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The probably Middle Pleistocene human femur from Berg Aukas, Namibia, when oriented anatomically and analyzed biomechanically, presents an unusual combination of morphological features compared to other Pleistocene Homo femora. Its midshaft diaphyseal shape is similar to most other archaic Homo, but its subtrochanteric shape aligns it most closely with earlier equatorial Homo femora. It has an unusually low neck shaft angle. Its relative femoral head size is matched only by Neandertals with stocky hyperarctic body proportions. Its diaphyseal robusticity is modest for a Neandertal, but reasonable compared to equatorial archaic Homo femora. Its gluteal tuberosity is relatively small. Given its derivation from a warm climatic region, it is best interpreted as having had relatively linear body proportions (affecting proximal diaphyseal proportions, shaft robusticity, and gluteal tuberosity size) combined with an elevated level of lower limb loading during development (affecting femoral head size and neck shaft angle).  相似文献   

A complex of traits in the femur and pelvis of Homo ereclus and early “erectus-like” specimens has been described, but never satisfactorily explained. Here the functional relationships between pelvic and femoral structure in humans are explored using both theoretical biomechanical models and empirical tests within modern samples of diverse body form (Pecos Amerindians, East Africans). Results indicate that a long femoral neck increases mediolateral bending of the femoral diaphysis and decreases gluteal abductor and hip joint reaction forces. Increasing biacetabular breadth along with femoral neck length further increases M-L bending of the femoral shaft and maintains abductor and joint reaction forces at near “normal” levels. When compared to modern humans, Homo erectus and early “erectus-like” specimens are characterized by a long femoral neck and greatly increased M-L relative to A-P bending strength of the femoral shaft, coupled with no decrease in hip joint size and a probable increase in abductor force relative to body size. All of this strongly suggests that biacetabular breadth as well as femoral neck length was relatively large in early Homo. Several features preserved in early Homo partial hip bones also indicate that the true (lower) pelvis was very M-L broad, as well as A-P narrow. This is similar to the lower pelvic shape of australopithecines and suggests that nonrotational birth, in which the newborn's head is oriented transversely through the pelvic outlet, characterized early Homo as well as Australopithecus. Because M-L breadth of the pelvis is constrained by other factors, this may have limited increases in cranial capacity within Homo until rotational birth was established during the late Middle Pleistocene. During or after the transition to rotational birth biacetabular breadth decreased, reducing the body weight moment arm about the hip and allowing femoral neck length (abductor moment arm) to also decrease, both of which reduced M-L bending of the proximal femoral shaft. Variation in femoral structural properties within early Homo and other East African Early Pleistocene specimens has several taxonomic and phylogenetic implications. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1999年,在印度西部的纳尔玛达(Narmada)河的一条支流——奥尔桑(Orsang)河谷发现了一具孤立的智人头骨,这对于了解印度人类进化历史和南亚直立人与最古老的亚洲智人(或AMH,解剖学上现代的人)之间的联系有着重要的意义。化石是在古老的河流沉积物中发现的。对主体沉积和颅内沉积物的红外光释光(IRSL)测年结果显示,其年代为3—5万年。然而,对化石的直接测年(放射性碳加速器质谱测年AMS)结果表明,其年代最小为4981—5579年前。头骨被归类为圆颅型智人。头骨上最引人注意的特征是颅外有亚洲直立人头后部很发达的角圆枕。头骨最宽处在下部(颞骨)如直立人,这样的情况从来不见于智人。这可能是由于乳突的气窦化而形成的。乳突上脊发育,从破损的眉间区(20mm)可以看到很宽的额窦。所有这些粗壮的特征都表明Orsang头骨和晚期亚洲直立人之间具有遗传连续性。  相似文献   

The Homo habilis OH 62 partial skeleton has played an important, although controversial role in interpretations of early Homo locomotor behavior. Past interpretive problems stemmed from uncertain bone length estimates and comparisons using external bone breadth proportions, which do not clearly distinguish between modern humans and apes. Here, true cross-sectional bone strength measurements of the OH 62 femur and humerus are compared with those of modern humans and chimpanzees, as well as two early H. erectus specimens-KNM-WT 15000 and KNM-ER 1808. The comparative sections include two locations in the femur and two in the humerus in order to encompass the range of possible section positions in the OH 62 specimens. For each combination of section locations, femoral to humeral strength proportions of OH 62 fall below the 95% confidence interval of modern humans, and for most comparisons, within the 95% confidence interval of chimpanzees. In contrast, the two H. erectus specimens both fall within or even above the modern human distributions. This indicates that load distribution between the limbs, and by implication, locomotor behavior, was significantly different in H. habilis from that of H. erectus and modern humans. When considered with other postcranial evidence, the most likely interpretation is that H. habilis, although bipedal when terrestrial, still engaged in frequent arboreal behavior, while H. erectus was a completely committed terrestrial biped. This adds to the evidence that H. habilis (sensu stricto) and H. erectus represent ecologically distinct, parallel lineages during the early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis that employs randomization methods and distance statistics has been undertaken in an attempt to clarify the taxonomic affinities of the partial Homo cranium (SK 847) from Member 1 of the Swartkrans Formation. Although SK 847 has been argued to represent early H. erectus, exact randomization tests reveal that the magnitude of differences between it and two crania that have been attributed to that taxon (KNM-ER 3733 and KNM-WT 15000) is highly unlikely to be encountered in a modern human sample drawn from eastern and southern Africa. Some of the variables that differentiate SK 847 from the two early H. erectus crania (e. g., nasal breadth, frontal breadth, mastoid process size) have been considered to be relevant characters in the definition of that taxon. Just as the significant differences between SK 847 and the two early H. erectus crania make attribution of the Swartkrans specimen to that taxon unlikely, the linkage of SK 847 to KNM-ER 1813, and especially Stw 53, suggests that the Swartkrans cranium may have its closest affinity with H. habilis sensu lato. Differences from KNM-ER 1813, however, hint that the South African fossils may represent a species of early Homo that has not been sampled in the Plio-Pleistocene of eastern Africa. The similarity of SK 847 and Stw 53 may support faunal evidence which suggests that Sterkfontein Member 5 and Swartkrans Member 1 are of similar geochronological age. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Miocene primates from southern Africa are extremely rare. For this reason we wish to place on record several interesting new fossil primate specimens recently recovered from the Miocene sites of Berg Aukas and Harasib in the Otavi Mountain region of northern Namibia. The new finds consist of a virtually complete atlas vertebra from Berg Aukas attributable to the hominoid Otavipithecus namibiensis and two teeth and four postcranial fragments from Harasib referrable to Cercopithecoidea. The atlas vertebra exhibits anatomical characteristics intermediate between those of modern cercopithecoids and hominoids which may be indicative of a transition from pronograde to orthograde postures. The cercopithecoid remains show that the earliest Old World monkeys known from southern Africa were small, approximately the size of vervet monkeys. These new specimens are important because they provide the first evidence relating to possible positional behaviors of Otavipithecus and the earliest fossil record of cercopithecoids from southern Africa. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

张银运  邢松 《人类学学报》2011,30(3):241-249
周口店直立人3号头骨是1929年发现的, 被步达生鉴定为一青春期或成年期的女性个体的头骨。后来, 步达生改变了观点, 认为该头骨是代表青春期早期的男性个体。魏敦瑞同意步达生的意见, 但认为该头骨应属于8岁或9岁的男性个体。此后,周口店直立人3号头骨的性别和年龄的鉴定一直困扰着许多古人类学家。1993年发现的南京直立人成年女性头骨在形态上和尺寸上与周口店直立人3号头骨有相近之处。本文对周口店直立人3号头骨与南京直立人等头骨作了形态和测量上的比较, 结果表明: 从头骨的尺寸大小, 眶上圆枕、枕圆枕和肌嵴的发育程度以及头骨骨壁厚度等来看, 周口店3号头骨有理由被认为是女性个体的。该头骨的鼓骨裂、下颌骨关节窝、泪腺窝、额窦、骨缝等都无法证明其是幼年个体。周口店直立人3号头骨应代表成年女性个体。  相似文献   

A new brain endocast of Homo erectus from Hulu Cave, Tangshan, Nanjing is described and compared with a broad sample of endocasts of H. erectus, Neanderthals, and recent modern humans. The Nanjing 1 endocast is reconstructed based on two portions of endocranial casts taken from the original fossil fragments. The fossil was discovered in 1993, near Nanjing, South China and is dated to ~ 0.58-0.62 Ma. The cranial capacity is ~ 876 cc, as determined by endocast water displacement. There are some common features of Nanjing 1 and other H. erectus endocasts that differentiate them from the Neanderthals and modern humans in our sample. These include small cranial capacity, low height dimensions, simple middle meningeal vessel patterns, a high degree of cerebral-over-cerebellar lobe overhang, elongated and quite separated cerebellar lobes, and a narrow, low, short and flat frontal region. Some features are found to vary among H. erectus, Neanderthals and modern humans, such as the lateral Sylvian fissure position and the venous sinus and petalial patterns. The Nanjing 1 endocast has unique, large, superior frontal convolutions, and strongly protruding Broca's caps. In contrast to other Chinese H. erectus from Hexian and Zhoukoudian, Nanjing 1 lacks strong posterior projection of the occipital lobes. Bivariate and principal component analyses indicate that the small volume and shape of Nanjing 1 is most similar to KNM-WT 15000, KNM-ER 3883, Sangiran 2 and Hexian, illustrating the combination of narrow, low, and short frontal lobes with wide posterior lobes.  相似文献   

Three middle Eocene localities (Silica North, Silica South, Black Crow) recently discovered in Namibia have produced terrestrial faunas that rank among the few known from the period of insulation of Africa (Aptian-early Miocene). Collectively, the three localities have yielded anuran amphibians (one pipid frog, the earliest assemblage [three taxa] of ranoid frogs in Africa, one indeterminate family) and squamate reptiles (an amphisbaenian ‘lizard’, a snake that likely represents a colubroid, and two indeterminate ‘lizards’). These Eocene faunas suggest that ranoids, colubroids and African pipids are autochthonous to Africa. However, whereas pipids are vicariants inherited from West Gondwana, ranoids and colubroids (if really autochthonous) originated in Africa from unknown stems. Silica North and Silica South correspond to aquatic environments, permanent fresh water being present in the first locality; the environment of Black Crow was drier.  相似文献   

Cranial remains of hominids 9 and 12 from Olduvai Gorge are described in detail. O.H. 9 consists of a heavily built braincase, partly damaged and lacking the face, while O.H. 12 is less complete. The Bed II specimen is about 1.2 million years in age and shows anatomical similarities to the cranium designated ER-3733 from Koobi Fora, east of Lake Turkana. Together these African fossils provide valuable information about Homo erectus in the later Lower Pleistocene. Comparisons of O.H. 9 with several of the Choukoutien crania are also carried out. These Chinese and other Asian remains of Homo erectus cannot be placed in a secure chronological framework, but all of the material should be studied systematically in order to assess relatedness among what must be several different populations.  相似文献   

The first incontrovertible Otozoum moodii of Gondwana is described from the Etjo Formation (Waterberg Plateau, Namibia). Distinct Otozoum trackways and isolated footprints are reported from the Omuramba Omambonde tracksite, in the Otjozondjupa Region (North–central Namibia). Previously known only from North America, Europe and possibly Lesotho, the occurrence of Otozoum is a definitive time constraint for an Early Jurassic age of the Etjo Formation. The presence of Otozoum in the hyperarid facies and specifically in interdune setting of the Etjo Formation is in accordance with previous claims of environmental selectivity for this ichnomorph.  相似文献   

Plant species richness, endemism, and genetic resources in Namibia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Namibia is a floristically diverse, arid to mesic country, with several highly distinct taxa. Including naturalized plants, there are about 4334 vascular plant species and infraspecific taxa within the country's borders, a substantial increase from the existing major reference work. Dominant families are the Poaceae (422species), Fabaceae (377), Asteraceae (385) and Mesembryanthemaceae (177). Freshwater algae and most other groups of lower plants remain poorly known. Concentrations of plant species richness are found in the Succulent Karoo biome, Kaokoveld, Otavi highland/Karstveld area, Okavango Basin, and Khomas highlands. Recent studies have led to a new estimate of 687 endemic plant species, defined as those contained wholly within Namibia's borders, amounting to about 17% of the Namibian flora. At least a further 275 species are Namib Desert endemics shared between the Kaokoveld and southern Angola (75spp.) and between the Succulent Karoo and northwestern South Africa (200spp.). Research on plant genetic resources is focused on species of potential or actual agricultural importance, such as pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum, and cucurbits. Many wild plants have considerable genetic diversity and development potential. Primary threats to plant diversity fall in the category of poor land management and inappropriate development.  相似文献   

Three new fossil hominid specimens that were recovered in 1970 from the Plio-Pleistocene sediments to the east of Lake Rudolf are described. They include the left side of the body and the symphyseal region of an adult mandible that contains three molar teeth (KNM-ER 730), an edentulous left-sided mandibular fragment (KNM-ER 731) and the shaft of a left femur (KNM-ER 737). The specimens are described in anatomical detail, illustrated and selected measurements given. It is concluded that they should be attributed to the genus Homo sp. indet. Detailed comparative studies will be published in due course.  相似文献   

Agama anchietae is one of eight species of agama found in Namibia, its distribution range in the upper half of the country covers desert, Karoo and savannah type biomes and overlaps with that of some of its congeners. Here, we describe its sexual dimorphism, reproductive traits, predation, diet and nematode infection, and compare and contrast each aspect among the three biomes as well as to published findings for three other Namibian congenerics, Agama etoshae, Agama aculeata aculeata and Agama planiceps planiceps. Interesting similarities and differences were found among the biomes as well as with the three congenerics. Our hypothesis that the aspects studied in A. anchietae would be more in line with those of A. a. aculeata and A. etoshae, with which it shares similarities in body colouration, social organisation and microhabitat utilisation, was only partially confirmed. This cautions against using morphological and ecological similarities between agamas as proxies for making life-history strategy inferences.  相似文献   

系统记述了广西崇左公鸡山与智人伴生的动物群中的偶蹄类:文中小猪(Sus xiaozhu wenzhongi subsp.nov.)、裴氏猪相似种(Sus cf.peii)、麂未定种(Muntiacus sp.)、水鹿相似种(Cervus(Rusa.)cf.C.(R.)unicolor)、山羊亚科属种未定(Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.)和大额牛未定种(Bos(Bibos)sp.)。公鸡山偶蹄类及其他伴生哺乳动物指示的地质时代为中更新世至晚更新世早期,那时这一地区的气候温暖潮湿,是近水的森林和灌丛环境,并镶嵌有一些草甸和草坡。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of early Pleistocene Homo crania from the South African sites of Swartkrans and Sterkfontein were investigated through cladistic analyses of 99 morphological characters. The Swartkrans Member 1 specimen SK 847 and the Stw 53 cranium from Sterkfontein Member 5A were treated as separate operational taxonomic units (OTUs), distinct from the three species of early Homo-H. erectus, H. habilis, and H. rudolfensis-that are recognized from the Plio-Pleistocene deposits of East Africa. The cladistic analyses differed in the treatment of the South African OTUs (separate Swartkrans and Sterkfontein OTUs vs. a single Swartkrans+Sterkfontein OTU). PAUP 4.0 was used to construct cladograms and address hypotheses about relationships. In the analysis that treated the South African specimens as a single OTU, the position of that OTU was stable as a separate branch on the Homo clade between H. rudolfensis and [H. habilis+(H. erectus+H. sapiens)]. When SK 847 and Stw 53 were treated as separate OTUs, the majority of most parsimonious trees indicated that they were positioned in similar positions as the combined South African Homo OTU; that is, as separate branches between H. rudolfensis and [H. habilis+(H. erectus+H. sapiens)], with the Swartkrans OTU generally occupying a more derived position. The position of the Sterkfontein OTU was more stable than that of the Swartkrans OTU, which was found in several other positions among the minimum length trees. Running the analyses with only those characters preserved by SK 847 and Stw 53 resulted in similar topologies for minimum length trees, although the positions of Stw 53, SK 847, and H. habilis exchanged places in some trees. In no case was an exclusive sister relationship between either South African OTU and a particular species of Homo supported statistically. Both South African OTUs differ from H. habilis in the fewest number of cladistic characters.  相似文献   

Kennedy (1983) has proposed that the KNM-ER 1481A femur represents Homo erectus and establishes the presence of this species at ca. 2.0.myr BP. A reconsideration of her criteria for taxonomic attribution indicates that its morphology implies only that it is an archaic member of the genus Homo. Its geochronological position, in conjunction with its morphology, suggest that it is best referred to H. habilis.  相似文献   

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