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Maturation is the last step of heart growth that prepares the organ over the lifetime of the mammal for powerful, effective, and sustained pumping. Structural, gene expression, physiological, and functional specialties of cardiomyocytes describe this mechanism as the heart transits from fetus to adult phases. The main cornerstones of maturation of cardiomyocytes are reviewed and primary regulatory mechanisms are summarized to facilitate and organize these cellular activities. During embryonic development, cardiomyocytes proliferate rigorously but leave the cell cycle permanently immediately after the parturition of the child and experience terminal differentiation. The activation of a host of genes specific for the mature heart is correlated with the exit from the cell cycle. Even when exposed to mitogenic stimuli, the bulk of mature cardiomyocytes do not re-join the cell cycle. The reason for this permanent exit from the cell cycle is shown to be linked with stable switching off of the genes of the cell cycle directly involved in the G2/M transition phase and cytokinesis development. Researchers also trying to explain the molecular mechanism involved in stable inhibition of the gene and described structural changes (epigenetic and chromatin) in this mechanism. Substantial developments in the future with advances in the scientific platforms used for cardiomyocyte maturation research will broaden our understanding of this mechanism and result in better maturation of cardiomyocyte-derived pluripotent stem cells and effective treatment approaches for cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the ability to differentiate into cardiomyocytes (CMs). They are not only widely used in cardiac pharmacology screening, human heart disease modeling, and cell transplantation-based treatments, but also the most promising source of CMs for experimental and clinical applications. However, their use is largely restricted by the immature phenotype of structure and function, which is similar to embryonic or fetal CMs and has certain differences from adult CMs. In order to overcome this critical issue, many studies have explored and revealed new strategies to induce the maturity of iPSC-CMs. Therefore, this article aims to review recent induction methods of mature iPSC-CMs, related mechanisms, and limitations.  相似文献   

As one of the largest and most functionally complex organs of the human body, the intestines are primarily responsible for the breakdown and uptake of macromolecules from the lumen and the subsequent excretion of waste from the body. However, the intestine is also an endocrine organ, regulating digestion, metabolism, and feeding behavior. Intricate neuronal, lymphatic, immune, and vascular systems are integrated into the intestine and are required for its digestive and endocrine functions. In addition, the gut houses an extensive population of microbes that play roles in digestion, global metabolism, barrier function, and host–parasite interactions. With such an extensive array of cell types working and performing in one essential organ, derivation of functional intestinal tissues from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) represents a significant challenge. Here we will discuss the intricate developmental processes and cell types that are required for assembly of this highly complex organ and how embryonic processes, particularly morphogenesis, have been harnessed to direct differentiation of PSCs into 3‐dimensional human intestinal organoids (HIOs) in vitro. We will further describe current uses of HIOs in development and disease research and how additional tissue complexity might be engineered into HIOs for better functionality and disease modeling.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cell‐derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC‐CMs) have emerged as an exciting new tool for cardiac research and can serve as a preclinical platform for drug development and disease modeling studies. However, these aspirations are limited by current culture methods in which hPSC‐CMs resemble fetal human cardiomyocytes in terms of structure and function. Herein we provide a novel in vitro platform that includes patterned extracellular matrix with physiological substrate stiffness and is amenable to both mechanical and electrical analysis. Micropatterned lanes promote the cellular and myofibril alignment of hPSC‐CMs while the addition of micropatterned bridges enable formation of a functional cardiac syncytium that beats synchronously over a large two‐dimensional area. We investigated the electrophysiological properties of the patterned cardiac constructs and showed they have anisotropic electrical impulse propagation, as occurs in the native myocardium, with speeds 2x faster in the primary direction of the pattern as compared to the transverse direction. Lastly, we interrogated the mechanical function of the pattern constructs and demonstrated the utility of this platform in recording the strength of cardiomyocyte contractions. This biomimetic platform with electrical and mechanical readout capabilities will enable the study of cardiac disease and the influence of pharmaceuticals and toxins on cardiomyocyte function. The platform also holds potential for high throughput evaluation of drug safety and efficacy, thus furthering our understanding of cardiovascular disease and increasing the translational use of hPSC‐CMs.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that can serve as a cell source for transplantation medicine, and as a tool to study human embryogenesis. We investigate here the potential of human embryonic stem cells to differentiate into hepatic cells. We have characterized the expression level of liver-enriched genes in undifferentiated and differentiated human embryonic stem cells by DNA microarrays. Our analysis revealed a subset of fetal hepatic enriched genes that are expressed in human embryonic stem cells upon differentiation into embryoid bodies. In order to isolate the hepatic-like cells, we introduced a reporter gene regulated by a hepatocyte-specific promoter into human embryonic stem cells. We isolated clones of human embryonic stem cells that express enhanced green fluorescent protein upon in vitro differentiation. Through immunostaining, we showed that most of these cells express albumin, while some cells still express the earlier expressed protein alpha-fetoprotein. Using fluorescence activated cell sorter, we were able to sort out the fluorescent differentiated cells and expand them for a few more weeks. This is the first report to demonstrate the possibility of purifying differentiated derivatives of human embryonic stem cells and culturing them further. Through confocal microscopy, we detected clusters of hepatic-like cells in 20-day-old embryoid bodies and in teratomas. As observed during embryonic development, we showed that in teratomas, the hepatic-like endodermal cells develop next to cardiac mesodermal cells. In order to examine the secreted factors involved in the induction of hepatic differentiation, human embryonic stem cells were grown in the presence of various growth factors, demonstrating the potential involvement of acidic fibroblast growth factor in the differentiation. In conclusion, given certain growth conditions and genetic manipulation, we can now differentiate and isolate hepatic-like cells from human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(4):559-576.e7
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In view of the therapeutic potential of cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells (iPS‐derived cardiomyocytes), in the present study we investigated in iPS‐derived cardiomyocytes, the functional properties related to [Ca2+]i handling and contraction, the contribution of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release to contraction and the b‐adrenergic inotropic responsiveness. The two iPS clones investigated here were generated through infection of human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) with retroviruses containing the four human genes: OCT4, Sox2, Klf4 and C‐Myc. Our major findings showed that iPS‐derived cardiomyocytes: (i) express cardiac specific RNA and proteins; (ii) exhibit negative force–frequency relations and mild (compared to adult) post‐rest potentiation; (iii) respond to ryanodine and caffeine, albeit less than adult cardiomyocytes, and express the SR‐Ca2+ handling proteins ryanodine receptor and calsequestrin. Hence, this study demonstrates that in our cardiomyocytes clones differentiated from HFF‐derived iPS, the functional properties related to excitation–contraction coupling, resemble in part those of adult cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Proper cell-cycle progression is essential for the self-renewal and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). The fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell-cycle indicator (FUCCI) has allowed the dual-color visualization of the G1 and S/G2/M phases in various dynamic models, but its application in hPSCs is not widely reported. In addition, lineage-specific FUCCI reporters have not yet been developed to analyze complex tissue-specific cell-cycle progression during hPSC differentiation. Desiring a robust tool for spatiotemporal reporting of cell-cycle events in hPSCs, we employed the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool and successfully knocked the FUCCI reporter into the AAVS1 safe harbor locus of hPSCs for stable and constitutive FUCCI expression, exhibiting reliable cell-cycle-dependent fluorescence in both hPSCs and their differentiated progeny. We also established a cardiac-specific TNNT2-FUCCI reporter for lineage-specific cell-cycle monitoring of cardiomyocyte differentiation from hPSCs. This powerful and modular FUCCI system should provide numerous opportunities for studying human cell-cycle activity, and enable the identification and investigation of novel regulators for adult tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

韦余达  李爽  刘改改  张永贤  丁秋蓉 《遗传》2015,37(10):983-991
精准医疗强调针对不同个体定制个性化治疗方案,其推行需要精准疾病模型的建立。人类干细胞因其具有多能性而成为体外不同类型的成体细胞和器官小体的潜在来源,其强增殖能力保证了充足原材料用于科研分析和大规模药物筛选。基因组编辑技术(尤其是CRISPR/Cas9技术)的快速发展使得在人多能干细胞和成体干细胞中进行高效基因组编辑成为可能。两者的有效结合能建立起针对不同遗传致病背景的“个性化”疾病模型,有利于深入解析不同遗传突变的致病机制和开发高针对性的精准医疗方案。本文对基因组编辑技术在人类干细胞中的应用以及利用干细胞疾病模型模拟罕见病和肿瘤发生的研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

Primary cilia are unique sensory organelles that coordinate a wide variety of different signaling pathways to control cellular processes during development and in tissue homeostasis. Defects in function or assembly of these antenna-like structures are therefore associated with a broad range of developmental disorders and diseases called ciliopathies. Recent studies have indicated a major role of different populations of cilia, including nodal and cardiac primary cilia, in coordinating heart development, and defects in these cilia are associated with congenital heart disease. Here, we present an overview of the role of nodal and cardiac primary cilia in heart development.  相似文献   

To date, the lack of a suitable human cardiac cell source has been the major setback in regenerating the human myocardium, either by cell-based transplantation or by cardiac tissue engineering. Cardiomyocytes become terminally-differentiated soon after birth and lose their ability to proliferate. There is no evidence that stem/progenitor cells derived from other sources, such as the bone marrow or the cord blood, are able to give rise to the contractile heart muscle cells following transplantation into the heart. The need to regenerate or repair the damaged heart muscle has not been met by adult stem cell therapy, either endogenous or via cell delivery. The genetically stable human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have unlimited expansion ability and unrestricted plasticity, proffering a pluripotent reservoir for in vitro derivation of large supplies of human somatic cells that are restricted to the lineage in need of repair and regeneration. Due to the prevalence of cardiovascular disease worldwide and acute shortage of donor organs, there is intense interest in developing hESC-based therapies as an alternative approach. However, how to channel the wide differentiation potential of pluripotent hESCs efficiently and predictably to a desired phenotype has been a major challenge for both developmental study and clinical translation. Conventional approaches rely on multi-lineage inclination of pluripotent cells through spontaneous germ layer differentiation, resulting in inefficient and uncontrollable lineage-commitment that is often followed by phenotypic heterogeneity and instability, hence, a high risk of tumorigenicity (see a schematic in Fig. 1A). In addition, undefined foreign/animal biological supplements and/or feeders that have typically been used for the isolation, expansion, and differentiation of hESCs may make direct use of such cell-specialized grafts in patients problematic. To overcome these obstacles, we have resolved the elements of a defined culture system necessary and sufficient for sustaining the epiblast pluripotence of hESCs, serving as a platform for de novo derivation of clinically-suitable hESCs and effectively directing such hESCs uniformly towards clinically-relevant lineages by small molecules (see a schematic in Fig. 1B). After screening a variety of small molecules and growth factors, we found that such defined conditions rendered nicotinamide (NAM) sufficient to induce the specification of cardiomesoderm direct from pluripotent hESCs that further progressed to cardioblasts that generated human beating cardiomyocytes with high efficiency (Fig. 2). We defined conditions for induction of cardioblasts direct from pluripotent hESCs without an intervening multi-lineage embryoid body stage, enabling well-controlled efficient derivation of a large supply of human cardiac cells across the spectrum of developmental stages for cell-based therapeutics.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(22):2566-2583.e8
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AIM To establish a functional and molecular model of the intracellular pH(pH_i) regulatory mechanism in human induced pluripotent stem cells(hiPSCs).METHODS hiP SCs(HPS0077) were kindly provided by Dr. Dai from the Tri-Service General Hospital(IRB No. B-106-09). Changes in the pH_i were detected either by microspectrofluorimetry or by a multimode reader with a pH-sensitive fluorescent probe, BCECF, and the fluorescent ratio was calibrated by the high K~+/nigericin method. NH_4Cl and Na-acetate prepulse techniques were used to induce rapid intracellular acidosis and alkalization, respectively. The buffering power(β) was calculated from the ΔpH_i induced by perfusing different concentrations of(NH_4)_2SO_4. Western blot techniques and immunocytochemistry staining were used to detect the protein expression of pH_i regulators and pluripotency markers.RESULTS In this study, our results indicated that(1) the steadystate pH_i value was found to be 7.5 ± 0.01(n = 20) and 7.68 ± 0.01(n =20) in HEPES and 5% CO_2/HCO_3~- buffered systems, respectively, which were much greater than that in normal adult cells(7.2);(2) in a CO_2/HCO_3~--buffered system, the values of total intracellular buffering power(β) can be described by the following equation: β_(tot) = 107.79(pH_i)~2-1522.2(pH_i) + 5396.9(correlation coefficient R~2 = 0.85), in the estimated pH_i range of 7.1- 8.0;(3) the Na~+/H~+ exchanger(NHE) and the Na~+/HCO_3~- cotransporter(NBC) were found to be functionally activated for acid extrusion for pHi values less than 7.5 and 7.68, respectively;(4) V-ATPase and some other unknown Na~+-independent acid extruder(s) could only be functionally detected for pHi values less than 7.1;(5) the Cl~-/OH~- exchanger(CHE) and the Cl~- /HCO_3 anion exchanger(AE) were found to be responsible for the weakening of intracellular proton loading;(6) besides the CHE and the AE, a Cl~--independent acid loading mechanism was functionally identified; and(7) in hiPSCs, a strong positive correlation was observed between the loss of pluripotency and the weakening of the intracellular acid extrusion mechanism, which included a decrease in the steady-state pH i value and diminished the functional activity and protein expression of the NHE and the NBC.CONCLUSION For the first time, we established a functional and molecular model of a pHi regulatory mechanism and demonstrated its strong positive correlation with hiPSC pluripotency.  相似文献   

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