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泛素C末端水解酶L1(UCH-L1)是一种在脑内高度表达,具有泛素水解酶、泛素连接酶和稳定泛素单体功能的去泛素化酶.UCH-L1参与维持神经元突触的正常形态及功能,并能够缓解β-淀粉样蛋白诱导的长时程增强(LTP)缺失及记忆障碍;此外,UCH-L1的突变体I93M与家族性帕金森氏病相关,而UCH-L1的S18Y多态性则对神经元具有保护作用.通过研究UCH-L1的结构、功能及其在神经系统的作用机制,可以为阿尔茨海默病、帕金森氏病等神经退行性疾病的治疗提供相关思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

目的:对烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)泛素末端水解酶(creB)基因进行敲除。方法:通过氨基酸序列分析软件初步分析烟曲霉CreB蛋白结构.利用split-marker重组技术构建重组片段,并通过PEG-原生质体方法对烟曲霉野生菌株进行转化,采用PCR方法对转化子进行筛选,最后选取初步筛选的转化子进行测序鉴定。结果:结构分析显示烟曲霉CreB蛋白具有泛素特异蛋白酶(ubiquitin-processing protease)UBP亚家族六个结构域。本实验构建了转化片段并转化,在抗性平板中获得了25个Hyg抗性转化子,进一步采用PCR方法筛选到20个转化子,最终通过测序分析获得一株creB基因缺失菌株。结论:Split-marker重组技术是对烟曲霉creB基因进行敲除的快速有效的方法。获得的creB缺失菌株可用于基因功能研究。  相似文献   

目的:获得抑制效果好的泛素 C 端水解酶 L1(UCH-L1)基小干扰 RNA(siRNA)干扰载体.方法:根据 Gen?Bank 中大鼠 UCH-L1基序列设计并合成4对 siRNA 寡核苷酸序列,将4对寡核苷酸序列退火成双链后分别插入siRNA 表达载体 pcDNA6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR 中构建4个 siRNA 表达质粒,测序鉴定后将4个 siRNA 表达质粒分别转染 HEK293细胞,利用 Western 印迹和 qPCR 方法检测干扰效果;将干扰效果最好的质粒包装成腺病毒,感染大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC),并采用 TNFα干预诱导 UCH-L1表达升高,Western 印迹验证干扰效果.结果:测序分析证实4对 siRNA 寡核苷酸序列分别插入 siRNA 表达载体 pcDNA6.2-GW/EmGFP-miR;qPCR 检测与 Western 印迹均表明第3号 siRNA 表达载体对 UCH-L1表达的抑制程度最高,将其包装成腺病毒并转染 VSMC 能显著抑制 TNFα诱导的UCH-L1表达升高.结论:构建并筛选出干扰效果好的 UCH-L1 siRNA 干扰载体.  相似文献   

底物蛋白的多聚泛素链修饰参与调节多种生命运动过程(包括蛋白质降解、自噬、DNA损伤修复、细胞周期、信号转导、基因表达、转录调节、炎症免疫等).去泛素化酶通过水解底物蛋白的单泛素和泛素链修饰,对泛素相关过程进行反向调节.人类基因组中约含90余种去泛素化酶,它们通过对自身酶活性和底物识别特异性的调节,实现了对细胞内复杂泛素过程的精密且层次性的调控.本文针对去泛素化酶对不同泛素链的识别选择性,综述目前已知泛素链水解酶的选择性和产生机制.  相似文献   

本实验室已报道中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞的p28蛋白具泛素羧基末端水解酶活性,称作tUCH,它和哺乳类中发现的UCH L1的氨基酸序列具高度同源性,二级结构同源性比较发现,二者可能具类似的功能。本文实验表明:未成熟卵母细胞和成熟卵母细胞的可溶性蛋白中均含有tUCH,约占提取物中蛋白质总量的2%。根据测定所得到的GST-tUCH和GST-UCH L1对底物Ub-AMC的酶动力学参数,说明卵母细胞中tUCH可能与小鼠UCH L1有类似的生物学功能;anti-tUCH单抗可以与原核细胞表达的tUCH和显性失活突变类型tUCH C(90)S特异结合,但不识别小鼠的UCH L1。Anti-tUCH单抗能够和tUCH结合但不能封闭它的UCH活性。当anti-tUCH单抗注入卵母细胞内,则孕酮诱导的生发泡破裂(germinal vesicle breakdown,GVBD)过程受到抑制,足见tUCH参与GVHD调节并不依赖其UCH活性。  相似文献   

泛素-蛋白水解酶复合体通路在生殖系统中的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
泛素-蛋白水解酶复合体通路(ubiquitin-proteasome pathway,UPP)广泛参与机体多种代谢活动,如细胞周期调控、细胞凋亡、免疫和变态反应、以及多种恶性肿瘤、遗传病和神经系统疾病的发生,但UPP在生殖系统的研究目前仍处于起步阶段.新近的研究资料表明UPP不仅参与精子发生、精子变态,以及雌雄配子结合后精子线粒体的降解等雄性生殖系统的多种生理活动,也与妊娠早期和正常月经周期子宫内膜的组织重建、甾体激素受体的代谢等雌性生殖系统的生理活动密切相关.  相似文献   

张瑜  孙兆贵 《生物信息学》2017,15(4):207-213
泛素羧基末端水解酶-1(ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1,UCHL1)是一种去泛素化酶,特异性表达于脑与生殖腺,具有去泛素化活性、稳定细胞内泛素单体的功能。为确定UCHL1在脊椎动物中是否普遍存在,从而选择身体构造更简单的模式动物研究其生物学功能,通过生物信息学手段分析脊椎动物门的11种生物中基因UCHL1的分子进化情况,分析显示UCHL1基因组长度在进化过程中变化较大,但外显子个数变化较小,蛋白氨基酸残基数目也基本维持在223 aa左右。分析结果表明,mRNA有不同的剪接方式,但氨基酸序列在进化上是高度保守的,UCHL1蛋白活性位点同源性高达90%,该结果证明了蛋白UCHL1的功能对于物种正常生存是必须的。  相似文献   

本实验室巳报道中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞的p28蛋白具泛素羧基末端水解酶活性,称作tUCH,它和哺乳类中发现的UCH Ll的氨基酸序列具高度同源性,二级结构同源性比较发现,二者可能具类似的功能。本文实验表明:未成熟卵母细胞和成熟卵母细胞的可溶性蛋白中均含有tUCH,约占提取物中蛋白质总量的2%。根据测定所得到的GST—tUCH和GST—UCH Ll对底物Ub—AMC的酶动力学参数,说明卵母细胞中tUCH可能与小鼠UCH L1有类似的生物学功能;anti—tUCH单抗可以与原核细胞表达的tUCH和显性失活突变类型tUCH C(90)S特异结合,但不识别小鼠的UCH Ll。Anti-tUCH单抗能够和tUCH结合但不能封闭它的UCH活性;当anti-tUCH单抗注入卵母细胞内,则孕酮诱导的生发泡破裂(germinal vesicle breakdown,GVBD)过程受到抑制,足见tUCH参与GVBD调节并不依赖其UCH活性。  相似文献   

泛素-蛋白水解酶复合体通路与病毒侵染   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
泛素-蛋白水解酶复合体通路(Ubiquitinproteasome pathway, UPP)是细胞内依赖于ATP、非溶酶体途径的蛋白质降解通路,广泛参与包括细胞周期调控、细胞凋亡、信号转导、转录调控、免疫应答及抗原呈递等多种机体代谢活动。UPP在病毒侵染中作用的研究仍处于起步阶段。已发现,昆虫病毒和非洲猪瘟病毒分别是迄今发现唯一编码泛素和泛素连接酶的病毒。最近,大量的研究表明,病毒利用宿主细胞的UPP逃避免疫系统监控、促进病毒复制以及进行病毒粒子的组装和释放。  相似文献   

泛素—蛋白水解酶复合体通路(Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway,UPP)高效快速并高度选择性地降解特定的蛋白质,从而参与控制多种重要的细胞生物学过程。在卵母细胞减数分裂和受精过程中,该通路通过降解细胞周期中的关键因子,如细胞周期蛋白、细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶抑制图子等细胞周期调控因子,从而参与卵母细胞生发泡破裂、第一极体排放、MII阻滞的维持和克服等过程,使细胞通过特定的检验点。此外,UPP也与丝裂原活化蛋白激酶通路、Polo样激酶、成熟促进因子、蛋白激酶C、钙调蛋白依赖激酶Ⅱ等减数分裂关键调节因子相互作用来参与卵母细胞减数分裂成熟和受精。一些周期蛋白(如后期促进复合体的某些亚单位等)还充当泛素连接酶成分,直接参与泛素化过程。  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for highly selective determination of the ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) concentration using a surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRI) technique and two different biosensors. UCH-L1 was captured from a solution by immobilized specific rabbit monoclonal antibody or specific LDN-57444 inhibitor due to formation of receptor–UCH-L1 complex on the biosensor surface. The analytically useful dynamic response range of both biosensors is between 0.1 and 2.5 ng/ml. The detection limit is 0.06 ng/ml for the biosensor with antibody and 0.08 ng/ml for the biosensor with inhibitor. Biosensors based on both antibody and inhibitor were found to be suitable for quantitative determination of the UCH-L1 and exhibit good tolerance to the potential interferents. Both biosensors gave comparable results in the range of 0 to 0.20 ng/ml for plasma samples and 0.30 to 0.49 ng/ml for cerebrospinal fluid samples. To validate the new methods, comparative determination of UCH-L1 by the commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit was performed. In general, in terms of UCH-L1 concentration, a good correlation between SPRI and ELISA was found. The developed biosensors can be used successfully for the determination of UCH-L1 in body fluids.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 1 (UCHL1) is an enzyme unique for its multiple activity – both ligase and hydrolase. UCHL1 was first identified as an abundant protein found in the brain and testes, however its expression is not limited to the neuronal compartment. UCHL1 is also highly expressed in carcinomas of various tissue origins, including those from brain, lung, breast, kidney, colon, prostate, pancreas and mesenchymal tissues. Loss-of-function studies and an inhibitor for UCHL1 confirmed the importance of UCHL1 for cancer therapy. So far biological significance of UCHL1 was described in the following processes: spermatogenesis, oncogenesis, angiogenesis, cell proliferation and differentiation in skeletal muscle, inflammation, tissue injury, neuronal injury and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

小麦泛素融合降解蛋白基因的克隆及特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酵母UFD1基因编码的泛素融合降解蛋白是泛素依赖性降解系统或泛素融合降解途径中的一个关键因子。利用RT-PCR技术在小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)中分离到一个UFD1类似基因。该基因的编码区长948 bp,编码长315个氨基酸的多肽,其氨基酸序列与GenBank中登录的一个拟南芥UFD1类似蛋白有74%的同源性。在多肽链的N-端具有在真核生物中高度保守的UFD1结构域。我们将该基因定位在小麦的第六染色体群并将其命名为了UFD1。Southern杂交和数据库搜索表明植物的UFD1基因是单拷贝或低拷贝的。无论是在单子叶中还是在双子叶植物中,UFD1蛋白都高度同源。除了N端UFD1结构域外,该类蛋白还有3个高度保守的C端结构域。TUFD1基因在小麦幼苗的根、茎、胚芽鞘、叶片以及幼穗和腊熟期子粒中呈组成性表达。  相似文献   

酵母UFD1基因编码的泛素融合降解蛋白是泛素依赖性降解系统或泛素融合降解途径中的一个关键因子.利用RT-PCR技术在小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)中分离到一个UFD1类似基因.该基因的编码区长948 bp,编码长315个氨基酸的多肽,其氨基酸序列与GenBank中登录的一个拟南芥UFD1类似蛋白有74%的同源性.在多肽链的N-端具有在真核生物中高度保守的UFD1结构域.我们将该基因定位在小麦的第六染色体群并将其命名为TUFD1.South-ern杂交和数据库搜索表明植物的UFD1基因是单拷贝或低拷贝的.无论是在单子叶中还是在双子叶植物中,UFD1蛋白都高度同源.除了N端UFD1结构域外,该类蛋白还有3个高度保守的C端结构域.TUFD1基因在小麦幼苗的根、茎、胚芽鞘、叶片以及幼穗和腊熟期子粒中呈组成性表达.  相似文献   

Neddylation is a posttranslational modification that controls diverse biological processes by covalently conjugating the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 to specific targets. Neddylation is commonly mediated by NEDD8-specific enzymes (typical neddylation) and, sometimes, by ubiquitin enzymes (atypical neddylation). Although typical neddylation is known to regulate protein function in many ways, the regulatory mechanisms and biological consequence of atypical neddylation remain largely unexplored. Here we report that NEDD8 conjugates were accumulated in the diseased hearts from mouse models and human patients. Proteotoxic stresses induced typical and atypical neddylation in cardiomyocytes. Loss of NUB1L exaggerated atypical neddylation, whereas NUB1L overexpression repressed atypical neddylation through promoting the degradation of NEDD8. Activation of atypical neddylation accumulated a surrogate misfolded protein, GFPu. In contrast, suppression of atypical neddylation by NUB1L overexpression enhanced GFPu degradation. Moreover, NUB1L depletion accumulated a cardiomyopathy-linked misfolded protein, CryABR120G, whereas NUB1L overexpression promoted its degradation through suppressing neddylation of ubiquitinated proteins in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, NUB1L protected cells from proteotoxic stress-induced cell injury. In summary, these data indicate that NUB1L suppresses atypical neddylation and promotes the degradation of misfolded proteins by the proteasome. Our findings also suggest that induction of NUB1L could potentially become a novel therapeutic strategy for diseases with increased proteotoxic stress.  相似文献   

Aberrant nonstop proteins arise from translation of mRNA molecules beyond the coding sequence into the 3′-untranslated region. If a stop codon is not encountered, translation continues into the poly(A) tail, resulting in C-terminal appendage of a polylysine tract and a terminally stalled ribosome. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the ubiquitin ligase Rkr1/Ltn1 has been implicated in the proteasomal degradation of soluble cytosolic nonstop and translationally stalled proteins. Rkr1 is essential for cellular fitness under conditions associated with increased prevalence of nonstop proteins. Mutation of the mammalian homolog causes significant neurological pathology, suggesting broad physiological significance of ribosome-associated quality control. It is not known whether and how soluble or transmembrane nonstop and translationally stalled proteins targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are detected and degraded. We generated and characterized model soluble and transmembrane ER-targeted nonstop and translationally stalled proteins. We found that these proteins are indeed subject to proteasomal degradation. We tested three candidate ubiquitin ligases (Rkr1 and ER-associated Doa10 and Hrd1) for roles in regulating abundance of these proteins. Our results indicate that Rkr1 plays the primary role in targeting the tested model ER-targeted nonstop and translationally stalled proteins for degradation. These data expand the catalog of Rkr1 substrates and highlight a previously unappreciated role for this ubiquitin ligase at the ER membrane.  相似文献   

氧还蛋白Ref-1是一种双功能蛋白质,在细胞氧还调控和DNA无嘌呤/无嘧啶损伤修复中起重要作用。发寻找与它相互作用的蛋白Rips(Rer-1 interacting proterns),用Ref-1氧还功能域进行了酵母双杂交库的筛选,得到了5种阳性克隆。其中Rip3经测序证实为泛蛋白连接酶Ubc9。Hela细胞中共过表达Ubc9可以明显抑制Ref-1对AP-1报告系统的增强作用。Western印迹  相似文献   

Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolases (UCHs) are a subset of de-ubiquitinating proteases that release covalently linked ubiquitin (Ub), and as such play essential roles in recycling Ub and reversing the action of Ub conjugation. We show here that two related Arabidopsis UCHs, UCH1, and UCH2, are important for shoot development. The UCH1 and 2 genes are ubiquitously expressed, with the corresponding proteins present in both the cytoplasm and nucleus. Unlike their animal and fungal counterparts, we found no evidence that the Arabidopsis UCH1 and 2 proteins stably associate with the 26S proteasome. Altering the levels of UCH1 and 2 has substantial effects on Arabidopsis shoot development, especially with respect to inflorescence architecture, with over-expression and double mutants enhancing and suppressing the outgrowth of cauline branches, respectively. Neither UCH1-over-expressing nor uch1-1 uch2-1 plants have detectably altered sensitivity to cytokinins or auxins individually, but exhibit an altered sensitivity to the ratio of the two hormones. UCH1-over-expressing plants show dramatically enhanced phenotypes when combined with auxin-insensitive mutants axr1-3 and axr2-1, suggesting that one or more aspects of auxin signaling are affected by this enzyme pair. Previous studies revealed that the ubiquitination and degradation of the AUX/IAA family of repressors is a key step in auxin signaling. Here, we show that turnover of a reporter fused to a representative AUX/IAA protein AXR3 is faster in the uch1-1 uch2-1 double mutant but slower in the UCH1 over-expression backgrounds. Taken together, our results indicate that de-ubiquitination helps to modify plant shoot architecture, possibly via its ability to directly or indirectly protect upstream target proteins involved in auxin/cytokinin signaling from Ub-mediated degradation.  相似文献   

Nedd4-family E3 ubiquitin ligases regulate an array of biologic processes. Autoinhibition maintains these catalytic ligases in an inactive state through several mechanisms. However, although some Nedd4 family members are activated by binding to Nedd4 family-interacting proteins (Ndfips), how binding activates E3 function remains unclear. Our data reveal how these two regulatory processes are linked functionally. In the absence of Ndfip1, the Nedd4 family member Itch can bind an E2 but cannot accept ubiquitin onto its catalytic cysteine. This is because Itch is autoinhibited by an intramolecular interaction between its HECT (homologous to the E6-AP carboxy terminus domain) and two central WW domains. Ndfip1 binds these WW domains to release the HECT, allowing trans-thiolation and Itch catalytic activity. This molecular switch also regulates the closely related family member WWP2. Importantly, multiple PY motifs are required for Ndfip1 to activate Itch, functionally distinguishing Ndfips from single PY-containing substrates. These data establish a novel mechanism for control of the function of a subfamily of Nedd4 E3 ligases at the level of E2-E3 trans-thiolation.  相似文献   

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