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We hybridized whole human chromosome specific probes to metaphases of the black-and-red howler monkey Alouatta belzebul in order to establish chromosomal homology between humans and black-and-red howlers. The results show that the black-and-red howler monkey has a highly rearranged genome and that the human chromosome homologs are often fragmented and translocated. The number of hybridization signals we obtained per haploid set was 40. Nine human chromosome probes gave multiple signals on different howler chromosomes, showing that their synteny is disturbed in A. Belzebul. Fourteen black-and-red howler autosomes were completely hybridized by one human autosomal paint, six had two signals, three had three signals, and one chromosome had four signals. Howler chromosomes with multiple signals have produced 12 chromosomal syntenies or hybridization associations which differ from those found in humans: 1/2, 2/20, 3/21, 4/15, 4/16, 5/7, 5/11, 8/18, 9/12, 10/16, 14/15, and 15/22. The hybridization pattern was then compared with those found in two red howler taxa and other mammals. The comparison shows that even within the genus Alouatta numerous interchromosomal rearrangements differentiate each taxa: A. belzebul has six unique apomorphic associations, A. seniculus sara and A. seniculus arctoidea share seven derived associations, and additionally A. seniculus sara has four apomorphic associations and A. seniculus arctoideaseven apomorphic associations. A. belzebul appears to have a more conserved karyotype than the red howlers. Both red and black-and-red howlers are characterized by Y-autosome translocations; the peculiar chromosomal sex system found in the red howler taxa could be considered a further transformation of the A. belzebul sex system. The finding that apparently morphologically similar or even identical taxa have such extreme genomic differences has important implications for speciation theory and neotropical primate conservation. Am. J. Primatol. 46:119–133, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the feeding behavior and food preferences of a troop of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) over two annual cycles in primary tropical rain forest in French Guiana. The monkeys used 195 plant species from 47 families as food. Major food categories were young leaves (54%), mature fruits (21.5%), and flowers (12.6%). Other food categories included old leaves, immature fruits, termitarium soil, bark, and moss. The monkeys were less selective than other howler groups, since 19 plant species contributed 1% to their diet and accounted for only 35.7% of their total diet. The Sapotaceae was the most frequently eaten plant family and represented >10% of the total diet.  相似文献   

Data on spatial relationships between eight mothers with young infants and other troop members collected during a study of free-ranging red howlers are used to examine two predictions: (a) that among immature and adult females, individuals showing the greatest interest in young infants are those who would incur the greatest benefit and lowest costs in doing so, and, (b) that since red howler infants may be killed by males, the male who spends most time near an infant is its likely father. Results indicate that females with infants spent less time near the new mother than did immature females and adult females without infants. Those dominant males who were the infant's likely father spent significantly more time near the new mother than did the subordinate males.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses aspects of fruit selectivity by red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in relation with morphological characteristics of fruits. These data are used to provide an answer to the following questions: which are the fruit characteristics that lead fruit choice of howler monkeys and to what extent fruit characteristics play a role in seed dispersal by monkeys? The frugivorous diet of a troop of red howler monkeys was determined during a 2-year field study in French Guiana. The selection of fruit by howler monkeys was analyzed in relation to the fruit availability. Results showed that, although consumption followed availability, fruit species could be classified in three categories according to their selection ratio (percentage of consumption/percentage of abundance) as “high ranking,” “middle ranking,” and “low ranking” species. Also, the 97 species of fruit eaten by the monkeys were grouped according to the morphological characteristics thought to influence the monkeys' choice. This showed that howler monkeys consumed essentially fruits with juicy pulp, bright color, and a small number of well-protected seeds. Most of high ranking species had medium-sized fruits with yellow color, and low ranking species often had small fruits. However, howler monkeys are associated with the dispersal of seeds from fruit with a hard and indehiscent pericarp and/or large seeds, like those of the Sapotaceae family. Consequently, they can be considered as “specialized” frugivores for this fruit syndrome. © l996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among New World monkeys, spontaneous tool use and object manipulation are commonly descirbed inCebus species only. We report here an occurrence of tool manipulation by a wild male red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), observed using a stick to softly but repeatedly hit a two toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) resting in the same tree. The ecological context of this unusual behavior for this quiet species generally showing very little manipulative propensity is discussed.  相似文献   

Wild red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were translocated during the flooding of the forest at a hydroelectric dam site in French Guiana. For a variety of minor clinical procedures, 96 monkeys were anesthetized with various intramuscular injections of combinations of medetomidine and ketamine. The howler population was composed of healthy animals (42 males and 54 females) of various ages. Medetomidine (150 μg/kg) associated with ketamine (4 mg/kg) gave the best results and was used on 63 animals. The injection rapidly resulted in complete immobilization with good to excellent myorelaxation. The induction stage was quiet, with absence of both corneal and pedal withdrawal reflexes in 57 animals after 2.9 ± 1.4 min. Six animals required an additional injection. Rectal temperature and respiratory and heart rates decreased during anesthesia, whereas relative oxyhemoglobin saturation increased. One death occurred during anesthesia. One abortion and one death also occurred the day following anesthesia but were more probably a result of capture stress. Atipamezole given i.m. at a dose of five times the medetomidine dose 38.4 ± 8.0 min after the anesthetic injection led to standing recovery in 7.1 ± 4.5 min. Spontaneous recovery occurred in 17 animals before the atipamezole injection after an average of 30.6 ± 9.6 min. Total recovery time was shorter in young animals. Medetomidine/ketamine induced good myorelaxation and provided considerably shortened immobilization duration, which are two notable advantages for field studies. We recommend this association for short procedures including minor surgery in red howler monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 45:399–410, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Howler monkeys are among the most studied primates in the Neotropics, however, behavioral studies including estimation of food availability in Andean forests are scarce. During 12 months we studied habitat use, behavior, and feeding ecology of two groups of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in an isolated fragment in the Colombian Andes. We used a combination of focal animal and instantaneous sampling. We estimated fruit production (FP) using phenology transects, and calculated young leaf abundance by observing marked trees. The home range area used by each group was 10.5 and 16.7 ha and daily distances traveled were 431 ± 228 and 458 ± 259 m, respectively. We found that both groups spent most of their time resting (62–64%). Resting time did not increase with leaf consumption as expected using a strategy of energy minimization. We did not find a relationship between daily distances traveled and leaf consumption. However, howlers consumed fruits according to their availability, and the production of young leaves did not predict feeding time on this resource. Overall, our results are similar to those found on other forest types. We found that despite limited FP in Andean forests, this did not lead to a higher intake of leaves, longer resting periods, or shorter traveling distances for red howlers. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1062–1071, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seed predation by howler monkeys is poorly documented. Here we report the seed predation onCariniana estrellensis (Lecythidaceae) fruits by the black howler monkeyAlouatta caraya in south-east Brazil during an intense dry season. This observation suggests that even non-specialized seed predators such as howlers can use seeds in critical periods of dry season.  相似文献   

The two known species of uacaries, inhabitants of the upper Amazonian region, are the black head Cacajao melanocephalus with subspecies C. m. melanocephalus Humboldt and C. m. ouakary Spix, and the larger bald head uacari C. calvus with subspecies C. c. ucayalii Thomas, C. c. rubicundus I. Geoffroy and Deville, C. c. calvus I. Geoffroy, and C. c. novaesi described as new. The diagnostic generic characters described are the external, cranial, dental, some postcranial, and cytogenetic. The species are described and compared and their geographic distribution plotted with those of their subspecies delimited. Sexual differences are outlined. Apart from size-related characters, the species and subspecies are distinguished by pelage pattern of head and coloration in general. It is shown that both species could have diverged from a hairy-headed melanistic ancestral form. Pelage divergence in the descendants was expressed by the more pilose head of C. melanocephalus, and less pilose of C. calvus. Coloration differentiation was geographic and followed metachromic lines with mutation from eumelanism to partial pheomelanism (reddish or golden) in C. melanocephalus and to virtually complete pheomelanism in C. calvus. The subspecies of each species are distinguished by color patterns resulting from selective bleaching or dilution of the pheomelanin fields. The most saturate pheomelanic subspecies of C. calvus is C. c. ucayalii and the most dilute is the albinotic C. c. calvus. Correlation between coloration and environment is not evident. A gazetteer identifies all locality records plotted by numbers on the geographic distribution maps.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 82 individuals from five Platyrrhini species (Alouatta caraya, Aotus azarae, Callithrix jacchus, Cebus apella, andSaimiri sciureus) were studied and compared using a G-banding technique. Cytogenetic analysis showed full chromosome or full arm homologies among these geographically neighbouring species. A small number of chromosomal rearrangements (inversions, deletions, and translocations) could be detected among these taxa. These five species are closely related in chromosomal evolution. An interesting correspondance was found betweenCebus apella chromosomes and those of the other four species.Alouatta caraya andCebus apella are the closest species.Callithrix jacchus andAotus azarae would have the most separated karyotypes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the population characteristics of Alouatta pigra under conditions of forest fragmentation-information that is important to understanding its tolerance to habitat loss. In this work we present data on forest loss and on troop size, age, and sex composition for a population of black howler monkeys existing in the fragmented landscape surrounding the Mayan site of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Two aerial photos (1:70,000) of the study area (261 km(2)) taken in 1984 and 2001 were examined to assess forest loss. Between June and December 2001 and January and March 2002 we surveyed 44 forest fragments for the presence of howler monkeys. Examination of aerial photos showed that 33% of the forest present in 1984 had disappeared by 2001, and detected an increment in the number of forest fragments present in the landscape. We discovered a total of 115 howler monkeys living in 22 of the 44 forest fragments studied, of which 107 were members of 18 troops. The rest were solitary males or small groups of males living in isolated forest fragments. Troop size ranged from two to 15 individuals (mean 5.9+3.0 ind). 31% and 15% of individuals in the troops were juveniles and infants, respectively, suggesting continued reproductive activity. Howler monkey troops in the forest fragments were on average smaller (5.9+/-3.0 ind) than troops in the nearby protected forest of the Mayan site (7.0+/-2.8 ind). The mean density of howlers in the forest fragments was 119+/-82.9 ind/km(2). The establishment of corridors is suggested as a possible conservation scenario for the fragmented howler population investigated, and as a conservation measure to connect this population with the howler population found in the protected forest of the Mayan site.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation may influence genetic variability through reductions in population size and the physical isolation of conspecifics. We explored the effects of these factors on genetic diversity in a population of mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The study population was established in 1914 when an unknown number of resident individuals were isolated from the surrounding mainland by damming of the Río Chagres to create the Panama Canal. Analyses of 10 microsatellite loci indicated that, despite this isolation, the howler monkeys on BCI exhibit levels of genetic diversity (H S = 0.584 ± 0.063) among the highest reported for any species of Alouatta. These data also revealed that although relatedness among adults in a social group was significantly greater than zero, the BCI population is not highly genetically structured. Tests for genetic bottlenecks based on departures from equilibrium expectations failed to reveal evidence of a recent reduction in population size. In contrast, coalescent modeling indicated that this population has likely experienced a marked decline within the last few 100 years. These findings generate new insights into the genetic structure of A. palliata and suggest that while the formation of BCI may not have substantially reduced genetic variation in these animals, genetic diversity has been influenced by historical changes in population size.  相似文献   

In the red howler monkey, Alouatta seniculus stramineus (2n = 47, 48, or 49), variations in diploid chromosome number are due to different numbers of microchromosomes. Males exhibit a Y;autosome translocation involving the short arm of an individual biarmed autosome. Consequently, the sex-chromosome constitution in the male is X1X2Y1Y2, with X1 representing the original X chromosome, X2 the biarmed autosome (No. 7), Y1 the Y;7p translocation product, and Y2 the acrocentric homolog of 7q. In the first meiotic division, a quadrivalent with a chain configuration can be observed in spermatocytes. Females have an X1X1X2X2 sex-chromosome constitution. Chromosome heteromorphisms were observed in pair 13, due to a pericentric inversion, and pair 19, due to the presence of constitutive heterochromatin. Microchromosomes, which varied in number between individuals, were also heterochromatic. NOR-staining was observed at two separate sites on a single chromosome pair (No. 10). A comparison of A.s. stramineus with A.s. macconnelli shows that these two subspecies have identical diploid chromosome numbers (47, 48, or 49), again due to a varying number of microchromosomes, and that they share a similar sex-chromosome constitution. Their karyotypes, however, are not identical, but can be derived from each other by a reciprocal translocation. Further comparisons with other A. seniculus subspecies reported in the literature indicate that this taxon is not karyologically uniform and that substantial chromosome shuffling has occurred between populations that have been considered to be subspecies by taxonomic criteria based on their morphometric attributes.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of Astylus antis using mitotic and meiotic cells was performed to characterize the haploid and diploid numbers, sex determination system, chromosome morphology, constitutive heterochromatin distribution pattern and chromosomes carrying nucleolus organizer regions (NORs). Analysis of spermatogonial metaphase cells revealed the diploid number 2n = 18, with mostly metacentric chromosomes. Metaphase I cells exhibited 2n = 8II+Xyp and a parachute configuration of the sex chromosomes. Spermatogonial metaphase cells submitted to C-banding showed the presence of small dots of constitutive heterochromatin in the centromeric regions of nearly all the autosomes and on the short arm of the X chromosome (Xp), as well as an additional band on one of the arms of pair 1. Mitotic cells submitted to double staining with base-specific fluorochromes (DAPI-CMA(3) ) revealed no regions rich in A+T or G+C sequences. Analysis of spermatogonial mitotic cells after sequential Giemsa/AgNO (3) staining did not reveal any specific mark on the chromosomes. Meiotic metaphase I cells stained with silver nitrate revealed a strong impregnation associated to the sex chromosomes, and in situ hybridization with an 18S rDNA probe showed ribosomal cistrons in an autosomal bivalent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to measure important nutritional status parameters for a group of free‐ranging Mexican mantled howler monkeys (A. palliata mexicana) and compare those data to published data for primates. The nutritional status of six free‐ranging Mexican mantled howler monkeys was examined using biochemical analysis. Blood samples were analyzed for serum chemistry; lipids; vitamins D, A, and E; carotenoids; and minerals. Serum chemistries were somewhat different from published values, but did not indicate clear abnormalities. Circulating lipids were not different from those in captive primates. Circulating vitamin D metabolites (83±16.3 for 25(OH)D ng/mL; 563±53.8 for 1,25(OH)2D pg/mL) were similar to those in wild‐caught tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), lower than some published data for captive Cebidae and Callitrichidae, and higher than for Old World primates. Serum concentrations of retinol (16.5±1.64 μg/dl) were similar to those in captive spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Retinyl palmitate and retinyl stearate was present in howler samples and may have reflected recent dietary intake. Circulating α‐tocopherol (997±97.6 μg/dl) was similar to published values for other primates. Carotenoid levels in howlers were within the ranges reported for many primates. A significant finding was the presence of cadmium in samples that should be further studied. The number of individuals sampled was limited, and further investigation into the effects of seasonality is needed. However, this information provides new data for howler monkeys and for free‐ranging primates in general. Zoo Biol 22:239–251, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The world currently faces severe biodiversity losses caused by anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, pollution, the introduction of exotic species, habitat fragmentation, and climate changes. Disease ecology in altered environments is still poorly understood. The golden‐headed lion tamarin (GHLT, Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is an endangered species that became invasive in an urban park in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The initially few invasive GHLT individuals became hundreds, adapted to living in proximity to humans and domestic animals. These GHLTs were captured as part of a conservation project; some animals were translocated to Bahia and some were kept in captivity. This study tested 593 GHLT for Leptospira serology; 100 and 95 GHLT for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) toLeptospira and hepatitis E virus genotype 3 (HEV‐3), respectively, and 101 familiar groups for PCR to viruses (rotavirus A, norovirus GI and GII, and HEV‐3). One animal had antibodies for Leptospira serovar Shermani and another for serovar Hebdomadis. One saprophyticLeptospira was found by the 16S PCR and sequencing. Viruses were not detected in samples tested. Findings suggest that the epidemiological importance of such pathogens in this GHLT population is either low or nonexistent. These data are important to understand the local disease ecology, as well as monitoring a translocation project, and to contribute data for species conservation.  相似文献   

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