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Although educational programs have had some impact, immunization against HIV will be necessary to control the AIDS pandemic. To be effective, vaccination will need to be accessible and affordable, directed against multiple antigens, and delivered in multiple doses. Plant-based vaccines that are heat-stable and easy to produce and administer are suited to this type of strategy. Pilot studies by a number of groups have demonstrated that plant viral expression systems can produce HIV antigens in quantities that are appropriate for use in vaccines. In addition, these plant-made HIV antigens have been shown to be immunogenic. However, given the need for potent cross-clade humoral and T-cell immunity for protection against HIV, and the uncertainty surrounding the efficacy of protein subunit vaccines, it is most likely that plant-made HIV vaccines will find their niche as booster immunizations in prime-boost vaccination schedules.  相似文献   

Sleep is a pervasive characteristic of mammalian species, yet its purpose remains obscure. It is often proposed that ‘sleep is for the brain’, a view that is supported by experimental studies showing that sleep improves cognitive processes such as memory consolidation. Some comparative studies have also reported that mammalian sleep durations are higher among more encephalized species. However, no study has assessed the relationship between sleep and the brain structures that are implicated in specific cognitive processes across species. The hippocampus, neocortex and amygdala are important for memory consolidation and learning and are also in a highly actived state during sleep. We therefore investigated the evolutionary relationship between mammalian sleep and the size of these brain structures using phylogenetic comparative methods. We found that evolutionary increases in the size of the amygdala are associated with corresponding increases in NREM sleep durations. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that NREM sleep is functionally linked with specializations of the amygdala, including perhaps memory processing.  相似文献   



In 1992 Liomba et al used HIV-AIDS prevalence data from 1980 to 1990 and projected the adult HIV prevalence and the impact of AIDS for the years 1991 to 2000, under high and low HIV incidence scenarios, using EpiModel, DemProj and the AIDS Impact Model. This report compares the actual outcomes of the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Malawi from 1991 to 2000 with projections made by Liomba et al.

Methods and Findings

Due to the lack of data on rural HIV prevalence in 1992, the prevalence estimates for the years 1980 to 1990 used by Liomba et al were higher than the now published prevalence. We re-estimated the projections for 1991 to 2000 based on more recent estimates of 1980 to 1990 HIV-AIDS prevalence using the Spectrum modeling software, and compared the old and new projections with the actual epidemic figures reported by NAC. The original projections made by Liomba et al and the adjusted projections made in this report are both very similar to the observed course of the AIDS epidemic reported by National AIDS Commission. Unfortunately for Malawi the epidemic seems to have followed the high scenario of HIV incidence.


The course of the epidemic in Malawi and the social and economic devastation caused by it, despite the presence of reasonably good projections and prevention recommendations by Liomba et al, highlights the need for better co-ordination between research and practice. It also emphasizes the need to examine the difficulties faced by countries like Malawi to act more rapidly and implement effective prevention measures in the face of an epidemic.  相似文献   

The authors review the anticipated benefits from tourism for protected areas in Madagascar, the mechanisms that have been adopted, and how these are working at national and local levels. The contribution of tourism to the maintenance of Protected Areas in Madagascar is assessed. The anticipated benefits of tourism envisaged by the 1991 National Environmental Action Plan are considered to be over-optimistic. The growth rate in tourist arrivals is found to be smaller than previously anticipated as a result of infrastructural constraints at national and local scales. It is suggested that revenues from tourism are inadequate in meeting park management costs although the local transfer of entrance fee revenues to development projects is found to be more beneficial. It is also argued that the benefits of revenue sharing can be effective only for a limited number of protected areas until unfrastructure is improved and protected areas become more accessible to tourists.  相似文献   



Research on urban food environments emphasizes limited access to healthy food, with fewer large supermarkets and higher food prices. Many residents of Hartford, Connecticut, which is often considered a food desert, buy most of their food from small and medium-sized grocery stores. We examined the food environment in greater Hartford, comparing stores in Hartford to those in the surrounding suburbs, and by store size (small, medium, and large).


We surveyed all small (over 1,000 ft2), medium, and large-sized supermarkets within a 2-mile radius of Hartford (36 total stores). We measured the distance to stores, availability, price and quality of a market basket of 25 items, and rated each store on internal and external appearance. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for mapping distance to the stores and variation of food availability, quality, and appearance.


Contrary to common literature, no significant differences were found in food availability and price between Hartford and suburban stores. However, produce quality, internal, and external store appearance were significantly lower in Hartford compared to suburban stores (all p<0.05). Medium-sized stores had significantly lower prices than small or large supermarkets (p<0.05). Large stores had better scores for internal (p<0.05), external, and produce quality (p<0.01). Most Hartford residents live within 0.5 to 1 mile distance to a grocery store.


Classifying urban areas with few large supermarkets as ‘food deserts’ may overlook the availability of healthy foods and low prices that exist within small and medium-sized groceries common in inner cities. Improving produce quality and store appearance can potentially impact the food purchasing decisions of low-income residents in Hartford.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF)-untreated (naive) and neurite-bearing NGF-treated ("primed") PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells were used as model system to study the role of phospholipid methylation in the NGF mechanism of action. The neurite-bearing cultures were deprived of NGF for 3 h before experimentation. Under both experimental conditions, the cells were labelled with [methyl-3H]methionine and then challenged with NGF for time periods ranging from 5 s to 30 min. Methylated phospholipids were extracted and then resolved and identified by TLC as phosphatidyl mono-, di-, and trimethyl ethanolamine. Quantification of the amount of radioactivity incorporated into each of the phospholipids indicated that NGF does not significantly alter phospholipid methylation either in naive or in neurite-bearing cells. Furthermore, using a methyltransferase inhibitor, it was found that neurite outgrowth still occurs when phospholipid methylation is almost completely blocked. These results indicate that phospholipid methylation does not play a primary role in the mechanism of action of NGF.  相似文献   

A number of factors have been identified that are related to sexual and injecting HIV transmission. We developed a probabilistic mathematical model to put these factors together and interpret risks in the context of individual behavior among injecting drug-using (IDU) couples in St. Petersburg, Russia. Some HIV-discordant couples have unprotected sex and sometimes inject drugs together but stay discordant for a long time, while some individuals acquire HIV on the first encounter. We considered existing estimates of HIV transmission risks through injecting and sexual contacts to develop a predictive survival model for an individual who is exposed to HIV through intimate relationships. We computed simulated survival curves for a number of behavioral scenarios and discussed sources of simulated uncertainty. We then applied the model to a longitudinal study of HIV-discordant couples and validated the model’s forecast. Although individual prediction of seroconversion time appeared impossible, the ability to rank behavioral patterns in terms of HIV risk and to estimate the probability of survival HIV-free will be important to educators and counselors.  相似文献   

According to the auxin-inhibition hypothesis of apical dominance,apically produced auxin moves down the stem and inhibits axillarybud outgrowth, either directly or indirectly. This hypothesishas been examined further by monitoring changes in basipetalauxin transport and endogenous auxin concentration in Ipomoeanil caused by shoot inversion, a stimulus that releases apicaldominance. The results indicate that inversion reduces auxintransport in the main stem. In upright shoots of intact plants,a 16-h pretreatment with [3H]IAA 4 cm below the apex resultsin downward movement of label and accumulation in nodes, especiallythe cotyledonary node. Label does not accumulate in the lateralbuds. GC-MS determinations of endogenous free auxin level inthe fourth node, where a lateral bud grows out following inversionof the upper part of the shoot, show no changes at 3 and 8 hafter inversion, the range of times for inversion-induced budrelease, or at 24 h, when bud outgrowth is continuing. However,inversion did cause a just-detectable decrease (approx. 10%)in the IAA level of the shoot's elongation region. Althoughauxin transport in segments of the main stem is partially inhibitedby inversion over a period shorter than the latent time of budrelease, thus providing a means for the expected depletion ofauxin in the fourth node, no depletion could be detected there.These results suggest that either a decrease in IAA level inthe main stem is not causal of bud release or that the decreasedIAA pool responsible for bud release is compartmented and cannotbe measured in whole-tissue extracts.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Apical dominance, auxin content, auxin transport, axillary bud release, GC-MS, Ipomoea nil, Pharbitis nil, shoot inversion  相似文献   

Though the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Southeastern Europe is one of low reported prevalence, numerous studies have described the pervasiveness of medical providers’ lack of knowledge of HIV/AIDS in the Balkans. This study sought to culturally adapt an instrument to assess medical providers’ knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Albania. Cultural adaptation was completed through development of a survey from previously validated instruments, translation of the survey into Albanian, blinded back translation, expert committee review of the draft instrument, focus group pre-testing with community- and University Hospital Center of Tirana-based physicians and nurses, and test-retest reliability testing. Blinded back translation of the instrument supported the initial translation with slight changes to the idiomatic and conceptual equivalences. Focus group pre-testing generally supported the instrument, yet some experiential and idiomatic changes were implemented. Based on unweighted kappa and/or prevalence adjusted bias adjusted kappa (PABAK), 20 of the 43 questions were deemed statistically significant at kappa and/or PABAK ≥0.5, while 12 others did not cross zero on the 95% confidence interval for kappa, indicating their probable significance. Subsequently, an instrument to assess medical providers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS for an Albanian population was developed which can be expanded within Albania and potentially to other countries within the Balkans, which have an Albanian-speaking population.  相似文献   

We conduct a mathematical study of a cellular automata model of the spread of the HIV virus in a lymph node. The model was proposed by Zorzenon dos Santos and Coutinho and captures the unique time scale of the viral spread. We give some rigorous mathematical results about the time scales and other dynamical aspects of the model as well as discuss parameter and model changes and their consequences.  相似文献   



The visual system can adjust itself to different visual environments. One of the most well known examples of this is the shift in spatial tuning that occurs in retinal ganglion cells with the change from night to day vision. This shift is thought to be produced by a change in the ganglion cell receptive field surround, mediated by a decrease in the coupling of horizontal cells.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To test this hypothesis, we used a transgenic mouse line, a connexin57-deficient line, in which horizontal cell coupling was abolished. Measurements, both at the ganglion cell level and the level of behavioral performance, showed no differences between wild-type retinas and retinas with decoupled horizontal cells from connexin57-deficient mice.


This analysis showed that the coupling and uncoupling of horizontal cells does not play a dominant role in spatial tuning and its adjustability to night and day light conditions. Instead, our data suggest that another mechanism, likely arising in the inner retina, must be responsible.  相似文献   

The growth of lateral buds (tillers), which are undergoing release from apical dominance, was measured in upright and gravistimulated intact Avena sativa L. cv. `Victory' (oat) shoots as well as in isolated Avena stem segments treated with kinetin and sucrose. During release, the tiller bud initially shows a slow rate of elongation accompanied by swelling. It is followed by a more rapid rate of elongation. Ethylene (C2H4) production in shoot segments containing a tiller bud was found to occur at the onset of tiller swelling during gravistimulation as well as during inflorescence emergence. Exogenous application of indoleacetic acid or C2H4 inhibits kinetin-induced tiller bud swelling and elongation. However, stem segments pulsed for 24 hours in C2H4 or the C2H4 biosynthesis precursor, 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and then transferred to kinetin and sucrose, showed a significant increase in swelling elongation as compared with segments maintained under the same conditions but without C2H4 or ACC in the pulse. Segments pulsed for 24 hours with kinetin and sucrose plus the ACC biosynthesis inhibitor, aminoethoxyvinylglycine, or the C2H4 action inhibitor, CO2, then transferred to kinetin and sucrose medium, showed inhibition of tiller swelling during the pulse and of subsequent elongation. These results indicate that C2H4 plays a role in promoting tiller swelling during the onset of tiller release from apical dominance and may act as a modulator hormone in promoting tiller elongation in the presence of cytokinin.  相似文献   



Three trials have demonstrated the prophylactic effect of male circumcision (MC) for HIV acquisition among heterosexuals, and MC interventions are underway throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Similar efforts for men who have sex with men (MSM) are stymied by the potential for circumcised MSM to acquire HIV easily through receptive sex and transmit easily through insertive sex. Existing work suggests that MC for MSM should reach its maximum potential in settings where sexual role segregation is historically high and relatively stable across the lifecourse; HIV incidence among MSM is high; reported willingness for prophylactic circumcision is high; and pre-existing circumcision rates are low. We aim to identify the likely public health impact that MC interventions among MSM would have in one setting that fulfills these conditions—Peru—as a theoretical upper bound for their effectiveness among MSM generally.

Methods and Findings

We use a dynamic, stochastic sexual network model based in exponential-family random graph modeling and parameterized from multiple behavioral surveys of Peruvian MSM. We consider three enrollment criteria (insertive during 100%, >80% or >60% of UAI) and two levels of uptake (25% and 50% of eligible men); we explore sexual role proportions from two studies and different frequencies of switching among role categories. Each scenario is simulated 10 times. We estimate that efficiency could reach one case averted per 6 circumcisions. However, the population-level impact of an optimistic MSM-MC intervention in this setting would likely be at most ∼5–10% incidence and prevalence reductions over 25 years.


Roll-out of MC for MSM in Peru would not result in a substantial reduction in new HIV infections, despite characteristics in this population that could maximize such effects. Additional studies are needed to confirm these results for other MSM populations, and providers may consider the individual health benefits of offering MC to their MSM patients.  相似文献   


How life began still eludes science life, the initial progenote in the context presented herein, being a chemical aggregate of primordial inorganic and organic molecules capable of self-replication and evolution into ever increasingly complex forms and functions.

Presented is a hypothesis that a mineral scaffold generated by geological processes and containing polymerized phosphate units was present in primordial seas that provided the initiating factor responsible for the sequestration and organization of primordial life’s constituents. Unlike previous hypotheses proposing phosphates as the essential initiating factor, the key phosphate described here is not a polynucleotide or just any condensed phosphate but a large (in the range of at least 1 kilo-phosphate subunits), water soluble, cyclic metaphosphate, which is a closed loop chain of polymerized inorganic phosphate residues containing only phosphate middle groups. The chain forms an intrinsic 4-phosphate helix analogous to its structure in Na Kurrol’s salt, and as with DNA, very large metaphosphates may fold into hairpin structures. Using a Holliday-junction-like scrambling mechanism, also analogous to DNA, rings may be manipulated (increased, decreased, exchanged) easily with little to no need for additional energy, the reaction being essentially an isomerization.

A literature review is presented describing findings that support the above hypothesis. Reviewed is condensed phosphate inorganic chemistry including its geological origins, biological occurrence, enzymes and their genetics through eukaryotes, polyphosphate functions, circular polynucleotides and the role of the Holliday junction, previous biogenesis hypotheses, and an Eoarchean Era timeline.


BACKGROUND: One method of collecting mosquitoes is to use human beings as bait. This is called human landing collection and is a reference method for evaluating mosquito density per person. The Mbita trap, described by Mathenge et al in the literature, consists of an entry-no return device whereby humans are used as bait but cannot be bitten. We compared the Mbita trap and human landing collection in field conditions to estimate mosquito density and malaria transmission. METHODS: Our study was carried out in the highlands of Madagascar in three traditional villages, for 28 nights distributed over six months, with a final comparison between 448 men-nights for human landing and 84 men-nights for Mbita trap, resulting in 6,881 and 85 collected mosquitoes, respectively. RESULTS: The number of mosquitoes collected was 15.4 per human-night and 1.0 per trap-night, i.e. an efficiency of 0.066 for Mbita trap vs. human landing. The number of anophelines was 10.30 per human-night and 0.55 per trap-night, i.e. an efficiency of 0.053. This efficiency was 0.10 for indoor Anopheles funestus, 0.24 for outdoor An. funestus, and 0.03 for Anopheles arabiensis. Large and unexplained variations in efficiency were observed between villages and months. CONCLUSION: In the highlands of Madagascar with its unique, highly zoophilic malaria vectors, Mbita trap collection was poor and unreliable compared to human landing collections, which remains the reference method for evaluating mosquito density and malaria transmission. This conclusion, however, should not be extrapolated directly to other areas such as tropical Africa, where malaria vectors are consistently endophilic.  相似文献   

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