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In this review, we focus on strategies for designing functional nano gene carriers, as well as choosing therapeutic genes targeting the tumor microenvironment. Gene mutations have a great impact on the occurrence of cancer. Thus, gene therapy plays a major role in cancer therapy and has the potential to cure cancer. Well‐designed gene therapy largely relies on effective gene carriers, which can be divided into viral carriers and non‐viral carriers. A gene carrier delivers functional genes to their intracellular target and avoids nucleic acids being degraded by nucleases in the serum. Most conventional cancer gene therapies only target cancer cells and do not appear to be sufficintly efficient to pass clinical trials. Accumulating evidence has shown that extending the therapeutic strategies to the tumor microenvironment, rather than the tumor cell itself, can allow more options for achieving robust anti‐cancer efficiency. In addition, unusual features between tumor microenvironment and normal tissues, such as a lower pH, higher glutathione and reactive oxygen species concentrations, and overexpression of some enzymes, facilitate the design of smart stimuli‐responsive gene carriers regulated by the tumor microenvironment. These carriers interact with nucleic acids and then form stable nanoparticles under physiological conditions. By regulation of the tumor microenvironment, stimuli‐responsive gene carriers are able to change their properties and achieve high gene delivery efficiency. Considering the tumor microenvironment as the “regulator” and “target” when designing gene carriers and choosing therapeutic genes shows significant benefit with respect to improving the accuracy and efficiency of cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

The transdiagnostic expression of psychotic experiences in common mental disorder (anxiety/depression/substance use disorder) is associated with a poorer prognosis, and a small minority of people may indeed develop a clinical picture that meets criteria for schizophrenia. However, it appears neither useful nor valid to observe early states of multidimensional psychopathology in young people through the “schizo”‐prism, and apply misleadingly simple, unnecessary and inefficient binary concepts of “risk” and “transition”. A review of the “ultra‐high risk” (UHR) or “clinical high risk” (CHR) literature indicates that UHR/CHR samples are highly heterogeneous and represent individuals diagnosed with common mental disorder (anxiety/depression/substance use disorder) and a degree of psychotic experiences. Epidemiological research has shown that psychotic experiences are a (possibly non‐causal) marker of the severity of multidimensional psychopathology, driving poor outcome, yet notions of “risk” and “transition” in UHR/CHR research are restrictively defined on the basis of positive psychotic phenomena alone, ignoring how baseline differences in multidimensional psychopathology may differentially impact course and outcome. The concepts of “risk” and “transition” in UHR/CHR research are measured on the same dimensional scale, yet are used to produce artificial diagnostic shifts. In fact, “transition” in UHR/CHR research occurs mainly as a function of variable sample enrichment strategies rather than the UHR/CHR “criteria” themselves. Furthermore, transition rates in UHR/CHR research are inflated as they do not exclude false positives associated with the natural fluctuation of dimensional expression of psychosis. Biological associations with “transition” thus likely represent false positive findings, as was the initial claim of strong effects of omega‐3 polyunsatured fatty acids in UHR samples. A large body of UHR/CHR intervention research has focused on the questionable outcome of “transition”, which shows lack of correlation with functional outcome. It may be more productive to consider the full range of person‐specific psychopathology in all young individuals who seek help for mental health problems, instead of “policing” youngsters for the transdiagnostic dimension of psychosis. Instead of the relatively inefficient medical high‐risk approach, a public health perspective, focusing on improved access to a low‐stigma, high‐hope, small scale and youth‐specific environment with acceptable language and interventions may represent a more useful and efficient strategy.  相似文献   

“Inflammatory” Cytokines   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
If cytokines are constitutively expressed by and act on neurons in normal adult brain, then we may have to modify our current view that they are predominantly inflammatory mediators. We critically reviewed the literature to determine whether we could find experimental basis for such a modification. We focused on two "proinflammatory" cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) because they have been most thoroughly investigated in shaping our current thinking. Evidence, although equivocal, indicates that the genes coding for these cytokines and their accessory proteins are expressed by neurons, in addition to glial cells, in normal brain. Their expression is region- and cell type-specific. Furthermore, bioactive cytokines have been extracted from various regions of normal brain. The cytokines' receptors selectively are present on all neural cell types, rendering them responsive to cytokine signaling. Blocking their action modifies multiple neural "housekeeping" functions. For example, blocking IL-1 or TNFalpha by several independent means alters regulation of sleep. This indicates that these cytokines likely modulate in the brain behavior of a normal organism. In addition, these cytokines are likely involved in synaptic plasticity, neural transmission, and Ca2+ signaling. Thus, the evidence strongly suggests that these cytokines perform neural functions in normal brain. We therefore propose that they should be thought of as neuromodulators in addition to inflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

The design of artificial hemoproteins that could lead to new biocatalysts for selective oxidation reactions of organic compounds presents a huge interest especially in pharmacology, both for a better understanding of the metabolic profile of drugs and for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure molecules that could be involved in the design of drugs.The present results show that the so-called “host-guest strategy” that involves the non-covalent incorporation of anionic water-soluble iron-porphyrins into xylanase A from Streptomyces lividans, a low cost protein, leads to such an artificial hemoprotein that is able to perform the stereoselective oxidation of sulfides.  相似文献   

Since the original publication of this staining method (Stain Techn., 18, 95), various improvements have been made. These are chiefly in the formula for acid alizarine blue, Solution 2, given below and the composition of Solution 4. The author substituted ammonia alum for aluminum sulphate, and Richard C. Webster of our department did the work with the acetic-acid-sodium-acetate buffer. He found that the final staining solution of pH 2.9 gave the sharpest and bluest nuclei and clearest transparent and contrasting cytoplasm of a pinkish hue. With our previous formula, muscle fibrils often stained so deeply that they detracted from the value of the slides, made them too opaque and obscured the nuclei. This has now been overcome. This also allows the elastic tissue to show better and to contrast with muscle fibers. This is especially noted in studies of the heart and blood vessels.  相似文献   

The authors consider that cluster analysis does not objectivize but represents the biologist's subjectivity as to (1) characters considered to be significant and to (2) the way of classification. The latter, however, in authors' opinion, must be specific to the field of application. To this effect some methods are suggested for biology. The methods originate in improvements or transformation of Buser and Baroni-Urbani's method, as well as Watanabe's method, and have the property of processing overall information with no loss or distortion. An agglomerative method which yields a necessarily unique result is suggested, being considered by the authors as a homologue of Watanabe's divisive method. The methods proposed are studied using examples logically constructed. These examples can provide from biology, especially from ecology.  相似文献   

Restoration is important in urban areas where habitat destruction is greatest. It incorporates many levels of intervention, with creation of new habitat the most extreme form. Most research on habitat creation has been terrestrial, or in marine habitats dominated by large structuring biota, such as mangroves. Intertidal boulder‐fields in urban areas are vulnerable to disturbances and habitat loss, which adversely affect numerous habitat specialists. This study describes experiments in which quarried stones were used to create new habitat outside natural boulder‐fields as a practical approach to restoring habitat. Colonization by specialist fauna and by common algae and invertebrates was measured for a year after deployment. Despite sessile assemblages on new boulders differing from those on natural boulders, common and rare animals rapidly colonized the new habitat. There was no clear succession, but colonization was variable and patchy at all scales examined, although diversities and abundances of some species in this novel habitat matched those of natural boulders within a few months. Rare and common animals generally colonized the new habitat as adults moving in from surrounding areas. Creating new boulder‐fields using quarried rocks is a successful approach to restoration and conservation of fauna where natural boulder‐fields are threatened.  相似文献   

Obesity research suffers from an overinclusion paradigm whereby all participants with a BMI beyond a certain cutoff value (e.g., 30) are typically combined in a single group and compared to those of normal weight. There has been little attempt to identify meaningful subgroups defined by their salient biobehavioral differences. In order to address this limitation, we examined genetic and psychological indicators of hedonic eating in obese adults with (n = 66) and without (n = 70) binge eating disorder (BED). Our analyses focused on dopamine (DA) and opioid genetic markers because of their conjoint association with the functioning of brain reward mechanisms. We targeted three functional polymorphisms related to the D2 receptor (DRD2) gene, as well as the functional A118G polymorphism of the mu‐opioid receptor (OPRM1) gene. We found that significantly more obese controls had the “loss‐of‐function” A1 allele of Taq1A compared to their BED counterparts, whereas the “gain‐of‐function” G allele of A118G occurred with greater frequency in the BED group. A significant gene–gene combination χ2 analysis also indicated that of those participants with the gain‐gain genotype (G+ and A1), 80% were in the BED group whereas only 35% with the loss‐loss genotype (G? and A1+) were in this group. Finally, BED subjects had significantly higher scores on a self‐report measure of hedonic eating. Our findings suggest that BED is a biologically based subtype of obesity and that the proneness to binge eating may be influenced by a hyper‐reactivity to the hedonic properties of food—a predisposition that is easily exploited in our current environment with its highly visible and easily accessible surfeit of sweet and fatty foods.  相似文献   

Since 1989, efforts to understand the nature of interfirm resource sharing in the form of industrial symbiosis and to replicate in a deliberate way what was largely self‐organizing in Kalundborg, Denmark have followed many paths, some with much success and some with very little. This article provides a historical view of the motivations and means for pursuing industrial symbiosis—defined to include physical exchanges of materials, energy, water, and by‐products among diversified clusters of firms. It finds that “uncovering” existing symbioses has led to more sustainable industrial development than attempts to design and build eco‐industrial parks incorporating physical exchanges. By examining 15 proposed projects brought to national and international attention by the U.S. President's Council on Sustainable Development beginning in the early 1990s, and contrasting these with another 12 projects observed to share more elements of self‐organization, recommendations are offered to stimulate the identification and uncovering of already existing “kernels” of symbiosis. In addition, policies and practices are suggested to identify early‐stage precursors of potentially larger symbioses that can be nurtured and developed further. The article concludes that environmentally and economically desirable symbiotic exchanges are all around us and now we must shift our gaze to find and foster them.  相似文献   

One of the means of creating a more robust methodology for ecological restoration involves reducing the gap between ecological theory and restoration practices. A common strategy to do so is using meta‐analysis to understand key drivers of restoration outcomes. “Active” and “passive” is a dichotomy often used to separate restoration strategies in such meta‐analyses. We investigate previously raised concerns about selection bias and subjective categorization of strategies. We promote a paired experimental design in future empirical research and propose the use of three categories of restoration strategy in lieu of “passive” and “active” to alleviate inconsistency in definitions and categorization.  相似文献   

The United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is the most up‐to‐date international legal instrument concerning the rights of persons with disabilities. Such persons are taken to include those with serious mental disorders. According to an authoritative interpretation of a crucial Article (Article 12 ‐ Equal recognition before the law) by the UN CRPD Committee, involuntary detention and treatment of people with mental health disabilities are prohibited under the Convention. Both conventional mental health law and “capacity‐based” law are deemed to violate the Convention. However, some other UN bodies are not in full agreement (for example, the UN Human Rights Committee and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment), while others are less explicitly absolutist (for example, the Human Rights Council). Furthermore, strong criticisms of the position of the CRPD Committee have been mounted from a number of academic quarters. These criticisms center on whether the role of a person's ability to make a decision can be ignored, no matter the circumstances. Much of the above debate turns on the concept of “legal capacity” and the now often‐repeated precept that one must always respect the “will and preferences” of the person with a disability. However, “will and preferences” remains undefined. In this paper, I offer an analysis of “will and preferences” that can clarify interventions that may be acceptable or non‐acceptable under the terms of the UN Convention.  相似文献   

Within the Asteridae (“Sympetalae Tetracyclicae”) two main developmental patterns can be distinguished as regards the formation of corolla tubes, namely “early” and “late sympetaly”. Since the character “ontogeny of sympetaly”, after intensive studies, proved to be valuable for systematic considerations, we now recognize two blocks of orders within the Asteridae (and related groups): the Asteridae A-block and the Asteridae B-block (Figs. 82 and 83). By and large this bipartition referring mainly to the corolla tube development corresponds well with major lineages indentified by recent molecular data (see, e.g., Chase et al., 1993). Asteridae A-block is characterized predominantely by “late sympetaly” the “early sympetaly” in Rubiales and Oleales can be interpreted as derived within this block or can be linked with that in Asteridae B-block. Asteridae B-block is uniform throughout in its “early sympetaly”. In this block it is a primitive character, as judged from its occasional occurrence in the choripetalous Cornales and Apiales (Apiaceae, Araliaceae, Pittosporaceae), which can be regarded as ancestral for block B.  相似文献   

Eating behavior can be influenced by the rewarding value of food, i.e., “liking” and “wanting.” The objective of this study was to assess in normal‐weight dietary restrained (NR) vs. unrestrained (NU) eaters how rewarding value of food is affected by satiety, and by eating a nonhealthy perceived, dessert‐specific food vs. a healthy perceived, neutral food (chocolate mousse vs. cottage cheese). Subjects (24NR age = 25.0 ± 8.2 years, BMI = 22.3 ± 2.1 kg/m2; 26NU age = 24.8 ± 8.0 years, BMI = 22.1 ± 1.7 kg/m2) came to the university twice, fasted (randomized crossover design). Per test‐session “liking” and “wanting” for 72 items divided in six categories (bread, filling, drinks, dessert, sweets, stationery (placebo)) was measured, before and after consumption of chocolate mousse/cottage cheese, matched for energy content (5.6 kJ/g) and individual daily energy requirements (10%). Chocolate mousse was liked more than cottage cheese (P < 0.05). After consumption of chocolate mousse or cottage cheese, appetite and “liking” vs. placebo were decreased in NR and NU (P < 0.03), whereas “wanting” was only decreased in NR vs. NU (P ≤ 0.01). In NR vs. NU “wanting” was specifically decreased after chocolate mousse vs. cottage cheese; this decrease concerned especially “wanting” for bread and filling (P < 0.05). To conclude, despite similar decreases in appetite and “liking” after a meal in NR and NU, NR decrease “wanting” in contrast to NU. NR decrease “wanting” specifically for a nonhealthy perceived, “delicious,” dessert‐specific food vs. a nutritional identical, yet healthy perceived, slightly less “delicious,” “neutral” food. A healthy perceived food may thus impose greater risk for control of energy intake in NR.  相似文献   

Fossils described as Vernanimalcula guizhouena, from the nearly 600 million‐year‐old Doushantuo Formation in South China, have been interpreted as the remains of bilaterian animals. As such they would represent the oldest putative record of bilaterian animals in Earth history, and they have been invoked in debate over this formative episode of early animal evolution. However, this interpretation is fallacious. We review the evidential basis of the biological interpretation of Vernanimalcula, concluding that the structures key to animal identity are effects of mineralization that do not represent biological tissues, and, furthermore, that it is not possible to derive its anatomical reconstruction on the basis of the available evidence. There is no evidential basis for interpreting Vernanimalcula as an animal, let alone a bilaterian. The conclusions of evolutionary studies that have relied upon the bilaterian interpretation of Vernanimalcula must be called into question.  相似文献   

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