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Maxillary sinusitis is a common medical complaint, affecting more than 30 million people per year in the United States alone. Very little palaeopathological work on this disease has been carried out, probably because of the enclosed nature of the sinuses in intact skulls and the lack of a suitable method for examination. This study tested the hypothesis that maxillary sinusitis was more common in people with leprosy than in people without it in Medieval England. The prevalence of maxillary sinusitis by age and sex was recorded in 133 individuals, some diagnosed as being leprous, derived from a later Medieval (12th to 17th centuries AD) urban hospital population at Chichester, Sussex, England using both macroscopic and endoscopic methods of examination. Of the 133 individuals with one or both sinuses available for examination, 54.9% (73) had evidence of bone change within the sinuses. There was no difference in prevalence between those with leprosy and those without, although clinical studies suggest that over 50% of lepromatous leprous individuals may develop sinusitis. Comparison with another study on Medieval British sites with a 3.6% prevalence (3 of 83) indicates that the prevalence at Chichester is much greater. The problems with diagnosing sinusitis are addressed and reasons behind the high frequency in this study are discussed. Aetiological factors predisposing to maxillary sinusitis are considered with reference to possible environmental conditions prevailing in the later Medieval period in Britain. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Scholarship on life in medieval European monasteries has revealed a variety of factors that potentially affected mortality in these communities. Though there is some evidence based on age‐at‐death distributions from England that monastic males lived longer than members of the general public, what is missing from the literature is an explicit examination of how the risks of mortality within medieval monastic settings differed from those within contemporaneous lay populations. This study examines differences in the hazard of mortality for adult males between monastic cemeteries (n = 528) and non‐monastic cemeteries (n = 368) from London, all of which date to between AD 1050 and 1540. Age‐at‐death data from all cemeteries are pooled to estimate the Gompertz hazard of mortality, and “monastic” (i.e., buried in a monastic cemetery) is modeled as a covariate affecting this baseline hazard. The estimated effect of the monastic covariate is negative, suggesting that individuals in the monastic communities faced reduced risks of dying compared to their peers in the lay communities. These results suggest better diets, the positive health benefits of religious behavior, better living conditions in general in monasteries, or selective recruitment of healthy or higher socioeconomic status individuals. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:322–332, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Despite worldwide recognition of the burden of dementia, no epidemiological data is yet available in Portugal. The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence and describe the pattern of cognitive impairment with dementia or no dementia (CIND) in rural and urban populations from Northern Portugal.  相似文献   

IntroductionEnvironmental pollution, especially by toxic trace elements, is a global health concern. Heavy metals such as Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As) and Lead (Pb) are associated with numerous disorders and are considered by some as an aetiological factor for the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKDu1) epidemic in Sri Lanka. This study explores patterns of bioaccumulation of six trace elements in kidneys obtained during forensic autopsies from urban and rural regions in Sri Lanka.MethodsKidney samples obtained from one urban district (n = 13) and three rural districts (n = 18) were lyophilized, microwave digested and profiled by ICP-MS techniques.Results and DiscussionThe mean age of the sampled population was 47.9 ± 11.3 yrs. Median (IQR) for Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Zn and Se were, 14.67(8.04–22.47) μg/g, 0.44(0.29–0.56) μg/g, 0.11(0.07–0.30) μg/g, 0.15(0.1096–0.3274), 25.55(17.24–39.35) μg/g and 0.52(0.37−0.84) μg/g, respectively. Cd, Zn and Se levels were significantly higher (p < 0.05) among the urban samples compared to that of the rural group. Zn and Se levels were higher among younger age groups. As, Pb and Cr did not show any significant differences between the two cohorts nor any correlations with age.ConclusionThis population-specific baseline study provides an insight into the differences in exposure to toxic trace elements and essential elements between urban and rural populations. Residents in CKDu affected rural districts did not appear to be at risk of toxic heavy metal exposure, however their renal bioaccumulation of nephroprotective essential elements was lower than urban residents.  相似文献   

Marriage records of six raions (districts) of Udmurtia and the city of Glazov (a total of 10,518 records) have been used to calculate marriage-migration parameters. The endogamy indices of the rural and urban Udmurt populations are 0.59 (from 0.48 to 0.76 in individual districts) and 0.29, respectively, and those of the rural and urban Russian populations are 0.33 and 0.47, respectively. The mean ethnic assortativeness values are 1.05 and 0.89 for the rural and urban Udmurt populations, respectively, and 2.13 and 1.44 for the rural and urban Russian populations, respectively. The parameters of isolation by distance for the rural Udmurt population are the following: sigma = 52.4, a = 0.00035, and b = 0.012; those for the urban Udmurt population are 54.1, 0.00020, and 0.010, respectively.  相似文献   

Marriage records of six raions (districts) of Udmurtia and the city of Glazov (a total of 10518 records) have been used to calculate marriage-migration parameters. The endogamy indices of the rural and urban Udmurt populations are 0.59 (from 0.48 to 0.76 in individual districts) and 0.29, respectively, and those of the rural and urban Russian populations are 0.33 and 0.47, respectively. The mean ethnic assortativeness values are 1.05 and 0.89 for the rural and urban Udmurt populations, respectively, and 2.13 and 1.44 for the rural and urban Russian populations, respectively. The parameters of isolation by distance for the rural Udmurt population are the following: σ = 52.4, a = 0.00035, and b = 0.012; those for the urban Udmurt population are 54.1, 0.00020, and 0.010, respectively.  相似文献   

The physiological pattern of the sleep–wake cycle is influenced by external synchronizing agents such as light and social patterns, creating variations in each individual’s preferred active and sleep periods. Because of the demands of a 24-h working society, it may be imperative for many people to adapt their sleep patterns (physiologically) to their daily activities. Therefore, we analyzed the difference in sleep patterns and chronobiological parameters between an essentially rural farming and urban small-town populations. We studied 5942 subjects (women, 67.1%, N?=?3985; mean age, 44.3?±?13.1 years), from which the chronotype, circadian sleep pattern, and period of light exposure were collected using the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ). A structured questionnaire was also made for collection of social and demographic information. Compared with the urban population (N?=?3427, 57.7%), the rural population (N?=?2515, 42.3%) presented a more predominantly early sleep pattern, as determined by the mid-sleep phase (rural: 2.26?±?1.16; urban: 3.15?±?1.55; t-test, p?<?0.001). We also found less social jetlag (rural: 0.32; urban: 0.55; Mann–Whitney U test, p?<?0.001) and higher light-exposure (rural: 9.55?±?2.31; urban: 8.46?±?2.85; t test, p?<?0.001) in the rural population. Additionally, the rural population presented a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders (rural: 156, 6.20%; urban: 165, 4.80%; Chi-square, p?<?0.05), and a lower prevalence of metabolic diseases (rural: 143, 5.70%; urban: 225, 6.60%; Chi-square, p?<?0.05). The significant difference in sleep parameters, chronotype, and light exposure between groups remained after multivariate regression analysis (r2?=?0.41, F?=?297.19, p?<?0.001, β?=?1.208). In this study, there was a significant difference between the rural and urban populations in natural light exposure and sleeping patterns. Because of agricultural work schedules, rural populations spend considerable time outside that is an obligation related to work schedules. Our results emphasize the idea that latitude may not be the main factor influencing individual circadian habits. Rather, circadian physiology adapts to differences in exposure to light (natural and artificial) as well as social and work schedules.  相似文献   

An elderly male skeleton from medieval Canterbury displayed evidence of DISH and metastatic carcinoma. The dry bone findings, SEM, and radiography suggest a primary focus in the prostate. A review of the palaeopathological literature has shown that such a finding is extremely rare in archaeological remains. This is the first reported case of prostatic carcinoma from medieval England.  相似文献   

The present research represents a comparison of dental and skeletal development as a means for determining nutritional stress in a Medieval Christian population from Nubia’sBatn el Hajar. The sample consists of 21 individuals from an early Christian (c 550–750) and 23 individuals from a late Christian cemetery (c mid-16th century) excavated from the site of Kulubnarti, Sudan. Ages at death ranged from 12 to 23 years. For the combined sample, a large majority (70.5%) of individuals had skeletal ages younger than their dental ages. However, a comparison of those individuals that could be sexed revealed that the pattern was not consistent for males and females. Females showed no difference between skeletal and dental age while males showed significant skeletal retardation. This pattern of sex differences is consistent with that observed for modern living children and subadults experiencing nutritional stress. A comparison by cemetry also suggests a reduction in stress from early to late Christian times with later Christians showing a closer correspondence between skeletal and dental ages. While not statistically significant, this apparent reduction is consistent with previous research on the subadult remains.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (i) to determine the genetic variability of the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771) population in the area of the Warsaw conurbation and the genetic differentiation among local populations of this species within the city, and (ii) to examine the influence of the degree of isolation on the appearance of such genetic structure. Comparison of the genetic structure of the urban population with that of populations inhabiting rural areas was intended to shed light on the depth of genetic changes in this species caused by life in an urban environment. Eight microsatellite loci were used for genotyping and these molecular analyses were successfully performed for 269 individuals. Genetic differentiation (FST) was much higher in the case of the urban population. STRUCTURE analysis indicated that this population was subdivided into several local populations, whereas for the rural locations, the highest likelihood was for a single genetic group (one genetically unstructured population). Moreover, in contrast to the rural population, we found no isolation by distance in the urban population. Despite clear subdivision of the urban population, the level of genetic variability was very similar in both analyzed groups. Our findings indicate the occurrence of an advanced process of differentiation of the urban population by microevolution, whereas populations from rural locations displayed very small and mainly insignificant genetic differentiation. Urban local populations, situated near the city borders or close to the natural ecological corridor (banks of the Vistula River), showed higher genetic variability and were less differentiated from populations inhabiting rural sites than from local populations in the city centre. These results provide support for the importance of ecological corridors in preserving the genetic variability of the urban striped field mouse population.  相似文献   

The content of herbaceous pollen in the atmosphere depends on the vegetal cover, climate and the weather and geographical conditions. The aim of the study reported here was to compare aerobiological data obtained from pollen monitoring stations located at sites differing with respect to their flora and microclimate – i.e. a town and a rural area. A volumetric method was used for sampling. In each microscopic preparation 12 vertical strips corresponding with 2-h intervals were analysed. A 90% method was used to determine the pollen season. The results were statistically verified using the u test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Spearman and Wilcoxon tests. Higher values of the Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI), higher daily average concentrations and higher peak values were recorded in the rural area. An analysis of intradiurnal variations of airborne pollen showed that apart from the Poaceae the number of pollen grains in the air began to increase earlier in the day in the rural area; in the case of Rumex and Ambrosia, the maximum values also appeared a few hours earlier. For all the taxa investigated, the analysis of correlation showed a significant association between the daily average concentrations at both sites. The weakest association occurred for Plantago lanceolata; for all other taxa, the determination coefficients (R 2) were high. The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that, despite the strong positive association between daily concentrations of the pollen types investigated, there were differences in mean pollen concentrations in the overlapping pollen season. Mean concentrations of Poaceae and Rumex airborne pollen were significantly higher in the rural area in both years, and those of Urtica and P. lanceolata were significantly higher only in 2002.  相似文献   

We assessed the extent and characteristics of geographically isolated wetlands (i.e., wetlands completely surrounded by upland) in a series of watersheds in the urban northeast US. We applied a previously developed index of urbanization to a sample of 10 watersheds selected at random from a set of 30 watersheds whose boundaries lay within the borders of Rhode Island, USA. The index of urbanization in our sample watersheds ranged over more than an order of magnitude and increased with increasing amount of urban land use in the watersheds (r 2 = 0.51, F = 8.22, P = 0.02). The density of isolated wetlands in the watersheds averaged 1.93 ± 0.21 wetlands km−2 and comprised 38.2 ± 1.77% of all wetlands. Isolated wetlands were smaller than those connected to other waters (non-isolated), and accounted for 6.01–16.5% of the total wetland area in the watersheds. The area of isolated wetlands as a percent of all wetland area significantly increased with increasing watershed urbanization (r 2 = 0.62, F = 12.9, P = 0.007). Isolated wetlands were predominantly deciduous forested wetlands, and urban land cover in the 50 m buffer surrounding isolated wetlands was significantly higher than in the 50 m surrounding non-isolated wetlands. The proportion of urban land cover was greater in a 150 than a 50 m buffer surrounding the wetlands. Our results suggest that an increase in the index of urbanization of 50 will result in 7% of the watershed’s wetlands being lost from federal protection. These findings indicate that the process of urbanization, along with accompanying habitat fragmentation, may result in an increase in the vulnerability of wetlands to loss and degradation and therefore has implications for the management and conservation of geographically isolated wetlands.  相似文献   

Polymorphic Alu-repeat loci of human genome are commonly used as effective genetic markers in population and evolution studies. In this work, the data on genetic structure of two Russian populations from Siberia obtained via analysis of five polymorphic Alu repeats are presented. The urban population was characterized by a slightly higher level of genetic diversity compared to the rural population. The value of genetic differentiation coefficient for the populations studied was 0.57%, pointing to the absence of genetic subdivision within the urban and rural populations. Phylogenetic analysis of these populations, together with literature data, shows that, with respect to the markers examined, the gene pool structure of Russian population is similar to that of other Caucasoid populations.  相似文献   

A new 2400-year paleoclimate reconstruction from Chesapeake Bay (CB) (eastern US) was compared to other paleoclimate records in the North Atlantic region to evaluate climate variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LIA). Using Mg/Ca ratios from ostracodes and oxygen isotopes from benthic foraminifera as proxies for temperature and precipitation-driven estuarine hydrography, results show that warmest temperatures in CB reached 16-17 °C between 600 and 950 CE (Common Era), centuries before the classic European Medieval Warm Period (950-1100 CE) and peak warming in the Nordic Seas (1000-1400 CE). A series of centennial warm/cool cycles began about 1000 CE with temperature minima of ~ 8 to 9 °C about 1150, 1350, and 1650-1800 CE, and intervening warm periods (14-15 °C) centered at 1200, 1400, 1500 and 1600 CE. Precipitation variability in the eastern US included multiple dry intervals from 600 to 1200 CE, which contrasts with wet medieval conditions in the Caribbean. The eastern US experienced a wet LIA between 1650 and 1800 CE when the Caribbean was relatively dry. Comparison of the CB record with other records shows that the MCA and LIA were characterized by regionally asynchronous warming and complex spatial patterns of precipitation, possibly related to ocean-atmosphere processes.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from the Ahlequellmoor in the Solling area shows the history of vegetation and settlement over the last 7,800 years. In the early Atlantic period mixed deciduous forest with mainly Tilia together with Ulmus and Quercus grew in the area. In the late Atlantic period Quercus became most abundant. Fagus spread in the Sub-boreal period at about 2700 B.C. Since ca. 900 B.C. the Solling was covered by beech forests with some oak. In prehistoric times woodland grazing is indicated. Only in Medieval times are two settlements in the vicinity of the Ahlequellmoor reflected in the pollen diagram. The earlier one is dated to about A.D. 750–1020, and may be connected with the former Monastery of Hethis, which is thought to have existed close to the fen from A.D. 815 to 822. The second Medieval settlement dates to the 11th–12th century. The large-scale woodland destruction of late Medieval and modern times is not clearly visible. The silvicultural measures of the last 200 years are reflected by increasing values of spruce and grassland taxa.  相似文献   

Eleven stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from the city of Ekaterinburg and its surroundings were sampled and analyzed using dendrochronological methods to detect the effects of climate, biotic and anthropogenic factors on the annual growth of trees. Tree-ring chronologies were developed for six sites within the city and for five control sites. All chronologies were highly and positively correlated before the 1940s. However, after this period, there was a significant decrease in the correlation among chronologies from urban and rural sites. Divergence lasted about 20 years. This firstly has an anthropogenic cause, mainly due to the evacuation in 1941 of more than 60 industrial factories to Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg), which generated a significant increase in air pollution. Environmental pollution seems to negatively affect tree growth. In the early 1950s, trees in the region also suffered from severe droughts. The results of climate and historical data analysis suggest that the trees on urban sites were weakened by both climate and air pollution factors, which led to a massive nun moth (Lymantria monacha L.) infestation of trees. Defoliation led to a drastic reduction in tree-ring width and, in some cases, to the complete loss of annual rings. The recovery period lasted 10–15 years on average. Rural populations were much less affected by the insect outbreak. After urban populations of pine recovered in the 1960s, radial growth of urban and rural populations became synchronized again.  相似文献   

The prevalence of head louse (Pediculus hamanus var. capitis) infestation in preschool and school children in 9 urban and 8 rural areas of Korea, was investigated. Of 11,865 children who were examined for head lice and nits, 2,900(24.4%) were found infested. The over-all infestation rate of rural children, 58.9%, was higher than that of urban children, 14.4%. There also existed significant differences in the infestation rate among various regions of urban as well as rural areas. Females were more infested than males. But there was no differences in infestation rate in either sex of preschool age. The infestation rate increased gradually from the age of 6, reached a plateau between 9-12 years of age and thereafter slowly decreased. The infestation rate of an orphanage children was higher than that of general childhood population. Health education and mass-delousing attempt are urgently required to lower such a high prevalence of head louse infestation in Korea.  相似文献   

The survey aimed to determine the reasons for extraction of permanent teeth by general dental practitioners in urban and rural population of the Senj region, Adriatic coast, Croatia. During a two-year period (1998-9), a total of 2006 teeth were extracted in both regions, in patients aged 15+. The causes were defined as follows: (1) decay or root without a crown (radix relicta), (2) periodontal disease, (3) endodontic or periapical diseases and (4) other reasons--orthodontics/prosthodontics and dental trauma. The statistical Chi-square-test was used to determine the significant difference between the populations and the sexes. Dental caries was the most frequent cause for extraction (over 50%), followed by endodontic and periapical diseases (23%) as the result of untreated caries and at the end periodontal disease (21%). Urban population more often lose teeth due to periodontal disease (22.75%) than rural (18.93%, p < 0.05). Similarly, this is more frequent in the urban male population (25.61%) than the female urban population (20%, p < 0.05). In rural areas, people more often lost teeth as a result of endodontic and periapical disease (25.85%) than in the urban locations (19.07%, p < 0.01) and this is more frequent in women from rural areas (28.37%) than the rural men (22.44%, p < 0.05). Periodontal disease was not the main cause of tooth loss in either the rural or the urban population. Dental caries and its sequel remain the most important challenge for the dental service. It also reveals the inadequacy of dental services. Education of both the population and the general dental practitioners must be conducted in order to improve oral hygiene and to insist on conservative rather than extraction therapy.  相似文献   

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