptedness of prehistoric human skeletal populations. This paper documents morphological variations of a sample of deciduous teeth from the late Chalcolithic farming village of Inamgaon (1600-700 B.C.) in western India. Hanihara's (1963) grading system of deciduous dental traits was employed in assessing the degree of expression of shovel-shape of incisors, cusp number of upper and lower first molars, hypocone variation, Carabelli's trait, cusp number of lower second molars and the protostylid. Turner's (1970) classification was used to determine presence and size of accessory cusps: entoconulid (C-6) and metaconulid (C-7). Comparative evaluation of the Inamgaon deciduous dental data is hampered by the absence of data for dental features of living and prehistoric South Asian populations. Many of the traits observed in the Inamgaon series exhibit a frequency of occurrence intermediate between figures characteristic of the "Mongoloid" dental complex and the "Caucasoid" dental complex.  相似文献   

Lingual surface attrition of the maxillary anterior teeth (LSA-MAT) has been found in additional prehistoric Latin American Indian skeletons. LSAMAT was first observed in crania from an Archaic Brazilian site. This second finding occurs in teeth from Venado Beach, a late prehistoric site in Panama. LSAMAT is also present in some fragmentary specimens from the Archaic Cerro Mangote site in Panama. LSAMAT at Venado Beach is present in 57% of 28 adult crania. As in the Brazilian study, LSAMAT is associated with a high caries rate (82% of 50 adults; 11.7% of 852 permanent teeth). As first suggested, eating and processing of some type of abrasive carbohydrate food, such as manioc, is the possible cause of LSAMAT. However, other possible causes relating to habitation on or near marine coasts cannot be totally ruled out.  相似文献   

To many Near Eastern archaeologists, the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age transition in the southern Levant indicates the emergence of a new ethnicity. The question remains, however, whether changes in the material culture are the result of an invasion of foreigners, or instead arose from shifting cultural and technical practices by indigenous peoples. This study utilized dental morphological traits to assess phenetic relationships between the Late Bronze Age site of Dothan (1500-1100 BC) and the Iron Age II site of Lachish (Tell ed-Duweir, 701 BC). Information on 30 dental crown and root traits was collected for 4,412 teeth, representing 392 individuals from Lachish and a minimum of 121 individuals from Dothan, using the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System. Seventeen traits from Dothan and Lachish were compared with dentitions from a Byzantine Jerusalem monastery, Iron Age Italy, a Natufian group (early agrarians from the Levant), and a Middle Kingdom Egyptian site using C.A.B. Smith's mean measure of divergence statistic. The findings suggest that there are more similarities between Dothan and Lachish than either of them and other sites. This analysis indicates that the material culture changes were not the result of a foreign invasion. Rather, the Iron Age people of the southern Levant were related to their Bronze Age predecessors.  相似文献   

Mesiodistal and buccolingual crown diameters were measured from dental casts representing the deciduous dentitions of 197 Aboriginal children from the Northern Territory of Australia. Double determination analysis indicated that the semi-automatic recording procedure used was reliable leading to observer errors of no practical significance. Tooth-size was greater in the male subjects but the sexual dimorphism was less marked than in the permanent teeth of the same subjects. The mandibular teeth were more uniform than maxillary with respect to buccolingual size relative to mesiodistal. Extremes of general tooth-size were more marked in the deciduous dentition than in the permanent as a consequence of the relatively large deciduous second molar which in Aboriginals approximates in size the permanent first molar of many other ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Ala-329 is a prehistoric central California site located on the southeastern margin of San Francisco Bay, dating from approximately 500 AD up to pre-European contact. A large earth mound, Ala-329, has yielded many well preserved burials, approximately 300 of which are included in this study. The most common pathological lesions seen in this population are in the dentition. Advanced attrition is pervasive, affecting all individuals with teeth in occlusion for 2 years or more. Deciduous teeth are involved even in very young children and often show severe wear before replacement. In the permanent dentition, all elements are involved by the second decade; in the oldest age category (41+ years), all individuals show severe wear throughout their dentitions. In fact, by the end of the third decade, the majority of individuals have no enamel remaining. Mild periodontal involvement is found in 74% of adults, socket resorption in 53%, and abscesses in 31% of the relevant sample. Interestingly, although dental abscesses are found more than twice as often among males, socket resorption is seen more often among females. Dental caries are seen in only 10 individuals. The high incidence of periodontal remodeling, socket resorption, and dental abscesses is probably a secondary result of severe dental attrition. It is hypothesized that a large quantity of abrasives in the diet is responsible for the extreme degree of attrition, in fact, among the most severe for any population yet described.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy was used to study age-related changes in the dental microwear of 36 prehistoric juveniles ranging from 6 to 27 months of age. Juveniles from horticultural (Middle Woodland) and agricultural (Mississippian) groups were studied to allow an investigation of the impact of diet on deciduous microwear. Inclusion of both molars and incisors in the sample permitted identification of age at earliest appearance of wear and comparisons between the age-related microwear characterizing different tooth types. Data on feature frequency and enamel surface characteristics were analyzed. Microwear feature frequencies generally increase with age and/or exposure to wear. Enamel surface characteristics show consistent qualitative changes associated with both age and exposure to wear. Molars and incisors differ for such surface characteristics in a way that make biomechanical sense, given the relative bite forces characterizing these teeth. Dietary reconstruction based on deciduous microwear is complex because of the effects of both age and exposure to wear on feature frequencies and enamel surface characteristics. Nonetheless, the present analyses suggest that 1) diets differed for younger and older juveniles within each cultural group and 2) the Middle Woodland juvenile diet was both harder and more varied in physical consistency than the Mississippian juvenile diet.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同修复方式对儿童乳牙牙体缺损修复的治疗效果和安全性。方法:选择2011年1月至2015年1月在我院因牙体缺损严重无法填充修复的乳牙牙体缺损患儿67例。将所有患者随机分为三组,记为A组(22例)、B组(22例)和C组(23例)。A组患儿进行金属预成冠修复,B组患儿进行铸瓷嵌体修复,C组患儿进行银汞合金充填修复。随访18个月,比较3组患儿的治疗效果和不良反应的发生情况。结果:C组患儿随访期间发生牙痛6例,食物嵌塞、修复体和牙体之间出现裂缝的患儿各5例,牙龈充血3例,继发龋2例;B组患儿发生牙痛3例,食物嵌塞、牙龈充血、修复体和牙体之间出现裂缝以及继发龋等各1例;A组患儿发生疼痛和食物嵌塞各2例,牙龈充血1例。A组和B组患儿以上不良事件的发生率明显低于C组(P0.05),A组发生不良事件的发生率低于B组,但是差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:应用金属预成冠修复和铸瓷嵌体修复儿童乳牙牙体缺损较银汞合金充填修复具有更好的临床效果,且安全性更高。  相似文献   

在海岱地区古代居民中,北辛文化居民最早出现拔牙现象,都是拔除双侧上颌侧门齿,单一形式且高出现率的拔牙现象可能与成年仪式相关。结合考古材料和民族学资料来看,凿、敲或打应该是海岱地区史前居民去除牙齿的主要方式,具体操作应该是用细小且坚硬的工具抵在需去除的牙齿上,然后用石块等工具进行敲打。海岱地区古代居民对去除后的牙齿进行了相对随意或特意的处理,且原牙位空间没有进行其他填充。这种拔牙现象的消逝可能始于大汶口文化晚期,进入龙山文化时期海岱地区的这种拔牙现象出现了整体性的衰落。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the microevolutionary dynamics of morphological features of the deciduous dentition, I collected data on the variation of 57 features (33 crown and 24 root) from prehistoric Ohio Valley populations. I sampled a total of 370 individuals from 26 populations representing a lineage that inhabited the middle and upper Ohio valley region from approximately 3000 to 350 BP. Evolutionary changes in the frequencies of morphological features of the deciduous teeth in this lineage were limited. Over 80% of the features show no significant differences among the populations. The relatively few features that show consistent differences separate pre- and postmaize agricultural populations. I discuss explanations for this change in terms of selection differences or gene flow. The general pattern of morphological trait expression in the deciduous teeth of this Ohio Valley lineage corresponds to what has been termed the Mongoloid dental complex (sinodonty in the permanent teeth). I suggest additional features that, with further study, may be added to this morphological complex. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:189–205, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cemetery T at Naqada has been postulated as being the interment site of a predynastic royal or ruling elite due to its small, localized area and the richness of its burial goods. In order to examine possible biological differentiation between the individuals buried in Cemetery T and those buried in other, possibly lower status cemeteries at Naqada, nonmetric dental morphological data were analyzed using the Mean Measure of Divergence statistic. Results indicate that Cemetery T shows some biological distinction from both Cemetery B and the Great Cemetery. The size of the difference supports the archaeological interpretation that Cemetery T represents a ruling or elite segment (or lineage) of the local population at Naqada, rather than a ruling or elite immigrant population. Given the problem of small samples, however, this interpretation is tentative. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Schwartz ('74) proposes revised homologies of the deciduous and permanent teeth in living lemuriform primates of the family Indriidae. However, new evidence provided by the deciduous dentition ofAvahi suggests that the traditional interpretations are correct, specifically: (1) the lateral teeth in the dental scraper of Indriidae are homologous with the incisors of Lemuridae and Lorisidae, not the canines; (2) the dental formula for the lower deciduous teeth of indriids is 2.1.3; (3) the dental formula for the lower permanent teeth of indriids is; and (4) decrease in number of incisors during primate evolution was usually in the sequence I3, then I2, then I1. It appears that dental reduction during primate evolution occurred at the ends of integrated incisor and cheek tooth units to minimize disruption of their functional integrity.  相似文献   

The Ra's al-Hamra prehistoric fishermen lived in isolation on the Qurum rocky promontorium in Oman during the 5th-4th millennia BC. To date, they represent the most ancient and numerous human fossil group excavated from the Arabian peninsula. Like other contemporaneous archaeologically documented small communities along the desert Arabian coasts, they intensively exploited ocean resources and collected molluscs from nearby mangrove swamps. The present study analyzes aspects of dental anthropology (including crown variation, morphology, dental wear, and oral health), in 600 permanent teeth from 49 individuals of both sexes excavated at the Mesolithic RH5-site by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Oman from 1981 to 1985. In association with a general low degree of morphometric variation, the Ra's al-Hamra dental crowns show low sexual dimorphism and are consistently reduced in size. These features are unexpected in a preagricultural population, especially when these data are compared to other eastern African and near Middle Eastern prehistoric populations. These data are discussed within the general context of human dental structural reduction occurring during the post-Pleistocene and are interpreted according to the "increasing population density effect" model. There are other significant differences that characterize the Ra's al-Hamra dentitions with respect to both eastern and western prehistoric human groups. The frequency of numerous nonmetric crown traits supports the hypothesis that a microdifferentiation phenomenon occurred in this marginal area. The preliminary skeletal analysis and the palaeodemographic profile show that the Omani prehistoric fishermen were affected by genetic isolation and inbreeding as well as strong environmental stress. Because of the grit assimilated with dried fish and the high shellfish consumption, dental wear was extreme in all age groups at Ra's al-Hamra and occasionally was responsible for serious hematogenously spread infections. In spite of the great anthropological importance of ancient Arabian populations, very few studies on skeletal and dental samples have been completed. The present paper offers an odontological data set for future comparative research in the area.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have been performed on interpopulational variation of tooth wear patterns in recent humans, the major interest in the study of tooth wear so far has been in reconstructing the subsistence and behavior of prehistoric populations, and hence research on wear pattern changes in historic times has been superficial. The present study investigated temporal change in the pattern of wear on the permanent dentition of the Japanese through comparison of the following five groups: prehistoric hunter-gatherers, prehistoric agriculturists, medieval, premodern, and recent populations. The pattern of reduction of occlusal wear severity across thesechronological groups was not similar between the anterior and posterior portions of the dentition. Occlusal wear on the anterior teeth was noticeably lighter in the prehistoric agriculturists and later populations than in the prehistoric hunter-gatherers, while clear reduction of occlusal wear on the posterior teeth occurred after medieval times. The temporal variations in the degree of mesiodistal crown diameter loss due to wear and its anterior-posterior gradient within the dentition are generally consistent with those observed in the occlusal wear pattern. Possible causative factors of these temporal changes in the wear pattern are discussed. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:501–508, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The frequency and form of the middle trigonid crest (MTC) in lower permanent molars is reported for 1,131 dental casts of Bushman (San), Bantu, Solomons, Hawaiians, Pima, Eskimo, Navajo, Chinese, and American whites. The MTC occurs most often on the first molar. We found very little intra-trait variation, so observations were scored on a present-absent basis. The MTC is most frequent in the African samples and rare in those of the other populations. Two reference plaques can be obtained to add to the existing series in the ASU dental anthropology system. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Crown morphology of 85 plaster dental casts from skeletal and living Ainus of less than 1/8 non-Ainu admixture is described and compared for microevolutionary and origins considerations. There is no significant sex dimorphism and few inter-sample differences through time. Inter-observer differences occur where observation standards are poorly established. Ainu teeth exhibit a simplified pattern and have trait frequencies more like those of Polynesians and Micronesians than like Chinese, Japanese or Europeans. There is no dental evidence in support of a Caucasoid origin or close relationship. Similarities outnumber differences between Ainu teeth and those of Micronesians and Polynesians suggestive of a past biological relationship.  相似文献   

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