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Population-level right handedness is a human universal, whose evolutionary origins are the source of considerable empirical and theoretical debate. Although our closest neighbor, the chimpanzee, shows some evidence for population-level handedness in captivity, there is little evidence from the wild. Tool-use measures of hand use in chimpanzees have yielded a great deal of variation in directionality and strength in hand preference, which still remains largely unexplored and unexplained. Data on five measures of hand use across four tool-use skills--ant-dipping, algae-scooping, pestle-pounding and nut-cracking--among the wild chimpanzees of Bossou, Guinea, West Africa, are presented here. This study aims to explore age- and sex-class effects, as well as the influence of task motor, cognitive and haptic demands, on the strength and directionality of hand preference within and across all five measures of hand use. Although there was no age- or sex-class effect on the directionality of hand preference, immature 相似文献   

A new type of tool use, leaf cushion, by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea, was found. We report two cases: one is indirect evidence; the other is direct observation of a chimpanzee who used the tool. Both cases indicate that chimpanzees used a set of leaves as a cushion while sitting on wet ground. Chimpanzees at Bossou show various kinds of tool use, some of which are unique to the community. Most of these behavioral patterns are subsistence tool use for obtaining food, as at other study sites. The use of leaves as a cushion adds to the few instances of nonsubsistence, elementary technology seen used by wild chimpanzees. Am. J. Primatol. 44:215–220, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A small group of wild chimpanzees at Bossou, southeastern Guinea, is semi-isolated, occupying a home-range which is several kilometers from those of other groups. The group has had only one adult male since 1985, raising the probability of inbreeding. Direct observation suggests that this male was the father of all infants born in the group since 1985. In 1991 individually identified samples of food wadges, hair, and feces were collected from most of the group members. These samples were analyzed using GT dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms to determine familial relationships. The genetic analysis revealed that the resident adult male was the probable father of only three out of the four infants analyzed. It is suspected that an adult male from a neighboring group was the father of the fourth infant, born in late 1986 or early 1987.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of ant‐dipping among the wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of Bossou, in southeastern Guinea, West Africa. Observations suggest a strong influence of prey (Dorylusspp.) characteristics, including aggressiveness and/or gregariousness, on tool length and technique employed by the chimpanzees. Bossou chimpanzees exhibit two ant‐dipping techniques: 1) direct mouthing, and 2) pull‐through. In addition, they were observed dipping for several species of Dorylus ants, classed into two categories: Red and Black. Tool length was longer when dipping in higher‐risk contexts, i.e., at the ants' nest site or on Black ants. The pull‐through technique was almost exclusively associated with dipping at the nest site. This latter technique was associated with tools over 50cm long, whereas direct mouthing was the only technique observed with tools <50cm long. Our experimental findings, together with our observations on the behavior of the chimpanzees, suggest that at the nest, the pull‐through technique was a more efficient technique than direct mouthing. We review our results in the context of ant‐dipping observed at two other long‐term chimpanzee study sites, i.e., Gombe (Tanzania) and Taï (Côte d'Ivoire), where differences in tool length, technique used, and focal Dorylus ant species have been reported. Finally, we urge similar detailed studies of this tool‐use behavior in both Gombe and Taï to shed further light upon our results and their implications. Am. J. Primatol. 58:133–148, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wild chimpanzees are known to have a different repertoire of tool use unique to each community. For example, "ant-dipping" is a tool use behavior known in several chimpanzee communities across Africa targeted at driver ants (Dorylus spp.) on the ground, whereas "ant-fishing," which is aimed at carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) in trees, has primarily been observed among the chimpanzees of Mahale in Tanzania. Although the evidence for differences between field sites is accumulating, we have little knowledge on how these tool use behaviors appear at each site and on how these are modified over time. This study reports two"ant-fishing" sessions which occurred 2 years apart by a young male chimpanzee at Bossou, Guinea. Ant-fishing had never been observed before in this community over the past 27 years. During the first session, at the age of 5, he employed wands of similar length when ant-fishing in trees to those used for ant-dipping on the ground, which is a customary tool use behavior of this community. Two years later, at the age of 7, his tools for ant-fishing were shorter and more suitable for capturing carpenter ants. This observation is a rare example of innovation in the wild and does provide insights into problem-solving and learning processes in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Modelling the behaviour of extinct hominins is essential in order to devise useful hypotheses of our species'' evolutionary origins for testing in the palaeontological and archaeological records. One approach is to model the last common ancestor (LCA) of living apes and humans, based on current ethological and ecological knowledge of our closest living relations. Such referential modelling is based on rigorous, ongoing field studies of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus). This paper reviews recent findings from nature, focusing on those with direct implications for hominin evolution, e.g. apes, using elementary technology to access basic resources such as food and water, or sheltering in caves or bathing as thermoregulatory adaptations. I give preference to studies that directly address key issues, such as whether stone artefacts are detectible before the Oldowan, based on the percussive technology of hammer and anvil use by living apes. Detailed comparative studies of chimpanzees living in varied habitats, from rainforest to savannah, reveal that some behavioural patterns are universal (e.g. shelter construction), while others show marked (e.g. extractive foraging) or nuanced (e.g. courtship) cross-populational variation. These findings allow us to distinguish between retained, primitive traits of the LCA versus derived ones in the human lineage.  相似文献   

The selective ingestion of plant gum exudates by chimpanzees has been frequently observed at various study sites. At Bossou, Guinea, chimpanzees also frequently ingest Albizia zygia gum exudate. A functional explanation for this behavior is lacking, so we evaluated its possible contribution of energy in the form of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) as well as minerals. An in vitro fermentation study of A. zygia gum using the fecal bacteria of a Bossou chimpanzee showed that carboxylic acids were produced with a 6-hr lag phase up to 44 mmol/l by 18 hr of incubation. Acetate was the most abundant acid produced, followed by lactate and propionate. The energy supplied from the fermentation of a piece of gum exudate (20-30 g) was negligible in comparison with the estimated daily energy requirements of chimpanzees in the wild. However, A. zygia gum exudate (20-30 g) can supply sufficient amounts of calcium, manganese, magnesium, and potassium to fulfill the daily requirements for these minerals in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

A new type of tool-using behavior was observed in a group of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea. The chimpanzees used the leaf-petiole of oil-palm trees (Elaeis guineensis) as a pounding tool to deepen a hole in the oil-palm crown which appeared after the chimpanzees had pulled out the central young shoots. Finally, the chimpanzees extracted and ate the apical meristem or apical bud of the oil-palm tree which is edible but inaccessible without such tool use. The motor pattern which the chimpanzees employed is similar to that used for termite-nest digging but it is more exaggerated and requires great force. The behavior is reminiscent of pestlepounding. The chimpanzees exploit substantial amounts of food with this tool-using skill, compensating for insufficient fruit foods in the primary forest. This tool-using behavior was first observed in 1990 and, to date, almost half of the group members have been confirmed to use the pestle tool. It appears that this tool-using behavior was invented recently and has since spread widely throughout the group as a habitual one.  相似文献   

Increased human population growth and more conversions of natural habitat to agricultural land have resulted in greater proximity between humans and nonhuman primate species. Consequent increases in resource competition including crop‐raiding are a by‐product of both natural resources becoming less available and the nutritional benefits of cultivated foods becoming more known to the nonhuman primates. Chimpanzees at Bossou in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa, consume 17 different types of cultivated foods that are grown extensively throughout their small, fragmented home range. Direct observations of feeding behavior conducted over an 18‐month period revealed that during specific months crops account for up to one quarter of chimpanzee feeding time, with higher overall crop‐raiding levels throughout the periods of wild fruit scarcity. Some cultivated foods, especially sugar fruits, are mostly fallback foods, whereas others, such as rice pith (Oryza sp.) and maize (Zea mays), are consumed according to their availability even when wild foods are abundant. These findings highlight the importance of both crop choice by farmers and a thorough understanding of the ecology of resident primate species when establishing land management techniques for alleviating human–primate conflict. Am. J. Primatol. 71:636–646, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability to adjust one's ongoing actions in the anticipation of forthcoming task demands is considered as strong evidence for the existence of internal action representations. Studies of action selection in tool use reveal that the behaviours that we choose in the present moment differ depending on what we intend to do next. Further, they point to a specialized role for mechanisms within the human cerebellum and dominant left cerebral hemisphere in representing the likely sensory costs of intended future actions. Recently, the question of whether similar mechanisms exist in other primates has received growing, but still limited, attention. Here, we present data that bear on this issue from a species that is a natural user of tools, our nearest living relative, the chimpanzee. In experiment 1, a subset of chimpanzees showed a non-significant tendency for their grip preferences to be affected by anticipation of the demands associated with bringing a tool's baited end to their mouths. In experiment 2, chimpanzees' initial grip preferences were consistently affected by anticipation of the forthcoming movements in a task that involves using a tool to extract a food reward. The partial discrepancy between the results of these two studies is attributed to the ability to accurately represent differences between the motor costs associated with executing the two response alternatives available within each task. These findings suggest that chimpanzees are capable of accurately representing the costs of intended future actions, and using those predictions to select movements in the present even in the context of externally directed tool use.  相似文献   

The composition of the diet of a savanna-living population of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Mt. Assirik in Senegal is presented. The study site had a prolonged dry season, high temperatures, and vegetation dominated by grasses. Data came from direct observation, fecal specimens, and feeding traces; thus, strict criteria for acceptance of the indirect data were specified. Composition of diet was given in terms of species and family of prey, parts eaten, life-form, type of habitat, and criteria for inclusion. Forty-three species of plants with 60 parts were eaten; mostly fruits, from trees, in woodland. Nine species of animal prey were eaten, mostly social insects. An additional 41 species of plants with 53 parts were classed as likely to be eaten by chimpanzees, mostly on the grounds of their being eaten by sympatric anthropoids. Overall, the diet of the apes at Mt. Assirik resembles that of this species elsewhere in Africa, but the size of the dietary repertoire seems small and the proportion of low-quality foodstuffs high. The latter are mostly time-consuming to collect or tedious to obtain or process, and include underground storage organs.  相似文献   

Over a 6 month period during the dry season, from the end of October 2014 to the beginning of May 2015, we studied tool use behavior of previously unstudied and non‐habituated savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) living in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast (CI). We analyzed all the stick tools and leaf‐sponges found that the chimpanzees used to forage for ants, termites, honey, and water. We found a particular behavior to be widespread across different chimpanzee communities in the park, namely, dipping for water from tree holes using sticks with especially long brush‐tip modifications, using camera traps, we recorded adults, juveniles, and infants of three communities displaying this behavior. We compared water dipping and honey dipping tools used by Comoé chimpanzees and found significant differences in the total length, diameter, and brush length of the different types of fluid‐dipping tools used. We found that water dipping tools had consistently longer and thicker brush‐tips than honey dipping tools. Although this behavior was observed only during the late dry season, the chimpanzees always had alternative water sources available, like pools and rivers, in which they drank without the use of a tool. It remains unclear whether the use of a tool increases efficient access to water. This is the first time that water dipping behavior with sticks has been found as a widespread and well‐established behavior across different age and sex classes and communities, suggesting the possibility of cultural transmission. It is crucial that we conserve this population of chimpanzees, not only because they may represent the second largest population in the country, but also because of their unique behavioral repertoire.  相似文献   

A 13-month ecological study was conducted at Bossou, Guinea, West Africa, to elucidate how a community of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) deals with the scarcity of main foods. During the study period, fruit availability fluctuated radically. The chimpanzees were confirmed to depend heavily on three “keystone resources” which were available when their main foods (fruit pulp) were scarce. These were fruits of Musanga cecropioides, oil-palm (Elaeis guineensis) nuts, and oil-palm pith. These are abundant in the chimpanzees' home range and their nutritional contents compensate for a decrease in nutritional intake from fruit pulp. The presence of these excellent backup foods may explain the high reproductive performance of Bossou chimpanzees. Here, chimpanzees consumed two of the three keystone foods using two types of tool behavior: nut-cracking for oil-palm nuts and pestle-pounding for oil-palm pith. These tool-using behaviors accounted for 31.9% of the total feeding time spent in June (the month in which the highest frequency occurred) and 10.4% in total for the year. It is suggested that the Bossou chimpanzees depend strongly on tools for their subsistence. This implies a possible function for tool technology in the evolution of our human ancestors. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:283–295, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

野生祁白术的营养成分分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对安徽野生祁白术根中的水分、灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、总糖、Vc、矿质元素及氨基酸的组成和含量进行了分析。结果显示野生祁白术至少含有17种氨基酸,总糖含量为54.77%、Arg含量为16.1mg.g^-1干重,钙含量为9.90mg.g^-1干重。祁白术除可作为药用外,还能应用于功能性食品开发。  相似文献   

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