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The functions of the actin-myosin–based contractile ring in cytokinesis remain to be elucidated. Recent findings show that in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cleavage furrow ingression is driven by polymerization of cell wall fibers outside the plasma membrane, not by the contractile ring. Here we show that one function of the ring is to spatially coordinate septum cell wall assembly. We develop an improved method for live-cell imaging of the division apparatus by orienting the rod-shaped cells vertically using microfabricated wells. We observe that the septum hole and ring are circular and centered in wild-type cells and that in the absence of a functional ring, the septum continues to ingress but in a disorganized and asymmetric manner. By manipulating the cleavage furrow into different shapes, we show that the ring promotes local septum growth in a curvature-dependent manner, allowing even a misshapen septum to grow into a more regular shape. This curvature-dependent growth suggests a model in which contractile forces of the ring shape the septum cell wall by stimulating the cell wall machinery in a mechanosensitive manner. Mechanical regulation of the cell wall assembly may have general relevance to the morphogenesis of walled cells.  相似文献   

The contractile ring is essential for cytokinesis in most fungal and animal cells. In fission yeast, cytokinesis nodes are precursors of the contractile ring and mark the future cleavage site. However, their assembly and architecture have not been well described. We found that nodes are assembled stoichiometrically in a hierarchical order with two modules linked by the positional marker anillin Mid1. Mid1 first recruits Cdc4 and IQGAP Rng2 to form module I. Rng2 subsequently recruits the myosin-II subunits Myo2 and Rlc1. Mid1 then independently recruits the F-BAR protein Cdc15 to form module II. Mid1, Rng2, Cdc4, and Cdc15 are stable node components that accumulate close to the plasma membrane. Both modules recruit the formin Cdc12 to nucleate actin filaments. Myo2 heads point into the cell interior, where they efficiently capture actin filaments to condense nodes into the contractile ring. Collectively, our work characterizing the assembly and architecture of precursor nodes defines important steps and molecular players for contractile ring assembly.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the control of cytokinesis is limited in comparison with our knowledge of the controls over the initiation of S phase or mitosis. Study of genetically tractable systems such as Schizosaccharomyces pombe are a useful way to address this problem, since mutants defective in regulation of cytokinesis have been identified. Cloning and analysis of the proteins they encode has begun to shed light upon how formation of the division septum is initiated and directed to the correct place in the cell. Some of these mutants may also be implicated in coordinating mitosis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Septins are filament-forming proteins with a conserved role in cytokinesis. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, septin rings appear to be involved primarily in cell-cell separation, a late stage in cytokinesis. Here, we identified a protein Mid2p on the basis of its sequence similarity to S. pombe Mid1p, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bud4p, and Candida albicans Int1p. Like septin mutants, mid2delta mutants had delays in cell-cell separation. mid2delta mutants were defective in septin organization but not contractile ring closure or septum formation. In wild-type cells, septins assembled first during mitosis in a single ring and during septation developed into double rings that did not contract. In mid2delta cells, septins initially assembled in a single ring but during septation appeared in the cleavage furrow, forming a washer or disc structure. FRAP studies showed that septins are stable in wild-type cells but exchange 30-fold more rapidly in mid2delta cells. Mid2p colocalized with septins and required septins for its localization. A COOH-terminal pleckstrin homology domain of Mid2p was required for its localization and function. No genetic interactions were found between mid2 and the related gene mid1. Thus, these studies identify a new factor responsible for the proper stability and function of septins during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Proper coordination of cytokinesis with chromosome separation during mitosis is crucial to ensure that each daughter cell inherits an equivalent set of chromosomes. It has been proposed that one mechanism by which this is achieved is through temporally regulated myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation (Satterwhite, L. L., and Pollard, T. D. (1992) Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 4, 43-52). A variety of evidence is consistent with this model. A direct test of the importance of RLC phosphorylation in vivo has been done only in Dictyostelium and Drosophila; phosphorylation of the RLC is essential in Drosophila (Jordan, P., and Karess, R. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 139, 1805-1819) but not essential in Dictyostelium (Ostrow, B. D., Chen, P., and Chisholm, R. L. (1994) J. Cell Biol. 127, 1945-1955). The Schizosaccharomyces pombe myosin light chain Cdc4p is essential for cytokinesis, but it was unknown whether phosphorylation played a role in its regulation. Here we show that the S. pombe myosin light chain Cdc4p is phosphorylated in vivo on either serine 2 or 6 but not both. Mutation of either or both of these sites to alanine did not effect the ability of Cdc4p to bind the type II myosin Myo2p, and cells expressing only these mutated versions of Cdc4p grew and divided normally. Similarly, mutation of Ser-2, Ser-6, or both residues to aspartic acid did not affect growth or division of cells. Thus we conclude that phosphorylation of Cdc4p is not essential in vivo for the function of the protein.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Two genetic 'pathways' contribute to the fidelity of nuclear segregation during the process of budding in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An early pathway, involving Kar9p and other proteins, orients the mitotic spindle along the mother-bud axis. Upon the onset of anaphase, cytoplasmic dynein provides the motive force for nuclear movement into the bud. Loss of either pathway results in nuclear-migration defects; loss of both is lethal. Here, to visualize the functional steps leading to correct spindle orientation along the mother-bud axis, we imaged live yeast cells expressing Kar9p and dynein as green fluorescent protein fusions. RESULTS: Transport of Kar9p into the bud was found to require the myosin Myo2p. Kar9p interacted with microtubules through the microtubule-binding protein Bim1p and facilitated microtubule penetration into the bud. Once microtubules entered the bud, Kar9p provided a platform for microtubule capture at the bud cortex. Kar9p was also observed at sites of microtubule shortening in the bud, suggesting that Kar9p couples microtubule shortening to nuclear migration. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, Kar9p provides a key link between the actin cytoskeleton and microtubules early in the cell cycle. A cooperative mechanism between Kar9p and Myo2p facilitates the pre-anaphase orientation of the spindle. Later, Kar9p couples microtubule disassembly with nuclear migration.  相似文献   

The ppb1(+) gene encodes a fission yeast homologue of the mammalian calcineurin. We have recently shown that Ppb1 is essential for chloride ion homeostasis, and acts antagonistically with Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In an attempt to identify genes that share an essential function with calcineurin, we screened for mutations that confer sensitivity to the calcineurin inhibitor FK506 and high temperature, and isolated a mutant, its3-1. its3(+) was shown to be an essential gene encoding a functional homologue of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase (PI(4)P5K). The temperature upshift or addition of FK506 induced marked disorganization of actin patches and dramatic increase in the frequency of septation in the its3-1 mutants but not in the wild-type cells. Expression of a green fluorescent protein-tagged Its3 and the phospholipase Cdelta pleckstrin homology domain indicated plasma membrane localization of PI(4)P5K and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. These green fluorescent protein-tagged proteins were concentrated at the septum of dividing cells, and the mutant Its3 was no longer localized to the plasma membrane. These data suggest that fission yeast PI(4)P5K Its3 functions coordinately with calcineurin and plays a key role in cytokinesis, and that the plasma membrane localization of Its3 is the crucial event in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are regulators of signaling pathways that control actin organization and cell polarity processes in all eukaryotic cells. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Rho4p is involved in the regulation of septum degradation during cytokinesis. Here we show that Rho4p participates in the secretion of the glucanases Eng1p and Agn1p, which are responsible for the septum degradation. First, eng1+ or agn1+ overexpression suppressed the rho4delta multiseptation phenotype, and simultaneous overproduction of Rho4p and Eng1p or of Rho4p and Agn1p caused a dramatic lysis. Second, Rho4p was not necessary for Eng1p-mediated glucanase activity as measured in cell extracts; however, rho4delta cells have a lower level of (1,3)-beta-D-glucanase activity in the culture medium. Additionally, Eng1- or Agn1-green fluorescent protein did not properly localize to the septum in rho4delta cells grown at 37 degrees C. There was a decreased amount of these enzymes in the cell wall and in the culture medium of rho4delta cells at 37 degrees C. These results provide evidence that Rho4p is involved in the regulation of Eng1p and Agn1p secretion during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an excellent organism in which to study cytokinesis as it divides by medial fission using an F-actin contractile ring. To enhance our understanding of the cell division process, a large genetic screen was carried out in which 17 genetic loci essential for cytokinesis were identified, 5 of which are novel. Mutants identifying three genes, rng3(+), rng4(+), and rng5(+), were defective in organizing an actin contractile ring. Four mutants defective in septum deposition, septum initiation defective (sid)1, sid2, sid3, and sid4, were also identified and characterized. Genetic analyses revealed that the sid mutants display strong negative interactions with the previously described septation mutants cdc7-24, cdc11-123, and cdc14-118. The rng5(+), sid2(+), and sid3(+) genes were cloned and shown to encode Myo2p (a myosin heavy chain), a protein kinase related to budding yeast Dbf2p, and Spg1p, a GTP binding protein that is a member of the ras superfamily of GTPases, respectively. The ability of Spg1p to promote septum formation from any point in the cell cycle depends on the activity of Sid4p. In addition, we have characterized a phenotype that has not been described previously in cytokinesis mutants, namely the failure to reorganize actin patches to the medial region of the cell in preparation for septum formation.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is a temporally and spatially regulated process through which the cellular constituents of the mother cell are partitioned into two daughter cells, permitting an increase in cell number. When cytokinesis occurs in a polarized cell it can create daughters with distinct fates. In eukaryotes, cytokinesis is carried out by the coordinated action of a cortical actomyosin contractile ring and targeted membrane deposition. Recent use of model organisms with facile genetics and improved light-microscopy methods has led to the identification and functional characterization of many proteins involved in cytokinesis. To date, this analysis indicates that some of the basic components involved in cytokinesis are conserved from yeast to humans, although their organization into functional machinery that drives cytokinesis and the associated regulatory mechanisms bear species-specific features. Here, we briefly review the current status of knowledge of cytokinesis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and animal cells, in an attempt to highlight both the common and the unique features. Although these organisms diverged from a common ancestor about a billion years ago, there are eukaryotes that are far more divergent. To evaluate the overall evolutionary conservation of cytokinesis, it will be necessary to include representatives of these divergent branches. Nevertheless, the three species discussed here provide substantial mechanistic diversity.  相似文献   

Fission yeast capping protein SpCP is a heterodimer of two subunits (Acp1p and Acp2p) that binds actin filament barbed ends. Neither acp1 nor acp2 is required for viability, but cells lacking either or both subunits have cytokinesis defects under stressful conditions, including elevated temperature, osmotic stress, or in combination with numerous mild mutations in genes important for cytokinesis. Defects arise as the contractile ring constricts and disassembles, resulting in delays in cell separation. Genetic and biochemical interactions show that the cytokinesis formin Cdc12p competes with capping protein for actin filament barbed ends in cells. Deletion of acp2 partly suppresses cytokinesis defects in temperature-sensitive cdc12-112 cells and mild overexpression of capping protein kills cdc12-112 cells. Biochemically, profilin has opposite effects on filaments capped with Cdc12p and capping protein. Profilin depolymerizes actin filaments capped by capping protein but allows filaments capped by Cdc12p to grow at their barbed ends. Once associated with a barbed end, either Cdc12p or capping protein prevents the other from influencing polymerization at that end. Given that capping protein arrives at the division site 20 min later than Cdc12p, capping protein may slowly replace Cdc12p on filament barbed ends in preparation for filament disassembly during ring constriction.  相似文献   

Correct positioning of the cell division machinery is crucial for genomic stability and cell fate determination. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, like animal cells, divides using an actomyosin ring and is an attractive model to study eukaryotic cytokinesis. In S. pombe, positioning of the actomyosin ring depends on the anillin-related protein Mid1p. Mid1p arrives first at the medial cortex and recruits actomyosin ring components to node-like structures, although how this is achieved is unknown. Here we show that the IQGAP-related protein Rng2p, an essential component of the actomyosin ring, is a key element downstream of Mid1p. Rng2p physically interacts with Mid1p and is required for the organization of other actomyosin ring components into cortical nodes. Failure of localization of Rng2p to the nodes prevents medial retention of Mid1p and leads to actomyosin ring assembly in a node-independent manner at nonmedial locations. We conclude that Mid1p recruits Rng2p to cortical nodes at the division site and that Rng2p, in turn, recruits other components of the actomyosin ring to cortical nodes, thereby ensuring correct placement of the division site.  相似文献   

Formins drive actin filament assembly for diverse cellular processes including motility, establishing polarity, and cell division. To investigate the mechanism of contractile ring assembly in animal cells, we directly compared the actin assembly properties of formins required for cytokinesis in the nematode worm early embryo (CYK-1) and fission yeast (Cdc12p). Like Cdc12p and most other formins, CYK-1 nucleates actin filament assembly and remains processively associated with the elongating barbed end while facilitating the addition of profilin-actin above the theoretical diffusion-limited rate. However, specific properties differ significantly between Cdc12p and CYK-1. Cdc12p efficiently nucleates filaments that in the presence of profilin elongate at approximately the same rate as control filaments without formin (approximately 10.0 subunits/s). CYK-1 is an inefficient nucleator but allows filaments to elongate profilin-actin 6-fold faster than Cdc12p (approximately 60 subunits/s). Both Cdc12p and CYK-1 bind to pre-assembled actin filaments with low nanomolar affinity, but CYK-1 dissociates 2 orders of magnitude more quickly. However, CYK-1 rapidly re-associates with free barbed ends. Cdc12p allows barbed ends to elongate in the presence of excess capping protein, whereas capping protein inhibits CYK-1-mediated actin assembly. Therefore, these evolutionarily diverse formins can drive contractile ring assembly by a generally similar mechanism, but cells with unique dimensions and physical parameters might require proteins with carefully tuned actin assembly properties.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in fission yeast involves the coordination of septum deposition with the contraction of a cytokinetic actomyosin ring. We have examined the role of the type V myosin Myo52 in the coupling of these two events by the construction of a series of deletion mutants of the Myo52 tail and a further mutant within the ATP binding domain of the head. Each mutant protein was ectopically expressed in fission yeast cells. Each truncation was assayed for the ability to localize to the cell poles and septum (the normal cellular locations of Myo52) and to rescue the morphology defects and temperature sensitivity of a myo52Delta strain. A region within the Myo52 tail (amino acids 1320-1503), with a high degree of similarity to the vesicle-binding domain of the budding yeast type V myosin Myo2p, was essential for Myo52's role in the maintenance of growth polarity and cell division. A separate region (amino acids 1180-1320) was required for Myo52 foci to move throughout the cytoplasm; however, constructs lacking this region, but which retained the ability to dimerize still associated with actin at sites of cell growth. Not all of the Myo52 truncations which localized rescued the morphological defects of myo52Delta, demonstrating that loss of function was not simply brought about by an inability of mutant proteins to target the correct cellular location. By contrast, Myo52 motor activity was required for both localization and cellular function. myo52Delta cells were unable to efficiently localize the beta-1,3-glucan synthase, Bgs1, either at the cell poles or at the division septum, regions of cell wall deposition. Bgs1 and Myo52 localized to vesicle-like dots at the poles in interphase and these moved together to the septum at division. These data have led to the formulation of a model in which Myo52 is responsible for the delivery of Bgs1 and associated molecules to polar cell growth regions during interphase. On the commencement of septum formation, Myo52 transports Bgs1 to the cell equator, thus ensuring the accurate deposition of beta-1,3-glucan at the leading edge of the primary septum.  相似文献   

Many membrane processes occur in discrete membrane domains containing lipid rafts, but little is known about how these domains are organized and positioned. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a sterol-rich membrane domain forms at the cell-division site. Here, we show that formation of this membrane domain is independent of the contractile actin ring, septation, mid1p and the septins, and also requires cdc15p, an essential contractile ring protein that associates with lipid rafts. cdc15 mutants have membrane domains in the shape of spirals. Overexpression of cdc15p in interphase cells induces abnormal membrane domain formation in an actin-independent manner. We propose that cdc15p functions to organize lipid rafts at the cleavage site for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Regulation and targeting of the fission yeast formin cdc12p in cytokinesis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Formins are conserved actin nucleators which promote the assembly of actin filaments for the formation of diverse actin structures. In fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the formin cdc12p is required specifically in assembly of the actin-based contractile ring during cytokinesis. Here, using a mutational analysis of cdc12p, we identify regions of cdc12p responsible for ring assembly and localization. Profilin-binding residues of the FH1 domain regulate actin assembly and processive barbed-end capping by the FH2 domain. Studies using photobleaching (FRAP) and sensitivity to latrunculin A treatment show that profilin binding modulates the rapid dynamics of actin and cdc12p within the ring in vivo. Visualized by functional GFP-fusion constructs expressed from the endogenous promoter, cdc12p appears in a small number of cytoplasmic motile spot structures that deliver the formin to the ring assembly site, without detectable formation of an intermediate band of "nodes." The FH3/DID region directs interphase spot localization, while an N-terminal region and the FH1-FH2 domains of cdc12p can target its localization to the ring. Mutations in putative DID and DAD regions do not alter regulation, suggesting that cdc12p is not regulated by a canonical autoinhibition mechanism. Our findings provide insights into the regulation of formin activity and the mechanisms of contractile ring dynamics and assembly.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal regulation of cytokinesis is essential for cell division, yet the mechanisms that control the formation and constriction of the contractile ring are incompletely understood. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe proteins that contribute to the cytokinetic contractile ring accumulate during interphase in nodes—precursor structures around the equatorial cortex. During mitosis, additional proteins join these nodes, which condense to form the contractile ring. The cytokinesis protein Blt1p is unique in being present continuously in nodes from early interphase through to the contractile ring until cell separation. Blt1p was shown to stabilize interphase nodes, but its functions later in mitosis were unclear. We use analytical ultracentrifugation to show that purified Blt1p is a tetramer. We find that Blt1p interacts physically with Sid2p and Mob1p, a protein kinase complex of the septation initiation network, and confirm known interactions with F-BAR protein Cdc15p. Contractile rings assemble normally in blt1∆ cells, but the initiation of ring constriction and completion of cell division are delayed. We find three defects that likely contribute to this delay. Without Blt1p, contractile rings recruited and retained less Sid2p/Mob1p and Clp1p phosphatase, and β-glucan synthase Bgs1p accumulated slowly at the cleavage site.  相似文献   

Paxillins are a family of conserved LIM domain-containing proteins that play important roles in the function and integrity of the actin cytoskeleton. Although paxillins have been extensively characterized by cell biological and biochemical approaches, genetic studies are relatively scarce. Here, we identify and characterize a paxillin-related protein Pxl1p in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Pxl1p is a component of the fission yeast actomyosin ring, a structure that is essential for cytokinesis. Cells deleted for pxl1 display a novel phenotype characterized by a splitting of the actomyosin ring in late anaphase, leading to the formation of two rings of which only one undergoes constriction. In addition, the rate of actomyosin ring constriction is slower in the absence of Pxl1p. pxl1Delta mutants display strong genetic interactions with mutants defective in IQGAP-related protein Rng2p and mutants defective in components of the fission yeast type II myosin machinery. Collectively, these results suggest that Pxl1p might cooperate with type II myosin and Rng2p-IQGAP to regulate actomyosin ring constriction as well as to maintain its integrity during constriction.  相似文献   

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